

Registered for Jamboree

Cheers! Hope to see every single iGEM team at this year's jamboree!


In Progress - you're looking at it!


In Progress


In Progress

Judging Form

In Progress


In Progress

Characterizing a Biobrick

In Progress

New Biobrick

Learn more about our biobrick on our Innovations page.


We collaborated with several teams from around the world, including University of Minnesota and University of Montpellier, France. Check out our Collaborations page to learn more! We also collaborated with a team outside of iGEM called ITESG. Check out our work with them on our Partnership page.

Human Practices (Silver)

We contacted family members, friends, and representatives of the World Health Organization to discuss current issues with birth control. We sent out questionnaires to several grassroot organizations and advocacy groups around the world to gauge their interest in our product and learn about stigma, cost, and access issues. We also presented to local classes to teach them about iGEM and discuss potential ethical issues with our project. For more information, check out our Human Practices page!


Check out our modeling team's work on our Modeling page.

Integrated Human Practices

We took what we learned from our questionnaire and other outreach efforts to create a product tailored to our potential users. The women who returned questionnaires encouraged us to consider cost, location, and accessibility. We localized contraceptive production because we were informed that drugstores and hospitals are far away for women in rural areas. We will use discreet packaging for our product because women are worried about being seen using birth control in stigmatized areas. We are also researching ways to get our product to market in several countries by collaborating with Family Planning 2020.

Demonstration of our work

In Progress

Improving an Existing Biobrick

In Progress