

Team IISER Kolkata proudly brags about the following achievements it has accomplished:

  • Our project proposal selected among the top 5 in India by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India to receive a grant of Rs. 1 million to participate in iGEM 2018 and represent the nation and institute at this prestigious international platform.

  • This is the reference.
  • Student members of the team successfully clone a gene from the wild by constructing cDNA from the RNA pool of S. pombe and then PCR amplifying the desired gene.
  • Student members of the team successfully complete Interlab exercise and become part of the international collaborative effort to standardize GFP expression and measurement assays by positively contributing their data.
  • Student members of the team successfully obtain a clone which has now been submitted to the registry as part Bba_K2773000.
  • Student members of the team achieve the Best Poster Award at the Modern Trends in Molecular Biology Symposium at St. Xavier’s College Kolkata on 11th October, 2018.