Wellcome to integrated human práctices webpage. Here we will show you what we have done in human practices, how we have done to integrate it in Printeria and why we deserve this part to be a part of the gold medal.
Kano Model
What is Kano Model
Kano model is used to understand the importance of functions or features to a customer [1]. It is made up of three stages:
First stage
Here you present your project to an audience and then you ask for criticisms or improvements.
Second stage
With those critics that we call necessities you have to make a cuestionaire (REFENCIAR EL NUESTRO) doing a paired cuestions which are ¿How do you feel if (a necessity existed in your device)? and ¿How do you feel if (that necessity did no existed in your device)?.
Third stage
Once you have all the asnwers you have to complete a series of tables to conclude if that necessity is really important or not. If it is you should include it in your design because that will increase the satisfaction of the user.
Study case
Taking advantage of the fact that we went to MAG (Mustang Art Gallery) in Elche, Alicante to present our project in front of students and teachers, we decided to aplly this model demanding at the end of the presentation some improvements or critics that people considered improtant. The most important ones were included in the cuestionaire and then we send it to them to fill it. Here you cand download the survey with the results:
Once we had the answers, we filled the different table kano is composed to arrive a conclusion:
Expert dialogue
Una muy buena forma de enriquecer el proyecto mediante feed-back es hacerlo consultando a expertos en el tema de estudio como ya se ha hecho anteriormente en iGEM. Su opinión es realmente relevante por la reputación que les precede y eso aporta valor al producto. Por ello nos hemos propuesto contactar con artistas del mundo del Bioarte y científicos reputados para que critiquen nuestro proyecto.
María Peñil & Mehmet Berkmen
María Peñil Cobo & Mehmet Berkmen are coworkers in NEB biolabs Boston. María is a Spanish mixed media artist bron in San Vicente de la Barquera. She studied fine arts and has a master in art education. To do her masterpieces she works with natural media like bacteria.
Dr. Mehmet Berkmen is a Turkish-born international microbiologist. Nowadays he is a Senior sciencist at NEB working on genetically engineering bacteria to produce proteins.
Juntos, se dedican a hacer Bioarte con bacterias crecidas en agar lo cual nos fascinó y anó para contctar con ellos y exponerles nuestro proyecto, Printeria. Los resultados de la entrevist apeuden verse en este documento:
Las conclusiones de la entrevista fueron varias:
Conclusion 1 + Explicación de como se ha integrado en Printeria
Conclusion 1 + Explicación de como se ha integrado en Printeria
Conclusion 1 + Explicación de como se ha integrado en Printeria
José María Yturralde
Yturralde has a bachelor's degree and a doctorate in fine arts awarded by the Politechnic University of Valencia (UPV). He has been researcher in MIT among other grat things. Between 1968 and 1973 he developed his work "Figuras imposibles". These figures are really interesting because they show us how our space perception works, they seem coherent at first glance but when you observe them in more detail you see there are inconsistent details.
To prove Printerias power in Bioart we decided to do one of those figures (which you can see in public engagement website) and an interview to get some expert feedback from him. Here you can see the full interview we did:
Las conclusiones de la entrevista fueron varias:
Conclusion 1 + Explicación de como se ha integrado en Printeria
Conclusion 1 + Explicación de como se ha integrado en Printeria
Conclusion 1 + Explicación de como se ha integrado en Printeria
Ryan Fobel
Ryan Fobel is CEO of Sci-Bots located in Toronto (Canada). He is also doctor of philosophy and medical biophysics.
Descripción marc de que ahcen y porqué nos llevó a hacer la entrevista. You can sorload the full intervew here:
Ana & Miriam
Me falta saber que hacen estas mujeres y porqué nos interesó su trabajo tanto
Safety design in printeria
The European Research Night is a wide-public event, promoted under the EU Programme Horizon 2020, whose objective is to to encourage the scientific/technical youth vocations and lay public interest to science. It involves research organizations, science museums and public organizations all around Europe.
As part of this event the City of Arts and Science, one of the biggest scientific and cultural leisure complexes in Europe, organized a complete program of free access activities, including interactive experiments, scientific monologues and researchers talks. We were invited to be part of this program to present Printeria to a wide range of interested people from all ages, who listened our speech with great interest.