Team:William and Mary/Outreach DB/database csv

id,School,Section,Year,Wiki hyperlink,Award,Outreach Category,Outreach Project,Project Tag,Product,Product Description,Product Tag,Audience,Goal,Objectives,Data Type,Data,Reach,Analysis,References,Description,Smart boi,Different Boi,Unnamed: 23

1,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Contribution to METU HS Ankara Lab Protocols Collection,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",Translation of iGEM protocol into German,Laboratory Protocol,iGEM Teams,Science Education,
  • Contribution to METU HS Ankara Lab Protocols Collection by translating iGEM protocol into German
,,,,,,Translated iGEM protocols into German in collaboration with iGEM METU HS Ankara.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 2,Aachen,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Maker Faire,"Project Presentation, Community Event",,,,"iGEM Teams, Secondary School Students, Teachers","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Attend the MakerFaire in Hannover to demonstrate the first prototype of self-made, small-scale bioreactor
  • Initiate collaboration with the iGEM Team Bielefeld and gain valuable ideas concerning use of pumps in microfluidics
  • Have discussions and give explanations to not only teach others about DIY biology, but also learn about the principles of openly shared knowledge and the opportunities this generates
  • Present and demonstrate bioreactor to children and teachers
",Qualitative,"Gained useful tips and ""how to's"" about laser cutting, 3D printing, edging and many other standard DIY tools",More than 5500 visitors per day,Organization committee of the MakerFaire surprisingly awarded the team “Maker of Merit” for an extraordinary exhibition,,Participated in a MakerFaire to promote their DIY bioreactor,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 3,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Düsseldorf,"Project Presentation, Teaching Activity",,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Organize a ""Biotech Day"" and present the project to a large group of students
  • Address safety issues in ethics of synthetic biology
  • Answer their questions about synbio and the project
",,,89,,,"Organized a Biotech Day for two schools to teach about iGEM, synthetic biology, and safety.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 4,Aachen,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Community Labs,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",Video explaining more about the activities of the team's Community Lab project,Video of Activity,"iGEM Teams, Vendors/Businesses, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Contact and connect with Community Labs in Europe
  • Visit by iGEM team Darmstadt in Aachen
  • Have a general discussion about the potential and perception of the growing number of Community Labs in Germany and Europe
  • Learn more about the intrinsic motivation of joining a BioHackerSpace and to hear the most prominent concerns that these labs have to face
  • Attend symposium called Synthetic Biology - Opportunities for interdisciplinary Research from Biology to Engineering and present project to a broad spectrum of scientists
  • Record several conversations with other speakers as well as guests of the symposium and gather a wide spectrum of opinions
,,,,,,Met with and learned about members of community labs and hackerspaces,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 5,Aachen,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Technik Garage,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts",,,,iGEM Teams,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Invite ""Technik Garage,"" a German Community Lab, to Aachen
  • Invite Dr. Jansen from the life sciences network, MedLife, to add the Technik Garage to the Medlife network
  • Discuss how synthetic biology can be used in Community Labs and provide material for a teaching module about synthetic biology
  • Learn how the ""Technik Garage"" cares about biosafety
",Qualitative,"As a consequence of sharing experiences in teaching biology, this year's team revised the school project of the iGEM Team Aachen 2014 and a suitable protocol of a practical course for bachelor students",,,,Hosted a community lab and provided them with materials for teaching synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 6,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Analytica,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Project Presentation",,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Networking",
  • Present the project to the biotechnology companies
  • Win supporters for the iGEM program
,,,,,,Presented project to biotechnology companies.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 7,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Getting Industrial Perspective,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","An interview of the representative of a washing detergents plant, Dr. Bessler",Interview,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit one of Europe's largest detergent plant Dalli GmbH and Co. KG
  • Present their project idea and get feedback
,Integrated Human Practices,The team was able to reinforce their project idea because they could directly see the urgent need of an alternative to boric acid.,,,,Visited a washing detergent manufacturer and presented their project idea and got feedback.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 8,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Economical Perspective,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Create an economical analysis for enzyme created by iGEM with regards to market, competition and distribution.
",Integrated Human Practices,Gained information about how to market their product and change people's shopping habits,,,,Wrote an economical analysis for their proposed iGEM product.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 9,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Political Perspective,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Ask perspectives from different political parties about synthetic biology ,Interview,Specialized Audience,"Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Get in contact with many different politicians and ask for their opinion about genetic engineering and the political situation in Germany
,Qualitative,The opinion of politicians is overall conservative about synthetic biology,,,,Contacted politicians and asked for their opinion about genetic engineering.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 10,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Ethical Perspective,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Discussion over ethical concern within scientific research and recombinant DNA technology,"Interview, Paper on Ethics",Professors,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Learn the responsibility of scientists and the importance of integrating ethical considerations
,,,,,,Interviewed professors to learn more about ethical concerns of synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 11,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Spreading the News,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Create weekly newsletters and flyers explaining project and iGEM in general
,,,Flyer was sent to about 300 different schools.,"Writing it helped them reflect about their work and also preparing for the wiki. They also received suggestions about project, wiki and expert feedback for challenges",,Wrote a weekly newsletter and flyers about the iGEM project and distributed them to local schools.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 12,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Postcard Project ,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","A postcard describing their project can be found under the header ""Postcard Project""",Education Activity,"iGEM Teams, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Participate in designing a postcard that promote understanding of synthetic biology
  • Distribute the postcard to iGEM local teams and areas around
,,,,,Postcard exchange,Created a postcard that explained their project as a collaboration with Team Düsseldorf.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 13,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Dark Bench,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A light source controlled box in which scientific experiment can be conducted,Hardware,Specialized Audience,Science Education,
  • To assist scientist working with light sensitive materials working and thus design a light source controlled space.
  • Characterize the product's light filtering property
  • Calculate hardware cost and make a video about hardware assembly
,Quantitative,The device allows only 0.01% or block 99.99% of incident intensity,,They want to include temperature and humidity sensors to standardize the working environment for adding features in the future,,Created hardware that allows scientists to more easily work with light-sensitive chemicals.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 14,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,LIPs-Stick,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","An irradiating device for liquid samples, which allows setting the volume of sample to be activated, radiation intensity and exposure time.",Hardware,"Specialized Audience, Scientific Community",Science Education,
  • Design a device that can activate the caged light inducible proteins in the liquid detergent
  • Characterize the light intensity and wavelength the device can detect efficiently
,Quantitative,"They proved that the photo uncaging is possible with their device and reveals its rate dependence on intensity. However, the cleavage product couldn't be quantified due to the non-availability of standard 2-nitroso benzaldehyde.",,They reflected on the limiter of UV light source and thought of miniaturizing the device to apply to the detergent drawer of washing machine. ,,Created an irradiating device for liquid samples.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 15,Aachen,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Tubefront,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A mobile-first sample management system for humans,Laboratory Protocol,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Science Education,"
  • Developed and deployed a mobile sample management application, which solves the problem of sample identification and tracking without the need for expensive equipment
",,,,"Did not require additional equipment, thoroughly tested integration with the wiki documentation, and reduced cost and workload by avoiding redundancies",,Developed and deployed a mobile sample management application,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 16,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Annual meeting of DECHEMA,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Networking",
  • Present the project while having a focus on the future perspective and strategies for the biotechnological industry in Germany
,,,,,,Presented project to a scientific audience at DECHEMA Jahrestagung.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 17,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,NRW Day,"Project Presentation, Community Event",,,,General Public,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Present the project and talk about the advantages of synthetic biology at the 70th anniversary of the state North-Rhine Westphalia
,Qualitative,"Integrated the opinions, fears and ideas from other people to their project.",,,,Presented iGEM project and synthetic biology at an event organized for North-Rhine Westphalia's 70th birthday.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 18,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Future Lab Gala,"Project Presentation, Community Event",,,,General Public ,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Present project with scientific experiments
  • Get in touch with politicians, people from the industry, and different universities
",,,,,,Presented project and synthetic biology at a local gala.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 19,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Inspiring the Next Generation,"Project Presentation, Open Lab",,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students",Present iGEM Project,"
  • Show winners from ""Jugend forscht,"" a European science and technology competition, the laboratory
  • Present iGEM project
",,,,,,Showed the student winners of a European science and technology competition their iGEM lab and presented the iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 20,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Monschau,"Project Presentation, Teaching Activity",,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, Teachers","Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Talk to teachers to plan how to present to students at the girl's school in Monschau
  • Visit school to present iGEM project and teach students about synthetic biology
,Qualitative,The girls were very curious and asked many questions about synthetic biology and iGEM,,,,Visited a girl's school and taught students about iGEM and synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 21,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Aachen,"Project Presentation, Teaching Activity",,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, Teachers","Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Present the project according to student's biology knowledge background
  • Do biology experiments with students
  • Discuss with teachers synthetic biology in Germany
,,,,,Book of Experiments,Visited a school to present iGEM project and lead biology experiments.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 22,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Development of LIPs-Stick,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey about people's biology knowledge and consumer behavior,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Conduct an online survey on correlation of people's biology background and consumer behavior
  • Use the information to help design their potential product in the best way for consumers
,Quantitative,"Learnt that the majority of people (79.5 %), after being informed about the harms of the ingredients, is interested in a product without boric acid; 93.1 % of those surveyed, are willing to pay more for a product without boric acid.",,,,Conducted a survey with the general public to gain information for their product design.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 23,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Book of Experiments,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",A collection of easy to understand experiments for all grades students that do not require any specific equipment,Education Activity Protocol,"Teachers, iGEM Teams","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Science Education",
  • Talk to teachers to determine their needs
  • Create a collection of accessible experiments that do not require any equipment
,Qualitative,Teachers told the team that there is a lack of possibilities for them to perform biological experiments in schools,,,,Created a book of experiments that do not require equipment for teachers to more easily teach biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 24,Aachen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Writing Competition,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Hold a creative writing competition to encourage people know more synthetic biology knowledge and explore the possibility of it
,,,,,,Held a writing competition for participants to deal with synthetic biology creatively and express how they feel about it.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 25,Aalto-Helsinki,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviewing people on the streets of Helsinki,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",A video of people being interviewed about blue-green algae ,Interview,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Find out what people actually knew about synthetic biology and cyanobacteria.
,Qualitative ,It seemed that the general conception of synthetic biology was something quite foreign and that there is a need for raising awareness of the hazards of cyanobacteria.,,,,Interview members of the general public about their knowledge of cyanobacteria and Learn Public Opinions.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 26,Aalto-Helsinki,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Industry,"Community Event, Consult Experts",,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Attend a workshop on the future of chemical industry, organized by the Chemical Industry Federation of Finland, an organization that represents a large portion of Finnish industry, including the biotechnology companies
  • Brainstorm new ideas for current chemical industry and for the future, then rate by the level of impact and requirements for implementation
",,,,,,Attended a workshop on the future of chemical industry to help brainstorm new project ideas,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 27,Aalto-Helsinki,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM meetups,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams ,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Networking",
  • Attend 2 iGEM meetups 1) the Nordic iGEM Conference in Stockholm; 2) the European Experience in Paris.2. practice project presentation skills at Mini Jamboree;
  • prepare our first poster
,Qualitative ,"Learnt that other teams have similar problems, receive good advice on selecting new team members",,They were able to make friends with other iGEM insiders,,Attended iGEM meetups and presented iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 28,Aalto-Helsinki,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Combining modeling and experimentation in iGEM,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Questionnaire built in Google Forms with analysis,Survey,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • To specifically study the relationship of mathematical modeling and laboratory work in iGEM teams and gather information about pitfalls, good practices, and the integration of modeling and laboratory work, create a questionnaire and send it to a number of teams
  • Analyze the expectations students have for modeling, how the modeling efforts are organized, and how well modeling and experimentation is integrated in iGEM teams
  • Compare results to compositions of professional synthetic biology research groups to see if there are any differences
",Quantitative,Detailed data can be found on wiki,84 iGEM teams,"Found that models are expected to aid in understanding factors that affect the biological system, in predicting outcomes of experiments, and focusing wetlab efforts and figuring out if an idea can be realized at all; Biggest issues in collaboration between modelers and experimentalists are: lack of knowledge of the other field, lack of common terminology and differences in ways of thinking; Both modelers and biologists need to understand the basics of the other field to be able to effectively collaborate",,Studied the relationship of mathematical modeling and laboratory work in iGEM teams and created a questionnaire for other teams to respond to,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 29,Aalto-Helsinki,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meet with Companies,Consult Experts,,,,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience","Present iGEM Project, Networking",
  • Get funding for project;
  • discuss with biotech company synthetic biology
,,,,,,Met with companies to present iGEM project and get funding.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 30,Aalto-Helsinki,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with experts,Consult Experts,,,,"Professors, University Students",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Brainstorm project idea
  • Get specialized knowledge about the biological project and modeling
,Qualitative ,"The Cyanobacteria research group helped them decide the subject, and also they get information about yeast extraction and protein construct.",,,,Consulted experts to gain more information on cyanobacteria and mathematical modeling.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 31,Aalto-Helsinki,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with SYKE,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • learn what kind of solutions already exist for the blue green algae problems and current detection methods
,Qualitative ,This meeting affected their choice of topic as well as information about how they could develop their project after establishing their proof of concept.,,,,Consulted experts to learn current detection methods for blue-green algae.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 32,Aalto-Helsinki,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with companies,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • practice presenting skills when we met with different companies and try to gain their sponsorship.
  • Discuss the potential commercialization of our project
,Qualitative ,"They gained advice on how to give presentations, how to emphasize their strongest points and how to communicate with people with not strong biology background.",,,,Met with companies to present iGEM project and get funding.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 33,Aalto-Helsinki,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Finnish Environment Institute SYKE,"Consult Experts, Fundraiser",,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Gain more insight into the problem of cyanobacteria in Finland
,,,,The organization discussed the business aspects of their project and gave the team good advice on how to build their business strategy,,Visited the Finnish Environment Institute to gain information for their iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 34,Aalto-Helsinki,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Universities,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,"Scientific Community, Professors","Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • To get more teams next year and strengthen the iGEM community in Finland, contact biotechnology researchers in two major Finnish universities outside Helsinki
  • Welcomed by researchers from Tampere University of Technology and the University of Turku to give a presentation for their students and faculty members
  • Visit the universities and talk about synthetic biology, iGEM, our project, and offer help if anyone is interested in starting an iGEM team of their own
  • Discuss with the local researchers about their synthetic biology projects and given a tour of their facilities
",,,,"Will continue to actively promote iGEM and synthetic biology in our own universities, giving presentations to students in both the University of Helsinki and Aalto University to ensure an ever growing number of applicants for the Aalto-Helsinki iGEM team",,Contacted biotechnology researchers and presented project to students and faculty members,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 35,Aalto-Helsinki,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,General Public,Fair Booth,,,,"General Public, Primary School Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Approach the people behind the science festival Thinkfest, organized by the University of Helsinki in early September
  • Receive a major role in organizing a Science picnic, an event oriented mainly towards families
  • Bring microscopes for families to check out gram-stained bacteria, glow-in-the-dark bacteria, and a gene gun
  • Children can colour their own superhero bacterium with its special ability or play Flappy Coli previously developed by Aalto-Helsinki
  • Give a talk on synthetic biology and the project in the center of Helsinki during the event
",,,,,,Helped organize a science picnic mainly oriented towards families,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 36,Aalto-Helsinki,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,LUMA centre,Project Presentation,,,,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Meet with high school students on Finnish team of the International Biology Olympiad.
  • Present the project and answer their questions
,,,,,,Met with high school students on Finnish team of the International Biology Olympiad and talked to them about iGEM.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 37,Aalto-Helsinki,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,High Schools,"Project Presentation, Teaching Activity",,,,"Secondary School Students, Teachers","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Reach out to high schools to increase awareness of synthetic biology and iGEM
  • Talk to students and teachers of Mäkelänrinne High School and Viikki High School and mention the high school track in hopes of inspiring students and high schools to form teams of their own
  • Meet with a dozen high school students in training for the International Biology Olympiad
  • Give a presentation to them about synthetic biology, iGEM, the project, and study fields
  • Learn about their training and interests
",Qualitative,"After the presentations, the audience was enthusiastic and bombarded the team with questions about the project and synthetic biology",,,,"Gave a presentation to high schoolers about synthetic biology, iGEM, and the project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 38,Aalto-Helsinki,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Media,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>",An article introducing the team's project,Magazine/Newspaper Article,"University Students, Vendors/Businesses","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Have project introduced in multiple media such as university’s main news page, TEK magazine, Finland’s public broadcasting company YLE’s radio.
  • Possibly post on their sponsors’ blogs
",,,,,,Introduced iGEM project on multiple media platforms.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 39,Aalto-Helsinki,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Website and Blog,Social Media,,,,General Public,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Include information of team, project, weekly update of achievement.
",,,,,,Created a blog to give weekly updates on the state of the project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 40,Aalto-Helsinki,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Math seminar at the University of Helsinki,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Give a talk on “Mathematical Modelling in Synthetic Biology” for math students at the University of Helsinki
,,,,,,Gave a talk on mathematical modelling in synthetic biology for math students at the University of Helsinki.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 41,Aix-Marseille,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Biotechnologies Forum,"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,University Students,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Attend the Biotechnologies forum, which is organized by the engineering school Polytech Marseille with the goal of widening the students’ view of the opportunities accessible to them
  • Present poster across the two days of the forum and give an hour-long presentation on the iGEM competition and the team's project
",,,200 students,,,Presented a poster and gave an hour long presentation about iGEM project at a biotechnology forum for students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 42,Aix-Marseille,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Metals Importance Throughout History,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interviews detailing the responses of Mr. Nicolas Minvielle,Interview,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • To assess the relevance of the project and the importance of the problems it could resolve, consult with Mr. Nicolas Minvielle, a history PhD student specialist of mining exploitation during the middle ages, working in the French laboratory LA3M
  • Learn about how metals exploitation has always been an issue at the center of the development of societies and civilizations, triggering sophistication, advances, and better living conditions, but also wars, conflict, and environment destruction
",Qualitative ,"Learned that the platinum economy is clearly linked to the modern world: platinum production, platinum utilization, and platinum waste are all relevant",,,,Interviewed a history Ph.D. student to learn more about the historical background of their project and its importance.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 43,Aix-Marseille,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Platinum in Mines,Consult Experts,,,,"Professors, University Students, iGEM Teams","Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • To assess what social issues arise due to platinum production, ask the Pretoria iGEM team from South Africa to investigate and conduct interviews as the city of Pretoria is close to major platinum mining production and industrial complexes
  • Pretoria iGEM team interviews a lecturer in the mining industry department of their university and a lecturer in the political department
  • Have them present the team's project to obtain feedback on it
",,,,,,Collaborated with iGEM Pretoria to interview experts in platinum mining production in the area.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 44,Aix-Marseille,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Platinum in the Environment,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Converse with Frédéric Triboit, an ecologist engineer with a PhD in Environmental Sciences
",,,,,,Consulted with an ecologist engineer to Gain Information for iGEM Project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 45,Aix-Marseille,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Roverway,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,Scientific Community,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Present a workshop about methods of biology lab work at Roverway, an international scouting event that unites thousands of scouts from all over Europe each year
  • Talk about hygiene, working with a flame in sterile conditions, pipetting, the preparation of Lysogeny broth, and more
  • Give scouts the chance to try transferring water into tubes by themselves
",,,,,,Led teaching activities with students about biology techniques and methods.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 46,Aix-Marseille,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Fête de la Science,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,Primary School Students,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Participate in the local festivities at Marseille and host a stand over the three days of the “Fête de la Science,” an event dedicated to scientific communication
  • Have the program include discussions and presentations about synthetic biology, the scientific approach, the team's iGEM project, cloning, GMOs, etc.
",,,,"Project was very well received, especially the implications of it in the raw materials and waste economy",,"Held a booth at Fête de la Science, a local science festival, and presented synthetic biology and iGEM project.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 47,Amsterdam,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,RIVM Symposium,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Project Presentation",,,,"Legislators, iGEM Teams","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Policy Outreach","
  • Attend stakeholder meeting on the role of synthetic biology in a sustainable bio-economy organized by the Rathenau institute and the RIVM
  • Give a brief presentation about project work and prepare a topic for debate along with the Dutch iGEM teams
  • Besides giving an outline of the iGEM project, discuss two findings that were encountered many times over during research for Synenergene: the problem of low oil prices and inconsistent government policy
  • Argue that low oil prices prohibit the full transition to a bio-based economy, and that biotechnology in and of itself is unlikely to ever match the costs of pumping oil out of the ground in terms of cost-effectiveness unless the peripheral costs of burning fossil fuels are properly taken into account
  • In a room full of policy makers, bring up the issue of inconsistent government policy pertaining to how the Dutch government has the tendency to change policy regarding biotech subsidization and legislation every two years
",Qualitative,Description of obstacles led to debate in which people argued on both sides of the statement that low oil prices were preventing transition to a fully sustainable bio-based economy,,,,Attended a meeting on the role of synthetic biology in a sustainable bio-economy and present their project idea; received feedback and ideas for their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 48,Amsterdam,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Techno-Moral Vignette,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>",Scenarios on the front page of a newspaper and two vastly different family narratives from different parts of the globe,"Education Activity Protocol, Paper on Ethics, Paper on Safety","Scientific Community, General Public","Discuss Ethics and Safety, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Create techno-moral vignettes, or short narratives that involve demonstrating the potential wider impacts that the application of the project would have on society
  • Give an inside look on a world where bio-refineries have become the norm on a multinational scale
  • Demonstrate the “soft impacts”, both positive and negative, that adoption of biorefineries might have on such a world
",,,,,,Created techno-moral vignettes demonstrating the potential impact their iGEM project would have on society,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 49,Amsterdam,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Application Scenarios,"Educational Material, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>","Twenty-page document outlining the need, development, obstacles, and promises of the biotech industry, and specific ways in which companies and organisations could use a consortia-based bioproduction approach to change the world, as well as graphics that illustrate the scenarios","Research Paper, Policy","Scientific Community, iGEM Teams","Discuss Ethics and Safety, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Together with Synenergene, develop several application scenarios for the specific ways in which the technology can be implemented in society
  • Interview experts working in the field of sustainable bioproduction (Photanol, AlgaePARC) and biotech policy (HollandBio) to explore various aspects of the bio-based economy and the potential role of the project technology in it, as well as political and economic aspects that might influence such a role
  • Attempt to encapsulate the knowledge gathered throughout this process in the application scenarios
",,,,,,"Developed several application scenarios for ways their iGEM project would impact society, and interview experts in sustainable bioproduction about the usability of their product",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 50,Arizona State,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Literature Research and Consulting with Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Consult with experts in the field
  • Compile a list of bacteria (pathogens, soil, water) that may crosstalk with AHLs produced by the Senders
  • Use information to design an AHL safe disposal plan
",Integrated Human Practices,Used information gathered from experts and the literature to develop an AHL safe disposal plan,,,,"Consulted experts to determine which species of bacteria could cause AHL cross talk in the real world, and to determine how to dispose of AHLs safely",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 51,Arizona State,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,AHL Safe Disposal Plan,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Rigorous testing results for the safe disposal of AHLs can be found under the heading ""AHL Safe Disposal Plan"" ",Laboratory Protocol,Scientific Community,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Develop a safe disposal protocol for AHLs
  • Gather data from the bleach and autoclave experiments and compile it with the Borchardt findings
  • Develop suggestions for the proper disposal of each of the AHL Senders that were constructed and tested
  • Apply this knowledge to experiments, either disposing of AHLs in biohazardous waste that would be autoclaved or directly autoclaving the solutions
",Integrated Human Practices,Applied the AHL safe disposal plan to project,,,Further testing of disposal methods and AHL activity will be required before determining an all-inclusive disposal method,Developed a safe disposal protocol for AHLs ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 52,Arizona State,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Safety Section on Parts Pages,Educational Material,,,,Scientific Community,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Add safety suggestions to the parts pages of the 5 Senders added to the registry as part of our part collection
  • Include a description of potential crosstalk partners for the given system, proper disposal procedure for the AHLs produced by the Sender, as well as any other considerations
",,,,,,Updated AHL parts pages with proper disposal protocols and crosstalk partner information,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 53,Arizona State,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,White Paper,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Summary of findings on the safe disposal of AHLs,Paper on Safety,"Scientific Community, iGEM Teams",Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Compile all findings on the safety of AHLs into a white paper
  • Provide background on the threats posed by AHLs and give suggestions on any experiments involving AHLs
,,,,,,Created a white paper with a background on the threats and safety concerns of AHLs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 54,AUC_TURKEY,High School,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Head of the Department of Biotechnology of Hacettepe University,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Discuss the application of project with the Head of the Department of Biotechnology of Hacettepe University, Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Aksöz
  • Talk about how the project could be applied in real life and how it could be turned into a product, focusing on the efficiency of such an application
  • Conduct abrupt calculations for the scale of effectivity
",Qualitative,Mrs. Aksöz suggested the implementation of sensors such as turbidostat and chemostat in host tanks to maximize efficiency,,,,Discussed the application of the project with the Head of the Department of Biotechnology of Hacettepe University,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 55,AUC_TURKEY,High School,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Chemical Companies,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • In order to get into contact with specialists in chemistry, arrange a meeting with chemical companies
  • Interview with Mr. Serhat Karabulut on behalf of IBA Kimya
  • Discuss topics of biotechnology, the mechanism and function of the project, and the chemical pathway of reactions
  • As a company representative, Mr. Karabulut discusses efficiency of the project, the applications of the company, and the ethics of genetic engineering
  • As the Safety Specialist of the company, Mr. Karabulut raises many questions about work safety and lab conditions
",,,,,,Arranged a meeting with chemical companies and interviewed specialists to discuss topics of biotechnology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 56,AUC_TURKEY,High School,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Expert of Entomology,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Mr. Yusuf Durmuş, an Expert of Entomology at the Hacettepe University
  • Explain how the fuse mechanism of the Bombardier Beetle's catalase was adopted for the project
  • Provided with suggestions on how the metabolic systems of other insects could be utilized for the project and possible future projects
",,,,,,Met with an expert of entomology to explain the fuse mechanism of the Bombardier Beetle's catalase,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 57,Austin_UTexas,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Gain info about kombucha,Consult Experts,,,,"General Public, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Research about kombucha, a fermented beverage, by reading about its proposed health benefits and consider issues that would occur when genetically modifying it
  • Meet with Greg Goodman, founder of a local kombucha company and discuss their project and incorporate his insights into their project
  • Learn from Greg Goodman about the demographics of Kombucha drinkers and what he thinks needs to be researched currently
",Qualitative,"Learned that minimizing the amount of ethanol in kombucha is an ongoing concern in the industry, Realized that the project should not have an impact on the flavor of the drink.",,,,Met with the owner of a kombucha company to discuss and gain insights for iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 58,Austin_UTexas,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,South By South West,"Fair Booth, Community Event",,,,"Scientific Community, General Public","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Present at Austin's premier festival, South By South West Create, that offers a unique convergence of emerging technologies and partners with community support
  • Help local community better understand what synthetic biology is all about, while also promoting STEM education
  • Over the course of the weekend, create an interactive synthetic biology booth called ""Painting with E. coli"", where participants can use various fluorescent E. coli to ""paint"" on agar plates
  • Lab members spend time talking with each participant to gain an understanding of current opinions on synthetic biology and GMO's, while also trying to correct common misunderstandings and highlight the benefits of the uses of this field
",Qualitative,"From preliminary verbal surveys and interactions with the local community, it was found that the most common worries people have about synthetic biology is bioterrorism: creating radically new pathogens, DIY biology that can be used by anyone for harm, and toxins in GMOs that are unsafe",,,,"Presented at Austin's premier festival, South by South West Create",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 59,BABS_UNSW_Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,The Great Debate,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"University Students, Scientific Community",Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Because GMO technology is a hotly debated topic with fierce proponents on both sides of the fence, it was decided to have the ethics of the project's science contested in a verbal boxing ring
  • Organize “The Great Debate” in collaboration with the team's school society, Babsoc
  • Discuss the broad spectrum topic “Creating Superman: Is it ethical to genetically modify organisms?”
  • Two teams sourced from enthusiastic science undergrads went head to head, presenting a range of convincing arguments
",Qualitative,"After the teams concluded their cases, the verdict was decided by audience vote; the voters were swayed to the side of the negative team, which argued how the ethics of this debate are often looked through only the eyes of humans and not objectively by nature",,,,"Had the ethics of the project's science contested in a verbal boxing ring by organizing ""The Great Debate"" in collaboration with the team's school society,, Babsoc",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 60,BABS_UNSW_Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Australian iGEM Meetup,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Project Presentation",,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Host meet up for 2015 Australian iGEM teams to meet and share work with other teams
  • Each team gives a presentation about their project and is faced with questions from other teams, advisors, and a past iGEM judge
",,,3 iGEM teams,,,Hosted meetup for 2015 Australian iGEM teams to meet and share work with other teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 61,BABS_UNSW_Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Encounters of the IP Kind,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with the university business development team (UNSW Innovations) and an intellectual property lawyer
  • Though they do not have specific biotechnology knowledge and therefore can not confirm the patentability of our invention, they can describe the actions necessary to secure a patent.
",,,,"Decided not to pursue patent protection due to difficulty in drafting a provisional patent, cost, and disclosure issues",,Consulted with the university business development team and an intellectual property lawyer to learn the actions necessary to secure a patent,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 62,BABS_UNSW_Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Biosafety Report,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Report compiled in order to discuss some of the broad philosophical themes in synthetic biology pertinent to work with pathogenic genes,"Paper on Safety, Paper on Ethics","Scientific Community, iGEM Teams",Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Because biosafety considerations are a pivotal aspect of project Endosynbio due to the risks associated with the work, compile a report to discuss ethics and safety themes in synthetic biology
  • Offer a valuable, fresh perspective on the way synthetic biology is practiced, particularly in relation to the interaction of chassis with donor genes
",,,,Endeavored to encourage new ways of thinking which would increase biosafety awareness and safe design,,Compiled a report to discuss ethics and safety themes in synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 63,BABS_UNSW_Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Make Your Own GMO Workshop,"Teaching Activity, Community Event","<a href=""""></a>","Resources provided for the ""Make Your Own GMO"" activity",Education Activity Protocol,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Collaborate with the Australian BIOMOD team and ASPIRE (a UNSW high school outreach program) to run a workshop for students from across several rural and low SES schools
  • Give rudimentary introduction to cell biology and genetics and then explain design of basic genetic circuits with a focus on promoters and protein-coding genes
  • Give students the opportunity to select from a list of real-world problems, and then design their solution by picking a chassis organism and choosing genes to add to it
",Qualitative,"Most groups designed hardy, nutritious plants to solve world hunger; Students enjoyed discussing all the possibilities, and those who wanted to, presented their creations to the group",,Enabled students to participate in both the conceptual and hands on aspects of genetic modification,,Collaborated with Australian BIOMOD team and ASPIRE to run a workshop for students across several rural and low SES schools,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 64,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Osim Rehov - Street Makeover,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Activism for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Improve the street's appearance by decorating using colorful flowers made from plastic bottles collected in the community
  • Teach children about plastic pollution by using a fun game that quizzes them on plastic facts
  • Educate people at the event on their iGEM project and its purpose by passing out brochures
  • Invite students into the lab to teach them about synthetic biology tools and devices
,,,,Raised awareness about plastic waste at the event and created environmental permanent art,,"Hosted an event to raise awareness about plastic waste, iGEM and synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 65,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,YEI Convention,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Secondary School Students,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present at YEI (Young Entrepreneurs Israel) convention; YEI is the leading organization in Israel providing extra curriculum entrepreneurial education for youth of all social classes and segments
,Qualitative,"Provided the youth with entrepreneurial knowledge and experience, creating a solid foundation for Israel’s future economic progress",,,,Presented at the YEI (Young Entrepreneurs Israel) convention,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 66,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science on the Bar,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Community Event, Project Presentation",,,,"General Public, Scientific Community",Present iGEM Project,"
  • Hold a lecture at a bar in Tel Aviv, according to the concept of ""science on the bar"" which is trendy in Israel
  • Explain about synthetic biology, iGEM, and the Boomerang project
  • Performance by a stand-up comedian, Eyal Eltawil, who recovered from cancer
",,,,,,"Held a lecture at a bar to explain synthetic biology, iGEM, and the Boomerang project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 67,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Round Table,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts",,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Engage experts who have a deep understanding of cancer in order to ensure that the project is addressing a real need or is designed properly to potentially address it in the future
  • Organize a roundtable discussion with the leading researchers from the fields of cancer diagnostics and therapy, genetics and synthetic biology: Prof. Roni Apte, Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics expert; Prof. Etta Livneh, Immunology and Genetics expert; Dr. Ayelet David, Cancer, Nanomedicine, Polymers, Pharmacology expert; Dr. Noam Levaot, Physiology, Cell and Synthetic Biology expert
",,,,,,Engaged experts who had a deep understanding of cancer to discuss project design,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 68,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview Plastic Waste Experts,Consult Experts,,,,"Professors, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Meet with an expert in microbial degradation of plastic waste and discuss new solutions for plastic degradation including the enzyme LC-Cutinase
  • Meet with an expert in computational protein design to improve enzyme activity of LC-Cutinase
  • Meet with other experts to discuss the specific metabolic pathways in model organisms using this enzyme
,,,,,,Consulted experts to discuss biological solutions for degradation of plastic and how to implement them,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 69,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview Plastic Industry Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with experts in the industry that use plastic in its raw state including representatives from Coca-Cola Company and Genome compiler
  • Learn about plastic's convenient properties that make it a popular raw material in the industry
  • Visit leading industrial companies including Neot Hovav- eco industrial park, Aviv- Recycling Industries and ADAMA Agricultural Solutions to learn about ways they deal with plastic waste
  • Learn about the process of plastic recycling
",,,,,,"Consulted with experts from companies that use raw plastic to determine what properties make it so useful, and with experts from companies that deal with plastic waste",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 70,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science with a Beer,Community Event,,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Host a talk by Ms.Yael Cohen-Paran, a member of the Israeli parliament, on the field of environmental protection
  • Start a discussion about environmental concerns
",,,100,,,Hosted a talk by and had a discussion with an Israeli parliament member on the field of environmental protection,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 71,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Chief Scientist Office at the Ministry of Health,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Presented the detail of project to other scientists in order to raise awareness of the field of synthetic biology and incite constructive discussions regarding the scientific specifications of the project
  • Meet with Chief Scientist Office (Ministry of Health), Dr. Ami Ben-Yehuda, Director of the Department of Medical Research
",Qualitative,Received highlights and insights for research and presentation,,,,Presented the details of the project to other scientists to raise awareness of the field of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 72,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,"University President, Rector and Deans","Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,"Scientific Community, Professors",Present iGEM Project,"
  • In order to raise funds, meet with the President of the university, Prof. Rivka Carmi, and the Rector, Prof. Zvi Hacohen
  • Emphasize the importance of the multidisciplinary approach and receive significant funds for the continuation of the project
  • Meet with the Deans of various faculties to present the project and its importance for promoting entrepreneurship, innovation and involvement of students beyond the curriculum
",Qualitative,The Deans were happy to see that their faculty and students were involved in such a unique and important project and provided additional funds for the project.,,,,Met with the President of the university to raise funds and emphasize the importance of the multidisciplinary approach of the project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 73,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,"Director of Oncology Department, Soroka Medical Center","Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,"Scientific Community, Professors","Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Meet with Prof. Samuel Ariad, the director of Oncology Department in Soroka Medical Center
  • Present project and receive valuable scientific advice and clinical outlook
",,,,,,Met with the director of Oncology Department to present project and receive valuable scientific advice,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 74,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Head of Sheba Cancer Research Center,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Meet with Prof. Gidi Rechavi, a world-renowned cancer researcher and the head of Sheba Cancer Research Center
  • Receive preliminary advice on project invention
",,,,Helped the team to refine technology and to recognize its strengths and weaknesses,,Met with a world-renowned cancer researcher and the head of Sheba Cancer Research Center to receive preliminary advice on project invention,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 75,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,CEO of Genome Compiler,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses","Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Talk with Dr. Omri Amirav-Drori, the CEO of Genome Compiler, and an expert in the fields of Synthetic Biology and genetic engineering
  • Learn about his company that supplies a comprehensive set of tools for DNA design and visualization, data management and collaboration for genetic engineers, molecular and synthetic biologists
",Qualitative,"Dr. Amirav-Drori advised the team on the technical aspects of their invention, regarding component design, synthesis methods, and tools",,,,Talked with the CEO of Genome Compiler to learn about his company that supplies tools for DNA design and visualization,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 76,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Animation Video,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Animated video describing the problem of plastic pollution at the team's proposed solution,Educational Video,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Create an animated video explaining the current issue about plastic waste and how the iGEM teams plans to solve the problem using synthetic biology tools
,,,,,,Created an animated video that explains how their iGEM project plans to solve plastic waste disposal using synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 77,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Public Outreach,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>",Short video animation that shows the audience a new perspective of synthetic biology involving the iGEM competition and the project,Educational Video,"Scientific Community, General Public","Activism for iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Interview by two of the leading radio channels in Israel (South radio 101.5FM, Reshet-Bet 95.5 FM)
  • Explain synthetic biology and present project
  • Utilize Facebook and Twitter to reach fellow iGEM teams, friends, family and anybody interested in synbio
  • Post news articles, updates on our progress, and more
  • Invest time and effort in a video animation that covers synthetic biology and the iGEM competition
",Qualitative,"Project covered in Ynet News, NRG News, Rotter, University main web page, Hayadaan, and a podcast","3,674 followers on Facebook, 214 followers on Twitter",,,Interviewed by two leading radio channels in Israel,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 78,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Booth at Board of Governors Meeting,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Host a booth about acute plastic pollution and plastic accumulation
  • Present solutions and its advantages by playing a trivia game with guests
  • Encourage recycling by handing out recycling bags
,,,,,,"Hosted an event to raise awareness about plastic waste, iGEM and synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 79,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Booth at White Night ,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Create a 'drop the bottle' game in the shape of the bacteria P.putida. in which people had to drop plastic bottles into the bacterium's mouth to win a prize
  • Use the game to explain about plastic pollution, solutions, and recycling
  • Hand out environmentally friendly reusable bags as the prize
",,,,,,"Ran a game booth at a fair to teach about plastic pollution, solutions for it, and recycling",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 80,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic and Computational Biology Mixer Convention,Project Presentation,,,,"Vendors/Businesses, Scientific Community, University Students",Present iGEM Project,"
  • Participate in Synthetic and Computational Biology Mixer Convention that was held in Tel-Aviv and hosted by Innovation Endeavors - an early stage VC co-founded by Eric Schmidt (Google executive chairman)
  • Present project in front of entrepreneurs, researchers, and students
",,,,,,"Participated in the Synthetic and Computational Biology Mixer Convention and presented project in front of entrepreneurs, researchers, and students",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 81,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Using Social Media to Raise awareness ,Social Media,,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Use social media such as facebook, twitter, and instagram to educate the public about the disadvantages of current solutions for plastic waste and encourage ways to reduce plastic consumption
  • Publish articles in local and national newspapers to educate about the project's importance
  • Participate in radio show to talk about plastic waste, treatment, and the need for a biosynthetic solution
",,,,,,Ran a newspaper and social media campaign to educate the public about the disadvantages of current solutions for plastic waste and about ways to reduce plastic waste creation ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 82,BGU ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,School Workshop,"Teaching Activity, Community Event","<a href=""""></a>",Synbio Activity Kit for Kids (iGEM BGU 2013) that includes detailed explanation about the activities plus all materials needed,Education Activity Protocol,Primary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Give a lecture at Degania school (Hebrew-Arabic bilingual school) in order to teach a 5-6th grade class
  • Introduce the basic knowledge of Synthetic Biology to the students
  • Divide the class into 2 groups and play a quiz game (the winning group receives a prize)
  • End workshop with an experiment for growing bacteria, using the bacteria they naturally have on their hands
",,,,Children were curious about the biology world and asked many questions related to the team's work,,Gave a lecture at Degania school to teach 5-6th graders about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 83,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consulted Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Consult scientists from different fields such as virology and protein engineering
  • Attend symposiums to keep up with current research in the field
,Qualitative ,,,,,Attended symposiums and consulted with experts to keep up with current research in the field,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 84,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Create a Business Plan after Consulting Experts,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Consult with experts in the field on ways to upscale
  • Create a business plan and flowchart of the main process
,Qualitative ,,,,,Consulted with experts to determine how to upscale project and to create a business plan,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 85,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Dictionary ,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A dictionary that translates 500 common synthetic biology terms and phrases to common English phrases ,Education Activity,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Create a dictionary that translates synthetic biology terms into common English phrases to allow the general public to better understand the field of synthetic biology
  • Allow the team to use the dictionary to better explain their own project to people not in the scientific field
,,,,,,Created a synthetic biology dictionary to help translate science into more accessible english,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 86,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Postcards,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Collaborate with other teams to create a set of synthetic biology themed postcards
  • Create a postcard after the motto ""Tolerance for Transgenes"" which advocates for a higher level of tolerance for GMOs
  • Distribute the postcards at events
",,,,,,Created and distributed synthetic biology themed postcards ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 87,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Students Academy,Open Lab,,,,"University Students, Scientific Community","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • 4th Students Academy for “Synthetische Biologie/Biotechnologie“ (synthetic biology and biotechnology), hosted by the Center for Biotechnology in Bielefeld
  • Welcome 20 motivated students from all over Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL) who applied for a week of learning about modern biological methods and Bielefeld University in their summer holidays
  • Host synthetic biology experiment in order to share experiences concerning biology and practical lab work
  • Give an introduction to iGEM, synthetic biology and the project
  • In the experiments, show BioBricks and their benefits in terms of easy handling and compatibility on the example of GFP and RFP
  • Have the students isolate plasmid DNA and subsequently transform BioBricks with different selection markers via heat shock and electroporation; backbones identified after by fluorescence and antibiotic resistance
  • During experiments and at the barbecue with the team and former iGEM team members, discuss synthetic biology, iGEM in general, this year's project in more detail, and the motivation for choosing natural science for field of study as well as taking part in the iGEM competition
",Qualitative,Students showed extraordinary potential in natural sciences and great interest in learning about synthetic biology,20 students,,,Hosted the 4th Students Academy for Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology to teach students about modern biological methods,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 88,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Directed Evolution of Educational Outreach,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Present iGEM project in context with synthetic biology to several high school classes
  • Evolve the presentation to improve it after gaining feedback from students
  • Quiz students to quantitatively measure how students are learning
,Quantitative,Initially students scored an average of 55% after changing the presentation students scored an average of 90%,,,,Presented on iGEM project and synthetic biology to high school classes,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 89,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Overgraduate,2015,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Dual Use,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A report on biosecurity and iGEM,"Research Paper, Paper on Safety","iGEM Teams, Scientific Community","Discuss Ethics and Safety, Networking",
  • Analyze the current situation within the iGEM competition
  • Propose the implementation of biosecurity risk assessments including questions of dual use risk for iGEM teams
  • Provide the complete 28 pages report as a PDF for the iGEM community
,Qualitative,"Showed that iGEM can be a role model for international collaboration, aiming for a safe and responsible research community",,,,Created a report on the implementation of biosecurity risk assessments,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 90,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Overgraduate,2015,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Future Scenarios,Educational Material,,,,"General Public, Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Work on future scenarios for the application of their biosensor
  • Follow the format of newspaper articles
  • Base the fictitious scenarios on actual news and interviews with experts
,,,,,,Worked on future scenarios for the application of the team's biosensor,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 91,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Press Review,Social Media,,,,"Scientific Community, General Public","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • To raise awareness about the increasing danger of date rape drugs and the health problems occurring due to the uptake of heavy metals in tap water, decide to write a press release in English and German for the media
  • Have several newspaper and online magazines report the project
",Qualitative,"Project mentioned in the radios (Hertz 87.9, Radio Bielefeld, Radio Herford and Radio Gütersloh) of the local region East Westphalia-Lippe; Reported on TV in WDR (West Deutscher Rundfunk), one of the most prominent TV stations in western Germany",,,,Wrote a press release in English and German to raise awareness about the increasing danger of date rape drugs and health problems associated with heavy metals in tap water,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 92,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Street Science,Survey,,,,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Present topic to the public
  • Offer several small experiments for children and get into conversations with people
  • Inform people about problems concerning drinking water and strategy to tackle them
  • Conduct a survey to find out which water contaminants are most important to people and any requirements/reservations they have regarding a biosensor
,Qualitative,Survey to find out people’s reactions to biosensors,,,,Presented topic to the public and offered several small experiments for children,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 93,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Pupils Academy,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Discuss about synthetic biology and project with students from the 1 week academy
  • Discuss implications of synthetic biology on society
  • Perform basic laboratory tasks with the students such as transformation, plasmid isolation, and plating
",,,,,,"Discussed with students about iGEM project and synthetic biology, and their societal implications",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 94,BIOSINT_Mexico,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Spreading iGEM,"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community","Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • To go beyond our state borders, decide to travel to neighboring state of Guanajuato
  • Give talk at the University of Guanajuato, sending out invitations to professors from the most important Educational Institutions in the state of Guanajuato
",Qualitative,"After 2 weeks, the faculty members that showed interest decided to join together in order to create an iGEM team made of 3 institutions; Contributed to the development of a new team in Mexico and in a state were iGEM was not very known",,,,Traveled to neighboring state of Guanajuato to give a talk at the University of Guanajuato,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 95,BIOSINT_Mexico,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Code of Professional Ethics,"Survey, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",PDF containing the team's personal code of ethical conduct for the iGEM community,Paper on Ethics,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Conduct a survey to be filled out by many iGEM teams, asking about opinions regarding the concept of the project
  • With the results of the survey, write a code taking into account the issues that teams brought up consistently, leaving out less popular responses
",Qualitative,"The survey answers were favorable, and the vast majority of the teams supported the project idea, albeit with some controversy",,,,Conducted a survey to be filled out by iGEM teams asking for their opinions regarding the project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 96,BIT,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Communication With BIT-China,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Carry on several communications about the project, the work, the experimental program and iGEM matters with the iGEM BIT-China team
  • Discuss problems in each other's projects and help each other to solve the practical difficulties encountered by both sides
",Qualitative,Communication and cooperation between the two teams were the most comprehensive and in-depth since BIT began participating in iGEM; realized the goal of working together for better results,,,,Communicated with the iGEM BIT-China team about the project and progress,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 97,BIT,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Symposium with Hospital and Enterprise,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts",,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Host a symposium with Duan Jinyan, the supervisor technician of the Clinical Laboratory and a doctor of biological chemistry
  • Explain project and have Dr. Duan propose valuable suggestions regarding both the experiment and application
",Qualitative,"Found many advantages and disadvantages of the project from the symposium; Learned that the detection methods used in the clinic to detect samples nowadays use optical methods more often, which are efficient in large quantities",,,,"Hosted a symposium with Duan Jinyan, the supervisor technician of the Clinical Laboratory and a doctor of biological chemistry",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 98,BIT,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Symposium with Beijing ShingSun Technology Co. Ltd,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts",,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Converse with ShingSun, a modern production enterprise which owns independent intellectual property rights for independent innovation and development, with the goal of producing suitable domestic and foreign modern clinical laboratory instruments
  • Introduce the project, the design, and the function of its hardware
",Qualitative,"Chairman Fu from ShingSun provided valuable advice for the project's shortcomings and a new insight: precision medicine; Current detection was based on the protein level, and if the disease detection could be successfully achieved at the gene level, this would be a big step forward in the field of Precision Medicine",,,,"Conversed with ShingSun, a modern production enterprise with the goal of producing suitable domestic and foreign clinical laboratory instruments",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 99,BIT,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,"Learn Public Opinions, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Conduct survey to learn about the general public's understanding and opinion of early disease detection
  • Put forward the following suggestions: the reports for early disease detection should be increased in network, television, newspapers, magazines and other media
",Quantitative,"From the data and graphs, the deepest public concern was that the results may be rough and not trustworthy. Detailed data can be found on wiki.",,,,Conducted a survey to learn about the general public's understanding of early disease detection,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 100,BIT,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Questionnaire of iGEM_BIT,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Results of survey in graphic format,Survey,General Public,"Learn Public Opinions, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Send out questionnaire regarding disease detection and health concerns
,,,,,,Sent out a questionnaire regarding disease detection and health concerns,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 101,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,"3rd iGEM conference, NCTU, Taiwan",Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community","Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Attend Asian iGEM Conference held by team NCTU-Formosa along with over 40 teams
  • Listen to the other teams' speeches and project presentations
  • Make a brief introduction about the pH Controller and communicate with other teams to acquire suggestions
,Qualitative,Gained plenty of useful knowledge and inspiration from the conference ,,,,Attended and presented project at NCTU-Formosa's Asian iGEM meetup ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 102,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Exchange Meeting Between BIT-China and BNU-China,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Have several exchange meetings with BNU-China
  • In the first communication, the two teams respectively introduce their project and recent progress
  • Exchange ideas on how to guide new team members and discuss any problems in the experiments
  • Next two exchanges mainly focused on cooperation
  • Help BNU-China to construct a part of the gene circuit, and meanwhile, BNU-China helps with the characterization of parts and the project’s modelling
",Qualitative,Discovered advantages and shortcomings in the exchange; The two teams decided to establish a cooperative relationship,,,,Communicated with Team BNU-China to introduce the project and discuss recent progress,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 103,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,CCiC,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"iGEM Teams, Vendors/Businesses, Scientific Community","Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Attend the Conference of China iGEM Committee (CCiC) in Peking University
  • Receive valuable suggestions for project
  • Get feedback from staff of fermentation industry companies
,Qualitative,"Much more attention was received on the virtue of the project, and many different kinds of questions about the pH Controller were asked; Companies expressed great interest in the project and put forward a number of targeted issues",,,,Attended the Conference of China iGEM Committee to receive valuable suggestions for the project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 104,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Human Practice Union,Conference/Panel Discussion,"<a href=""""></a>",Human Practice Union questionnaire with result analysis,Survey,iGEM Teams,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Lead a global iGEM Human Practice Union with three other teams: BIT, CUHK and CGU
  • Meet with with other 10 teams from Europe, Asia and South America to spread knowledge of synthetic biology
  • Build up a database to supplement existing iGEM database and make it more convenient for iGEM online communication around the world
  • Create questionnaire about synthetic biology and iGEM
",,,More than 500 questionnaires collected,,,Led a global iGEM Human Practice Union to build a database that supplements the existing iGEM database,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 105,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Communication with COFCO,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with COFCO Nutrition and Health Research Institute about the iGEM project
  • Receive helpful feedback about how to view the project differently, and think more about the application and practical problems.
",Integrated Human Practices,The team thought more about existing problems in the projects and it led them to think more about application and practical problems,,,,Met with and got project feedback from the COFCO Nutrition and Health Research Institute ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 106,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Communicated with COFCO,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Visit COFCO Institute of Nutrition and Health, the world’s top 500 enterprises and China’s leading supplier in the fields of agriculture products, food products and service
  • Give presentation including project description and a synthetic biology introduction
  • Promote the concept of synthetic biology and iGEM to COFCO
  • As an internationally renowned food company, COFCO can offer many substantive recommendations for our project, especially in the actual fermentation industry
  • Learn about the explanations for conventional fermentation conditions, fermentation technology, and problems occurring in fermentation
",,,,"According to COFCO's recommendations, the team made a preliminary verification of fermentation; Tai An and other staff of COFCO proposed some suggestions on how to apply the project in fermentation industry and showed great interest in learning about the application of synthetic biology technology in their company",,Visited COFCO Institute of Nutrition and Health to give presentation on project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 107,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Contribution to Newsletter of Amoy,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Article advertising the team and project published in a newsletter,Magazine/Newspaper Article,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community","Activism for iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Contribute to Newsletter at Xiamen University’s invitation
  • Newsletter composed of Team Introduction and Project Update, as well as the special issue-interview with SYSU
",Qualitative,"Writing published in Newsletter No.3, project 01; Advertised our team and made a brief introduction of the project",,,,Contributed a newsletter concerning the project to Xiamen University's Newsletter,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 108,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,BIT-China 2016 Questionnaires,Survey,"<a href=""T--BIT-China--HP--img--fig7.png"">T--BIT-China--HP--img--fig7.png</a>",Survey results (graphs),Survey ,"General Public, University Students, Scientific Community",Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Design an internet survey for the general public, scientists, and fellow students to analyze their opinions of synthetic biology and the iGEM project, as well as problems with antibiotics.
",Quantitative,"Learned that over 96% of people find iGEM is of help to every iGEMer, over 92% of people are aware of the ""plasmid-losing problem"", and over 93% of people showed interest in their iGEM project.",324,,,Surveyed the general public's opinions on synthetic biology and the team's iGEM project using an internet questionnaire ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 109,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Conferences,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Attend the 2016 Asia-Pacific Conference held by team NCKu-Tainan.
  • Present iGEM project to about 20 teams
  • Discuss project design and safety issues
,,,,,,Attended and presented at the Asia-Pacific Conference meetup. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 110,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,HP Union,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Networking, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Establish a Wechat official account to help iGEM teams communicate better online.
  • Have other teams join in and participate such as Jilin0CHina and TJU
  • Share articles about biosafety, ethics, and the iGEM competition
",,,,,,Established a Wechat account to foster communication and discuss project ideas with other iGEM teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 111,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Winter Camp,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,"Recruit iGEM members, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Advertise a two-month event in the winter to university students
  • At the event, invite a professor to discuss what synthetic biology is
  • Inspire students to pursue synthetic biology
  • Continue with speaker series based on students feedback
",Qualitative,Received positive feedback from students and students showed interest in the concept of standardization and the idea of engineering design,,,,Ran a two month long winter camp that encouraged students to pursue synthetic biology ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 112,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Lectures and Winter Camp,Teaching Activity,,,,"University Students, Scientific Community","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Give synthetic biology lectures for promoting the iGEM competition and synthetic biology, meanwhile recruiting new team members who are interested in synthetic biology
  • Invite Prof. Chun Li, team instructor of BIT-China, to give speeches at the lectures
  • After lectures, recruit some new members
  • Before project brainstorm, host a winter camp for all potential members
  • During the winter camp, provide basic knowledge and offer several classes for improving fundamental research ability
",Qualitative,"Students taught how to gain the latest news from iGEM main page, how to quickly search and get information from references; learned how to use Photoshop to design ppt's or a poster",,,,Gave synthetic biology lectures promoting the iGEM competition and synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 113,BNU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,CCiC Conference,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Project Presentation",,,,"iGEM Teams, University Students, Scientific Community","Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Attend the CCiC conference and present iGEM project as well as discuss synthetic biology as a whole.
,,,,,,Attended the CCiC conference and present iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 114,BNU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Hande Company,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Conduct an interview with Hande Biotechnology Corporation and discuss the importance of their iGEM project.
,,,,,,Conducted an interview with a biotechnology corporation to discuss their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 115,BNU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Peking University Medical College,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Conduct an interview with Peking University Medical College and transcribe the interview
  • Discuss cancer treatments and iGEM as well as synthetic biology, analyze how important their iGEM project is and field of synthetic biology in medicine as a whole.
",,,,,,Interviewed with a medical college and talked about synthetic biology's implication in cancer treatment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 116,BNU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Survey ,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Conduct a survey asking the general public not only about synthetic biology but topics pertinent to their iGEM project including the importance of yew trees.
,Quantitative,Learned how many people knew the importance of yes trees ,,,,"Conducted a survey of the general public on iGEM, synthetic biology, and Yew trees ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 117,BNU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,"Survey,Research","Survey, Consult Experts",,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Conduct a survey asking experts on the topic of Yew trees, the topic of their iGEM project.
  • Consult experts, practice planting Yew trees, and conduct research on the topic.
",,,,,,"Consulted with experts about yew trees, and practiced planting them",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 118,BNU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Mini-iGEM,Teaching Activity,,,,"iGEM Teams, University Students","Recruit iGEM members, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Hold a mini-iGEM competition between ten teams where each group has to design their own iGEM project.
  • Choose a winner who gets to assistant on the idea and the team
,,,,,,Hosted a mini iGEM competition to recruit team members ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 119,BNU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Orienteering Game,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Create an orienteering game that associates various terms used in a synthetic biology lab that also teaches synthetic biology concepts to students.
  • Run the game on campus to promote awareness and educate about synthetic biology.
,Quantitative,Received positive feedback from students who enjoyed the game and learned a lot.,,,,Created a game to promote understanding of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 120,Bordeaux,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Cap Sciences,"Community Event, Conference/Panel Discussion","<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>",Survey questions and interview transcript regarding opinions on synthetic biology,"Survey, Interview","Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Meet with representatives from Cap sciences and animations center in Bordeaux open to all which tries to help people discover and understand scientific phenomenons, new technologies and their industrial applications
  • During meeting, create the group ImagineLife composed of iGEM team members and other people interested in sciences
  • Discuss how synthetic biology can be explained to non-scientific people
  • Conduct a survey and interview people on the streets about synthetic biology
",Qualitative,Learned that the main concern with GMOs is that people aren't aware of what they really are and of the possibilities that synthetic biology can offer,,Realized the importance of scientific communication and for the need to think about the project from an ethical and safety point of view,,Met with representatives from Cap sciences to create the group ImagineLife composed of iGEM team members and other people interested in sciences,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 121,Bordeaux,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Mr. Faucher,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Meet with Mr. Jacques Faucher, a doctor, priest, and the founder of the regional Ethics committee, ""l'Espace Bioéthique Aquitain""
  • Discuss the importance of bioethics in the field of synthetic biology
",Qualitative,"Learned that ethical committees insist on having a proof of consent in the European Union; When it comes to bacteria, humans generally have an anthropocentric view of the world",,,,"Met with Mr. Jacques Faucher, a doctor and founder of the regional Ethics committee to discuss the importance of bioethics in the field of synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 122,Bordeaux,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Contacting Vineyards,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • To try to understand the effect that mildew has on wine producers, contact numerous castles in the region and attend the two largest wine assemblies in Bordeaux: La foire au vin and Vinexpo
  • Ask the producers about how much their production is threatened by oomycetes such as mildew and see if they would eventually be interested in an alternative preventive solution that would be eco-friendly
  • Search for sponsors in the region to raise money for lab work
",Qualitative,"Since these assemblies were brought together as a predominantly commercial team whose aim was to land big clients, sponsoring wasn't successful",,,,Attended the two largest wine assembles in Bordeaux to understand the effect that mildew has on wine producers,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 123,Bordeaux,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Lab Life,Educational Material,,,,"General Public, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Create a board game about sciences and laboratory life, intended for everyone, including people without a strong scientific background
  • Develop questions and mini-games relevant to science
  • Elaborate on scientific facts, misunderstandings, or simple notions about the field
  • Link mini-games to science in order to familiarize people with genetic concepts such as transcription or translation
  • Test challenges with members of team to allow optimization of difficulty for novice players
",Qualitative,Board game was tested by people with a non-scientific background as well as students from two high schools; The reviews helped to improve the game concept and resulted in an operational board game,,,,Created a board game about sciences and laboratory life intended for everyone,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 124,Bordeaux,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Working with High School Students,Project Presentation,,,,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Give presentation on biotechnology at the high school ""Lycée Montesquieu"" in Bordeaux
  • Present Cured Vine project with an introduction video to easily illustrate what can be accomplished with synthetic biology
  • Ask some students of ""Lycée Labruyère"" in Versailles and ""Lycée Joseph de Tivoli"" in Bordeaux to try out the team's board game for feedback
",Qualitative,Students were very interested in the project presentation and asked many questions on the iGEM competition,,,,"Gave a presentation on biotechnology at the high school ""Lycée Montesquieu"" in Bordeaux",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 125,BostonU,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Interviews for Blog,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to iGEM wiki that contains recordings and transcripts of interviews about intellectual copyright and patent law with synthetic biology experts,Interview,Scientific Community,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Attend a conference on mammalian synthetic biology
  • Interview professors about their perspectives on intellectual copyright and patent law in regards to synthetic biology
  • Record and transcribe interviews so that they may be available to other teams and scientists
,,,,,"Synthetic Biology Intellectual Property Blog: BostonU, Synthetic Biology Intellectual Property Blog: BostonU HW",Attended mammalian synthetic biology conference and interviewed and reflected with a professor about patent in syn-bio.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 126,BostonU,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting Monsanto,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
  • Meet with Bioinformatics Manager at Monsanto to discuss synthetic biology in industry
  • Discuss project with Bioinformatics Manager at Monsanto and learn about specific industrial applications for the conditional dimerization of proteins
  • Visit and tour the Monsanto Cambridge facilities to learn about how new products are developed as well as pitch project
,,,,Gained experience in presenting this project without visual aids. Learned about how products are brought to market and about potential industrial applications of synthetic biology. Found that lab equipment at Monsanto was very similar to the equipment in academic research labs.,,Met with Bioinformatics Manager at Monsanto to discuss synthetic biology in industry,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 127,BostonU,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Intellectual Property Blog: BostonU,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Informational blog written by the team on the history and importance of intellectual property in synthetic biology,"Paper on Ethics, Blog",Scientific Community,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Create a blog about intellectual property rights
,,,,,Synthetic Biology Intellectual Property Blog: BostonU HW,Created a blog about intellectual property rights,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 128,BostonU,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bioethics Forum Scenarios,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to webpage containing the ethics forum scenario and worksheets for participants.,Education Activity Protocol,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Design two forums that discuss ethics in synthetic biology
  • Create scenarios and worksheets that foster participant discussion
  • Consult experts to confirm the scientific integrity of the worksheets and the accessibility for participants
,Qualitative,"Received feedback from Andie Smidler, an expert on genetically engineered mosquitoes, who confirmed the scientific integrity and approachability of the ""Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes"" scenario.",,"The team did not get feedback from experts on the accuracy of their first form, ""Martian Colonization.""",, Carried out two forums that discuss ethics in synthetic biology and consulted experts about science intergrety.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 129,BostonU,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Mammalian SynBio,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","An analysis done by 2015 BostonU team focusing on current issues surrounding the implementation of mammalian synbio in iGEM. Broken down into 3 major sections expressing the significance, current challenges, and proposed solutions. ",Research Paper,"iGEM Teams, Specialized Audience","Policy Outreach, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Consider ethical and practical concerns surrounding mammalian synbio specifically focusing on iGEM
  • Determine potential solutions and stumbling blocks and propose ways to implement mammalian synbio in iGEM
,Quantitative,"Detailed data on iGEM teams that have worked with mammalian cells can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,The team found that not many iGEM teams work with mammalian cells and they believe it is important to continue intensifying the dialogue about using mammalian (and other non-E. coli chassis) in order to promote these areas of research,,Determined potential solutions and obstacles to propose ways to implement mammalian synbio in iGEM,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 130,BostonU,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Summer Pathways High School Program,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to webpage containing the ethics forum scenario and worksheets for participants.,Education Activity Protocol,Secondary School Students,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Host the Summer Pathways program, which introduces high school students to STEM fields at Boston University
  • Write a forum about Martian Colonization, which incorporates applications of synthetic biology and introduces the topic of synthetic biology
",Qualitative,Received positive feedback from students about the bioethics discussion,,,,Introduced STEM to high-schoolers and incorporate ideas of syn-bio in Martian Colonization in a forum,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 131,BostonU,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bioethics Forums with University Students,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to webpage containing the ethics forum scenario and worksheets for participants.,Education Activity Protocol,University Students,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Lead a forum on biomedical engineering with students who are taking Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • Check curriculum and administer the forum that matches most closely (""Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes"")
",Qualitative,The team received positive feedback from the Boston Arts Academy as they approached the team to administer forums for biology honors students,,,,Led a forum to talk about bio-engineering with college students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 132,BostonU,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Building with Biology at the Museum of Science Boston,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Learn about and choose 1-2 prototype activities at the Museum of Science
  • Attend training to learn how to run exhibits, effectively communicate with members of the public and start dialogue
  • Run exhibits and discuss big concepts of synthetic biology and how the lab is run with members of the general public
  • Have round table discussions with groups of scientists and members of the general public about topics in synthetic biology such as gene drives and community labs
  • Provide feedback to the Museum so that the Building with Biology program can be refined and expanded to more museums
",Qualitative,"Younger children expressed a great deal of knowledge and curiosity, as well as a strong ability to grasp complex analogies. ",,Correcting misconceptions and learning about the great deal of interest some visitors showed in synthetic biology helped with understanding of how to communicate effectively with the public. The discussion about community labs sparked ideas for the promotion of mammalian synthetic biology through shared facilities. The direct feedback shared with the museum should hopefully improve Building with Biology as it is expanded in the future.,Mammalian SynBio,Ran exhibits and discussed big concepts in synthetic biology at the Museum of Science,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 133,BostonU,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Building with Biology Bioethics Forum,"Teaching Activity, Conference/Panel Discussion","<a href=""""></a>",Link to webpage containing the ethics forum scenario and worksheets for participants.,Education Activity Protocol,General Public,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Participate in the Museum of Science's ""Building with Biology"" event
  • Guide a forum discussion on using gene drives to genetically engineer malaria-causing mosquitoes and control their population
  • Present briefly on the synthetic biology topic
  • Break the audience up into groups of five to ten and have them discuss the scenario using the discussion questions worksheet
",,,,The team learned that forums can act as a tool to make synthetic biology interesting and accessible to the public,,"Participated in ""Building with Biology"" event and led a discussion about bio-engineering in disease control",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 134,BostonU,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Upward Bound Nanotechnology,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Invite area high school students participating in the Upward Bound Nanotechnology program to vist lab for the day
  • Present and have a round-table discussion with students about what synthetic biology means to them
  • Propose ethical dilemmas to be returned to at the end of the day
  • Ask for creative applications synthetic biology and then explore the feasibility and ethical considerations of those ideas in depth
  • Give students hands on tour of lab with the help of learning activities such as restriction enzyme digests and plating bacteria
  • Return and discuss ethical ideas proposed earlier
,Qualitative,"After discussing some of the students ideas for creative applications of synthetic biology in more depth, students began to form insightful opinions about synthetic biology and started thinking more in depth about their ideas.Students had trouble answering ethical ideas at the end of the day, and decided that it was more important to discuss these ideas than to reach a definitive conclusion.",,"During creative applications portion, students focused on idea of ""Flying Dog"", so ethical and feasibility issues surrounding the idea were explored, such as ""How far are we away from making a flying dog? Is there a purpose for a flying dog? Would you like your dog to fly?"" This allowed students to think in depth about the applications and ethics of synthetic biology.",,Invited area high school students participating in the Upward Bound Nanotechnology program to visit the lab for the day,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 135,BostonU HW,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,NONA Research Foundation Partnership,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, iGEM Teams",Networking,
  • Meet with members of NONA to discuss integrating Neptune (iGEM project) with their foundation
  • Pass project Neptune along to NONA community
  • Act as point of contact for NONA at the iGEM Giant Jamboree
,Integrated Human Practices,"Increased accessibility of project software for greater scientific community, advertised NONA as a research for future iGEM teams",,,,Established collaboration with NONA and present iGEM project to them,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 136,BostonU HW,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Ginkgo BioWorks Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Tour facility
  • Learn about research, and about the tools they use to do synthetic biology
",,,,,,Learned about tools to use in synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 137,BostonU HW,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Lab Central Visit,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,"Vendors/Businesses, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project, Networking","
  • Present project for small synthetic biology startups, highlight the workflow as accessible for researchers new to microfluidics
  • Meet with representatives from Sembler, a microfluidic fabrication company
  • Learn about what Sembler offers
",,,,,,Presented project for small synthetic biology startups with a highlight on the field of microfluidics,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 138,BostonU HW,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Synthetic Biology Intellectual Property Blog: BostonU HW,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Informational blog written by the team on the history and importance of intellectual property in synthetic biology,"Paper on Ethics, Blog",General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Write two blog posts giving a general overview of intellectual property in synthetic biology
  • Write an additional blog post detailing a history of intellectual property, and why it matters in synthetic biology specifically
",,,,,Synthetic Biology Intellectual Property Blog: BostonU,Posted blogs about intellectual property in syn-bio,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 139,BostonU HW,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Summer Pathways,Teaching Activity,,,,Specialized Audience,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Teach high school student about basic synthetic biology and electrical engineering principles through interactive activities hosted with smaller groups
  • Present students with a short article about terraforming Mars and proposed paths of action
  • Engage students in a discussion about synbio and engineering ethics in a forum on whether or not the proposed solution of terraforming Mars is reasonable and ethical
,,,,,,Taught about synthetic biology and electrical engineering principles to high-schoolers and discussed colonizing Mars,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 140,BostonU HW,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Building with Biology,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Present museum goers to various synthetic biology activities
  • Allow participants to attempt to solve problems using various genetic ""building blocks,"" each labeled with a specific function
  • Show museum goers a plate of yeast that expressed the gene for beta-carotene, and “golden bread,” baked with this yeast
  • Teach the public about microfluidics, build an analogy between synthetic biologists and bakers
  • Meet with the public in a forum on ethics in synthetic biology, where the challenge is to act as Zambian government and discuss whether to implement a gene drive of mosquitoes to combat the spread of malaria
",Qualitative,"Observed participants, gauged interest in and openness to synthetic biology topics ",,"Participants were surprisingly open to new ideas in synthetic biology, most people had not heard of microfluidics",,Taught science in NONA to the public ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 141,Brasil-USP,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,São Carlos 8,"Community Event, Teaching Activity",,,,Primary School Students,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Organize a play to be presented to children to raise awareness about dengue danger and transmission
  • Meet children from ‘PROVIM Dom Luciano Mendes de Almeida,' a communitarian center intended to support children from less wealthy neighborhoods
  • Divide children into groups in order to plant Crotalaria juncea, a plant that helps control dengue
",Qualitative,Feedback was very positive; the children enjoyed dressing up in the play costumes,,,,Organized a play to be presented to children in order to raise awareness of dengue danger and transmission,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 142,Brasil-USP,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,ANIP,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Visit ANIP's office in São Paulo after media coverage of the project
  • In the meeting, present idea directly to experts on tire recycling
  • Discuss the need of new technologies to valorize and meet scrap tires demand in a sustainable way since it is not only an environmental problem but also an economic issue
  • Visit a recycling company (CBL) and a collection point that receives waste tires from all over the country
",Qualitative,"Explained that the tire rotation is 200 tons/month and only 1% of this material is reused as tire after retreatment, while the remaining quantity is addressed to recycle; Identified an absence of technologies to make up for the amount of discarded tires",,,,Visited ANIP's office to present project idea to experts on tire recycling,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 143,Brasil-USP,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,CBL,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Visit CBL Reciclagem, a Brazilian company that has been working on scrap tire recycling market and rubber waste in order to attend the Resolution 258/99 of the National Environmental Council - CONAMA, which established that for each tire imported or produced in Brazil, a scrap tire must have an environmental friendly destination
",Qualitative,Learned that they have seven units in the country,,,,"Visited CBL Reciclagem, a Brazilian company that works on scrap tire recycling and rubber waste",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 144,Brasil-USP,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,RECUR,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Participate in a guided visitation to RECUR Environmental Solutions, a company that aims to market byproducts from tire pyrolysis
",Qualitative,"Learned that to carry out the pyrolysis of tires, RECUR has an industrial equipment similar to a pressure cooker - a type of reactor that is capable of processing two tons of tires per day",,,,"Participated in a guided visitation to RECUR Environmental Solutions, a company that aims to market byproducts from tire pyrolysis",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 145,Brasil-USP,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,USP Innovation Agency,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Go to the financial division of Instituto de Física de São Carlos - USP
  • Present project and convey the spirit of iGEM
,Qualitative,They were excited to support the team as sponsors,,,,Presented project and conveyed the spirit of iGEM to the financial division of Instituto de Física de São Carlos,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 146,Brasil-USP,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Women in Science,Survey,,,,"University Students, Scientific Community","Learn Public Opinions, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Interview students from the Physical Institute of São Carlos from the University of São Paulo about women in science
  • Perform an internet survey to see how people perceive it and draw some statistics on the current situation in Brazil
,,,340 brazilian students,,,Interviewed students from the Physical Institute of São Carlos about women in science,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 147,British_Columbia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Bee Farm,"Community Event, Consult Experts",,,,"Vendors/Businesses, Scientific Community, University Students",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Participate in a summer bee research study conducted by Marika van Reeuwyk, a graduating UBC Plant and Soil Science undergraduate student for her thesis study on native bee biodiversity, their habits, and their livelihood
  • Every two weeks, team members participate in a field sampling session with other volunteers
",Qualitative,The study provided unique opportunities to see first-hand the complexity and diverse factors that affect pollinators and flora; Learned week-by-week that the pollinator population count seemingly spikes and plunges dependent on sun coverage and associated weather,,,,Participated in a summer bee research study on native bee biodiversity,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 148,British_Columbia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Activity at Science World,"Community Event, Fair Booth",,,,"General Public, Primary School Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • To address the knowledge gap within the general public regarding CCD, hold a booth at Vancouver's widely popular Telus World of Science,
  • Conduct outreach and educate younger visitors
  • Host activities including trivia board with topical, relatively difficult questions to engage both children and adults
  • Create input poster for visitors to write their thoughts on bees and draw pictures
  • Run a DNA extraction station for introducing basic laboratory concepts to children
",,,,,,Held a booth at Vancouver's Telus World of Science and educated younger visitors,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 149,British_Columbia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Activity at UBC Farm,"Community Event, Fair Booth",,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Identify a knowledge gap within the farming community regarding the importance of bees and the impact of CCD on agriculture
  • To address this, hold a booth at UBC Farm's local weekly market
  • Feature posters on honeybees, CCD, and UBC iGEM’s project, as well as various educational activities
  • Host a trivia game, featuring questions on honeybees, their agricultural impact, and CCD
",Qualitative,"Through the booth, engaged with vendors, farmers, students, and members of the general public on a variety of issues",,,,Held a booth at UBC Farm's local weekly market and hosted a trivia game featuring questions on honeybees,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 150,British_Columbia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview experts in scientific communication,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",An interview with CBS's Nature of Things host Jennifer Grady,Interview,"General Public, Scientific Community",Science Education,"
  • Interview experts in the field of scientific communication including instructors and freelance journalists
  • Interview Jennifer Grady, host of CBS's Nature of Things, and post video of the interview on the internet to allow others to view it as well
",,,,,,Interviewed scientific communication experts to inform their project design,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 151,British_Columbia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Stakeholders,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Create a list of questions to get a better understanding of how the project will affect eventual end-users, stakeholders, and society in general
  • Map out groups of people including beekeepers, farmers, pesticide companies, academia, etc.
",,,,,,"Created a list of questions to gain a better understanding of how the project would affect eventual end-users, stakeholders, and society in general",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 152,British_Columbia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Infographic ,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",An infographic explaining how scientists can better communicate with the general public,,Scientific Community,Science Education,
  • Create an infographic that helps and guides the scientific community on how to communicate effectively with the general public
,,,,,,Created an infographic to inform the scientific community how to communicate effectively with the general public,Right boi,incorrect boi,correct boi 153,British_Columbia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Report,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",CCD Report,Research Paper,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Research colony collapse disorder (CCD), the government's response to it, and its effects on the environment and economy
  • Write a report detailing the motivation behind the project
",,,,,,Researched colony collapse disorder and wrote a report detailing motivation behind the project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 154,British_Columbia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Report on Interviews,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Report on interviews,"Interview, Research Paper","Vendors/Businesses, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Conduct interviews with people from each stakeholder group
  • Based on the interview responses, create a report describing the views of the different stakeholder groups regarding the importance of bees, the importance of pesticides, and the project as a proposed solution
",,,,,,Conducted interviews with stakeholder groups and wrote a report describing their views regarding the importance of bees,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 155,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Loudoun STEM Day,"Community Event, Fair Booth, Teaching Activity, Project Presentation","<a href=""""></a>",Interactive computer program used by the iGEM team at the community event as a tool to help participants learn about the scale of cells and DNA ,Education Activity,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Visit Loudoun STEM Day, an all-day event for families that is organized by the Northern Virginia Community College to showcase opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math
  • Run a hands-on learning booth
  • Use activities from the 2015 William and Mary iGEM Synthetic Biology Activities Booklet
  • Make printed graphics for parents and students that helps them better understand DNA and traits and to gain a sense of how that leads to engineering biological parts
  • Teach people about the vast range in size of things in the world, from a cell to the DNA inside the cell to the molecules that make the DNA, using ""Scale of the Universe,"" an interactive online program
  • Use iGEM poster and wiki to talk about the research and engage parents in a discussion about synthetic biology
",Qualitative,"Numerous parents, school counselors, and professionals with science and technology backgrounds told the team how much their kids enjoyed learning from the activities, how much they appreciated the team working one-on-one with their kids, and how they valued the efforts the team took to explain the science clearly and knowledgeably. The team received high commendation from the event's main organizer for handling a continuously large crowd throughout the day and for the team's positive contribution.",Over 400 ,"The event far exceeded the team's expectations; there was a perpetual line of kids at the their tables and there was an unexpected high volume of attendees. The team ran out of materials multiple time due to the popularity of their booth. The event's organizer eagerly invited the team to exhibit at the next Loudoun STEM Day. An elementary teacher who visited their booth invited the team to run the same activities at her school's upcoming STEM Night, STEM-mania.",Activities Booklet,"Visited Loudoun STEM Day, designed and conducted activities teach synthetic biology to public and presented iGEM project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 156,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Armstrong Marietta Ceiling Tile Manufacturing Plant Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit Armstrong Marietta Ceiling Tile Manufacturing Plant and learn about the sophistication of wastewater treatment
,Integrated Human Practices,Gained information for potential implementation of iGEM project. Considered the impact of bringing in new biological organisms to the mill environment. Integrated real-life considerations into modeling.,,,,Visited a tile manufacturing plant and gained information about iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 157,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Loudoun Water and the Broad Run Water Reclamation Facility Visit,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project, Networking","
  • Contact local domestic wastewater treatment facility, Loudoun Water and discuss project-related topics.
  • Present iGEM research to technical and managerial staff
  • Get feedback from staff
  • Tour the plant to gain further insights
",Integrated Human Practices,Raised awareness about the practical considerations in implementing an industrial solution,,The staff at Loudoun Technical were intrigued by the team's synthetic biology approach. Touring the plant helped the team be more aware of practical considerations in implementing an industrial solution and the greater community that relies on its proper functioning.,,Gained information from the local domestic wastewater treatment facility,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 158,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,American Society for Microbiology,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,"Scientific Community, Professors","Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project, Networking",
  • Meet with researchers and engage a technical audience from the DC Metro area
  • Present iGEM research and network with leaders in the molecular biology industry
,,,,"The team engaged in stimulating conversations, from the significance of iGEM to high school students, to the shared vision with iGEM about the importance of engaging the public on the safety and ethics of synthetic biology.",,Presented iGEM research and networked with leaders in the molecular biology industry from DC,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 159,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Armstrong World Industries Global Headquarters Visit,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation, Fundraiser",,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project, Networking","
  • Visit Armstrong World Industries Global Headquarters
  • Present iGEM project to engineers, vice presidents, and senior managers
",Integrated Human Practices,Gained valuable feedback about problems they had run into in research and considerations for a future potential implementation,,"The audience was impressed by the team's approach and the caliber and quality of their research. The team received important feedback for their project. The team remained in contact with people from Armstrong and gained help with project design, modeling, and testing.",,Presented iGEM project and gained insights from Armstrong World Industries Global Headquarters,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 160,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Broad Run High School Public Forums,Conference/Panel Discussion ,,,,"Teachers, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology ",
  • Hold two public forums with students
  • Discuss genetic engineering and synthetic biology
  • Use the case study of using genetically engineered mosquitoes to combat mosquito borne diseases and have students weigh pros and cons
  • Use components from the Building with Biology kits to give students a better understanding of how genetic engineering works
,,,60,,,Held public forums with high-school students and talked about genetic engineering and synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 161,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Surveys taken at Loudoun STEM Day,Survey,"<a href=""T--BroadRun-Baltimore--Survey.jpg"">T--BroadRun-Baltimore--Survey.jpg</a>, <a href=""""></a>",Survey questions and results,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Used the 2013 LMU-TUM Munich iGEM team’s survey as a model and created their own survey questions
  • Distributed survey at the Loudoun STEM Day
,Quantitative,Detailed data from survey can be found on the team's wiki,120,,Loudoun STEM Day,Conducted a survey at the Loudoun STEM Day,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 162,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,STEM-mania at Tolbert Elementary School,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Teach about molecular biology and inheritance based on the William and Mary iGEM team’s synthetic biology curriculum
,Qualitative,"Activities were enjoyed by kids and parents alike. According to feedback from the teacher, ""The team worked very well with the students and provided a meaningful learning experience!""",Over 100 ,"Although the activities were targeted at younger students, many parents and teachers were intrigued by them and asked meaningful questions about the field of synthetic biology.",Activities Booklet,Taught about molecular biology and inheritance to primary school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 163,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Ashburn Public Library,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Run activities from William and Mary iGEM teacher Curriculum and the Building with Biology kits
  • Set up different stations and have students move between activities
,,,60,Many parents expressed they did not know much about synthetic biology but were eager to learn. The team found that the Building with Biology kits were excellent conversation starters on synthetic biology.,,Conducted synbio teaching games in a library to primary school students.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 164,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Panel Discussion at DC Fab Lab,"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion","<a href=""""></a>","A video shown at the panel (not made by the team) that talks about the Do-It-Yourself Biology movement and features Dr. Kuiken, the chair of the iGEM Human Practices Committee","Interview, Educational Video","Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Networking, Present iGEM Project ",
  • Speak as members of a panel of synthetic biology experts and leaders in the budding DIY biology community
  • Discuss iGEM project
  • Voice opinions on broader issues concerning synthetic biology
  • Emphasize the importance of teamwork and leadership in research
,,,,,,"Talked about synthetic biology, teamwork and leadership skills in a panel discussion",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 165,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,RMI Gala (Maryland Regional Manufacturing Institute),"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,"Secondary School Students, Scientific Community","Networking, Present iGEM Project ","
  • Showcase iGEM research project at the Regional Manufacturing Institute
  • Learn from other students' research
  • Talk to leaders in manufacturing, engineers, and scientists to discuss the role of synthetic biology in the future of manufacturing
",Qualitative,Received positive feedback regarding the manufacturing aspect of their research; many on the business side of manufacturing affirmed the benefits of innovating biological solutions as alternatives to currents solutions. Many commended the team for pursuing a project designed to be implemented in manufacturing.,,,,Discussed the role of synthetic biology in the future of manufacturing,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 166,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Capitol Hill Maker Faire,"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,Scientific Community,"Networking, Present iGEM Project ",
  • Meet with other makerspaces and community biology labs
  • Present iGEM research
,,,,,,Met with bio-makerspaces and presented iGEM Project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 167,Broad Run-Baltimore,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Farmwell Station Middle School,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material",,,,"Secondary School Students, Teachers","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Incorporate Synthetic Biology to Farmwell Middle School Science Curriculum through Building With Biology
  • Meet with teachers and show them how to use the Building with Biology kits
  • Help teachers with the first few classes and then have them teach by themselves when they feel comfortable with the material
  • Mentor middle school students by Broad Run iGEM Team
,Qualitative,Teachers were enthusiastic about incorporating synthetic biology into their curricula,,,,Help with middle school biology curriculum and mentored middle school iGEMers,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 168,Cambridge-JIC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Open Plant,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Scientific Community,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Host an event with talks from exciting innovations and research developing in plant synthetic biology
  • Host a panel discussion for prominent issues in synthetic biology
  • Host a discussion by Tom Knight, the inventor of biobricks, on the “Commercial opportunities and bottlenecks in the future of plant synthetic biology”
",,,,,,Hosted an event highlighting research in plant synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 169,Cambridge-JIC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,CoLAB OpenPlant,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Survey",,,,Scientific Community ,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Spend three days taking part in the CoLAB OpenPlant Cambridge workshop and participated in and lead discussions about the ethics of synthetic biology
  • Conduct surveys on the streets of Cambridge about issues surrounding plant biotechnology and ethics of synthetic biology
,Quantitative,The conversations helped to understand the reasoning behind some objections to plant synthetic biology,,,,Led discussions about synthetic biology at a three day workshop,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 170,Cambridge-JIC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Experts,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview about open hardware practices,"Interview, Hardware","Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview Tobias Wenzel, co-founder of DocuBricks, a website for high quality open source documentation, to understand the best ways of open hardware design
  • Contact community labs from around the world to inform them about their project to find out the features they wanted in the design
",Quantitative,"Due to safety concerns discussed they decided to include instructions on how users can conduct isolated safety checks, Made sure the design was adaptable for different end users ",,,,Gathered information on open hardware design by interviewing Tobias Wenzel and by contacting community labs from around the world,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 171,Cambridge-JIC,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Presentation,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A presentation introducing concepts of synthetic biology and iGEM,Education Activity,"General Public, Secondary School Students, Teachers","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Create a presentation that introduces synthetic biology
  • Present the presentation at the day long outreach event for secondary students
,,,,,,Created a presentation that introduces synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 172,Cambridge-JIC,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Programming Teaching Resources,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A series of teaching resources about how to program and teach programming ,Education Activity Protocol,"Secondary School Students, Teachers","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Create many teaching resources and make it available online so teachers can use it to educate their students about synthetic biology and programming
,,,,,,Created teaching resources about synthetic biology and programming ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 173,Cambridge-JIC,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Wiki Guide ,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A guide to help other iGEM teams make their wiki,Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Create a wiki design guide for other iGEM teams
  • Introduce how to incorporate CSS, Javascript and JQuery into the wiki and give design tips
",,,,,,"Created a wiki design guide to teach other iGEM teams how to incorporate CSS, Javascript and JQuery, as well as how to design an appealing wiki",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 174,Cambridge-JIC,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Open-source Hardware Guide,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A guide to help other iGEM teams understand licensing for their own hardware ,Hardware,iGEM Teams,Educate on the iGEM program,
  • Create a guide to help other iGEM teams understand licensing and design copyright for their hardware projects
,,,,,,Created a licensing guide for other iGEM teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 175,Cambridge-JIC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bio-Makespace,Open Lab,,,,"Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Build a new community laboratory
  • Create a space where scientists can meet engineers, physicists, computer scientists, medics, other professionals and the general public to collaborate
  • Raise awareness, understanding and participation in synthetic biology in the Cambridge area through public engagement activities
  • Create links with local industry and innovation organisations to connect academia and bioenterprise
",,,,,,Built a new community laboratory and hosted events there to raise awareness about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 176,Cambridge-JIC,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,UK Teams Meetup,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Attend meetup in London and present project to other iGEM teams
  • Introduce the hardware track and the important role of hardware in synthetic biology
  • Learn and get advice from other teams
  • Hold a workshop split into three different stations: optics bench and 3D printing demonstration, microscopy, and an interactive build-your-own exhibit
",,,,,,Attended a meetup in London and presented their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 177,Cambridge-JIC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,DIY Bio-Community,"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present iGEM project at the conference
  • Develop low-cost open source hardware for the transformation and growth of plant tissue samples to equip the DIY biology community with tools
,,,,,, Presented t iGEM project and eveloped low-cost open source hardware for DIY biology community,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 178,Cambridge-JIC,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Public Perception Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",A survey about opinions in synthetic biology ,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Ask 65 participants to complete a short survey about main concerns about synthetic biology and whether scientists do a good job communicating their research to the public
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at : <a href=""""></a>",,,,"Surveyed general public about their main concerns with synthetic biology, and about whether scientists do a good job presenting and communicating their research to the public",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 179,Cambridge-JIC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Talk about chloroplast engineering,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Visit Watford Grammar School for Girls, a secondary school, to talk about the future of chloroplast engineering
  • Educate about what iGEM and synthetic biology is
  • Present about their own iGEM project
",,,,,,Visited an all girls school to educate on synthetic biology and the future of chloroplast engineering ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 180,Cambridge-JIC,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Outreach Event ,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Host a day long outreach event aimed to encourage 6th grade students to pursue their interest in STEM and to introduce them to the field of synthetic biology
  • Hold three separate sessions throughout the day introducing various concepts and skills including a presentation introducing synthetic biology, a workshop on basic programming while using small microprocessors called Arduinos, and a workshop on microscopy and imaging
  • Explain how microscopy can be a useful tool in the field of synthetic biology and teach basic microscopy skills
  • Introduce basic programming skills with a presentation and ask students to solve 4 increasingly difficult exercises
",Qualitative,"Students found the Arduino exercises fun and asked where they could buy their own microprocessor, the feedback from the microscopy lab was also positive ",,,,Hosted a day long outreach event to introduce synthetic biology to 6th grade students through different workshops,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 181,Carnegie_Mellon,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Interview with Dr. Andre Samuel,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",A transcript of Carnegie Mellon iGEM's interview with Citizen Science Lab leader Andre Samuel,Interview,Scientific Community,Networking ,"
  • Meet with Dr. Andre Samuels, program director of the Citizen Science Lab in Pittsburgh, PA
  • Learn about the lab's platform and purpose
  • Discuss the team's contributions to the Citizen Science Lab, which included donation of fluorescent proteins for the lab's own outreach activities
",,,,,,Interviewed the program leader of the Citizen Science Lab about the organization's purpose and background.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 182,Carnegie_Mellon,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Interview with Dr. Christopher Szent-Gyorgyi,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",A transcript of Carnegie Mellon iGEM's interview with molecular biologist Dr. Christopher Szent-Gyorgyi,Interview,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Dr. Christopher Szent-Gyorgyi, researcher at the Molecular Biology and Imaging Center in Mellon Institute
  • Discuss his work with Coelenterazine
  • Inquire further about luciferases
",,,,,,Interviewed microbiologist Dr. Christopher Szent-Gyorgyi to learn more about Coelenterazine.,,, 183,Carnegie_Mellon,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,MakerMoverment,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",Detailed information on a 3D printing activity,Education Activity Protocol,"General Public, Secondary School Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Utilize the inspiration of the ""maker movement"", which attempts to bring large scale manufacturing to a smaller scale.
  • Design an example model of the Fort Pitt bridge, and use it to house luminescent Luciferase.
  • Provide a detailed example of how this was made to teach students.
",,,,,,Designed an example model of the Fort Pitt bridge and used it to house luminescent Luciferase,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 184,Chalmers Gothenburg,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Speculative Design,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A series of stories describing possible uses for the team's iGEM project,"Paper on Ethics, Paper on Safety, Education Activity","iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Write three stories about possible future consequences of the iGEM research
  • Make the stories fiction (speculative design) as to get a better idea of potential results
  • Discuss the direction of the project based on how their project is portrayed in the stories
,,,,"These stories helped the team liberate their creativity and open their minds to what might seem possible; the stories were a good way to discuss how the team wanted things to be, rather than thinking about the way things are right now.",,Wrote 3 stories about consequences of future iGEM research,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 185,Chalmers Gothenburg,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Chalmers Gothenburg 2016 Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Online copy of survey,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Conduct a survey covering the use of GMOs in household products to Learn Public Opinions
  • Include basic biology information in the survey so participants can learn more
  • Collaborate with the Istanbul Technical University iGEM team
  • Compare results across countries
  • Use the survey results to devise future strategies for informing the general public on the use of GMOs
,Qualitative,"Detailed survey results can be found at <a href=""""></a>",1058,"The diversity of the audience was not optimal as over 80% of the participants had a university education, which is not representative of the populations in neither Sweden nor Turkey. A t-test showed the results to be statistically significant.",,Conducted a multi-country survey to Learn Public Opinions on GMOs ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 186,Chalmers Gothenburg,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,High School Seminars,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",
  • Visit a high school classroom
  • Introduce the field of synthetic biology
  • Introduce iGEM
  • Present the team project
  • Lead a discussion where students can express their opinions on the ethics of synthetic biology
,Qualitative,Students showed interest in iGEM. Students were interested in the process and risks of genetic engineering.,,The discussion part of the seminar was highly productive and gave a lot of insight into how the younger generation views synthetic biology and genetic modification of living organisms.,,Presented and discussed iGEM project and synthetic biology with high school seniors,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 187,CHINA_CD_UESTC,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Hong Kong Medical School,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Invite members of the Hong Kong University Medicine School to visit their school
  • Get feedback from the professor about the biosafety risks of the iGEM project
  • Learn about general processes of sample treatment in medical research and separation and preservation methods of some bacterial strains
,,,,,,Consulted a professor from a nearby medical school to learn more about biosafety,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 188,CHINA_CD_UESTC,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Our Team and Maker Work Hand in Hand,Project Presentation,,,,Specialized Audience,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Visit two local community labs
  • Learn about the research occurring in the labs and their DIY lab equipment
  • Teach lab members about the iGEM project and the iGEM program
,,,,,,Visited community labs and presented their iGEM project,,, 189,CHINA_CD_UESTC,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Non-Governmental Organization (NGO),"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,"General Public, Secondary School Students, iGEM Teams, University Students, Scientific Community","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Plan to start a NGO that aims to work with other iGEM teams to offer a platform for students to become aware of synthetic biology.
  • Start the organization called iGEM Southwest Union of China
  • Invite two other iGEM teams in the region to participate, along with contacting colleges and universities in the region and local engineers.
  • Hold meetings to discuss iGEM, synthetic biology, present their project along with other projects from various groups, and make plans for future public involvement and educating the public.
",,,,,,"Started the organization called iGEM Southwest Union of China and held meetings to discuss iGEM, synthetic biology, and the project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 190,CHINA_CD_UESTC,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Comprehensive Educational Program,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Teach kindergarteners some biology knowledge by visiting their classrooms
  • Hold a biology lecture on the Experimental Primary School Affiliated to UESTC.
  • Extend iGEM to village schools to promote synthetic biology to low-income schools.
,,,,,,Taught kindergarteners basic biology by visiting their classrooms,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 191,China_Tongji,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Communication Meetings,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Hold an iGEM meetup early in April with three other teams to discuss their project and practice their presentations.
  • Repeat again with three other teams later on in the summer to further practice presenting and provide feedback to other teams.
  • Keep up communication and follow up with future collaborations.
,,,,,,Hosted an iGEM meetup with four other teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 192,China_Tongji,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Create a detailed questionnaire asking the general public their opinion of synthetic biology.
  • Do analysis of their responses and post this to their website.
,Qualitative,Survey determined the general public's opinion of synthetic biology.,,,,Surveyed general public's opinion of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 193,China_Tongji,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Teach Synthetic Biology,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Introduce iGEM and synthetic biology to a primary school class.
  • Teach more in-depth about their iGEM project and promote interest in science.
,Qualitative,"Afterwards, students demonstrated a deeper understanding of synthetic biology and interest in the subject.",,,,Introduced iGEM and synthetic biology primary school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 194,China_Tongji,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Exhibition at Shanghai Technology Museum,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Meet up with 6 other iGEM teams at the Shanghai Technology Museum to introduce iGEM and synthetic biology to over 5000 people.
  • Present their iGEM project to the crowd.
,,,,,,Met up with 6 other iGEM teams to introduce iGEM and synthetic biology at the Shanghai Technology Museum,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 195,CityU_HK,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Design a survey asking about synthetic biology in terms of ethics and safety.
  • Analyze the data.
,Qualitative,"Survey determined various reactions from the general public on the ethics of synthetic biology, and found their answers to be helpful in gauging new ways to approach to topic during public events.",,,,Surveyed general public's opinions and knowledge of synthetic biology ethics and safety,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 196,CityU_HK,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,School Visits,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Visit several secondary schools and have them participate in an interactive and informative module on science and synthetic biology.
  • Generate a discuss about the future of synthetic biology and ethical concerns
,Qualitative,"Determined from feedback that high schoolers were more knowledgeable on synthetic biology than previously thought, and many are very interested in synthetic biology. Found their work was helpful because it brought the proper discussion to get their interest.",,,,Visited secondary schools and hosted an interactive and informative module on science and synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 197,CityU_HK,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Exhibition,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,"General Public, University Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Create various posters that teach the general public about synthetic biology, iGEM.
  • Organize the exhibition and post their posters on their website
",Qualitative,Received verbal feedback from those that attended that they enjoyed the exhibition and learned much about synthetic biology. ,,,,Created various posters about synthetic biology and iGEM,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 198,CityU_HK,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Interactive Synthetic Biology Game,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",BYO-Brick Game (Synthetic biology teaching game),Education Activity Protocol,"General Public, Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Design a synthetic biology game that teaches students about synthetic biology and how biobricks are constructed.
  • Create the game so that it is easily printable at home.
  • Promote awareness of the game and play with local students.
,,,,,,Designed a synthetic biology game about how biobricks are constructed,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 199,ColumbiaU NYC,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,ThinkSTEAM,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Collaborate with ThinkSTEAM, a non-profit organization that aims to encourage young girls of ages 12 to 18 to pursue an endeavor in the STEM field
  • Develop engaging and educational presentations while consulting with the organization in advance of the workshop
  • Give a short lecture on synthetic biology to students
  • Present iGEM project
  • Give a lab tour and demonstrations of running a DNA gel, centrifuging cell culture, and plating transformed cells
  • Answer student questions about synthetic biology
",,,,,,Collaborated with ThinkSTEAM to teach young girls synthetic biology and practiced on hands-on molecular experiments,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 200,ColumbiaU NYC,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,BioBase,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Collaborate with BioBase, an interdisciplinary community science club, in which scientists join students and the general public for hands-on scientific exploration
  • Develop engaging and educational presentations while consulting with the organization in advance of the workshop
  • Give a short lecture on synthetic biology to students
  • Present iGEM project
  • Give a lab tour and demonstrations of running a DNA gel, centrifuging cell culture, and plating transformed cells
  • Answer student questions about synthetic biology
",,,,,,"Conducted workshop with students in a community lab, taught about synthetic biology and practiced hands-on molecular experiments",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 201,Consort_Alberta,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Community Events to Raise Awareness about iGEM,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Attend public events such as the Consort Gun Show and the Consort Oilmen's Association
  • Set up a booth that teaches people about synthetic biology, and promotes awareness for their iGEM team and collects donations to help fund their project.
  • Continue this idea with a facebook auction that promotes awareness of their synthetic biology project and helps collect money to fund their project.
",,,,,,Attended public events such as the Consort Gun Show and the Consort Oilmen's Association and set up a booth that taught people about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 202,Consort_Alberta,High School,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews with the oil and agriculture industry,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Conduct interviews (and tape the interviews) with people from the oil and agriculture industries.
  • Ask people such as local farmers, economic development officer, and a reclamation officer about their opinion of synthetic biology, possible safety hazards, and how their project can best help their industry.
",Integrated Human Practices,"Received helpful feedback about how their project can best help the oil and agriculture industry, including the useful ways their product could help with oil spills.",,,,Conducted interviews with people in the oil and agriculture industries,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 203,Cooper_Union,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Bioethics Team Discussion,"Consult Experts, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,"Professors, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Hold a discussion with various professors who will provide expertise about how to go about their project.
  • Discuss their project, along with biosafety, biosecurity, and market needs for their project.
  • Write down everything said during discussion and publish on the wiki.
",,,,,,Held a discussion with various professors to discuss project and gain their expertise,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 204,Cooper_Union,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Summer STEM Outreach,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Teach high school students about synthetic biology by presenting their iGEM project during the student summer STEM outreach camp.
  • Introduce the students to synthetic biology and answer questions and discuss with students afterwards who are interested in synthetic biology
,,,,,,Taught high school students about synthetic biology by presenting iGEM project during the student summer STEM outreach camp,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 205,Cork_Ireland,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Sending a student to an African Hospital in Malawi to investigate TB detection,Consult Experts,,,,"Specialized Audience, Scientific Community ","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Send a student through their school's summer program to an African hospital in Malawi to determine the usefulness of their iGEM project on detecting TB
  • Attempt to identify a potential application for their project by interview doctors and nurses, and evaluate the need to quickly detect TB.
  • Determine how their project could not only work to detect TB but be affordable for third world hospitals.
  • Become aware of local traditions such as witch doctors that may interfere with current modern medicine practices such as synthetic biology.
",Qualitative,"Received useful information about a desired niche for their project, how to focus the goals of their project, and how to make is applicable to third world countries.",,,,Sent a student through the school's summer program to an African hospital in Malawi to determine the usefulness of their iGEM project in detecting TB,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 206,Cork_Ireland,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Interviews,Consult Experts,,,,"Specialized Audience, Scientific Community ","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Networking","
  • Hold several interviews with various members of the scientific community, including the director of IndieBio EU and Glow Diagnostics.
  • Ask them questions specific to what their company does, how it pertains to synthetic biology, the public's opinion, how they advertise their project, etc..
  • Publish all questions and answers on their wiki.
",,,,,,Held several interviews with various members of the scientific community to learn about what their companies do and how it pertains to synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 207,Cork_Ireland,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Student Internships through IndieBio,Teaching Activity,,,,"iGEM Teams, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Have three students hold a summer internship with IndieBio where they learn synthetic biology principles they can apply to the iGEM project.
  • Participate in these internships to educate the larger public on what synthetic biology is and gauge public opinion.
,,,,,,Had three students hold a summer internship with IndieBio to learn about synthetic biology principles that could be applied to the iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 208,Cork_Ireland,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Visiting third-world clinics and schools to educate them about synthetic biology,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,"Primary School Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Visit third world clinics and schools to educate about iGEM and synthetic biology.
  • Use this opportunity to also educate about vaccines
,Qualitative,Students seemed very eager to continue learning about synthetic biology following the students presentation,,,,Visited third world clinics and schools to educate about iGEM and synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 209,Cork_Ireland,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,SynBio Future Conference,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Speak at the SynBio Future Conference about iGEM, synthetic biology, and past iGEM projects.
  • Meet with biohackers, academics, students, and from around the world.
",,,,,,"Spoke at the SynBio Future Conference about iGEM, synthetic biology, and past iGEM projects",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 210,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Sciencenter,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Hold activities from the Building with Biology Kit at a local museum
  • Learn parents' and children's opinion on synthetic biology
,,,,,,Hold activities at a local museum,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 211,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Lab Tours,"Community Event, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Hold multiple days were secondary school students can come visit their lab through a Pre-Freshman Summer Program.
  • Educate the students about what goes on in the lab and promote synthetic biology.
,,,,,,Hosted secondary school students who visited their lab to educate them about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 212,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,PSP Panel,"Community Event, Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,"General Public, University Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Participate in a panel discussion where students, following a tour of the lab, could ask questions to the iGEM team
",,,,,,Participated in a panel discussion where students asked questions to the iGEM team about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 213,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,RAW Expo/Spring Forum,"Community Event, Teaching Activity",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Design a synthetic biology game
  • Present the game at an expo and teach students how to play and how it relates to synthetic biology
,,,,,,Designed a synthetic biology game,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 214,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,ProDAIRY,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Speak with Caroline Potter and Rob Lynch from ProDAIRY, a dairy educational organization in New York
",Integrated Human Practices,Discovered that cows infected with mastitis have to be taken out of the milking process and are treated with antibiotics in quarantine; treatment process and loss of milk is costly; Caroline and Rob emphasized the pervasiveness of bovine mastitis in the dairy industry,,,,Consulted experts from a dairy educational organization,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 215,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Snofarm,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Visit Snofarm, a small dairy farm with 90 cows about an hour away from campus
  • Learn about the milking process from the owner of the farm
  • Learn about how bovine mastitis affects people in the farming industry
",Integrated Human Practices,"Learned that the most intensive part of bovine mastitis was disease prevention; ensuring the cows and their environment are clean is time consuming, but crucial to prevent mastitis",,,,Visited a dairy farm to learn about the milking process and how bovine mastitis affects the dairy industry ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 216,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Vet Dairy Teaching Barn,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Visit Cornell's Vet Dairy Teaching Barn, located close to campus. The Vet Dairy Teaching barn supplies milk and is often used for educational purposes and outreach events
  • Meet with Charles, who shows the team the milking process
  • Learn about the methods that he uses to prevent and treat bovine mastitis, as well as the instruments used to inject antibiotics into a cow
",Integrated Human Practices,Decided that mastitis prevention efforts were more important during the milking period than during the dry period; decided to create a more sophisticated method for bovine mastitis detection,,,,Visited a dairy teaching barn to learn hands on about the milking process and how bovine mastitis is treated,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 217,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Zoetis,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Reach out to Dr. Neubauer, also president of the National Mastitis Council, from Zoetis, one of world’s largest pharmaceutical companies that develops medicine and vaccination for animals
  • Ask about a possible collaboration between them and the team
  • Arrange a call-in meeting for Dr. Neubauer to learn more about the project and assist the product development team with their milking device design
",Integrated Human Practices,Greatly helped with learning how to present their project in a more visual manner and in learning how to design their final product.,,,,Consulted president of the National Mastitis Council about animal vaccine,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 218,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Quality Milk Production Services,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Dr. Daryl Nydam, the reigning milk quality expert in New York State who works at the Quality Milk Production Services (QMPS), world-renowned for its diagnostic services, mastitis prevention programs, and educational assistance
  • Learn about different types of bovine mastitis-causing pathogens
",Integrated Human Practices,Dr. Nydam gave information about different types of bovine mastitis-causing pathogens and the bacteriocins that target them. The team used this information to decide to target specific species when choosing bacteriocins they would use.,,,,Consulted milk quality expert about bovine mastitis-causing pathogens,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 219,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Milkrite,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Reach out to Tom Votny from Milkrite, a division of Avon Rubber and Plastics, the world’s largest provider of dairy rubber wear
  • Learn about the current state of the milking machine market, what technologies have already been developed for shells and liners, how products are typically tested, and how large companies conduct their market research
",Integrated Human Practices,"Tom emphasized that farmer feedback is essential to making sure that the project as a whole succeeded in the marketplace, so the team began contacting farms to gather that feedback",,,,Consulted experts and learnt about the current state of the milking machine market,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 220,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Muranda Cheese Company,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Go to the Muranda Cheese Company, a 90-cow farm located in Waterloo, NY
  • Talk to Blane Murray to get feedback on the idea as a whole
  • Show him proposed sketches for the milking shell with various modules
",Integrated Human Practices,"Murray indicated that the most useful modules would be the temperature sensor, UV light, iodine spray, and cold shock; learned that the app would be more useful for bigger and more technologically advanced farms; importance of cost effectiveness was also pointed out",,,,Visited a cheese company and gained information for the project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 221,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Windstott Farm,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Speak to Bill Kilcer, the owner of Windstott Farm, which has robotic milking machines unlike other farms
  • Watch the process of robotic milking
",Integrated Human Practices,Learned that robot farms require very little human interaction and machines already are automatically tested. The team decided to instead target their product at bigger traditional dairy farms.,,,,Learnt about robotic milking,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 222,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Scipio Springs Dairy,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Bill Morgan, herd manager who looks over the operations of Scipio Springs Dairy, a large farm with 800 cows
  • Explain the modular idea for the shell because of Bill's interest in implementing bacteriocins on his farm instead of traditional antibiotics
",Integrated Human Practices,"Supported many of the proposed features of the team's product, reinforcing their usefulness and encouraging the team to keep them in the design",,,,Visited a dairy farm and explained project as alternative to antibiotics,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 223,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Dairy One Co-Op Inc,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Speak with John Tauzel and James Zimmermann from Dairy One, a dairy data management company that assists farmers in making farming decisions
  • Ask for feedback on the app
",Integrated Human Practices,Dairy One supported the Somatic Cell Counter idea because it was convenient and innovative; it was suggested that the cow data showed the effectiveness of the farmer’s practices so that the farmer could review productivity and make long-term decisions,,,,Spoke with a dairy data management company ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 224,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,The Great NY State Fair,"Fair Booth, Project Presentation","<a href=""""></a>",Humans and SynBio photo project gallery,Education Activity,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Present iGEM Project","
  • Set up a booth at The Great NY State Fair
  • Carry out Building with Biology activity called the “Kit of Parts” with youth and parents at the fair
  • Talk about iGEM project
  • Engage people to participate in a photo campaign known as “Humans and SynBio,"" in which participants write down what they believe synthetic biology is and have their photo taken with their response
",,,,,,Set up a booth at The Great NY State Fair and carried out fun synthetic biology teaching activities with parents and kids,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 225,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,SILS Presentation,Project Presentation,,,,"University Students, Professors",Present iGEM Project,
  • Share the project with Cornell community and visiting summer students at the summer research symposium
  • Learn about other Life Sciences research at the college
  • Receive feedback from professors on the iGEM project
,,,,,,Shared the project with Cornell community,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 226,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,BioEXPO,Project Presentation,,,,"University Students, Professors","Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Attend a biological sciences poster symposium on campus
  • Show posters of the team's 2016 and 2015 iGEM projects to professors and students alike
  • Share the possibilities of applying synthetic biology to solve real-world problems
,,,,,,Attended a biological sciences poster symposium on campus,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 227,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,RAWExpo,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Attend RAWExpo, an annual event at Cornell meant to showcase the work of creators in all disciplines
  • Present current and past iGEM project and frame the projects as products intended for use by consumers
  • Exchange ideas with other groups of creators
",,,,,,Presented current and past iGEM project at an annual creative event in Cornell,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 228,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,ENGRG 1050,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members","
  • Participate in the Prefreshman Summer Program, for incoming freshman on campus
  • Give lab tours, showing specific equipment and their purposes
  • Introduce iGEM and the team's past and present iGEM projects
  • Answer questions about getting involved in science at Cornell
",Qualitative,Many of the incoming freshmen showed great interest in joining a project team or going research on campus,,,,Gave lab tours to incoming freshmen and presented iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 229,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Lab Tours,"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,University Students,Educate on the iGEM program,
  • Show freshman around lab;
  • Talk about project and science involvement
,,,,,,Talked about science involvement,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 230,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Humans and SynBio,Social Media,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Design a novel social media platform online based off the popular ""Humans of New York"" that interview members of the general public about SynBio.
  • Ask the general public about SynBio and write their responses online to promote awareness for synthetic biology.
",,,,,,Designed a novel social media platform online that interviews members of the public about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 231,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,4-H Career Explorations Conference ,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Activity description that includes the prompt for each of the team's workshops,Education Activity,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Attend the 4-H Career Explorations Conference, which helps middle schoolers explore their interests in different career paths
  • Introduce the concept of synthetic biology and foster collaboration among students in a 90-minute workshop
  • Teach students how a science-related idea can be turned into a product that can be brought to market
  • Have students work together to create a pitch for their imagined synthetic biology products
",Qualitative,Received feedback from the students about the workshop. Direct feedback from students can be found on the team's wiki.,,,,Mentored students in learning synthetic biology and building their own syn-bio parts,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 232,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,YOURS Mentorship Program,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Over the summer, hold a one-on-one mentorship program for students between team members and elementary schools students.
  • During the weeks, provide these low-income students with information about synthetic biology and science
",Quantitative,Students were given a survey before and after the program to see real results in the student's education and awareness on synthetic biology.,,,,Held a one-on-one mentorship program between team members and elementary school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 233,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,"Ithaca Sciencecenter's ""Building with Biology""","Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,"General Public, Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Participate in the ""Building with Biology"" event by teaching activities to students who participate that involve synthetic biology.
",,,,,,"Participated in the ""Building with Biology"" event by teaching synthetic biology activities to students ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 234,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,The YOURS Program,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab","<a href=""""></a>",Detailed 6-week lesson plan that introduces bioengineering and molecular biology,Education Activity Protocol,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Design and carry out weekly lesson to teach children biology, engineering and knowledge about the team's project dealing with mastitis over the course of 6 weeks
  • Invite students to visit the classroom and lab space for 2 hours every week for hands-on demonstrations and science classes
  • Pair each student with a mentor from the iGEM team
",,,,Pairing students with mentors and having personal connections made the students' experience with science more meaningful,,Designed weekly class to teach children biology and had open-lab activities every week,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 235,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Splash! At Cornell,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Participate in Splash! At Cornell, a program in which high schoolers come to take classes at Cornell for a day which are taught by university students
  • Teach a 50-minute course titled ""Unveil the Mysteries of Synthetic Biology"" that centers around the cool applications of synbio
  • Present a brief overview of past projects
  • Load gels as a hands-on activities
  • Discuss the ethics of engineering bacteria with participants
",,,,,,Gave a course on synthetic biology to high-schoolers ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 236,Cornell NY,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Research Presentations,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,"General Public, Scientific Community","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Participate in general public events such as Splash! at Cornell, a freshman engineering course and SILS that will allow the iGEM team to have a research presentation about their iGEM project.
  • Promote their iGEM project and synthetic biology through their presentation.
",,,,,,"Participated in public events, a freshman engineering course and SILS that allowed the team to discuss their iGEM project and promote synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 237,Czech_Republic,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Medical Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Consult two cancer experts at the Biomedical Center of Medicine in Pilsen.
  • Gained valuable insight into how to test certain aspects of their project such as to test agglutination on a slide.
  • Agree to further collaborate with the Laboratory of Tumor Biology in the future.
,,,,,,Consulted cancer experts about their project and how it could test agglutination on a slide,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 238,Czech_Republic,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Present Project to Young Engineers,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Organize a presentation at their university aimed towards incoming engineering students
  • Present their iGEM project, and answer questions after the talk.
",,,,,,"Presented iGEM project, and lectured on synthetic biology to incoming engineering students at their school",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 239,Czech_Republic,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,,,,"Scientific Community, General Public",Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Design a survey asking about knowledge of synthetic biology and ethics opinions.
  • Compare answers given by a group of over 50 biologist to answers given by over 50 members of the general public
  • Analyze the data and determine that there are large discrepancies between the groups, and present accordingly to the general public to help educate them.
",Quantitative,"Over 100 respondents allowed the team to statistically analyze the differences between the scientific community and the general public, and pinpoint areas of ignorance in the general public to further makes topics of interest for later events. ",,,,"Surveyed 50 biologists and 50 members of the general public about their knowledge and opinions of synthetic biology and ethics, then compared the two group's answers",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 240,Danci-K8,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Better Than Searching for Pokemon,Community Event,,,,Primary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Simplify the principle of synthetic biology for students
  • Discuss how biotechnology to change the sense of taste can serve them
,,,100 students aged 7 to 10,,,Discussed synthetic biology principles and project ideas with students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 241,Danci-K8,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,The Center for the Blind – “Synthetic Biology Beyond Imagination.”,Community Event,,,,Specialized Audience,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Prepare suitable activities for blind people;
  • Have a more accurate explanation about Synthetic Biology
,,,,They left the day of activities in the Center for the Blind with great satisfaction along with scientific questions,,Educated blind people about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 242,Danci-K8,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,The mission – Conveying the message to the whole community,"Community Event, Project Presentation",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Present iGEM Project","
  • Approach communities both secular and religious to talk about synthetic biology: Arab villages, kindergartens, old age homes
  • hold a conference at their high school.
",,,,,,Visited local community to talk about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 243,Danci-K8,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"The Old Age Home:"" Synthetic Biology for Quality of Life""","Community Event, Project Presentation",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Give a short presentation of the project.
  • Sparkle conversation about how synthetic biology and CRISPER could change diseases and old people's life quality
,Qualitative,Received a lot of ideas about upcoming iGEM projects from the elderly concerning disease treatment,,It's their pleasure to work with the elderly.,,Gave presentation about the project and talked about CRISPER,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 244,Danci-K8,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,The second Synthetic Biology Convention,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"Secondary School Students, iGEM Teams","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Receive lectures from people in synthetic biology;
  • Meet with other Israeli teams
,,,200 students,,,Met up with other Israeli teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 245,Danci-K8,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Dietician – Mrs. Meirav Ben Zaken,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Try to understand professionally the degree of necessity in their product, the degree of success it may have for those who use it.
",Qualitative,"Gain information about the definition, danger and prevention of being overweight.",,,,Gained information about the necessity in their product,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 246,Danci-K8,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,EU- Science Night,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Set up a scientific booth giving information about iGEM, their project and synthetic biology;
  • Give a presentation to the city residents
",,,over 1000,Reactions from the audience were amazing and full of appreciation towards the team.,, Set up a scientific booth to present iGEM project ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 247,Danci-K8,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,A school debate on the issue,Conference/Panel Discussion ,,,,Secondary School Students,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Host a debate at school on the subject of genetic modification and ethics: ""Is genetic modification a blessed move or cursed?"";
  • Encourage the audience to vote for the opinion they support
",Qualitative,"Results of the debate showed that the youth is very open to scientific changes, they are aware of the biological dangers however realize that research in this area and experience can save lives and improve the quality of life dramatically.",250 students,They thought it necessary to deepen the knowledge about gene therapy in order to deepen their understanding in this area.,,Hosted a debate at school on the subject of genetic modification and ethics,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 248,Danci-K8,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices, A public opinion survey,Survey,,,,General Public,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Design survey to examine the perceptions that exist about gene therapy.
  • Conduct the survey through social networking by questioning students.
,Quantitative,"100% of participants stated and demonstrated that they understand and know what genetic modification is. 100% of participants recognized the potential in the field of genetic modification. 80% of participants agreed that the field of genetic engineering should be explored. 33% stated they were willing to experiment on their bodies genetic modification for example using the product ""FLAVOFF"". Most of those who agreed were 25 years old and younger.",300 participants aged 15 to 65,They realized that they wanted to conduct further investigation with a more targeted age range.,,Designed and conducted survey about people's opinion on gene therapy ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 249,Danci-K8,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science in the media - it is all a matter of perspective,Social Media,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Resort to media to spread awareness of the research being done by the team as well as molecular genetics in Israel.
  • Post on the social media page, submit a newspaper article, and update the public on lab research through a radio program
",Qualitative,They received positive feedback about CRISPR and their taste-related project,,,,Used social media to promote the understanding of molecular genetics ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 250,DTU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Nordic iGEM Conference,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Networking, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Connect and share their projects with the other Nordic teams
  • Attend two workshops, Ethics and Speculative Design of Synthetic Biology
",,,,,,Connected with fellow Nordic iGEM teams and attended workshops,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 251,DTU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,The European iGEM Experience,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Networking, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Present project
  • Share ideas with other teams and explore new possibilities about the project.
  • Discuss Challenges, risks and the economical aspect of synthetic biology
",,,,,,"Attended an iGEM meetup to present the team project, receive feedback, and discuss challenges and economic impacts of synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 252,DTU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Investigating local industrial waste streams,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Learn about local industrial waste streams by visiting local factories
,Qualitative,"Learnt that glycerol is more of a valuable by-product in chemical, pharmaceutical and tobacco industry instead of a waste. Found that a lipid- and carbohydrate rich sediment by-produced with canola oil is an ideal waste for the team to treat",,,,Visited local factories and learned about industrial waste streams in the area,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 253,DTU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Implementation of substrates from waste streams in the biotech manufacturing industry,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview two biggest biotech companies Novo Nordisk A/S and Novozymes A/S about using complex waste streams, such as the sediment from canola oil production, in state of the art industrial processes.
",Qualitative,"Novo Nordisk sees our technology as more applicable for production of less regulated compounds such as bulk chemicals, enzymes or food additives. Novozyme said that the process should be cleanable and controllable, and that production on waste streams should be cheaper compared to traditional production.",,,,Interviewed biotech companies about their use of complex industrial waste streams in industrial processes,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 254,DTU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Human Practice Workshop,Conference/Panel Discussion ,,,,iGEM Teams,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Discuss patent reflections, public speaking, ethics, philosophy, and human practices in general with UNIK-Copenhagen and SDU-Denmark
",,,3 iGEM teams,They thought the workshop was very useful and a great success,,"Organized a workshop with three other iGEM teams to discuss the ethics and philosophy of synthetic biology, and human practices in general",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 255,DTU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"Think Big, Think New, Think Green",Project Presentation,,,,"University Students, Professors","Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Participate in Green Challenge event and present their project “Yeastilization - From Waste to Value”
,,,,,,"Presented iGEM project at an environmental awareness-themed event, participated in the event's Green Challenge",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 256,DTU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Life Science and Beyond Conference,"Project Presentation, Fair Booth",,,,"Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Participate in the Life Science and Beyond Conference, where the iGEM team was asked to give a short presentation on their project as well as hold a booth
  • At the booth, present posters and informative pamphlets on what synthetic biology is, and answer questions.
",Qualitative,"Received feedback from those at their booth that they had an interest in participating in iGEM in the future, as well as showed lots of enthusiasm.",,,,Participated in a science conference where the team gave a short presentation on their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 257,DTU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Spreading the Word of the BioBuilders,Social Media,,,,General Public,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Reach the layman and educate them about synthetic biology over newspapers
,Qualitative,"Got publicity in three Danish newspapers; Ingeniøren (140,000 daily readers), Ballerup Bladet (15,000 daily readers) and Jyllands-Posten (288,000 daily readers).",,,,"Team was featured in three Danish newspapers in articles describing the basics of synthetic biology, the iGEM competition, and the team's project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 258,DTU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,High School Helpers,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Select 3 outstanding high school students from the area to participate over the summer on their iGEM team as a type of mentorship program.
  • Work with these students to teach them about synthetic biology and inspire them in their future pursuits.
,Qualitative,1. Hold multiple days where secondary school students can come visit their lab through a Pre-Freshman Summer Program. 2. Educate the students about what goes on in the lab and promote synthetic biology.,,,,Selected 3 high school students to mentor over the summer while they worked on their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 259,DTU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,BioBrick Tutorial with SDU-Denmark and UNIK-Copenhagen,Teaching Activity ,"<a href=""""></a>","Detailed feedback and summary about the BioBrick Tutorial: quality of teaching materials, thoughts on lows and improvements and catering.",Education Activity,iGEM Teams,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Introduce all three teams to the BioBrick standard and other iGEM related lab techniques as well as the design and development of the wiki.;
  • get to know the other Danish iGEM teams.
,Qualitative,Feedback about how did everyone think of the biobuilder lecture and how could they improve it next year,3 iGEM teams,They asked everyone for feedback and had a follow up presentation.,,"Helped fellow Danish iGEM teams learn the BioBrick standard, the iGEM wiki, and molecular biology techniques ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 260,DTU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,High Schoolers Joining Our Team,Teaching Activity ,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Give high schoolers an opportunity to learn about synthetic biology and their project
,Qualitative,The students all agreed that the great insight in synthetic biology and laboratory work were very valuable for them.,,,,Taught incoming high school students about synthetic biology and the team's iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 261,DTU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Biosensor Project for High Schoolers,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",Curriculum for high school students that allows them to create their own BioBrick,Education Activity Protocol,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Design a protocol/teaching activity for secondary students that would teach them how to design and create their own BioBrick part in lab by combining two already made BioBrick parts.
  • Promote the activity at local high schools and carry out the protocol.
  • Team up with BioTech Academia to help get approval from government regulatory agencies, as well as cover the cost of funding the payment and shipment of the BioBrick parts to the high schools.
",,,,,,Designed a teaching activity for high schoolers on designing their own BioBricks and worked with BioTEch Academia to help approve shipping and payment issues so high schoolers would have access to the synthetic parts,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 262,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Julich Biotechday,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Scientific Community,Networking,
  • Attend the Julich Biotech Day hosted by Forschungszentrum Jülich
  • Attend synthetic biology research presentations
  • Discuss research with the researchers there
,,,,It was a nice event because the team got to know the current state of research.,,"Attended a local biotechnology conference, watched presentation and discussed the team's own iGEM project with other participants for feedback",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 263,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Cancer Information Day,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Attend an information day about cancer at the ""Haus der Universitat,"" in which physicians from the university hospital tumor center present different topics about current research, modern potential treatments, and after treatments
  • Attend talks by researchers
",,,,,,"Attended a cancer research conference event, attended talks by researchers and learned more about cancer biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 264,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Getting a Knowledge Injection,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Detailed information about federal requirements in Germany about the process of having medications and treatments being approved for therapeutic use,"Paper on Ethics, Paper on Safety",Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Consult with the federal agencies which control the admission of medication in Germany (the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and the Paul-Ehrlich Institute)
  • Consult with experts from the agencies and ask questions about how medications are approved for clinical use
  • Write detailed notes about the information gained
,Integrated Human Practices,"The team gained new information about inserting their construct into relevant cell types and visually distinguishing tumor cells. Furthermore, learned about the process by which proposed medications are regulated and tested in a clinical setting.",,,,Spoke with representatives from Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and the Paul-Ehrlich Institute about approval of medications for clinical use,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 265,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Seeking Expertise from Barbara Diventura (former DKFZ),Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Discuss project with Dr. Barbara Diventura, an expert in the fields of cell biology and cancer research and the head of Molecular and Cellular Engineering group at BioQuant, Heidelberg, and a former researcher at the German Cancer Research Center
  • Talk about the future of synthetic biology in cancer research
  • Talk about safety of iGEM project
",,,,,,"Met with a cell biologist/cancer researcher and discussed the future of synthetic biology in cancer treatment, as well as the safety aspects of the team's project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 266,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Beate Kaufman Educating Us About Adeno-Associated Viruses (AAVs),Consult Experts,,,,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Identify iGEM teams that have inserted their constructs into cancer cells using Adeno-associated viruses
  • Get in touch with Beate Kaufmann, a member of Team Freiburg 2010, a team that used this technique
  • Discuss questions and get tips about how to use Adeno-associated viruses
",Integrated Human Practices,The team gained information about how to potentially safely apply their project in the real world.,,,,"Met with past iGEM member who was familiar with Adeno-associated virus techniques, and gained valuable insight and advice on the technique",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 267,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Talking to Affected People,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Talk to former cancer patients and listen to their experiences with cancer
  • Understand what it is like for a patient to deal with members of the medical community
  • Identify ways to address problems identified by patients
,Integrated Human Practices,The team realized there was a lack of communication between patients and the medical community; the team decided to take responsibility and explain how cancer works,,,,Met with cancer patients and learned about their experience and their thoughts on what problems were most relevant and pressing,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 268,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Postcard exchange,Project Presentation,"<a href=""T--duesseldorf--Postkarten.jpg"">T--duesseldorf--Postkarten.jpg</a>",Image displaying the various postcards made by iGEM teams,Education Activity,"iGEM Teams, General Public ","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Encourage all German teams to design postcard to raise public awareness not only about iGEM project, but also about synthetic biology
  • Combine stunning images with short texts about synthetic biology to get people interested in synthetic biology and iGEM
  • Exchange postcards between teams and distribute them at events
",,,7 iGEM teams,,,Facilitated a synbio postcard exchange between German iGEM teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 269,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,"Survey about the public's knowledge and opinion about cancer, cancer treatment, and gene therapy",Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Analysis of survey results and demographic information,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Create a survey that will discover the public's opinion on gene therapy, how well people are informed about about cancer and its therapies, and how well the team's project is received, and where people tend to find information about these topics
  • Conduct the survey both online and offline
  • Analyze data while taking into account demographic information
",Qualitative,"For detailed survey results, see <a href=""""></a>",308,"Most people throughout all educational levels have at least a basic level of knowledge about cancer, yet most do not know a lot about gene therapy or newer cancer therapies in general. Still, the majority thinks that it is of high importance to develop new, more progressive cancer therapies, like the team did. Surprisingly, the acceptance for gene therapy in general was higher than the team expected, showing that people are seemingly more open for newer methods.",,Conducted a survey about gene therapy and cancer,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 270,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"Public presentation about our project, iGEM and synthetic biology at the House of the University",Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",Video of a one-hour long lecture discussing iGEM and cancer (in German),Video of Activity,"University Students, Professors","Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education, Present iGEM Project","
  • Participate in a public lecture series aimed at professors, undergraduate students, and graduate students
  • Give a simple and clear one-hour presentation about basic molecular biology, iGEM, cancer, the iGEM project, and iGEM outreach
  • Answer questions and attend a buffet where participants can informally talk to the team
",Qualitative,The feedback that the team got was mostly extremely positive. Even the ones not knowing anything about biology understood their talk and enjoyed it. The team found out that many of the listeners were (former) cancer patients and therefore had a very personal tie to the topic and the project.,,,,"Participated in a lecture series by giving a talk about iGEM, their project, and molecular biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 271,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Radio Speech,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,Present iGEM Project,
  • Appear on the university radio
  • Answer questions from the radio host about the iGEM project and synthetic biology
,,,,,,Participated in a radio interview about synthetic biology and the team's iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 272,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bayerischer Rundfunk,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,Present iGEM Project,
  • Appear on a program by the German television station Bayerischer Rundfunk
  • Present laboratory methods that are used for iGEM research
  • Answer questions about the iGEM project
,,,,,,Presented laboratory methods and answered questions about the team's iGEM project on a German television station,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 273,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,School lectures,Project Presentation,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Present project at two different schools to bring the iGEM project closer young scientists
  • Explain synthetic biology, the iGEM project, and fight prejudices about GMOs
  • Hold a discussion about the benefits and risks of the iGEM project
",Qualitative,The students expressed interest in future developments in the team's research. Some students wanted to participate in their own iGEM project when they went to university and some asked if they might be mentored by the team.,,,,Presented project and explained and discussed synthetic biology with students ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 274,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Participation in a Science-Slam,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",Video of the Duesseldorf iGEM Team's Science Slam presentation,Video of Activity,"University Students, Professors",Present iGEM Project,"
  • Present project at the ""Heine Slam,"" an annual competition in which students compete with each other to present their scientific research
  • Make a Pokemon-themed presentation, since many people have heard of it and it would achieve the attention and awareness of more people
  • Present the iGEM project to the audience at the Science Slam
",Qualitative,Many people saw and liked the presentation and voted the team to fourth place in the competition,,,,Presented a pokemon-themed version of the team's project presentation at an event called Science Slam,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 275,Duesseldorf,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,HDU Presentation at the NRW-Day,"Project Presentation, Community Event",,,,"General Public, Legislators","Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Attend the NRW-Day celebration in Duesseldorf
  • Present project to attendees, including the Minister of Science, Svenja Schulze, and the Minister of Education, Sylvia Lohrmann
  • Have a discussion and answer questions about synthetic biology and the iGEM project
  • Lead an experiment for younger participants that involves isolating DNA from pepper by using everyday utensils
  • Invite other iGEM teams to present projects
",Qualitative,Some kids were so fascinated that they visited the team another time the next day. Visitors were interested and asked for further details after presentations.,,,,"Presented iGEM project at local NRW-Day event, and led a DNA extraction activity for children.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 276,Dundee,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Hosted a joint debate with the Edinburgh Undergraduate iGEM team,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"iGEM Teams, General Public",Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Create space for discussing issues brought up by GMO developing.
  • Explain the benefits of GMOs to parents and teachers at the science centre.
,Qualitative,Ethical concerns over profitability of GMOs do not outweigh the number of lives saved due to the improved performance in agriculture. Most people objected to GMOs due to a lack of knowledge,,,,Hosted a debate and led a discussion on the benefits and safety of GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 277,Dundee,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Gain advice for direction of the project,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Consult doctors at NHS Tayside about choice of investigating vaccine subject.
  • Consult Katherine Grace at the Veterinary Medicine Directorate (VMD) about vaccine sustainability.
,Qualitative,1. Under Dr. MeElhiney's suggestion changed the direction of our project towards fighting bacterial infections in animals. 2. Katherine advised that this would promote the benefits of our method more effectively than generally saying it can target bacterial infections.,,,,Consulted doctors and veterinary experts about vaccine research and sustainability ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 278,Dundee,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Anthropology Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Hold multiple meetings with various experts in anthropology, including Professor Sue Black, Professor Daied, forensic service officer Kenny Lang, and Dr. Lucina Hack.
  • Ask them questions about their job, the field of anthropology, fingerprint detection technology, and the ways their project can best assist their field.
  • Discuss ethical concerns and answer questions about synthetic biology.
",,,,,,Held meetings with experts in anthropology to discuss the field and ways their project can best assist their work,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 279,Dundee,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Crime Scene Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Hold multiple meetings with various people who work in the crime field and understand the usefulness and limitations of fingerprint detection, including lawyer, scene of crimes officers, and a scientist who works in fingerprint detection.
  • Discuss the limitations of fingerprint detection and the specific need for their project, as well as help guide the iGEM team to design their product to be useful to those in this field.
",,,,,,Worked with professionals in the crime field to understand fingerprint detection,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 280,Dundee,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Manufacturers (SELEX),Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with SELEX ES, a manufacturing company that works in developing biological sensors.
  • Ask them questions about how their toolkit could be successful, and learn about the need for rigorous testing for their toolkit.
  • Gain helpful insight such as becoming aware of not only a rigorously tested product but one that is advertised and possibly if it can be used anywhere else such as in hospitals to assess cleanliness.
",,,,,,Interviewed a company that produces biological sensors,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 281,Dundee,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Press Release,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Get an article published by the University of Dundee that interviews several members of their team,Magazine/Newspaper Article,"General Public, University Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Get interviewed by the University of Dundee about synthetic biology, iGEM, and their product.
  • Publish the article and post on their wiki.
",,,,,,Participated in an interview conducted by their university about the iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 282,Dundee,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Radio Scotland Interview,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with iGEM team about their project,Interview,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Have one of the iGEM supervisors interviewed by a popular radio station.
  • Speak about iGEM, synthetic biology to the general public to promote awareness.
  • Make it accessible by publishing onto wiki.
",,,,,,Participated in a radio interview about synthetic biology and iGEM,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 283,Dundee,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,CSI:Dundee on the Telly,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with iGEM team about their project,Interview,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Promote synthetic biology by appearing on a television interview where an iGEM member speaks about what synthetic biology is and iGEM.
  • Publish that interview on the wiki for awareness.
,,,,,,Participated in a TV interview about synthetic biology and iGEM,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 284,Dundee,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,SULSA Talks,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Meet with other iGEM teams at the SULSA meetup on June 8th
  • Present and practice their presentation early on to two other scottish teams
  • Learn what other teams are doing and make connections.
,,,,,,Participated in an iGEM meetup,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 285,Dundee,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Knowledge and Ethics: Does one counter the other?,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Investigate the public knowledge of GMOs and whether there are any incorrect perceptions that influence public opinion
,Quantitative,"1. 33% of respondents did not know that vaccines were GMOs, with all of those respondents saying this new knowledge either improved or did not change their perception of GMOs. 2. 50% of respondents were unaware of the Scottish Government's ban on GM crops. When informed of the ban and asked if they agree with it, only 16.7% of all respondents said they agree.3. 54% of respondents think products on the UK market containing GMOs should be easily identified with a label – a further 33% did not mind.",,,,Surveyed public opinion on GMOs ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 286,Dundee,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Glasgow Science Centre,Teaching Activity ,,,,General Public,"Science Education, Present iGEM Project",
  • Educate children on healthy guts and how their health affected their bowels.
  • Speak to the parents about our project and get their thoughts on what we were doing.
  • Prepare posters to aid people's understanding.
,Qualitative,"The feedback they received said the infographic was easier to understand, and that the kids and Science Centre staff all enjoyed their activities and learned from our exhibit.",,,,Hosted an event at the Glasgow Science Centre to teach children about the importance of a healthy gut microbiome and discuss the iGEM project with parents,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 287,Dundee Schools,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Mercy Ships,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Speak to the director of marketing for the charity Mercy Ships, Brian Walshe, in order to find a cheap and effective way of distributing their product.
",,,,,,Consulted experts to determine the most effective method of distribution for their project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 288,Dundee Schools,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Clinical Microbiologist,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Ask about the concern their such as the positive/negative impacts their project could have on communities and whether they would even use something that involves GM bacteria
,,,,,,"Consulted a clinical microbiologist to discuss the possible positive/negative impacts of the iGEM project, and the potential public response to a genetically modified product",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 289,Dundee Schools,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Army ,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",A water bottle with a removable filter to prevent bacteria getting in,Hardware,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Ask about the concern, such as the positive/negative impacts their project could have on communities and whether they would even use something that involves GM bacteria
",Integrated Human Practices,"The team gained information for how to design their product in a way that is unimposing, ethical, and of little resale value, as they learned it was possible that their target audience might try to resell their product rather than use it",,,,Met with a local army medical squadron and learned about the challenges of sanitation and clean water access in developing countries,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 290,Dundee Schools,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Engagement,Project Presentation,,,,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Allow the pupils to have some insight to the work behind our project.
  • Give them an idea of the research being done in the field of synthetic biology, inspiring them to think about the opportunities available in a science career
",Quantitative,"They designed a questionnaire handing out to 20 students. Before the presentation 17 out of 20 wrote that they did not know what RNA interference was and how it could be used to treat bacterial infections. After the presentation the feedback indicated the presentation was successful and people learnt more about RNA interference. More data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",20,,,"Discussed the basics of the team's iGEM project with primary school students, taught them about the ideas behind synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 291,Edinburgh,Undergraduate,2015,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Biohack,Community Event,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Host a hackathon competition whose challenges centered around creating an application that one could interact with
  • Promote synthetic bio and expose new and different demographics to the field
  • Use ideas from the apps the participants created to implement into their own app
,Qualitative,New useful apps created,,Ideas from winning apps were used to implement into their own app,,Hosted a hackathon to get a variety of application design ideas,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 292,Edinburgh,Undergraduate,2015,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Public panel discussion on drug related issues,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,General Public,"Networking, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Host a panel discussion to answer the community’s concerns on the issues
  • Experts in the field share their opinions, answer questions from the audience
",,,,,,Held a panel discussion of synthetic biology for the community,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 293,Edinburgh,Undergraduate,2015,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Techno-moral scenarios,Consult Experts,,,,General Public,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Talked to Dr. David Levy, ethics professor, about morality of a heroin biosensor
  • Applied ethical theory to theoretical implementation of biosensor
  • Wrote a play to address morality
",Qualitative,Determined how morality of the biosensor can be argued ,,,,Consulted an ethics professor about the bioethics of their project and wrote a play about it,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 294,Edinburgh,Undergraduate,2015,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,"Talking to past heroin addicts and Dr. Winstock, addiction psychiatrist",Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Learn of concerns of past heroin addicts: less heroin would need to be used in the biosensor therefore making it more likely that addicts would use it
  • Talk with Dr. Winstock and decide to implement software that connects to a smartphone since many addicts are young
,,,,Changed biosensor in response to feedback,,Learned about the needs of heroin addicts and how to design an effective product,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 295,Edinburgh,Undergraduate,2015,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Visited drug consumption room in Amsterdam,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit drug consumption room in Amsterdam
  • Get feedback on the prototype from users
  • See the benefits of treating drug abuse as a social problem
,Integrated Human Practices,Used the feedback to determine how biosensor can be modified,,,,Got feedback on their prototype from users,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 296,EPFL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Interview with Yolanda Schaerli,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Interview a prominent synthetic biologist, Dr. Yolanda Schaerli.2. Discuss about her current research directions and the ethical dilemmas facing synthetic biologists.
",,,,,,Interviewed a prominent synthetic biologist and asked about ethics in synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 297,EPFL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,IGEM.TODAY,Educational Material,,"A website hosting media from different iGEM groups, as well as surveys that they created","Survey, Tool for iGEM Teams",General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Address the wiki’s limitations that pages for teams are very long and technical.
  • Create a place for public to better learn about synthetic biology and iGEM without reading into Wiki
,,,over 2000 visitors in September,,,Created a website with information about iGEM and synthetic biology ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 298,EPFL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,SURVEY OF IGEM ALUMNI,Survey,,,,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Improve dialogue between iGEM’s past and future.
  • Quantify former iGEMers' experiences by creating a survey
,Quantitative,"1. The people interviewed predominantly work in the scientific community and/or are students (76.3 % and 71.1% respectively). 50% of this group works in a biologic field. 2. 94.7 % of the people interviewed think that iGEM has helped them in their later career and 76.3% think that iGEM has helped them to find a job later in life. 3. In the end, the majority of the people interviewed wanted to become an assistant for their university iGEM team (63.2%) and would like to assist teams by supervising and helping find team funds.",38 people from 15 different universities ,,,Created a survey for former iGEM participants to learn about their experiences,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 299,EPFL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,HACKUARIUM,Project Presentation,,,,"Scientific Community, General Public",Present iGEM Project,
  • Present their project at a DIY biology lab amongst all scientific projects.
  • Answer people's questions
,,,,,,Presented their project at a DIY biology lab,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 300,EPFL,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Mini iGEM,"Project Presentation, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Engage into an educational discussion about synthetic biology and social issues on the topic of genetic manipulation.
  • Speak to two classes in collège de Candolle about iGEM.
  • Carry out a group activity that they name Mini iGEM. Divide the audience into small teams of three or four and ask them to design their own iGEM project.
,Qualitative,The classes participated with enthusiasm to the Mini IGEM and the discussions. We received many crazy and ingenious project idea.,,,,Visited a local school to teach about synthetic biology and had students imagine possible iGEM projects.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 301,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Youth Rep Workshop on United Nations SDGs,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Specialized Audience,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Policy Outreach",
  • Meet with various other youth organizations of Switzerland including Model United Nations (MUN) and Young European Swiss (YES) to present Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and listen to current SDG projects in progress
  • Discuss new ideas for SDGs and discuss ways in which respective youth organizations can have an impact
,,,,Would like to collaborate with other youth organizations to create an educational event to raise awareness of synthetic biology,,Met with youth organizations of Switzerland and discussed about sustainable projects,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 302,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Gerhard Rogler,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Explain project, request advice about host organism, experimental methods and feasibility
",Qualitative,Gained valuable advice regarding experimental methods; Dr. Rogler recommended using Lactobacillus or Lactococcus lactis as hosts,,,,Asked Dr. Gerhard Rogler for advice about host organism,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 303,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Prof. Christophe Lacroix,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Learn about potential markers to target within metabolic system
  • Gain advice on experimental design and future directions
,Qualitative,Gained valuable advice regarding experimental methods; suggested using inflammation marker Nitric Oxide,,,,Gained advice on experimental design and future directions,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 304,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Martin Jinek,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Learn about potential for incorporating CRISPR into project
,Qualitative,"Learned about newly discovered enzyme, Cpf1",,,,Consulted with professors to determine the potential of using CRISPR in their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 305,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Medical Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Discuss in person with a medical professional how their product could be useful, the psychological effects on patients, and if it would be possible to implement in clinics.
",,,,,,Consulted with medical professionals about the accessibility of their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 306,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Talk over Ethical Concerns with Dr. Raffael Iturrizaga,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Set up a meeting with Dr. Rafael Iturrizaga who is on the ethics commission's os ETC Zurich
  • Discuss the ethical concerns of synthetic biology and how they pertain to their specific project, and how the ethical committee would be specifically involved with their project since they are working with human blood.
",,,,,,Met with a member of the ethics commission to discuss the ethical implications of the project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 307,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Talk with Dr. Ralph Scheiss from ProteoMediX,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Set up a meeting with Dr. Ralph Scheiss, who owns a business called ProteoMediX that works on detecting prostate cancer.
  • Discuss with him the application of their product, its potential in being used, what approval they would need, how it could be mass-manufactured
",,,,,,Consulted an expert in the medical detection industry about manufacturing their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 308,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Talk with Dr. Christina Dittrich about Patents,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Set up a meeting with Dr. Christina Dittrich from ETH transfer office to discuss if the team could obtain a patent.
  • Discuss issues such as what legal paperwork the team would need, and if it is possible to patent synthetic microorganisms.
",,,,,,Met with an expert to ask about obtaining a patent for their research,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 309,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Provide a Survey for Medical Experts,"Consult Experts, Survey",,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Provide an electronic survey to various medical professionals asking them about how their product would change current cancer diagnosis, if it would be beneficial or cause psychological harm, and if synthetic biology could be used in a clinical setting.
",Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful written feedback that they were able to use to better their product and received new ideas on how to use their product.,,,,Surveyed medical professionals about their opinions on their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 310,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Newspaper Article in Corriere Del Ticino,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Newspaper article (in Italian) about the field of synthetic biology, iGEM, and ETH Zurich's 2016 project",Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Discuss the field of synthetic biology and some of the practical applications for synthetic biology projects
  • Explain the iGEM competition
  • Discuss this year's project
  • Include evaluations by the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics on synthetic biology projects
,,,,,,Wrote a newspaper article about synthetic biology and iGEM.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 311,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Newspaper Article in ETH Globe,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Newspaper article about the iGEM project and the iGEM experience,Magazine/Newspaper Article,Specialized Audience,Educate on the iGEM program,
  • Discuss iGEM project and day-to-day activities with reporter
  • Have reporter visit once at the beginning of the summer and again right before wiki-freeze
,,,,,,Team was featured in an article about the iGEM competition and the iGEM team,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 312,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Published Articles,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Published Articles about Synthetic Biology and iGEM,Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Publish two articles in the newspaper and a student magazine that discuss iGEM and synthetic biology.
,,,,,,Published articles about synthetic biology in the school newspaper,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 313,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Educational Activity with Primary School Children ,"Educational Material, Teaching Activity, Survey",,,,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Teach Primary School Students in their classroom about synthetic biology, and introduce them to the concept of DNA by going through the protocol of strawberry DNA extraction.
  • At the end of the exercise, provide a survey to the students asking about the experience, what they liked, and what they learned.
",Qualitative,Survey that gave them feedback on the students feelings on the project,,"Students felt like they learned a lot from this experience, were enthusiastic about the science, and what worked well. ",,Taught primary school students about synthetic biology with hands-on activities,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 314,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science Slam Basel,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",Video of Science Slam presentation about scientific misconduct and iGEM,Educational Video,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Give a presentation about scientific misconduct and how projects like iGEM can be taken as an example of how the scientific community can reduce the incidence of scientific misconduct
,,,350,,,Presented on scientific misconduct and how iGEM is an example of how to reduce misconduct.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 315,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"Public Study on IBD, synthetic biology, and ethical issues",Survey,,,,General Public,"Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Design a questionnaire to learn how informed the public is on IBD, genetic engineering
  • Give respondents an explanation of the gut microbiome and this year's iGEM project
  • Ask about the ethical concerns associated with using genetically engineered bacteria to treat disease
",Quantitative,"Recorded responses to 4 different questions about IBD and genetic engineering. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Surveyed the public's knowledge of inflammatory bowel disease and genetic engineering. Then educated and had discussion with survey takers on the gut microbiome and ethical concerns of their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 316,ETH Zurich,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Conduct a survey given to over 70 members of the general public asking about synthetic biology and their opinions of the subject.
  • Analyze the data, construct graphs, and publish on the iGEM wiki.
",Quantitative,Survey that gave the team feedback on public opinion of synthetic biology.,,,,Conducted a survey about synthetic biology to the general public,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 317,Exeter,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Markus Gershater,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Learn about what the application of kill switches might be in an industrial setting and what evidence would be satisfactory for their use
  • Discuss pros and cons of physical containment vs biological containment in terms of safety and cost
,Integrated Human Practices,Decided to test how a kill switch might behave in an industrial setting by performing a continuous culture in a ministat; this allowed team to test how viable a containment strategy kill switches are when used in industry,,,,"Consulted with experts to determine potential applications of their project, as well as its merits",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 318,Exeter,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Tom Ellis,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss design methods and concepts for an optimized biological kill switch
,Integrated Human Practices,"Decided to design a system that would incorporate both KillerRed, a kill switch already in the registry and KillerOrange, a new part, in order to improve escape rate",,,,Consulted with professors to help determine the best way to design their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 319,Exeter,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Prof. Robert Beardmore,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss analogy between biological kill switches and antibiotic resistance methods
  • Discuss limitation of kill switches if a mutation develops which inactivates the switch
,Integrated Human Practices,Decided to test effectiveness of kill switches over time in the ministat as a result,,,,Considered the benefits and limitations of including a kill switch in their iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 320,Exeter,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Prof. Richard Titball,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with Dr. Richard Titball of Exeter University about potential applications of biological kill switches,Interview,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss potential applications of kill switches
  • Discuss the importance of public engagement in debates regarding biosecurity
,,,,,,Interviewed an expert on biological kill switches to learn more about biological kill switches.,#REF!,correct boi,correct boi 321,Exeter,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Interview with Richard Dawkins,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Talk with Richard Dawkins about best ways to engage with the public in science education efforts,Interview,"General Public, Scientific Community",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Discuss public education practices in science and the complications of discussing a complex field such as synthetic biology
,,,,,,Hosted a discussion on science public education,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 322,Exeter,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Talk with Richard Sibley,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Set up a meeting with Richard Sibley, a director of veterinary practice, assess how current tests of bovine TB are conducted to see how their product could be useful.
  • Determine through what was learned exactly how a synthetic biology project could assist in better testing.
",,,,,,Met with a vet to learn more about bovine TB and synthetic biology applications for treatment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 323,Exeter,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Talk with directly Michael Ross about Safety,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Talk with Michael Ross about the effects of bTB, as well as determine how their synthetic biology product could be used and whether it would be safe to use in the industry.
  • Ask other concerns about ethics and safety concerns.
",,,,,,Interviewed an expert about their synthetic biology product and applications in the industry,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 324,Exeter,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Talk with Vet Phil Leighton ,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Talk with an experienced vet about the effect of bTB and the limits of current methods.
  • From this discussion, assess if their product would be useful in this specific field for helping cattle.
",,,,,,Interviewed a vet to talk about their iGEM project and its applications,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 325,Exeter,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Discussion with National Farmers Union,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Work with experts in the National Farmers Union who are aware of the current limitations in early detection of bTB.
  • Discuss with farmers who have been directly impacted by bTB to learn appreciate the impact bTB has on them.
,,,,,,Talked to farmers about the impact of bovine TB and early detection methods,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 326,Exeter,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,"Discussion with Minister for Farming, Food, and Marine Environment",Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Work with government agencies dedicated to the eradication of bTB to assess the current situation in its eradication and propose the idea of synthetic biology as a tool to help its eradication.
  • Discuss recent advancements they have made, as well as changing public policy to help these advancements.
",,,,,,Worked with governmental agencies to discuss applications of their iGEM project and related legislation,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 327,Exeter,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Big Bang Southwest,Fair Booth,"<a href=""""></a>",Video describing team's activities at Big Bang South West,Video of Activity,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Invite attendees to play BioMech, a synthetic biology-themed game invented by the Exeter iGEM team
  • Receive feedback from participants on game
  • Offer ""Sweetie DNA Construction"" activity from William and Mary iGEM 2015 activity booklet
",Qualitative,Received feedback from students on game usability,,Sweetie DNA Construction activity was very popular among younger children,,Hosted a fair booth where individuals played a synthetic biology game and made DNA models out of candy,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 328,Exeter,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Britain Needs Scientists,Fair Booth,,,,Specialized Audience,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Attend fair for secondary school students interested in pursuing STEM careers
  • Discuss the field of synthetic biology and potential applications within STEM
,,,,,,Attended a fair for secondary students interested in STEM and discussed synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 329,Exeter,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Work Experience Students,Open Lab,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Welcome work experience students to work in the lab for several weeks to learn lab procedures and contribute to the team's daily workload
  • Ask students for feedback on team's homemade board game, as well as other human practice activities
",,,,,,Invited students to come and work in their lab for several weeks to help them learn lab procedures,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 330,Exeter,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Equality and Diversity Panel,Conference/Panel Discussion,"<a href=""""></a>",Series of interviews with university students asking about their views on gender equality in STEM,Interview,General Public,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Invite a series of students and researchers/academics to speak at panel
  • Live broadcast event on university radio and online, allow public to call in/sent comments and questions online during the event
",,,,"Team found that there is great scope for future iGEM teams to undertake Equality and Diversity work, and believe that it should be a requirement, or at least highly recommended in the Human Practices section. More information can be found athttp://<a href=""""></a>",,Hosted a panel where students and researchers discussed gender equality in STEM,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 331,Exeter,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,BioMech board game,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Download page with game instructions, materials, and download links for cards and game pieces",Education Activity Protocol,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Design a board game to teach students about plasmid construction, biological parts and other essential biological concepts like mutation
  • Bring game to local secondary schools and community events for testing; interview students and ask for feedback
  • Make minor improvements according to feedback
  • Make game components available online to increase accessibility for teachers and other teams
",Qualitative,Received feedback from students and teachers on game usability,,"More information at <a href=""""></a>",,Created a board game about plasmid construction,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 332,Exeter,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Module Syllabus,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Syllabus and course information for a synthetic biology course designed by Exeter iGEM,Education Activity Protocol,University Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Design a syllabus for a proposed synthetic biology university course
  • Contact school officials and begin the process of incorporating this course into the curriculum
,,,,Team aims to implement course into September 2017 curriculum at Exeter,,Designed and began implementation of a university course on synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 333,Exeter,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"""Desert Island....Science?"" Podcast",Speaker Series,"<a href=""""></a>",Youtube playlist of podcast recordings including interviews of a series of academics and researchers about synthetic biology and STEM in general,"Interview, Educational Video","Scientific Community, General Public","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Produce a series of podcast-style interviews of prominent academics and researchers from various fields
  • Publish podcast on youtube and soundcloud
,,,,,,Created a series of videos consisting of interviews of prominent scientists in synthetic biology and other STEM related fields,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 334,Exeter,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey/Questionnaire,Survey,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Conduct a survey to the general public about synthetic biology and bTB
  • Assess their responses and determine where lacks in public knowledge lie, as well as help educate those that they meet on common misconceptions on these topics.
",,,,,,Conducted a survey to the general public about synthetic biology and bovine TB,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 335,FAFU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Parasitic Disease,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Learn more about health education in the contexts of research and industry
,,,,,,Consulted experts at a clinic to learn about health education in industry,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 336,FAFU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Mosquito Protection Handbook,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Science Education, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Compile collected literature and arranged relevant knowledge on mosquito species, distribution areas, disease transmission, protection against mosquito, and common misconceptions
  • Publish a second edition of the handbook containing clearer explanations and incorporating a cartoon element to enhance public interest and understanding
  • Ship copies of handbook to colleague in Zambia to be distributed in local community
",,,,,,Created a mosquito protection handbook and had copies distributed to a local community in Zambia ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 337,FAFU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Public Lectures on Synthetic Biology,Speaker Series,,,,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Provide a series of public and freely available lectures for students on subjects including the development of synthetic biology, basics for bioinformatics, methods in molecular biology
",,,,,,"Provided a free public lectures for students on topics such as synthetic biology, basic bioinformatics and molecular biology methods",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 338,FAFU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Mosquito Questionnaire,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Distribute a public survey asking about basic mosquito knowledge, mosquito species, and mosquito distribution areas
",Quantitative,Results revealed that public was not very well informed on local mosquito populations,,,,"Surveyed the public to assess their knowledge about basic mosquito information, the different species of mosquitos and the distribution of mosquitos",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 339,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Theater Project: Re-Engineering Life,"Community Event, Teaching Activity",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Participate with SYNERGENE who put on a theater production on synthetic biology called ""Re-Engineering Life""
  • Hold a discussion with participants in the project answering questions about synthetic biology and work with interested students in teaching them more about synthetic biology.
  • Participate in the weekend of theater plays and public discussion on synthetic biology, including answering questions as these public discussions.
",,,,,,Created and performed a theater play about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 340,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Project Presentation at University of Freiburg,Project Presentation,,,,"University Students, Professors",Present iGEM Project,"
  • Give a presentation to university students and professors explaining the project, its potential applications, and experimental methods
",,,,,,Presented project to university students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 341,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Synthetic Biology Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Distribute a survey assessing public understanding of the basics of synthetic biology, as well as opinions on consumption of bacteria and bacterial spores
",Qualitative,"Found that majority of participants are against genetic modifications during food production, while 86% approved the use of genetic modifications in development of new drugs or therapies",,,,Surveyed public knowledge of basic synthetic biology and public opinion on the consumption of bacteria and bacterial spores,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 342,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Ulcerative Colitis Survey,Survey,,,,Specialized Audience,"Learn Public Opinions, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Ask ulcerative colitis patients about experiences patients actually had, what their age of diagnosis was, how long it took until they were diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, what their first symptoms were and whether they had any side effects resulting from their therapy
  • Briefly explain project and ask respondents about practicality and feasibility of proposed treatment
",,,,,,Met with ulcerative colitis patients to determine feasibility of iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 343,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Conduct a survey to dozens in the general public from various age groups asking about their knowledge, opinion, and safety concerns of synthetic biology.
  • Assess their responses and compare age groups.
  • Post responses to the iGEM wiki.
",,,,,,"Surveyed general public about their knowledge, opinion and safety concerns of synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 344,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Gastroenterologist Survey,"Survey, Consult Experts",,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Ask gastroenterologists and other experts about the feasibility and practicality of their project, ask about their concerns regarding the use of bacterial spores
  • Ask about experience with negative side effects of the current medication of ulcerative colitis
",Integrated Human Practices,Results of survey about feasibility of project led to the decision to administer proposed treatment through a capsule rather than yogurt,,,,Interviewed gastroenterologists about the feasibility and practicality of their project ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 345,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,College Talk on Synthetic Biology,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Hold a lecture on synthetic biology that is open to their university.
  • Discuss what synthetic biology is, how it is currently being used in the field, and what their iGEM team is doing.
",,,,,,"Held an open lecture at their university on synthetic biology in general, as well as their iGEM project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 346,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Freiburg Science Far,"Teaching Activity, Community Event, Fair Booth",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Participate in the local science fair that teaches primary school students and the general public about science.
  • At the fair, present DNA extraction from fruit, and their own game they had made about synthetic biology called DiaChip.
  • Participate in an on-stage interview about the teams iGEM project and answer questions about synthetic biology
",,,,,,Participated in a local science fair for primary school students and led hands-on activities,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 347,Genspace,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Public Forum: Should We Engineer the Mosquito?,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Lead a discussion on the possibility of using a gene drive/genetic engineering in mosquitoes to combat malaria, using materials from Building with Biology
",,,,Almost every group suggested a limited release of a non-gene drive modified mosquito to test the effect on the ecosystem before moving to a gene drive,,Held a discussion on the possibility of using genetic engineering to combat malaria,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 348,Genspace,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Enquête Gowanus,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Informational video about Enquete Gowanus canal cleanup project,Educational Video,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Learn about project's history, challenges and stakeholders in the community
  • Ask about proposed canal cleanup
",,,,,,Learned more information about a local canal cleanup project by consulting experts and doing research.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 349,Genspace,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with FBI Special Agent Martin Maag,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Explain project to FBI special agent with experience in biosafety
  • Discuss potential biosafety and biosecurity concerns with implementation of project
,,,,"Agent recommended getting in touch with their local WMD coordinator through their local FBI office to inform them of the purpose, location, and appearance of the devices",,Discussed project biosafety concerns with an FBI special agent specializing in biosafety.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 350,Genspace,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Testing of the Synbiota RDP System in a Community Lab Setting,Educational Material,,,,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Test RDP system designed by Alberta 2009 iGEM team
  • Suggest improvements to system
,,,,Strongly recommend RDP system to their community lab groups,,Tested Alberta 2009's RDP system and suggested improvements,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 351,Genspace,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,World Maker Faire,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Offer a microscope with a live tardigrade to show people
  • Discuss the basis of synthetic biology, as well as CRISPR and the Genspace iGEM Project
",,,,"When conversations turned to environmental release of CRISPR-modified organisms, most of the people felt it was not a good idea",,Discussed synthetic biology and iGEM project with the general public ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 352,Genspace,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM at Genspace,Open Lab,,,,"General Public, Scientific Community","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Host an iGEM team in an open lab space such that other lab space users and visitors can interact with the team and learn about the project whenever they please
,,,,,,Welcomed members of the public into the iGEM labspace to ask questions and learn more about synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 353,Genspace,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Presentation of iGEM Project to Gowanus Canal Conservancy staff and volunteers,Project Presentation,,,,Specialized Audience,"Present iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Present project idea to canal conservancy staff and volunteers
  • Answer questions and address concerns
,,,,,,"Presented team project to canal conservancy staff, received feedback.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 354,Genspace,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Building with Biology event,Teaching Activity,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Offer a series of six activities which include imagining positive results such as cures for diseases and acquisition of superpowers, a station where you choose to invest “tokens” on different types of research, and a strawberry DNA extraction
",,,,,,Offered scientific activities for primary and secondary school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 355,Genspace,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Building with Biology event at NY Hall of Science,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology ,"
  • Engage with public through a series of activities introducing participants to synthetic biology
  • Lead discussions on topics such as the use of synthetic yeast to generate vaccines, 3D printing with synthetic biology-derived materials, and the types of lab techniques that synthetic biologists use
",,,,"Found that although the engagement activities need improvement, team were able to have a meaningful dialogue with the general public around our iGEM project using the activities as a focus",,Led visitors through a series of activities introducing them to basic synthetic biology concepts.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 356,Glasgow,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Andrew Prentice,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Arrange a skype meeting with Andrew Prentice, Professor of International Nutrition, currently working in The Gambia as a part of the MRC International Nutrition Group
  • Discuss practical challenges and limitations of implementing the project idea on a large scale
",Integrated Human Practices,Led team to more closely consider the practical application of the project and prompted more research on GMO regulations,,,,Consulted experts about implementing the project in real life,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 357,Glasgow,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr Srinivasa Chakrawarthy Ravuri,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Contact a renewable energy engineer based in India, Dr Srinivasa Chakrawarthy Ravuri
  • Discuss implementation of solar yogurt maker project, focusing on accessibility and demand
",,,,,,Discussed with an engineer about implementation of solar yogurt maker project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 358,Glasgow,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consultation with Gosol,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with Gosol, a leading company in solar technology
  • Discuss project design and ask for recommendations regarding implementation and scale
",Integrated Human Practices,"Led team to consider adding a large solar concentrator as an attachment, and to consider offering the technology as a community item rather than an individual household machine",,,,Consulted with a leading company in solar technology about project design,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 359,Glasgow,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Professor John Walls ,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with Professor John Walls, researcher in social science, specialising in the public perception of synthetic biology and genetically modified organisms at the University of Glasgow
  • Pitch project idea and discuss potential public perceptions/reactions
",Integrated Human Practices,"After hearing that the public might have concern with ingesting synthetic bacteria, team came up with ‘[The SIM device]’ - a self-inactivating mechanism that would inactivate their synthetic bacteria upon departure from the yogurt",,,,Discussed with a sociological researcher about public perceptions,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 360,Glasgow,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,GMO Legislation Review,Educational Material,,,,Scientific Community,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Policy Outreach",
  • Research current legislation in EU regarding GMOs in food
,Qualitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,"Researched European Union legislation regarding transgenic organisms in food, to learn about what regulations they would need to follow to implement their iGEM project in the real world",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 361,Glasgow,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Furri-Lux toy,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Design page for Furri-Lux toy including materials, protocols for use, and safety considerations",Education Activity Protocol,Primary School Students,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Design and build a prototype for bioluminescent children's toy
  • Receive feedback from children and parents, adjust design accordingly
",,,,,,Designed a concept for a bioluminescent children's toy.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 362,Glasgow,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Hyndland School Visit,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members","
  • Explain iGEM competition and other research opportunities available to students as they go to university
  • Teach students aseptic technique, allow them to draw their own pictures on agar plates with glowing bacteria
  • Give students a tour of the lab, explain purpose of each piece of equipment
  • Give a more in depth explanation of iGEM project to those interested
",,,,,,Explained iGEM and synthetic biology to students using hands-on activities,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 363,Glasgow,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Azure A Staining method,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Detailed protocols and safety information for Azure A staining method,Laboratory Protocol,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Write and implement protocols for Azure A staining technique
  • Compare to Ethidium Bromide staining with efficacy, cost analyses
",,,,"Azure A is an easy to use, visible light DNA stain which does not require expensive equipment or biohazard disposal techniques. Glasgow 2015 iGEM team hopes to promote the use of Azure A in order to extend the reach of iGEM, synthetic biology, and molecular biology in general, further into settings where the need for Ethidium bromide and the associated costs may prevent participation, such as high schools and community labs",,Wrote and implemented protocols for Azure A staining technique,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 364,Glasgow,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Product Feedback and GMO Opinion Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Survey distributed to parents inquiring about their opinions on bacteria, GMOs and their willingness to purchase a bioluminescent children's toy containing modified bacteria",Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Gauge the demand for a children's product of this genre
  • Record the respondent's level of education
  • Ask respondent's opinions on several statements regarding bacteria and the use of genetically engineered bacteria in a hypothetical children's toy
  • Have respondents fill out the survey once before and once after reading an informational pamphlet about bacteria and synthetic biology
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""Survey Analysis""",60,"Overall, the public responded well to the objectives for the toy, showing that more education is needed on the benefits that genetic modification and synthetic biology can bring to the future",,Surveyed parents about their opinions on having a children's toy that contained genetically modified bacteria,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 365,Glasgow,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Glasgow Science Centre,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Informational video introducing the project concept for Glasgow's 2016 iGEM project,Educational Video,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Introduce project concept with a simple ping pong-throwing game
  • Describe project in more detail
  • Ask participants about their opinions on GMOs in general, as well as on the project
",Qualitative,Learned opinions of participants on GMOs; found that generally public was less concerned with GMOs than expected,,,,"Introduced to general public iGEM project, asked their opinions about GMOs",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 366,Glasgow,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Glasgow Science Centre,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Have young children color in and draw small ""Furri-Lux"" monsters, modeled after team's bioluminescent toy concept
  • Hand out flyers to parents about iGEM and past projects
  • Provide an interactive ""circuit quiz"" for parents about bioluminescence
  • Get parent feedback about toy idea
",Qualitative,"Received feedback from parents about bioluminescent toy idea, adjusted design accordingly",,"Found that many parents appeared very receptive to the idea of a children’s product incorporating bacteria, which was greatly encouraging. A common theme seemed to be that many parents believed their children were already exposed to a lot of much more harmful bacteria in everyday life, so more education for younger kids was definitely needed",,"Offered a ""monster"" drawing activity for children and an interactive circuit design quiz for parents to educate on bioluminescence.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 367,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,"Meeting with National Cyber Security Centre (Nationaal Cyber Security Centrum, NSCS) from the Ministry of Security and Justice of the Netherlands",Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Meet with representatives from National Cyber Security Centre
  • Ask what the current challenges and requirements in the development of a system for the storing and sending of sensitive information are
,Integrated Human Practices,"This meeting introduced a new challenge of secure decryption, which led to the new idea of decoy spores and specialized resistance. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Asked experts from National Cyber Security Centre about their current challenges,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 368,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Groningen Archives Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Visit Groningen Archives, who are in the process of switching to digital data storage
  • Learn about current methods of information storage
  • Ask about requirements for a potential new information storage methods
",Integrated Human Practices ,Concerns about mutation rates in DNA information storage led team to research and model the possibility of mutation,,,,Learnt about information storage methods at Groningen Archives,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 369,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,COGEM meeting,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,"Present iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Discuss ethical and legal implications of the project
  • Discuss environmental impact of project
,Qualitative,Meeting yielded more information about the legal regulation of the project if it were made publicly available; also learned about environmental and ethical implications of the project,,,,"Discussed the ethics, safety, and environmental impact of the project with experts",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 370,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,National and International Legislation Review,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • With assistance of National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu; RIVM), consult the current national law requirements and international legislations that regulate the sending of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
",Integrated Human Practices,Used knowledge of GMO transportation legislation to send CryptoGERM spores to other iGEM teams,,,,Consulted the current national law requirements and international legislations about regulation for GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 371,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,University of Groningen Newspaper Article,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",News article in University of Groningen newspaper about the iGEM team and their 2016 project,Magazine/Newspaper Article,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Approach school newspaper to be featured in an article
  • Explain iGEM project and basics of synthetic biology
,,,,,,Information about the iGEM team and project was featured in a university news article,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 372,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Lifeline article,Educational Material,,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Explain iGEM project, to be featured in an article in a magazine published by study association Idun
",,,1700,,,Information about the iGEM team and project was featured in a Lifeline magazine article,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 373,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Unifocus video feature,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Informational video about Groningen iGEM team and their 2016 project,"Interview, Educational Video",University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Get filmed and interviewed for university video series investigating different student activities
  • Explain iGEM and the iGEM project
,,,,,,Explained the iGEM competition and team project for a student video series for the university,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 374,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,New Scientist article,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Article featuring the 2016 Groningen iGEM team, about information storage using DNA",Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Participate in interview with New Scientist journalist to be featured in an article on bacterial DNA information storage
,,,,,,Team was interviewed and featured in an article about bacterial DNA information storage,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 375,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,NOS article,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",News article (in Dutch) explaining Groningen iGEM's 2016 project on bacterial information storage,Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Participate in interview with NOS journalist to be featured in an article on Groningen University's iGEM team and their project
,,,,,,iGEM team and project information were featured in a local news article.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 376,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Bionews article,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Collaborate with other Dutch iGEM teams to publish an article in the magazine of the Netherlands Institute of Biology about iGEM, providing a short bio about each team from the Netherlands
",,,,,,Designed an article featuring information about Danish iGEM teams in the magazine for the Netherlands Institute of Biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 377,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Interviews with Dagblad van het Noorden and OogTV,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Participate in interviews with Dagblad van het Noorden and OogTV, local newspaper and TV channel, about iGEM team and project
",,,,,,Team was interviewed and featured on a local TV channel and newspaper.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 378,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Future Scenarios,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Several fictional future scenarios exploring potential repercussions of Groningen's iGEM project,"Education Activity, Paper on Safety, Paper on Ethics",General Public,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project",
  • Speculate on potential future implications of iGEM project and write several fictional scenarios exploring these possibilities
,,,,,,Wrote fictional scenarios about future implications of the iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 379,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Card Game,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Objectives and rules for card game designed by 2015 Groningen iGEM team,Education Activity Protocol,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Create a game in which users are challenged to solve problems using synthetic biology and discuss if this solution is a unique and ideal one
,,,,,,Created a game in which participants have to solve problems using synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 380,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Future GMO Scenarios,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Imagined future scenarios about GMOs designed to prompt discussion about ethical priorities ,Paper on Ethics,Specialized Audience,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Designed several ""future"" scenarios about GMOs designed to prompt stakeholders to evaluate their priorities
  • Include the following categories for scenarios: science, technology and sustainable development, social change, economics and energy markets
  • Evaluate ethical concerns based on the following ethical principles: human rights, environmental sustainability, climate change, equitable distribution and ethical duty
",,,,,,"Designed ""future scenarios"" as a way to discuss synthetic biology and ethics",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 381,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Night of Arts and Sciences,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Introduce participants to a fungus-operated massage chair
  • Discuss synthetic biology and iGEM project and answer questions
,,,,,,Discussed synthetic biology and iGEM project and answered questions at a fair booth,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 382,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Auction and BBQ,Fundraiser,,,,General Public,Present iGEM Project,
  • Host an auction and BBQ for community members; auction services from iGEM team members to raise funds for the team
  • Give a presentation of iGEM project and an explanation of the iGEM competition
,,,,,,Hosted a fundraiser BBQ and presented iGEM project for the public,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 383,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,High School Thesis Guidance,Open Lab,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Allow several students to visit the lab for several days and use the facilities to work on their high school thesis projects related to synthetic biology
  • Provide guidance and teach them lab techniques to assist with their projects
,Qualitative,"Received feedback from each student that participated. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Opened lab space and offered suggestions for high-school students' synthetic biology related projects,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 384,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Lab Tour for HS Students of Hondsrugcollege Groningen,Open Lab,,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Give students a brief explanation of iGEM and this year's project
  • Give students a tour of lab
,,,,,,Taught secondary school students about synthetic biology and showed them the lab,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 385,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,"Lecture, lab tour and card game for High School students","Open Lab, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Give a brief lecture on synthetic biology and iGEM project
  • Give students a tour of the lab
  • Teach students the card game made by the team
,,,,,,Taught secondary school students about synthetic biology and showed them the lab,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 386,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Lab Tour for HS Students of Gomarus College,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,Science Education,"
  • Give students a talk on the basics of molecular biology, as well as information about iGEM
  • Give a tour of the lab
",,,,,,Taught secondary school students about synthetic biology and showed them the lab,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 387,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Netherlands Biotechnology Conference,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Networking","
  • Present project and receive feedback from audience
  • Listen to other presentations, make new contacts and search for sponsors
",,,,,,Participated in a biotechnology conference and presented iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 388,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Utrecht Campus Party,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present project and receive feedback from audience
,,,,,,Present iGEM project at a campus party,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 389,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Radio Show,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",Recording (in Dutch) of radio show where Groningen iGEM team explain their project,Interview,General Public,Present iGEM Project,
  • Explain project via radio in a way that is understandable to the general public
,,,,,,Explained synthetic biology to the general public via radio,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 390,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute Presentation,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Present project before a group of postdocs, PhD and MSc students with a Biomolecular or Biotechnology background
",,,,,,Presented iGEM project for a group of graduate students.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 391,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,ScienceLinX Collaboration Event,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Provide a lecture explaining the basics of synthetic biology and explaining Groningen 2016 iGEM project
  • Allow students to create ""bio-art"" by drawing in bacteria with inoculation loops on agar plates
",,,115,,,Explained Groningen 2016 iGEM project and carried out biological experiments with kids,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 392,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation at GBB Symposium,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present project
  • Answer questions and receive feedback and suggestions from audience
,,,,,,Presented iGEM project at a scientific symposium,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 393,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation for chemistry students,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Give a brief talk on iGEM and the opportunities available through iGEM
  • Present project
,,,,,,Presented the iGEM program to university students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 394,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation for Rathenau Institute,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Present project
  • Discuss ethics of project and synthetic biology in general
,,,,,,Presented iGEM project to a scientific audience and discussed safety and ethics,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 395,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Night of Arts and Sciences,"Project Presentation, Fundraiser, Community Event",,,,"General Public, Scientific Community","Networking, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Present iGEM project to event attendees
  • Set up a crowdfunding campaign and advertise to the public
,,,,,,Presented iGEM project to the general public and fundraised,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 396,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,ScienceLinx Blog,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>",Blog about team's daily activities and project,Blog,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Continuously publish a blog about daily team activity and project design and implementation
  • Be open and welcoming; invite blog readers to visit team's office to ask questions
,,,,,,Published a blog about the team's progress,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 397,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Information Storage Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Survey questioning the public about their information storage preferences, and their comfort level with a bacteria-based information storage system",Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Create an online survey questioning respondents about the storage and transportation of sensitive information and data
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""Survey""",,,,Conducted an online survey about the storage and transportation of sensitive information and data,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 398,Groningen,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Riddle Game,Teaching Activity,,,,iGEM Teams,"Networking, Present iGEM Project","
  • Design a game for iGEM teams to play with each other during the Giant Jamboree: offer a QR code for teams to scan at the Groningen poster with a riddle, challenge iGEMers to scan QR codes on t-shirts of Groningen team members to uncover hints to solve the riddle and learn more about the Groningen project
",,,,,,Designed a game for iGEM teams to play at the Giant Jamboree,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 399,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Biology Class for High School Students,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Give a presentation to the class on iGEM and the team
  • Give an in depth class on the basics of synthetic biology
,,,,"Students were enthusiastic, had a good deal of background knowledge on alternative energy",,Taught a class for secondary school students about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 400,Groningen,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Ethics Class for High School Students,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Give an introduction to sustainable energy in the Netherlands
  • Discuss project and the ethics of the project
  • Lead a discussion on the ethics of GMOs overall and in the context of synthetic biology in industry
,,,,,,Led a discussion on ethics and safety in synthetic biology with secondary school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 401,Harvard BioDesign,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Taking Advice from Professor Derek Lovley,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with Dr. Lovley, a professor from UMass Amherst who has an extensive background in microbial fuel cell research and has collaborated with industry professionals in the past to optimize cell performance
  • Ask questions and consult with Dr. Lovley on how to improve reactor design, help the team find appropriate bacteria species, and help explore electron transport options
",,,,,,Consulted a professor from UMass Amherst about microbial fuel cell design.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 402,Harvard BioDesign,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Taking Advice from Professor Peter Girguis,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with Professor Peter Girguis, whose lab specializes in studying deep-sea organisms and has experience developing underwater fuel cells to function as power sources
  • Ask questions relating to their project and their goal to use terephthalic acid to generate electricity
",Integrated Human Practices,"Professor Girguis warned the team that current fuel cell technology is only capable of producing limited amounts of electricity and that they should take this to account when determining the precise application of their reactor. Their conversation with Girguis helped them grasp the impracticality of producing a large amount of energy. The team found out they could do, though, was power an LED signal or a GPS ping, which they integrated into their final design of Plastiback. Thus, the energy produced by their MFC will help send a signal back to researchers to indicate the location of plastic in the ocean.",,,,Consulted a professor specializing in underwater fuel cells for advice.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 403,Harvard BioDesign,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Looking Ahead with Seabin,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Transcript of interview with Dr. Sergio Ruiz-Halpern is available near the bottom of the page,Interview,"Vendors/Businesses, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with Dr. Sergio Ruiz-Halpern, Head of Science at Seabin, a startup whose aim is to create a automated rubbish collector that can be attached to the back of a boat or yacht and used to filter seawater of everything from detergents and oil to plastic and full-sized bottles and cans
  • Interview Dr. Ruiz-Halpern about technical aspects of the Seabin
  • Inquire about potential collaboration between the team and the startup
",Integrated Human Practices,"The team confirmed that the electricity produced in their system would be much more valuable as a PET-detecting signal, rather than a supplementing power source for the Seabin or other oceanic devices. The team learned that their system would actually work better with microplastic because they are easier to break down.",,,,"Met with the Head of Science at Seabin, a local startup.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 404,Harvard BioDesign,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Lawrence Shulman,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Dr. Lawrence Shulman, Deputy Director for Clinical Services at the Center for Global Cancer Medicine, at the University of Pennsylvania
  • Discuss project, learn more about practical application of proposed therapeutic method
",Integrated Human Practices,"In discussing practical use of proposed therapeutic, realized that design of BactoGrip treatment must consider end-user physicians and patients",,,,Met with a cancer expert to discuss applications of their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 405,Harvard BioDesign,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with clinical trial specialists,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Dr. Daniel Kronish, Associate Director of Medical Review at the Harvard Office of Human Research Services (OHRS)
  • Learn about timeline for bringing new cancer therapeutics to market, considering the clinical trial process
  • Speak with Dr. Jerome Ritz, the Executive Director at the Connell O'Reilly Cell Manipulation and Gene Transfer Laboratory, in the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
  • Learn more about clinical trial process
",Integrated Human Practices,"Learned that in order to enter product into clinical trial process, team must begin planning in vivo assays in model species before considering human subject trials",,,,Met with an expert to learn about the timeline for bringing new cancer therapeutics to market,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 406,Harvard BioDesign,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Stephen Sonis of ActoGenix,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Learn about ActoGenix and their similar experiences bringing a microbial therapeutic to market in human subjects
  • Discuss safety and public health concerns for this category of cancer therapeutic
,Integrated Human Practices,"Learned about the importance of testing product in immunocompromised subjects; transformed constructs into a different, less immunogenic strain of E. coli and demonstrated that the system was compatible with this new strain",,,,Met with experts on bringing a microbial therapeutic to market in human subjects,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 407,Harvard BioDesign,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Discuss public acceptance of microbial-based oncological therapies,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Speak with Dr. Jerome Ritz, the Executive Director at the Connell O'Reilly Cell Manipulation and Gene Transfer Laboratory in the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, about whether he thought a microbial cancer therapeutic would be welcomed by patients
  • Discuss public perception of experimental microbial treatments
",,,,"Concluded that system could achieve widespread public acceptance, but that this is contingent on showing efficacy and addressing other safety concerns around synthetic microorganisms",,Met with an expert to discuss public perception of experimental microbial treatments ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 408,Harvard BioDesign,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Participation in Building with Biology and Conversations with the Public,"Project Presentation, Teaching Activity, Community Event","<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>","Link to the Building with Biology lesson plan for ""See DNA"", Description of the ""Vitamin A: You Choose"" activity",Education Activity Protocol,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Volunteer at a Building with Biology event hosted at Boslab, a community synthetic biology lab in Somerville
  • Lead the activities ""See DNA"" and ""Vitamin A: You Choose!"" (see products for activity protocols)
  • Ask for participants' opinions on their iGEM project and synthetic biology
",,,,,,"Volunteered at a local Building with Biology event, led several teaching activities.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 409,Heidelberg,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,"""Synthetic Biology - Bricks for a Healthy Life?"" Panel","Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts",,,,"Scientific Community, General Public","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Invite a number of professionals in synthetic biology to participate in the panel, including ethics and safety experts, local politicians and policy experts, and researchers
  • Guide discussions, allow audience members to engage the guests and ask questions
  • Livestream the panel online and translate to German and English for audience accessibility, allow online audience to submit questions via twitter
",,,,,,Created an interdisciplinary panel of experts and had participants submit questions via Twitter,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 410,Heidelberg,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Gabriele Nübel and Dr. Murat Sünbül,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Learn about RNA research at Heidelberg
  • Discuss project idea, importance of incorporating software into project
",Integrated Human Practices,Learned about the importance of aptamers and the need for accessible software in aptamer research,,,,Discussed their project and RNA research with researchers at Heidelberg,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 411,Heidelberg,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Damiana Kastelic,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss the importance of robustness in an assay
  • Discuss idea of using multiple model substances to test system
,Integrated Human Practices,"Gained valuable advice, new design ideas and future directions for the project",,,,Discussed the importance of robustness and using a multiple-model system,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 412,Heidelberg,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Cystic Fibrosis expert,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Marcus A. Mall, head of the pediatric pulmonology and allergology unit of the university medical center in Heidelberg and head of the Heidelberg cystic fibrosis centre
  • Learn about limitations of medicating cystic fibrosis with classical pharmacological approaches
  • Discuss most effective methods of administering potential cystic fibrosis therapy
",Integrated Human Practices,"Discussed testing ribozymes with an CF lung cell line, in which ion flow could be measured at the Mall laboratory",,,,Met with a pediatric pulmonology doctor to discuss the limitations of treatment for cystic fibrosis and the potentials of their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 413,Heidelberg,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,"""What is Synthetic Biology?"" Video Project","Educational Material, Speaker Series, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",A series of video and written responses by synthetic biologists and other scientific researchers about their definitions of and opinions on synthetic biology,"Educational Video, Interview",Scientific Community,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Send out a questionnaire to several distinguished synthetic biologists and members of the scientific community, ask them to film their responses to one or several of the questions
",Qualitative,Received video responses from many scientific researchers describing many aspects of the field of synthetic biology,,,,Recorded interviews with several distinguished synthetic biologists,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 414,Heidelberg,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,"""What can Synthetic Biology do for us?"" Video Project",Survey,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Delegate international peers to film videos of their local community members voicing their questions about synthetic biology
,,,,,,Created a video project of community members talking about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 415,HFUT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meetup with USTC-CHINA and USTC-Software,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Invite USTC-CHINA and USTC-Software to present their projects
  • Present their own project to the other teams
  • Share knowledge about designing their biobrick and software and give each other advice
,,,,,,Invited other iGEM teams to practice presenting their projects,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 416,HFUT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Conference of China iGEMer Committee,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Attend Conference of China iGEMer Committee
  • Share projects and exchange ideas
  • Make and present a presentation to introduce their project, BioDesigner
",,,,,,Participated in iGEM meetup,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 417,HFUT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Seminar in the HeFei University of Technology,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Present iGEM project to other classmates at their school
  • Introduce basic concepts in synthetic biology
,,,,,,Presented iGEM project to other students in their university,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 418,HKUST-Rice,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bioethical Debate,Conference/Panel Discussion,"<a href=""""></a>",A series of videos that shows the debate that took place,Video of Activity,Secondary School Students,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Invite 12 high school senior girls to discuss ethics
  • Ask students to read two articles about applications of synthetic biology
  • Examine ethical concerns surrounding synthetic biology
  • Reflect on the benefit and harm caused by human activities
  • Assess attitudes towards the controversies surrounding synthetic biology applications
  • Debate the question: “Is it ethical to treat micro-organisms as a machine for the betterment of agriculture?”
,Qualitative,"Well reasoned arguments on both ends with proponents of synthetic biology emphasizing the need to learn more by doing research with more regulations in place, Girls gave good feedback and enjoyed the debate ",,,,Invited high school girls to discuss science ethics and ethics surrounding synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 419,HKUST-Rice,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Exploratory Research,"Survey, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",Transcriptions of interview,Interview,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Research answers to the following questions: What criteria govern selection of NPK (nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium) detectors? What are the expectations regarding the sustainability of microbial NPK biosensors? How do stakeholders’ perceptions of microbial biosensors change with different settings? What are stakeholders’ perceptions of the safety of microbial biosensors?
  • Sample and survey perceptions on NPK biosensors
  • Evaluate stakeholders' opinions
",,,,,,Researched the criteria for governing selection of NPK detectors and survey the public on the same topic,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 420,Hong-Kong-CUHK,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Expert,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview Prof. Douglas Yung, assistant professor of electronic engineering, to better understand microbial fuel cells which is one of the applications of their project
  • Get advice on how to improve their project
",,,,,,Interviewed an expert on electronic engineering to discuss microbial fuel cells and their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 421,Hong-Kong-CUHK,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Video Clip,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A video promoting synthetic biology and their project,Educational Video,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Introduce synthetic biology to the general public, in particular the younger audience with an educational background through the use of a short video clips.
  • Use colorful images to make the video more engaging
",,,,,,Introduced synthetic biology to the general public through short video slips,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 422,Hong-Kong-CUHK,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Asia conference at Taiwan,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Attend the Asia conference in Taiwan
  • Present project at the conference and have a poster session to introduce their project
  • Listen to presentations by others and gain useful information and ideas from them
,,,,,,Attended a conference in Taiwan to present their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 423,Hong-Kong-CUHK,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Local Questionnaire,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Collect the opinion of the public including all ages and educational backgrounds about life science, synthetic biology and their project
  • Develop a questionnaire for online-distribution
",Qualitative,"206 responses were received, people that are less educated think it is not safe and people that are more educated have ethical concerns, more promotion and education is needed to better inform the public ",,,,Surveyed the general public about life science and synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 424,Hong-Kong-CUHK,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,International Questionnaire ,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Coordinate with 10 other teams to conduct an international survey on synthetic biology
  • Gain a better understanding of synthetic biology opinions from around the world
,Qualitative,"Detailed results can be found at: <a href=""""></a>",,,,Coordinated a multi-country survey of public opinion about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 425,Hong-Kong-CUHK,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Workshop,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Host a one day workshop called ""A day as a scientist in CUHK""
  • Introduce lab techniques to the students like pipetting, making agarose gel, dye loading as well as performing gel electrophoresis
",,,,,,Hosted a workshop to introduce lab techniques to students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 426,Hong-Kong-CUHK,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Talk,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Host a talk to provide basic information about the background and advantages of synthetic biology
  • Encourage students to think about the impact of synthetic biology including ethical aspects
  • Introduce their project to encourage other students to join iGEM in the future
,,,,,,Hosted a talk on synthetic biology and iGEM for students to learn about the field,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 427,HSiTAIWAN,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Taipei High School Science Fair,Community Event,,,,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Attend Taipei high school science fair, held annually to facilitate high school students of the Science Program and Honor Math Program in the exchange of science projects and innovations
  • Through an oral presentation and poster session, gain different ideas for their project from students of different schools
",Qualitative,Found the insight of other students to be a valuable opportunity to learn or conceive questions we hadn't thought of; learned how to teach people without standard knowledge of synthetic biology and conveyed the basic concept of biology rapid scanning,,,,Attended Taipei high school science fair and presented iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 428,HSiTAIWAN,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEMer Community,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Attend the iGEMer Community 5-day event (Asia-Pacific Meetup)
  • Between presentations, promote their project to other students or cluster around posters asking questions
  • Through various breakout sessions, discuss synthetic biology issues in a round-table format
  • Gain advice from Professor Chuan-Hsiung Chang, an expert in biology marketing
",Qualitative,"Learned about a lot of new techniques such as Crispr Cas9, prions, and diverse RNAs",,,,Attended the iGEMer Community 5-day event (Asia-Pacific Meetup) to present project and ask questions,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 429,HSiTAIWAN,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Industry,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts",,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","
  • Food safety dialogue with I-Mei Foods Company, LTD
  • Present project to Non-Profit Organization Brion Research Institute of Taiwan, Sun Ten Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd
",Qualitative,"Learned the manufacturing process of the Chinese patent medicines, gained crucial input for iGEM Project, ",,,,"Conversed with I-Mei Foods Company, LTD on food safety",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 430,HSiTAIWAN,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,NGO,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss with Homemakers United Foundation (HUF) committed to environmental protection
  • Learn about problems regarding regulation of Chinese medicine
,Qualitative,"Learned that most people want to have the highest quality of Chinese medicine, yet they refuse to pay more money for the merchandiser to import goods. ",,,,Discussed environmental protection with the Homemakers United foundation (HUF),Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 431,HSiTAIWAN,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science Study Monthly,Educational Material,,,,"Scientific Community, Teachers, Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Choose a magazine with goal of helping science education to take root: Science Study Monthly has now become an exchange platform for primary and high school teachers, and acts as educational resources for primary and high science curricula
  • Submit article on iGEM project to be issued
",Qualitative,"Contents were easy to understand and rich in pictures and words, providing scientific knowledge to satisfy the public",,,,Submitted an article on the iGEM project to Science Study Monthly,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 432,HSiTAIWAN,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,NEWTON: Graphic Science Magazine,Educational Material,,,,"Scientific Community, General Public","Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Publish iGEM project to Newton Graphic Science Magazine, the most-circulated science magazine in Taiwan since 1983
",Qualitative,Were able to reach out to those we haven't met in person,,,,Published iGEM project to Newton Graphic Science Magazine,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 433,HSiTAIWAN,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Government Sector,"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,"Primary School Students, Legislators",Policy Outreach,"
  • Department of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy annually conducts educational sessions for the young generation to perceive the correct concept of Chinese Medicine and familiarize this important Chinese culture
  • Through interactive and iterative dialogues, learn how government legislated the laws for Chinese Medicine and the process of regulation and the difficulties the government face when it comes to educating people the correct knowledge about Chinese Medicine and finding the appropriate law standards
  • Government officers ask a few technical questions to clarify how our product may work and the background on creating a rapid scanning device
",Qualitative,Government sector was excited to hear that we decided to invent a rapid scanning based on biotechnology; they assured that they will eagerly promote their project once the product overcame the difficulties and was proven to function well,,,,Met with government representatives to learn about the national regulation of Chinese Medicine practices.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 434,HSiTAIWAN,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Legislator,"Project Presentation, Consult Experts",,,,Legislators,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Visit Deputy Minister Ms. Chiu-Chin Tien, former senior legislator in Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee of the Congress
  • Learn the health and environment challenges our society now face
  • Promote project idea and ask for feedback
",Qualitative,Learned that the most vital difficulty the government faces is that there is not enough budget and technicians to detect all the imported goods. Our product has the potential to save a fortune and ease the pressure of governors.,,,,Met with former senior legislator in Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee of the Congress.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 435,HSiTAIWAN,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Legislator,"Project Presentation, Consult Experts",,,,Legislators,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project",
  • Meet with Legislator Man-Li Chen from Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee
  • Learn about how to enact a law on Chinese medicine
,Qualitative,"For feedback, the governor suggested us that we promote our product to youngsters ",,,,"Met with a member of the Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee, learned about Chinese medicine policies.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 436,HSiTAIWAN,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Meetup with students of Kyuyo Senior High School,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Reach out to students of the same age and promote project to them, in this case, to students at Kyuyo Senior High School, a public senior high school of Japan whose mission is to educate students in a wide range of advanced scientific subjects
  • Exchange ideas regarding their science projects
  • Use think-pair-share strategies to discuss the ideas of DNA and biotechnology and how these things influence daily life both positively and negatively
",Qualitative,"Fostered creativity and learned that our generation not only needs to learn advanced scientific knowledge, but also requires a global mindset to promote human health and environmental sustainability",,,,Promoted project to students at Kyuyo Senior High School,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 437,HSNU-TAIPEI,High School,2015,,"Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,NGO,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Visit John Tung Foundation, a well-known NGO in Taiwan that has had great contributions to food safety and tobacco hazards prevention
  • Learn about the work the NGO does to resolve social issues
  • Listen to their expert suggestions on how to implement the project
",,,,"The NGO suggested selling biosensors to consumers, food suppliers, and oil producers. If they use the biosensor early in the production process, they will save time and money. The team gained valuable information for their project.",, Visited a famous NGO in Taiwan that contributes to food safety and tobacco hazards prevention and listened to their suggestions for the project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 438,HSNU-TAIPEI,High School,2015,,"Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Government: Governmental Officers and Legislators,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Transcript of the interview with the vice commissioner of the Ministry of Health and Welfare,Interview,Legislators,"Policy Outreach, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Because the uses of E. coli have no specific regulations in Taiwan, consult with government officials
  • Talk with previous Deputy Director of the Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • Discuss safety issues from a policy-making and implementation perspective
  • Develop a low-cost device which can address safety issues that were discovered in the meeting
",Qualitative,Understood more about how government and policy work: more complex than they realized,,The team gained a better understanding of how to change the project to make it a better societal fit. They also learned how their project could be more beneficial to the government than current solutions to the problem. Lawmakers really appreciated the project.,,Consulted with government officials about E Coli regulation and safety issue in Taiwan and developed a device addressing safety problems,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 439,HSNU-TAIPEI,High School,2015,,"Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Industry,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview vendors, visit food companies, visit some commercial companies
  • Understand the effect of food scandals
  • Promote philosophy of project
",Qualitative,Found out that the cost of testing oil would be too high for the project,,It was difficult to find food vendors who were willing to give interviews. The team hoped that progressing in the project would help get other vendors more interested in the project.,,Visited vendors and companies and looked into food scandals,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 440,HSNU-TAIPEI,High School,2015,,"Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Lawyer,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Transcript of interview with lawyers,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit a law firm
  • Learn about regulations and policies related to food safety and synthetic biology
  • Ask questions relating to project and record answers
,,,,The lawyer helped the team review relevant legislation and find blind spots in the law,,Asked a law firm about regulations and policies related to food safety and synthetic biology and their opinion on iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 441,HSNU-TAIPEI,High School,2015,,"Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Senior High Education,"Project Presentation, Survey","<a href=""General_questionnaire.PNG"">General_questionnaire.PNG</a>, <a href=""""></a>","Survey that was used to collect suggestions for product design and experiments from the students, PowerPoint presentation about project and synthetic biology",Survey,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Visit multiple high schools
  • Organize a group of students that identify and try to solve societal problems
  • Work with biology teachers to observe classes
  • Present the project and synthetic biology
  • Administer a survey for students to get suggestions for product design and experiments
,Quantitative,"Detailed results can be found at <a href=""""></a>",39,They found that high school students have wider knowledge and experiences than younger students.,,Worked with high school teacher to introduce iGEM project and synthetic biology and surveyed about students' ideas for product design,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 442,HSNU-TAIPEI,High School,2015,,"Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Teacher Education,Project Presentation,,,,Teachers,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Visit various high school teachers' seminars
  • Present on the importance of iGEM and the team's iGEM project
,,,,,,Attended high school seminars and promoted iGEM project ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 443,HSNU-TAIPEI,High School,2015,,"Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Junior High Education,"Project Presentation, Survey","<a href=""General_questionnaire.PNG"">General_questionnaire.PNG</a>, <a href=""""></a>","Survey that was used to collect suggestions for product design and experiments from the students, PowerPoint presentation about project and synthetic biology",Survey,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Introduce project to students
  • Get feedback from students using a Google Form
  • Let students play with phone application that was made for the project
,Quantitative,"Detailed results can be found at <a href=""""></a>",47,,,"Introduced iGEM project to students, gained feedback from them and did biological activities",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 444,HSNU-TAIPEI,High School,2015,,"Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Elementary Education,"Project Presentation, Survey","<a href=""Elementry_school_questionnaire.PNG"">Elementry_school_questionnaire.PNG</a>",Survey to assess students' reactions to the phone application the team made and students' reactions to the synthetic biology lesson that the team led,Survey,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Introduce the iGEM team and the iGEM program
  • Present the project
  • Question and answer with students
  • Gain feedback through Google Form
  • Let students play with phone applications that were made for the project
,Quantitative,"Detailed results can be found at <a href=""""></a>",43,The activity was successful due to teachers' cooperation with the team and the students' passion.,,"Introduced iGEM project to students, Q&A session, gained feedback from them and did biological activities",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 445,HSNU-TAIPEI,High School,2015,,"Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Kindergarten Education,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Lesson plan for teaching activity with kindergarten students,Education Activity Protocol,Primary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Explain the project in basic terms with visual demonstration
  • Have students design their own super E. coli
  • Discuss results with teachers to let them know the improvement
,,,,,,"Present iGEM project, helped students design their super E Coli and gained suggestions from the teacher ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 446,HUST-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Project-in-action,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Present project at various conferences and share ideas with iGEM teams from different universities and countries
  • Attend the meetup in Wuhan and exchange ideas and discuss existing problems
  • Attend the NCTU iGEM conference and gain valuable advice on how to improve project
  • Attend the Central China iGEM Consortium meeting and receive suggestions on the selection of techniques and devices
  • Participate in a scientific research innovation contest held by Huazhong University of Science and Technology to promote the awareness of synthetic biology
,,,,,,Presented their iGEM project at various conferences and receive helpful feedback,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 447,HUST-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Communication with Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Consult Professor Zheng Junjie who is an expert in civil processing
  • Understand the role biology plays in the interdisciplinary study of slit reinforcement
  • Receive suggestions on the project
,Integrated Human Practices,Gained a detailed understanding on microbial slit reinforcement,,,,Consulted an expert in civil processing to better understand the role biology plays in interdisciplinary study of slit reinforcement,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 448,HUST-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to Zhejiang Marine Fisheries Research Institute,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Visit Zhejiang Marine Fisheries Research Institute
  • Meet with Professor Wang Wei Ding, an expert in aquafarm and artificial reefs
  • Understand two different types of artificial reefs
  • Receive professional advice for Professor Wang on how to improve the project
",Integrated Human Practices,"Prof. Wang offered advice for preventing the product from sinking in the ocean, possibly by employing some weighting device; to make it more convenient for fish to live and hide in the reef, the product could also be made porous by using molds; the product's resistance to pressure also needed to be tested and strengthened to adapt to the complex marine environment",,,,Visited a fisher research institute to discuss artificial reefs and receive advice on their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 449,HUST-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM HUST-Cheering! Conference,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Host a conference for other iGEM teams with project presentations, discussions on synthetic biology research methods, and a synthetic biology quiz competition
",,,,"As a conclusion, HUST iGEM attempted to answer three questions: How to build a promising and energetic team? What does iGEM mean to us? Is plant synthetic biology possible? Their responses can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,Hosted conference for other iGEM teams to present and discuss presentations,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 450,HUST-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,End-User Consideration Survey,Survey,,,,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Send out a survey to other iGEM teams via email and social media asking what preferences or needs they would have for a gene expression toolkit
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""End User Considerations""",24,Concluded that there is a need for a tool to make circuits more robust and stable in response to input signal fluctuations. Teams need a toolkit that can not only control gene expression to adapt to various inputs but also adjust threshold intensity of input to satisfy different requirements ,,Sent survey to other iGEM teams asking about preferences or needs regarding a gene expression toolkit,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 451,HUST-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Seminar at Affiliated High School of HUST ,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
  • Introduce concept and basic information on synthetic biology
  • Present 2015 iGEM project
  • Answer questions about synthetic biology and iGEM
  • Correspond with teachers about the possibility of forming a high school iGEM team in future years
  • Invite some students to visit lab and learn basic lab techniques
,,,300,,,Introduced the concept of synthetic biology and presented 2015 iGEM project to secondary school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 452,HUST-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Visit Zhoushan Fishery,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey for fisherman about fishery development and ecological restoration ,Survey,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit the Zhoushan Fishery to investigate ecological problems
  • Understand the viewpoints and attitudes of fishermen by giving them a questionnaire
  • Interview fishermen and local residents
,Quantitative,"Detailed results can be found at: <a href=""""></a>",,,,Visited a local fishery to discuss ecological problems and receive their opinion of their current project idea,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 453,HZAU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,IGEM TalkX: Synthetic biology training club,Community Event,,,,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Create a synthetic biology club at their college
  • Host talks and discussions every week on synthetic biology
,,,,,,Created a biology club to discuss synthetic biology weekly with members,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 454,HZAU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Policy Practices ,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Research about the current rise in popularity of science in China and the communication of science through surveys and reading articles
,,,,,,Researched the current rise of popularity of science and the communication of science through modern media in China,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 455,HZAU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,2015 iGEM Asian Conference NCTU,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Attend the 2015 iGEM Asian Conference at the National Chiao Tung University in Taipei
  • Present iGEM project and discuss problems and ideas with other teams
,,,,,,Attended an iGEM conference to present their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 456,HZAU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Conference of three university of Central China,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Meetup with HUST-China and WHU-China and discuss project and problems faced while in the lab
,,,,,,Met with two other teams to discuss issues with their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 457,HZAU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,2015 CCIC Peking,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Meetup with other teams in the second CCiC (Conference of China iGEMer's Committee)
  • Present their own iGEM project and listen to other teams presenting
  • Receive suggestions and advice from other teams
,,,,,,Met with other iGEM teams to present their IGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 458,Imperial College,Undergraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Socio-Technical Integration Research project (S.T.I.R.),Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",The Socio-Technical Integration Research protocol (S.T.I.R.) from Arizona State University,"Laboratory Protocol, Education Activity Protocol",iGEM Teams,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Create a protocol for reflective questions, including environmental and ethical impacts, to encourage
",Integrated Human Practices,"Detailed explanations of how their project influenced the course of their project can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Created a protocol for developing reflective questions concerning environmental and ethical impacts,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 459,Imperial College,Undergraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Visual Strategies Experimental Guide,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","A pdf about data visualization can be found under the header ""Visual Strategies""",Research Paper,iGEM Teams,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Consult with a large number of students and teachers at the Royal College of Art of presenting their project.
  • Decide on using visual media as a key to quick understanding from their feedback.
  • Present visited visual graphics and project and gain feedback and advice on where to take the project, such as modular phenotype engineering.
  • Develop a visualisation guidebook from the information gained from the artists and designers
",,,,,,Consulted with students and teachers at the Royal College of Art on project presentation,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 460,Imperial College,Undergraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Created a mobile game,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Mobile game application to learn about co-cultures,Education Activity,"Secondary School Students, General Public",Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Create a mobile game as a teaching tool to explain co-cultures
  • Have players recognize co-cultures and understand how they can be beneficial
  • Explain where co-cultures occur in nature
  • Inspire participants to produce their own ideas for novel applications of co-cultures.
,Quantitative,80% of people who played were able to recognize and explain co-cultures,About 115,Increase the amount of guidance the game provides its players. Include a short tutorial video at the beginning of the game. Expand the number of microbes and products available in the game. Used a survey to measure results. ,,Created a mobile game to help teach about the value of Co-Culture,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 461,INSA-Lyon,Undergraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Consult Actor,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Consult with experts in the field, including a famous actor advocating for STI research
  • Engage with them and inform them about your project and how it can be helpful to them
",Qualitative,Received positive feedback from those in the field and helped the public feel encouraged to see the support of the scientific community,,,,Consulted experts in the field and informed them of the project's applications,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 462,INSA-Lyon,Undergraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Ethical Matrix,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Ethical matrix for their project,Paper on Ethics,"Scientific Community, iGEM Teams",Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Use knowledge acquired during meetings and surveys to build an ethical matrix
,Qualitative,The ethical matrix was a useful framework to assist in our deliberation about technical choices but also social choices,,,,Built an ethical matrix using knowledge acquired from meetings and surveys,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 463,INSA-Lyon,Undergraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,INSA-Lyon Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Create a survey asking the public about how they feel about synthetic biology, and how they would feel using it in the medical field and more specifically using their product
  • Distribute the survey to a wide range of the general public and analyze the results
",Quantitative,Received positive feedback and helped the team understand where the further engage and educate the public,,,,Created a survey asking the public their opinions on synthetic biology and its application in the medical field,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 464,INSA-Lyon,Undergraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Education Workshops,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Design three workshops that would gradually educate entry level university students on synthetic biology
  • Teach these workshops to large numbers of students to increase awareness and gain further support for future iGEM teams.
,Qualitative,Received positive feedback and helped educate their fellow peers,,,,Designed and hosted three workshops that would educate entry level university students on synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 465,Ionis Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Week,"Community Event, Fundraiser",,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Sell meals and crepes to raise funds for iGEM team
  • Organize small conferences to present iGEM project and explain the iGEM competition
  • Host a poster competition challenging participants to create a poster describing their own idea for an iGEM project
,,,,,,Sold meals and crepes to raise funds for iGEM team and organized small conferences to present their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 466,Ionis Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,The European iGEM Experience,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Organize a meetup of all European iGEM teams to share their projects, give feedback, and network
",,,,Received lots of positive feedback from teams and will hope to plan this event again in future years,,Organized a European iGEM team meetup in order to share projects and gain feedback,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 467,Ionis Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Risk Assessment,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Summary of all ethical and safety considerations taken into account in the design of Ionis Paris iGEM's project,"Paper on Ethics, Paper on Safety",General Public,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Research potential ethical and safety concerns associated with the project design, and address them accordingly
",,,,,,Researched potential ethical and safety concerns associated with their project design,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 468,Ionis Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Quantifly Game App,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","App download page for Quantifly, an educational game designed by Ionis Paris iGEM to explain the basis of their project and improve public opinions of and familiarity with GMOs",Education Activity,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Design a game app that will reflect the team's iGEM project in a relatable and entertaining way
,,,,Game is available in Apple Store and Google Play Store,,Designed a game app that reflected the team's project in a relatable and entertaining manner,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 469,Ionis Paris,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,BactMan,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Design a mobile application to be available on all Android mobile phones with the goal of communicating and popularizing synthetic biology
  • Develop BactMan Adventures, an assortment of educative mini-games surrounding the life of a bacterium, with an Open Source game engine
  • Code the application in Java, using the AndEngine game engine to build the different games available in the application
  • Apart from the mini-games, include information about the team, the iGEM competition, and synthetic biology
",,,,,,Designed educational phone apps and games to teach about synthetic biology and iGEM,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 470,Ionis Paris,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Explain Your Project in 1 Minute,Educational Material,,,,"iGEM Teams, General Public",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Challenge other iGEM teams to create a one minute video introducing their project in the simplest way
  • During the French meeting in July, bring camera and record the other French teams
",,,,,,Challenged other iGEM teams to create one minute videos introducing their projects,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 471,Ionis Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Festival Vivant,Fair Booth,,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Attend conference for professionals in the biology field
  • Discuss the iGEM competition and team project in detail, explain the basis of synthetic biology to those not familiar
",,,,,,Attended a conference for professionals in the field of biology and discussed the iGEM competition and team project in detail,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 472,Ionis Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,UPMC Presentation,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Give a presentation at the Unniversité Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC) about the iGEM competition and team project
,,,,,,Gave a presentation at Unniversité Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC) on the iGEM competition and team project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 473,Ionis Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,GMOs and Pollution Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Distribute a survey online asking about public perception of GMOs and their role in solving air pollution
,Quantitative,"Recorded demographic information and opinion responses on the use of GMOs in addressing the problem of air pollution. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Distributed a survey asking about the public's perception of GMOs and their role in addressing air pollution,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 474,Jilin China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Professor Ying Xu,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Professor Ying Xu, specialist in computational biology and cancer research
  • Attend a lecture by the professor about his research
  • Learn about the professor's suggestions to prevent cancers
",,,,,,"Met with Professor Ying Xu, a specialist in computational biology and cancer research, to learn about suggestions regarding cancer prevention",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 475,Jilin China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Ms. Fang Ruan,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Policy Outreach","
  • Meet with law specialist Fang Ruan, a judge for the People's Court of Jinjiang China
  • Ask about current laws and regulations regarding genetic engineering and GMOs
",Qualitative,"Learned about the current laws regarding genetic engineering in China, as well as public perceptions of these technologies. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""Law and Regulation""",,,,Met with law specialist Fang Ruan to ask about current laws and regulations concerning genetic engineering and GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 476,Jilin China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Changchun International forum of Oncobiology and Translational Medicine,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Attend international forum, interview experts in cancer biology about the current trends and newly developed methods of treating solid tumors
  • Ask for advice on iGEM project
",Integrated Human Practices,"Spoke with several research professionals about their project and gained valuable advice. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""International Forum""",,,,Attended an international forum to interview experts in cancer biology about current trends and newly developed methods of treating tumors,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 477,Jilin China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,XMU-China Newsletter,Educational Material,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Contribute to newsletter from XMU-China iGEM team by writing a short article on the Jilin iGEM project and results
,,,,,,Contributed a short article on iGEM project to XMU-China newsletter,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 478,Jilin China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Booklet,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Construct a booklet providing background information on synthetic biology as well as the Jilin China team project, including critical learning questions for readers to check understanding
  • Distribute booklet to local students and teachers, and to other iGEM teams to distribute in their own local areas
",,,,,,Created and distributed a booklet providing background info on synthetic biology and iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 479,Jilin China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,TEDxJLU,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,Present iGEM Project,
  • Give a TED talk-style presentation providing background on synthetic biology and explaining the iGEM project
,,,,,,Gave a TED talk-style presentation on synthetic biology and iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 480,Jilin China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Jilin University News Network Interview,Social Media,,,,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Participate in an interview with university TV network explaining basic background information on synthetic biology as well as a description of the iGEM project
,,,,,,Participated in interview with the university TV network by explaining synthetic biology and iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 481,Jilin China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Solid Tumors and Synthetic Biology Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Design and distribute a survey asking about respondents' understanding of solid tumors and synthetic biology as a solution
,Quantitative,"Learned that public knowledge about solid tumors and recent developments in the field were very limited. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""Survey""",,,,Designed and distributed survey asking about people's understanding of solid tumors and synthetic biology as a solution,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 482,Jilin China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Visit to High School Affiliated with Jilin University,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Give a presentation to students on synthetic biology, the purpose of iGEM, and the team's iGEM project
  • Invite students to visit the iGEM lab and provide contact information so that students can contact the team with more questions about iGEM and synthetic biology
",,,,,,"Gave presentation to students on synthetic biology, purpose of iGEM, and the team's project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 483,Kent,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meetups,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Attend two iGEM meetups in London
  • On July 31st, attend the first London iGEM Meetup, hosted by Birkbeck in collaboration with UCL, London Biohackers, and University of Westminster
  • Present project for practice
  • Attend second meetup hosted by the University of Westminster, where many more teams from around the country can present their work and bounce back ideas that would aid in the final presentations
",,,,"Found these meetups to be of great importance not only because they acted as ""dress rehearsals"", but also as a chance to get people to complete questionnaires and give vital feedback that improved aspects of the project",,Attend iGEM meetups and present iGEM project and receive feedback,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 484,Kent,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview Politicians,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a> Panizza - Italian Senator",Transcript of interviews,Interview,Legislators,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Start by finding a list of Members of European Parliament (MEPs) from the UK and select the ones that deal with energy, conservation, environment or industry
  • Target MPs and MEPs of different parties to see if their outlook on subjects like renewable energy sources differed
  • Draft a letter containing 10 questions to ask them, some of the questions being specifically about the project and others more general to gauge their views on synthetic biology
  • Send letters along with the questions to MEPs both by post and via email
  • Besides targeting UK MPs and MEPs, also gather feedback from international politicians
",Qualitative,"Successful in interviewing Franco Panizza and Anneliese Dodds (an Italian Senator)l the same was not true with most of the UK MPs or MEPs contacted; Local politicians were more concerned about what happens in their constituency and are more experienced with handling public complaints instead of dealing with policy planning; It was still worthwhile in engaging local politicians in order to start a dialogue with them, to update them on what was happening in the lab/university, and to probe whether they have ever handled any public complaints concerning the energy issue",,"Noticed an issue with a lack of responses from the MPs, with three of them replying that due to strict Parliamentary protocol, they could only reply to people living in their constituency (i.e. those with postcodes of the area where the MP is in charge); Bypassed the issue of how to address a local MP in the letter using the template pre-set by the website",,Drafted letters to various members of parliament promoting awareness of both synthetic biology and renewable energy research,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 485,Kent,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Influencing Parliamentary Decision,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Summaries of public policy synthetic biology issues based on research literature and intended for legislators to use,Policy,Legislators,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Write a POSTnote to get parliament to notice and recognize the impact synthetic biology can have on society ('POSTnotes' are summaries of public policy issues based on reviews of the research literature and are peer reviewed by external experts; POSTnotes are often produced proactively so that parliamentarians have advance knowledge of key issues before they reach the top of the political agenda)
  • Focus the document on climate change and the impact renewable energy can have on this issue, the potential of Synthetic Biology as a renewable solution in electronic manufacturing and in energy production, and the isolation between science and politics which is hindering factor in the growth of projects
",Qualitative,The reply from the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology showed that there was a quota on how many POST notes relating to Synthetic Biology could be published in a certain period; There was clearly a gap in the understanding of Synthetic Biology between scientists and policymakers and the general public,,The question as to what is the best way to improve public dialogue remains elusive and more efforts should still be done in this respect; Team also gained realistic insight of the position of Synthetic Biology within the political agenda,,Wrote a POSTnote to parliament to promote awareness of synthetic biology and discussing climate change and the impact renewable energy can have on this issue,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 486,Kent,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Stacey Symposium,Project Presentation,,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses","Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Attend the Stacey Symposium, a public event hosted by the Biosciences department in September
  • Present project to esteemed lecturers, investors, alumni, and their families
  • Explain the importance of iGEM work within synthetic biology
  • After the presentation, socialize with the attendees and receive constructive criticism on the presentation and research
",,,,,,Attended a symposium to present their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 487,Kent,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Kent 2015 Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Aim to ask questions which cover the economics aspect of renewable energy as well as questions about the environment
  • To receive an unbiased range of answers, public the survey on different social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit account
  • Hand out copies of the survey during the Birkbeck London Meetup, the Stacey Symposium, and the Public Workshop
",Qualitative,"Although most participants were in a bioscience related field, responses were collected from people in engineering-related fields, computer science, and art; 30% of the participants said they thought charging stations in public places would be a successful, with 13% suggesting others, including medical related applications; 83% of the participants said they would be comfortable with using a portable charger",,,,Surveyed the public during a London meetup on economic aspects of renewable energy and the environment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 488,Kent,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Public Workshop,Teaching Activity,,,,"General Public, Primary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • In order to demonstrate the project to the general public of all ages, run a workshop showcasing the team's efforts
  • To make the session more interactive, employ an AFM model using pink and red plates to show the growth of amyloid fibers due to the redness of the cells
  • Kids can play around with the AFM model
  • Discuss safety measures that need to be taken when using E. coli and reassure people that ""kill switches"" in the project would make it safe for everyday use
",,,,,,Ran a workshop about their iGEM project while also demonstrating an AFM model showing the growth of amyloid fibers,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 489,Korea U Seoul,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Seminar on Strategy for National Defense Against Biothreat,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Specialized Audience,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Attend conference hosted by Republic of Korea Parliamentarian Society
  • Discuss national policies on biosafety and prevention of bioterrorism and spread of infectious diseases
,,,,Noted that even elder statesmen of the National Assembly were not informed about the mechanism of bio-terrorism and the spread of infectious diseases,,Attended conference hosted by Republic of Korea Parliamentarian Society to discuss national policies on biosafety and bioterrorism,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 490,Korea U Seoul,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,iGEM Korean Team Meetup,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Attend the “iGEM Korean Team Meetup”
  • Introduce the project
  • Support and mentor Korean High School iGEM teams participating in the Giant Jamboree
,,,,It was a great opportunity to share opinions on each project and receive feedback on the project to make the ‘Gil' more user-friendly,,Attended Korean iGEM team meetup ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 491,Korea U Seoul,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science Dong-A Feature,Educational Material,,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Interview with a popular Korean science magazine about synthetic biology, iGEM and the team's project
",,,,Magazine is actively used by middle and high school all around Korea as a material for science education in class for gifted students,,Interviewed by a popular Korean science magazine about synthetic biology and iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 492,Korea U Seoul,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Translation of U.S. Presidential Ethics Report,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Korean translation of the US Presidential ethics report originally published in English in 2010,Paper on Ethics,"Vendors/Businesses, General Public","Discuss Ethics and Safety, Policy Outreach","
  • Translate a U.S. presidential report, which covers topics ranging from the general concept of synthetic biology and its emerging concerns to 18 major recommendations of the presidential commission, from English to Korean
",,,,"Team plans to distribute this document, once translated, to local biotechnology industries and to schools as educational material",,Translated a U.S. presidential report covering synthetic biology and its emerging concerns from English to Korean,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 493,Korea U Seoul,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"Solar, Wind and Earth Energy Trade (SWEET) Fair ",Fair Booth,,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Prepare a poster and brochure describing the team project, and present this project at the fair booth throughout the duration of the event
",,,,,,"Created poster and brochure describing team project and presented at a booth during Solar, Wind and Earth Energy Trade (SWEET) Fair ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 494,Korea U Seoul,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science Day Exhibition,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • For two consecutive days, run a booth in ‘Family Science Day Exhibition’ hosted by Seoul National Science Museum
  • Prepare activities for young children and their parents
  • Bring jellies and help the children make ‘sweet DNA' models so that they can learn the structure of DNA and its basic properties
  • While the children make sweet DNAs, explain synthetic biology using posters and give GFP samples to the parents
  • Have other adults play the “BioBrick Puzzle” game that Team UT Tokyo made in 2012
",,,,,,Ran a booth hosting activities for children and their parents to teach them about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 495,Korea U Seoul,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Survey on Open Research and Synthetic Biology,Survey,,,,"iGEM Teams, General Public",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Decide to carry out a survey aiming to understand people's level of knowledge
  • In order to obtain reliable data, choose a sample for the survey varying from people with no prior knowledge of synthetic biology to those majoring in it
  • Include some information regarding one's background knowledge on synthetic biology, the appliances of the program Gil, and especially ""open network"" and ""open data""
  • Conduct the research for seven days in two languages: Korean and English
",Quantitative,60% of the people did not know what synthetic biology or open data was but said that both synthetic biology and the science field would benefit from their connections with open data,183 answers,,,Carried out a survey about synthetic biology while taking into account the respondents' background in science,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 496,Korea U Seoul,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Mentoring Session at Hansung Science High School,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Introduce synthetic biology and give a brief history of the field
  • Explain the iGEM competition and the team project
  • Host a question and answer session with students about synthetic biology and iGEM
,,,10,"Team would like to eventually construct a platform that systematically supports mentoring programs, connecting college and high school students in demand and allowing communication about subjects such as synthetic biology",,Introduced synthetic biology and explained iGEM competition and project to secondary school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 497,Korea U Seoul,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Open Seminar,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Host an open seminar once per week for four weeks addressing the following topics: Introduction to synthetic biology/iGEM/Korea_U_Seoul, Case study of technology and research in synthetic biology, Introduce previous iGEM projects, Discuss ethical/social difficulties faced by synthetic biology and biotechnology
",Quantitative,"Distributed a feedback survey and found that 68.3% of participants acquired an approximate understanding of synthetic biology. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",40,,,Hosted open seminar once a week for four weeks addressing synthetic biology and iGEM,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 498,Korea U Seoul,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Lecture on the ‘Gil’ and Synthetic Biology,Speaker Series,,,,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Give lectures to undergraduate students of Korea University
  • Advertise iGEM and introduce the team's software program, ‘Gil’
",Qualitative,Helped grow the students' interest in the synbio field and showed them how synthetic biology can be helpful in everyday life,,,,"Lectured university students about team's software project, iGEM and synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 499,Korea U Seoul,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Green Campus,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Explain the basics of synthetic biology and the team's project
  • Discuss the societal importance of the project by explaining the context of global warming and environmental protection efforts
  • Engage in communication with participants by asking their opinions and asking for feedback
,,,,,,Explained basics of synthetic biology and team project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 500,Korea U Seoul,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Associated BioConference,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with participants of Associated BioConference about their experience,Interview,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Collaborate with other university organizations to hold a conference for university students interested in biology
  • Present information about the field of synthetic biology
  • Lead discussions on bioethics and research ethics, focusing on the context of synthetic biology
",,,,,,Collaborated with other university organizations to host a conference for students interested in biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 501,KU_Leuven,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,KU Leuven Ethics,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Professors,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Host a five member panel discussion with professors from KU Leuven on the ethics and definition of synthetic biology
,,,,"Detailed analysis can be found at: <a href=""""></a>",Surveying the Perceptions of Synthetic Biology,"A round table ethics and safety discussion with five professors, focusing on the meaning of synthetic biology, as well as its implications.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 502,KU_Leuven,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,"KU Leuven iGEM 2015 Symposium on Synthetic Biology, Cell Systems and Ethics in Biochemistry",Speaker Series,,,,"University Students, Professors, Scientific Community, iGEM Teams","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project",
  • Host a symposium for members of the school and associated community to learn about synthetic biology applications of various systems as well as visiting team's iGEM projects
,Qualitative,"Evaluation form can be found at: <a href=""""></a>",100,,,Symposium on the synthetic biology applications of cell systems and biochemistry research,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 503,KU_Leuven,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Surveying the Perceptions of Synthetic Biology,Survey ,"<a href=""""></a>","The survey used in this project, in four languages. English, French, Dutch, German ",Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Give survey to 18+ year old members of the general public to determine their knowledge of synthetic biology, as well as gauge their reaction to various ethical scenarios
",Quantitative,"Detailed results can be found at: <a href=""""></a>",352,"Detailed analysis can be found at: <a href=""""></a>",,"A survey of the Belgian public's awareness about the concept of synthetic biology, as well as their specific knowledge ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 504,KU_Leuven,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Codon Cardz,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",A game designed to teach 10-12 year olds about DNA translation and mutations,Education Activity Protocol,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Invite 10-12 year old primary school students from three different schools and use games to help teach them about synthetic biology
,,,,,,Testing out a home brewed card game designed to teach about DNA translation and mutations,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 505,Kyoto,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,November Festival at Kyoto University,Fair Booth,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Participate in poster session at festival, explain the team's project and answer questions about the project and about genetic engineering
",,,,"Participants' knowledge on the matter widely varies, team found it difficult to communicate the more technical aspects of the project, Many seemed to have low expectations regarding the practicality of the project ",,Participated in a poster session at November Festival at Kyoto University explaining project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 506,Kyoto,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,May Festival at University of Tokyo,Fair Booth,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Participate in poster session at festival, explain the team's project and answer questions about the project and about genetic engineering
",,,,"Participants' knowledge on the matter widely varies, team found it difficult to communicate the more technical aspects of the project, Many seemed to have low expectations regarding the practicality of the project ",,Participated in a poster session at May Festival at University of Tokyo explaining project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 507,Kyoto,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,88th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan,Project Presentation,,,,"Scientific Community, iGEM Teams",Present iGEM Project,
  • Present project to attendees as part of a special introduction session for iGEM teams
  • Exchange ideas with Genetics Society members and other iGEM teams present
,,,,,,Presented project to attendees of the 88th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 508,Kyoto,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Student Projects for Enhancing Creativity (SPEC) Feature,"Project Presentation, Educational Material",,,,General Public,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Present project for a national newspaper to be featured in an article about the team and the project
,,,,,,Presented project to be featured in an article for a national newspaper,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 509,Kyoto,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Public Acceptance of Norocatcher Survey,Survey,,,,Secondary School Students,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Ask students about their level of comfort with different applications of recombinant organisms, including ""Oral Administration,"" ""Prevention,"" and ""Detection""
",Quantitative,"Students' resistance to recombinant organism application increased with the level of proximity the user must be with the recombinant organisms. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""Feedforward""",68,,,Asked students about their comfort level with different applications of recombinant organisms,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 510,Kyoto,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Informative lecture at Kobe Secondary School,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Give a short, 20-minute seminar on genetic engineering and iGEM
  • Facilitate a discussion with science teacher about genetic engineering and the team's project
",Qualitative,"Students responded to a feedback survey indicating that they were all ""Strongly more interested"" and ""Much more familiar"" with genetic engineering after hearing the lecture",4,"Only four students were able to attend due to a typhoon; however, all students in attendance gave strong positive feedback to the lecture",,Gave a 20-minute seminar on genetic engineering and iGEM to facilitate discussion with a science teacher,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 511,LASATX,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Radio Interview,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with KXAN and KUT radio stations with the iGEM team about their project,Interview,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Hold interviews with KZAn and KUT radio with members of the iGEM team.
  • Discuss the iGEM project, synthetic biology, the iGEM competition, and public's concerns with synthetic biology
",,,,,,Conduct a radio interview about the iGEM project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 512,Lethbridge,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Lethbridge EMS interviews and ridealongs ,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to page with videos of several interviews with several Lethbridge first responders and the Fire and EMS Resource Officer about current ambulance cleaning standards,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit Lethbridge EMS and discuss their needs for pathogen sensing and cleaning in ambulances
  • Participate in ride-alongs with the team
  • Recover and culture samples taken from different surfaces inside the ambulance
,Integrated Human Practices,"Feedback from EMS workers informed the design of the project--product needed to be comprehensive, portable, user-friendly, standardized, rapid, and specific",,,,Visited Lethbridge EMS to discuss their needs for pathogen sensing and ambulance cleaning,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 513,Lethbridge,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Research Scientists,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss iGEM project with a Fusarium research scientists and an agricultural researcher
  • Discuss the efficacy of their project from lab to field.
  • Discuss the ethics behind their project and ideas for how to best implement their project.
,,,,,,Discuss iGEM project with research scientists familiar with their subject,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 514,Lethbridge,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Molecular Pesticide Distributors to Discuss Cost-Analysis,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Results of their consultation discussing cost-analysis for their project,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Discuss iGEM project with small molecular pesticide distributors.
  • Discuss their project idea, and assess how it could best be implemented into a manufactured product, and its relative cost.
  • Type up a cost-analysis review based on the discuss and post to the wiki.
",,,,,,Discuss iGEM project and cost-analysis with small molecular pesticide distributors ,Right boi,incorrect boi,correct boi 515,Lethbridge,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Organic Farmers,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss iGEM project with organic farmers.
  • Talk about their idea and how it could best help with their farming.
  • Receive advice about what to focus on for their iGEM project to create the most benefit.
,,,,,,Discuss iGEM project with organic farmers. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 516,Lethbridge,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Discuss Ethics with Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Discuss iGEM project with Health Canada and Canada Food Inspection Agency.
  • Talk about the ethical implications of their project, and determine how best to ensure their projects safety and present their project as safe to the public
",,,,,,Discuss ethics of iGEM project with Health Canada and Canadian Food Inspection Agency ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 517,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Panel Discussion,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Invite a series of molecular biology and synbio academics and researchers to participate in the panel
  • Ask panelists about applications of synthetic biology, safety and risks or ethics and society
  • Encourage audience members to ask their own questions to the panelists
",,,,,,Hosted a synthetic biology panel discussion about the applications and ethical concerns of synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 518,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Dr. Alfons Gierl,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Consult with Dr. Alfons Gierl, member of the national biosafety panel (ZKBS) and genetics researcher
  • Discuss safety considerations for the team's project, as well as the future of synthetic biology and GMOs
",Integrated Human Practices,"Learned about current biosafety regulations regarding GMOs and biotechnology, which are considerations for their project design",,,,Met with a member of the national biosafety panel to discuss safety concerns associated with the project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 519,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Dr. Nina Köhler ,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,"Policy Outreach, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Consult with Dr. Nina Köhler from the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL)
  • Discuss current regulations of Synthetic Biology in the EU and in Germany
,Qualitative,Learned that all current Synthetic Biology activities (apart from in vitro gene/genome synthesis and protocell research) are regulated by the German Genetic Engineering Act,,,,Met with a member of the Bavarian Health and Food Safety authority to discuss national and regional regulation of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 520,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Dr. Michael Raghunath,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Consult with Dr. Michael Raghunath of the Zuercher University for Applied Science (ZHAW)
  • Explain project idea and background
  • Discuss potential obstacles and limitations to polymerization approach
,Integrated Human Practices,Dr. Raghunath advised that a higher structural integrity of polymer would be helpful for the viability of the transfected adherent cells and that the viability could be tested by monitoring the expression of fibronectin and type-4-collagen,,,,Consulted an applied science professor to discuss feasible project approaches.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 521,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Dr. Nadine Nottrodt,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with Dr. Nadine Nottrodt of the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), specialist in 3D bioprinting
  • Discuss the team's project and future directions, as well as future directions for bioprinting technology in general
",,,,,,Met with a 3D bioprinting specialist to discuss the team's project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 522,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Tech-Moral Scenarios,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Tech-moral scenarios written by LMU-TUM Munich iGEM team considering the potential impact for their 2016 project,Paper on Ethics,General Public,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Write two different scenarios imagining the impact of LMU-TUM Munich's iGEM project on society
,,,,Led team to reflect on the importance of their project to society,,Wrote fictional scenarios about future implications of the iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 523,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,TechFest Munich,Fair Booth,,,,University Students,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present project at major hackathon event
,,,,,,Presented project at a major hackathon event,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 524,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Open Day at LMU,Open Lab,"<a href=""""></a>",Protocol for LMU-TUM Munich's tomato DNA extraction activity,Education Activity Protocol,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Explain team project, construct a 3D biotin molecule to illustrate specific concepts
  • Guide visitors through tomato DNA extraction activity
  • Prepare fluorescent cells under a microscope, allow visitors to observe
",,,,,,"Hosted an open lab, led several teaching activities and explained the project.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 525,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Erstifahrt in Grafrath,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Recruit iGEM members","
  • Attend welcome ceremony for new LMU students
  • Present iGEM project and background information about iGEM competition, answer questions about iGEM and synthetic biology
",,,,,,Presented iGEM project and information about the competition at a university event for new students.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 526,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Hackaday page,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>","<a href=""""></a> page providing any interested user with ability to reconstruct the team's bioprinter with a DIY kit, including all necessary files and instructions",Hardware,Scientific Community,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Post all necessary protocols and instructions publicly on <a href=""""></a> so that other hackers can have access to the team's bioprinter technology
",,,,,,Posted project information on an open source website for easy access.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 527,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Reach and Demographics Analysis,Social Media,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Analyze team's social media presence and the demographics of social media followers in order to understand their target audience
,Quantitative,"Monitored total facebook likes over time, and analyzed demographics of facebook followers. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""Reach and Demographics""",,,,Analyzed the team's social media presence and audience demographics.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 528,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Media Coverage,"Social Media, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",A complete summary of team LMU-TUM Munich's features in social media and the press,Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Participate in interviews with local newspapers and radio stations, and promote team presence on university homepages to boost public awareness of synthetic biology, iGEM, and the team project
",,,,,,Team was featured on the university homepage and in university news articles promoting iGEM and the project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 529,LMU-TUM Munich,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Smart Board Course,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Zip file containing smartboard lessons designed by LMU-TUM Munich iGEM team about synthetic biology,Education Activity Protocol,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students",Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Design a smart board-based course about synthetic biology for teachers to easily implement and incorporate into their curriculums
,,,,,,Designed a smartboard based synthetic biology curriculum,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 530,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews with Farmers,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Excerpts from interviews with rural farmers about their knowledge of synthetic biology, and their interest in implementing technology related to Macquarie Australia's project",Interview,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Visit a number of rural farms
  • Ask farmers about their knowledge of synthetic biology, as well as their questions and concerns about implementation of genetic engineering technology
",Integrated Human Practices,"Interviews with farmers informed important design considerations for the project, including portability, sustainability, and safety. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Interviewed farmers from a rural community about their opinions on genetic engineering,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 531,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Prof. Robert Willows,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with Dr. Robert Willows, an expert in chlorophyll biosynthesis
  • Discuss optimal material choices for product design
",Integrated Human Practices,"Dr. Willows advised the team to use clear Mylar to line the inside of the bio-chamber, with a layer of aluminised Mylar at the bottom to reflect the sunlight back through the cells",,,,Met with an expert in chlorophyll biosynthesis to discuss material design choices for team's iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 532,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Prof. Helena Nevalanien,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Dr. Helena Nevalanien, biotechnology researcher
  • Discuss potential limitations for the project and suggest solutions
",Integrated Human Practices,"Prof. Nevalanien brought up the issue of biofilm formation as a result of the E. coli cells settling when they were in a stationary situation. In order to address this issue, the Macquarie team introduced a small, rechargeable battery powered stirrer into the bottom of the bio-chamber. ",,,,Consulted a biotechnology researcher to discuss project challenges and limitations.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 533,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Mr. Brian Bennett,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Mr. Brian Bennett, director of Public Image Electrical Contracting
  • Learn about the basics of voltage and generators, discuss the use of hydrogen to produce electrical energy
",Integrated Human Practices,Mr Bennett hypothesised that a small scale generator would require approximately 7.2k Wh/day. These estimates enabled Team Macquarie to make calculations relating to the quantity of modified E. coli cells required,,,,Consulted an electrician to learn basic electronics and discuss applications for the team's project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 534,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Mythbusters,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Link to ""Mythbusters:"" a list of common misconceptions about hydrogen fuel cells and alternative energy that are addressed and explained by the Macquarie iGEM team ",Research Paper,General Public,Science Education,"
  • Identify and investigate common misconceptions related to hydrogen fuel cells and alternative energy
  • Address each ""myth"" with facts and diagrams for easy comprehension
  • Publish on wiki for easy access
",,,,,,Created a list of common misconceptions surrounding hydrogen fuel cells and alternative energy,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 535,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Transcontinental iGEM Macquarie Internship,Open Lab,,,,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members","
  • Welcome an international student ""intern"" from another university to join the iGEM team and participate in the project
",,,,,,Invited an international student to work with the team and learn more about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 536,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"MQ ""Taster Day""",Open Lab,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Give a brief talk providing an introduction to the field of synthetic biology
  • Have students rotate through the following stations in the lab: (1) Creating ""bacterial artwork"" by streaking multicolored engineered bacteria on agar plates (2) Practicing pipetting skills and loading a gel (3) ""Using K'NEX to build DNA models to learn the structure and function of DNA and competing against one another in an internet quiz on DNA"" (4) Investigating chlorophyll by crushing spinach leaves and performing chlorophyll chromatography, as well as viewing chlorophyll under a UV lamp and discussing its fluorescence
",Qualitative,"""Students were surveyed after their experiences with 100% of students who attended the lecture rating it a 4 or 5 out of 5, and 89% of students rated the lab class as a 4 or 5 out of 5 for being enjoyable and informative""",,,,Hosted an open lab for students with multiple stations with different synthetic biology-themed teaching activities.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 537,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Powerhouse Museum Presentation,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Collaborate with Powerhouse branch of Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences in Sydney, Australia
  • Present project at a synthetic biology-themed event at the museum
  • Discuss the iGEM competition and the contributions of past iGEM teams to synthetic biology
",,,,,,"Presented iGEM project at a museum event, explained synthetic biology and potential applications for the field.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 538,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Undergraduate Research Student Poster Showcase,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Recruit iGEM members","
  • Participate in poster showcase by explaining the iGEM project to visitors, and recruiting members by discussing all of the exciting opportunities offered by iGEM
",,,,,,Presented poster at schools undergraduate research poster symposium,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 539,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Implementation Strategies,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",A viable business plan for the project product,Research Paper,"General Public, Vendors/Businesses",Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Construct a viable business plan, including elaborate analysis on competitive advantages, key opinion leaders, prototype design, risk analysis and legacy.
",,,,,,Designed a viable business plan for their iGEM product,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 540,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Mythbusting Chlorophyll ,Survey,,,,"General Public, iGEM Teams",Gain Information for iGEM Project ,
  • Compiling the exaggerated claims made by websites regarding chlorophyll and contrasts them with the actual findings of the journals referenced.
  • Comprehend the narrative around chlorophyll and identify ways in which they can influence public perception to encompass properties of the molecule that relate to how they intend to utilise it
,Qualitative ,They found that the media positions chlorophyll as a natural and potent way to treat a variety of ailments and encourages its ingestion via concentrated supplements and a lot of them inaccurate.,,,,Researched exaggerated claims about chlorophyll and determine how to use the knowledge in their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 541,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Teaching Activity ,,,,University Students,Recruit iGEM members,
  • Students from non-competing institutions can gain research experiences by becoming an intern here and form their own teams in the future.
,,,,,,Hired a student as an intern from anon-competing university to teach them about iGEM,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 542,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,So You Think You Can Synthesise,Teaching Activity ,"<a href=""""></a>",An innovative educational teaching video episodes,Educational Video,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Create and release a series of educational video over a period of 6 week about summary of project aims, the real-world applications of hydrogen gas, Synthetic Biology Techniques and a experiment video like a cooking show.
",Quantitative,They gained the online poll result that people really like the way they explain science and which host scientist they like the most.,500+ views from 32 countries,,,"Created instructional videos about their iGEM project, synthetic biology techniques, and other science topics",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 543,Macquarie Australia,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Macquarie University Open Day,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab",,,,"University Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Prepare a set of fun and interesting activities for the Open Day, including Chlorophyll Chromatography, Construct your own DNA, Display of designer E. coli cultures, etc
",,,1500 people attended the Open Day, They thought it was a rewarding experience and allowed us to use the entire day to involve the community.,,Prepared activities for the university and high school students to teach them about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 544,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,British Science Week,Community Event,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Set up a booth as part of British Science Week.
  • Educate school pupils about synthetic biology and chemistry
,Qualitative,Received positive feedback,,,,Hosted a booth at British Science week to educate the community on the basics of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 545,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Microbiology Society Conference,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Set up a booth and prepare a talk for the microbiology society event
  • Give a poster presentation on preliminary findings and synthetic biology, and receive feedback.
",Qualitative,Received helpful feedback on the project as well as helpful criticism of their current techniques.,,,,"Hosted a booth at a microbiology society event, presented project poster and received feedback.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 546,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,ESOF Poster Presentation,Community Event,,,,General Public, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Prepare a poster and talk about the current project.
  • Present project and poster at the EuroScience Open Science forum held in Manchester.
,Qualitative,Had practice presenting project and received helpful feedback.,,,,Presented team project and poster at the EuroScience Open Science forum,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 547,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Alcohol Academy,Consult Experts,,,,"Specialized Audience, General Public",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Have a Skype conversation with James Morris, the director of Alcohol Academy, a charity based in London, United Kingdom, which aims to promote effective alcohol harm reduction by working with and supporting local alcohol roles and commissioners
  • Ask him about his opinions on the potential impacts the AlcoPatch might have on our society
",Qualitative,Suggested that an alcohol awareness patch like ours might be useful to health professionals who are trying to make people more conscious of how much alcohol they consume; learned about the “multidimensional aspects” to alcohol consumption and how an awareness tool would have limited impact in reducing alcoholism,,,,Spoke with the director of the Alcohol Academy charity and discussed potential uses for the team's project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 548,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Addiction Dependency Solutions (ADS),Consult Experts,,,,"Specialized Audience, General Public",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Converse with members of Addiction Dependency Solutions (ADS), an addiction charity based in Manchester, United Kingdom (UK), which provides a range of drug and alcohol recovery services across the North and Midlands of UK
  • Gain feedback on how AlcoPatch would be beneficial for the public
",Qualitative,"It was suggested that members of the public who have intentional addiction would choose not to use it and that the AlcoPatch would be more successful in raising awareness of alcohol consumption rather than a prevention tool, similar to the earlier suggestion by Alcohol Academy",,,,Met with Alcohol Dependency Solutions charity members and discussed the ways in which the iGEM project could benefit the community,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 549,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Alcohol Anonymous,Consult Experts,,,,"Specialized Audience, General Public",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Explain project to members of Alcoholics Anonymous, founded as a fellowship of individuals who share their experience in the engagement of unhealthy drinking habits
",Qualitative,"Members believed that our patch has the potential for individuals who are thinking of cutting down on alcohol consumption and those who are on alcohol-related probation, however, most people would not want to use it out of embarrassment; mentioned how alcohol consumption always lingers in the mind: it is a psychological condition where one actively tries to reduce their awareness",,,,Presented iGEM project to members of Alcoholics Anonymous,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 550,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,FREDsense,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Converse with Mr. David Lloyd, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of FREDsense Technologies
  • Provided valuable insights into the drinking habits and culture in Canada, which prompts discussion on the prospects of our AlcoPatch being marketed in Canada
",Qualitative,"Highlighted that drink driving in Canada is a major issue and that methods of measuring blood alcohol levels can often have huge influences on legal cases; ""Any tool which can accurately read out someone’s blood ethanol concentration would be useful; however, these tests would need to be very quick as it would be impractical to have to wait for 10-30 minutes for an accurate reading""",,,,Learned about drinking habits and culture in Canada and discussed potential use of iGEM project for Canadian consumers,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 551,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,IBCarb,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Dr. Doherty, the Network Manager of IBCarb
  • Pitch project idea in order to get funding from IB Carb
",Qualitative,"1. Consult with experts in the field, including a famous actor advocating for STI research 2. Engage with them and inform them about their project and how it can be helpful to them",,,,Met with network manager of IBCarb to pitch their project idea and ask for funding,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 552,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,NPRONET,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Have a discussion with the networking manager of NPRONET (funded network in biotechnology and bioenergy), Sarah Shepherd
  • Receive advice on getting lab work done sooner due to the proof of concept element to their project
",Qualitative,Highlighted the issue of the AlcoPatch becoming a game amongst young adults,,,,Met with networking manager of NPRONET to discuss project approach and timeline,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 553,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Manchester Enterprise Centre,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Lynn Sheppard, the director of Manchester Enterprise Centre and Martin Henry, an Enterprise Academic Lecturer about their project
  • Posed the question of 'how our AlcoPatch (if the prototype is made) is going to be cheaper than current breathalysers'
",Qualitative,Lynn and Martin suggested investigating whether our AlcoPatch was a novel idea or just a recalibration of existing designs; They also mentioned that we should be cautious about making too much of our product’s science available to the public as it could have patenting issues,,,,Met with director of Manchester Enterprise Centre to discuss marketing and pricing of the team's product,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 554,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,BioProNET,Consult Experts,,,,"Vendors/Businesses, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Prof. Alan Dickinson (Co-director of BioProNET) and Dr. Jo Flannelly (network manager of BioProNET)
  • Acquire an array of feedback, importantly about the fact that one of the substances being used in the Cell-free Mechanism, ABTS, is a carcinogenic substance
  • Discuss the financial aspect of the patch - 'Will it be more cost effective than the breathalyser?'
",Qualitative,"Learned that Cell-free Mechanism could have marketing issues, and as such, in making the actual prototype, looking for suitable alternatives for ABTS that do not pose a risk to the consumers would be crucial",,,,Consulted co-manager and network manager of BioPRONET to gain feedback on the project and discuss design and pricing,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 555,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,SCRAM Systems,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Speak with Mr Wojcik, the Chief Technology Officer of SCRAM Systems, an ethanol biosensor company
  • Talk about how our product might be more suited for the health services market as our device was more towards self-help
  • Discuss the commercial issues with ethanol detection patches - mainly their durability
  • Discuss other products currently or were previously in the market, such as smartphone apps to test breath alcohol levels and skin patches for drug testing in the 1980's
",Qualitative,"Learned that some companies claim their patches last for a week or more, but in reality it is much less than; to market something like our product, we would need proof of concept",,,,Spoke with a representative from an ethanol biosensor company and discussed future directions and potential consumers for the project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 556,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Brightside Brewery,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet up with Ms. Carley Freidrich from Brightside Brewery, a family run local brewery
  • Receive suggestions on possible interest from the health sector for people with undiagnosed health issues such as alcohol abuse
",Qualitative,"Learned that the National Health Service (NHS, UK) might be able to use these patches as part of an educational scheme to promote drinking responsibly; the police might be interested in more active alcohol awareness schemes, and AlcoPatch might be a way to engage the public in that; Breweries might not find the patch useful, for obvious reasons, but bars, on the other hand, have the potential to be a market for AlcoPatch",,,,Met with a representative from a local brewery and discussed the potential use of the team's project to address alcohol abuse,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 557,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Manchester Evening News,Educational Material,,,,General Public, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Team up with a newspaper (in this case Manchester Evening News) to publish an article detailing the project and synthetic biology
,Qualitative,Gain notoriety on campus for the project and promote awareness for synthetic biology.,,,,Featured an article about the iGEM project and synthetic biology in a local newspaper,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 558,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Crowdfunding,Educational Material,,,,General Public, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Participate in a crowdfunding event by preparing a video detailing their project and synthetic biology.
,Qualitative,"Spread awareness for their project and synthetic biology, and gain experience in crowd-funding",,,,Constructed a video about synthetic biology and the team project for a crowdfunding event,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 559,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Heart FM,Educational Material,,,,General Public, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Get in contact with a radio station (Heart FM)
  • Conduct an interview in which iGEM team members discuss what synthetic biology is and what their project is about
,Qualitative,Spread awareness about synthetic biology and receive positive feedback.,,,,Team members were interviewed on HeartFM radio station about their project and the iGEM competition,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 560,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,UK Meetup,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Participate in UK meet up
  • Practice presenting project and receive helpful feedback from peers
,Qualitative,Gain helpful feedback from peers about iGEM project.,,,,Participated in a UK iGEM meetup and presented their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 561,Manchester,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Manchester Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Design a survey about synthetic biology and public opinion
  • Send to over 150 participants between the ages of 18-25 in the UK and Europe
,Quantitative,Received feedback on usefulness of their project,,,,Surveyed young adults about their opinions on synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 562,Manchester-Graz,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,CHEM21 Conference in Stuttgart,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
  • Meet up with other universities and enterprise from across Europe with the aim to develop sustainable biological and chemical alternatives to finite materials
,Qualitative,Based on the comments from other research teams they finally decided on a joint project and were able to start working out the details and design experiments.,,,,Met up with other universities across Europe to discuss synthetic biology alternatives to using finite material,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 563,Manchester-Graz,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Industry ,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A essay on industrial waste production,Research Paper,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Analyse from an industrial perspective and compared to the current methods by which the typical L-DOPA supplement treatment is synthesised
,,,,,,Analyzed the current methods synthesis of L-DOPA supplement treatment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 564,Manchester-Graz,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Prof. Dr. Joachim Reidl,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Learn more about microbial behavior of our system in the human gut and the molecular mechanism of how bacteria would retain the genes coding for enzymes for Dopamine/L-DOPA synthesis.
,Qualitative,They took home the message that they would most probably not have to worry about the developed strain outcompeting the human gut microbiome.,,,,Researched the human microbe and how bacteria could retain important genes,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 565,Manchester-Graz,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Patients and Medicine,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Assess the feasibility of their project by interviewing two people with Parkinson's to better understand their struggle, how their project could help and ultimately to motivate them to try and create a project to increase the quality of life for people.
  • Research about the current treatment for Parkinson’s and the global prospect of this disease
",Qualitative,Both two patients are open for new therapeutic approach against Parkinson’s including a genetically-modified bacteria approach,,,,Interviewed people with Parkinson's about their iGEM project and their opinion on current treatment options,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 566,Manchester-Graz,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Open Day,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Educate general public on synthetic biology, genetic engineering, genetically engineered microorganisms and neuroscience.
  • Distribute a sociological survey for later analysis on DopaDoser.
",,,800 people visited the Community Open Day,,,Educated the general public on synthetic biology and GMOs and later handed out a sociological survey,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 567,Manchester-Graz,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Sociological Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Work out 8 questions concerning the public’s opinion about synthetic biology and genetic engineering and distribute them on the Open Day
,Quantitative,"The survey showed that synthetic biology and the DopaDoser idea is likely to be received positively by people of different age, ethnicity and level of education. ",91 participants,"Taking into consideration the concept of the Knowledge Deficit Assumption, they designed their outreach activities in a way not to educate through communication of scientific facts but also considering public concerns.",,Gave a survey on the public's opinion about synthetic biology and genetic engineering,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 568,Manchester-Graz,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,School Visits- United Kingdom,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education, Present iGEM Project",
  • Give five lessons at Newman College in Oldham with Warwick iGEM on science study and synthetic biology
,Qualitative,The feedback and questions they received from both students and teachers were very positive and showed that their presentations were successful. ,,They found the whole day to be a great experience during which they got the chance to share their passion for science and gauge interest for synthetic biology in young people. ,,Gave five lessons to university students on iGEM and synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 569,Manchester-Graz,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,School Visits- Australia ,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Visit two High Schools in Austria, BRG Kepler in Graz and HLW Deutschlandsberg, to talk about biotechnology, synthetic biology and their iGEM project.
  • Get students' hands right onto the topic and isolated DNA from strawberries.
",,,,For them the activity was quite an experience to talk about synthetic biology in front of pupils since they were only used to discussing their results and scientific topics in front of fellow students or teachers. ,,Visited high schools to talk about biotechnology and their iGEM project; complete strawberry DNA extraction,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 570,Marburg,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Game of Cells,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A synthetic biology board game for those in primary school,Education Activity Protocol,Primary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Team up with another iGEM team (FAU Erlangen) to develop a board game aimed at kindergarten and primary school students.
  • Design the board game to be printable from home, covering subjects such as basic molecular biology and some synthetic biology topics.
  • Print out the game and play at local kindergarten and primary schools with young children.
  • Present at summer fest for Terrestrial Microbiology.
",,,,,,Developed a board game for primary school students about molecular biology and synthetic biology through collaboration with another iGEM team,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 571,Marburg,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Killswitch Database,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",An analysis and compilation of information on past iGEM teams who have done kill switches for their project,Research Paper,iGEM Teams,Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Research all past iGEM teams that have completed kill switches.
  • Compile and statistically analyze data on what teams have done kill switches, where they're from, percentage per year, repressive or inducible, and target structure.
  • Make easily accessible through wiki.
",Quantitative,Statistical analysis of past iGEM teams that have done kill switches. Detailed data can be found on the wiki,,,,"Compiled a data set and analysis on what past iGEM teams have done kill switches, and publish their analysis",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 572,Marburg,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Stand at Hessentag,"Fair Booth, Teaching Activity",,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Hold a stand at the annual event Hessentag.
  • Promote science and synthetic biology by doing DNA extraction with audience members using paprika.
  • Answer questions about science and synthetic biology
  • Talk about the iGEM project.
,,,,,,Held a stand at a local event that promotes science and synthetic biology through hands on activities,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 573,Marburg,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM meets Marburg Meetup,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Invite teams from all over Germany to meet at their school for iGEM meets Marburg.
  • Have each team present their iGEM project and answer questions.
,,,,,,Host an iGEM meetup with teams from all over Germany to present their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 574,Marburg,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Primary School Lesson,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,Science Education,"
  • Go to local primary schools.
  • Prepare a lesson on basic biology, including topics such as living and nonliving objects, and the human microbiota.
  • Teach the primary school kids about these topics.
",,,,,,Gave a lesson on basic biology to primary school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 575,Marburg,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Senior Citizen Lesson,Teaching Activity,,,,Specialized Audience,"Science Education, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Visit local seniors
  • Discuss with them and ask questions about their past biology knowledge, particularly about DNA
  • Educate them on basic biology at the molecular level, as well as GMOs, synthetic biology, and iGEM.
",,,,,,"Discussed with local seniors about iGEM, synthetic biology, and their concerns with the field",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 576,Marburg,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Speak with Prime Minister of Hesse,Teaching Activity,,,,Legislators,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Invited the Prime Minister of Hesse, Volker Bouffier, to the iGEM lab.
  • Discuss with him about synthetic biology, the iGEM project, and the importance of the field.
  • Help encourage legislators to support the synthetic biology community.
",,,,,,Discuss the merits of synthetic biology and iGEM with the Prime Minister of Hesse,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 577,Marburg,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Open Lab for Teenagers,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education",
  • Invite local high schoolers to visit the lab on a specific day.
  • Educate them on synthetic biology and iGEM.
  • Do a quick presentation on the iGEM project.
  • Show students certain lab activity such as plating cell culture
,,,,,,Educated local high schools who visited their lab on synthetic biology and iGEM through presentations and lab activities,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 578,METU HS Ankara,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Run for Colon Cancer,"Community Event, Fundraiser",,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Set up and advertise for a run to raise money towards colon cancer.
  • use this opportunity to educate the crowds on colon cancer prevention, as well as iGEM and how their project might help battle the disease
",,,,,,Set up and advertised a run to raise money towards colon cancer,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 579,METU HS Ankara,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bake Sale,"Community Event, Fundraiser",,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Set up a bake sale selling healthy foods to promote healthy eating as a prevention of colon cancer
  • Use this opportunity to educate the crowds about synthetic biology and its future role in the medical field, as well as their iGEM project
",,,,,,Hosted a healthy bake sale to promote healthy eating as a part of colon cancer prevention,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 580,METU HS Ankara,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation at Acibadem University,"Community Event, Teaching Activity",,,,"Scientific Community, General Public"," Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Participate in UK meetup
  • Practice presenting project and receive helpful feedback from peers
,,,,,,Participated in UK meetup to practice project presentation and receive feedback,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 581,METU HS Ankara,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Colon Cancer Conference,"Consult Experts, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,"Scientific Community, General Public",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Attend a colon cancer conference in Medicana Hospital to learn more about colon cancer and its current treatments.
  • Meet with various experts and doctors after the conference to ask more questions pertaining to colon cancer, synthetic biology, and how their project could assist in this field.
  • Make connections to experts in the field who later offered advice and assistantship for the team during later stages of their project.
",,,,,,Attended a colon cancer conference in Medicana Hospital to learn about colon cancer its current treatments,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 582,METU HS Ankara,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Newspaper and Magazine Article,Educational Material,,,,Secondary School Students," Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Be interviewed by the school newspaper about iGEM and synthetic biology.
  • Publish the article
,,,,,,Interviewed by school newspaper on iGEM and synthetic biology for an article publication,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 583,METU HS Ankara,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Booklet,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Design and print out a booklet about colon cancer, discussing its causes and also discussing synthetic biology and their iGEM project, and how it can help.
  • Distribute the pamphlet
",,,,,,"Designed and distributed booklet on colon cancer, discussing causes and also synthetic biology/iGEM project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 584,METU HS Ankara,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Giant Colon,"Educational Material, Teaching Activity",,,,Primary School Students ,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Create a giant colon model
  • Bring it to the local elementary school and allow primary schools students to explore the model.
  • Educate the students about colon cancer, how to stay healthy, synthetic biology and how it can help, and their iGEM project.
  • Answer students questions and inspire young scientists
",,,,,,Created a giant colon model and brought it to local elementary schools for students to explore,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 585,METU HS Ankara,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Design and hand out a survey asking the general public their current knowledge of colon cancer, treatment, synthetic biology, and ethical concerns.
  • Analyze the data.
",Quantitative,Received feedback useful to their project,,,,"Designed and distributed survey asking the general public about their current knowledge of colon cancer, treatment, and synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 586,METU HS Ankara,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,DNA Day,Teaching Activity,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students"," Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Set up a day for middle school students to teach them about biology, genetics, and iGEM.
  • Design a game for students to learn about DNA base pairs and how they match together.
  • Introduce students to the concept of synthetic biology, and answer questions about the field.
",,,,,,"Hosted a day event for middle school students to teach them about biology, genetics, and iGEM",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 587,METU HS Ankara,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Radio Interviews,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Be interviewed by two radio stations (Max Fm and the sound of Turkey Fm) and discuss synthetic biology, their iGEM project, and colon cancer
",,,,,,"Interviewed by two radio stations (Max Fm and Turkey Fm) to discuss synthetic biology, iGEM project, and colon cancer",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 588,METU HS Ankara,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,TV Interviews,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Be interviewed by NTV and KANAL D and discuss synthetic biology, their iGEM project, and colon cancer
",,,,,,"Interviewed by NTV and KANAL D to discuss synthetic biology, iGEM project, and colon cancer",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 589,Michigan Software,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Protocol Model Development,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Hold multiple meetings before the summer with various professors who are experts on the topic of their iGEM project.
  • Assess throughout the team the effectiveness of their ProtoCat3.0 model
,,,,,,Held meetings before the summer with various professors to access the topic of the team's iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 590,Michigan Software,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Standard Protocol Format,Educational Material,,,,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community"," Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Attempt to design a standard protocol format to better allow future iGEM teams to use online protocols
  • Reach out to OpenWetWare and <a href=""""></a> to discuss their protocol model and begin the review and design process
",,,,,,Attempted to design a standard protocol format to help future iGEM teams use online protocols,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 591,Mingdao,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Police Station and District Court,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview and discover more about the law regarding alcohol abuse and breathalyzer tests by interviewing both the police station and the courts.
  • Ask both groups questions about liability, issues with refusal, reliability of the tests, how they work in court.
  • Use this information to determine the usefulness of their product.
  • Ask both groups if they would be willing to use a synthetic biology product and if they would consider their own iGEM project useful
",,,,,,Interviewed police stations and courts to learn more about laws regarding alcohol abuse and breathalyzer tests,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 592,Mingdao,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with a Medical Hospital,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview the medical hospital experts to see their side of drunk driving and taking care of drunk patients, as well as their own methods for assessment for blood alcohol content.
  • Discuss their opinion of synthetic biology and their opinion of using their iGEM project in their clinics
",,,,,,Interviewed medical hospital experts to learn about their perception of drunk driving and drunk patient care,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 593,Mingdao,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Academic Tour,"Educational Material, Open Lab",,,,Scientific Community," Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Participate in the university's tour for a group of students and members of the general public interested in science
  • Show those interested what synthetic biology is, what iGEM does, and their project for the year
",,,,,,Participated in the university's tour for students and members of the general public interested in science,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 594,Mingdao,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,NCKU Asian Meetup,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Practice presenting their iGEM project with two other iGEM teams.
  • Receive helpful feedback, and give helpful feedback to other teams
",,,,,,Practiced presenting iGEM project to two other iGEM teams and received feedback,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 595,Mingdao,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Design and conduct a survey on drunk driving, taking a breathalyzer test, and their opinion of synthetic biology.
  • Give to over 150 participants and analyze the data on their wiki
",Quantitative,Received useful information on if the public would be willing or even find it useful to use their product.,150,,,"Designed and conducted survey on drunk driver, breathalyzer tests, and opinions on synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 596,Mingdao,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Biotech Workshop,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Science Education, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Invite secondary students into their lab to teach them about gel electrophoresis and other lab techniques.
  • Demonstrate the techniques and teach the children what iGEM is and their current project
,,,,,,Invited secondary students to the lab to teach them about gel electrophoresis and other lab techniques,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 597,Mingdao,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,School Presentation,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,"Science Education, Educate on the iGEM program, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Present a presentation on synthetic biology open to their university.
  • Discuss synthetic biology, iGEM, and their current project.
  • Answer audience questions
",,,,,,Presented synthetic biology to members of their university,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 598,Mingdao,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,School Lessons,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Science Education, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Teach students through lectures and lesson plans what synthetic biology is, iGEM, and their current project
",,,,,,"Taught students about synthetic biology, iGEM, and current project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 599,MIT,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Asgi Fazleabas Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Have a meeting with the researcher and professor who specializes in reproductive biology.
  • Ask them questions pertinent to their project, such as differing miRNA profiles and progesterone resistance.
  • Use information gained to assist in developing a better product
",,,,,,Met with and interviewed a researcher and professor who specializes in reproductive biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 600,MIT,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Biomedical Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with biomedical professionals such as a professor of gynecology, a PhD student studying medicine, and a professor of biomedical engineering at MIT.
  • Discuss with the professionals the idea for their synthetic biology project, as well as how it could assist in their industry.
  • Receive helpful feedback in terms of learning more about their subject, and the specific niche their project could fill
",,,,,,Met with biomedical professionals to discuss the idea of their project and how it could assist in industry,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 601,MIT,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Industry Visits,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Visit Monsanto and LabCentral to learn about synthetic biology in the industry.
  • Speak with people from both industries to discuss how synthetic biology is used in their business, as well as the need for their produce
",,,,,,Visited Monsanto and LabCentral to learn about synthetic biology in the industry,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 602,MIT,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Protocols for Novices,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Introductory Synthetic Biology Protocols,Laboratory Protocol,iGEM Teams,"Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education",
  • Type up and design 8 protocols for essential yet simple protocols used in all synthetic biology iGEM teams such as nanodropping and gel electrophoresis.
  • Post these to your website and advertise them so that new iGEM teams have easy access to these protocols when they start out
,,,,,,Created protocols for the essential techniques that new iGEM teams need to know,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 603,MIT,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Online Articles,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public," Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Get interviewed about synthetic biology and their iGEM project by the only publication ""Odyssey"".
  • Publish and advertise the article that teaches its readers about iGEM, synthetic biology, and what the MIT 2016 team is doing
",,,,,,Interviewed about synthetic biology and iGEM project for an article publication,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 604,MIT,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Building with Biology,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,"Primary School Students, General Public","Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education","
  • Volunteer with the Museum of Science in Boston to participate in their Building with Biology event.
  • Use the event to teach primary school students as well as later in the day adult audiences about synthetic biology and iGEM.
  • Practice presenting and explaining their iGEM project, as well as dispel fear from older audiences about GMOs
",,,,,,Volunteered for the Museum of Science in Boston at their Building with Biology event,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 605,Nagahama,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Medical Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with a medical doctor, such as Professor Miwa from the Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology.
  • Discuss the iGEM project, the issues of overdose, what qualifies as a poison, and how to best design their iGEM project to be both helpful and safe.
",,,,,,Consulted with a medical doctor about their iGEM project and how to design their product to be safe,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 606,Nagahama,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,YouTube Broadcast,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Youtube video explaining their project,Educational Video,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project",
  • Create a video explaining their iGEM project and their goals for the project.
  • Post on YouTube.
,,,516 views,,,Created a youtube video about team's iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 607,Nagahama,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Interview from City Hall officers of Nagahama,Project Presentation,,,,Legislators,"Educate on the iGEM program, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Hold a meeting and speak with local legislators about iGEM.
  • Have the legislators post publically about the meeting, publicizing about the iGEM project and promoting synthetic biology.
",,,,,,Held a meeting with local legislators to discuss iGEM and have the legislators speak publicly about the meeting,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 608,Nagahama,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Crowdfunding,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project",
  • Make an informative video explaining the iGEM project.
  • Post on a crowdfunding source and advertise through social media to encourage the public to watch the video and get involved.
,,,,,,Posted a video on their iGEm project to a crowdfunding website to raise awareness and receive funding,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 609,Nagahama,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Super Trans-Disciplinary Conference,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Design a poster to be presented at the Trans-Disciplinary Conference.
  • Present Poster and discuss to the crowd about iGEM.
  • Answer questions.
,,,,,,Presented a poster on iGEM at the Trans-Disciplinary Conference,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 610,Nagahama,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Meeting with Mayor of Nagahama,Project Presentation,,,,Legislators,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Meet with the mayor of their town to discuss iGEM and promote awareness in their government about synthetic biology.
,,,,,,Discuss iGEM and synthetic biology awareness with their mayor,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 611,Nagahama,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Television Broadcasts,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Go on two television broadcasts and get interviewed about iGEM project.
  • Discuss synthetic biology and GMOs.
,,,,,,Discussed synthetic biology and GMOs during television interviews,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 612,Nagahama,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,School Festival at University of Tokyo,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Present the iGEM project to a group of university students during the school festival at the University of Tokyo.
  • Discuss iGEM, synthetic biology, their current project, and answer questions to inspire interest in synthetic biology.
",,,,,,Presented iGEM project and discussed synthetic biology with university students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 613,Nagahama,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Flashmen Camp Presentation,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","
  • Discuss iGEM project through a poster presentation to a large group of scientists at the Flashman Camp in Japan.
  • Receive advice, helpful feedback from other scientists to help design their project.
",,,,,,Held a poster presentation to a group of scientists and received feedback,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 614,Nanjing-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview Professors,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult multiple professors about their iGEM project, including Dr. Chang who has experience working with hydrogenases, biochemistry professor Dr. Zou, and Professor Zou who works with photocatalytic material.
  • Discuss with the professors the goals of their iGEM project and receive specific advice based on their field, including advice to possibly work with a photosynthetic organism such as algae in the future, how to properly add controls in their experiment, and learn important background knowledge
",Quantitative,Received feedback useful to their project,,,,Consulted professors about how to best achieve their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 615,Nanjing-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Government Officials,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with Mr. Cigang Yu, a research assistant at the National Institute of Environmental science about the iGEM Project.
  • Discuss and receive advice about the safety of GMO's which is the subject of his research.
",,,,,,Consulted with a research assistant at the National Institute of Environmental science about their iGEM project and the safety of GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 616,Nanjing-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Environmental Groups,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Consult with a leader of an NGO environmental group .
  • Discuss the iGEM project and the development of sewage waste in China.
  • Work together to best determine an iGEM project that fits the needs of this group.
,Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Consulted with an environmental group about sewage waste in China and their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 617,Nanjing-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Professors,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult the iGEM project with a professor of Law from a nearby university.
  • Discuss the public policies concerning heavy metal and water pollution, and the legal basis for biotechnology.
  • Receive advice on how to legally validate their project so that it is relevant, theirs, and useful.
",Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Consulted with a law professor about their iGEM project and the public policies concerning heavy metal and water pollution,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 618,Nanjing-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Sewage Disposal Company,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Consult with an advisor of a sewage disposal company about issues seen in the industry.
  • Discuss the iGEM project and how to best design it to help his industry.
  • Receive ideas and advice on where to direct the goals of their project.
,Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Discussed iGEM project with an advisor for sewage disposal to determine how to design their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 619,Nanjing-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Brochure,Educational Material ,"<a href=""""></a>",Brochure about iGEM and their project,Research Paper,General Public,Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Design a brochure about iGEM and synthetic biology.
  • Discuss the iGEM competition, synthetic biology, and their current project.
  • Print and distribute to the general public
",,,,,,Attended and received advice for their project at a number of different scientific conferences ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 620,Nanjing-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Community Presentation,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Present iGEM project to the general public by presenting at a local activity center in the neighborhood.
  • Educate the citizens about new energy, their iGEM project, and synthetic biology, and answer questions about these topics
",,,,,,Presented and educated at a local activity center about their iGEM project as well as synthetic biology and new sources of energy in general,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 621,Nanjing-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Attend iGEM Conferences,Project Presentation,,,,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Present iGEM Project,"
  • Attend multiple iGEM and other scientific conferences such as the CCIC, Conference in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Zhejiang iGEM meetup.
  • Present the iGEM project through a presentation, and answer questions by the audience.
  • Learn new ideas and topics by listening to other iGEM teams or science labs and their research, and receive advice
",,,,,,Attended iGEM and other scientific conferences to present iGEM project and answer questions,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 622,Nanjing-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Conference of China iGEM Committee,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Get invited by Peking University to participate in their iGEM conference.
  • While there, present the iGEM project and listen to other teams project.
  • Discuss with other teams about the project, ask questions, and receive advice.
",,,,,,Participated in the Peking iGEM conference to present their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 623,Nanjing-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Survey given to the general public about their knowledge on new energy, Bio-Hydrogen, and iGEM",Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Design a questionnaire asking respondents about iGEM and their opinion of synthetic biology, their science background, and their knowledge of new sources of energy.
  • Give the survey to almost 600 people and analyze the data.
  • Post this analysis on the iGEM wiki
",Quantitative,Learned public opinion on synthetic biology and new energy,580,,,"Surveyed public opinion and knowledge about iGEM, synthetic biology and new sources of energy",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 624,Nanjing-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey given to general public about synthetic biology/their project. ,Survey,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Develop a questionnaire about synthetic biology and the topic of their project, sewage treatment and metal contamination.
  • Assess the public's answers and write a comprehensive summary with graphs on the iGEM wiki.
",Quantitative,Determined public opinion of synthetic biology as well as awareness of the issue their project is attempting to solve. ,498 respondents,,,"Developed a survey for the general public about synthetic biology, sewage treatment, and metal contamination",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 625,Nanjing-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Open Lab for Primary School Children,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,Science Education,"
  • Hold an open lab and invite young primary school children.
  • Teach the children about biosafety, simple reactions (such as between iodine and starch), how to use a pipette
  • Give them cards and t-shirts when they leave the lab
",Qualitative,Received positive feedback from the kids that they enjoyed working in a lab,,,,"Held an open lab to teach primary school children about simple reactions, biosafety and pipetting",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 626,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Supermarket Preliminary Research ,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Conduct preliminary research on common brands for insect repellent in supermarkets
  • Investigate the ingredients
  • Ask salespersons about the sales of the insect repellent products
  • Use the results of the preliminary research to determine the questionaire design given to the publics to better understand opinions
,Qualitative,Learned that pyrethroid insecticides are widely and heavily used in our life because they have a large application scope,,,,Investigated the ingredients in common brands of insect repellent,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 627,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Brochure,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Brochure raising awareness about pyrethroids and the risks with improper use,Research Paper,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Create a brochure in both English and Chinese on what pyrethroids and precautions to take when dealing with them without arousing unnecessary public panic
  • Send an electronic copy of the brochure to UNICEF
,,,,,,Created a Chinese and English language informational brochure on pyrethroids and their hazards ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 628,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Campus and High School Talks,Project Presentation,,,,"Secondary School Students, University Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members","
  • Talk on NAU campus to introduce synthetic biology, introduce the iGEM competition and the planning process in the hopes of recruiting new members
  • Talk to college freshmen about synthetic biology and iGEM to encourage more students to join research
  • Attend a joint campus talk with AHUT to present presentation and raise awareness for synthetic biology
  • Introduce synthetic biology concepts to high schoolers who are less likely to be familiar with the field
",,,,,,"Visited NAU campus to introduce synthetic biology, iGEM competition, and planning process",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 629,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,iGEM Asia-Pacific meetup,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Attend iGEM Asia-Pacific meetup to practice iGEM presentation and listen to other presentation to improve understanding of topics in synthetic biology
,,,,,,Attended and presented at the iGEM Asia-Pacific meetup,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 630,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Insect repellent user survey,Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Based on preliminary research conducted, create a questionnaire to survey insect repellent users on types of insect repellent products they use, the frequency, and their knowledge about effects of pyrethroids which are commonly found in repellents
  • Ask hundreds of individuals to answer the survey
  • Analyze the survey data and create graphs and charts and publish the data
",Quantitative,Learned that individuals don't know a lot about the effects of pyrethroid and sent respondents results of the survey along with more information about safely using repellents and pyrethroid's effects and potential hazards,,,,"Surveyed public on their preferred brand of insect repellent, and on the dangers of pyrethroids",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 631,NCKU Tainan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Round Table Discussion,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"University Students, Professors, Scientific Community","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Discuss with professors and representatives of entrepreneurs about synthetic biology and policy issues
  • Gain a better understanding about public opinion
  • Direct thinking outside the box to solve problems using synthetic biology tools
,,,,,,"Discussed about synthetic biology and policy issues, gained public opinions and thought about applications of synthetic biology tools",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 632,NCKU Tainan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consulted Experts in Endocrinology and Data Analysis,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview Dr. Ou, an Associate Professor and director of Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology at the university
  • Obtain valuable clarification on common diabetes myths
  • Receive constructive criticism and advice on project device
  • Interview Professor Chen and gain more information about data analysis program and other useful resources
",Integrated Human Practices,Received advice on their project device and gained useful information about the data analysis program ,,,,Gained information and useful resources about diabetes for their data analysis program,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 633,NCKU Tainan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Meetup with Dr. Zhang Feng,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Talk to Dr. Zhang Feng who made a breakthrough in synthetic biology regarding CRISPR/Cas9
  • Receive feedback and advice for project
,,,,,,Talked to an expert in CRISPR and gained feedback for project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 634,NCKU Tainan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Meetup with Diamond Biofund,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Talk to team sponsor, Diamond Biofund, about the project
  • Receive their advice and support regarding the project
",,,,,,Appealed to potential sponsor and gained support for the project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 635,NCKU Tainan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Educational Video,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Educational video explaining diabetes,Educational Video,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Create a video that clarifies common myths about Diabetes
  • Add English and Chinese subtitles to spread it locally and universally
,,,,,,Created an educational video that corrects common myths about Diabetes ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 636,NCKU Tainan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Asia-Pacific Conference,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Host iGEM Asia-Pacific meetup and invite 20 different teams from 5 different countries
  • Provide a platform where teams can discuss their project and get feedback as well as learn more about the field of synthetic biology
  • Present their own project at the conference
  • Create a variety of workshops where attendees are randomly grouped with a member from iGEM NCKU_Tainan who will lead a group discussion on the iGEM experience and journey and to share thoughts and advice
,,,,,,Hosted the iGEM Asia-Pacific meetup,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 637,NCKU Tainan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Skype Conversation with University of Sydney ,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
  • Collaborate with University of Sydney since their team is also dealing with diabetes
  • Present their own presentation and receive feedback and advice
  • Advise University of Sydney on their project
,,,,,,Collaboration and Networking with iGEM team of University of Sydney ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 638,NCKU Tainan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Collaboration with GeneOnline,Social Media,,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Collaborate with GeneOnline, Taiwan's main genetic media
  • Introduce the public about their project through the website
",,,,,,Collaborate with Taiwan's main genetic media and presented iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 639,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Expert Study,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult Dr. Y.B. Huang and his postgraduate student in Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
  • Learn about methods of pest detection and interrelated knowledge, including details and techniques on insect cultivation, the life cycle of larvae, and feeding assays
  • Learn how to feed the larvae
",,,,,,"Visited the Agriculture Research Institute Council, Applied Zoology Division, and learned about pest detection and insect cultivation",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 640,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,User Study,Consult Experts,,,,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience ",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Ensure that the design satisfies the needs of potential users in the future
  • Visit the Organic Green Market to get opinions from farm owners about their project
  • Introduce the project briefly to the farmers and asked them basic questions about major crops, existing major pests that urgently need to be killed, pest resistence, season of pests, and methods of prevention to gain more knowledge for the project
",Qualitative,"Farmers appreciated the project confirming the need for it, determined that farmers are willing to use the product",,,,Visited the Organic Green Market to gain opinions from farm owners about their project and obtain information about crops from them,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 641,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Business Study,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses ,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Investigate pesticide residue in food consumed, in particular tea leaves which is a popular drink in Taiwan
  • Ask proprietors of teashops about their views on pesticide related issues
  • Visit a famous organic tea store, Yinchuan to talk to the owner about the choice of tea leaves and the tea quality in tea shops
  • Talk about the trend of local, organic and safe agriculture becoming more popular since customers are becoming more conscious of food safety
",Qualitative,Realized there is a need for a non-toxic pesticide,,,,"Investigated pesticide residue in food consumed and promote safe, organic agriculture",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 642,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meet with Medical Professionals and Patient,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Meet with a medical doctor and former patient who suffered from cancer to discuss the iGEM project.
  • Receive advice about how to best apply the project to be practical and suit a patient's needs
,Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Receive advice from past cancer patients and doctors about their iGEM project and their opinion,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 643,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,ApexBIO Consultation,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with ApexBIO, an international holistic development company, and seek recommendations on how best to construct their cancer-seeking e.coli.
  • Seek advice from the revolution from research to development.
  • Learn more about the expiration date of products and product packaging.
",Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Met with ApexBIO to discuss their iGEM project and how it should best be designed to seek out cancer cells,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 644,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Pest Prediction Forecast,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Website that predicts pest prevalence ,,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience ",Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Create a Taiwan pest forecast model that predicts the tendency of pests prospering and gives farmers information about farm conditions and advice for farmers to prepare before the threat
  • Collaborate with National Chiao Tung University and National Yang-Ming University to come up with the idea and developing the software
,,,,,,Collaborated with other universities and created a Taiwan pest forecast model that predicts the tendency of pests prospering ,Right boi,incorrect boi,correct boi 645,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Board Game,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Board game introduction,Educational Video,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Design a board game called pest crisis about the ongoing problems with pests in agriculture
  • Make a game where the pests will keep developing phenotypes to resist the attack from scientists and the scientists must keep building up new biobricks to win the game
  • Educate people through the use of the game by requiring all biobricks to be composed of 4 components: promoter, RBS, insert gene and terminator
  • Play this game at the conference and meetups
",,,,,,Designed a board game about pest crisis in agriculture and used it to teach the general public about synthetic biology ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 646,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Participate Newsletter,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Ask to discuss the iGEM project in various editions of a newspaper to help educate and make the public aware about synthetic biology and the iGEM project.
,,,,,,Discussed iGEM project in local newspaper to raise awareness ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 647,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Discourse at Bio Camp,"Educational Material, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",
  • Give a discourse at the 2016 summer bio camp held at NCTU
  • Give examples of synthetic biology and teach them how to construct biobricks with restriction sites
  • Present both the 2015 and 2016 iGEM presentation
,,,,,,Gave a discourse about synthetic biology at the 2016 summer bio camp held at NCTU,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 648,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meetups,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present at the Central China Conference and through discussion came up with new solutions for their project
  • Attend the NYMU meetup and present project and discuss about the project
  • Attend the 2016 iGEM Asia-Pacific Conference to present iGEM project and participate in various activities including round table discussions and consultations with biology experts
  • Attend the Central China iGEM Consortium and present iGEM project
,,,,,,Attended multiple conferences and presented iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 649,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,2016 NCTU Meetup,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Host the NCTU meetup and invite three iGEM teams to present their project and exchange ideas
  • Arrange for other activities such as a campus tour and playing the board game that they created
,,,,,,Hosted the NCTU meetup and invited 3 other iGEM teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 650,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Mini Conference,Project Presentation,,,,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Present iGEM Project,
  • Hold multiple mini-conferences with various professors and iGEM Teams to practice presenting the iGEM project and receive feedback and answer questions.
  • Receive valuable advice on how to improve their project.
,,,,,,Held mini-conferences with professors to practice presenting their iGEM project and receive feedback,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 651,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Skype Meetup,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • On 4 different times, discuss and present their iGEM teams to other teams through skype.
  • Receive feedback and give helpful feedback to the other teams project.
",,,,,,Presented projects and received and gave feedback with other teams via skype,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 652,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,2015 iGEM Asian Conference,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Host the Asian iGEM conference with 27 other iGEM teams for 5 days.
  • Have the teams present and answer questions about the iGEM projects
  • have judges there to give advice and feedback.
,,,,,,Hosted an Asia iGEM meetup with 27 other iGEM teams over the course of five days,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 653,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Survey Collaboration,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Collaborate with other teams to Learn Public Opinions about synthetic biology and their background knowledge about it
  • Survey 500 people on the street
,,,500,,,Surveyed over 500 people on the street asking their opinion about synthetic biology ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 654,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Education Workshop,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Teach 14 high school students about basic concepts of synthetic biology associated with laboratory practices during a 2 week workshop
  • Challenge students by asking them to acquire ideas and knowledge from 2015 high school team’s wikis
  • Require students to present their own projects at the end of the workshop
,,,14,,, Mentored highschool students on synthetic biology principles and individual project design through a two weeks' workshop,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 655,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Online Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey about food safety opinions,Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Activism for iGEM Project",
  • Survey people online about their viewpoints on food safety
  • Educate people about their iGEM project and about news on food safety
,,,,,,"Surveyed people online, promoted iGEM project and educated about food safety",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 656,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey given to general public about synthetic biology/their project. ,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Design a questionnaire about their iGEM project, more specifically asking about the recognition of cancer and target therapy.
  • Analyze the data and post on the iGEM wiki.
",Quantitative,Determined public opinion of synthetic biology as well as awareness of the issue their project is attempting to solve. ,,,,"Surveyed the general public about cancer recognition and target therapy, as well as their opinions on the iGEM project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 657,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Be Bald!,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,Science Education,"
  • Participate with the Be Bold Be Bald campaign by hosting a software that allows users to see themselves bald as a way to promote cancer awareness, their iGEM focus.
",,,,,,Participated in the Be Bold be Bald campaign by designing software that allowed people to see themselves as bald.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 658,NCTU Formosa,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,BioCamp,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Invite high schoolers into the lab for a day of ""camp""
  • Introduce them to the concept of synthetic biology and iGEM.
  • Teach them through hands-on experience different types of lab work such as plating.
  • Inspire students to pursue synthetic biology!
",,,,,,"Introduced high schoolers to the concept of synthetic biology and iGEM through hands-on lab work during a day of ""camp""",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 659,NEU-China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Leaflet,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>","Informational leaflet about iGEM and genetic engineering in Chinese, Informational leaflet about iGEM and genetic engineering in English","Paper on Ethics, Paper on Safety",General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",
  • Address most popular areas of public interest in synthetic biology via an informational leaflet
  • Distribute the leaflet to the general public
,,,,,Investigate the Biology of Public Interest,Designed an informational leaflet providing information about iGEM and synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 660,NEU-China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Investigate the Biology of Public Interest,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey by the 2016 NEU-China team,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Create a survey to learn public interest in various fields of synthetic biology
  • Distribute the survey in person and online
,Quantitative,"Percentages of participants interested in each subject of synthetic biology can be found at <a href=""T--NEU-China--HP19.jpg"">T--NEU-China--HP19.jpg</a>",308,"The public understands little about synthetic biology. Based on the information found by this survey, the team will promote their project to the general public focusing on popular synthetic biology areas of interest.",,Surveyed public interest and knowledge of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 661,NEU-China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Street Show,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Set up a booth and interact with the general public
  • Show participants petri dishes with and without antibiotics with antibiotic-resistant bacteria and explain the role of antibiotics in research
  • Use microscopes as a teaching tool to explain the team's iGEM project
  • Test pH of bottled water, a topic that was relevant to the team's iGEM project
",,,,,,Hosted a booth at a community Street Show and provided several teaching activities relevant to synthetic biology and the team project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 662,NEU-China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Long-Term Environmental Protection Activity,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Make a recycling area in the university to recover drugs and used batteries to address the issue of battery pollution in China and contribute to environmental protection
,,,,,,Established a battery recycling platform at the university to address China's battery pollution issues,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 663,NEU-China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Parent-Freshman Session,Teaching Activity,,,,"General Public, University Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Participate in the parent-freshman session held by the college during freshman registration
  • Introduce the iGEM competition and synthetic biology
  • Explain the previous iGEM projects done by the team in past years
  • Introduce the preliminary research in the team's current project
  • Lead a discussion about the ethics and safety of synthetic biology
,,,,,,"Gave a presentation on iGEM, synthetic biology, and the team's previous projects at a new student registration event",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 664,NEU-China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Workshop ,Teaching Activity,,,,"University Students, Professors","Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Invite other researchers with a background in molecular biology to a workshop
  • Introduce iGEM and synthetic biology
  • Get feedback from researchers on the team's projects
,,,,,,"Presented iGEM project to students and professors in molecular biology, received feedback",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 665,NJU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Doctor,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to the page containing a detailed documentation of the doctor's responses to various questions,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Interview a doctor from Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School for a broad view of therapeutic concern from a professional perspective
  • Interview doctors from the oncology department of the Affiliated Hospital
  • Use the professionals' suggestions to improve the project
,,,,,,Spoke with several oncologists to gain background information for iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 666,NJU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Patients,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to the page containing the stories of patients who were interviewed by the team,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Interview cancer patients and learn about their stories and treatment processes
  • Connect with patients and gain a better understanding of how to design the iGEM project so it would be best for patients
,,,,,,Met and interviewed cancer patients to learn more about their stories and needs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 667,NJU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview at Rehab,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with the vice superintendent and others in charge of a large rehab facility.
  • Interview them about the facility, how it is overworked, the stories of the patients there, and ways to help the patients.
  • Discuss the iGEM project and their feelings on if it could help.
",Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Interviewed a rehab facility for drug addiction to discuss patient experience and how their iGEM project could help prevent addiction,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 668,NJU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Neurobiologist,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with two neurobiologists who specialize in studying addiction.
  • Discuss with them the chemistry and science behind addiction, and how they can best design their synthetic structure to be effective.
",Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Met with neurobiologists studying addiction to determine what design would be optimal for their synthetic product to prevent drug addiction,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 669,NJU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Doctor,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview a doctor at the local hospital and discuss with them what they see everyday in terms of drug abuse, specifically with opioid addiction.
  • Discuss the drawbacks of therapy and the potential downside to their proposed iGEM project.
",Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Interviewed a doctor to discuss drug abuse and how their iGEM project could help prevent addiction,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 670,NJU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Questionnaire and Propagation Online,Survey,,,,General Public,"Learn Public Opinions, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Create a survey that helps the team learn about public opinions on synthetic biology and the team's project
  • Explain and present their project in a way that addresses public concerns
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",780,"Based on the data, the team came to the conclusion that people in China still hold a superficial and inadequate perception in the cognition of the malignant degree and death rate of cancer",,Surveyed public on their opinions about synthetic biology and the team's project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 671,NJU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Analysis of General Patients in Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital,Survey,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Send surveys to patients and their families from Gastrointestinal Cancer Department and Esophageal Cancer Department of Tianjin Cancer Hospital
  • Inquire about familiarity with treatments and what treatments patients receive
  • Learn about what patients care most about treatments
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",63,"After interviewing with the patient's face to face, the team learned more of the current status of clinical cancer treatment and patients' actual thoughts and real needs, enabling the team to be more aware of the importance and urgency of developing new drug therapy, which proved the significance of their topic. Most of the patient's desire to try the new drugs, but the amount of patients who meet genetic testing standards and requirements of targeted therapy are still limited. Therefore it needs the joint effort of various communities to promote the development of therapeutic targeting drugs and enlarge its covering. At the same time, efforts should be made to diminish the cost of molecular targeted therapy as much as possible, becoming affordable for more patients and families and permitting continuation of more lives.",,Surveyed gastrointestinal cancer patients about their current and prefered treatment types,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 672,NJU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,International Day Against Drug Abuse,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,Science Education,
  • Volunteer at the convention for the International Day Against Drug Abuse.
  • Hand out pamphlets informing others about the dangers of drug abuse.
  • Get over 500 signatures from people promising to stay away from drugs!
,,,500,,,Volunteered at the International Day Against Drug Abuse to hand out pamphlets warning about the dangers of drug use,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 673,NJU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Education and School Workshop,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Hold a lecture for the high school participants of a biology summer camp held by Nanjing University
  • Present iGEM, synthetic biology, and the team's project
  • Give students a better understanding of the applications and benefits of synthetic biology
  • Conduct a lab tour for students
",Qualitative,Students showed a strong interest in the team's project and in iGEM,,,,"Presented iGEM, synthetic biology, and the team's project to high-school campers and led a lab tour",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 674,NKU China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Investigation: For Young Scientists,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"University Students, Scientific Community, Professors",Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Complete a thorough investigation of lab practices and their safety throughout the university, particularly the management style and safety concerns.
  • Submit this report and see changes in the scientific community.
",,,,,,Investigated into lab practices and safety throughout the university,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 675,NKU China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Biologue in Interview,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Video of interview with a professor from Taiwan about biology,Interview,"Scientific Community, Professors","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Interview a professor from Taiwan to discover the differences in biological research between Mainland China and Taiwan
  • Record the interview in a video
  • Interview Ms. Weixia Gao and Ms. Yufen Quan, two quorum sensing experts
  • Get feedback to improve the team's project
  • Interview Jun Feng, an expert in biosafety
  • Use the information on biosafety to design a biocontainment system for the team's AI-2 Controller
",Integrated Human Practices,The team used information gained from these interviews to improve the execution of their project and their project design. The team also designed a biocontainment system based on their biosafety discussion with Jun Feng.,,,,"Interviewed researchers to find out differences of researches in Taiwan and Mainland China, obtained information for project ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 676,NKU China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Exposition: For Kids and Parents,Educational Material,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Hold an exhibition at the local museum to attract kids and parents who know little about science.
  • Introduce some new ideas of iGEM and synthetic biology, as well as show them videos explaining abstract concepts.
  • Design a comic to further teach the kids about SynBio.
",,,,,,Held an exhibition at local museum and designed a comic to promote awareness of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 677,NKU China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Freshman Lecture,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Set up a lecture to teach incoming freshmen about iGEM and synthetic biology.
  • Teach the students about what synthetic biology is,and what their current project is.
",,,,,,Taught synthetic biology to incoming freshman in their college,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 678,NKU China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Middle School Lab Course,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Invite local middle schools to the iGEM lab
  • Design and carry out a biology lab to introduce these students to the scientific method, while simultaneously teaching them about synthetic biology.
",,,,,,Opened iGEM lab for local middle schools and introduced synthetic biology concepts,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 679,NRP-UEA-Norwich,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Department of Nutrition at Norway Medical School,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Discuss the iGEM project with Norway Medical School, covering topics such as exactly how health benefits are tested and the use of dietary supplements.
  • Receive advice about iGEM project and how best to go forward.
",Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Discussed their project with a local medical school to receive feedback on how to improve their product,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 680,NRP-UEA-Norwich,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult with CEO of Big-C,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with CEO of Big-C, a large cancer charity.
  • Discuss society's collective moral hierarchy and its place in preventing cancer.
  • Discuss their objectives and motives towards genetically engineered food and how it can be beneficial for the community as a whole.
",Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Consulted with a cancer charity to discuss their objectives and motives for promoting GMOs as food products,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 681,NRP-UEA-Norwich,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Public Display of Starches,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Set up a display in Norway's ""a Fine City"" event.
  • Display and talk about iGEM and synthetic biology, as well as topics related to their project.
  • Set up displays and examples of various starches such as gluten-free edible play-doh.
",,,,,,"Discussed iGEM and synthetic biology through displays set up in their city's ""Fine City"" event.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 682,NRP-UEA-Norwich,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Science and Writing Trust Workshop,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Discuss at a workshop iGEM, synthetic biology
  • Complete writing exercises based on poetry to express knowledge and feelings about synthetic biology.
",,,,,,Discussed as a workshop iGEM and synthetic biology and gave out writing exercises to the attendees about the topics,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 683,NTNU_Trondheim,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Conduct Interviews,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Set up various interviews with past diabetes patients and their medical doctors.
  • Discuss their disease, as well as learn their opinions on using synthetic biology and their iGEM project as a cure.
  • Talk with them about the difficulties of living with the disease, how it is currently managed, how they currently rely on a glucose sensor.
",,,,,,Interviewed diabetes patients to discuss their experience with current treatment options and their opinion on using synthetic biology to treat disease,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 684,NTNU_Trondheim,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey on synthetic biology and its potential applications,Survey,University Students,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Design a survey with questions asking about the public's knowledge and opinion on synthetic biology, and what potential applications they think could be possible.
  • Analyze the data and post on the iGEM wiki.
",,,,,,Surveyed public knowledge of synthetic biology and its potential applications,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 685,NTU-Singapore,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Industrial Waste Companies,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with Industrial Waste management,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview representatives of Inventa technologies and Eastman Chemical Company, who work with industrial waste.
  • Discuss how waste is typically produced and dealt with, and what issues the companies have found with waste disposal.
  • Post that interview on their wiki.
",,,,,,Interviewed representations from industrial waste companies to discuss the process and current issues with disposing of industrial waste,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 686,NTU-Singapore,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Singapore Art and Science Museum,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Collaborate with the Art and Science Museum, a museum that combines art and science
  • Work on eventually exhibiting Cas9 models that can promote CRISPR technology to a wider public
",,,,Combining art and science is an effective way to promote awareness of scientific topics.,"The One-North Festival, Protein 3D Printing for Dummies",Exhibited Cas9 models with the Singapore Art and Science museum,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 687,NTU-Singapore,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,The One-North Festival,"Educational Material, Fair Booth, Teaching Activity","<a href=""""></a>","Webpage containing informative cards explaining Cas9, posters and brochures about CRISPR-Cas9, and instructions on creating a 3D model of dCas9","Education Activity, Education Activity Protocol","General Public, Primary School Students",Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Plan to attend the One-North Festival, a two-day event jointly organized by the Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR) and JTC, which features leading scientists from different backgrounds showcasing cutting-edge research
  • Explain to audience about genome editing combined with Cas9-induced double stranded breaks
  • Design four informative cards explaining the fundamental features of the Cas9 enzyme
  • Design a poster and brochures to explain how the discovery and development of CRISPR-Cas9
  • Print models of PI domain, interactive Cas9, and gRNA
  • Create the dCas9 illustrator, a model that simulates live cell imaging and the Cas9 process (detailed instructions on wiki)
  • Present teaching materials at the festival
",Qualitative,Kids enjoyed the 3D models-- many immediately held the models and explored the proteins. ,,Having creative materials helped the public grasp complex difficult topics in synthetic biology. ,Protein 3D Printing for Dummies,Participated in a cutting-edge research festival and introduced to the audience CRISPR-cas9 and gRNA,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 688,NTU-Singapore,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview Policy Advisors,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with policy advisors to discuss public opinion on GMOs,"Interview, Policy",Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Have an interview with a member of the genetic modification committee to discuss the results of a previous survey, and the public's opinion on GMOs.
  • Discuss why GMOs may have a negative stigma and if they truly are safe, and how to best move forward with public engagement to inform the public of the truth.
",,,,,,Interviewed a member of the genetic modification committee to discuss the public's opinion of GMOs and how to help relieve the negative stigma surrounding GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 689,NTU-Singapore,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Protein 3D Printing for Dummies,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Detailed instructions on the team's process for printing 3D proteins for their project,Education Activity Protocol,"General Public, Scientific Community, iGEM Teams",Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Design 3D models of Cas9 for education purposes
  • Include instructions about their process for others who would like to print proteins in the future
,,,,The team used these 3D proteins in other outreach events and received positive feedback.,"The One-North Festival, Protein 3D Printing for Dummies",Designed 3D models of Cas9 and protein printing for education purposes,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 690,NTU-Singapore,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,The One-North Festival Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>",Survey form on synthetic biology and survey results,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Design a survey to analyze public opinions on application of CRISPR Cas9 and the effect of the team's education activity on public awareness
  • Administer survey at the One-North Festival
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",110,"The team's exhibition helped the public be more aware of genome editing. However, there are still people outside of the sciences who are unfamiliar with recent technological developments in biology. The team believes doing more education outreach could be a solution to this. Gene alteration is a controversial issue. The team integrated public opinions into their research; changes can be found at <a href=""""></a>",The One-North Festival,Designed a survey to analyze public opinions on application of CRISPR Cas9,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 691,NTU-Singapore,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey on public's perception of GMOs,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Design a survey to ask the general population their opinion of GMOs.
  • Analyze a write a comprehensive report of their responses.
  • Post the survey and the analysis on their iGEM wiki.
,,,,,,Surveyed public opinion of GMOs and wrote a comprehensive report summarizing results,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 692,NTU-Singapore,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Educate Local High School Students,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Visit the local high school.
  • Spend an hour lecturing about iGEM, synthetic biology, and their project while also answering questions.
  • Hand out a survey at the end asking how their opinions changed on the topic of GMOs.
",,,,,,"Lectured local high school students about synthetic biology, iGEM and team's iGEM project, then surveyed how student's opinions changed",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 693,NUDT CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"Interactive ""Adventures with iGEM"" Game",Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Interactive SynBio Game for Students ,Education Activity Protocol,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, General Public","Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Design an interactive game based around synthetic biology that used videos to teach students about synthetic biology.
  • Have the game be third-player, as they play as an iGEM team member, that takes the player through the team's current project.
  • Show the game to students.
",,,,,,Designed an interactive game based around synthetic biology that used videos to teach synthetic biology and played with the students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 694,NUDT CHINA,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Song,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Synthetic Biology song,Educational Video,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Write a synthetic biology song
  • Produce it and post it on the iGEM wiki
,,,,,,Wrote and produced a synthetic biology song,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 695,NUDT CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews with Doctors,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview summaries with Dr. Li Wenjin and Dr. Hou Tao,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Set up interviews with various doctors who specialize in cancer detection and oncology.
  • Ask questions about procedure, gaps between clinical application and basic research, the stability and efficiency of miRNA, and the current situation of biomarker tests.
  • Analyze and ask questions about how their project could best be used to help the doctors in this field in terms of cancer detection.
",,,,,,Interviewed doctors specialized in cancer detection and oncology about usages of biomarkers,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 696,NUDT CHINA,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Human Laboratory Animal Center,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview the HLAC to discuss advice on safety and prospect.
  • Discuss their iGEM projects, its potential benefits, and its potential dangers.
  • Keep written dialogue of the conversation and post on the iGEM wiki for other teams to use for advice.
",,,,,,Discussed their iGEM project and its potential benefits and drawbacks with the HLAC,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 697,NUDT CHINA,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Conference of China iGEM Committee,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Meet up at Peking University to present iGEM project.
  • Listen to other iGEM projects and provide feedback.
,,,,,,Attended an iGEM meetup at Peking University,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 698,NUDT CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Internet Survey for the Public,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey for the general public on SynBio and cancer,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Design a survey towards general public about cancer detection, synthetic biology, and their iGEM project
  • Analyze the data and post on the iGEM wiki.
",Quantitative,Detailed data on the public's knowledge of iGEM and cancer detection,550,,,"Designed and carried out a survey for general public about knowledge on cancer treatment, synthetic biology and iGEM project. ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 699,NUDT CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Survey in the Hospital,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey with Oncology Doctors and others in the Health Industry,Survey ,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Design a survey that asks health professionals about current early cancer detection methods.
  • Analyze and post the data on the wiki, as well as determine valuable information was found in that their product could help with the tests and current popularity of current detection methods.
",,,,,,Designed a survey that asks health professionals about current early cancer detection methods ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 700,NUDT CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Grandpa's and Granny's Mini Lecture,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Design a mini-lecture geared towards those who are older and at higher risk of developing cancer.
  • Design posters and advertisements for the event.
  • Lecture and educate the public about early cancer detection, and how their iGEM project aims to help.
",,,,,,Designed a lecture and posters for early cancer detection and their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 701,NUDT CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Lab Day for High School Students,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Design and present to high schoolers a quick lecture on synthetic biology, iGEM, and their current project.
  • Answer questions.
  • Provide activities based around synthetic biology that teaches the students what the iGEM team does during the lab day, including polymerase digestion and electrophoresis.
",,,,,,"Designed and presented a lecture to high school students about synthetic biology, iGEM, and their current project and carried out biological lab activities",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 702,NUDT CHINA,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Spread iGEM to Three Universities,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,Educate on the iGEM program,
  • Visit three different universities that do not currently have an iGEM team.
  • Teach them about iGEM and synthetic biology
  • Prepare them for possibly starting their own iGEM team
,,,,,,Helped other universites without an iGEM team start up their own team by educating them on synthetic biology and the iGEM competition,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 703,NUS Singapore,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey on synthetic biology and iGEM project,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Create a survey around their iGEM project to be given to a general audience that asks about synthetic biology knowledge, novel forms of cancer therapy, and safety concerns.
  • Give the survey to over 150 participants, analyze the data, and publish on the team's wiki.
  • Ensure participants are from various regions across the world and compare the results
",Quantitative,Detailed data on the public's opinion of synthetic biology and the importance of their project,160,,,"Surveyed 150 people about synthetic biology knowledge, novel forms of cancer therapy, and safety concerns and conducted analysis",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 704,NYMU-Taipei,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews with Farmers,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Meet with various farmers and interview them about common diseases found in potatoes and what kinds of potatoes are being planted.
  • Discuss with them the possibilities of using iGEM and synthetic biology in their field.
,Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,"Met with farmers to determine the types of potatoes commonly planted, the diseases affecting them, and how synthetic biology can help",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 705,NYMU-Taipei,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,"Conduct interview with ""Buy Directly From Farmers""",Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Conduct an interview with a Taiwanese farmer group to better connect with potato farmers.
  • Discuss how best the iGEM project can benefit their business, and how it can improve the quality of life of the community as a whole.
",Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Conducted an interview with potato farmers for the purpose of refining their iGEM project ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 706,NYMU-Taipei,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Conduct interview with John Tung Foundation,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Invite the manager of the food and nutrition group John Tang Foundation to discuss the iGEM project.
  • Discuss the iGEM project, its goals, and advice the foundation could give to make it more applicable to the industry.
  • Discuss GM food regulation and pesticide management.
",,,,,,Discussed with the manager of a food and nutrition group their iGEM project as well as GM food regulation and pesticide management,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 707,NYMU-Taipei,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Forecasting App,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Forecasting App that relates upcoming weather to pest threats,,Specialized Audience,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Design an app through collaboration with another team that utilizes algorithms to predict pest threats based on upcoming weather, that would easily allow for farmers to predict pest threats.
  • Create the app and publish it on their iGEM wiki.
",,,,,,Created an app to predict pest threats based on upcoming weather,Right boi,incorrect boi,correct boi 708,NYMU-Taipei,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Media Analysis,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A comprehensive analysis following the team's dedication to seeing what is effective in teaching biology through the media,Research Paper,"General Public, Scientific Community, iGEM Teams",Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Read and gather data from local media platforms, magazines, and newspapers, analyzing their sufficiency and understandability.
  • Analyze the data and report on their wiki what was most and least effective, based on social scientific methods that are described on their wiki, to better help future iGEM teams understand what is most and least effective in terms of scientific communication
",Qualitative,Detailed data collected on effectiveness of communicating science on various media platforms,,,,Came up with a comprehensive analysis following the team's dedication to seeing what is effective in teaching biology through the media,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 709,NYMU-Taipei,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Comprehensive Comparison of Pesticide Regulation,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A comprehensive analysis of the various pesticide regulation policies that vary between regions,Research Paper,"General Public, Scientific Community, iGEM Teams",Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Analyze the differences in varying pesticide regulation policies between China, Europe, and the US regarding environmental fate, chemical residue, and other categories.
  • Compare and contrast their policies and post the analysis on the wiki.
  • Include descriptions of why each category is important and compare the policies of the different countries.
",Qualitative,Detailed comparison between the various countries allow for other teams to easily see how major categories are being ignored in certain regions.,,,,Wrote a comprehensive analysis of the differences between pesticide policies in Europe and in Asia ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 710,NYMU-Taipei,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Submit a piece of writing to Scientific America,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Synthetic Biology Article,Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Write an article that covers topics such as iGEM team distribution, growth of iGEM, synthetic biology's future.
  • Post the contents of that article on the iGEM wiki.
",,,,,,"Publish articles about iGEM, synthetic biology, and the future of the field",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 711,NYMU-Taipei,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Agricultural Experts and Farmers,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with Agricultural Experts and Farmers,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Design questions geared towards farmers and others in the agricultural industry as they pertain to their iGEM project, including governmental regulations, current issues with biosafety, issues with diseases and pests.
  • Ask various farmers, experts in the bacteria that harbor such diseases, and the Taiwan Rural Front.
  • Publish their responses to the team's wiki.
",,,,,,Designed questions to farmers about agriculture industry and published their responses on the wiki,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 712,NYMU-Taipei,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Interview with various teachers,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with various teachers in their region about synthetic biology,Interview,Teachers,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Prepare questions to ask local teachers about their current knowledge of synthetic biology, and whether they would be willing to teach it to kids, along with what teaching style they see works best and how they inspire students to become biologists.
  • Encourage the teachers to encourage their own students to learn about synthetic biology.
  • Write up their responses and post on the iGEM wiki.
",,,,,,Investigated teachers' knowledge about and willingness to teach synthetic biology to children,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 713,NYMU-Taipei,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Meetup with a Survey,"Project Presentation, Survey","<a href=""""></a>",Survey given to those attending the meetup before and after,Survey,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","
  • Host a meetup for 6 other schools and allow each school to practice presenting their project.
  • Design a questionnaire geared toward iGEM teams about synthetic biology, entrepreneurship, and outside hobbies.
  • Gather data and collective compare and publish on their website.
",,,,,,Hosted a 7 team meet-up and designed questionnaire about synthetic biology ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 714,NYMU-Taipei,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,High School Camp,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Invite high school students to come to the university to learn about iGEM
  • Give them a lab tour and teach them about iGEM and various lab techniques
  • Introduce them to the dry lab side of iGEM as well.
  • Give them a survey at the end of the camp to analyze how successful it was at teaching the kids about iGEM
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",20,"Learned that the camp was helpful in teaching the students about iGEM, wet lab procedures, and slightly less helpful in procedures and wiki understanding. ",,Gave a lab tour to local high school students to educate them on synthetic biology and dry lab techniques,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 715,NYMU-Taipei,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Introduce iGEM to High Schoolers,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Teach them about iGEM and synthetic biology by going back to the team members past high schools.
  • Answer questions about iGEM and promote awareness of synthetic biology.
,,,,,,Visited the team member's past high schools to give presentations to current high school students about iGEM,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 716,OLS Canmore,High School,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,ASTech Accelerate 2.0,Community Event,,,,"Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Interact with the community using a showcase booth to teach the public about their project and how synthetic biology can be useful
,,,,,,Hosted a showcase booth at a community event to educate the public about synthetic biology and the team's iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 717,OLS Canmore,High School,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Navig8,Community Event,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Attend water summit to learn about water systems, what happens when water leaves the treatment plants
",,,,,,Attended a water summit to learn about water systems and wastewater treatment plants,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 718,OLS Canmore,High School,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Biotreks,"Community Event, Educational Material",,,,General Public,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project","
  • Create two papers, one on their iGEM research and the other on safety and ethics in high school synthetic biology
",,,,,,Wrote two articles about their iGEM project and ethics and safety in high school synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 719,OLS Canmore,High School,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Tour Wastewater Treatment Facilities,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Learn how the wastewater facilities work by visiting local wastewater treatment plants such as Canmore Wastewater Treatment Facility, Banff Water Treatment
  • Learn what is difficult in waste management and what product could be useful
",Integrated Human Practices,"Gained valuable insight knowledge that helped the team design their product to be useful, such as using a kind of bacteria that could operate in the conditions present at wastewater treatment plants",,,,Visited two wastewater facilities to gain information on potential product design,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 720,OLS Canmore,High School,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Tour Fertilizer Plant,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Learn about the chemical makeup of fertilizer and sludge in wastewater treatment
  • Learn how their product could use sludge to produce fertilizers
,Integrated Human Practices,"Before the meeting, the team had briefly talked about the construct creating a useful protein byproduct that could be used in the creation of other useful products. After being inspired by the conversation they had with Walker Industries, they researched how they could realistically obtain this protein product from the degradation of keratin waste.",,,,Visited a fertilizer plant to gain information on potential product design,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 721,OLS Canmore,High School,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Chicken Farmers of Canada,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Learn more about feather waste and current biosafety guidelines for GMOs in the industry
,,,,,,Interviewed members of the poultry industry to gain information on how the iGEM project could potentially affect them,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 722,OLS Canmore,High School,2015,,"Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices",Integrated Human Practices,Visit Water Treatment Plant,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit water treatment plant in Canmore and tour the facilities.
  • Learn the current methods to deal with hair disposal.
  • Discuss with workers their opinion of the iGEM project and their industry.
  • Help visualize how their keratinase bacterium could help.
,Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Visited a wastewater treatment plant to help develop their iGEM project by learning about current methods of dealing with hair in wastewater management,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 723,OLS Canmore,High School,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology 15 Course,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A curriculum implemented at their school for a high school synthetic biology course,Education Activity Protocol,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology ,
  • Develop a synthetic biology curriculum and assist in getting the class setup at the local high school
,,,,,,Developed a synthetic biology curriculum for high school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 724,OLS Canmore,High School,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,TedX Canmore 2016,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Develop a TedX talk in synthetic biology
  • Present talk at TedX Canmore
,,,,,,Gave a TedX talk on the iGEM program at their school,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 725,OLS Canmore,High School,2015,,"Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,Published Articles,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Published two articles discussed iGEM, synthetic biology, and their project",Research Paper ,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Publish two articles with the ""The Rocky Mountain Outlook"" discussing the iGEM project.
  • Discuss topics such as synthetic biology, iGEM, and their specific team and what they have accomplished to educate readers.
",,,,,,Published two articles in local magazines about iGEM and synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 726,OLS Canmore,High School,2015,,"Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Curriculum,Educational Material,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Work with a Professor to create an synthetic biology curriculum for local high school students.
,,,,,,Worked with a professor to create a synthetic biology curriculum for local high schools,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 727,OLS Canmore,High School,2015,,"Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,Interview at local radio station,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Get interviewed about iGEM by the local station Mountain FM.
  • Discuss iGEM, their project, and the upcoming competition
",,,,,,"Were interviewed by a local radio station about iGEM, their project and synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 728,OLS Canmore,High School,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Classroom Presentations,Project Presentation,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Talk in classrooms to students about synthetic biology and their project.
  • Help encourage students to pursue synthetic biology
,,,,,,Presented synthetic biology and iGEM to fellow students in their classes,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 729,OLS Canmore,High School,2015,,"Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,Community Presentations,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Hold multiple public presentations at local high schools, the Mayor and Town Council Meetings to discuss iGEM and synthetic biology.
  • Teach community leaders about iGEM and celebrate educational achievements.
",,,,,,Held various presentations at local high schools and town meetings to educate the public about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 730,OLS Canmore,High School,2015,,"Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,TedX Talk ,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Have a professor host a TEDX talk at Canmore.
  • Discuss synthetic biology to the crowd, and also iGEM and the team's current project.
",,,,,,Hosted a TEDX talk at Canmore about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 731,OUC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Dr. Xu,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Summarize questions about an ideal chassis for the project and consult Dr. Xu Chenggang, and expert in C. cellulolyticum research, which was the prototype the team used for their research
  • Get advice about useful software and project design
",Integrated Human Practices,Dr. Xu's advice influenced the team to choose E. coli as their chassis.,,,,Consulted an expert about their prototype species and gained information about useful software,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 732,OUC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Join the CCiC,Consult Experts,,,,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Join the CiCC, or Conference of China iGEMer Committee
  • Communicate throughout the project and receive advice from 30 other iGEM teams.
  • Consult with other teams about their design, what bacteria to use, and how to best modify the current design.
",Integrated Human Practices,"According to suggestions, the team modified their original design and added two supplementary proof experiments, which was essential to the integrity of their project",,,,Participated in Conference of China iGEMer Committee and gained information about project from other teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 733,OUC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Visit Tsingtao Brewery,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit several local breweries to determine if their product would be applicable to their business.
  • Assess if is their design would be useful in the quantification of the production of beer.
  • Stay in touch for further communication.
,Integrated Human Practices,The team gained feedback about the usefulness of their project for future applications.,,,,Visited local breweries to determine applicability of their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 734,OUC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey about synthetic biology,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Design a thorough questionnaire to be given to over 500 participants about synthetic biology, their ethical concerns, iGEM, and their opinion of their project.
  • Analyze and report the data on their wiki.
",Quantitative,"Data given on public's concerns on synthetic biology. See <a href=""""></a> for detailed data.",500,,,"Survey of general public opinion of synthetic biology, team's proposed project idea and synbio ethics",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 735,OUC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Spreading Knowledge via Social Service,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Connect with the Qingdao Association for Science and Technology, a non-profit social service organization for popularizing science and technology knowledge to the public, to be able to hold an academic lecture on their behalf to a general audience.
  • Perform the lecture and answer questions.
",Qualitative,"According to audience feedback, participants were willing to know more innovative things and encouraged the team in their research.",,,,Lectured public at the Qingdao Association for Science and Technology ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 736,OUC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Popularizing to the Public,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",Video in Chinese that uses simple language to introduce basic knowledge of synthetic biology,Educational Video,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Set up an account on Wechat, one of the most popular social softwares in China, to introduce synthetic biology by writing articles on the influence of synthetic biology in daily life
  • Create an original video that introduces the basics of synthetic biology
  • Travel to various communities and tourist attractions to distribute brochures detailing the basics of synthetic biology
",,,,,,"Set up an Wechat official account to introduce synthetic biology to social media users in China, created an educational video and handed out brochures ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 737,OUC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Spreading Around Us,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material, Open Lab",,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, University Students","Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Host a lecture at their university about synthetic biology and iGEM, and inspire fellow students to pursue synthetic biology.
  • Continue with this theme by inviting middle school students to the iGEM lab and introduce them to the concept of synthetic biology as well, teaching them about techniques such as molecular cloning
  • Hold an academic summer camp and invite about 20 students from various universities and teach them basic communication in literature and experiment skills
",Qualitative,Students at the summer camp gave the team feedback saying they enjoyed the academic exploration very much and would share what they had learned with more people,,,,"Hosted a lecture describing iGEM and synthetic biology to university students, continued introducing iGEM to middle school students and held a scientific summer camp",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 738,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,"Wilson's Disease Support Group AGM, Cambridge","Community Event, Project Presentation",,,,Specialized Audience,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project",
  • Attend the Wilson's Disease Support Group meeting
  • Present project
  • Talk to patients with the disease to gain their perspective and inform them about how the iGEM project could treat Wilson's Disease
,,,,"At this meeting, the team was asked to produce a leaflet about Wilson's disease aimed at younger patients to explain about the condition.",,Gained information for project by attending a support group for Wilson's Disease ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 739,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Oxford Alumni Weekend,"Community Event, Teaching Activity",,,,"General Public, Specialized Audience","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Attend the Oxford Alumni Weekend to give a presentation on synthetic biology and iGEM to alumni
  • Educate alumni on what synthetic biology is, receive donations, and dispel myths about ethical concerns around the subject
",,,,"This event helped the team raise awareness of topics in synthetic biology with an older demographic, as was suggested by their survey.",Oxford Survey,Gave presentation on iGEM project and synthetic biology to school's Alumni,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 740,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult with an Evolution Professor,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with the professor of evolutionary biology Dr. Kevin Foster to discuss the concept behind their iGEM project.
  • Talk about the concept of using colicins, and the desire of patients to experience fewer side effects.
",,,,,,Met with an evolutionary biology professor to discuss the concept behind their project ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 741,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Public and Legal Outreach,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with dr. Jane Kaye, Professor of Health Law and Policy at the University.
  • Discuss why the current policy is vague when its comes to the fast-growing synthetic biology field, and to take public opinion heavily into account when designing their project.
",,,,,,Met with a Health Law and Policy professor to discuss current policy in synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 742,Oxford,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Nurses,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview nurses before starting the project on UTI's and antibiotic resistance by having a discussion on the pros and cons of current treatment methods.
  • Discuss topics such as the seriousness of UTIs, and the pros and cons of CAUTI methods.
",,,,,,"Interviewed nurses about antibiotic resistance, UTI treatment, and the pros and cons of CAUTI",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 743,Oxford,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Discussion with Doctors and Patients,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with doctors and their patients at a nearby university.
  • Discuss topics such as comfort with catheterism, the side effects they've experienced using antibiotics, and if they would be comfortable prescribing and taking synthetic bacterium.
",Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful feedback from an expert to design their project.,,,,Discussed catheters with doctors and patients at a nearby hospital,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 744,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Bang! Science Magazine,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Write an article for Bang! Science Magazine, an Oxford student publication that aims ""to bring current research at Oxford and elsewhere to people both within and outside of the university""
",Qualitative,Helped educate the general public about synthetic biology and Wilson's disease,,,,Wrote an article highlighting iGEM project for a student scientific publication ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 745,Oxford,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,BBC Radio Oxford,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Science Education, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Be invited onto BBC Radio to discuss antibiotic resistance.
  • Answer questions about and discuss antibiotic resistance, issues with antibiotic treatment and catheterism, what iGEM is and synthetic biology, and how their project hopes to solve this problem.
",,,,,,Conducted an interview with BBC radio about antibiotic resistance,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 746,Oxford,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bang! Magazine,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Article on their iGEM project.,Magazine/Newspaper Article ,University Students,Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Be interviewed by BANG! Oxfords school magazine about their iGEM project.
  • Discuss what the project is about and why it is important, as well as what the iGEM competition is and synthetic biology.
",,,,,,Discussed their iGEM project and published their interview with the school's magazine.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 747,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Biochemistry Department Support Group,Fundraiser,,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Set up a cake sale in the biology department to promote iGEM and synthetic biology.
  • Educate those who visit on synthetic biology, iGEM, and Wilson's Disease and how it pertains to their project
",,,,,,Set up a cake sale to promote IGEM and synthetic biology ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 748,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Patient Feedback,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with past patients who are part of the Wilson's Disease Support Group about their iGEM project. Discuss three key limitations with current treatment, including side effects, price, and the concern of high dosage frequency, as well as introduce them and ask them about their project and their opinions.
",,,,,,Discussed current treatment options and their limitations with Wilson's Disease patients to inform project design,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 749,Oxford,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,UTC Oxfordshire,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,Science Education,"
  • Give a presentation on synthetic biology and iGEM for students at a nearby University (University Technical College) held at the National History Museum in Oxford.
  • Talk about the discovery of antibiotics, antibiotic resistance, and hold a discussion on the topic at the end.
",,,,,,"Gave a talk to a local university about their project, synthetic biology and antimicrobial resistance",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 750,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,JackFM,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Participate in an interview with the radio station JackFM which covers Oxfordshire
  • Educate people about rare diseases and specifically Wilson's disease by answering relevant questions
,,,,,,Participated in a radio interview to help educate members of the public about rare diseases ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 751,Oxford,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Initial Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey on what the public wants synthetic biology to do for them,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Design a questionnaire before starting the project about synthetic biology and what the public hopes to get from the field.
  • Analyze the data and post on the iGEM wiki
,,,100,,,Surveyed the general public about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 752,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Project Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to page containing the survey questions and a basic description of results,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Create a survey that investigates issues the general public would like to be addressed by the team's iGEM project
  • Use the results to determine the project track
,Integrated Human Practices,"Most people surveyed indicated that they wanted a medicine/therapeutics project. Therefore, the team chose to do a project in that track. One person surveyed indicated an interest in researching probiotic supplements, which caused the team to choose to focus their research on probiotics as a form of disease treatment. ",,,,Surveyed public on issues that they would like addressed by team's iGEM project ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 753,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Oxford Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Survey questions and survey results can be found under the heading ""Second Survey""",Survey,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Write up and conduct a survey on iGEM, synthetic biology, and diseases associated with their project
  • Use results to establish areas the team will focus on in their outreach project, assess the level of support the project might have if it were to be used as a treatment in the future, and to get an initial idea of whether people would prefer a single or repeated treatment plan (which will affect project design)
",Quantitative,"Learned that on 29% of people had heard of Orphan disease, 45% had heard of synthetic biology, and other helpful statistics to help the team guide future engagement projects to better educate the public. Detailed results can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,Ethics Survey,"Conducted a survey on iGEM, synthetic biology, and the diseases associated with their project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 754,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Ethics Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Survey questions and survey results can be found under the heading ""Third Survey""",Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Design a survey to investigate the ethical issues the general public might have with the team's project
  • Address these concerns in the project design
,Quantitative,"Detailed survey results can be found at <a href=""""></a> under the header ""Third Survey""",,,Oxford Survey,Surveyed the general public to determine potential ethical issues with iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 755,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Wilson's Disease Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Survey questions and survey results can be found under the heading ""Fourth Survey""",Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Design a survey to investigate the preferred delivery methods for the team's treatment and the dosage frequency people would tolerate
  • Collaborate with iGEM Vilnius to compare results of survey
  • Use the data to decide how to deliver the probiotic and to clarify whether people would prefer a permanent population in the small intestine of more frequent applications
,Quantitative,"Detailed survey results can be found at <a href=""""></a> under the header ""Fourth Survey""",,,,Surveyed the public on the preferred method of delivery of probiotics to determine iGEM project design,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 756,Oxford,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Return Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey asked following some synthetic biology education,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Conduct another survey after the iGEM team has investigated the feasibility of their project.
  • Ask the public now their opinion of trusting synthetic biology.
  • Understand that the public would heavily trust the doctor's opinion above all else.
,,,,,,"Conducted a follow-up public survey on the public's trust in synthetic biology, especially in the medical field",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 757,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Oxford iGEM visits Cyprus,Teaching Activity,,,,"Secondary School Students, General Public, University Students, Teachers","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Visit a high school in Cyprus and prepare a presentation on synthetic biology, iGEM, and their current project to be given to biology and chemistry classes, undergraduates, parents, and teachers
  • Answer questions and inspire students to pursue synthetic biology
",Qualitative,A student expressed an interest in starting an iGEM team in the following year.,,,,Visited a local high school and presented on synthetic biology and their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 758,Oxford,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Conversation with Academics,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,Science Education,
  • Hold a speaker series where a public talk is held by Professor Andre McBain on Biofilms.
  • Discuss the role of biofilms in causing infections and the importance of studying antibiotic resistance.
,,,,,,Held a speaker series on biofilms at their university,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 759,Oxford,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Public Talks on Synthetic Biology,Teaching Activity,,,,"Scientific Community, University Students",Science Education,"
  • Hold two public talks, one at Corpus Christi Biochemistry College and another to alumni of their university.
  • Discuss UTIs, antibiotic resistance, synthetic biology, and their iGEM project.
  • Receive feedback, ideas, and answer questions.
",,,,,,Held two public talks to discuss antibiotic resistance and their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 760,Oxford,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,UNIQ Workshop,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Invite 40 prospective Oxford students to learn about synthetic biology and iGEM
  • Teach them about BioBricks, what synthetic biology is, and work through questions to give them a greater understand of what iGEM teams do.
",,,40 students,,,Educated 40 prospective Oxford students about synthetic biology and BioBricks through their workshop,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 761,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Oxford Summer School,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Run a workshop on synthetic biology at an Oxford college on synthetic biology
  • Present their project
  • Divide participants into small groups with a member of the Oxford iGEM team to work on synthetic biology activities the had made such as primer design and PCR concepts
,,,,"After the success of their first workshop, the team was asked by another college to run a similar activity for them",,Presented project and ran a synthetic biology workshop with high school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 762,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Poster Presentation and London International Youth Science Forum,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,"Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Attend the London International Youth Science Forum, and present the iGEM project to about 500 people
  • Answer question about synthetic biology while also educating those attending about Wilson's Disease.
",,,500,,,Presented iGEM project and answered question about Wilson's Disease at the London International Youth Science Forum,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 763,Oxford,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Natural History Museum Summer School,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Host students aged 16-17 carrying out summer research projects at Oxford's Natural History Museum in the lab for the day
  • Give them a presentation on the project and the relevant scientific techniques the team uses to do this
  • Design specific resources such as genetic circuit troubleshooting exercises to enable them to put their new knowledge of synthetic biology into practice
  • Lead a tour of the lab to show participants what real research is like
,,,,,,Hosted an educational event for secondary students doing summer research project to educate them about research,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 764,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Authorities and Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Set up a meeting with lawmakers and food safety experts to discuss the ideas behind the iGEM project.
  • Ask about the importance of choosing the right model organism, using a food grade vector system, their concern of safety, and if GM organisms can be used in food and instead using vitamin dependency for the plasmids.
",,,,,,"Discussed with lawmakers and food safety experts topics surrounding their iGEM project, such as safety concerns and model organisms",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 765,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Rhizi Database,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","A collective database that serves to help teams collaborate based on project details such as model organism, techniques, and project keywords",Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Work with the Center of Interdisciplinary Researchers to create a website/software that acts as a database that allows teams to share their project details under specific nodes such as track, team name, project details, wet lab techniques, and model organisms.
  • The database will easily other other teams to share vectors, promoters, protocols and more with other iGEM teams.
",,,25 different teams,,,Worked with the center of Interdisciplinary Researchers to create a database software that easily allows for the sharing of ideas and details of projects between iGEM teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 766,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,DI-Lambda (Open Source Spectrometer),Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Designed their own spectrometer that is accurate and cheap to make,Hardware,Scientific Community,Science Education,
  • Design their own spectrometer that is both easily accessible and highly accurate
  • Study past simple designs such as DIY solution published in the Journal of Marine Biology or an example from iGEM Aachen 2014 that created their own
  • Design their own that is more accurate by comparing their results and finding an ideal solution so the spectrometer gives an accurate result as compared to the one in their lab.
  • Begin designing solutions for cheap and easy manufacturing to possibly mass-produce and deliver to others in the scientific community who need this tool but do not have as much funding.
,,,,,,"Designed an accessible and accurate spectrometer based on past designs, and research ways to mass-produce their design to be available for cheap public use",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 767,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,European Experience,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Participate in the european experience iGEM event organized by iGEM Evry and iGEM IONIS that allowed the team to present their project and gain feedback
  • Network and meet teams with whom to collaborate
,Qualitative,Gained feedback for their project and were able to present their project,,,,Participated and presented at iGEM meetup,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 768,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,NightScience,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present project and receive audience feedback
,Qualitative,Taught audience about their project,,The views of the audience coming from different backgrounds was helpful.,,Presented project at Meet-up Ile-de-France,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 769,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Meet-up Ile-de-France,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present iGEM project to practice for the Jamboree
  • Gain audience and jury feedback about presentation and project
,Qualitative,Learned how to improve their project and presentation,,"It was an interesting first test at presenting and sharing results, but the drawback was that at that stage in the project the team did not have much to present.",,Presented iGEM project to practice for the Jamboree,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 770,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Festival du Vivant,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present their project to a large audience and receive feedback about iGEM and synthetic biology.
  • Co-lead a workshop on the future with synthetic biology.
,Qualitative,"Received audience feedback, learned public response to synthetic biology",,,,Presented iGEM project and synthetic biology and lead a workshop on the future of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 771,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2016,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Perchloroethylene (PERC) Study,Survey,,,,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Assay the state-of-the-art use of (Perchloroethylene) PERC in Paris
  • Evaluate the effects of the prohibition of using PERC on a local level
  • Evaluate the level of awareness on the danger of using PERC
  • Gather information for the type of product the market is looking for
,Qualitative,Interviewed all dry cleaners in Paris face-to-face and gathered >250 testimonies and analyzed the impact of PERC use in the dry-cleaners in Paris. Identified a negative correlation between PERC use and immigrant population.,,Identified a problem of lack of information amongst the dry-cleaning community and discovered the needs of the dry-cleaners and applied them to their product design,,Evaluated the impact of Perchloroethylene (PERC) prohibition and the level of awareness about the dangers of PERC,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 772,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2016,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Dry Cleaner Study,Survey,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Getting to know dry cleaners' work process and needs.
  • Design a destaining station that would meet the needs of dry cleaners.
  • Conceive this equipment so it can adapt to a product that contains enzymes.
,Qualitative,"Designed a destaining station for dry cleaners, packaging for their product, and researched specific enzyme conservation needs",,,,Gained information about dry cleaners' work needs and designed a destaining station to meet their needs ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 773,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Public Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Design a survey to be given out by a past iGEM member while on a trip to South India.
  • Distribute the survey to the locals and assess the data. Ask questions related to the project and the topic of synthetic biology itself, covering topics such as GMOs and safety.
  • Analyze the data and post a comprehensive summary on the website.
",,,,,,Conducted a survey on GMOs and biosafety to be given to locals in South India,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 774,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Public Online Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Set up an online survey that asks basic questions about their project, including the use of GMOS in their food.
  • Ask more specific questions regarding vitamin-producing bacteria.
",,,,,,Conducted a survey on GMOs and vitamin-producing bacteria,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 775,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,SynBio Challenge,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Hold a competition before the iGEM season between high schoolers of three different schools.
  • Educate the students on synthetic biology and iGEM
  • Have the students individually come up with their own project and give mini presentations on it
  • Select two winners who are then welcome to contribute and be part of the actual iGEM team throughout the summer and travel with them to the jamboree.
,,,,,,"Held a pseudo-iGEM competition between high school students, educating them on synthetic biology and iGEM",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 776,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Workshops during Nightscience,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Science Education, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Host a workshop at the NightScience event organized by the Center of Interdisciplinary Research.
  • Educate the people about synthetic biology, microorganisms, fermentation, and nutrition, and ask for their opinions on the subject.
  • Set up a cooking lesson to create Indian fermented food and prepare a little cookbook so people could try the recipes at home.
",,,,,,Hosted a workshop at the NightScience event to educate the public about synthetic biology and fermentation using cooking lessons,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 777,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Brunch at the Indian Dorm,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Science Education, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Organize a brunch with the local Cooking Club at the Indian Dorm.
  • Informally present the project and receive feedback.
  • Discuss other topics related to synthetic biology.
,,,,,,Informally presented the iGEM project at a brunch held at the Indian dorm,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 778,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,#IndianApera at Cite University,Teaching Activity,,,,iGEM Teams,"Science Education, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Organize a small party at the Cite International University in Paris with help from members of past iGEM teams.
  • Teach people about the project through posters and talking to individuals about the project and what progress has been made.
  • Share ideas with those invited about iGEM and receive advice on the project from those with different perspectives.
,,,,,,Organized a small party at the Cite International University in Paris to discuss iGEM and synthetic biology to the attendees,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 779,Paris Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Workshops at Sevres with the CIRP,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,"Science Education, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Have the CRi organize a weeklong workshop session to work with students to teach them about synthetic biology, fermentation, and the microbiome.
  • Collect comment and feedback about the project.
",,,,,,Held a weeklong workshop to teach elementary school students about synthetic and micro-biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 780,Pasteur Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Civic Drone Consultation,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Civic Drone, the French non-military drone manufacturing company.
  • Discuss with the CEO about iGEM and learn about the expertise and the way their company could assist with their project.
",,,,,,Met with a non-military drone manufacturing company to gain more information for their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 781,Pasteur Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,EID Consultation,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with EID, the organization in charge of handling mosquito outbreaks
  • Discuss with them the iGEM project
  • Learn about better ways to design their project based on the lifestyle of a mosquito
",,,,,,"Met with EID,an organization that handles mosquito outbreaks, to gain information on how to better design their project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 782,Pasteur Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,CIBU Consultation,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","
  • Present iGEM project to CIBU, an organization that handles disease epidemics.
  • Take advice and ask questions about how to improve iGEM project.
",,,,,,"Presented iGEM project to CIBU, an organization that handles disease epidemics, to gain information on how to improve their project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 783,Pasteur Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Mosquito and Termite Control Board Consultation,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
  • Present iGEM Project to the Mosquito and Termite Control board.
  • Ask for advice on how best to improve iGEM project to work with the life of a mosquito to be most effective.
,,,,,,Presented iGEM project to the Mosquito and Termite Control board to gain information on how to improve their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 784,Pasteur Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,La Paillasse,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","
  • Take a tour of the collaborative laboratory space, and present/discuss iGEM project with scientists working at the laboratory.
  • Learn not only new laboratory techniques and take advice specific to designing their project and product, but also take advice about meeting with lawyers to best write a report on the intellectual property of iGEM projects.
",,,,,,Took a tour of an open collaborative lab and learned new laboratory techniques and gained advice for their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 785,Pasteur Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Quick Guide to Intellectual Property,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A set of guides for iGEM teams to understand their intellectual property rights of their project,Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,Educate on the iGEM program,
  • Research through consultation with lawyers about iGEM team's intellectual property rights concerning their project.
  • Develop various booklets that are downloadable through their wiki that make it easy for iGEM teams to understand their intellectual property rights.
,,,,,,Consulted lawyers about iGEM team's intellectual property rights and created booklets to help other iGEM teams understand their intellectual property rights,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 786,Pasteur Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Zika Summit 2016,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,
  • Design posters and prepare a presentation based on the iGEM project.
  • Participate in the International Ziki Summit and present the project to scientist and the healthcare community.
  • Exchange knowledge and interest with other scientists.
,,,,,,Presented project at the International Ziki Summit to scientists and the healthcare community,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 787,Pasteur Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Festival Vivant,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present iGEM project after participating in the Vivant Festival. 2 Prepare 3D models to also show people who are interested in the iGEM project.
  • Answer questions about synthetic biology.
,,,,,,Presented iGEM project in the Vivant Festival and showed 3D models to individuals interested in their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 788,Pasteur Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation for AMGEN students,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,Present iGEM Project,
  • Prepare presentation about iGEM project.
  • Perform the presentation about synthetic biology in front of about 20 undergraduate university students from Amgen School Program.
,,,20 students,,,Presented about iGEM project and synthetic biology to undergraduate students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 789,Pasteur Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Online Surveys,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Survey about synthetic biology, its applications, as well as the iGEM project",Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Construct two different surveys, one about synthetic biology and its applications, and another about their specific iGEM project.
  • Give to about 400 people of the general public and analyze the data.
  • Post on the wiki.
",Quantitative,Discovered useful data given insight into the general public's opinion about synthetic biology. Detailed data can be found on wiki.,400 participants,,,Surveyed general public on opinion of synthetic biology and team's project idea,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 790,Pasteur Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Mos(kit)o Simulation Game,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",Mosquito Zika game,Education Activity Protocol,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Teach local middle schoolers about their specific iGEM project by developing a game based around their idea (mosquitos, zika).
  • Present and play the game at the local middle school to teach them about iGEM and Zika.
",,,,,,Taught local middle schoolers about iGEM project and Zika virus using a game ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 791,Pasteur Paris,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Middle School Labwork,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education","
  • Bring local middle schoolers into the iGEM lab for a day.
  • Teach the students about synthetic biology, different lab techniques, iGEM, and gender equality in the lab.
",,,,,,Hosted local middle school students in the lab for the day and taught them about synthetic biology and various lab techniques ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 792,Peking,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Field Measurement,Community Event,,,,"General Public, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Assess possible uranium contamination threats in the immediate area by extracting freshwater samples from a nearby river.
  • Analyze the samples for uranyl concentration and determine the threat levels.
  • Complete a comprehensive report on the wiki.
,,,,,,Assessed uranium contamination in a nearby river,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 793,Peking,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to 311 Brigade,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit the Nuclear Geology 311 Brigade to learn about modern methods of handling uranium contamination
  • Discuss with experts about the iGEM project and ask how it can best be suited to help their work
  • Receive advice that becomes useful in the ultimate design of their synthetic circuit.
,,,,,,"Consulted experts to learn about the current methods of handling uranium contamination, and about ways in which their iGEM project could be useful ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 794,Peking,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consultation with Several Clinicians,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult several clinicians about the current situation of tuberculosis, especially in China, the most widely used diagnostic techniques, and their clinical application.
  • Consult with the clinicians at the Central Laboratory of Beijing Research Institute for TB, and discuss the iGEM proposal with the clinicians there to receive advice.
",Qualitative,Received helpful feedback for the iGEM project.,,,,Consulted with several clinicians about TB treatment and testing and received advice on the iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 795,Peking,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consultation with Patenting Experts,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Detailed report on the economics of their project.,Research Paper,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Discuss with Dr. GuangKuang about the possibilities of patenting synthetic biology products, specifically their project.
  • Keep detailed notes of the meeting, discussing the ""Three Principles of Bioethics"" and how that applies to rightful patenting and ownership.
  • Write a comprehensive report on the economics and patenting of their project, and post on the iGEM wiki.
",Qualitative,Received helpful feedback for the iGEM project.,,,,Wrote a report on the economics and patenting of their project following a consultation with Dr. GuangKuang,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 796,Peking,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Ethics Discussion with Bioethicist,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with Doctor Guangkuan, a Professor at the Institute of Medical Humanities of Peking University, about the ethical issues concerning synthetic biology and more specifically their project.
  • Complete a comprehensive assessment of the ethical problems of the project based on the discussion.
",Qualitative,Received helpful feedback for the iGEM project.,,,,Consulted with the professor at the Institute of Medical Humanities of Peking University about ethical issues surrounding their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 797,Peking,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Economic Assessment of Device,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Economic Assessment of device,Research Paper,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult Dr.Beichuan, the Director of Center Lab at the Beijing Institute for Tuberculosis about their project and its economic constraints.
  • Ask questions about the supply and demands of TB testing in the market and the constraints of traditional methods.
  • Compile what advice was given and compose and economic assessment after thorough research on the economics of their project.
",,,,,,Consulted with the director at Center Lab at the Beijing Institute for Tuberculosis about tuberculosis testing and their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 798,Peking,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Consult two professors in physics and molecular chemistry to learn more about how to best design the iGEM project.
  • Receive advice and modify iGEM project accordingly.
,,,,,,Consulted with professors on how to best design iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 799,Peking,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Brochure,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Design a brochure to be given out to the general public that covers topics of synthetic biology, iGEM, and uranium concentration.
",,,,,,"Designed a brochure for the general public on iGEM, synthetic biology and uranium concentration",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 800,Peking,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,TB Pamphlet,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Design a small pamphlet that talks about tuberculosis and the iGEM project
  • Hand the pamphlet out to adult members of the general public after they take the team's survey on these topics to help educate them
,,,,,,,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 801,Peking,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Student Visit to iGEM Lab,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity",,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Invite 20 local primary school students into the iGEM lab.
  • Give them a brief lecture on synthetic biology and basic science education such as ""what is the basic substance of life?"".
  • Also invite high school students and provide another lecture that includes greater detail about synthetic biology and the iGEM project.
  • Allow both sets of students to explore the lab and ask questions.
",,,40,,,Lectured primary and high school students on synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 802,Peking,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Survey about the public's knowledge of synthetic biology, ethics concerns, and their knowledge of uranium contamination threats. ",Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Conduct a survey to almost 1000 participants online that covers the public's awareness of uranium contamination, as well as synthetic biology and their opinion of the subject.
  • Analyze the data, write a comprehensive report on the iGEM wiki
",Quantitative,Discovered useful information about the public's current knowledge. Detailed data can be found on wiki.,1000 participants,,,Conducted a survey to determine the general public's awareness and opinion on uranium contamination and on synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 803,Peking,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Investigation Report on the Cognition of Tuberculosis and Synthetic Biology,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Design questions about synthetic biology and the public's awareness of tuberculosis and current treatment methods.
  • Analyze the data and post on the team's iGEM wiki.
,Quantitative,Received data on the public's opinion of synthetic biology and medical awareness. Detailed data can be found on wiki.,,,,Surveyed the public on synthetic biology and tuberculosis awareness,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 804,Peking,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Summer Camp,Teaching Activity,,,,"Secondary School Students, Primary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education","
  • Host middle school students at their lab for a day as part of an summer camp with their university.
  • Educate the students on what synthetic biology is, and what their iGEM project is.
  • Teach the students about various basic lab techniques such as gel electrophoresis.
",,,,,,"Educated middle school age summer camp students on synthetic biology, basic lab techniques and iGEM ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 805,Pittsburgh,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meetings with Professors,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Talk to professors in the geology department to discuss how best to design an iGEM project than can be of most use to the industry.
  • Discuss developing a thallium sensor, and how to best reduce the chances of false positives in their design to create a more accurate sensor than the current model.
",,,,,,Talked to professors in the geology department to discuss the design of an iGEM project that could be of most use to the industry,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 806,Pittsburgh,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Camp BioE,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education",
  • Visit Camp BioE on DNA day
  • Visit 4 groups of middle and high school students and educate them on synthetic biology.
  • Do a brief introduction of the iGEM project
  • Do an activity using beads to teach the kids about the PCR process.
,,,,,,Visited Nuclear Geology 311 Brigade to learn about modern methods of handling uranium contamination,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 807,Pittsburgh,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,TechBio and DiSCoBio,Teaching Activity,,,,"Secondary School Students, University Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education",
  • Visit students in high school and college and teach them about transcription and translation
  • Educate the students further on what synthetic biology is and introduce them to the iGEM project.
,,,,,,Visited Camp BioE on DNA day to educate 4 groups of middle and high school students on synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 808,Pittsburgh,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Carnegie Science Center,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education","
  • Visit the Carnegie Science Center to teach guests about lead and aluminum water poisoning.
  • Teach them about synthetic biology and the iGEM project, and how it can help
",,,,,,Visited the Carnegie Science Center to teach guests about lead and aluminum water poisoning,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 809,Pittsburgh,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Pittsburgh Public Schools,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education","
  • Visit the local high school and prepare a presentation about synthetic biology
  • Complete a presentation and answer questions about synthetic biology, iGEM, and their current project.
",,,,,,Visited local high school and prepared a presentation on synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 810,Queens_Canada,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consultation with IP experts,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with Parteq, a non-profit organization that are experts in the commercialization and patenting process for intellectual property.
  • Discuss the iGEM project, and learn necessary background information on patenting, as well as the use of a unique IP.
",,,,,,Discussed patenting the team's iGEM project with experts in commercialization and patenting,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 811,Queens_Canada,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Introduction to Molecular Biology Online,Educational Material,,,,Scientific Community,Science Education,
  • Design various problem based learning activities that help educate about molecular biology.
  • Publish these lessons in the online course Molecular Biology offered through Queen's Center for Distance Studies for the following school year.
,,,,,,Designed and published molecular biology learning activities,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 812,Queens_Canada,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Engineering Design Partnership,Educational Material,,,,University Students,Science Education,
  • Create a partnership between iGEM and an introductory engineering course by providing a lesson plan that has a strong biology base.
  • Incorporate themes of synthetic biology into the work of the students to help educate them about the subject.
,,,,,,Partnered with an introductory engineering course and provided a biology lesson plan,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 813,Queens_Canada,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,SHAD,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Science Education, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Have the iGEM team team up with SHAD, a summer enrichment program at Queen's University.
  • Work with the program to visit local high schools and give lectures to the students about molecular biology and synthetic biology
  • Follow up by mentoring students through a two-day program that teaches them lab technique such as pipetting.
",,,,,,Teamed up with a summer enrichment program to give lectures to high students about synthetic and molecular biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 814,Queens_Canada,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,QGEM 2015 Public Seminar,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Host a public seminar to encourage members of the Kingston community to learn more about synthetic biology.
  • Teach them about the iGEM project, antifreeze proteins/the components of their iGEM project, as well as past projects.
  • Conclude with a discussion of the societal impacts of synthetic biology and the current policies governing the science.
",,,,,,Held a public seminar to educate members of their community about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 815,SCAU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Laboratory Open Day,Community Event,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Host an open lab for visiting secondary school students
  • Impress students and encourage them to work in science and engineering in the future
,Qualitative,Participants learned about scientific research,,,,Hosted an open lab for visiting secondary school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 816,SCAU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,GMO Handbook,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A handbook on GMOs for the general public,"Paper on Safety, Paper on Ethics",General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Create a book to educate the public about GMOs
  • Use the book in educational activities
,,,,,,Created a book to educate the public about GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 817,SCAU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Spread Scientific Knowledge to Countrysides,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A handbook on GMOs for the general public,"Paper on Safety, Paper on Ethics",Specialized Audience,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Send handbooks about modern agriculture to farmers in the countryside
  • Increase accessibility to scientific information for people outside of cities
  • Increase acceptance of modern agriculture and GM crops
,,,,,,Sent handbooks about modern agriculture to farmers in the countryside,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 818,SCAU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,GMO Handbook,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A handbook on GMOs for the general public,"Paper on Safety, Paper on Ethics",General Public,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Compose a handbook on GMOs that is based on several lectures, talks, and surveys on the public's opinion that details the popular science and general knowledge to understand GMOs, and current safety regulations
  • Distribute to the public
",,,,Received positive feedback from those who received and read the handbook.,,"Composed a handbook on GMOs based on lectures, talks, and surveys",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 819,SCAU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Bauhinia Festival on Science and Culture,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Share interesting biology, including fluorescent protein, microscopes, and tissue culture technology, with fair visitors
  • Show visitors books and brochures about GMO facts and policy
  • Make postcards about the iGEM team and iGEM
  • Have visitors taste GMO papayas
  • Convey the message that GM crops can be good
",Qualitative,Participants learned about biology and GMOs,,The event was a success. The most famous newspaper in their city interviewed their team leader and reported a brief introduction of their iGEM projects and activities. The university newspaper and WeChat also reported on them.,,"Attended the Bauhinia Festival on Science and Culture to talk about fluorescent proteins, microscopes, and tissue culture technology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 820,SCAU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Innovative and Venture Talk,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Present iGEM project
  • Present ways to get involved in biology research, such as how to get papers from databases and how to get in touch with professors
",Qualitative,Students learned about the iGEM project and how to get involved in biology research,,Students were impressed with the team's ideas,,Presented iGEM project to students at the university and discussed how to get in touch with professors,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 821,SCAU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Exhibitions at University's Hackerspace,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,Present iGEM Project,
  • Address public concerns about the iGEM project that were pre-determined by survey results
  • Show posters about iGEM project
,,,,,,Presented iGEM project at the university's Hackerspace,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 822,SCAU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,GMO Investigation,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Survey questions and results can be found under the heading ""Investigation""",Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Quantify awareness of GMOs
  • Measure public opinion of GM food
  • Ask questions relevant to public opinion on iGEM project
  • Use data to understand how to design outreach activities
,Quantitative,Detailed survey results can be found on wiki,,Most participants have some understanding of GM technology; public acceptance of GM food is rising; it is important to increase public awareness of GMOs and what they mean,,Created and distributed survey to quantify public awareness of GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 823,SCAU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Questionnaire,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Create a comprehensive survey about iGEM, synthetic biology and GMOs
  • Apply survey results into designing the project, and teaching the public about synthetic biology ethics
",Quantitative,Gained statistical data on the public's opinion of synthetic biology and other important aspects of their project.,,,,"Created survey to Learn Public Opinions on iGEM, synthetic biology, and GMOs",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 824,SCAU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Laboratory Open Day,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Show college freshmen around the lab
  • Introduce students to equipment, team videos, and past posters
",Qualitative,Participants learned about labs and biological research,,Participants were impressed by the lab,,"Showed college freshmen around the lab, introducing them to equipment, videos, and past posters",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 825,SCAU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Spread Scientific Knowledge to Countrysides,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,Science Education,
  • Increase accessibility to scientific information for students outside of cities
  • Give courses in primary schools on biology
  • Have students become interested in eventually pursuing science as a career
,,,,,,Taught courses on biology to primary school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 826,SCAU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Giving Courses for High School Students,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Give courses for local high school and middle school students
  • Advance biological research among these students
  • Introduce iGEM and show students how to take part in iGEM as a high school students
,Qualitative,"According to feedback from students, they had a better understanding of biology after lessons",,It was a good experience to communicate with middle school students and teach them what they learned in iGEM and doing biological research,,Taught courses on advanced biology to local high school and middle school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 827,SCUT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Hospital Interview with Patients,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with patients at the In-patient cardiology unit at the Guangdong Province Hospital in China.
  • Conduct interviews with multiple patients about the methods of coronary intervention and surgical coronary revascularization
  • Discuss the physical and mental tolerance the patients need to recovery properly, and the teams iGEM project and its aims to help these patients.
  • On the iGEM wiki, write a detailed description of what was discussed with the patients, their experiences, and brief medical history for context.
",,,,,,Conducted interviews with multiple patients about coronary intervention and surgical coronary revascularization,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 828,SCUT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Hospital Interview with Doctors,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with doctors at the In-patient cardiology unit at the Guangdong Province Hospital in China.
  • Conduct interviews with multiple doctors about the limitations of modern medicine in treating cardiovascular disease
  • Discuss the iGEM project and receive advice on testing their product, including to not end testing following the detection of cGMP, but also in testing its positive role on cells.
  • Post a complete summary of the discussion on the iGEM's wiki.
",,,,,,Discussed iGEM project with various doctors and received advice on how to test their product,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 829,SCUT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Patenting Consultation,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with biologists (Dr. Huang) with a medical science background to discuss the review procedures to permit a new medicine to come to market.
  • Also meet with Professor Zhou, an expert in patenting genes, to discuss faults with the current law and the need for the existing law system to become more developed.
",,,,,,Met with expert biologists to receive advice on iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 830,SCUT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,6th China Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Forum,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,Scientific Community,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
  • Attend the 6th China Forum on Cardiovascular health to present iGEM project.
  • Present iGEM project to the crowd to receive helpful feedback and criticism of the early ideas of their project.
  • Discuss and learn new ideas about the importance of early detection and the importance of increasing the number of possibly therapies for future patients.
,,,,,,"Presented, discussed and got feedback about team's iGEM project at forum for cardiovascular health",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 831,SCUT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Data Analysis on Cardiovascular Disease,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Complete a detailed report analyzing cardiovascular disease, obesity, drug delivery, cancer, and antibiosis",Research Paper,Scientific Community,Science Education,"
  • Complete research about cardiovascular disease and related ailments (obesity, cancer, and drug-delivery treatment)
  • Write a comprehensive report on these topics, as well as data analysis and references on the team's wiki to be accessible to other scientists as well as future iGEM teams.
",,,,,,Compiled a report on cardiovascular disease and its related ailments ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 832,SCUT-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM team meetups,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Attend two different iGEM meetups, one in Taiwan and one in Guangzhou.
  • Meet with other iGEM teams and present their iGEM project
  • Listen to other teams iGEM projects and give feedback.
  • Receive feedback on their own project.
",,,,,,Presented iGEM project at team meetups in Taiwan and Guangzhou,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 833,SCUT-China A,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Professors,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Communicate with professors from the department of Environment and Energy to discuss the iGEM project 2 Discuss potential safety concerns with the project, as well as well as discuss ways to make their project more precise.
",,,,,,Communicated with professors from the department of Environment and Energy to discuss project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 834,SCUT-China A,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Pre-Investigations of Past iGEM Teams,Educational Material ,"<a href=""""></a>",Summary of the team's pre-investigations and evaluation of past iGEM teams who completed environmental projects,Research Paper,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Create a data pool of all past iGEM teams and summarize the data on the iGEM wiki
  • Create tables of the quantity of iGEM teams and projects that have an environmental focus and more specifically what those projects are on
  • Use the data to shape their own project
,,,,,,Created a data pool of all past iGEM teams and summarized data on iGEM wiki,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 835,SCUT-China A,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey of environmental ethical concerns from the general public,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Write a four question survey on the topics of their iGEM project and the environment
  • Post the survey results on the wiki
,,,,,,Wrote a four question survey on the topics of their iGEM project and environment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 836,SDSZ China,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult a doctor working for the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
  • Ask about the iGEM project and how best it can assist the industry, asking questions about antibiotics in milk and what issues that causes in the industry, as well as what issues they should consider when designing their project
",,,,,,Consulted a doctor working for the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences about their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 837,SDSZ China,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Tour Dairy Processing Factory,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Witness the process throughout the factory that insures milk quality
  • Through observation and discussion with the factory workers, determine how best to go about designing their iGEM project to ensure higher milk quality
",,,,,,Learned about the process by which the factory insures milk quality and discussed how to ensure milk quality with factory workers,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 838,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviewing Laura Jakobsen,Consult Experts,,,,"Specialized Audience, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Interview the nurse Laura Jakobsen who works at the plastic surgery department at the University Hospital of Odense (OUH)
  • She helps to understand what kind of issues the hospitals face when treating burn wounds and the requirements needed for a functional Bacto-Aid
,Qualitative,"At OUH, resistant bacterial infections had been encountered, which required special care and extra awareness; this confirmed the problem of resistance and proving how current it is; One of the main issues with the product, according to Laura Jakobsen, was the absorption capacity of the silk as burn wounds have a tendency to leak a lot the first few days after the incident",,,,Interviewed a nurse in the plastic surgery department to understand the issues hospital face when treating burn wounds ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 839,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviewing Hans Jørn Kolmos,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview Hans Jørn Kolmos, a professor in clinical microbiology at the University of Southern Denmark and an expert in the history of antibiotics familiar with the status of the resistance problem
  • Learn that the media has a tendency to worsen the situation and talk about how to tackle the problem
",Qualitative,"Learned that ""nature is smart"" and advised to limit the distribution of antibiotics by following certain steps to isolate the potential bacteria and evaluate whether antibiotics can be used against the infection",,,,Interviewed a clinical microbiology professor about antibiotic resistance ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 840,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviewing Morten Østergaard Andersen,Consult Experts,,,,"Professors, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult Morten Østergaard Andersen, an Associate Professor at the Southern University of Denmark researching different biomaterials, on possible functions that biodegradable plastic can fulfill in medicine
  • Made aware of the side effect PHB use inside the body as well has how 3D printers could be used to print the plastic
",Qualitative,"Introduced to several experiments which could be conducted on the plastic, one of them being how the plastic could be used for coating different proteins",,,,Consulted with an Associate Professor researching biomaterials on possible functions that biodegradable plastic can fulfill in medicine ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 841,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviewing Ming Ding,Consult Experts,,,,"Professors, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Talk with Ming Ding, a professor in orthopaedic surgery at the Southern University of Denmark, about how the project's plastic can be used as coating for implants and how the material can be used for slow release of antimicrobial peptides
  • Learn about Mr. Ding’s work on experimenting with the release of E-vitamin from implants in animals, which could also be tested with combining the plastic and antimicrobial peptides
",Qualitative,"Mr. Ding pointed out that it would be an advantage if the material would be able to stimulate blood vessel formation and thereby increase the speed of wound healing; therefore, spider silk could be worth considering when working with implants",,,,Interviewed a professor in orthopedic surgery about how their project's plastic can be used as a coating for implants ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 842,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Ethics,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Do some fieldwork and visit a department at Odense University Hospital where antibodies are made
  • Have ethical discussion regarding laboratory conditions for animals
,,,,,,Visited a department at Odense University Hospital where antibodies are made to spur ethical discussion,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 843,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviewing Plastic Companies,"Consult Experts, Survey","<a href=""""></a>",Question forms for plastic companies to fill out,Survey,"Vendors/Businesses, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Send out question forms and make phone calls to 14 different plastic companies,in order to evaluate the sustainability and future perspectives of biodegradable plastic
",Qualitative,"The companies were very positive towards using plastic produced by bacteria; however, there were some concerns about whether the plastic was going to be used for food packaging; The use of bacteria for the production of plastic would also open the doors for a product capable of competing in costs with the current forms of plastic; The companies were very interested in using biodegradable plastic, but not with today’s prices",,,,Questioned 14 different plastic companies about sustainability and the future of biodegradable plastic,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 844,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Media,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Promotional and explanatory video on the project,Educational Video,"Secondary School Students, Scientific Community, iGEM Teams",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Informational video about the team and project featured on SDU's facebook page and on youtube
  • Make a team video which can be incorporated into the presentation
,Qualitative,High school students thought the video was a great way of explaining the project in a short time,,,,Create an information video about the team's project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 845,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,A Children's Book,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Children's book titled The Curious Little Story about a Curious Little Being,Education Activity,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Create a story for adults and children on the subjects of GMOs and existentialism
  • Leave some illustrations uncolored so that people can color them
  • Develop a digital version and a printable version
,,,,,,Created a story for adults and children on the subjects of GMOs and existentialism,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 846,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Evaluation from KOLD College,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Visit KOLD College for an evaluation in order to get a better idea of the team's performance and project
,Qualitative,"Received constructive feedback on Bacto-Aid; The students showed awareness about the problems of antimicrobial resistance; Some examples of feedback were: ""There is a lot of potential in these areas"" and ""It lacks focus on problematics”",,,,Presented iGEM project at KOLD college to receive feedback,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 847,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviewing Coloplast,"Project Presentation, Consult Experts",,,,Scientific Community,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
  • Present project to Coloplast with the intention of getting their point of view on the project as a whole and in relation to three sub elements
,Qualitative,"They believed that spider silk and bacteriocins were the most interesting and relevant elements in relation to a commercial product perspective of Bacto-Aid; PHB is not the most relevant because the use of plastic materials in wound care dressings are low compared to other uses of plastics, instead, the topic of biodegradable polymers is more relevant in other areas and applications",,,,Present project to Coloplast and receive feedback.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 848,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Survey,Survey,,,,"iGEM Teams, General Public",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Conduct a survey asking people about their opinion on the use of laboratory animals in scientific research and antibody production
  • Leave the survey open for one month and share it via accounts on facebook and twitter
  • Send survey to various iGEM teams and asked them to share it
,Quantitative,Most people would prefer if E. coli produced antibodies rather than mice and rabbits; Almost 90% didn’t know of any antibody alternatives,Answers from 291 people,,,Conducted a survey asking people about their opinion on the use of laboratory animals in scientific research and antibody production,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 849,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Research Day,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,Scientific Community,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Attend the Research Day at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), a whole day filled with workshops, lectures, and talks with the theme “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”: the probiotic bacteria, the pathogenic bacteria, and the multiresistant bacteria
  • With a focus on antibiotic resistance, spend the entire day discussing, explaining, and teaching
",,,,"Had so much fun and learned not only about how the concept of synthetic biology was perceived in society, but also how the topic should be communicated",,Attend research day at SDU and discuss their project and antibiotic resistance.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 850,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,High School Talks,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Talk to Danish participants for the International Biology Olympiad
  • Alter presentation to make it less focused on what iGEM is and more focused on the community aspect and the problem of antibiotic resistance
  • Answer critical questions posed by students
  • Present project and a talk about bioethics to two technical high schools in Odense: Odense Technical High School (OTG) and KOLD College
  • At KOLD College, host theme day to help the students in the laboratory and teach them the details of the project
  • Finally, present project to the Academy for Talented Youth with an extra focus on bioethics
",,,,,,Present iGEM project at the International Biology Olympiad.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 851,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Education,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Give a presentation and debate the current use and possibilities of synthetic biology to pupils attending the Biotech Summer Camp arranged by the Danish Youth Association of Science (UNF in Danish)
  • Design presentation to engage the pupils with questions and tasks rather than an ordinary lecture
  • Explain the term “synthetic biology” and the development of this field in science as well as the current industrial use of synthetic biology
  • Briefly discuss the team project and the ethical issues that are the driving force of the research
  • Initiate a lively debate on the ethical issues and considerations regarding synthetic biology and GMOs
,,,,,,Gave a presentation and debated the current use and possibilities of synthetic biology with pupils attending the Biotech Summer Camp ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 852,ShanghaitechChina,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Self-Developed Movie,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Educational and promotional video on project and synbio,Video of Activity,"General Public, Scientific Community, Secondary School Students, Primary School Students",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • To better illustrate our strategy and mechanism behind the Solar Hunter, self-design, film, and edit a movie
  • Create the movie to help others build a better understanding of the project
  • Meanwhile, use the video as a propagational and educational tool to spread the iGEM competition as well as synthetic biology
",,,,,,Create a movie to help people understand their project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 853,ShanghaitechChina,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,ShanghaiTech iGEM Day for Public Interests (iDPI),"Open Lab, Community Event",,,,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Attend ShanghaiTech iGEM Day for Public Interests (iDPI), aimed at spreading iGEM and dedicated to various social engagements
  • Participate in an iGEM Lab Open House Day on the Zhangjiang campus
",,,,,,Attend Shanghai Tech iGEM day and participate in the iGEM open house day.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 854,ShanghaitechChina,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Social Research on the Energy Issue,"Survey, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",Questionnaire,Survey,"General Public, Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses, Legislators",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • To understand the energy issue in a border aspect, carry out social research to discover the gap between the academic research and the industrial application, especially in the context of the energy issue
  • Aim at figuring out the relevant background as well as getting the project prepared for the further industrialization
  • Conduct two parts to the research: a public questionnaire and interviews
  • Send out public questionnaire to become familiar with general public attitudes and carefully analyze the data collected
  • According to the main concerns and opinions found through the data analysis, invite several experts from different walks of life, including scientists, industrial representatives dedicated to energy conservation, as well as from administrative government officials, to participate in interview
",,,216 samples regarded as valid responses,Team was able to further explore the project in a social context,,Conduct public questionnaire about energy resources.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 855,Sheffield,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Sheffield Edu Day,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",Edu Day manual on hosting miniature iGEM competitions,Tool for iGEM Teams,University Students,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Host a much larger scale pseudo-iGEM competition, dubbed the iGEM Sheffield Edu Day
  • Pit teams against each other towards winning the grand-prize, iGEM Sheffield 2016 hoodies
  • Submit an Edu Day manual, which other iGEM teams can use to organize their own miniature iGEM competitions
",,,46 final year students from 3 local schools,,,Hold a larger-scale pseudo-iGEM competition for university students. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 856,Sheffield,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"Working with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Students","Community Event, Project Presentation",,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Run a small-scale iGEM competition by participating in the University of Sheffield Discover STEM event, which promotes science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to students from local schools and colleges
  • For a mini-iGEM, first give a presentation to introduce the students to the basic principles of synthetic biology and iGEM, and share experiences with the project
  • Have groups of students create iGEM projects under the ""expert"" supervision of the iGEM team members and present them to the other students before a panel of ""expert"" judges (iGEM advisors)
",Qualitative,"These creative students produced exciting and original solutions to tackle issues such as obesity, oil spills, and coeliac disease, using the power of synthetic biology",,,,Run a small-scale iGEM competition for university students.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 857,Sheffield,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Antibiotic Culture,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Professors",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Speak to Dr. Milton Wainwright from the University of Sheffield, an expert in the history of antibiotic resistance
  • Learn about how the power of antibiotics has become so diminished since its first use in clinical medicine
  • Turn to an Economics lecturer at the University of Sheffield, Dr. Jolian McHardy, to gain a conceptual explanation of people’s behaviors under the constraint of scarce resources
",,,,,,Consult Dr. Milton Wainwright about antibiotic resistance.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 858,Sheffield,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Global Policies,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Professors",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview Dr. Simon Rushton, a politics lecturer at the University of Sheffield and researcher on the global politics of health
  • Learn how the problem of antibiotic resistance sits in the political field
",Qualitative,"Learned that the problem of antibiotic resistance is on the radar of international organizations, both intergovernmental and non-governmental.",,,,Consult Dr. Simon Rushton about antibiotic resistance.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 859,Sheffield,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,UK Strategies,Consult Experts,,,,Legislators,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Policy Outreach","
  • Consult a member of the AMR Rapid Diagnostics Steering subgroup, David Oglesby, to understand how to tackle antibiotic resistance on a global scale
",Qualitative,"According to David Oglesby, the device would significantly aid national and global governments in combating antibiotic resistance as the device uses the biomarker lipocalin-2, which is produced by a host in response to bacterial infections and is not pathogen-specific",,,,Consult AMR rapid diagnostics about antibiotic resistance.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 860,Sheffield,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Hospitals,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Transcript of interview with Dr. Sarah Thompson,Interview,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview Dr. Sarah Thompson, the Director of Infection Prevention and Control at Sheffield Children’s Hospital
  • Find out more about the reality of prescribing antibiotics
",Qualitative,"The device needs to be easy to use and robust to prevent misuse of the device, which could pose a safety problem",,,,Interview Dr. Sarah Thompson about prescribing antibiotics.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 861,Sheffield,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Agriculture,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Professors",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview Andrew Rycroft, Professor of Clinical and Veterinary Microbiology at the Royal Veterinary College, University College London
",Qualitative,"From the interview, learned different perspectives on the antibiotic crisis; Made aware of the distinction drawn between companion (pets) and farm animals",,,,Interview Andrew Rycroft about antibiotic resistance in veterinary practices.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 862,Sheffield,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Patients,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Attend the Research Advisory Panel for Infectious Diseases (RAPID), a patient panel with a focus on infectious diseases
  • Set up a dialogue between patients and clinicians, with a focus on gaining a more personal perspective on antibiotic usage
",Qualitative,"A member of the panel said that generally patients want to leave with a prescription, especially if they feel ill and think that they need something to help them feel better",,,,Attend Research Advisory Panel for Infectious Disease to discuss antibiotic resistance.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 863,Shenzhen SFLS,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Promotion In Book City ,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • To enhance the promotion of hepatitis facts, manage a stall in Shenzhen Book City, which is considered one of the most popular spots on the weekends
  • Send out more than 200 flyers to passersby and bookmarks with information about hepatitis and useful safeguard tips
  • Set up a banner designed by team members summarizing project to give further explanation about the project and iGEM
",Qualitative,People who received the flyers were often interested and always posed questions after listening to the team's explanations,,,,Hand out flyers in public to promote hepatitis awareness.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 864,Shenzhen SFLS,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meetup ,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Project Presentation",,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • To reach out to other high school teams in China, organize a meetup located on campus
  • Begin meeting with each team drawing a picture illustrating their iGEM experience
  • Each team presents project
  • Discuss the possibility of collaborating on experiment and learned from each other
  • In the afternoon, 3 post-doctoral scholars from CSMedLab deliver an informative speech about transgenic plants
",Qualitative,Gained a lot of knowledge as well as social skills in this activity; Acquired a lot of useful feedback through communication in a relaxing atmosphere,,,,Organize a meetup for high school teams in China and discuss collaboration efforts.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 865,Shenzhen SFLS,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Doctors,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • First visit the Guangdong Frontier Defence General Hospital and record a video of the interview with the doctors
  • Doctors question the validity of the project due to doubt on whether the substrate, gingival crevicular fluid, has a high enough concentration of the virus
  • Consult Xiuqing Liu, the director of laboratory medicine at the Second People's Hospital of Shenzhen, who introduces the current application of the HCV virus test paper
  • After the conversation, survey over 100 medical workers from stomatology department and ICU with a questionnaire
",Qualitative,"Survey results indicated that many patients did not receive timely treatment, and all of the current methods of detection have the disadvantages of inconvenience and inefficiency",,,,Interview doctors at Guangdong Defense Hospital about HCV detection tests.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 866,Shenzhen SFLS,High School,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Planting Interest In Youngsters,Project Presentation,,,,Secondary School Students,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Hold two presentations at junior highs nearby
  • Start off by giving a brief introduction of iGEM and synthetic biology
  • Emphasize project description and the current situation involving HCV
  • During the process, employ role-play in presentation to make it easier to understand and remember
  • After the presentation, allow audience to huddle up and continue raising questions
",,,,Hundreds of students,,Hold two presentations at junior highs nearby to discuss the iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 867,Shenzhen SFLS,High School,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Questionnaire about HCV Detection ,Survey,,,,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Release an online questionnaire on HCV detection to obtain samples from all over the country
,Qualitative,"Results indicated that the public only had a vague idea about Hepatitis C; Quite a high percentage of people didn’t know what it was, and many people thought that HCV could be transmitted through saliva","1023 valid answers, 24 answers from abroad",,,Release an online questionnaire about HCV detection.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 868,Sherbrooke,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Complete Platform,Educational Material,,,,"Scientific Community, iGEM Teams",Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Design a complete software platform that is affordable for most laboratories, is inexpensive to run on a daily basis, offers a large selection of modules for performing experiments conducted every day in a lab, can be built or modified by users if they want to create or add existing hardware, and has a flexible open source software that people can get and update for free
  • Look at what was done on the market and in the open source community
  • First build affordable hardware and find components available at an affordable price
  • Make robot compatible with labware readily available at low cost
  • License it and leave it completely open source so people can either buy, build, or modify it if they want to
",Quantitative,The 3D models of the whole platform and every module was accessible so people could build them on their own and save on building cost; the building cost of the open source modules were up to 6 times less than the price of commercially available instruments,,,,Created an open source platform containing affordable hardware/software to increase efficiency and reduce costs in laboratories,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 869,Shiyan_SY_China,High School,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Magazine,Educational Material,,,,Secondary School Students,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Publish a special issue of the high school magazine dedicated to iGEM and synthetic biology
,,,,,,Published a special issue of a high school magazine on synthetic biology and iGEM ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 870,Shiyan_SY_China,High School,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Community and Video Promotion,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Video about synthetic biology,Educational Video,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Recruit iGEM members ",
  • Explain basic concepts of synthetic biology
  • Recruit new iGEM team members
,,,,Inspired students to apply to the team,,Surveyed public knowledge and opinion of pesticide use on fruits ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 871,Shiyan_SY_China,High School,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",A picture of the team's survey,Survey,Vendors/Businesses,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Distribute questionnaires
  • Gauge public opinions
  • Assess, based on results, whether their project was relevant to participants or would be used
",Quantitative,Detailed survey results can be found on their wiki,100,,,Conducted a survey to determine whether their project would be useful to consumers,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 872,Shiyan_SY_China,High School,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Ask questions about pesticides on fruits
  • Gain a better understanding of public opinions based on survey answers
,Quantitative,"Questionnaire over 4 days: 96.7% of people believed there was pesticide residue on fruit, 62.9% believed that the residue was mostly organophosphorus chemicals, 63% thought synthetic biology had its advantages and disadvantages",835,"Pesticide residue is a problem that influences the life of most people. There should be more people who study synthetic biology, discuss security and ethics, and make people gain a benefit from this technology one day.",,Surveyed public opinion of pesticide use and presence of pesticides in agricultural products ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 873,Shiyan_SY_China,High School,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,T-Shirt Theme Activity,Teaching Activity,,,,"Secondary School Students, Teachers, General Public",Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Students each paint a T-shirt according to their understanding of synthetic biology
  • Use t-shirt as a way to discuss synthetic biology, ethics, and safety
  • Parents/teachers act as judges and also participate in the discussion
",,,,,,Led a t-shirt painting activity as a way to discuss ethics and safety in synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 874,Shiyan_SY_China,High School,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Speech,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Lecture on iGEM and synthetic biology
  • Moderate an audience discussion about synthetic biology ethics and safety
,,,,,,Presented on and hosted a discussion about synthetic biology and bioengineering with high school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 875,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Exhibition at Shanghai Science and Technology Museum,Community Event,,,,"Scientific Community, Secondary School Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Invited by the iGEM team of NYUS and meet at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, one of the most famous science museums in China, to promote the iGEM competition and popularize the idea of synthetic biology
  • For preparation, design poster explaining project design and team history
  • To attract audience and popularize synthetic biology, bring TED videos and documentaries on the iGEM Competition and the field of synthetic biology
",Qualitative,"Many visitors were interested in the poster and videos, and the team succeeded in describing the project to the public",,"Being able to communicate with other iGEM teams was exciting; From the projects of other teams, this team discovered many novel and interesting ideas; Learned how to explain scientific problems to the public",,Attend iGEM meetup and Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 876,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Bioethics,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • To know what exactly the ethics problems the project might face, interview Professor Liang R., the committeeman of the Bioethics Committee of SJTU
",Qualitative,Professor Liang said the project hardly produced conflicts against ethics; cloning ethics are typically related to the gene changes in animal cells but not in microorganisms such as yeast,,,,Interviewed a professor on their schools committee of Bioethics on the potential ethics problems their project might face,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 877,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Hospital Experiencing,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • To gain a more vivid look at the current situations of hospitals, visit Ruijin Hospital and No.9 Hospital in Shanghai
  • Ask patients randomly about viewpoints on today’s hospital and medical service
  • Interview two doctors at the No.9 Hospital about their perspectives on the project
  • Meanwhile, one team member visits the Guizhou Province and surveys grass-roots hospitals there to later compare with Ruijin and No.9 Hospital
",Qualitative,Found drastic difference between hospitals in cities versus small towns,,,,Visit local hospitals and survey patients about their experience.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 878,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Bio and RO,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit the Hangzhou Water Treatment Technology Development Center to learn about Reverse Osmosis Method for desalination of seawater.
,Integrated Human Practices,The team is inspired to combine two methods instead of replacing their bio-desalination design,,,,Visited a water treatment center to learn about reverse osmosis desalination,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 879,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Cell-water separation,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit Shanghai Water Supply Authority (SWSA) to know about the present method of water treatment.
,,,,,,Visited Shanghai Water Supply Authority to learn about water treatment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 880,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Research on Sea vs Brackish Water,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Research differences between seawater and brackish water as a resource in desalination
,,,,Determined seawater is more potential as a raw material in future ,,Researched differences between seawater and brackish water as a resource for desalination ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 881,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Water Shortage Report,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project",
  • Create a report on the water shortage problem in China
  • Make maps to help illustrate the problem easily to the public
  • Discuss reasons for water shortage in China
,Quantitative,Detailed data on the water shortage problem in China can be found on wiki,,,,"Created a report on water shortages in China, and included maps of areas with water shortages to aid visualization of problem",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 882,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Publicity in SSTM,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Introduce iGEM, synthetic biology and their project to public
",,,,,,"Presented on iGEM, synthetic biology and their iGEM project to the general public",#REF!,correct boi,correct boi 883,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Marketing,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Create a questionnaire to understand the public’s attitude towards the project
,Qualitative,"The results given by the questionnaire showed that people wouldn't refuse to use the product; more importantly, doctors said they would recommend it to their patients",209 responses,,,Administered a survey to the general public to determine their attitude towards the team's iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 884,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"Teaching in Weng'an, Guizhou Province",Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Visit Weng'an, a poverty-stricken village in the mountain areas of western China in the Guizhou Province to teach local children biology
  • Investigate the medical situation in poverty-stricken areas in China
  • During the courses for children, introduce them the concepts of biology and cells by showing them diverse pictures
  • Based on the knowledge of cells, raise the idea of synthetic biology and share thoughts on what kinds of creatures society might want in the future
  • In this trip to Guizhou, also visit the local hospital to investigate its medical condition and interview its doctors for further health information on local residents
",Qualitative,"In these courses, children actively participated and harbored great curiosity for the field of biology; The environment of the hospital was well disinfected but not qualified enough to carry out any kind of sterile surgery",,,,Visit Weng'an to visit underprivileged kids and teach them biology; visit local hospitals and discuss their practices and limitations.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 885,SJTU-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Popularization of Synthetic Biology in Jingan Community,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Team members visit community center in Jingan district, Shanghai
  • Design brochures and a poster
  • Display a board and deliver brochures to nearby residents, including children, seniors, and adults
  • Give the residents not only information on the brochures, but also a detailed and vivid explanation of project
",Qualitative,Most people figured out what synthetic biology is about; Some were interested and asked several questions about the applications of synthetic biology,,,,Visit community center in Shanghai and hand out pamphlets and have a poster about their project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 886,SJTU-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Attending SYSU-CCiC,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Project Presentation",,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Team members attend Sun Yat-sen University-Central China iGEM Consortium in Guangzhou
  • During the conference, present the work of the team and share ideas with other teams
  • Discuss progress, project, and algorithm
  • Receive and offer suggestions and advice
",,,,,,Attend iGEM consortium in Guangzhou and present iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 887,SJTU-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Newsletter in Xiamen University,Project Presentation,"<a href=""SJTU-SOFTWARE.xiamen2.jpg"">SJTU-SOFTWARE.xiamen2.jpg</a>",A short article about their project for other students ,Magazine/Newspaper Article,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Write an article about their iGEM project for the Xiamen University Newsletter
  • Inform students about the interdisciplinary study of synthetic biology
,,,,,,Wrote a newspaper article about their iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 888,SJTU-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Popularization of iGEM and Synthetic Biology in SLSB,"Project Presentation, Community Event",,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Give presentation at the School of Life Science and Biotechnology and Shuhua Lecture Hall
  • Introduce synthetic biology and iGEM to the students, especially the freshmen
  • Release information about project to interest students from different schools
  • After the meeting, some students have further discussion with teammates
",Qualitative,Presentation received students’ praises and stimulated curiosity,,,,Introduce synthetic biology to high school students.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 889,SJTU-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Conference in Taiwan,"Project Presentation, Community Event",,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Networking",
  • Socialize with other iGEM teams and present their project at a small International Genetically Engineered Machine Conference
,,,,,,Presented their project at an International Genetically Engineered Machine Conference at National Chiao Tung University and learned about other team projects.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 890,SJTU-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science and Technology Exhibition in Shanghai Science and Technology Museum,"Project Presentation, Fair Booth",,,,General Public,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present their project for the residents in Shanghai Science and Technology Museum to initiate people's interest in interdisciplinary science
,Qualitative,They found the audience had very little knowledge about basic biological concepts,,,,Presented their project at a local science show that was hosted by the local science museum.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 891,SJTU-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,User Survey,Survey,,,,"iGEM Teams, University Students",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Get feedback about the quality of their database from iGEMers from other teams (SJTU-Biox-Shanghai, SYSU-China) and students in biology major in their university. 2 Consult biology professors about how to optimize their UI from a researcher view
",Qualitative ,They were told that their database was small and biobrick feature odd,,,,Conducted an informal survey to get feedback on their biobrick database software.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 892,Slovenia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Medical Doctors,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • After deciding to focus on ultrasound stimulation, consult medical experts in the field of radiology
  • Talk to radiologist Dr. Katarina Šurlan Popovič, MD, and present idea to her
  • Talk to Dr. Matjaž Sever, MD hematologist, and receive help in his area of expertise by exploring further potential applications and reading the literature
",Qualitative,Dr. Katarina Šurlan Popovič was fascinated with potential connection of computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound (US),,,,Consult radiologists about their project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 893,Slovenia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Patients,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Get to know patients living with diabetes and learn from them, while simultaneously introducing research efforts as a beacon of hope
",Qualitative,"Having lived with a chronic disease for most of their lives, the patients were perfectly willing to try another method that could help; More than anything they were excited over the possibility of not having to prick themselves with a needle several times a day; Understandably, they were most interested in safety and the way the device would be integrated into the body",,,,Met with patients living with diabetes to inform their iGEM project design,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 894,Slovenia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Researchers,Consult Experts,,,,"Professors, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult Dr. Marko Živin, MD, who deals with damage, plasticity, and regeneration of nerves and muscles, and his junior researcher, Kaja Kolmarič
",Qualitative,"They were extremely receptive to the idea of treating neurological diseases with the release of therapeutic protein from a patient’s own cells; They suggested that optogenetic approach might be too invasive for an organ as sensitive and crucial as the brain, while chemical inducers of dimerization might have many side effects",,,,Consult Dr. Marko Zivin about his research in regeneration of nerve and muscle cells. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 895,Slovenia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science and Arts,"Consult Experts, Community Event",,,,"General Public, Scientific Community","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • To introduce synthetic biology to a wider community in a more approachable way, get in touch with an Argentinian contemporary artist Laura Olalde, PhD, who is classically trained and has devoted her later work to explore the parallels between art and natural sciences
  • Attempt to implement visual arts into project through touchpainting: drawing directly on human cells with enhanced sensitivity and luminescence output
  • Attend a roundtable discussion about sci-art practices and interact with the PROTEUS collective group
  • Main guests, artist Laura Olalde, PhD and scientist Diego Ferreiro, PhD, talked about their experience of sci-art
  • Take part in the Mitochondrial Wall mural painting at Metelkova place in Ljubljana, which is a community mural created by many artists, incorporating many ideas
  • Add a piece of the project to the mural to emphasize a true collaboration between artists and scientists
",Qualitative,"The mural had a strong metaphoric value, pointing out maternal information transfer, calling for respect of women, and bringing attention to the importance of equality in other fields",,,,Consult with local scientists and artists about merging their fields; attend mitochondrial wall mural painting.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 896,Slovenia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Social Scientists,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,"Professors, Scientific Community","Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Talk to people to understand the greater impact of science on society and how that is perceived by the general public
  • Consult Franc Mali and Dr. Toni Pustovrh, two culturologists from the University of Ljubljana, whose field of expertise is the sociology of science
  • Present project to them and have them share insight
",Qualitative,"Learned of a potential misuse of the project's system, bypassing the doping regulations in professional sports by enhancing one’s own cells",,,,Consult culturologists about their iGEM project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 897,Slovenia,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology and iGEM Competition,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Attempt to motivate students to be even more proactive and engaging towards establishment of their team in historically proximate countries, such as Montenegro
  • Pick a targeted audience e.g. winners of national competitions in natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, and astronomy) or very motivated students who attended the Science Summer School at Ivanova korita in Montenegro
  • Organize the workshop “Synthetic Biology and iGEM Competition” at the summer school for high school students
  • Give a 30 min. presentation and hold 3 rounds of discussion
",Qualitative,"Not only did the students become more aware of and motivated by synthetic biology, they also got involved in the discussion; Students expressed strong interest and motivation for synthetic biology",,,,Organize a synthetic biology workshop/talk for high school students. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 898,Slovenia_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,The House of Experiment Science Festival,"Community Event, Project Presentation",,,,Primary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Attend a local science museum and present synthetic biology to children using materials like legos and by cutting and pasting collages
  • Talk about the iGEM competition and the team's iGEM project
,,,,,,Attended a local children's science museum and educated on synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 899,Slovenia_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Presenting to Politicians and Legislators,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Attend the 2nd Conference of Young Researchers of Slovenia and Students from Abroad and Slovenia
  • Present their research to the prime minister of Slovenia, Dr. Miro Cerar
",,,,They were overjoyed to see that the prime minister takes such sincere interest in areas the team was also passionate about and that he understood the importance that support for the youth in science can make.,,Presented at a prestigious research conference and told the prime minister about their research.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 900,Slovenia_HS,High School,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Connecting with Industry,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit an algae cleaning plant called AlgEn and ask questions about potentially implementing their iGEM project at an industrial scale
  • Take a tour of the plant and learn about water purification
,Integrated Human Practices,"The team realized that if they ever wanted to present their project to the public, it would be necessary to know much more about their bacteria's' growth and metabolism. As a result, they tested many factors that might influence the butanol production in their bacteria.",,,,Visited a water cleaning plant to gain information about implementing their project on an industrial scale.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 901,Slovenia_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Radio Interview,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",A recording of a radio interview about the team's iGEM project in Slovene.,Interview,General Public,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Participate in an interview for Radio Študent, a noncommercial radio station
  • Talk about the iGEM competition and the importance of biofuel
",,,,,,Participated in a radio interview about their iGEM project and biofuels.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 902,Slovenia_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,TV Interview,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",Videos of their TV interviews can be found on their wiki under the heading Traditional Media,Interview,General Public,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Participate in interviews for evening news programs
  • Talk about engagement of youth in sciences, biobutanol, and going from idea to a publicly available product in synthetic biology
",,,,,,Participated in a TV interview about their iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 903,Slovenia_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Newspaper Interview,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",Newspaper article with an interview with the iGEM team,Interview,General Public,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Give an interview for the newspaper Dnevnik
  • Talk about the iGEM competition, the team's project, and careers in natural sciences
",,,,,,Participated in a newspaper interview about their iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 904,Slovenia_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Metina Lista Article,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",Internet article about the team's iGEM project,Interview,General Public,Present iGEM Project,
  • Publish a piece about their iGEM project and synthetic biology on the internet platform Metina Lista
,,,,,,Wrote an article about their iGEM project and public on the internet platform Metina Lista.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 905,Slovenia_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Presentations in High Schools,Project Presentation,,,,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Present in seven secondary schools about their iGEM project
  • Encourage students to study natural science and synthetic biology
,,,,,,"Presented iGEM, their iGEM project, and synthetic biology at various secondary schools across the country",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 906,Slovenia_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,ZOTKS Research Competition,Project Presentation,,,,"Secondary School Students, Scientific Community, General Public",Present iGEM Project,"
  • Present their project at ZOTKS (Association for Technical Culture of Slovenia), a research competition for primary and secondary school students
",,,,,,Presented iGEM project at a local research competition.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 907,Stanford-Brown,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Space Applications: Planetary Protection,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Podcasts of Interview,Interview,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Speak to several planetary scientists about the profound significance of responsible research on planets like Mars and Venus and on moons like Titan and Europa: Dr. James Head, Louis and Elizabeth Scherck, Distinguished Professor of Geological Sciences at Brown University, investigator on several NASA and Russian Space missions, and current co-investigator for the NASA MESSENGER mission to Mercury and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
",Qualitative,"Researchers conveyed the inestimable value of origin of life research on other planets, which helped the team to better understand and appreciate our position in the universe",,,,Consult planetary scientists about their iGEM project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 908,Stanford-Brown,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Earth Applications: The Problem of Environmental Sustainability,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Dr. Anne Schauer-Gimenez of Mango Materials, whose company produces polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), a biodegradable plastic, by a novel method
  • Hear about how her company is in the midst of the difficult scale-up process with biomaterials manufacturers needing to adapt their procedures to increasing scales of production
  • Meet with Murthy Konda and Binod Neupane of the Joint Bioenergy Institute (JBEI) Techno-economic Analysis Team to get advice about how to predict and assess the feasibility and sustainability of our latex production
  • Meet with Michael Lepech, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University, who has expertise in life cycle analysis (LCA) and has conducted research with NASA on the use of biomaterials for construction
",Qualitative,"Realized that investment in scale-up was not trivial because without going through this process independently, it would be difficult to realistically project price, yield, and environmental impact of the latex manufacturing method; The environmental impact of a process is inextricably linked its energy source",,,,Consult with biodegradable plastics company about their iGEM project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 909,Stanford-Brown,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview Experts,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Transcripts of interviews with experts,Interview,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview several scientists from NASA, the Rhode Island Space Grant, and Brown University
  • Record these interviews and write transcripts to make them accessible to the public
",,,,,,Interviewed NASA scientists and wrote layperson accessible transcripts of interviews,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 910,Stanford-Brown,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bay Area Maker Faire ,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Discuss iGEM project with the public and get feedback on their ideas
  • Introduce synthetic biology through interactive activities including origami folding and DNA extractions
,,,,,,Set up a booth at and discussed iGEM project at Bay Area Maker Faire,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 911,Stanford-Brown,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bay Area Maker Faire,"Fair Booth, Teaching Activity",,,,"General Public, Primary School Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Design and present a booth at the 2016 Bay Area Maker Faire, which brings together self-identified ""makers"" - whether hobbyists, professional designers, student science teams, scientists, artists and/or performers - to share their work and inspire one another
  • Develop an educational program for the booth primarily directed at kids without previous background in synthetic biology
  • Lead kids and their parents through strawberry and banana DNA extractions, explaining the mechanisms at work and giving kids ""DNA necklaces"": PCR tubes with fruit DNA threaded on multi-colored string to take home as souvenirs
  • Put together a ""DNA Origami"" station where kids can fold colored paper into DNA double helices
  • Run a Bloony station at which kids can blow up balloons and explain iGEM project while challenging people to rethink the definition of a balloon
  • Put together a crowdsourcing activity by taking a blank styrofoam board and writing at the top, ""WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A BIOBALLOON?""
",,,,,,Attend Bay Area Maker Faire and have a booth to discuss their iGEM project with the public. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 912,Stanford-Brown,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,New York Maker Faire,"Fair Booth, Teaching Activity",,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • At the World Maker Faire in New York, introduce young and aspiring scientists to the world of synthetic biology
  • Over the course of the two-day event, interact with thousands of attendees and give individuals insight into the day-to-day life of a molecular biologist
  • Booth consists of two hands-on activities designed for audiences of all ages and knowledge levels
  • Using paper cutouts, team members take turns walking subjects through the process of assembling a plasmid to express a chromoprotein gene of their choice
  • Individuals then glue their plasmids onto a paper template representing a wild type E. coli, while team members explain the methods of transforming host cells in the lab
  • Gene expression is represented through a ‘phenotypic change’ that is demonstrated by overlaying the wild type E. coli with a colored paper cutout with respect to their gene of choice
  • On another portion of the stand, teammates let individuals extract DNA from strawberries and bananas
  • To more knowledgable, older attendees and Maker Faire Editors, team members detail the intricacies of the project, highlighting the sustainability of creating a biodegradable balloon membrane
",Qualitative,Children and adults alike were fascinated at the ease with which large amounts of DNA could be accumulated and visualized; Team was awarded an Editor’s Choice first prize blue ribbon in sustainability,,,,Attend World Maker Faire in New York to teach synthetic biology to young students.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 913,Stanford-Brown,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,California Academy of Sciences ,Project Presentation,,,,"Scientific Community, General Public",Present iGEM Project,"
  • Present project to senior staff members at the California Academy of Sciences, a museum in San Francisco, California
  • Hold a demonstration of biOrigami at the museum where the general public were able to experiment with folding sheets of thermoplastic using an infrared lamp.
  • Be a part of video on synthetic biology for Cal Academy
",,,,,,Presented project and held demonstration on biOrigami at a local science museum ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 914,Stanford-Brown,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Poster Sessions and Presentations ,Project Presentation,,,,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Present iGEM Project,"
  • Participate in several poster sessions
  • Give presentations to showcase their iGEM project at the Stanford Research Experience for Undergraduates in Bioengineering grants,the NASA Advanced Studies Laboratories, and the Sierra Systems and Synbio Symposium
  • Learn about other teams' research
",,,,,,Participated in several poster sessions and meetups ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 915,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices Model (iTECH) ,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Project Presentation, Consult Experts",,,,"Scientific Community, Professors","Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Present original research to a panel of supervisors
  • Present basic ideas to the Biohacking community of Stockholm at their annual conference
  • Present revised project plan at Nordic iGEM Conference (NiC)
  • Discuss and receive advice from Adekunle D. Adekile, Professor of Pediatric Hematology
  • Contact and discuss with Professor of Clinical Microbiology Vincent O. Rotimi to understand clinical consequences of antibiotic resistance
  • Send request to clinician in endocrinology to further explore human (patient-related) issues in continued development of SMITe
",,,,,,Present research to a panel of supervisors and receive feedback. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 916,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire about iGEM to 2015 iGEM Teams,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Results of their questionnaire about negative results, and presenting their wiki and finding to the judges","Survey, Research Paper",iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Hand out a questionnaire to several iGEM teams asking about negative results, reproducing past claims from iGEM work, and difficulty finding data from other teams on past wiki pages.
  • Post the results of the questionnaire, along with advice the team thinks other teams should follow to post their data accurately.
",Quantitative,"Detailed quantitative data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Surveyed iGEM teams on negative results and reproducing past claims from other iGEM teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 917,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Teaching,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Create education program
  • Participants imagine themselves in a position of authority and respond to an issue at hand
  • Emphasize the importance of ethical decision making
  • Education program incorporates work from the subject areas (health, environment and art and design) which constitutes 2 separate case studies linked to a variety of resources (videos, scientific articles, images and websites)
  • Reward student efforts by compiling their efforts in each category and presenting them through <a href=""""></a>
",Qualitative,Reviewed all the submissions and chose the best one to present on the Wiki; Winning piece: The Necessity of New Antibiotic Drugs,,,,Create educational program for university students.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 918,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Community,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project",
  • Reach out to a primary school (students aged 5-11) and target a class of 9-11 year olds at the beginning of their school year to undertake a project considering the application of different materials for different products and uses
  • Introduce mainstream concepts in material properties (why people choose which materials for which purpose)
  • Describe how and why spider web is a desirable material to manipulate in various ways (such as for SMITe) and also introduce students to a number of ways other scientists around the world have developed and modified spider silk into fabrics or biological materials
  • Communicate this workshop style learning exercise through an online web resource
  • The final part of the exercise is to design a futuristic use of spider silk and/or think of a way another natural materials could become useful in society
,Qualitative,"Resulting ideas from the students were varied e.g. spider silk to be incorporated into an iPhone screen cover or case, a bulletproof 'skin' to line soldiers helmets in combat, and spider silk incorporated into a grapple for rock climbing",,,,Reach out to primary school students about their iGEM project and synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 919,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Lesson with High School Students,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Email local high schools and ask to visit to teach students about synthetic biology.
  • Visit two local high schools on two separate days.
  • Hold an educational session that is comprised of two parts: one experimental, one informative.
  • Discuss synthetic biology, basic molecular genetic knowledge, and do DNA extraction from fruit.
",,,,,,Visited local high schools to educate them on synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 920,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Evolving,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab",,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • To encourage people of different backgrounds to see what a biolab can be used for, hold workshops for members of the Stockholm Makerspace
  • Teach the participants how to use and work with basic lab equipment in order to pursue simple but important experiments in synthetic biology
",Qualitative,Workshops were very successful; A great experience for the team in having to explain and instruct in the most pedagogical way possible,,,,Hold science workshops for members of Stockholm Makerspace.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 921,SVA-NYC,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Individual Interpersonal Workshops,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Conduct one-on-one consultations with residents of the five boroughs of NYC: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island
  • Upon the first meeting, a team member plots areas of interest or concern on the resident’s property to sample
  • Give thorough explanation of the sampling procedure to the residents
  • Once the sample is collected, bring it back to the lab for extraction and processing to determine the level of nutrients present in the soil
  • After processing, generate a profile of the results and provide a diagnosis to the participant
  • Add results to the team's map of local soil conditions
  • Schedule a final meeting with the residents to review the results and discuss procedures and techniques to remedy any issues regarding their soil condition
",,,60 residents of New York City,These interpersonal workshops allowed the team to gain insight into the ways in which the urban community was engaging with their outdoor spaces while being provided an opportunity to educate them on the health of their soil,,Created a personal dialog with residents of NYC and set up appointments to meet with interested participants at soil sample collection sites,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 922,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Oz Harvest,Community Event,,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Work with Oz Harvest volunteers since their aim to reduce food waste to help the hungry was consistent with their iGEM project
  • Engage with people from the corporate world at the annual Think.Eat.Save.event and talk about how their project will help to reduce produce wastage
  • Learn more about volunteering opportunities and become a fully fledged OzHarvest volunteer
,,,,,,Engage with people at OzFest to teach them about synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 923,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Strange Nature,Community Event ,,,,Secondary School Students,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Create a synthetic biology writing competition called Strange Nature
  • Contact 223 schools in New South Wales, 220 in the Northern Territory, 2184 in Queensland schools and 6 Australian-wide organizations to recruit students for the competition
  • Advertise the competition in 4 papers including the Science Education News
  • Determine the question for the competition: Identify a current biological, environmental, or medical issue and discuss a genetically modified organism that might provide solutions
",,,,,,Held a synthetic biology writing competition between 223 schools,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 924,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Avocados Australia,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Skype with the ex-CEO of Avocados Australia and current President of the International Avocado Society, Antony Allen, and explain project
  • Collect information on how best to tailor the biosensor for industry and human use
",Qualitative,"During the Skype meeting, learned valuable information regarding the ripening process of avocados",,,,Discuss their iGEM project with the ex-CEO of Avocados Australia.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 925,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Zespri Kiwifruit,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Skype with Frank Bollen, a technical manager whose team looks after the postharvest performance of the fruit
  • Learn valuable information regarding the processing of kiwifruits
",Qualitative,"Learned that fruit ripeness is indirectly measured by a penetrometer, Kiwifruit are very sensitive to ethylene and so produce very little of the gas, Kiwifruit ripening is accelerated using 100 ppm ethylene (highly saturated)",,,,Consult with an expert on processing kiwifruit.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 926,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Fresh Produce Group,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Converse with the Fresh Produce Group, which receives international and domestic shipments of produce and processes them for distribution to major supermarkets and restaurants
",Qualitative,"Learned that this processing includes quality assurance testing, ethylene ripening phases, and temperature control, as well as packaging; current ripeness inspection method is manual handling",,,,Consult Fresh Produce Group about their iGEM project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 927,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,OzHarvest,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Chat with OzHarvest volunteers at the Sydney Eat.Think.Save event
  • Discuss again at a volunteer meeting about parallels between their mission and ours: OzHarvest works to reduce food wastage at the other end of the chain
,Qualitative,Environmental impact was pushed to the forefront of our minds when deciding on the final immobilization technique and overall product design; latex nanoporous coating method was chosen due to its biodegradability,,,,Consult with OzHarvest about food waste. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 928,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Microbe Card Game Design,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Made a design for a card game that introduces common bacteria that are involved in food and health to the community
,,,,,,Made a design for a card game about common bacteria in food.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 929,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Open Day,Fair Booth,,,,"Secondary School Students, University Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Host a booth at University of Sydney Open Day
  • Speak to incoming students about synthetic biology and the iGEM competition
  • Include various activities and exhibits to make booth entertaining
,,,,,,Host a booth on synthetic biology at University of Sydney Open Day.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 930,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Compass Presentation,Fair Booth,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Set up a fair booth at the compass presentation for underprivileged students
  • Set up fun activities for the students to do including looking at agar plates and using light microscopes to look at bacteria
  • Discuss microbes and genetic engineering with the students
,,,,,,"Set up fair booth at an event for underprivileged students with discussion and hands on activities to teach about the microbiome, molecular and synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 931,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,University of Sydney Open Day,Fair Booth,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Set up a fair booth at the annual University of Sydney Open Day
  • Spoke to prospective students about microbiology, research, genetic engineering, and iGEM
",,,,,,Hosted an iGEM fair booth at their university's open day to discuss synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 932,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Australian National Science Week,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Host a fair booth at the annual science in the swamp event at Centennial Park in Sydney
  • Host various activities including examining pond water under a microscope, creating paper DNA chains, examining numerous plates containing wild type and genetically modified bacteria, and loading a gel
",,,,,,Attended a science festival to teach about synthetic and molecular biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 933,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Australian Museum Science Festival,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Engage with thousands of school students at the Australian Museum in Sydney
  • Host a fair booth where students can view giant microbes, use a light microscope to view amoebas in pond water, use a hand held microscope, and view numerous agar plates containing normal and genetically engineered bacteria
",,,,,,Collaborated with a local museum to teach participants at a science festival,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 934,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Biofoundry,"Open Lab, Consult Experts",,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Attend Biofoundry, Australia’s first community lab that aims to make scientific research more accessible by subsidizing costs and also aims to make science education more accessible to all
  • Give presentation at Biofoundry’s August meeting held at the ATP Innovations Centre
",Qualitative,"At the presentation, there were many things still not considered, and it was an extremely valuable opportunity to see which aspects of the initial plan provoked the most questions or comments from an audience with a fundamental scientific background",,,,Give presentation and Biofoundry science event. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 935,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Kambala School,Project Presentation,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Present their project to high school students at Kambala Girls School during National Science Week
  • Discuss their project, iGEM, synthetic biology, and the importance of scientific research
  • Promote their synthetic biology writing competition, Strange Nature
",,,,,,"Presented on team's iGEM project, and synthetic biology to students at an all girls high school during National Science Week",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 936,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Rotary Talks,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",Presentation on synthetic biology ,Education Activity,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Give talks to various Rotary Clubs on how they use various techniques such as cloning to create genetically modified bacteria
  • Present on iGEM and synthetic biology
,,,,,,Gave talks to Rotary Clubs about synthetic biology and laboratory techniques,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 937,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Sydney University Mathematics Society Talks,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present iGEM project at Sydney University Mathematics Society weekly meeting
  • Discussed the math modeling portion of the project
,,,,,,Presented project and math modeling to the university mathematics society,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 938,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,ABC Science Show Radio Interview,Social Media ,"<a href=""""></a>",Video of interview with Robyn Williams,Interview,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Interview with Robyn Williams, a renowned scientist and radio presenter, on the popular science radio show, ABC Science Show with Robyn Williams broadcast nation-wide on Australia's national radio station
  • Discuss designing genes, cloning, and the use of synthetic biology in manufacturing vital compounds that are difficult to make using traditional chemical synthesis methods
",,,,,,"Interviewed by a radio show to discuss designing genes, cloning, and the value of synthetic chemical synthesis",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 939,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,A* STAR Magazine article,Social Media ,"<a href=""""></a>",Published an article in A*STAR Magazine,Magazine/Newspaper Article,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Write an article about the importance of genetic engineering for an online magazine targeted at secondary school students
,,,,,,Published an article about the importance of genetic engineering for an online magazine targeted at secondary school students ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 940,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Stem Talk at Gordon Library,Speaker Series,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Present a talk about concepts in molecular biology and iGEM project
,,,,,,Present a talk on molecular biology and iGEM,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 941,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Science in the Swamp,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Teach students about synthetic biology concepts and techniques
  • Taught people how to load gels
  • Showed people plates with microorganisms grown on them under microscopes to help them distinguish and inspect between different specimen
,Qualitative,Able to reach out to the general public and educate them about iGEM and synthetic biology and teach them some common techniques used day to day,"Over 10,000 people attended the fair ",,,Teach general public about synthetic biology and lab techniques.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 942,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Booth at Australian Museum Science Expo,Fair Booth,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Host a synthetic biology booth for 2 weeks
  • Interact with students that come to the expo at the museum
  • Used activities that were used in the Science in the Swamp event
,Qualitative,Able to reach out to even more people regarding synthetic biology,Over 6000 students came to the expo,,Science in the Swamp,Hold a synthetic biology booth.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 943,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,St George and Sutherland Shire Leader Interview,Social Media ,"<a href=""""></a>",Published article on St George and Sutherland Shire Leader website,Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Interview with the prestigious paper St George and Sutherland Shire Leader and discuss synthetic biology
,,,287000,,,Interviewed by local papers to discuss synthetic biology and their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 944,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Wentworth Courier newspaper article,Social Media ,"<a href=""""></a>",Published an article in Wentworth Courier newspaper ,Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Write an article on the iGEM competition, their research, Strange Nature (their synthetic biology writing competition), and the importance of community education at involvement in scientific research
",,,50000,,,"Wrote an article for a local paper about the iGEM competition, community engagement, and the importance of their project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 945,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Explore Engineering Workshop,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Science Education, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Participate in 3 day engineering workshop hosted by the college
  • Mentor students there at the workshop
  • Be a part of a student panel to answer questions students might have about synthetic biology or iGEM
,Qualitative,Students were able to better understand synthetic biology and genetic engineering,64 students,,,Participate in 3 day engineering event held by their college.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 946,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Investig8 Uni,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Host a science workshop that introduced students to the field of synthetic biology and iGEM
  • Teach students about microorganisms by using compound microscopes on prepared slides to show them bacteria and using dissecting microscopes to view larger Eukaryotic organisms
  • Allow students to interact with agar plates to show how organisms are cultured
,,,,,,Hold a science workshop for high school students to teach them about synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 947,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Alexandria Park Community School Outreach,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href="",,"">,,</a>",Presentation on synthetic biology and instructions for activities done in the workshop,Education Activity Protocol,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Conduct two workshops at Alexandria Park Community School for grade 10 and grade 12 students
  • Talk to grade 12 biology students about university, biology, genetics, cloning, and ethics behind making GMOs
  • Give presentation on synthetic biology and iGEM
  • Hold a workshop for grade 10 students and begin by giving a talk on what synthetic biology is, the use of cloning to generate GMOs, and the process of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in the context of the forensic analysis of a crime scene.
  • Supplement the talks with fun activities like crime scene investigation and cloning
",,,,,,Held science workshops for high school students to teach them about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 948,Sydney Australia,Undergraduate,2015,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Investig8 Uni,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Run two workshops with grade 8 students on synthetic biology
  • Set up interesting activities to get students engaged including examining bacteria under the microscope and discussion about genetic engineering
,,,,Students were incredibly engaged and fascinated ,,Ran lab workshops with secondary students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 949,SYSU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bio-Festival,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • ""Design a darts game to introduce different types of biobricks""
  • Design cards with "" simple problems about iGEM competition, recombinase system, brainbow, chassis organisms and synthetic biology on one side and corresponding answers on the other side""
  • Encourage discussion among participants and provide ""souvenirs"" to booth visitors
  • Explain iGEM project concept and design to those interested
",,,,,,Design and present a darts game to teach the general public about BioBricks and iGEM.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 950,SYSU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Stem Cell Therapy Survey,Survey,,,,University Students,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Distribute a survey to a target audience of mainly adults with some level of higher education
  • Ask about respondents' understanding of stem cell therapy, as well as their opinions and concerns about stem cells
",Quantitative,"""More than half of the participants were not familiar with cell therapy (51%)."" Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Survey to the general public on stem cell therapy.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 951,SYSU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,National Teenager High School Science Camp,Project Presentation,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • ""Use the metaphor of toy bricks to make the concept of standardization clear to the teenagers""
  • Introduce the iGEM competition and the team
  • Explain the team project
  • Provide advice on ""How to be a good iGEMer"" and how to get involved in synthetic biology research
",,,70,Students were greatly interested and asked many good questions,,Introduce iGEM and synthetic biology to high schoolers.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 952,SYSU-MEDICINE,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Dr. Fan Zhiping,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with stem cell specialist at a local hospital
  • Discuss stem cell clinical trials currently being conducted at the hospital, and current governmental regulations regarding clinical trials of this type
",Qualitative,"Transcribed interview with the doctor. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Meet with a stem cell specialist about their iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 953,SYSU-MEDICINE,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews with Patients,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Graft-Versus-Host Disease (GVHD) patients at local hospital who are participating in stem cell clinical trials
  • Discuss the patients' experience, informed consent, and their understanding of stem cell therapy
",Qualitative,"Transcribed interview with the doctor. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Meet with graft-versus-host-disease patients to discuss their treatment experience.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 954,SYSU-MEDICINE,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Professor Zhang Qi,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Meet with Dr. Zhang Qi, head of Biological Treatment Center of The Third Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University
  • Discuss clinical trials and the doctor's level of responsibility to the patient regarding informed consent
  • Ask for advice about the iGEM project
  • Discuss safety considerations for the iGEM project
",Qualitative,"Transcribed interview; detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Meet with the head of the Biology Treatment Center to discuss their iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 955,SYSU-MEDICINE,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with DAAN Gene,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Mr. Shen Yutian, the chairman of DAAN Gene
  • Talk about the company's current involvement with stem cell therapy and the commercial potential for this technology
",Qualitative,"Transcribed interview; detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Meet with the head of DAAN gene to discuss their involvement in stem cell research.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 956,SYSU-MEDICINE,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Cell Therapy Annual Meeting,"Consult Experts, Fair Booth",,,,Scientific Community,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Prepare for meeting by doing in-depth research of potential safety considerations for project, especially mesenchymal stem cell quality control
  • Attend a speech by Dr. Yan Baozhu on stem cell quality control
  • Learn about current laws and regulations on stem cell quality control
  • Ask questions to speakers and other booth visitors to gain expertise
",Integrated Human Practices,Learned about safety laws and regulations and the process of new drug approval through the government. Adjusted project design to improve its chances of eventually being approved and produced,,,,Discuss with experts about stem-cell quality research.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 957,SYSU-MEDICINE,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Ethics Considerations,Educational Material,,,,Scientific Community,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Interview doctors and patients at local hospital about their experiences with and opinions on stem cell therapy and clinical trials
  • Research animal ethics and welfare in drug development experiments
  • Design animal experiments based on these regulations and considerations
  • Participate in animal experiment approval process and gain necessary permits
  • Consider the ethics of primate based experiments, consider possibility of primate experimentation later in drug development process
",Integrated Human Practices,The team's research and in-depth consideration of proper animal practice and ethics led them to design and optimize an animal experiment for their project,,,,Interview doctors and patients about their experience with stem cell therapy.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 958,SYSU-MEDICINE,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Brochure,Educational Material,"<a href=""T--SYSU-MEDICINE--hp-"">T--SYSU-MEDICINE--hp-</a> <a href=""T--SYSU-MEDICINE--hp-"">T--SYSU-MEDICINE--hp-</a>","Images of content for the SYSU-Medicine iGEM brochure explaining synthetic biology, iGEM, and the SYSU-Medicine 2016 project",Education Activity,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Design and publish a brochure giving an introduction to synthetic biology, the iGEM competition, the SYSU-MEDICINE team, and the team's project
  • Translate brochure into English
",,,,,,Design and publish a brochure on synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 959,SYSU-MEDICINE,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Review paper,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Review article on methods for enhancing chemotaxis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, written by the SYSU-Medicine team and titled, ""Enhance MSCs Chemotaxis for Better Treatment"" ",Research Paper,Scientific Community,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Conduct an in-depth literature search and write a review article about current methods of enhancing chemotaxis in mesenchymal stem cells
  • Publish in academic journal
,,,,,,Publish a research article on enhancing chemotaxis on stem cells.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 960,SYSU-MEDICINE,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Lecture at Sun Yat-Sen University,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Recruit iGEM members","
  • Introduce history of synthetic biology, as well as the iGEM competition
  • Describe the team and give a description of the team's project
  • Discuss the present status of MSC (Mesenchymal Stem Cell) therapy and research
  • Talk about current setbacks in MSC research and the future of the field, especially in the context of synthetic biology
  • Discuss current safety laws and regulations regarding stem cell research
",,,,,,Introduce aspects of synthetic biology and their current iGEM project to University Students.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 961,SYSU-MEDICINE,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Biology Safety Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Biosafety questionnaire written and distributed by SYSU-Medicine iGEM team to students at SYSU School of Medicine,Survey,Specialized Audience,"Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Target mainly junior medical students in Clinical Medicine, Preventative Medicine and Laboratory Medicine specialties
  • Ask questions about their level of biosafety education, standards of protection, experiences with lab safety and lab safety accidents, and the importance of biosafety
",Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",293,"Although most students understood the importance of biosafety, surprisingly few had received biosafety courses in the past and many did not have knowledge of their lab's biosafety level, or had not heard of GMOs. ",,Ask questions to junior medical students about biosafety.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 962,SYSU-MEDICINE,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"MSC, Stem Cell Therapy, and Clinical Trial Survey",Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Questionnaire on mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), stem cell therapy, and clinical trials written by SYSU-Medicine and distributed to citizens around the SYSU Cancer Center",Survey,Specialized Audience,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Randomly distribute surveys to citizens around the SYSU Cancer Center
  • Assess understanding and background knowledge of MSCs
  • Ask about opinions on a patient's role and responsibility in a clinical trial
  • Ask about opinions on stem cell therapy
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",66,"Respondents largely did not have a good understanding of MSCs, but many felt strongly about protection of patient's rights and informed consent in clinical trials. ""The public hold a relatively positive attitude towards cell therapy development.""",,Randomly distribute surveys about stem cell therapy to the general public.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 963,SYSU-MEDICINE,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"""Have a Look at Your Genome""",Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>","Protocol for ""Have a Look at Your Genome Activity,"" where students extract DNA from their own cheek cells and perform PCR and gel electrophoresis",Education Activity Protocol,Secondary School Students,"Science Education, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Introduce students to use of micropipettes, centrifuge, and PCR thermocycler
  • Perform DNA extraction activity, PCR, and gel electrophoresis according to ""Have a Look at Your Genome"" protocol
  • During wait steps, give a brief explanation of iGEM and synthetic biology and explain the team's project
  • Collaborate with local middle school interested in performing similar activities by sending them the protocol, as well as a list of equipment required
",,,21,Team would like to distribute this teaching activity protocol to more schools in the future,,Introduce students to synthetic biology lab techniques.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 964,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Garden Party/Parade,Community Event,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Design and present a ""Splice a Circuit"" game, where participants place electronic bricks representing genetic parts in the correct order to build a ""circuit"", and a light bulb turns on if the circuit is completed correctly
  • Offer a ""Design a Circuit"" game, where participants are encouraged to use their imagination to design a circuit from 20 available parts
",,,,Received positive feedback from many participants,,"Organized a synthetic biology ""garden party"" for local students and community members, including two different circuit design games",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 965,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"""Bio-5-Talk"" Biological Modeling Contest",Community Event,,,,University Students,Science Education,"
  • Collaborate with other universities in the Guangdong Province to organize ""Bio-5-Talk,"" a series of biology-related activities for university students
  • Hold a Biological Modeling contest, where teams of students are challenged to build a model of a eukaryotic cell using common household materials
",,,,,,"Organized a series of biology teaching activities for university students, including a competition in which students built models of eukaryotic cells using household materials.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 966,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Central China iGEM Consortium,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Networking","
  • Organize a 3-day, Jamboree-style iGEM team meetup for Chinese iGEM teams
  • Invite vice president of the university to speak at the opening ceremony for the event
",,,28 teams,,,"Organized a Jamboree-style meetup for iGEM teams, including poster sessions and presentations",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 967,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Professor Jie Zhang,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Met with Professor Jie Zhang, a member of the Biosafety Committee at Sun Yat-sen University
  • Discuss biosafety concerns and regulations within the university and the country
",Qualitative,Learned about biosafety regulations at the university and in the country,,,,Met with a professor and biosafety specialist to discuss biosafety concerns related to the project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 968,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Risk Self Assessment ,Educational Material,,,,iGEM Teams,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Modified software project to reflect safety considerations in search results for iGEM registry parts
  • Added a recognition software for a ban list of toxic chemicals, provided by the China Administration of Work Safety
  • Checked software by tracking chassis species from each search result and evaluative risk group
",Quantitative,"Found that all chassis species in a search of all part entries belonged in risk groups 1 and 2, confirming that they had eliminated all results falling under risk groups 3 and 4",,,,Modified their software search engine project to reflect biosafety considerations ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 969,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Genexplorer game,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Design an online game in which players can design and build genetic circuits using real parts from past iGEM projects
  • Promote game to other iGEM teams as well as high school students at a summer camp
,,,,,,Designed an online genetic circuit design game to promote interest in synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 970,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synbio Box Game,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A synthetic biology game called Synbio Box that educates the player on synthetic biology,Education Activity Protocol,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Design a game that people can download online from their wiki about synthetic biology.
  • Give the game out to early participants, receive feedback, and improve the game.
",,,,,,Design a synthetic biology game. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 971,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Poker on Safety,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A deck of card designed to educate the user on biosafety,"Education Activity, Education Activity Protocol",General Public,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Design cards that discuss biosafety.
  • Cover topics such as potential dangers, biosafety in agriculture and biotechnology, and its impact for the food industry.
",,,,,,Design poker cards that discuss biosafety,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 972,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Mini Lecture for 2016 Freshmen,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Give a brief presentation to new university students about the team project, human practice activities, and the game designed by the team
  • Discuss bioethics and safety problems in synthetic biology, and specific to the project
",,,,,,Gave a presentation to new university students about iGEM and the team project; discussed bioethics and safety in synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 973,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Team Meetups,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Attend two iGEM meetups, including the NCTU__Formosa and Central China iGEM Consortium meetup.
  • Present iGEM project, and listen to other teams project, and receive feedback on their presentation
",,,,,,iGEM team meetup,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 974,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation for High School Summer Camp,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Science Education,"
  • Present a brief lecture on DNA, RNA, basic genetic engineering principles, synthetic biology, and the history of iGEM
",,,,,,Gave a presentation to high school students at a summer camp about synthetic biology and the history of iGEM,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 975,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synbio Garden Party,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Hold a parade around campus centered around synthetic biology.
  • Have participants watch a video about synthetic biology, then practice designing a circuit
  • Present the team's past iGEM project from 2014 to the audience.
",,,,,,Hold a parade/public event that discusses with the public synthetic biology. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 976,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Meetup with High School Teams and Wet Lab Teams,Teaching Activity,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • On campus, hold a meetup with wet-lab and high school iGEM Teams.
  • Present their game, Synbio Bio
  • Introduce their iGEM project to the teams, and listen to their projects.
  • Receive feedback from other teams
",,,,,,Discuss their iGEM project and their game with other iGEM teams at a meetup. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 977,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Mini-Lecture to Freshmen,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Hold a lecture for freshman at their university to discuss the life sciences.
  • Discuss iGEM and present their game, Synbio Box, to further educate them about synthetic biology
",,,,,,Educate college freshmen about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 978,SZU_China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Cancer Mutual Aid Association,Community Event,,,,Specialized Audience,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Reach out to the Cancer Mutual Aid Association agree to collaborate
  • On Sep. 12th, the team and cancer patients gather in Bijiashan Park for a meetup
",Qualitative,"A 67-year-old woman diagnosed with mammary cancer told her inspiring story of how she got out of depression and kept exercising all those years; A 47-year-old attorney, Ms. Wei, spoke of how she realized that psychotherapy was the most effective treatment",,The team was deeply touched by the spirit and stories of cancer patients; Built a long term cooperative relationship with the Shenzhen Cancer Mutual Aid Association,,Collaborated with the Cancer Mutual Aid Association to host a meetup in Bijiashan Park,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 979,SZU_China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meetup with Headquarters from iGEM,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • On May 19th, take part in the meeting with iGEM Headquarters along with the Southern University of Science and Technology of China and Xiamen University
  • In the meeting, raise questions regarding team communication worldwide and give some suggestions
",,,,The words and experiences Mr. Randy Rettberg shared about the reason he started iGEM were extremely inspiring,,Attend the iGEM Headquarters meeting,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 980,SZU_China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Conference of China IGEMers Committee,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Attend the China iGEMer's Meetup in Peking University
  • Share project with 30 teams all over China
  • During the tea break, listen to the advice of other teams to further improve the project and experiment
",,,,,,Attended the China iGEMer's Meetup in Peking University,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 981,SZU_China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Learn about Bladder Cancer,"Consult Experts, Survey",,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Conduct a survey on synthetic biology and bladder cancer
  • Interview Mr. Cai Zhiming, a professor who has experience with bladder cancer therapy
",,,,,,"Interviewed Mr. Cai Zhiming, a professor experienced with bladder cancer therapy",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 982,SZU_China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,The Festival Exhibit of College of Life Sciences of SZU,Fair Booth,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project",
  • Host an exhibit at the SZU College of Life Sciences Festival
  • Display project on a poster and interact with passing students to spur interest in synthetic biology
,,,,,,Hosted an exhibit at the SZU College of Life Sciences Festival,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 983,SZU_China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Juvenile Biology Maker,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Primary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • On Sept 11th, visit primary school to talk to young students that have an affinity for nature and science
  • Demonstrate how project's system works and impart related knowledge on bladder cancer
  • After the lecture, answer questions that the students have on the project and cancer
  • Decide to be their biology mentors and give them lectures once a month
",,,,,,Visited a primary school to inspire young students and talk about project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 984,TAS Taipei,High School,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Teacher Bioethics Panel,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Teachers,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Host a teacher panel to discuss, debate, and congregate knowledge from different fields including but not limited to philosophy, science, and policy
  • Have the teachers engage in an exchange of ideas to discuss questions regarding ethics and the progress of synthetic biology
",,,,Learned about why the public avoids using GMO products and the trajectory of scientific research,,Hosted a teacher panel to discuss ethics and the progression of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 985,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Bioethics Panel,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts",,,,"Teachers, Scientific Community",Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Host a bioethics panel
  • Invite teachers from various fields to engage in a conversation about bioethics and thoughts on their project in particular
,Qualitative,Allowed their project and the topic of bioethics to be discussed from different perspectives; panelists suggested project could really be applicable for use in dogs and cats,,"Panelists seemed unafraid of the use of nanoparticles, mainly due to the fact that they are biodegradable",,Host a bioethics panel.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 986,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Contact with Eye Doctors,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Contact local Taiwanese eye doctors to ask them about cataracts surgery
,Qualitative,"Learned that current cataract surgery methods are efficient and effective, but are not without their issues. Beside the high cost of surgery, there can also be several different post-surgery complications such as infection, hemorrhaging, or secondary glaucoma",,It was suggested that the team see an Intellectual Property (IP) attorney in order to protect and patent their project; they decided to contact an IP lawyer and a patent attorney to obtain more information about the legal process that could be involved with the production of their AlcoPatch,,Ask local eye doctors about cataracts surgery.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 987,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Contact with Veterinarians,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult with veterinarians at clinics around Taipei
  • Visit two veterinarian clinics, (Nicholas Animal Hospital and Tai Pu Veterinarian Hospital) and ask various others about the viability of their project
",Qualitative,"Learned that there are already commercial eye drops available, which are prescribed for pets, but that these are not very effective; one of the drugs developed is called Ocluvet(R), which was purchased and used in our experiments to compare to our own treatment design",,,,Consult local veterinarians about their iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 988,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Contact with Science Researchers,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Contact researchers to learn more about 25-hydroxycholesterol (25HC) and Chitosan nanoparticles
  • Ask questions primarily focused on how 25HC works on the molecular level
  • Questions such as: what are the current researches conducted that uses 25HC? To what extent is 25HC responsible for reversing protein aggregation? And what are effective methods for 25HC storage?
,Qualitative,"Received suggestions on effective ways to store 25HC, provided with a recommended storage temperature; Dr. Gestwicki also provided two published papers that helped facilitate understanding of the mechanism by which 25HC reverses cataract formation",,"Both professors gave thorough responses on these questions, which were used in our experiments",,Consult researchers about 25-HC,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 989,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Contact with Nanoparticle Engineers,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Dr. Eric P. Lee, Senior member of Technical Staff at Maxim Integrated, and TAS alumnus, to discuss issues we were having concerning chitosan nanoparticles
  • Receive advice on the specific order of adding TPP to chitosan
",Qualitative,Dr. Eric P. Lee explained why we kept seeing large amorphous structures in our SEM images: a charge buildup in the nanoparticles from the electron beam,,"Information helped them make consistent nanoparticles, improve their prototype and obtain quality images from both SEM and AFM",,Consult with experts about working with Chitosan nanoparticles,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 990,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews with Cataract Patients,Consult Experts,"<a href="";"">;</a> <a href=""""></a>",Transcripts of interviews with two people living with cataracts,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Interview two former cataract patients about their experiences with surgery
,Qualitative,"Learned from the interviewees that the cataract surgery process was efficient and effective; however, if given the choice to apply effective eye drops instead of surgery, they'd be willing to use it rather than face surgery again",,"Dr. Moran’s and Mrs. Clapper’s experiences reinforce the disadvantages of surgery, and further motivated us to create a non-invasive solution",,Interview cataract patients about their experience with surgery.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 991,TAS Taipei,High School,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,GzmB Research,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Reach out to Dr. Phillip I. Bird to discuss the effects of inhibiting GzmB in the ECM on the human body
  • Model GzmB concentration vs ACT inhibitor levels and develop a calculator to estimate how much of the inhibitor protein would be needed to bring elevated GzmB levels down to normal
,Integrated Human Practices,Learned that inhibiting GzmB completely would have extremely negative effects,,Team needed to figure out a way to only partially inhibit GzmB so that normal levels of GzmB would be maintained,,"Interviewed Dr. Phillip I. Bird, a professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Monash University",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 992,TAS Taipei,High School,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Medical Research,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Interview Dr. Hsieh about the different types of inflammation that exist and about her experiences with patients who have had chronic inflammation
  • Ask her about the application of the team's bandage and cream prototype
,,,,Learned that chronic inflammation was a major problem especially for elderly patients; Both prototype ideas were plausible but would require lots of clinical trials,,"Interviewed Dr. Stephanie Hsieh, a medical doctor formerly from Kaoshiung Medical University Hospital",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 993,TAS Taipei,High School,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Policy,Consult Experts,,,,"Legislators, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Investigate the policy roadblocks the team might encounter in trying to get the project to the actual market
  • Email every member of the The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine with a list of 5 questions specifically related to policy issues
",Qualitative,Learned that the government and FDA involvement in pharmaceuticals was more involved than originally thought; also learned that there were very few laws on synthetic biology products and applications,,,,"Send questions to members of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine with a list of questions specifically related to policy issues",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 994,TAS Taipei,High School,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Policy Brief,Consult Experts,,,,"Legislators, Scientific Community","Activism for iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Research how pharmaceutical companies spend their money and learn about how the vast majority of pharmaceutical companies spend more in marketing and advertising than they do in research and development
  • Create a policy brief based off of research from the questionnaire and literature research
  • Send the policy brief to a list of recipients including the US Senate, the US House, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Mark Zuckerberg's Silicon Valley Community Foundation
",,,,,,Created a policy brief to be sent out to a wide list of recipients,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 995,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Spring Fair,Fair Booth,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey about GMOs and cataracts,Survey,Primary School Students,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Design and use an interactive game to raise awareness about living cataracts
  • Conduct a survey to find out public opinions on GMOs, cataract surgery, and the surgery
",Quantitative,Students learned what it is like to have cataracts; detailed survey results can be found on the wiki,,,,Create an interactive game about living with cataracts.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 996,TAS Taipei,High School,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Spring Fair,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Set up a booth at the school’s most renowned social event, the Spring Fair, to gain public opinion on the project and synthetic biology in general
",,,,,,Held a booth at the school's Spring Fair to promote project and learn about public opinion,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 997,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Fundraiser for Cataract Charity,Fundraiser,,,,Specialized Audience,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Hold multiple fundraisers in the form of bake sales and club fairs
  • Donate money to people who don't have funds or access to surgery
,Quantitative,Raised enough money for 14 surgeries,,,,Hold fundraisers to raise awareness of the issues discussed in their iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 998,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Science Research Symposium,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>",Videos of the team's project presentations,Video of Activity,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Divide the team into several groups and give presentations at the school's Science Research Symposium
  • Get feedback from students and teachers
,,,Over 80 students,Feedback from this event helped them decide their final project idea,,Give iGEM presentations at their school's Science Research Symposium.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 999,TAS Taipei,High School,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,NCTU Conference,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Attend the Asia iGEM meetup conference at NCTU to share and receive valuable feedback from other college and high school level teams
,,,,,,Attended the Asia iGEM meetup conference at NCTU to receive feedback from other teams on the project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1000,TAS Taipei,High School,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meet-Up with Mingdao,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Meet with the Mingdao High School iGEM team to present projects to each other
  • Give a tour of the team's lab and determine improvements that can be made to enhance the project
,,,,,,Presented project to the Mingdao High School iGEM team,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1001,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Research Speaker series,Speaker Series,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Invite science researchers to present on their research for the school
  • Learn how scientists conduct actual science
  • Learn about new areas of science
,,,,,,Invite science researchers to present the research at their school.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1002,TAS Taipei,High School,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Science Research Speaker Series,Speaker Series,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Invite 5 science researchers to come to the campus to give lectures about their research
  • Talk to the speakers about the project/run ideas by them
,,,,,,Hosted a research speaker series to expand knowledge on how scientific research is conducted,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1003,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Cataract Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",The team's survey about cataracts and treatment,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • During TAS’s Spring Fair and our Taipei Cataract Awareness Day, conduct a survey
  • Derive a general public sense of the following: Understanding of cataracts, Willingness to use GMO products, Willingness to use our product in humans and pets, Side effect tolerance, Willingness to pay for cataract surgery
",,,,,,Conduct survey to general public about synthetic biology and cataracts surgery.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1004,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Taipei Cataract Awareness Day,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>",Video of outreach project and handing out surveys,Video of Activity,General Public,"Activism for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Pass out informational flyers on cataracts to the general public
  • Present their project to passerby
  • Conduct a survey about GMOs, cataract surgery, and the project
  • Create a video of their outreach project
",Quantitative,Detailed survey results can be found on the wiki,,,,Hand out informational flyers about GMOs.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1005,TAS Taipei,High School,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Spring Fair Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Survey people about their views on synthetic biology and genetic engineering during annual school-sponsored Spring Fair
,Quantitative,"<a href=""""></a>",,,,Survey people on their opinions of synthetic biology and genetic engineering,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1006,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Kindergarten Science Experiments,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Video of hands-on experiments with primary school students,Video of Activity,Primary School Students,Science Education,
  • Design easy experiments for Kindergarten students
  • Conduct the experiments with students
  • Create a video documenting outreach project
,Qualitative,Students learned about science,,The kids and their team members loved it,,Design and conduct science experiments with kindergarteners. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1007,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,7th grade introduction to synthetic biology,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Video of outreach activity with 7th grade students,Video of Activity,Secondary School Students, Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Introduce the concepts of synthetic biology to 7th graders
  • Introduce students to basic laboratory techniques essential to synthetic biology
  • Design synthetic biology scenarios and have students solve them using different combinations of standardized parts
  • Teach students how to use laboratory equipment used in synthetic biology
  • Record outreach project in a video
,Qualitative,Students learned about synthetic biology,,,,Teach 7th graders about synthetic biology and iGEM. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1008,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,IB 11th grade student presentation,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present project to 11th grade IB students
  • Gain feedback from students
,Qualitative,Students learned about their project,,,,Present iGEM Project to high schoolers.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1009,TAS Taipei,High School,2016,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Biobuilder Club,Teaching Activity,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Participate in the high school BioBuilder Club
  • Participate in online meetings to brainstorm synthetic biology project topics, project design, and troubleshoot problems
  • Present project at the final assembly
  • Create their own BioBuilder page
",,,,,,Participate in high school BioBuilder club and educate them on synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1010,TAS Taipei,High School,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Teaching Synthetic Biology to TAS Biology Classes,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Give an introduction to synthetic biology and the central dogma to an IBHL class at the team's school
  • Teach them about the common methods employed in synthetic biology and spread awareness
,,,,,,Taught a synthetic biology to an IBHL class,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1011,TAS Taipei,High School,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Club,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,"Recruit iGEM members, Activism for iGEM Project",
  • Create an iGEM club to provide a platform for underclassmen to experience iGEM related activities and allow potential iGEM members to contribute to the formation of the project
  • Raise awareness during the TAS annual club fair and allow students to join the club
  • Give students in the iGEM club the chance to input ideas during the planning stage and also opportunity to have a hands-on lab experience
,,,,,,Started an iGEM club to recruit new members and gain input for current project idea,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1012,Tec-Monterrey,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,San Pedro de Pinta,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Meet with the chairman of San Pedro de Pinta, discuss the project and the team's goals for community engagement
  • Set up a stand at the San Pedro de Pinta event
  • Engage in conversations about personal habits for disposing of e-waste
  • Explain the basis of synthetic biology and the iGEM project
  • Survey the public
  • Invite people to participate in team's e-waste collection campaign
",Quantitative,"Took polls of the public about number and types of electronics in the household, as well as predictions for e-waste statistics. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",196,"Found that despite the massive numbers of electronics owned by the public, only about half separate their electronic waste and only 9% give it the proper treatment required. Furthermore, only a quarter of participants could successfully estimate the amount of e-waste produced per person per year, indicating the need for public awareness of the issue. ",,"Attended a public outdoor event to explain the iGEM project and the basics of synthetic biology, as well as to raise awareness of the e-waste crisis and encourage public action and education on e-waste",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1013,Tec-Monterrey,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Callejero,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project",
  • Set up a booth at the event
  • Discuss synthetic biology and the iGEM project
  • Educate the public on e-waste
  • Encourage public to bring their electronic waste to the event and collect it as part of the team's e-waste collection campaign
,,,,,,"Attended a community event at the university, discussed electronic waste and encouraged participants to bring their e-waste to the event for collection",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1014,Tec-Monterrey,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,5v5 League of Legends Tournament,Community Event,,,,Specialized Audience,"Activism for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Organize a League of Legends tournament, targeting the gamer community
  • Use event to create awareness of e-waste pollution and the effects on the environment
  • Poll gamers about their purchase and disposal habits for video game consoles, as well as their outlooks on electronic waste
  • Distribute information about proper e-waste disposal and encourage participants to share this information with their peers
",Quantitative,"Learned that about 19% of people do not know what to do with their electronic waste, and that 17% of participants did not consider the implications of electronic waste. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",121,Concluded that storage of electronic waste in the home is often due to lack of education on e-waste disposal methods rather than carelessness,,Held a League of Legends in an effort to target the videogamer community and educate them on the importance of proper electronic waste disposal,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1015,Tec-Monterrey,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,E-Week E-Waste Collection Campaign,Community Event,,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Spend four days collecting electronic devices from community members for recycling
  • Engage participants in conversation about the importance of proper e-waste disposal
,,,,,,Held a four-day long electronic waste collection campaign to collect waste for recycling and promote awareness of the importance of proper e-waste disposal,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1016,Tec-Monterrey,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,E-Waste Art Contest,"Community Event, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Visit high school classrooms a few weeks prior to the event and give a lecture on synthetic biology, iGEM, and the issue of electronic waste pollution in the environment
  • Invite students from five local high schools to participate in an art competition where participants are placed into teams and challenged to use electronic waste as material to construct artwork, as well as submit a research essay on e-waste and its toxic components
  • Judge art pieces based on quality, use of materials, and justification (essay)
  • During the competition, explain the team's iGEM project and introduce the role of synthetic biology in e-waste disposal
",,,23 teams,,,"Engaged with high school students about the dangers of electronic waste pollution by holding an e-waste art competition, and challenging students to research topics in electronic waste pollution and the reasons for toxicity",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1017,Tec-Monterrey,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Environmental Forum,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"University Students, Professors","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Provide an educational forum addressing topics of corruption and citizen participation in the context of electronic waste pollution
  • Invite representatives from the government and the university to speak, including Director of the Recycling Committee of the Tecnologico de Monterrey and President of the Ecology Department of the Government of Monterrey
",,,150,Many participants agreed that this forum changed their perspective about the e-waste pollution problem in the city,,Held an educational forum on electronic waste pollution and the importance of citizen participation in the electronic waste management movement,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1018,Tec-Monterrey,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Conversation with Carlos Lara Valenzuela,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Carlos Lara, Manager of the Mineral Processing Department of Grupo Peñoles’ Center of Investigation and Technological Development
  • Learn about the mining industry and metal recovery in Mexico
  • Discuss past efforts in metal recovery
  • Determine feasibility of project idea in the context of mining and metal recovery
",Integrated Human Practices,"As a result of this meeting, added a bioprocessing step to the project with another microorganism capable of recovering silver and gold",,,,"Met with a mineral processing and mining expert, and discussed project feasibility as well as current progress within the industry",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1019,Tec-Monterrey,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Geomicrobiology Laboratory of the UASLP,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Dr. Viridiana García from the UASLP (Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí)
  • Discuss context of project within society
  • Discuss past national efforts in bioleaching and limitations for the technology
  • Obtain Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, a microorganism that was isolated from a local mine
  • Spend several weeks in the lab at the UASLP, learning about geomicrobiology and making adjustments to the project accordingly
",,,,,,Met with a geomicrobiology expert to gain background in the field and contextualize the project within society,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1020,Tec-Monterrey,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with CVR,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Interview with CVR, an e-waste recycling company, about the challenges and limitations of the industry",Interview,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with representatives from CVR, one of the few certified e-waste recycling companies in Mexico
  • Tour the facilities, learn how the plant works
  • Discuss project, and possible improvements to make the idea more economically feasible
  • Discuss the current state of the electronics recycling industry, including current challenges
",Qualitative,"Gained valuable information, through interviews, about the current state of the electronics recycling industry as well as limitations and challenges facing the movement",,,,"Visited an electronics recycling plant and learned more about the process of electronics recycling, as well as challenges to the industry",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1021,Tec-Monterrey,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Radio Spots and Panorama Newspaper,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Two radio spot recordings (in Spanish, as well as English translations) about the electronic waste pollution issue and proper e-waste disposal",Interview,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Record 11 radio informative spots to be broadcasted on a university radio station, about the e-waste pollution problem and providing suggestions for how to properly recycle and dispose of electronic waste
  • Feature an article in the university newspaper about electronic waste as well as the team's project
",,,,,,Recorded radio interviews on university radio stations and featured in an issue of the university newspaper to raise awareness about the iGEM project initiative and educate on proper electronic waste disposal methods,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1022,Tec-Monterrey,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Lab Talks,Open Lab,,,,"Secondary School Students, General Public ","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Hold talks at the lab with small groups of people, mainly high school students
  • Show visitors their work and explain common biotechnology protocols
  • Explain synthetic biology and biotechnology
",,,,,,"Opened lab to visitors from secondary school students and the general public, explained the project and the importance of electronics recycling",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1023,Tec-Monterrey,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"""Knowledge is Power"" contest",Fundraiser,,,,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Recruit iGEM members","
  • Hold a trivia contest for university students including questions in the following categories: Math, Biology, Physics, Art, TV and Series, History and Geography
  • Explain the purpose of iGEM and the team's iGEM project
",,,75,,,Organized a trivia night for university students to raise funds for the team,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1024,TecCEM_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Educational YouTube Channel,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to TecCEM HS's youtube channel including educational molecular biology videos and videos of educational activities,Educational Video,General Public,Science Education,"
  • Create a youtube channel including several informational videos about molecular and synthetic biology, as well as video accounts of each human practices activity done by the team
",,,,,,Created a youtube channel including educational videos about molecular biology and video accounts of each human practices activity done by the team,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1025,TecCEM_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Impact of SDS Survey,Survey,,,,"Secondary School Students, University Students",Learn Public Opinions,
  • Distribute a survey asking recipients about their knowledge about SDS
  • Provide information about the project and purpose
  • Ask for opinions on the usefulness and demand for the project
,Quantitative,Only 27% of respondents had heard of SDS; 92% of respondents agreed that the biofilter iGEM project would be useful; 92% of respondents would be willing to reduce their use of soaps and detergents to prevent water pollution,48,,,"Distributed a survey asking about participants' background knowledge regarding the team's iGEM project, and their interest in/support for the project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1026,TecCEM_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology and Systems Biology Course,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Teach university students about the basics of synthetic biology
  • Discuss national regulation of synthetic biology
  • Assess impacts of synthetic biology and environment and culture
  • Discuss biosafety and GMOs
,,,,,,Led a 3-day synthetic and systems biology course for undergraduate students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1027,TecCEM_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Principles Course,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Teach university students about the basics of synthetic biology
  • Discuss national regulation of synthetic biology
  • Assess impacts of synthetic biology and environment and culture
  • Lead students through basic lab procedures for molecular/synthetic biology
,,,,,,"Led a synthetic biology course for high school students, including theoretical background and basic lab procedures",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1028,TecCEM_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,General Genetics,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Video describing TecCEM HS's educational activities for kindergarten students about genetics,Video of Activity,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Begin with an activity in which children create monster faces out of candy
  • Explain genetics by talking about hair and eye colors
  • Explain genetic engineering by discussing genetic modification of E. coli
,,,36,,,Taught a group of kindergarten students about genetics and synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1029,TecCEM_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Genetics and Synthetic Biology Principles,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Video describing TecCEM HS's educational activities for elementary school students about genetics,Video of Activity,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Describe the concepts of genetics, DNA, heredity, dominant and recessive genes
  • Talk about synthetic biology in E.coli, bacterial transformation
  • Offer an activity for younger students wherein participants are offered two carts with defining characteristics and are told to pick the ""dominant"" characteristic, then using these characteristics to build a ""candy monster""
  • Offer an activity for older students where students may build ""candy E. coli"" and add candy ""plasmids"" to represent transformations
",,,20,,,"Led a group of elementary school students in several activities to teach them about genetics, heredity and synthetic biology practices",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1030,TecCEM_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Cuidemos Nuestro Lago,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Video describing TecCEM HS's educational activities to teach the community about local lake pollution,Video of Activity,General Public,"Activism for iGEM Project, Science Education","
  • Gather community members at Lago de Guadalupe to teach locals about the contamination produced by residential zones and the repercussion it has on the lake
  • Teach community members about pH and the effects of pollution, using indicators to demonstrate pH changes
  • Distribute informational leaflets with important data related to the lake, as well as information about the iGEM project
  • Offer interactive Q-and-A activities for children
",,,,,,"Held an educational event for the community at a local lake, to discuss the effects of pollution on the lake and the surrounding area",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1031,TecCEM_HS,High School,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology for Kids,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Video describing TecCEM HS's educational activities for middle school students about genetics,Video of Activity,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Educate students on genetics and synthetic biology in a brief lecture
  • Have teams of students compete to obtain clues by answering questions about the lecture, use the clues to find the culprit of a ""crime""
",,,,,,"Gave a brief talk to middle school students about genetics and synthetic biology; challenged them to a ""crime-solving"" game",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1032,Technion Israel,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Pub Quiz Night with Ran Levi,"Community Event, Project Presentation",,,,General Public,"Learn Public Opinions, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Introduce the audience to synthetic biology, iGEM, project
  • Write and present a series of trivia/quiz questions to the crowd
  • Ask participants for their thoughts about using bacteria for the purpose of detection
  • Ask participants what substances they would like to detect using a bacterial biosensor
",Integrated Human Practices,"Learned about public opinion on bacterial biosensors, which applications would be in highest demand",,"Got a variety of answers and opinions about bacterial biosensors, found that there is a high demand for using sensors to quickly and easily detect of allergens in food",,Present their iGEM project and ask questions/receive feedback from their audience.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1033,Technion Israel,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,High School Science Conference,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Participate in a science conference for high school students in Northern Israel
  • Give a lecture about synthetic biology
  • Challenge students to come up with their own iGEM project/circuit designs
,,,,,,"Gave a talk about synthetic biology at a high school science conference, including a circuit design activity",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1034,Technion Israel,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Newspaper Articles,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Feature two articles, one in a local newspaper and one in a national newspaper, about the iGEM competition and the team's project
",,,,,,Team was featured in a local and national newspaper describing the iGEM competition as well as their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1035,Technion Israel,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Radio Interview,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Speak on ""Northern Radio"" station with Prof. Opher Etzion
  • Speak about the iGEM project as well as synthetic biology
",,,,,,Gave an interview on a local radio station about synthetic biology and the team's iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1036,Technion Israel,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science at the Bar Nights,Speaker Series,"<a href=""""></a>","""Do It Yourself"" booklet of science activities for various age groups",Education Activity Protocol,"University Students, General Public",Science Education,
  • Arrange three different nights at a local bar to host a scientist to give a talk about their field of study
  • Advertise event on paper and social media
  • Ask bar manager to offer a special sale on night of event
,,,,,,Arrange three nights at a local bar to have scientists present their research.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1037,Technion Israel,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Product Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Distribute a survey asking about opinions on the team's proposed genetically engineered solution to male pattern baldness
,Quantitative,"77.7% of respondents thought that balding men would use a product which incorporates bacteria naturally found on the scalp, which have been genetically modified to prevent male pattern baldness. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",439,,,Designed a survey asking participants for their opinions on a genetically engineered solution to male pattern baldness,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1038,Technion Israel,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Street Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Video showing responses to Technion Israel's street survey about male pattern baldness and its effects on men,"Survey, Video of Activity",General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Ask people on the street about male pattern baldness, its causes, and its effect on men
  • Film survey responses
",Qualitative,"For detailed data, see <a href=""""></a>",,,,Asked people on the street about male pattern baldness and its effect on men,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1039,Technion Israel,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Focus Group Survey,Survey,,,,Specialized Audience,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Gather a focus group of bald and balding men
  • Educate potential users of the proposed product, receive feedback for potential improvements
",Integrated Human Practices,Feedback led team to modify their comb design to add a swap-out handle to accommodate different hand sizes,,,,Held a focus group for bald and balding men to gain feedback on genetically engineered male-pattern baldness treatment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1040,Technion Israel,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Scientific Kindergarten Visits,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>","""Do It Yourself"" booklet of science activities for various age groups",Education Activity Protocol,Primary School Students,Science Education,"
  • Design three activities about properties of water for kindergarten students: Water in our body, State of matter - water as fluid, Saving water and the consequences of drought
  • Conduct these activities with groups of kindergarten students
",,,,,,Design three activities about water for kindergarteners.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1041,Technion Israel,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,MadaTech Lab High School Activity,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>","""Do It Yourself"" booklet of science activities for various age groups",Education Activity Protocol,Secondary School Students,"Science Education, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Give a brief presentation on iGEM and synthetic biology
  • Teach basic concepts of operating a microscope
  • Have students use microscopes to observe samples including onions and hair
  • Ask students to come up with their own iGEM project ideas
,,,,"Activities were a success, students came up with several unique ideas for iGEM projects",,Give presentation on iGEM project and synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1042,Technion Israel,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Retirement Home Visit,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>","""Playing with Genes"" presentation",Education Activity,Specialized Audience,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Visit local retirement home
  • Present a brief powerpoint on basics of synthetic biology, iGEM, and team's project
",,,,Senior participants were very inquisitive and creative,,Visit retirement homes to teach them about synthetic biology and iGEM. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1043,Technion Israel,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,European Researchers' Night,"Teaching Activity, Fair Booth","<a href=""""></a>","""Do It Yourself"" booklet of science activities for various age groups",Education Activity Protocol,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Offer participants a circular ribbon ""plasmid""
  • Have them cut the ribbon into pieces, representing restriction enzyme digest
  • Add a newly colored ribbon ""insert""
  • Transform ribbon pieces into a balloon ""bacteria"" and inflate the balloon
",,,,"Activity got lots of attention, participants were able to learn about iGEM, synthetic biology",,Teach participants about synthetic biology and the concept of plasmids by using a ribbon activity.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1044,Tel-Hai,Overgraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,65 Roses Statewide Campaign,Community Event,,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Raise awareness for Cystic Fibrosis by initiating the first statewide campaign by asking 65 famous influencers including 5 Nobel Laureates to post a picture of themselves with roses to social media
  • Collaborate with other iGEM teams by asking them to send in pictures with roses as well to raise awareness
,Qualitative,Raised awareness about cystic fibrosis and the fact that two clinics couldn't stay open due to lack of funds,,,,Use social media to raise awareness of cystic fibrosis using roses.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1045,Tel-Hai,Overgraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Volunteered at the Child Health Center and Pediatric ER,Community Event,,,,Specialized Audience,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Provide moral support for children at the health center including those that have cystic fibrosis
,,,,,,Provide moral support for children diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1046,Tel-Hai,Overgraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Soccer Game Dedicated to the Israeli Cystic Fibrosis Foundation,"Community Event, Fundraiser",,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Raise awareness for Cystic Fibrosis by hosting a soccer game
  • Raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis foundation by selling awareness products at the event
,,,,,,Raise awareness of cystic fibrosis by hosting a soccer game.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1047,Tel-Hai,Overgraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Fundraising for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation,"Community Event, Fundraiser",,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis foundation by selling awareness products to students and at different outreach events throughout the year
,,,,,,Sell awareness products for cystic fibrosis at various events during the year.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1048,Tel-Hai,Overgraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Interview Prominent Bioethicists in Israel,Consult Experts,,,,"General Public, Scientific Community",Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Interview experts in bioethics to understand the field of bioethics and see how it affects young entrepreneurs like fellow iGEM teams in the field of biotechnology
  • Understand ethical concerns regarding their own project
,Qualitative,"Gained valuable information about the definition of bioethics and the relevant concerns to the team's project. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Interview experts in bioethics to discuss the ethics of their own iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1049,Tel-Hai,Overgraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Met with politicians ,Consult Experts,,,,Legislators,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Policy Outreach",
  • Talk to current legislators to educate them about the field of synthetic biology and give them insight on the current research taking place
  • Discuss policy issues
,,,,,,Talk to local legislators about synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1050,Tel-Hai,Overgraduate,2016,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Interviewed by multiple media outlets,Social Media ,,,,General Public ,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Reach out to the public through different sources of social media such as writing blogs, being interviewed for newspapers and a tv show
",,,,,,Use social media to raise awareness of cystic fibrosis.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1051,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Debate Competition,Community Event,,,,University Students,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Hold debate competition on the topic of whether it is safe to curb environmental pollution with artificial modified bacteria
  • Give a brief presentation on synthetic biology and this year's project
  • Get feedback from participants
,Qualitative,Got feedback from participants,,Competitors asserted the topic of today’s discussion was both sparkling and instructive. They learned a great deal about synthetic biology and expanded their horizons during the preparation of the debate. Students watching the competition also greatly enjoyed it. They had great interest in the application of synthetic biology on resolving environmental issues after listening to many special cases.,,Hold debate on curb environmental pollution; use this as an opportunity to discuss iGEM. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1052,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Beihang University Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
  • Contact Dr. Jun Yang by email
  • Visit BUAA campus
  • Present project ideas
  • Discuss Dr. Yang's research on plastic degradation and gain advice about the project
  • Offer to help organize a Beihang University iGEM team in the future
,,,,,,Consult expert on the topic of their iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1053,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Great Biology Pharmaceutical Co. Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit company and tour facility
  • Learn about functions and operation methods of fermentation tanks
,,,,,,Tour facility to learn about fermentation techniques.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1054,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Tianjin Nankai Hecheng Science and Technology Co Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit company and tour facility
  • Give a brief presentation on the iGEM competition and the team's project
,,,,,,Tour facility and present their iGEM project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1055,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Tianjin TEDA EcoCenter Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit facility
  • Learn about low-carbon economy concept
  • Interview TEDA coordinator
,Qualitative,"Interviewed leader of TEDA, detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Interview TEDA coordinators and discuss low-carbon energy concept.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1056,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,"Interview with Licheng Lin, lawyer from Dacheng Law Office ",Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Attend a trial on environment issue
  • Meet with lawyer, briefly present on iGEM and this year's project
  • Interview lawyer on environmental protection, intellectual property
",Qualitative,"Interviewed lawyer, detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Attend trial on environmental issues and discuss the topic with a lawyer and how it applies to their iGEM project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1057,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Recycling and Reusing PET,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Read quantities of journals to learn about overseas and domestic conditions of recycling and reusing polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
  • Attend the 10th seminar on China's plastics industry to obtain more information concerning the status quo of Chinese recycling of waste PET
  • Interview project-related experts and learn about their opinions concerning the ethics, environmental impact, and economic analysis of their project
",,,,,,Attended seminar on China's plastics industry and interview experts ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1058,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Local Hospital Visit,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit the General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University to hear stakeholders' voices about the team's project and obtain experts' feasibility and risk assessment
,,,,,,Visited a local hospital to get feedback on their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1059,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Talks and Media,Educational Material,"<a href=""Tianjin_hp4.jpg"">Tianjin_hp4.jpg</a>",Example of the team's biweekly newsletter for other iGEM teams,Magazine/Newspaper Article,iGEM Teams,"Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Write and distribute a Biweekly Newsletter, which was a collection of information and introduction about most iGEM teams and a better way to exchange teams' ideas conveniently
",,,,,,Made a biweekly newsletter for iGEM teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1060,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science and Education Exhibition in Open Day,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Set up exhibit at the team's university campus Open Day
  • Work with people of all ages and education levels to spark new scientific curiosity, enhance their understanding of synthetic biology, and establish a public dialogue outside the lab
  • Hold science lectures for students
",,,,,,Set up an exhibit on their university's open day to educate the general public about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1061,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,TUST Visit and Lecture,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members","
  • Connect with graduate students from TUST and discuss their interest in forming an iGEM team
  • Visit TUST, give a speech on how to set up and iGEM team and the benefits of joining iGEM
  • Continue communication with TUST via social media
",,,,,,Help TUST graduate school form an iGEM team.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1062,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Uses of Plastic Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey aiming to investigate the daily use of plastic products and the attitude of people toward the biodegradation of plastic,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Create survey
  • Distribute survey
  • Analyze results
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",686,Found that a majority of people have noticed recent severe plastics pollution and are not satisfied with existing disposal methods,,Surveyed the public on their daily use of plastic products and their opinion on biodegradation of plastic,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1063,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""Tianjin_hp5.jpg"">Tianjin_hp5.jpg</a>",Data and analysis of survey results,Survey,iGEM Teams,Educate on the iGEM program,
  • Design a survey to investigate the current situation of the development of iGEM nationally and internationally
  • Send the survey to other iGEM teams
,Quantitative,See wiki for detailed survey results,Over 100,,,Conducted a survey for iGEM teams about the iGEM program,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1064,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Baitangkou Primary School Visit,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Visit primary school and give a presentation on the topics of synthetic biology and plastic pollution/environmental awareness
  • Lead a discussion on how to deal with white pollution
,,,,Students were eager and enthusiastic ,,Lead a discussion about synthetic biology to primary school students.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1065,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Dagang No. 1 Middle School Visit,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Meet with middle school teacher, discuss synthetic biology and iGEM
  • Give a presentation to students about synthetic biology and iGEM
  • Answer questions from students
",,,,"Teacher commented on the importance of learning ""beyond the books,"" believed that iGEM could help students stay in touch with cutting edge technology in synthetic biology",,Meet with middle school teacher and middle schoolers to give a presentation on synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1066,Tianjin,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,PET Degradation Jigsaw Puzzle Game,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Jigsaw puzzle game used to teach children about PET Degradation,Education Activity,Primary School Students,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Design and implement online jigsaw puzzle ""scramble"" game
",,,,,,Design online jigsaw game about iGEM.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1067,TJU,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Handbook,Educational Material,,,,iGEM Teams,Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Create the Handbook, which consists of: iGEM introduction, team setup guidance, what you can get, excellent works exhibition, TJU team introduction, special thanks, and feedback
  • Create an assistance program for iGEM teams in China to help educate about the iGEM competition
",Qualitative,The team received feedback from other teams who found the handbook to be very helpful,6 teams,"In the future, the team will strive to promote the existing version of the Handbook and deliver it to even more schools around the world.",,Create a handbook for how to start an iGEM team,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1068,TJU,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,"Universitat des Saarlandes, Germany",Project Presentation,,,,"University Students, Professors","Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Receive a visiting group of researchers and students from Univeristät des Saarlandes, Germany, School of Chemical Engineering.
  • Talk with them about how to brainstorm ideas for a project
",,,,,,Received a group of visiting students and taught them about the scientific process,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1069,TJU,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,New Team Aid,"Project Presentation, Open Lab",,,,"iGEM Teams, University Students, Professors","Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project, Recruit iGEM members, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Visit TUST (Tianjin University of Science and Technology) and hold a lecture for students and professors
  • Introduce synthetic biology, iGEM, how to start an iGEM team, and introduce past iGEM projects
  • Provide 24-hour on and offline guidance for professors and students from TUST who had questions about starting a team
  • Invite students from TUST to intern with the team and gain experience to better form the TUST iGEM team next year
",Qualitative,"Written feedback from interns is available at <a href=""""></a> Team Aid ",50,,,Helped another school start an iGEM team,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1070,TJU,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Public Concerns,Survey,,,,General Public,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Get some feedback from non-professionals and assess their project in a more exhaustive view
  • Go on street, introduce their project to the public and let them express their concerns
",Integrated Human Practices,They are inspired to design the genetic circuit that works a safety guard from pollution. ,Over 40,,,Got feedback from professionals and the general public on their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1071,TJUSLS China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Children's Day,"Community Event, Open Lab",,,,General Public,Science Education,"
  • Give a short presentation on microorganisms and explain the process of phage infection of bacteria
  • Allow participants to observe a series of microorganisms under a microscope, including mold, penicillium, mucor
  • Discuss germs, importance of washing hands
",,,10 families,Children showed great enthusiasm and curiosity ,,Give presentation about iGEM and microorganisms to the general public.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1072,TJUSLS China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Tianjin Naipu Technology Co. Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Visit facility and discuss production, yield, and development of PET industry
  • Discuss project with manager
",Integrated Human Practices,"Used samples from factory in demonstration of project functionality. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Visit PET industry facility.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1073,TJUSLS China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Tianjin Environmental Protection Bureau Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Visit facility and understand current methods for plastic waste management
  • Discuss project with employees, specifically safety and implementation
",Integrated Human Practices,Led team to think more about implementation strategies and safety considerations,,,,Visit facility for plastics waste management.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1074,TJUSLS China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Professors Forum,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Invite 5 professors to campus
  • Present project and current ideas
  • Listen to advice and suggestions from professors
,Integrated Human Practices,"Implementation of project was inspired by advice from one of the professors. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Invite professors to campus to discuss their research.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1075,TJUSLS China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,White Crabapple Season Open Day,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Offer a number of easy experiments and science-related activities
  • Answer questions from participants
  • Offer information about iGEM and team's project
,,,,,,Offer easy experiments about synthetic biology to the public.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1076,TMMU China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Biosafety Consultation,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Present project idea to professor specializing in horizontal gene transfer and biosafety
  • Learn about biosafety levels and project-specific biosafety concerns
,,,,,,Consult professor about their iGEM project to discuss horizontal gene transfer and biosafety.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1077,TMMU China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Southwest Hospital Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit antibiotic resistance specialist at Southwest Hospital
  • Learn more about her research
  • Gain insight and advice on the importance of confronting antibiotic resistance
,,,,,,Consult antibiotic resistance specialist at a local hospital and discuss iGEM project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1078,TMMU China,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Coloring Book,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Design a synthetic biology-themed coloring book
  • Distribute coloring pages and collect colored works
  • Bring coloring book to iGEM Giant Jamboree
,,,200+,"Participants greatly enjoyed coloring book, learned about many synthetic biology concepts in the process",,Make synthetic biology themed coloring book.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1079,Tokyo Tech,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Ethics Symposium,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Scientific Community,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Gather 6 other researchers in the field of synthetic biology
  • Discuss the importance of ethical considerations in synthetic biology
  • Apply these ethical considerations to this year's project
,,,,It is important to emphasize that ethics considerations in synthetic biology are important not only to researchers but also to the general public; therefore they should be educated on these ethical issues as well.,,Discuss ethics in synthetic biology with other synthetic biology researchers.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1080,Tokyo Tech,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Science Communicator Consultation,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Contact professional science writer
  • Learn best ways to communicate scientific ideas to the public
  • Implement with iGEM project
,,,,,,Consult with science writer about best ways to present iGEM project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1081,Tokyo Tech,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Prof. Nakasaki,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with professor, present project idea
  • Discuss potential technical and economical applications for project
",Integrated Human Practices,"As a result of this discussion, team developed a new software application and designed an additional sub-project for investigation",,,,Consult with science professor about iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1082,Tokyo Tech,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Video Series,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a>",Three informational videos giving background information about synthetic biology and this year's project,Educational Video,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Post a series of informational videos about synthetic biology
  • Use and distribute these videos to educate general public
,,,,,,Post videos on synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1083,Tokyo Tech,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Card Game,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Card game about Tokyo Tech 2016 project. For card game rules, see <a href=""""></a>",Education Activity Protocol,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Design a synthetic biology-themed card game with the theme of this year's project
  • Post on wiki for accessibility
,,,,,,Design a synthetic biology themed card game.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1084,Tokyo Tech,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,May Festival ,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Participate in a poster session at Tokyo Tech for students and parents to visit and ask questions
,Qualitative,Feedback from participants,,,,Participate in poster session at Tokyo Tech.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1085,Tokyo Tech,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Suzukake Festival,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Participate in a poster session at Tokyo Tech for students and parents to visit and ask questions
,Qualitative,Feedback from participants,,,,Participate in poster session at Tokyo Tech.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1086,Tokyo Tech,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Homecoming Day,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Participate in a poster session at Tokyo Tech for students and parents to visit and ask questions
,Qualitative,Feedback from participants,,,,Participate in poster session at Tokyo Tech.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1087,Tokyo Tech,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,The prisoner’s dilemma game,Survey,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Design and execute a prisoner’s dilemma game to be played by the public, with regard to sustainability and safety of gene modification as a means to investigate public concerns surrounding GMOs
  • Improve the project with the comments from the public and create a two way dialogue
",,,,,,"Created a game to discuss ethics, safety, and social justice in synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1088,Tokyo Tech,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,High School Visits,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Evaluation method for project storyline review by high school and middle school students,Survey,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Visit 6 different high schools
  • Survey students before lecture on opinions and knowledge regarding synthetic biology
  • Give a short lecture on synthetic biology, iGEM, and the project
  • Survey students once again to determine what they have learned and whether opinions have changed
",Quantitative,"Surveyed students before and after teaching them about synthetic biology. Detailed data can be found at the following links: <a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a>",269,"Gained many insights from students, were able to modify and improve their project based on student opinions",,Survey high school students on synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1089,Toulouse,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Giant Jamboree Training: International Exposciences in Brussels,Fair Booth,,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Attend International ExpoSciences in Brussels
  • Present iGEM project and the iGEM competition to other scientists
,,,,,,Presented iGEM project at the International ExpoSciences conference,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1090,Toulouse,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Discussion with Beekeepers,Project Presentation,,,,"Scientific Community, Professors",Present iGEM Project,
  • Connect with various beekeepers via newspaper articles
  • Explain the project and how synthetic biology can be used to help beekeepers
,,,,,,Contacted beekeepers and discussed synthetic biology with them.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1091,Toulouse,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Meet-Up in Bordeaux,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>",A video of the team explaining how they addressed biosafety in their project,"Interview, Educational Video, Video of Activity","iGEM Teams, General Public",Present iGEM Project,
  • Participate in the Bordeaux Meetup
  • Present project in French and English at the CapSciences museum to an audience of iGEM teams and members of the general public
  • Watch other teams' presentations
  • Discuss biosafety with other teams
,,,,,,Participated in a meetup and discussed biosafety with other iGEM teams.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1092,Toulouse,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,ExpoSciences Midi-Pyrénées,"Teaching Activity, Fair Booth","<a href=""""></a>",Protocol for banana DNA extraction,Education Activity Protocol,Primary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Attend the regional ExpoSciences fair in Toulouse
  • Teach children about how to extract DNA from bananas
  • Talk about how DNA is used in synthetic biology
,Qualitative,Teachers told the that their demonstration was very well designed and easy to understand,,The activity was a good starting point for talking about synthetic biology,,Attended the ExpoSciences fair and taught children how to extract DNA from bananas.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1093,Toulouse,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Communication in Junior High School,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Attend a science class at a local junior high school and meet with students
  • Present iGEM project and lead a discussion about their project
  • Explain the basics of synthetic biology
  • Lead a banana DNA extraction
,,,,The activity taught them how to adapt their speech to a young audience. The experience the team acquired there was put to good use later and made them able to switch from a full science explanation to a simpler overview of their project.,,Led a presentation on their iGEM project and synthetic biology at a local junior high school.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1094,Toulouse France,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Scientific Community Advice,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Get in touch with the scientists and managers who are taking care of the cave
  • Design an antifungal module as well as a bacteria predation module that would be expressed in B. subtilis, a usual inhabitant of the caves
  • Develop a friendly open source program to simulate the efficiency of killing of the preys depending on the prey/predator ratio
",Qualitative,"People in charge of the cave were pleased by our initiative and told us that the threats for the frescoes were mainly due to ochroconis and fusarium and that these fungi could grow thanks to the biofilms of the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens; Although they agreed that the project was an original way to conserve the frescoes, they were concerned by the initial probiotic design of the project, which aimed to modify the microbiota of the caves",,Realized that the ecosystem is important for the integrity of the caves and of the frescoes; Strongly modified their project so that their modified bacterium would stay physically confined and would have a limited lifespan and would have no easy way of exchanging genetic materials with other species,,Design an antifungal module after consult with cave experts.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1095,Toulouse France,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Ethics Issues Integration,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Meet with Vincent Grégoire-Delory, an ethicist who could help with the elaboration of our ethical reflection
  • Participate in a workshop on Genetically Modified Microorganisms organized by the “Plateforme Génétique and Société”
  • Attend a seminar on genome editing given by the Pr. Père Puigdomenech from Barcelona, member of European ethics committees
  • Discuss with Dr Anne Cambon-Thomsen, Head of the “Plateforme Génétique and Société” of Toulouse
",Qualitative,Had an intense and productive introspection; debated about the necessity of saving art and of using the powerful synthetic biology approach to do so,,"Besides confirming that it was necessary to take efficient precautions to prevent any dissemination of our modified bacterium, several concrete parts of the project have resulted from these discussions",,Meet with ethicists to discuss the ethics of their project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1096,Toulouse France,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Biosafety and Biosecurity,Educational Material,,,,Scientific Community,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Investigate a way to minimize, if not prevent, dissemination of our strain
  • Write exhaustive description of safety methods and their adaptation to their subject to ensure security and prevent bio dissemination
  • Explore the ethical issues of using GMO and their consequences in their project.
",,,,,,Explore ethical issues of using GMOs in their project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1097,Toulouse France,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Educational Kit for Schools ,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",An educational kit for primary and secondary schools that explains biology concepts and the concept of DNA. It contains instructions for simple experiments and provides information about precautions to take when dealing with GMOs,Education Activity Protocol,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students",Science Education,
  • Create an education kit that makes biology education accessible to all through the use of simple experiments
  • Introduce biology concepts including the concept of DNA and how it relates to synthetic biology
  • Discuss precautions to take with synthetic biology especially when handling genetically modified organisms
,,,,,,Create and distribute an educational kit on synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1098,Toulouse France,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Educational Multi-Language Videos ,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Educational tutorial videos about PCR, digestion, ligation and transformation in different languages ",Educational Video,"Secondary School Students, University Students, iGEM Teams",Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Make educational videos on PCR, digestion, ligation and transformation to allow anyone with the right equipment to perform the procedures
  • Collaborate with other iGEM teams to translate the videos into different languages to reach more people
",Qualitative,Published the educational videos on youtube ,,,,Make education videos on common lab techniques.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1099,Toulouse France,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Theater Play about GMOs,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A 15 min theater play to explain what GMOs are and encourage debate among the public,Video of Activity,General Public ,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Create a 15 min play to discuss GMOs and discuss the pros and cons of GMOs
  • Educate the public about GMOs
  • Encourage debate among the public about ethical concerns related to GMOs
,,,,,,Create a 15 minutes play to discuss GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1100,Toulouse France,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Discussion with the Public,Teaching Activity,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Participate in various scientific events to promote synthetic biology
  • Educate at the Toulouse Museum of Natural History on the topic of Genetics by having an animated stand on bacterial diversity, explaining importance of handwashing by showing Petri plates inoculated from clean or dirty hands, viewing bacteria through microscopes
  • Present iGEM project at Toulouse’s Exposciences
  • Educate at the European Night of Sciences by explaining synthetic biology using a model and doing banana DNA extraction
",,,,,,Participate in public events about science education to discuss their iGEM project and synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1101,TrinityCollegeDublin,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews with Experts,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interviews with experts on malaria,Interview,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Conduct three interviews with experts on malaria
  • Record and publish the interviews
,,,,,,Interviewed experts on malaria and published the recorded interviews.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1102,TrinityCollegeDublin,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Trinity College Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Detailed survey data under the heading ""Outreach-- Survey""",Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Conduct a survey asking about opinions on malaria and synthetic biology
  • Survey an equal number of people who were below and above the age of thirty and compare results
,Quantitative,"Detailed results can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Conducted a survey about synthetic biology and malaria with the general public.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1103,TrinityCollegeDublin,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Outreach: Presentation for Children,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Teach children how to make DNA models from pipe cleaners as a way to explain DNA structure and how it works
  • Lead the children through an activity involving DNA extraction from their own saliva
  • Teach children about transformation by showing them glowing red E. coli cells through a UV spectrophotometer
  • Explain iGEM project to parents
,,,,The team realized the general public is not very aware of malaria (the topic of their iGEM project),,Led a workshop for children about molecular and synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1104,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Project Seminar ,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"University Students, Professors, Scientific Community","Discuss Ethics and Safety, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Present project idea and details to a group of professors and talented students
  • Discuss the technical feasibility, safety and ethical considerations of the project
",Integrated Human Practices,Integrated feedback from participants into future directions for project,,Discussion prompted team to further consider ethical and safety impacts of project; redesigned quantification model and built in safety control termination as a result,,Discuss iGEM project with fellow professors and students.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1105,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Mini-Jamboree,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Hold an iGEM mini-jamboree for freshman biology university students at the beginning of the fall semester.
  • Have the students break into groups after educating them about synthetic biology and iGEM, and discuss potential iGEM projects.
  • Have the students present their ideas.
",,,,,,Held a mini-iGEM jamboree for freshman biology students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1106,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Attending Conferences,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Attend iGEM meetups at NCTU in Taiwan and the China Community of iGEM Competition Summit
  • Listen to other teams iGEM projects and present their own project.
,,,,,,Participated in iGEM meetups,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1107,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Lab Visiting and Experiment Violence,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Invite high school seniors into the lab.
  • Go over lab safety rules and cover simple biology experiments that center around synthetic biology.
,,,,,,Taught high school seniors about synthetic biology lab techniques,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1108,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Workshop,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Give a lecture about the basics of molecular and synthetic biology
  • Prompt students to give ideas for potential synthetic biology projects
  • Demonstrate genetic cloning techniques in the lab
,,,,Students gave lots of positive feedback and provided many insightful comments and ideas,,Give a lecture on synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1109,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,International Festival of Technology,Community Event,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Showcase an illuminated display of fluorescent bacteria of different colors
  • Share fun facts about DNA, include a giveaway for participants who can guess fun facts correctly
  • Discuss project
",,,,Reaction of crowd was very positive and enthusiastic,,Showcase fluorescent bacterial cells to promote awareness of synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1110,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,The iGEM Community,Community Event,,,,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Networking ",
  • Collaborate with other teams to come up with application scenarios that would demonstrate the usefulness of the team's DIY printer and the biolink system
,,,,The work of team Amsterdam and TU Delft shows how combining separate iGEM projects can unlock new solutions to existing problems that could lead to highly disruptive innovations.,,Collaborated with other teams to come up with application scenarios,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1111,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology in Action,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"Specialized Audience, iGEM Teams, Vendors/Businesses","Present iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Policy Outreach","
  • Participate in the ""Synthetic Biology in Action"" conference
  • Along with other Dutch teams, present iGEM projects
  • Have a discussion on the pros and cons of iGEM's open source mentality
  • Attend a party where the general audience can mingle and learn information from the legislators and intellectuals in synthetic biology
",Qualitative,Almost everyone saw the benefits in an open source system as used by the iGEM community,,,,Collaborated with other iGEM teams to host a synthetic biology conference for the general public,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1112,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Nikon Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit European Nikon Headquarters
  • Discuss project and potential applications
,,,,Learned about new obstacles and relevant challenges that their project would face in order to become truly applicable,,Discuss iGEM project at European NIKON headquarters.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1113,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Olympus Visit,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Networking",
  • Discuss project with application specialist
  • Ask about potential applications for project; ask about potential for patent
  • Discuss challenges to business plan
,Integrated Human Practices,Learned about the most relevant applications for the project; determined how to best refine their business plan,,,,Discuss project with application specialists.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1114,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Risk Assessment Tool,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a> Downloadable link under ""The Analysis of Our Own Tool""",An easy-to-use interface allowing teams to evaluate potential biosafety risks for their own project,Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Build risk assessment tool that evaluates chemical risks and GMO risks, and builds risk matrices to visually represent biosafety risks
  • Use risk assessment tool to evaluate own project
  • Make tool downloadable for future teams
",Integrated Human Practices,Performed risk analysis on their own project; took into account most relevant risks and addressed them,,,,Build risk assessment tool; use it to evaluate own project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1115,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,iGEM Analysis,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",An analysis of the history of iGEM and suggestions for how to improve iGEM in the future,Research Paper,"iGEM Teams, Specialized Audience","Educate on the iGEM program, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Extensively analyze iGEM participants and requirements in the pasts
  • Build suggestions for the future of iGEM
  • Post extensive analysis on wiki for easy access by iGEM organizers and other teams
,,,,,,Analyze past iGEm participation from past projects.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1116,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,iGEM Toolbox,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a> Example pages under ""igem Toolbox""","A collection of useful Education, Software, and Policy online tools made by past iGEM teams",Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,Educate on the iGEM program,
  • Gather a collection of educational and software tools made by past iGEM teams
  • Communicate with iGEM HQ to ease implementation/publication of this collection for use by future teams
,,,,Advised iGEM HQ to develop an iGEM HQ page,,Gather education and software tools used by iGEM teams.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1117,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Biolink Policy and Practice Tool,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Excel Sheet to calculate the algorithm of policy, practice and risk involved in an iGEM project ",Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,Educate on the iGEM program,
  • Devise a tool used for testing both the team management and the direct application of iGEM project
  • Create an Excel file that can be used by other teams to calculate the risks of their project
,Quantitative ,"Detailed quantitative data from their project can be found under the ""Results"" heading at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Created an excel sheet for other iGEM teams to assess the safety and ethical risks of their projects,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1118,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Biolink - Business Plan,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Business plan for iGEM project guideline and an example proposal of the team's own project,Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,"Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project ","
  • Aim to help other iGEM teams by providing a guideline for writing a successful business plan
  • Make a business plan for the team's own project, Biolink
",,,,,,Provided a guideline for writing a successful business plan to other iGEM teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1119,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Faculty Family Festival,Fair Booth,,,,Specialized Audience,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Give participants an overview of iGEM and this year's project
  • Allow participants to look into a lego microscope
  • Offer a pipetting workshop
,,,,,,Offer pipetting workshop.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1120,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,A Day of Wonder,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Explain the basic concepts of synthetic biology and the iGEM competition
  • Design puzzles to explain how genes can be transferred from one bacteria to the other
  • Bring microscope lens to show people how magnification works
  • Ask people to write down their initial thoughts when they hear about how bacteria works
  • Borrow a functional 3D printer and show the device to people
,,,,,,Explain the basic concepts of synthetic biology and the iGEM competition at the Day of Wonder Fair,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1121,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Experts' Opinions,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","A questionnaire seeking answers related to biofilm-related ecosystem entities (industry, ethics, regulations, social responsibility, business, research, etc.)",Interview,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • To predict how Biolink can impact society and industry, ask researchers, scientists, and managers that have experience in biofilm or 3D printer related fields
",Integrated Human Practices,"They found that compared to the highly regulated clinical testing, their project may offer an easier and less controversial option for testing biofilms and anti-biofilm products",,,,"Consulted researchers, scientists, and managers that had experience in biofilm or 3D printer related fields",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1122,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Weekend Van De Wetenschap (National Science Weekend),"Open Lab, Community Event",,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Welcome general public into open lab
  • Perform kiwi DNA extraction
,,,,,,Do DNA extraction from kiwis for general public.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1123,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Campus Party,Project Presentation,,,,Specialized Audience,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Begin presentation with an overview of synthetic biology as a field
  • Present project
  • Gauge audience opinions on synthetic biology
,Qualitative,Asked audience questions about their opinions on different aspects of synthetic biology,,,,Present synthetic biology and iGEM project to audience.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1124,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bessensap,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Present iGEM project at a national conference of scientists, journalists, and other science communicators
",,,,,,Present iGEM project at National Conference of Scientists.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1125,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bio3Dimensions – Business Case,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Give a general introduction to iGEM, synthetic biology, and the team's project
  • Assign team members to tutor groups of three
  • Have the different groups use one of the team's applications or come up with one on their own
  • Organize a free barbecue with drinks
",,,,"Everyone enjoyed the evening, and the team received constructive feedback from the participants",,"Gave a general introduction to iGEM, synthetic biology, and the team's project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1126,TU Delft,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science Center ,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,Science Education,
  • Display the same type of 3D printer as the team's bio-printer and set up a workshop to inspire children
  • Let them design their own imaginary bacterium
,,,,,,Led a 3D bioprinter activity for children,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1127,TU_Darmstadt,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Experts,Consult Experts,,,,"Professors, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Consult various experts related to their project, including professors with experience in tissue engineering, 3D printing, and chemistry
",,,,,,Consulted experts on tissue engineering and 3D printing,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1128,TU_Darmstadt,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Community Lab Panel,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Talk about the pros, cons, and possible trends of community labs with some community lab members and iGEM team RWTH Aachen
  • Discuss the socio-cultural advantages of synthetic biology, where the field may be headed, legal aspects, and risks of the field.
",,,,,,Met with local community lab members and discussed synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1129,TU_Darmstadt,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Couchsurfing for iGEMers,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>",Website that connects iGEM teams together,Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Collaborate with NTNU Trondheim to design a website that helps iGEM teams connect with each other beyond the jamboree.
  • Set up a website that allows for each individual iGEMer to set up a profile of themselves that details their research, school, and degree.
  • Also allow for connected team profiles that allows teams to publish about their projects.
  • A registered member can search on a world map for iGEM teams as well, and design an algorithm that helps match teams to each other.
",,,,,,Created a website to enable iGEM collaborations,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1130,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Open Days,Community Event,,,,University Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
  • Explain the basic concept of synthetic biology
  • Explain iGEM and its importance
,,,,,,Introduced synthetic biology and iGEM to new university students in an open lab event.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1131,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Discussion with Stakeholders,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Reach out to various potential stakeholders in their project, including scientists, researchers, journalists, policy makers, and professors.
  • Discuss the possible future scenarios surrounding their project, and the challenges the team will have to overcome.
  • Write up a summary of the discussions had and publish on their wiki.
",,,,,,Consults potential stakeholder experts such as policy makers about what to focus on when designing their project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1132,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Bureau GGO Discussion,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Contact Bureau GGO, who regulate the use of GMOs in the Netherlands, to discuss their iGEM project.
  • Discuss the bioethics of GMOs and how their project could be applicable
  • Learn more about the regulations surrounding GMOs and establish contact with the group for future reference.
",Integrated Human Practices,Learned necessary information about the regulation of GMOs,,,,Consult experts to learn about the regulation of GMOs and how that applies to their project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1133,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Lesson Plans,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a> Downloadable links under ""Synthetic Biology Lessons""","Two detailed lesson plans on ""Synthetic Biology in the Lab"" and ""Synthetic Biology in Society"" including powerpoint presentations, lesson outlines and worksheets",Education Activity Protocol,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Construct two powerpoint presentations on synthetic biology in the lab and in society
  • Write accompanying lesson outlines for teachers to follow
  • Design worksheets for students to supplement the lesson
,,,,,,Constructed a lesson plan about synthetic biology with accompanying worksheets.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1134,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,NIBI Bionieuws,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a> under ""NIBI Bionieuws""",A newspaper advertisement with a description of iGEM and short descriptions for each team native to the Netherlands,Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,Educate on the iGEM program,
  • Contact news company
  • Write a brief description of project for article advertisement
,,,,,,Featured information about the team in a newspaper advertisement.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1135,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Safe By Design,"Educational Material, Conference/Panel Discussion","<a href=""""></a>",A simple animation discussing the safety aspects of synthetic biology,Educational Video,"Scientific Community, General Public",Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Give a presentation to other iGEM teams on this year's project in the context of biosafety concerns
  • Have a discussion with other teams and conference attendees on the possibilities and limits of synthetic biology
  • Learn about GMO policy in the Netherlands
  • Involve society in the debate on safety in synthetic biology by designing an easy-to-understand video animation
,Integrated Human Practices,"Emphasized investigations of safety concerns when designing project, implemented several strategies to ensure that project was safe",,,,Gave presentation to other iGEM teams on the project in the context of biosafety concerns,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1136,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Dream and Dare Festival,Fair Booth,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Culture bacteria from smartphones, tables, banisters on petri dishes
  • Discuss bacteria with children
  • Explain iGEM competition and this year's project to parents
",,,,,,Cultured bacteria from household surfaces as a demonstration for a community event.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1137,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,SynBio Convention,"Project Presentation, Consult Experts",,,,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
  • Attend a synthetic biology convention by the National Institute for Public Health and Environment and the Rathenau Institute.
  • Present iGEM project to the crowd.
,,,,,,"Present their project to a crowd familiar with synthetic biology, and receive feedback.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1138,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Community Outreach Evening,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Hold and evening where members of the general public can learn about synthetic biology from the team.
  • Present their iGEM project, allow with critical background knowledge in biology for understanding synthetic biology.
  • Discuss GMO use in the human body, the role of GMOs with pesticides, detecting disease in cattle, and the role of synthetic biology in society.
",,,,,,Hold an evening for the general public to teach them about synthetic biology and GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1139,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Detecting Ethics with Future Biomedical Students,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Demonstrate that their DIY printer and the biolink system form a useful addition to the iGEM community.
,,,,,,Educate high school students on synthetic biology and the ethics surrounding the topic. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1140,Tuebingen,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Lectures at the Theatre Freiburg,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Attend lectures and events at ""RE-ENGINEERING LIFE oder WOLLEN WIR UNENDLICH SEIN?"", an event organized by artists to help scientists get in touch with interested members of the public
  • Act as scientific experts in a ""speed dating"" question and answer session, with one on one conversations with members of the interested public
",,,,,,Discussing and educating on synthetic biology at a artist organized event,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1141,Tuebingen,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,SchoolClass@Lab,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Give an overview of PCR and other synthetic biology techniques to high school seniors
  • Perform a hands on experiment to prove the existence of CRY1Ab, a toxic corn gene
  • Have students interpret results and discuss possible errors, and what they learned
",,,40,,,"A hands on lab activity with high school seniors, that introduced them to basic synthetic biology lab techniques",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1142,U of C Calgary,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,aGEM Workshop,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Networking",
  • aGEM competition: help prepare the Alberta high school and collegiate teams for international competition by imitating the presentation at the Jamboree and meeting judges
  • Provide feedback for each other
  • Share wet lab protocols to improve other teams' projects
,Qualitative,"Helped understand the needs of other iGEM teams and how contribution and collaboration can be used, showed them strengths and weaknesses of their own project, and networking with other teams and discuss interests in synthetic biology ",,,,Organized a mock iGEM jamboree for fellow teams; provided feedback and information about lab protocols.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1143,U of C Calgary,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Interview professionals,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Interview professionals who utilize ionizing radiation or are exposed to it
  • Tour a hospital to understand the process of receiving ionizing radiation in radiotherapy
,Qualitative,Ionizing radiation only poses a small risk in medicine; rate of cancer caused by medical uses of ionizing radiation is very low. Engineered controls in medical facilities are both cost-effective and efficient protection methods,,The results of this research led the team to research other sources of ionizing radiation,,Interviewed professionals about ionizing radiation and radiotherapy,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1144,U of C Calgary,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with representatives from 3M and Dow Corning,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss current materials used for drug delivery
  • Modify current design using the information
,Qualitative,Increased knowledge of iGEM team members about project background,,Changed design depending on best possible available materials,,Learned about current methods of drug delivery and how to design their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1145,U of C Calgary,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Connected UrbanTundra_Edmonton HS team with contacts,Consult Experts,,,,iGEM Teams,Networking,
  • Help fellow HS iGEM team connect with experts in the space field
,Qualitative,Answered the team’s question and gained a new perspective on the economics of syn bio and space that was not considered previously,,,,Assisted a high school iGEM team with contacting experts in their field of interest.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1146,U of C Calgary,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Policy brief,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A policy brief addressing biotherapeutic regulation,"Policy, Research Paper",Legislators,Policy Outreach,
  • Advise policy makers on current gaps in regulation concerning the use of engineered organisms in drug applications
  • Work with an expert in the field
  • Develop a policy brief to address regulatory gaps
,Qualitative,Created a policy brief that is available to the public,,,,Created a policy brief to address current gaps in legislation regarding synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1147,U of C Calgary,Undergraduate,2016,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,A lesson plan on the ethics of synthetic biology,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",An intro to synthetic biology curriculum for university students,Education Activity Protocol,"University Students, Professors","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety ",
  • Collaborate with Guanajuato Mexico to develop an intro to synthetic biology curriculum (specifically ethics of synthetic biology)
  • Design a debate on the justification of using synthetic biology in a case study
  • Present curriculum to biotechnology students from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
,Qualitative,Exposed more students to ethical dilemmas and viewpoints in synthetic biology and gained a better understanding of how the public perceives issues in synthetic biology. ,,"Many students showed interest in participating in iGEM in the future, increased interest in synthetic biology ",,Created a synthetic biology curriculum and used it to teach a course for students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1148,U of C Calgary,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Let's Talk Science Booth,Fair Booth,,,,"Secondary School Students, Teachers",Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Guide HS students through strawberry DNA extraction
  • Describe the purpose of each step
  • Invite students to consider chemical and biological processes behind the procedure
  • Discuss availability of synthetic biology in HS curriculum with teachers
,Quantitative,"Verbal feedback from teachers: found that synthetic biology is rarely encouraged as part of the science curriculum, but that many teachers and students show an interest. Tracked demographics for participants. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Led students through a strawberry DNA extraction activity at a fair booth.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1149,U of C Calgary,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Beakerhead and Beakernight,"Fair Booth, Community Event",,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Allow participants to streak out fluorescent bacteria on plates
  • Incubate overnight
  • Display plates under blacklight as art piece
  • Discuss bacterial transformation and lab safety with participants
,Quantitative,"Tracked demographics for participants. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Streaked fluorescent bacteria on plates with participants and displayed the plates as an art piece,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1150,U of C Calgary,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Minds in Motion summer camp,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>","Protocol under ""Minds in Motion"" header. Team designed a genetic engineering game, with balloons representing bacterial cells and yarn representing DNA. Simulated DNA extraction, recombination, transformation, and electrophoresis by popping balloon, cutting/recombining yarn, inserting into new balloon, and re-popping balloon and comparing yarn fragment sizes. ",Education Activity Protocol,Primary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Design and teach an hour-long lesson on DNA structure, function, and modification, and introduce the theme of synthetic biology
",Quantitative,"Tracked demographics for participants. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,"Created and taught a lesson on DNA structure, function, and modification ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1151,U of C Calgary,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,TELUS Spark Adults Only Night: Hack It,"Teaching Activity, Fair Booth","<a href=""""></a>",Protocol for DNAquiri DNA extraction cocktail. Not designed by team or featured on the wiki but protocol is freely available online. ,Education Activity Protocol,Specialized Audience,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Perform DNA extraction cocktail protocol with help from adult participants
  • Discuss biological processes behind each step
  • Explain how this procedure would translate to a lab setting and what extracted DNA can be used for
,Quantitative,"Tracked demographics for participants. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,"Synthetic biology was a new topic to many participants, but sparked curiosity and interest",,Performed DNA extraction with help from adult participants and discussed the biological processes involved ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1152,UAM Poznan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Poznan Festival of Science and Art,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Explain lab safety rules and possible ways to assemble genetic constructs
  • Guide students through protein extraction of GFP or RFP from cells
  • Demonstrate gel electrophoresis
,,,,,,Explained lab safety rules and ways to assemble genetic constructs to students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1153,UAM Poznan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Night of Biologists,"Open Lab, Community Event",,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Allow students to register for event online
  • Explain lab safety rules and possible ways to assemble genetic constructs
  • Guide students through protein extraction of GFP or RFP from cells
  • Demonstrate gel electrophoresis
,,,,,,Guided students through protein extraction of GFP or RFP from cells,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1154,UAM Poznan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Poznan High School Student Visit ,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Discuss lab safety rules
  • Explain field of synthetic biology, explain this year's iGEM project
  • Guide students through gel electrophoresis, demonstrate difference between linear and circular plasmids
  • Describe stages of recombinant protein production, allow students to perform protein extraction
",,,,,,Explained field of synthetic biology and iGEM project to students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1155,UAM Poznan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,KNP Conference,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Give an oral presentation of iGEM project
  • Present two different posters during poster session: one detailing expression system, and the other discussing practical uses of expression system
",,,,,,Presented iGEM project and presented two different posters during poster session,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1156,UAM Poznan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,EMBO Young Scientists Forum,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Present two different posters at poster sessions: “Building sugar induced, multi-promoter expression system for Escherichia coli.” and “Xylose-induced promoters for recombinant protein expression in E.coli.”
  • Receive advice and feedback from audience
",,,,,,Presented two different posters and received feedback from audience,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1157,UAM Poznan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,European Researchers' Night,"Open Lab, Community Event",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Explain lab safety rules and possible ways to assemble genetic constructs
  • Guide students through protein extraction of GFP or RFP from cells
  • Demonstrate gel electrophoresis
,,,80,,,Explained lab safety rules and ways to assemble genetic constructs to students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1158,UAM Poznan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,High School from Wronki,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Introduce lab safety rules and briefly explain genetic engineering
  • Discuss polymerase chain reaction process
  • Guide students through PCR and protein extraction, allowing students to choose what they want to amplify and extract
",,,18,Event was a great success,,Introduced lab safety rules and explain genetic engineering and guided students through PCRs and protein extraction,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1159,UAM Poznan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Turek High School Student Visit,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Explain lab safety rules and possible ways to assemble genetic constructs
  • Guide students through protein extraction of GFP or RFP from cells
  • Demonstrate gel electrophoresis
,,,48,,,Explained lab safety rules and ways to assemble genetic constructs to students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1160,UAM Poznan,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,GMO Survey,Survey,,,,Secondary School Students,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • At two different large community events, distribute surveys to high school students and log responses
",Quantitative,"Asked participants a series of questions about synthetic biology and GMOs. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""Surveys""",124,"Most high school students knew what GMOs were, and many had no opinion on the use of GMOs, possibly because of incomplete understanding or contradictory information from different sources. When survey listed some useful applications of GMOs, more students gave positive responses, but still almost a quarter of students gave no opinion. Most students had not heard of synthetic biology until participating in workshops with iGEM",,Surveyed opinion of high school students on GMOs and synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1161,UB_Indonesia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Village Dengue Surveys,Survey,,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Collaborate with the Ministry of Health
  • Work in East Java, an area of Indonesia where dengue is a big problem, to conduct surveys in villages
  • Collect statistics on the occurrence of dengue fever
",Quantitative,"Prevalence of dengue fever was 9,000 patients in 2014 and rose to 10,000 in the first half of 2015. There is underdiagnosis of dengue because there is low awareness of the signs and symptoms.",,,,"Collaborated with the local health department to administer a survey to determine the prevalence of dengue in East Java Province, Indonesia.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1162,UB_Indonesia,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Collaboration with East Java Province Health Department,Teaching Activity,,,,"Specialized Audience, General Public","Activism for iGEM Project, Policy Outreach","
  • Work with the health department in Kediri City in the East Java Province and Kyushu Medical, a Japanese company, to set up dengue prevention programs
  • Recruit local volunteers and train them in how to prevent dengue by recognizing symptoms and possible vectors
  • Check in once a month to monitor how well volunteers are doing in preventing dengue
",Quantitative,"A. aegypti as the primary vector are more in households (69%) and A. albopictus as the secondary vector are less in households (31%). Detailed results can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,"Worked with the local health department to create a dengue prevention program in East Java Province, Indonesia.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1163,UC Davis,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Mars Advanced Research Division Meeting,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Learn about demand for natural food dyes
  • Discuss which colors are most difficult to produce with natural products
  • Take into account acidity of candy coatings in which dye product would potentially be used
,Integrated Human Practices,Learned about demand in food dye industry; decided to focus efforts on blue dyes that can be produced in organisms with high resistance to acidity based on demand concerns,,,,Learned about demand for natural food dyes from meeting with Mars Advanced Research Division,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1164,UC Davis,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Dr. Bruce German Interview,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss benefits of healthy gut flora and the collaboration between human and bacterium that occurs in every body from birth
,Qualitative,Received advice from scientist on future directions for project,,"Dr. German suggested that not only could dye operate as a protein, but within a vector like bacillus subtilis one could create probiotic food in any color and really expand potential health effects of the project",,Discussed benefits of a healthy gut flora in interview with Dr. Bruce German,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1165,UC Davis,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Dr. Jenny Rooke Interview,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Talk to investor in synthetic biology startup companies
  • Discussed external and internal factors that are relevant in her decisions to invest in a company
  • Focus on different governmental regulations altering investment decisions in emerging technologies
,,,,,,Talked to investor in synthetic biology startup companies,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1166,UC Davis,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Arcadia BioScience Meeting,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss regulatory experience with a nature identical product and the different types of testing and thresholds that are required by the FDA
,,,,Helped to understand perspective of career scientists on the issue of GMO mandatory labelling,,Discussed different types of testing and thresholds required by the FDA,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1167,UC Davis,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Dr. Ron Shigenta Interview,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss struggles involved in bringing emerging synthetic biology products to market and different strategies for navigating public relations and start-ups in a developing field
,,,,,,Discussed struggles involved in bringing new synthetic biology products to the market,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1168,UC Davis,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Cupcake Alley Meeting,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Ask local cupcake business about natural colorings and their experiences trying to avoid allergens and use of natural products
,,,,Company specifically requested blue natural dyes,,Asked local cupcake business about natural colorings and their experiences in trying to avoid allergens,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1169,UC Davis,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Prof. Daniel A. Farber Meeting,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Learn about fraud litigation and GE food dye
,,,,,,Learned about fraud litigation and GE food dye,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1170,UC Davis,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Safe By Design,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A detailed description of the safety aspects of their iGEM project,Paper on Safety,iGEM Teams,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Consider fundamental health risks, work to meet government-mandated health standards
  • Consider dietetic and social/sociological public health risks of project
",Integrated Human Practices,Chose ultimate vector to be a Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) organism to ensure safety of consumption,,,,Considered fundamental health risks of their project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1171,UC Davis,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,SYNENERGENE collaboration,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","A detailed description of practical application and implementation considerations for their iGEM project, including the practical and ethical aspects of product labeling of ""nature-identical"" food products from GMOs",Paper on Ethics,Scientific Community,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Thoroughly explore Application Scenario and Techno-Moral Scenario from SYNENERGENE
,,,,,,Explored Application Scenario and Techno-Moral Scenario from SYNERGENE,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1172,UC Davis,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,How to Conduct Ethical Interventions in iGEM Surveys,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","A guide for future iGEM teams on how to conduct surveys that comply with human experimentation rights requirements, how to complete institutional review process","Paper on Ethics, Tool for iGEM Teams",iGEM Teams,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Discuss what an Institutional Review Board is and why it matters
  • Explain what Exempt from Review is and how a team can comply
  • Provide additional tips on how teams can create a usable survey
,,,,,,Created a guide for iGEM teams to understand and get IRB approval,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1173,UC Davis,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,"""Beyond Artificial"" Policy Paper",Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Policy review on considerations for food labeling for products of genetic engineering globally, with an examination of extremely recent regulatory changes in the United States as a text case. Also provides suggestions for future policy changes.","Paper on Ethics, Paper on Safety, Policy","Scientific Community, Legislators, Vendors/Businesses","Discuss Ethics and Safety, Policy Outreach",
  • Review global policy on food labeling regulations for products of genetic engineering
  • Discuss recent regulatory changes in United States as a case study
  • Provide recommendations for local and global regulation
,,,,,,"Wrote a review on global food labeling regulations of genetically engineered foods, as well as additional recommendations that may be useful",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1174,UC Davis,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Farmers Market Survey,Survey,,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Obey internal review board exception policy while surveying farmer's market patrons
  • Interview patrons at the Davis farmer’s market in order to learn more about the public’s understanding and expectations regarding genetically altered labelling
,,,,,,Surveyed farmers market patrons to learn about their understanding and expectations regarding genetically-altered labelling,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1175,UC_Davis,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Triclosan Policy Brief ,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","A policy brief discussing the history of chemical regulation, as well as numerous interviews with experts in various fields related to the overuse of Triclosan","Research Paper, Policy",Specialized Audience ,Policy Outreach,
  • Do background research on the history of wastewater treatment and chemical regulation
  • Examine DDT as a case study of chemical regulatory failure
  • Conduct interviews with experts to discuss policy
,,,,,,"A policy brief on antimicrobial use, constructed from numerous meetings with professors as well as government environmental and chemical regulators ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1176,UC_Davis,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,UC Davis Lesson Plan,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Lesson plan, assessment, and powerpoint presentation for a unit on antimicrobial resistance as a practical application of the STEM fields and biology",Education Activity Protocol,"Secondary School Students, Teachers","Science Education, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Work with Community Resources for Science (CRS) to design a lesson plan that fits the Next Generation Science Standards
  • Meet with teachers and consider potential constraints to the implementation of the lesson plan
  • Identify teaching goals for lesson plan
  • Create assessments that teachers can use to gauge student's understanding in preparation for state based assessments, as well as to determine whether the teaching goals were successful
",,,,,,A high school lesson plan for the AP biology curriculum designed to teach about the issues surrounding antimicrobial resistance with hands on exercises,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1177,UC_Davis,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Antimicrobial Footprint App,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Activism for iGEM Project, Science Education ",
  • Design an app that teaches about responsible use of antimicrobial agents and how a person's consumption of specific products contributes to the use of Triclosan daily and yearly
,,,,,,"An app that educates on responsible antimicrobial use, as well as provides users a way to determine how much Triclosan they use every day",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1178,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Irish Science Week,Community Event,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Provide an introduction to DNA and genetic engineering
  • Guide participants through banana DNA extraction
  • Allow participants to ""paint"" with fluorescent bacteria
",,,,,,"Created a video introduction to DNA, genetic engineering and banana DNA extraction",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1179,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,IndieBio Collaboration,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with CEO of Spira, visit lab and learn about process of building a synthetic biology startup
  • Interview founder of SOSV and learn what investors look for in a startup CEO and startup success rates
  • Speak to current CEO of Peer to Peer Probiotics (and former iGEM participant) and gain advice on how to run a successful iGEM team
",Qualitative,"Gained many insights on the process of building a successful synthetic biology startup, as well as building a successful iGEM team",,,,Met with CEO of Spira and learned about the process of building a synthetic biology startup,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1180,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Skype session with Dr. Alvaro Acosta,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Speak to foremost parasitologist in Leishmaniasis research, learn about main global problems associated with the epidemiology and management of the disease
  • Discuss current therapies available for disease
  • Discuss potential issues that might arise with vaccine distribution, if a vaccine were created
",Qualitative,"Discussion and further research yielded a host of information about the disease; detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Spoke to parasitologist to learn more about global problems associated with the epidemiology and management of Leishmaniasis,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1181,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to Suazo Hospital in Honduras,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Recording of interview with Dr. Cristian Valladares, who works in the diagnosis laboratory for Leishmaniasis in the hospital",Interview,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Tour hospital and infectious disease diagnosis laboratory
  • Discuss techniques and limitations of diagnosis and treatment
,Integrated Human Practices,"Gained valuable information about disease diagnosis and treatment. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""Suazo Hospital""",,,,Toured hospital and infectious disease diagnosis laboratory,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1182,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to National Autonomous University of Honduras,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Recording of interview with Dr. Jorge Alberto Carrasco, head of Immunology and Parasitology and leading expert on Leishmaniasis in the country",Interview,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Learn about immunology and the parasitology of Leishmaniasis
  • Discuss reasons for demand for immunization, current lack of diagnosis and treatment
",Integrated Human Practices,Information learned from interview reinforced previous choices made about the project; learned more about need for implementation,,,,Learned about immunology and the parasitology of Leishmaniasis,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1183,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Talk with director of Leishmaniasis strategy control in Honduras,Consult Experts,,,,Legislators,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Policy Outreach",
  • Learn about current regulation of vaccines in Honduras
  • Discuss pros and cons of potentially developing and manufacturing a vaccine for mass production
,Integrated Human Practices,Considered potential positive and negative consequences of producing a new vaccine in Honduras based on current regulations,,,,Learned about current regulation of vaccines in Honduras,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1184,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,"Visit to Choluteca, Honduras and equipment donation",Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Speak with local doctor about prevalence of disease of interest, limitations of current treatment
  • Discuss requirements for a potential vaccine
  • Collect and donate old, unused molecular biology equipment and consumables from their university to local Honduran organization
",Integrated Human Practices,"Learned about requirements for a potential vaccine, designed vaccine proposal around these requirements",,,,Spoke with a local doctor about prevalence of Leishmaniasis and limitations of current treatment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1185,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"""I like it Lactis"" recording and iGEM interview",Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a> under ""I like it Lactis""",Song lyrics about iGEM project,Education Activity,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Write short song about iGEM project
  • Perform song on local university radio station
  • Speak on air about iGEM competition
,,,,,,Wrote and performed a synthetic biology song on the radio,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1186,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Talk to undergraduate students at UCC,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project, Recruit iGEM members",
  • Discuss how and why team members got involved in iGEM
  • Mention skills obtained through involvement in iGEM
  • Explain iGEM project
,,,,,,Presented iGEM project to fellow university students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1187,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Charity Quiz,Fundraiser,,,,University Students,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Host a charity quiz at university along with multiple other societies fundraising for Breakthrough Cancer Research
,,,70,"Charity Quiz was a success, raised over 400 euro for charity",,Hosted a charity quiz to fundraise for Breakthrough Cancer Research,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1188,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,IndieBio Survey,Survey,,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Networking, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Send out surveys to synthetic biology startups asking about co-founders involvement in iGEM and the DIY Bio movement
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""IndieBio Survey""",11,"Almost half of co-founders had previously been involved in iGEM, received mixed responses on usefulness of this involvement. There was also a strong link between creation of startups and the DIY Bio movement.",,Surveyed synthetic biology startups about their founder's involvement with iGEM and the DIY biology movement,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1189,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Secondary School Visit,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Informational video about Golden Rice,Educational Video,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Give 30-minute presentation on iGEM, synthetic biology, ethical issues with genetic modification, and this year's project
",Qualitative,"Surveyed students before and after presentation on synthetic biology and genetic engineering. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""Secondary School Visit""",180,"Many students stated that their opinions on genetic modification changed after hearing the presentation, and many found the informational video on Golden Rice to be helpful",,"Engaged secondary school students by presenting about iGEM, synthetic biology, and ethics issues, and their project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1190,UCC Ireland,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synbio Class at University Summer Camp for Kids,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a> under ""Painting with Genetically Modified Bacteria""","Activity protocol allowing students to create ""BioArt"" with fluorescent bacteria on petri dishes",Education Activity Protocol,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Give a brief lecture on the structure and function of DNA, genetic engineering
  • Allow students to extract DNA from their own cheek cells
  • Demonstrate gel electrophoresis
  • Allow students to ""draw"" with fluorescent bacteria using attached protocol
  • Play a game to encourage thinking of ways organisms could be modified by genetic engineering
",,,250,,,Gave a hands on education to secondary school students to teach them about DNA and genetic engineering ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1191,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,YMCA London Visit,Community Event,,,,Specialized Audience,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Meet with elderly YMCA members over tea and discuss their opinions on a synthetic biology solution for ageing
  • Participate in YMCA activities with elderly members
,Qualitative,Interviews with elderly YMCA members showed that many would be interested in a synthetic biology solution allowing them to live healthier for longer,,,,Learned the opinions of elderly YMCA members about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1192,UCL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Open Mind Night,Community Event,,,,Specialized Audience ,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • In order to get a feel of what mental illness represents in society, bring people together for an evening of open talk and performances under the theme of mental health and its associated stigma
  • Contact Spoken Word London, an open-mic based in an underground venue of East London and promote the event/spark curiosity among the city’s creative scene
  • Include artwork produced by patients suffering from mental distress
  • During the evening, showcase a range of art postcards, donation boxes, and books on the anthropological and poetical ways of perceiving mental health
  • Funds raised go towards supporting charities
",,,,,,"Hosted an ""Open Mind Night"" to promote how creativity could be implemented as a means for recovery and challenging stigma",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1193,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Sir Kier Starmer,Consult Experts,,,,Legislators,"Present iGEM Project, Policy Outreach",
  • Provide a brief overview of project
  • Discuss effects of project on public policy and public health
  • Discuss feasibility of introducing project to 3rd world countries
  • Ask about impact of Brexit on research and synthetic biology community
,Qualitative,"Learned more about public health impact of project, feasibility of implementing project from a policy perspective",,"Meeting was successful, team was able to submit a parliamentary question",,Provided a brief overview of the project to Sir Kier Starmer,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1194,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with London Assembly member David Kurten,Consult Experts,,,,Legislators,"Present iGEM Project, Policy Outreach","
  • Discuss what priorities the elderly population has, the public perception of GM and the effect of Brexit on science research
",Qualitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""David Kurten""",,,,Discussed what priorities the elderly population has and the public perception of GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1195,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Jason Blackstock,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Provide an overview of project and biological concepts
  • Discuss testing and design pathways in the context of regulation
  • Discuss link between project, public policy, and politics
",Qualitative,"Gained valuable advice on dealing with intellectual property, designing and implementing project in accordance with necessary regulations",,"Main input was to deal with IP issues as soon as possible to protect idea, decide how to continue project after Jamboree",,Provided an overview of project and biological concepts,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1196,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Aubrey de Grey,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Video of skype meeting with Aubrey de Grey, prominent researcher on gerontology. Additional videos of meeting at <a href=""""></a>",Video of Activity,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Discuss methodology for project, learn about state of current ageing research and speculate on future directions
  • Receive recommendations for characterization experiments
",,,,,,Discussed methodology for project and learned about state of current ageing research,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1197,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Dr. Filipe Cabreiro from UCL Institute of Ageing,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Professors",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Discuss the feasibility of the bacterial probiotics and challenges relating to them, including stability of both the microbe and our product, the differences in gut conditions between humans and model organisms, and efficiency of the proposed process
",,,,,,Discussed the feasibility of bacterial probiotics and challenges related to them,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1198,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Max Yun,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Professors",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Discuss feasibility of project, receive recommendations on targeted therapy methods, learn about challenges and limitations of the field
",Integrated Human Practices,"Learned about new pathways and challenges that would require further research; information learned from Dr. Yun informed project design. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,Meeting led team to consider challenges and complications that might arise while pursuing this project,,Discussed feasibility of project and received recommendations on targeted therapy methods,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1199,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with William Bains,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Professors",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Ask about feasibility of gene therapy, learn more about oxidative stress
",Integrated Human Practices,"Suggestions helped team improve gene therapy idea. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Asked about feasibility of gene therapy,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1200,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Signum Biosciences meeting,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Give background on iGEM and project
  • Discuss route of delivery for therapy
  • Discuss potential for side effects with proposed treatment
,Integrated Human Practices,"This meeting reinforced the need for more research and attention devoted to implementation of the project, especially potential side effects and challenges in administering the proposed drug",,Meeting reinforced need for safety considerations in implementation of project,,Discussed route of delivery for therapy as well as the potential for side effects,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1201,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,"Meeting with Piers Millet, biotechnology and international policy specialist",Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Provide background on iGEM and give an introduction to the project
  • Ask about public health and safety considerations that will need to be taken into account
,Integrated Human Practices,"Led team to investigate further into law and policy surrounding GMOs, especially in the light of Brexit",,,,Gave background information on iGEM and the project and discussed safety considerations,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1202,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Catapult gene therapy company,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Explain iGEM project
  • Ask about current challenges in the industry of gene therapy
  • Discuss safety considerations in detail
  • Learn about price limitations to large scale implementation
,Qualitative,Gained valuable information about the current challenges facing the industry of gene therapy preventing large-scale implementation,,"Led team to refocus their efforts on public engagement, to battle many public misconceptions about GMOs and their safety",,Explained iGEM project and asked about the current challenges faced in the industry of gene therapy,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1203,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Religion + Synthetic biology + Ageing,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Meet with two local religious leaders, a director of a Hindu academy and a lead pastor
  • Explain the field of synthetic biology and iGEM project
  • Ask leaders about their thoughts on synthetic biology and team's specific project in the context of their respective religious beliefs
",Qualitative,"These interviews gave the team new insights on religious opinions of synthetic biology practices, especially in the context of their own project. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,Found that religion may not create as much of a barrier to synthetic biology as the team previously believed.,,Met with religious leaders and discussed synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1204,UCL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Be involved in a number of discussions with leading scientists and healthcare professionals in the field of synthetic biology and mental health
  • Interview Prof. Dame Sue Bailey, who is particularly involved in young people who experience mental health issues, social justice, and youth justice systems
  • Interview Prof. Glyn Lewis for advice on how to better understand the field of psychiatry and current treatments available for patients
  • Interview Dr. Eben Kirksey about the project
  • Interview Prof. John Cryan, a leading neuroscientist in the field of psychobiotics and the gut-brain axis
",,,,The team was updated on current research and was able to gain a better understanding of gut-brain axis; Redirected research in some areas,,Interviewed leading scientists and healthcare professionals in the field of synthetic biology and mental health,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1205,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM and Synthetic Biology Handbook,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Short informational handbook about the basics of synthetic biology and the basics of the iGEM competition (including information on UCL's 2016 project),Education Activity,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Design short handbook on basics of synthetic biology
  • Translate into 6 different languages and post on wiki for easy access around the world
,,,,,,Created a short handbook in 6 languages on the basics of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1206,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,App for adults and elderly,Educational Material,,,,Specialized Audience,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Design an app including descriptions of iGEM and team project, as well as a biobrick game
  • Plan to work with focus groups of adults and elderly participants to ensure that the app is user-friendly and accessible
",,,,,,Designed an app that included descriptions of iGEM and the team project along with a biobrick game,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1207,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,WOW Exhibition,Educational Material,,,,Specialized Audience,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Meet with local elderly artists and learn about their backgrounds
  • Discuss ageing and synthetic biology as a potential solution, learn about artists' opinions
  • Collaborate with artists to create a sculpture that fits the theme of the iGEM team's project
",Qualitative,Interviews with elderly artists yielded new information about the societal impacts of ageing and the elderly's opinions on these societal stigmas,2,,,"Met with local elderly artists and discussed ageing and synthetic biology, and collaborated to create a sculpture that fits with the theme of the team's iGEM project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1208,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Vlog/Blog,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a> ","Two vlogs and one online blog introducing the iGEM team, describing the project and providing tips for future iGEM teams","Video of Activity, Blog","General Public, iGEM Teams",Educate on the iGEM program,
  • Build a blog website describing iGEM project and tips for future teams
  • Make two vlog videos to introduce the team and give audiences a behind-the-scenes look at how iGEM operates
,,,,,,Built a blog website describing the iGEM project and tips for future teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1209,UCL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • To figure out the general public's perception on the possibility of manufacturing probiotics containing engineered bacterial strains as well ass what their view on the ethics of this procedure and synthetic biology is in general, conduct a short survey for people to fill out through social media
  • Ask them what they think the future implications and concerns of synthetic biology could be and whether they believe that it would be beneficial for society or not
  • Translate survey into 5 different languages, including Spanish, French, Portuguese and German to reach a broader range of people
",,,,,,Conducted a survey to figure out the general public's perception on the possibility of manufacturing probiotics containing engineered bacterial strains as well as what their view on the ethics of this procedure and synthetic biology is,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1210,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Showcase,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Introduce iGEM, describe motivation for choosing project topic and discuss project
",,,,,,Introduced iGEM and described motivation for choosing the project topic at the Synthetic Biology Showcase,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1211,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,International Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Design survey about opinions on synthetic biology, whether participants are interested in living healthier for longer vs. living longer
  • Distribute survey online and via social media
",Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",218,Found that more people would rather live healthier for longer than just live longer,,Surveyed public opinion on synthetic biology and whether participants would prefer to live longer or have greater quality of life,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1212,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Healthy Ageing in London: Interactive Workshop,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Create an imaginary scenario in which participants are assigned a role: 'Business person wanting to build a gym', 'scientist wanting to build an ageing research institution', 'doctor wanting to build a walk-in clinic' and 'the council wanting to build a community centre'
  • Lead a debate between students discussing what should be built and the job prospects, ethics, and long and short term investments of each scenario
",,,,,,Created imaginary scenarios for students to debate and discuss,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1213,UCL,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Dragon Cafe and Photohonesty,Teaching Activity,,,,Specialized Audience ,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Visit the Dragon Cafe, a small pop-up cafe located in the crypt of a church in South London
  • Every Monday, host creative activities open to all with a special focus on those who are either recovering from a mental health issue
  • Present work to a broad audience
  • Attend a photography exhibition and have powerful discussions on stigma, art, and bioscience
",,,,,,Visited the Dragon Cafe to host creative activities for people recovering from mental health issues,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1214,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Bootcamp,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Give a short presentation on synthetic biology
  • Have students draw what they think of when they talk about ageing
  • Have students practice relating pictures to synthetic biology
  • Lead students through a mini prep in the lab
,,,,,,"Educated secondary school students on synthetic biology and ageing, through a variety of hands on activities ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1215,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,UCL iGEM x Sutton Trust Summer School - Biosciences Stream,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Demonstrate and lead students through various lab techniques, including basic pipetting, restriction digest, and gel electrophoresis
  • Lead an activity where students look at bacteria on skin before and after washing hands, allow students to look at gram stained bacteria under a microscope
  • Give a lecture on iGEM, synthetic biology, and ageing
  • Lead a debate on synthetic biology and ageing
",,,30,"Collaboration with summer school was a great success, may attempt to integrate iGEM with the summer school again in the future",,Demonstrated and led students through various lab techniques,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1216,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Sutton Trust Programme: Interactive Workshop,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Give a brief presentation on synthetic biology, iGEM and ageing
  • Lead two debates, one focusing on ageing and the other on synthetic biology (discuss safety, ethics, economic impacts)
",,,,"Debate was poignant and productive, students were engaged and became more interested in iGEM and bioengineering",,"Gave a presentation to and hosted for secondary school students on synthetic biology, iGEM, and ageing",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1217,UCL,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,"""Get your hands dirty with synbio"" Workshop for PhD Students","Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Specialized Audience,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Prepare mini-posters discussing the basics of synthetic biology and describing past iGEM projects that demonstrate useful worldly applications
  • Encourage attendees to propose their own ideas for synthetic biology projects and discuss related scientific and ethical issues, business viability of the idea and its impact on the society
  • Prepare a synbio game composed of plasmid backbones with standard iGEM prefixes and suffixes surrounding elements such as (but not limited to) genes of interest; ask participants to join the biobricks into a new, longer biobrick using restriction enzymes and selection by antibiotic resistance
  • Present project and ask for feedback
",,,100,"Participants were engaged, on their own initiative commented on the advantages of the biobrick format and a discussion on pros and cons of the standardised technique followed",,Prepared mini-posters discussing the basics of synthetic biology and describing past iGEM projects,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1218,UCLA,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Cloning Guide with TU Eindhoven,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Cloning guide,Laboratory Protocol,Scientific Community,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Collaborate with members of the TU Eindhoven iGEM Team to develop a cloning guide for ICA
  • Create an entry in their guide discussing the background, process, workflow, and troubleshooting tips necessary to utilize this system
",,,,"Collaboration not only benefited iGEM teams who wish to learn the technique, but also helped the team gain a better sense of the implications research has towards advanced synthetic biology",,Created a cloning guide for any team who wishes to rapidly and controllably assemble long repetitive genetic structures for functional use,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1219,UCLA,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,First Annual Southern California iGEM Meetup,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Hold the first ever Southern California iGEM Meetup at the Molecular Biology Institute at UCLA
  • Deliver a powerpoint at the meet up
  • Have teams discuss their ongoing projects and offer advice to members struggling with certain aspects of their experimental design
  • Discuss the pertinent issues for all iGEM teams in terms of logistics, team organization, and project design
  • Discuss the state of iGEM and synthetic biology as a rapidly emerging biotechnology field in the United States, especially in the context of developing scientific communications to combat rising negative publicity and misinformation toward the use and safety of genetically modified organisms
",,,,,,Hosted an iGEM meetup for teams to discuss ongoing projects,#REF!,correct boi,correct boi 1220,UCLA,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,iGEM Team Mentorship and Development,Project Presentation,,,,"iGEM Teams, University Students",Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Assist in the development and conception of multiple iGEM teams in the local area
  • Collaborate with Dr. Jennifer Tsui of the University of La Verne and David Yao, co-founder and advisor of the UCLA iGEM team, to deliver a talk at the University of La Verne to discuss the project and potential avenues for synthetic biology research at an undergraduate level
",,,,,,Assisted in the conception and development of new iGEM teams locally,#REF!,correct boi,correct boi 1221,UCLA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Nava College Prep Workshop 1,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Meet with students just before they begin a month-long synthetic biology unit in their own curriculum - explain iGEM and last year's project, as well as the foundation for this year's project
  • Give an introduction to central dogma, genetic circuitry, gene expression
  • Challenge students to build their own genetic circuits using parts provided to them
  • Give students a tour of team lab space
  • Provide a question and answer panel to answer questions about research and synthetic biology
",,,,,,Led synthetic biology lessons with local high school students in their classrooms,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1222,UCLA,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Nava College Prep Workshop 2,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Meet with students just after completing a month-long synthetic biology unit in their own curriculum
  • Give students a short presentation on current applications for synthetic biology, interesting new technologies that have developed in the field
  • Challenge students to come up with their own ideas of future technologies that might exist thanks to synthetic biology
  • Lead a socratic seminar discussion on bioethics of synthetic biology
",,,,"Many students were engaged, thought critically about bioethics concerns but maintained positive outlooks on the future. Many expressed interest in pursuing scientific careers in the future",,Led synthetic biology lessons with local high school students in their classrooms,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1223,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Diabetes Walk,"Community Event, Fundraiser",,,,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Partner with American Diabetes Association to host a diabetes walk fundraiser
  • Organize a 2-mile walk, raise money via donations
",,,,Event was a success; over $1000 raised for American Diabetes Association,,Organized a fundraiser for the American Diabetes Association,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1224,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Meeting with UCLA iGEM ,Conference/Panel Discussion,"<a href=""""></a>","Skype interview with UCLA iGEM about their experience with the DIY biotech movement, the influence of iGEM on their outlook toward autonomously pursuing biology",Interview,iGEM Teams,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Discuss DIY biotech movement with UCLA iGEM
  • Ask them about their personal experiences with iGEM and how it has impacted their confidence in pursuing biology research
,,,,"Observed that the iGEM competition is positively shaping the ambitions and confidence of its participants, and that expanded accessibility to synthetic biology projects is allowing those ambitions to come to fruition",,Discussed the DIY biotech movement with another iGEM team,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1225,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Greenpeace GMO Debate,Conference/Panel Discussion,"<a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a>",Two presentations by UCSC iGEM and a Greenpeace representative debating the ethics of the GMO industry,Video of Activity,University Students,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Prepare a presentation on the history and benefits of GMOs
  • Watch a presentation by a Greenpeace representative on the negative aspects of GMOs
  • Allow questions from the audience, promote discussion and debate among all participants
",,,,Reminded team of the responsibility to be vocal proponents of scientific literacy,,Showed a presentation about the pros and cons of GMOs and led a discussion,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1226,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,"Interview with Phyllis Roxland, Nutritionist",Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with Phyllis Roxland about zero-calorie sweeteners and public perceptions thereof,Interview,Scientific Community,"Learn Public Opinions, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Discuss the public's perceptions of artificial and zero-calorie sweeteners as compared to current scientific knowledge
  • Discuss distinction between ""Alternative sweetener"" and ""Artificial sweetener""
",Qualitative,"Learned about public misconceptions of zero-calorie sweeteners, built the distinction between alternative and artificial sweeteners. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Interviewed a nutritionist about artificial sweeteners,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1227,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Interview with Suzanne Somers,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with Suzanne Somers about her opinions on artificial and natural sweeteners,Interview,Specialized Audience,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Interview prominent actress and public figure Suzanne Somers, who is outspoken on alternative and naturopathic treatments to cancer
  • Ask about artificial versus natural sweeteners
",,,,"Concluded that scientific literacy likely plays a large role in misconceptions about artificial sweeteners; fear-mongering on artificial sweeteners inherently weakens widespread adoption of alternative, ‘natural’ sweeteners as well; since the public is not always educated on which sweeteners are deemed ‘natural.’ ",,"Interviewed a public figure, known for her advocacy for naturopathic treatments, on artificial and natural sweeteners",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1228,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Dr. Alireza Moshaverinia,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with dental researcher Dr. Alireza Moshaverinia about the effects of artificial sweeteners on dental health,Interview,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Learn about the effects of natural and artificial sugars on dental health
,Qualitative,"Found that it is not the amount of sugar that affects dental health most, but rather the frequency at which it is consumed",,"Learning that the frequency of sugar consumption plays the largest role in dental health instilled the team with greater confidence in the positive role zero-calorie sweeteners could play in American health, since it was these high-sugar snacks that are most easily replaced with zero-calorie alternatives",,Learned about the effects of natural and artificial sugars on dental health,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1229,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Diabetes consultation with David Mendosa,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Interview with David Mendosa, freelance medical writer, advocate, and consultant",Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Interview diabetes advocate and consultant about the role of artificial sweeteners in diabetes
  • Discuss controversies associated with zero-calorie sweeteners
,,,,Learned about another controversy associated with the perceived effects of zero-calorie sweeteners on the gut microbiome,,Interviewed diabetes advocate and consultant about the role of artificial sweeteners in diabetes,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1230,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,American Diabetes Association Interview,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with Richard Alejandro of the ADA about the science of diabetes and the role that zero-calorie sweeteners might play in diabetes treatment,Interview,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Learn about the basic science behind type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  • Discuss the role of zero-calorie sweeteners in diabetes treatment
,Qualitative,Confirmed that zero-calorie sweeteners could play a significant role in reducing diabetes rates in the country,,,,Learned about the science behind diabetes from an expert,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1231,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with founder of Hydraulics International Inc. ,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Interview with Hormoz Ghaemmaghami, founder of Hydraulics International Inc. about the advantages of vertical integration of his company ",Interview,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss the cost and organizational benefits of vertical integration for a company or organization
,,,,Reinforced the team's idea of vertically integrating their project by building their own bioreactor to reduce costs and gain hands-on engineering experience,,Interviewed a businessperson about vertical integration,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1232,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with bioreactor expert Andrew Lanutti,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Interview with Andrew Lanutti, Biotechnology Application Specialist about the materials, sterility, and environmental concerns of a bioreactor",Interview,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Discuss materials, sterility, and environmental concerns required to construct a DIY bioreactor
",Qualitative,Learned about optimal materials and design concerns involved with building a DIY bioreactor,,,,"Interviewed an expert to find out materials, sterility, and environmental concerns required to construct a DIY bioreactor",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1233,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,DIY Biotech Lab Visit,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Interview with members of BioCurious, a DIY biotech ""Hackerspace"" in Silicon Valley, about the DIY biotech movement",Interview,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Interview lab members about the DIY biotech movement and its role in the progress and accessibility of the field
  • Participate in lab's weekly meeting
  • Explore the lab
,,,,Largely emphasized increasing accessibility of the technology required to conduct synthetic biology experiments,,Interviewed lab members from BioCurious about the DIY biotech movement ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1234,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Nader Pourmand and Jevgenij Raskatov,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Interview with Nader Pourmand and Jevgenij Raskatov, professors and researchers at UCSC",Interview,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss the importance of linking academia and industry by emphasizing the practical applicability and commercial viability of each project
,,,,,,Interviewed professors about linking academia industry,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1235,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Prof. Sandra Dreisbach,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with bioethics professor Sandra Dreisbach of UCSC about public view of GMOs,Interview,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss public perceptions of GMOs and the impacts that these perceptions have on commercialization of GMOs and products of GMOs
,,,,Learned that many vocal opponents to genetic engineering/GMOs do not truly understand the science behind them; this creates a significant obstacle in righting misconceptions,,Interviewed a bioethics professor about GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1236,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Prof. Martha Cohen,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Interview with law professor and food law specialist Martha Cohen about the controversies and complications associated with the ""Natural"" label in the context of genetically modified foods",Interview,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Discuss the definition of ""Natural"" in food labeling standards
  • Discuss the growing popularity of the ""Non-GMO"" label
  • Discuss the ethical and logistical challenges of applying the ""Natural"" label to GMOs and products of GMOs
",,,,"The definition of ""Natural"" in food labeling remains elusive and the introduction of GMOs and GMO products into the market has further complicated this issue",,Interviewed a law professor about food labeling GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1237,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Meeting with Mayor Lowell Hurst,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Interview with former Watsonville County mayor Lowell Hurst about public opinions on GMOs and the definition of ""natural""",Interview,Legislators,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Tour the town center and learn about the history of the county
  • Discuss the history of public opinions toward the meaning of ""natural"" and GMOs
",,,,"When asked about the definition of ""natural,"" Lowell pointed out that we have been engaging in genetic manipulation of crops since we first began crop breeding",,Interviewed the mayor about his opinion on GMOs,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1238,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Build-a-Bioreactor ,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Build-a-Bioreactor Handbook: Instructional manual for a DIY bioreactor including hardware setup and software installation,Hardware,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Write a detailed handbook describing how to build a bioreactor for use in a synthetic biology laboratory, including hardware setup and software installation
",,,,,,Wrote a handbook about building a DIY bioreactor,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1239,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,GMO Survey,Survey,,,,Specialized Audience,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Travel to local farmers markets
  • Ask attendees, “If agricultural waste could be dramatically reduced by converting the waste into natural compounds, like caffeine, through a genetically modified organism, would you oppose that?”
  • Ask, “Would you buy genetically modified foods if they were labeled?”
",Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Traveled to local farmer's markets and ask about their opinions towards genetically modified foods,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1240,UCSC,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,COSMOS student workshop,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Give a presentation on the basics of molecular and synthetic biology
  • Provide a challenge of manipulating a metabolic pathway to increase production of ethanol, have students discuss this challenge while taking into account limitations such as cell energy and avoid imbalance of reducing equivalents
  • Briefly explain iGEM project
  • Guide students through strawberry DNA extraction protocol
",,,,,,Taught students about synthetic biology and led hands-on activities,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1241,UCSF,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Sierra Systems and Synbio Symposium,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"Secondary School Students, University Students",Present iGEM Project,"
  • Hold the Sierra Systems and SynBio Symposium at the University of Nevada, Reno
  • Enable undergraduate and high school students to present their synthetic biology research to peers through team and poster presentations
  • Stimulate discussion to improve projects, drive the development of long-lasting connections, and encourage future collaborations
  • Provide conference at no cost to attendees, including all meals and lodging
",,,,"Cost is a major deterrent for high school students and undergraduates to attend scientific conferences, and the goal of this new Symposium to provide an accessible forum for high-level scientific discourse at the undergraduate level was met. Efforts at this conference helped provide a link between iGEM researchers and high school/undergraduate researchers in the synbio labs",,"Hosted the Sierra Systems and SynBio Symposium, a two-day conference allowing students to present their synthetic biology research to peers",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1242,UCSF,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Communicating with the General Public,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Begin a video series to figure out how individuals perceive synthetic biology and how they view the role of synthetic biology in their community
  • Start by interviewing passersby at the San Francisco Giants stadium and asking them what key synthetic biology terms mean to them: GMOs, genetic engineering, and gene cloning
  • Create second video to concisely and accurately define those terms in an easily digestible video in hopes of erasing the negative stigma surrounding these terms
",Qualitative,Many people who were interviewed associated these simple terms with overwhelmingly negative connotations,"300 people reached on UCSF iGEM Facebook page, 300+ views on YouTube, 3,500+ views on Wiki Flicks",,,Created a video series to elucidate the tremendous potential of synthetic biology and genetic engineering,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1243,UCSF,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Wiki Flicks,Educational Material,,,,"General Public, Scientific Community","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • To address issues of communication, specifically between the scientific community and the general public, encourage other teams to translate their wiki page into a short, interesting video to better communicate projects to everyone
  • In collaboration with TCD iGEM at iGEM HQ, take advantage of the YouTube platform iGEM Academy to network with other teams to create short Wiki Flicks explaining projects in a fun and engaging way
  • Keep the videos short while excluding the use of science terminology and jargon
",,,,,,Networked with other teams to create short Wiki Flicks explaining projects in a fun and engaging way,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1244,UESTC_Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Father's Gene Detector Game,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Develop a game about genes and genome selection relating to their project and software
  • Publish the app
,,,,,,Created an app to introduce gene concepts and their software ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1245,UESTC_Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Visit Senior High School,"Project Presentation, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Introduce the iGEM competition and synthetic biology to the high school students
  • Present iGEM project and explain the use of software
,,,,,,Educated a local high school on synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1246,UESTC_Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,iGEM Southwest Union of China,"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,
  • Host a meetup to exchange ideas about iGEM project and synthetic biology with students from other universities in southwest China
  • Present their own presentation to the other teams to get advice on how to improve
  • Listen to other presentation to get a better understanding of synthetic biology
,,,,,,Hosted the iGEM Southwest Union of China conference to discuss projects,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1247,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM+,Community Event,,,,University Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
  • Appoint 100 iGEM ambassadors at 100 college campuses around the world
  • Ask them to share information about iGEM and recruit new members
,,,100,,,Appointed 100 iGEM ambassadors at 100 college campuses around the world,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1248,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,UESTC Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,University Students,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Meet with forum attendees and discuss intellectual property rights and patent law
  • Discuss team's own experience of applying for a national patent
  • Present the third version of the team's homemade plasmid design toy and receive feedback
,Qualitative,"Learned public opinions on intellectual property law, received feedback about version 3 of their toy",,,,Met with forum attendees and discussed intellectual property rights and patent law,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1249,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Learning experts' opinions,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Speak with two prominent biology researchers and professors at Beihang University and Southwest University, ask them for suggestions on the project
",Qualitative,Received suggestions and advice from the researchers,,,,Spoke with two biology researchers and professors at Beihang University and Southwest University for suggestions on the project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1250,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,QuianKun Toy,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Protocol, materials, and handbook for QuianKun, an interactive toy teaching children about plasmid components",Education Activity Protocol,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • First, design a paper and cardboard concept of the game and get feedback from users
  • Improve design by 3D printing and incorporating circuitry and LEDs, once again get feedback from users
  • Design a third version of the game incorporating magnets to represent strength of base pairing
",Qualitative,Received feedback from users after every iteration of the toy was designed and built,,"Team hopes to continue improving game design by incorporating an online element, building an app that will ""score"" each plasmid and provide more information about each plasmid",,Designed a game incorporating magnets that represent strength of base pairing,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1251,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Plastic Pollution Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey distributed online and at a road show asking about opinions on plastic pollution,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Design a survey asking for opinions on plastic pollution
  • Distribute survey online and at a road show
,Quantitative,88% of those surveyed had concerns about the plastic problem,,,,Designed and distributed a survey asking for opinions on plastic pollution,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1252,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Banana DNA Extraction Experiment and DNA Bracelet,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Protocol for banana DNA extraction activity,Education Activity Protocol,Primary School Students,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Guide families through a banana DNA extraction experiment to teach them about the basics of synthetic biology
  • Guide families through DNA Bracelet activity provided by 2015 William and Mary iGEM
  • Ask families for feedback in a ""Bio-Discussion""
",Qualitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",15 families,"Emphasized the importance of synthetic biology and iGEM education, especially for younger generations",,Guided families through a banana DNA extraction experiment to teach them about the basics of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1253,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Meetup at Dujiangyan Middle School,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Teach students about DNA structure and plasmid design
  • Present them with a QuianKun
  • 0, a toy made by the team to aid education on plasmid design
  • Receive feedback from students
",Qualitative,Received feedback from the students about the first version of the toy,300,,,Taught students about DNA structure and plasmid design,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1254,UESTC-software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,iGEM Southwest China Union Meetup,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Project Presentation",,,,"iGEM Teams, Teachers","Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Take part in the iGEM Southwest China Union meetup, which brings together four colleges
  • Each team presents projects discusses advantages and areas that can be improved upon
",Qualitative,Teachers and students cared about DNA storage capacity,,,,Took part in the iGEM Southwest China Union meetup and presented project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1255,UESTC-software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,TMMU Meetup,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Project Presentation",,,,"iGEM Teams, Teachers","Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Participate in the meetup held by the Third Military Medical University (TMMU) in Chongqing
  • According to the competition procedure, give project and poster presentation
  • Introduce audience to the principles of DNA storage
  • Gain feedback on project presentation
",Qualitative,"Many teachers put forth some suggestions; they pointed out that the DNA storage process was not clear, and generally suggested improvements to clarity of presentation",,,,Participated in the meetup held by the Third Military Medical University in Chongqing,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1256,UESTC-software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Game Development,Educational Material,,,,"General Public, Scientific Community",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Develop a mobile device game, Bio2048, inspired by the sliding block puzzle game 2048 developed by Gabriele Cirulli
  • Incorporate the biological hierarchy concept within the game
",Quantitative,App received a 5-star score on Tencent’s App Store,More than 55 downloads,,,"Developed a mobile device game, Bio2048, inspired by the sliding block puzzle game 2048",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1257,UESTC-software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Large Activities,"Open Lab, Project Presentation",,,,"Secondary School Students, University Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Organize a Synthetic Biology lecture to more than 300 middle school students
  • Organize an open lab day for 17 pupils with their parents
  • Present iGEM project to more than 1000 alumni/alumnae on the university’s 60th anniversary
  • Give almost 200 street interviews and open a Microblog to post about daily work and information on synthetic biology
,,,"300 middle school students, 17 pupils, 1000 alumni/alumnae, 200 street interviewees, 1034 followers",,,Organized a Synthetic Biology lecture to more than 300 middle school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1258,UFMG_Brazil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Patients,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Interview three patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis about the limitations and the psychological impact of the disease
  • Receive feedback on their project
,Qualitative,These patients would be willing to receive treatment from their project if it was proven to be safe,,,,Interviewed patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis to gain information for their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1259,UFMG_Brazil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with RA specialist,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Interview with Dr. Maria Vitória Quintero, an expert on Rheumatoid Arthritis",Interview,Specialized Audience ,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview Dr. Maria Vitória Quintero, an expert on Rheumatoid Arthritis on RA treatment and patients' complaints
  • Better understand the impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Receive feedback on their project
",Qualitative,Expert believed that their project could be a great option of treatment to complex diseases like RA,,,,Interviewed an expert on Rheumatoid Arthritis to gain information for their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1260,UFMG_Brazil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Partnership with NGO,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience ,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Collaborate with Priscila Torres, an ambassador for the NGO EncontrAR
  • Receive a small testimony about Priscila Torres' experience with RA regarding physiological health
  • Receive feedback on their project
",Qualitative,Priscila Torres expressed her support for their project,,,,Partnered with an ambassador from the NGO EncontrAR,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1261,UFMG_Brazil,Overgraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Open Lab ,Open Lab,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Create a lab space that attends to the demands of the public and put them into practice
  • Understand how the general public feels and understand their thoughts on science
  • Understand the public’s possible contributions
,,,,,,Helped create a community lab for the general public,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1262,UFMG_Brazil,Overgraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Interventions,Project Presentation,,,,General Public,"Present iGEM Project, Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Disclose project idea and investigate its acceptance
  • Investigate whether people would be willing to use their iGEM project
  • Listen to opinions on what people think scientists should research
  • Partner with a blog about Rheumatoid Arthritis to gain publicity and support, as well as get access to equipment that imitates RA for people to try
",Quantitative,"Detailed results can be found at <a href=""""></a>",500,,,Investigated the public's acceptance of their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1263,UFMG_Brazil,Overgraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Medias,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>",Videos and articles about their project,"Education Activity, Magazine/Newspaper Article","General Public, Scientific Community","Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Gain publicity for their project
  • Propagate SynBio in the community
,,,"317,300",,,Created media to teach the general public about synthetic biology and the team's project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1264,UFMG_Brazil,Overgraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Embryo Platform,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>",Facebook page for sharing information in synthetic biology and encouraging innovation,,"General Public, Scientific Community",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Build data bank for innovation in SynBio (Idea-sharing pilot project)
  • Advertise events, courses and lectures
",,,1000,"In the future, the team hopes the platform can function as a data bank for innovation in SynBio, ideas and problems with which the public is concerned, as well as suggestions. The platform would be open to everyone as a way of communication between the general public and scientists focusing on the general public's needs.",,Created an idea-sharing pilot project for synthetic biology events and courses,Right boi,incorrect boi,correct boi 1265,UFMG_Brazil,Overgraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Workshop,Speaker Series,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Recruit iGEM members ",
  • Invite local synthetic biology and bioengineering professors to speak
  • Invite other experts in the field to speak
  • Discuss patents and entrepreneurship in bioengineering
,,,100,,,Hosted a speaker series about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1266,UFMG_Brazil,Overgraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Lectures,Speaker Series,,,,"University Students, Professors","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Workshop with professors and students to inform people about SynBio
,,,600,,,Led a workshop at their university to teach about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1267,UFMG_Brazil,Overgraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Evaluate public reactions to synthetic biology and their project
  • Learn about opinions of GMOs and concerns about their project
  • Develop further outreach in response to results
,Quantitative,Detailed survey results can be found on their wiki,302,There is a lack of discussion about GMOs and synbio between society and the scientific community,,Surveyed the public about their opinions regarding genetic modification,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1268,UFMG_Brazil,Overgraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Idea Incubator,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology ,
  • Students study the basis of SynBio
  • Students study molecular biology and general biochemistry
  • Discuss SynBio applications
  • Students propose solutions to problems of today’s society using SynBio
,,,,,,Created a course about synthetic biology for students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1269,UFMG_Brazil,Overgraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Summer Course,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Recruit iGEM members ",
  • Students participate in a week of theoretical and practical classes during the summer
  • Students work in groups to develop and present a SynBio project idea
,Quantitative,"Out of 40 students: 82.5% course satisfaction, 100% would recommend the course, 83% were interested in joining the iGEM team",40,,,Created a summer synthetic biology course for university students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1270,UFSCar-Brasil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,“The Mighty Bacteria Against Dengue”,"Community Event, Teaching Activity",,,,General Public,"Policy Outreach, Science Education","
  • Choose the city of São Carlos that is affected by dengue epidemic during the summer;
  • Promote awareness in dengue disease prevention and progress in the local population;
  • Contact social entrepreneurship projects at UFSCar who could help with develop the activity;
  • Organize the play ""The mighty bacteria against dengue"" for the kids at the community center PROVIM Dom Luciano de Almeida;
  • Plant Crotalaria juncea seeds that supplement dengue prevention.
",,,,They felt that this activity fostered the children's curiosity about sciences,,Led activities to raise awareness of dengue,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1271,UFSCar-Brasil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Bringing Anita to Brazil: our team effort and reward!,Conference/Panel Discussion ,,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Networking, Discuss Ethics and Safety ","
  • Invite Ana Paola Sifuentes Infante, a member of iGEM Foundation to enrich discussions about Synthetic Biology and the competition itself;
  • Organize a round table debate on Synthetic Biology at the 64th Annual Meeting of the SBPC
",,,,,,Organized a round table debate on synthetic biology for a conference,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1272,UFSCar-Brasil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Round table debate on Synthetic Biology - 64th Annual Meeting of SBPC,Conference/Panel Discussion,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview 3 conference attendees about their knowledge and opinion on synthetic biology ,Interview,Scientific Community,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Attend SBPC, the biggest scientific event in whole Latin America, and the debate “Synthetic Biology: solutions for usual problems”;
  • interview with representatives of the audience who attended to the round table
",,,,,,Attended a large national science event to present synthetic biology and interview participants,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1273,UFSCar-Brasil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Epidemiological surveillance,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,"Policy Outreach, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Read about the Epidemiological Surveillance, a system to monitor and control dengue viral circulation and think how they could be of help;
  • Contact the Epidemiological Monitoring of São Carlos to get information about the infection conditions in 2015;
  • Give suggestions for the system
",,,,,,Researched the state of dengue and worked with the local government to offer suggestions,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1274,UFSCar-Brasil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,the bacteria i and GEM,Fundraiser,,,,Scientific Community,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • At the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science, Present the bacteria and iGEM, official mascots of the team, who assisted in collecting donations throughout the event SBPC;
  • Provide how to make bacteria costume instructions
",,,,,,Attended a conference and got donations for their iGEM research,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1275,UFSCar-Brasil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,IX Week of Biology at UFSCar,Project Presentation,,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present the poster Theoretical Biodesign of a Genetically Engineered Bacteria for Production of D-Limonene Using Synthetic Biology Concepts
,,,,,,Presented a poster on synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1276,UFSCar-Brasil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Jamboré,"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Networking, Discuss Ethics and Safety ","
  • Meet up with three Brazilian teams and present the project;
  • A round table discussion on Synthetic Biology challenges, biosafety and biosecurity issues
",,,,,,Presented project at a meetup and participated in a biosecurity discussion,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1277,UFSCar-Brasil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Law Project,"Project Presentation, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",A draft law proposal based on the condom free distribution law,"Paper on Safety, Research Paper, Policy",Legislators,Policy Outreach,"
  • Elaborate a draft law based on the condom free distribution law by state organisations, so it can also be done to non-toxic repellent;
  • Receive interview from Sao Carlos TV and talk about the importance of the proposal
",,,,,,Drafted legislation for non-toxic insect repellant relating to their project,#REF!,correct boi,correct boi 1278,UFSCar-Brasil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Series of seminars,"Speaker Series, Project Presentation",,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Offer weekly series of seminars to academic community to present topics related to the competition iGEM and synthetic biology;
  • Gain feedback of the seminars and encourage students to join iGEM
,Quantitative,"Detailed data about impact of the seminar series can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,Hosted a weekly synthetic biology speaker series,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1279,UFSCar-Brasil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,4biotec - Four days of Biotechnology,"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Networking, Discuss Ethics and Safety ","
  • Attend an event that included a special program covering different areas of biotechnology, human and cultural aspects such as: lectures, TED Talks, round-table discussion, academic works, practical and theoretical mini-courses and, finally, cultural nights for public entertainment;
  • Present a lecture on the last day of the event, which introduced the iGEM competition, the project, the team, the plans for Giant Jamboree and it showed the public our individual experiences about the participation on the team
",,,154 students,,,Presented synthetic biology and the iGEM competition at a conference,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1280,UFSCar-Brasil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,SBPC Jovem,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material ",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Approach and interact with a young audience, aging from 14-16 years of The SBPC Jovem, who arrived from schools from different Brazilian States to talk about basic concepts of biology and Synthetic Biology;
  • Watch videos about iGEM and synthetic biology;
  • Create a visual comparison between car machinery and the components of gene circuits to help explain its concept;
  • Instruction on making genetic circuit representations using EVA foam sheet
",,,,,,Led synthetic biology activities with local secondary school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1281,UFSCar-Brasil,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Workshop with students of pre-university course,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Science Education",
  • Invited a group of pre-university course students to lab to practical activities in teaching lab;
  • Practice strawberry DNA extraction and observe slides with bacteria under a microscope;
  • Ask them to fill out a questionnaire about their background and their opinions on synthetic biology and their project
,Quantitative,"Detailed data about impact of pre-university course can be found at <a href=""""></a>",12,"It is important to know that science is not universally considered as a panacea for all ills, and that people have critical sense.",,Hosted pre-university students in their lab and led lab activities,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1282,UGA-Georgia,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Flyers/Open Lab,Educational Material,,,,University Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Design synthetic biology flyers that educate people on synthetic biology, and post them around the school
  • On the pamphlets, advertise for open lab times where students can come into lab and learn more about synthetic biology
",,,,,,Design flyers that educate university students about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1283,UGA-Georgia,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Present Project at BSRI Annual Retreat,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Attend the University of Georgia's Bioenergy Systems Research Institute about ""harnessing biology for a new economy""
  • Present their project
",,,,,,Present project at annual BSRI science retreat,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1284,UGA-Georgia,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Microbial Health Lesson,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students ,Science Education,
  • Collaborate with the Foundation for International Medical Relief for children to visit elementary school students and educate them about bacteria.
  • Teach the students for one day and teach them how bacteria digestion can help clean the air
  • Look at how bacteria turn fluorescent under UV light when using a special dye.
,,,,,,Educate elementary school students on microbial processes,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1285,UGent Belgium,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Consultations,Consult Experts,,,,"Professors, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Have frequent conversations with Prof. Dan Fernandez, a leader in the field of atmospheric water collection
  • Use his expertise as a guide for the designing and fine tuning of the project model
  • Get in touch with Deepak Mehta from 3Dee, a major 3D printing company in Belgium
  • Obtain his knowledge on 3D printing
",,,,"Led to significant improvements of the collector, more specifically how the water was drained towards the center of its structure",,"Conversed with Prof. Dan Fernandez, a leader in the field of atmospheric water collection",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1286,UGent Belgium,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Humanitarian Aid Organizations ,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Get in touch with several humanitarian aid organizations (Rode Kruis-Vlaanderen and Protos)
  • Learn that providing a constant water supply is essential for improving the health, life expectancy, and education of those who are born and raised in regions with water scarcity
",Qualitative,The situation in many countries remains very challenging,,"Came to the conclusion that the necessary aspects (a cheap, small, easy to use device) were in the project and would become a game changer in the field of water collection",,Got in touch with several humanitarian aid organizations to learn about providing a constant water supply,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1287,UGent Belgium,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Seminars,"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,"Secondary School Students, University Students","Present iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Present dewpal project at several seminars (Synthetic Biology KUL, Kick-off event at the Center of Synthetic Biology at Ghent University, PhD seminars with the faculty of Bioscience engineering at UGent)
  • Discuss responsible innovation and research
",,,,,,Presented dewpal project at several seminars to discuss responsible innovation and research,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1288,UiOslo Norway,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,"Cutting Edge Festival, Science Park","Community Event, Project Presentation",,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses","Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Give presentation and run a stand at Cutting Edge Festival, the largest, most prestigious innovation event in Norway, where a lot of internationally renown companies and scientists present their work
  • Aid the Waag Society from Amsterdam in their ""DIY Antibiotics"" workshop
",,,,,,Gave presentation and ran a stand at the Cutting Edge Festival,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1289,UiOslo Norway,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Comic Book,Educational Material,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Release a comic book to raise awareness about synthetic biology
,,,,,,Released a comic book to raise awareness about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1290,UiOslo Norway,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,3D Model,Educational Material,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students",Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Teach synthetic biology to kids and high school students by creating a 3D file for a bacteria using 3D modeling software at <a href=""""></a>
  • The 3D model represents an E. coli bacterium and shows its DNA, plasmid, ribosomes, pilus, and flagellum
",,,,,,Taught synthetic biology to kids and high school students by creating a 3D file for a bacterium using a 3D modeling software,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1291,UiOslo Norway,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Increasing Knowledge for New Students at the University,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Hold lectures for new biology students at the University
  • In addition to spreading the word about iGEM, present project and explain the problem of antibiotic resistance
",Qualitative,The students seemed very interested about iGEM,,,,Held lectures for new biology students at the University,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1292,UiOslo Norway,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Increasing Knowledge for Primary and Secondary School Pupils,"Teaching Activity, Community Event, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Arrange ""Ungforsk,"" which roughly translates to ""young science"" at the University
  • Secondary school pupils visit the University to explore the labs and learn more about science
  • Give six presentations
",,,,,,"Arranged ""Ungforsk"" which translates to ""young science"" at the University and gave presentations",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1293,UMaryland,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Northeast USA regional meetup,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Project Presentation",,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
  • Host a regional meetup with several nearby teams to present projects and network
,,,,,,Hosted an iGEM meetup for teams near Maryland,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1294,UMaryland,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Eye Opening Interviews II,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Dr. Nosheen Ahmed who studies age related macular degeneration, and ask him for advice on iGEM project
",,,,,,Interviewed an expert on age-related macular degeneration,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1295,UMaryland,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Eye Opening Interviews,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with Dr. Noriko Esumi who studies age related macular degeneration, and ask for her advice on iGEM project
",,,,,,Interviewed an expert on age-related macular degeneration,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1296,UMaryland,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,UMaryland Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Opinion survey on biotechnology,Survey,"General Public, University Students, Professors",Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Conduct a survey to gain information about how members of the public feel about synthetic biology, as well as their overall background knowledge
",Quantitative,"Full data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",123,"""Even though many responses came from students or adults with science backgrounds, majority seemed unfamiliar with the competition. This shows how the competition, while it has grown, can be further popularized, especially by educating people more on what genetic engineering is.""",,A survey designed to gauge knowledge of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1297,UNIK-Copenhagen,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Comic Strip,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Comic strip that describes the visions and methods of their projects,Education Activity,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Team up with comic strip artist Johanne Holm.
  • Discuss the iGEM project and their vision for the project and comic strip
  • Create a comic strip (SpaceMoss) available to the public discussion their iGEM project in an interesting and awesome way.
  • Present and give away copies to the public during a lecture by a Danish Astronaut who visited their school.
,,,,,,Design a comic about their iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1298,UNIK-Copenhagen,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Media Publications,"Educational Material, Project Presentation","<a href=""""></a>",Various media articles published through interviews with members about their project,Interview,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Have interviews given by various media outlets including Danish Broadcasting corporation, Politiken article, University Post Article, Jyllands Posten, MetroXpress, and Radio Nova.
  • Discuss iGEM project and synthetic biology.
",,,,,,Give interviews to various news outlets about iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1299,UNIK-Copenhagen,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Human Exploration and Space Flight Course,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Attend the Human Exploration and Space Flight course in Kiruna.
  • While there, present iGEM project through discussion with other scientists and hold a presentation others attending the conference
  • Launch rocket SpaceMoss to promote awareness to their project.
",,,,,,Attend a space conference and present their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1300,UNITN-Trento,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Civil Engineer,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Conduct an interview with Michele De Fabro, a civil engineer from Verona, about solutions for energy resources
  • Discuss alternative energy, and which are most exploited in Italy.
  • Discuss if alternative energy sources can be used by small consumers as well as large consumers
  • Discuss how their project would impact consumers
",Integrated Human Practices,Gained useful information for their project on their products usability in the market. ,,,,Conduct an interview to gain information about alternative energy sources in Italy. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1301,UNITN-Trento,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Study on Energy Waste,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Study on Energy Waste,Research Paper,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Conduct research and compile information about energy waste in Europe, America, and Asia
  • Post that analysis on their wiki.
  • Learn how their project can be most useful, especially to individual households
",,,,,,Study on Energy Waste,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1302,UNITN-Trento,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,A Day with Italian High School Students,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Talk to 100 high school students from all over Italy that were spending a week at their University.
  • Introduce them to synthetic biology, the college's past iGEM projects and their current project.
  • Discuss their research on energy consumption
",,,,,,Introduce synthetic biology to high school students from Italy,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1303,UNSW Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Symposium,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses, Legislators",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Hold a Synthetic Biology Symposium in a rare opportunity to bring together professionals in scientific research, biolegalities, and social theory
  • Structure symposium in the form of a panel discussion, open to the public, in order to allow for open discussion and engaging debate
  • The combination of panellist enables a critical and interesting debate, where synthetic biology can be examined from a variety of unique perspectives
  • Have individuals across science, commerce, arts, and law engage with the panellists to gain a greater understand of synthetic biology as a whole
",Qualitative,The evening was extremely successful with those in attendance coming from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds to learn about the potential of synthetic biology in scientific advancement and its effects on social and legal structures,,,,"Held a Synthetic Biology Symposium to bring together professionals in scientific research, biolegalities, and social theory",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1304,UNSW Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Aspire,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Take part in Aspire’s conference for high school children from rural and disadvantaged areas, which brings year 10 students from these areas together at UNSW to introduce them to the university life in a welcoming and friendly environment
  • Make these students aware of the range of options available to them after they leave school and what pathways there are into university
  • Prior to the conference, students choose a stream that most interests them (Law, Business, Medicine, etc.)
  • Give a short presentation of an overview of the project, a simple introduction to Synthetic Biology, and then a basic explanation of how promoters and genes work together to produce different proteins
  • Give the students some cut-outs and balloons to ‘manufacture’ their own proteins which they package into the balloon, a substitute for an outer membrane vesicle (OMV)
  • Students then present their creations to the class
",,,,,,Attended Aspire's conference for high schoolers from rural and disadvantaged areas to introduce them to the university life,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1305,UNSW Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Environmental Bioremediation,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • To investigate the application of a non-replicative, stable transport mechanism able to carry functional proteins and molecules, meet with Mike Manefield, a researcher and founder of Environmental Biotechnology company Micronovo, which specializes in bioaugmentation of polluted environments
  • Ask key question of how environmental biotechnologies can successfully be implemented into Australian industries, and what barriers exist to this implementation
",Qualitative,"The issue identified was the disconnect that exists between classically conducted research at university institutions and businesses; In Australia, there exists a need for greater interdisciplinary integration, so that the foundational research can be developed effectively into useful products for society",,,,Investigated the application of a non-replicative transport mechanism able to carry functional proteins and molecules,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1306,UNSW Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Medical Biotechnology,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • To discuss how the OMV platform technology could be customized for various medicinal uses by using OMVs for the uptake, delivery, or transport of biologically significant molecules, meet with Lawrence Lee, who specializes in the artificial synthesis of complex nanoscale biological machines and other bio-inspired technologies
",Qualitative,Some advantages identified included the clear potential for targeted drug delivery and potential customization of a biosensor that could be optimized to provide point-of-care diagnostics to greatly improve patient care.,,"From dialogue with Lawrence, came to appreciate the potential for synthetic biology in the medical field",,Discussed how the OMV platform technology could be customized for various medicinal uses,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1307,UNSW Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Sociology,Consult Experts,,,,"Professors, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • To investigate the sociological factors influencing the progression of synthetic biology, discuss with leading academics in the field of environmental humanities
  • Converse with Matthew Kearnes, an ARC Future Fellow at UNSW in the School of Humanities and Languages, focusing upon the intersection between science and social theory, including research into the social dimensions of bionanotechnologies
  • Talk to Eben Kirksey, a Senior Lecturer and DECRA Fellow at UNSW, researching the boundaries of nature and culture, and the political influences on the imaginative processes
",Qualitative,"The subtle connections between science and society were often overlooked, with researchers assuming that the main issue with public acceptance of new technologies, especially in biology, was a lack of scientific communication and understanding; however, this was an over-simplification of a multifaceted problem",,,,Investigated the sociological factors influencing the progression of synthetic biology by conversing with leading academics in the field of environmental humanities,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1308,UNSW Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Biolegalities,Consult Experts,,,,Legislators,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • In order to closely examine the complexity of Biolegalities, begin discussions with academics in the fields of law and philosophy
  • Talk to Marc de Leeuw, a senior lecturer in the UNSW Law Faculty, specializing in the field of legal, moral, and political philosophy
  • Consult with Lyria Bennett Moses, an associate professor in Law at UNSW, whose research explores the relationship between technology and law, and the issues which arise as technologies evolve and change within Australian jurisdictions
",Qualitative,"Team was able to examine both the structural and theoretical aspects of the concurrent evolution of law and synthetic biology, and the impacts they may have on one another; Learned that to accommodate any new technology, there may be a need to prohibit, restrict, clarify (through legislation or judgment) or repeal existing laws",,"To fully conceptualize how the law regulates emergent technologies such a synthetic biology, it was important to understand the way in which the law allowed for integration new technologies",,Began discussions with academics in the fields of law and philosophy,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1309,UNSW Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,B.Inspiring,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Secure a one-hour workshop opportunity with the organization B. Inspiring Inc. to present and educate their audience about the growing field of synthetic biology
  • B. Inspiring runs an annual three-day conference addressing high school students between years 10 to 12 who aspire to work in the field of STEM (science technology engineering and mathematics)
  • Require students to develop a pitch solution to one of the UN sustainable goals
  • Workshops and presentations given by guest speakers from leading companies in STEM, which helps students develop their pitches and inspires them about the merits of a career in STEM
  • Provide them with an activity, which is to construct a bio-synthetic organism by using BioBricks
  • Discuss the ethical issues that must be addressed in any synthetic biology project
",Qualitative,Allowed students to look back on their newly created organism and consider the possible ethical impacts their project may need to take into account,,,,Secured a one-hour workshop with the organization B. Inspiring Inc. to educate their audience about the growing field of synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1310,UNSW Australia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,STEM Talk,"Teaching Activity, Project Presentation",,,,Secondary School Students,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Hold a series of talks about science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) at Gordon library as a part of Ku-Ring-Gai rotary’s youth education initiative
  • Present a talk about synthetic biology and the project
  • Organize talks for for high school students with the main focus of enlightening them on the possibilities of a STEM career
",,,,,,"Held a series of talks about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics at Gordon library",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1311,uOttawa,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Investigating Fair Use of Genetic Material in iGEM,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Report on the fair use of genetic material in iGEM,Research Paper,iGEM Teams,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • In response to emerging policy issues regarding the rapid growth of synthetic biology, create a Canadian iGEM specific guideline on the fair use of genetic material
  • Create guideline based on the premise that a better understanding of what rights iGEM members have in part submission could lead to a wider range of innovative projects being submitted to the iGEM registry, which would benefit the iGEM community and a society
",,,,,,Created a Canadian iGEM specific guideline on the fair use of genetic material,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1312,uOttawa,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science Workshops,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Organize science workshops for high school students using various visual demonstrations to help students become more conscientious consumers and producers of innovative technologies in society
,,,,,,Organized science workshops for high school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1313,uOttawa,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Ontario iGEM (oGEM),Teaching Activity,,,,iGEM Teams,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • With four other iGEM teams from Ontario (McMaster, Toronto, Queen's, and Waterloo), continue an initiative to create a larger Canadian presence in synthetic biology and iGEM
  • Help teams to solidify their projects throughout the summer
  • Mentor other teams on how to assemble DNA cheaply and efficiently, how to select protocols and chassis organisms, and how to present projects effectively
  • In particular, help McMaster, a team new to iGEM, learn on how iGEM works and how to most effectively perform the cutting-edge science of iGEM
",,,,,,Helped other teams from Ontario to solidify their projects throughout the summer,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1314,UPO-Sevilla,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,European Researchers' Night,Community Event,,,,"General Public, Scientific Community","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Participate in the European Researchers' Night, a European science project promoted by the European Commission to enhance the human side of research through direct contact and conversation with experts
  • Set up stand next to the cathedral in the center of Seville
  • Apart from students, explain project to tourists, teachers, and professors from different fields, in addition to parents, children and curious passersby
  • Distribute brochures with information about iGEM, synthetic biology, and the project
",,,1200 researchers,,,Participated in a European science event to teach members of the general public about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1315,UPO-Sevilla,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science Week,Community Event,,,,"General Public, Scientific Community",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Attend the Week of Science, the largest annual event popularizing science and technology at the European level, organized by ""Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI)"" at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • Entities related to research and knowledge organize a wide range of activities popularizing science for all ages
  • Explain to kids what synthetic biology is and what the iGEM competition is about
  • Talk about genetic engineering and the project, explaining the problem of glycerol and how the team intends to fix it
",Qualitative,Team was able to contact many students and teachers from different fields,Nearly 700 students with 35 scientists of the Universidad Pablo Olavide,,,Participated in a science festival to teach about synthetic biology and engineering,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1316,UPO-Sevilla,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science Fair,"Community Event, Fair Booth",,,,"General Public, Scientific Community","Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Participate in the14th The Science Fair, an educational and cultural project organized by the Andalusian Society for the Promotion of Science, held at the Exhibition and Conference palace in Seville
  • Present project with the purpose of creating a space that allows the exchange, dissemination, and communication of scientific knowledge between the pupils of schools, professors of universities, and the staff of research centers and innovative companies
  • To explain the project to children, turn project into an interactive game, asking children what they thought they could see under a microscope
  • Show children a petri dish
  • For older children and teenagers, show the scheme of the bacteria the team works with
",Qualitative,"People saw in the project the solution to serious problems in the world; Many teenagers were thinking about what they wanted to study in the future and, after talking with the team, showed particular interest in biotechnology and genetics; During the fair, the team made contact with people from very different areas, from teachers to primary school students","About 12,000 people, of which about 5,000 were students",,,Participated in a science festival to teach about synthetic biology through interactive activities,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1317,UPO-Sevilla,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Meet-Up Valencia,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Project Presentation",,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with two other Spanish iGEM teams in the city of Valencia with the purpose of getting to know the rest of the projects and members
  • Present projects in the student residence, Galileo Galilei
  • Each part of the project is explained by a different team member
  • Explain the techniques used to fulfill goals of project
  • After presentations, all group members come together and give feedback on projects
",Qualitative,"The 3 groups (UPO-Sevilla, UPF-CRG Barcelona and Valencia UPV) discussed the different projects and applications constructively; All projects were applauded and congratulated",,,,Participated in an iGEM meetup,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1318,UPO-Sevilla,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,XI Meeting of Molecular Microbiology,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Project Presentation",,,,Scientific Community,"Present iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Attend the Eleventh Meeting of the Molecular Microbiology Group of the SEM (Sociedad Española de Microbiología) in Sevilla
  • Several experts from the molecular microbiology sector participate in these meetings, giving presentations on their work to help young researchers
  • Present project through poster sessions to people who have already worked with biofilms and have expertise in that area
  • Inform PhD students and other researchers about the iGEM competition
",,,,,,Presented their project and the iGEM program to molecular biologists,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1319,UPO-Sevilla,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Report: Opinion Survey on Genetically Modified Organisms,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Create survey project in collaboration with other teams from all over the world with the goal of analyzing the public opinion on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOS)
  • Analyze the opinion and knowledge of people from Spain about GMOs
,Qualitative,"Found that most participants have heard about GMOs and have some knowledge about them; About 43.4% of people had a positive or very positive opinion on GMOs, and only about 8.4% had a bad or really bad opinion; 48.1% of participants did not have a clear opinion or they preferred not to answer, which indicated a strong indifference or lack of knowledge about GMOs",94 Spanish participants,,,Created a survey project in collaboration with other teams analyzing the public opinion on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs),Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1320,UPO-Sevilla,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Lab Practices with Students,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Explain what synthetic biology is to young school students
  • Talk to them about iGEM and the project at the Martinez Montañes Institute (Sevilla)
  • Teach the main techniques that are used in the field of synthetic biology and the risks that they involve
  • In a laboratory at the university, explain how to perform electrophoresis, digestions, plasmid extractions, transformations, etc.
  • Organize a practical course and write protocols for it
",Qualitative,The students were really involved and interested,,,,Taught secondary school students about synthetic biology and lab techniques,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1321,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Visiting the Power Plant,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Visit CHP (combined heat and power plant) to see how the powerplants works and ask questions
  • See all steps of the process of combusting waste at these power plants.
,,,,,,Visit a powerplant to see how their project could be useful in the industry,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1322,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Microfluidic Method Accessibility,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>","Price calculations for the conventional transformation procedure that the team used as well as the cost for the transformation procedure, Link to the page including a manual for manufacturing a microfluidic chip and AutoCAD files for the chip",Laboratory Protocol,"Scientific Community, iGEM Teams","Activism for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Design a microfluidic chip for heat shock transformation
  • Write a manufacturing manual for their microfluidic method
  • Share CAD designs of the microfluidic chips
  • Collaborate with Makerspace, a company that provides necessities for biohackers
  • Get feedback on the manual from biohackers
  • Estimate the approximate cost of the heat shock chip to determine how much a lab could save using their technology
",Quantitative,"The team calculated the cost of their microfluidic chip relative to a traditional heat shock transformation and found it was indeed cheaper. Detailed cost analysis can be found at <a href=""""></a> . The team received feedback from the Stockholm Makerspace on their manual and they adjusted the manual to make it more comprehensible and accessible.",,"While the feedback from Makerspace biohackers was helpful to adjusting the manual, the team also hopes to have them test the manual in practice.",,Designed a microfluidic chip for heat shock transformations and made it accessible to other scientists.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1323,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Newspaper Publications,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Get interviews by UNT, ERGO, SciLifeLab, Bi-Lagan, and Bladet about their iGEM project.
  • Discuss the topic of their project (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and how their project is investigating this field.
",,,,,,Publish in various newspaper interviews about PAHs and their iGEM project. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1324,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Youtube Videos,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",YouTube videos on iGEM and their project,Educational Video,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Make a YouTube channel associated with their team.
  • Upload videos throughout the summer about Wikifreeze, meetups, and their iGEM project
",,,,,,Make YouTube videos about their iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1325,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,SynBio Hour,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Attend an annual lunch conference, SynBio Hour, hosted by the board of the Uppsala iGEM community
  • Introduce synthetic biology and iGEM
  • Present iGEM project
",,,100,,,"Attended a university synthetic biology event and presented on synthetic biology, iGEM and the iGEM project.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1326,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Student Conference of Science and Technology,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Speak at the annual Student Conference of Science and Technology, an interdisciplinary event where student from different fields speak about interesting research
  • Present iGEM project
",,,100,,,Attended a university research event and presented on their iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1327,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey about Synthetic Biology,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey about Synthetic Biology,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Ask 190 people about their opinion on synthetic biology and any knowledge they have of it
  • Compile the data into a visually appealing graph and post to the wiki
,Quantitative,Learned public opinion on synthetic biology,190,,,Created a survey on synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1328,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Visiting a School in Uppsala,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Visit high school Rosendalgymnasiet in Uppala to discuss iGEM and synthetic biology
  • Talk about their iGEM project and answer questions at the end of the presentation
,,,,,,Present iGEM project to high school seniors. ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1329,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Lectures for University Students,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Hold various lectures by the team for the university students and professors.
  • Have two of the lecture be for biotechnology students in particular
  • Discuss synthetic biology and the iGEM competition
,,,,,,Discuss iGEM through various lectures at their University,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1330,USTC-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Science and Technology Week,"Fair Booth, Community Event",,,,"University Students, Secondary School Students, General Public","Science Education, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Attend Science and Technology Week, an annual on-campus celebration of science, technology, and engineering involving different college students at USTC conducting various science-based activities
  • Introduce the basics of genetics through a poster presentation
  • Demonstrate basic experimental techniques, such as liquid relief and centrifugation
  • Introduce biobricks and synthetic biology through the metaphors of LEGO and principle of programming
  • Distribute questionnaires to participants to get feedback to improve the team's software design
",Quantitative,"Over 40% of participants both were majoring in biology and wanted to have a program to analyze the concentrations of several interacting substances in a biological reaction. Some participants told the team that solving them manually was often a difficult job and there might be miscalculations in the results, which was a huge cost of time.",,,,Attended a university science and technology event and taught participants about synthetic biology and laboratory techniques.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1331,USTC-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,The Asian Conference in Taiwan,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Attend the Asian Conference in Taiwan hosted by NCTU iGEM.
  • Present iGEM project and listen to other teams projects.
  • Receive feedback and give feedback to other teams, and make connections with other synthetic biology students
",,,,,,Attend iGEM Conference and present iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1332,USTC-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Meetup with HFUT-China,Project Presentation,,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Hold a communication conference with USTC and HFUT-China.
  • Have every team present their project and go over motivation, progress, and obstacles the team still needs to address
  • Exchange ideas about software synthetic biologists need and what can best help them design synthetic circuits
",,,,,,"Hold a conference with iGEM teams and discuss their projects, issues, and how software can have an impact on synthetic biology research. ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1333,USTC-Software,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Technological Activities Week,Teaching Activity,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students",Science Education,"
  • Participate in the University's Technologies Activity Week for science, technology, and engineering
  • Introduce genetics to elementary school students
  • Teach younger students about basic experimental techniques (such as centrifuging).
  • Invite older teens to play FoldIt, a game on protein folding.
",,,,,,Participate in University's science education event by educating elementary school students and high school students . ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1334,USTC-Software,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Alpha Version Trial for Schoolmates,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",Instructions on how to install the software created by the team that includes programs that were created for this outreach project.,"Laboratory Protocol, Tool for iGEM Teams","University Students, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Based on feedback from questionnaires, design modules ""Simulation"" and ""BLAST"" for scientists who want a program to analyze the concentrations of several interacting substances in a biological reaction
  • Have biology majors test out an alpha version and give feedback
  • Change aspects of the modules based on students feedback
  • Have students test it a second time and give feedback
",Qualitative,"After the first round of testing, most students reported that the modules were useful, but some students told the team that the solution function of the simulation may be unstable after a certain period of time and they wondered if the team could find out the critical point which divided the stable state and the unstable one. After the modules were adjusted based on this feedback, more students approved them and some students said they would use a formal version in their own research.",,,Science and Technology Week,Designed software for researchers that analyzes the concentrations of several interacting substances in a biological reaction and improved the design based on student feedback.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1335,UT-Knoxville,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Food for Thought: GMOs Discussion,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"General Public, University Students",Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Create a panel of scientists who have diverse views on GMOs and have dealt with GMOs in different capacities, including through policy, research, or student research
  • Invite the general public and university students to watch the panel discussion on ethics and safety of GMOs
",,,,"The participants agreed that the project was ethically sound, but were curious of the long term effects if the team were to release their product into the environment. The team felt that the GMO panel was a great success as they informed the public about GMOs, their iGEM project, and discussed the ethics and safety of GMOs in everyday use.",,Hosted a panel discussion on the ethics and safety of GMOs for the general public.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1336,UT-Knoxville,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Building with Biology with UTK iGEM Team at the Muse,Teaching Activity,,,,"Primary School Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Set up six stations to introduce children and parents to synthetic biology at Muse Knoxville, a place for children to explore science
  • Lead hands-on activities for children, discuss ethical issues, and introduce parents to emerging research
",Qualitative,Parents and children enjoyed learning about synthetic biology,,,,Led hands-on Building with Biology activities at a local science museum.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1337,UT-Knoxville,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,High School Visits,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Visit an AP class and present on experimental design in synthetic biology and their project and results
  • Participate in a high school science academy lecture series and discuss bioremediation and manufacturing through synthetic biology
,,,,The team felt that having college students present to high school students made a big impact because they could imagine themselves in the team members' positions easier than older researchers. ,,Visited several local high schools and present on synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1338,Valencia UPV,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,It is never too late to learn,"Community Event, Teaching Activity",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Gave a talk called ""Learning to program life"" about synthetic biology and its applications at a pub as part of the ""Skepticals in the Pub"" initiative, where each Friday, people interested in the topic of the day reunite in a pub to learn more about the subject
",,,,,,Gave a presentation about synthetic biology at a weekly pub event.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1339,Valencia UPV,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,HYPE-IT: Stakeholders engagement,"Consult Experts, Project Presentation",,,,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience ","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Meet with stakeholders; IVIA (Valencian Institute of Agrarian Researches), Intersemillas (national seedbed company), and Babyplant (local seedbed company) to gain feedback about whether ""HYPE-IT"" would be a useful tool, and to gain information about how to focus the project for maximal usefulness
",Integrated Human Practices,"IVIA was impressed by the CRISPR/Cas9 plant breeding technique, and noted that they used transgenics for research purposes, but not for developing new varieties, though that would change if the EU approved CRISPR/Cas9 edited plants for consumption. Intersemillas noted that the key part of the project was the data processing tool and database, and that resistance to plagues and disease is the most relevant improvement for plants. Babyplant was most interested in low cost labware and the database, and gave advice about editing patented varieties. Full information can be found <a href=""""></a>",,"Plant breeders find HYPE-IT a valuable product that they would use in the near future. ""The advantages offered by the labware, the data processing software and the database, and the efficiency of viral vectors were easily noticed by plant breeders."" and that care needed to be taken due to ""legal issues concerning protected varieties and use of CRISPR/Cas9 in European Union""",,"Met with stakeholders, specifically local seedbed local companies, to discuss the project and its implementation.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1340,Valencia UPV,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,HYPE-IT: Impact assessment,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","A multi-sectioned, well-referenced impact assessment of Valencia UPV's project HYPE-IT detailing how it could be useful in multiple potential future scenarios","Education Activity, Paper on Ethics, Paper on Safety","Scientific Community, iGEM Teams","Present iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Determine the nutritional, environmental, and socioeconomic impact of ""HYPE-IT"" in various potential scenarios
  • Write a detailed report that helps the team consider the impact of the project
",Integrated Human Practices,"The team's report, which can be found at <a href=""""></a> , helped them consider the impact of their project, influenced the design, and caused them to think about potential applications.",,,,Wrote a report on the socioeconomic and nutritional impacts of the iGEM project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1341,Valencia UPV,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,SynBioCraft,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Minecraft Mod about synthetic biology,Education Activity,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Design a minecraft mod that allowed the team to teach students about synthetic biology
  • Include DNA blocks with information of the FASTA files, Lab machines that includes petri dishes, thermocyclers, electroporator, and golden gate thermocycler
  • Make the mod into a game that people can play and learn about synthetic biology
",,,,,,Minecraft mod for synthetic biology (synthetic biology game),Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1342,Valencia UPV,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,HYPE-IT: PLOS blog,Project Presentation,"<a href=""""></a>","Blog post detailing the goals and design of their project and how genome editing could be beneficial to the world. Additional articles can be found in the press section here <a href=""""></a>","Blog, Magazine/Newspaper Article",Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Blog on PLOS about the goals and value of ""HYPE-IT"" the Valencia UPV 2016 project
  • Discuss specifically how ""HYPE-IT"" will be implemented
  • Obtain additional coverage by other news organizations throughout Spain
",,,,,,Created a blog about the iGEM project and its implementation.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1343,Valencia UPV,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey: new plant breeding techniques,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Description of survey questions and results,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Survey a wide variety of members of the general public about their awareness of and the frequency of use of various plant breeding techniques, the nutritional qualities derived from said plant breeding techniques, and their knowledge of ""transgenics""
  • Use survey data to better approach project-relevant outreach
",Quantitative,"Interviewed 115 people between the ages of 16-68 from a wide variety of educational backgrounds (primary school through graduate). Of the techniques surveyed, hybridization and artificial selection were the most widely known, while polyploidy and induced mutagenesis where the least. Of those surveyed 33.9% believed that induced mutagenesis is a commonly used technique. When asked ""which plant breeding technique they think is the best and the worse from a nutritional, health and economical point of view?"" 44.3% of those surveyed chose artificial selection as the best technique and 23.5% of those surveyed chose genetic editing as the best technique. 68.7% of those surveyed chose induced mutagenesis as the worst technique. 3.5% of those surveyed chose genetic editing as the worst technique. Complete data can be found in figures 1-3 <a href=""""></a>",115,"While induced mutagenesis is one of the most common plant breeding techniques, those surveyed believed that it was in fact rarely used and was ineffective as a technique. Those surveyed believed that genome editing was widely used, but a significant number did not feel that they knew what genome editing was. On the whole, plant genome editing was not seen as unfavorable, and is altogether seen as more favorable than ""transgenics"". Of those surveyed, many knew about transgenics, but only about half knew the difference between transgenics and genome editing. This indicated that new technology needs to be actively communicated to society. Further based on this survey's data, it appear there is a wide discrepancy between what people think they eat, and what they actually eat.",,Surveyed the public on their knowledge of plant breeding techniques and transgenics.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1344,Valencia UPV,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Every Child is a Scientist,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Introduce students from the Summer School of the City of Arts and Sciences from Valencia, who had already learned about biological processes to learning games to promote a hands-on understanding of biology
  • Incorporate real world scientific discoveries into later games to help impress upon students what scientific investigation involves
  • Introduce synthetic biology as a way to benefit the world, and discuss various applications where it could be useful
",,,,,,Led summer school students through a series of games and activities related to synthetic biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1345,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Spaceship Earth,Community Event,,,,"Scientific Community, University Students, Secondary School Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Science Education","
  • Attend and host events at 'Spaceship Earth', a national science festival with over 30,000 participants
  • Lecture to high school students about biotechnology, iGEM, genetic engineering and synthetic biology
  • Host an escape the room focusing on teaching lab safety to scientists, college students, and high school students
",,,90,,,Attended a national science festival and taught participants about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1346,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,European Biotech Week,Community Event,,,,"Scientific Community, University Students, Secondary School Students",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Organize a life science quiz game at a biotechnology series of events
,,,,,,Attended and hosted events and lectures at a national science festival ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1347,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Life Sciences Baltics,"Community Event, Project Presentation",,,,Vendors/Businesses,Present iGEM Project,
  • Present about at an international life sciences forum about team's iGEM project
,,,,,,"Presented iGEM project at Life Sciences Baltics, an international biotechnology industry forum",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1348,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,International Conference: The COINS,"Community Event, Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses","Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project, Networking","
  • Present current and previous year's iGEM projects at ""The COINS"", an international annually organized life sciences conference sponsored by the Vilnius University Student Union
  • Network with and distribute informational booklets to entrepreneurs and biotechnology companies at the special event ""A Company Fair""
",,,,"Feedback from the presentation on this year's project enabled the project to be planned more thoroughly, taking into account all possible issues.",,Presented project at a conference and educated participants about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1349,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Live interview with ‘Science Soup’,"Community Event, Social Media, Project Presentation",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Learn Public Opinions, Present iGEM Project",
  • Take questions and talk about biotechnology and synthetic biology applications on a live youtube channel
,,,,,,Answered questions about synthetic biology on a live YouTube video,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1350,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Vilnius-Lithuania 2015 Cafe Scientifique,"Community Event, Speaker Series",,,,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
  • Spoke about iGEM and GMOs as part of a scientific speaker series for the general public hosted at a cafe
,,,,,,Speaking as part of a community run scientific speaker series,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1351,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Meeting with the Lithuanian Government,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Specialized Audience ,Policy Outreach,
  • Meet with the department of environmental services to discuss an upcoming renewal of GMO laws
  • Organize a life sciences student board that will meet with members of the Lithuanian Parliament
,,,,,,Public policy outreach to discuss an upcoming GMO law renewal with members of the Lithuanian government ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1352,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Collaboration with Artists,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Teaching Activity",,,,"Professors, Specialized Audience","Science Education, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Conduct meetings with Lithuanian writer and Associate Professor of Philosophy at Vilnius University, Kristupas Sabolius and his colleagues about genetic engineering, ethics and the importance of visualization, imagination and fortuities in science.
  • With the help of Kristupas Sabolius and two of his colleagues organize a discussion on the possible connection between art and science
  • Partner with Kristupas and ‘Institutio media’ organisation to organize a workshop for artists and other enthusiasts during ‘The European Researchers’ Night’ a Europe-wide public event, dedicated to popular science and informal learning.
  • During this workshop have a discussion about the adaptability of bacteria and how it affects humans, as well as the scientific importance of working with bacteria
  • Have a hands on activity involving bacterial staining with low cost equipment to showcase the accessibility of science to the public
  • Have a protein exhibition by showcasing the structure and function of important proteins in bacteria, and how they relate to humans
",Qualitative,"People from a wide variety of fields expressed interested, and began to see value and beauty in biology",,,,Organized a workshop for artists about bacteria and synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1353,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Gathering information on PKU,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience ,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Meet with a variety of medical professionals and biotechnology experts to determine potential approaches to treatments of PKU, as well as their feasibility
",,,,,,Met with experts and medical professionals about treatment for Phenylketonuria,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1354,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Phenylketonuria patients association and summer camp,"Consult Experts, Community Event, Survey",,,,"Specialized Audience, General Public","Learn Public Opinions, Gain Information for iGEM Project","
  • Collaborate with the association ’Dalia’ a (PKU patient's association), to gain information about how the condition affects the lives of those who have it
  • Attend a PKU summer camp and got opinions on potential deliver mechanisms for probiotics
  • Collaborate with Oxford iGEM to administer survey to general public about prefered delivery mechanism for probiotics
",Quantitative,Discussion and surveys of patients revealed that most would prefer probiotics in a pill rather than in a food product,,"""Taking these results into account, rejected the idea of creating food products and decided to focus on a pill.""",,Led activism for their iGEM project on Phenylketonuria,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1355,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Competition for school students - ‘A Day of Scientist’,Social Media,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Host a competition for school students to ""present scientific progress"" around the world, with the winners getting an opportunity to visit ""the biggest and the most innovative science centres in Lithuania: UAB ‘Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics’ and Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre""
",Qualitative,Numerous submissions (drawings and videos) about the daily life of scientists were received from students in middle and high schools.,,,,Hosted a science competition for school students,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1356,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Cafe Scientifique discussion cycle,Speaker Series,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Host a speaker series about ""Synthetic biology and GMOs"", "" Biotechnology in Lithuania"", ""Human genome editing"", ""Art and science"" and ""Rare genetic diseases""
",,,,,,Hosted a synthetic biology speaker series,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1357,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Human practices collaboration with Aachen iGEM team,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Collaborate with university Aachen to survey the public about genetic engineering
,,,,,,Surveyed the public about genetic engineering,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1358,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Vilnius-Lithuania 2015 Ethics and Opinion Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Surveyed general public to get their opinions on GMOs and ethics issues surrounding them
,Quantitative,"See: <a href=""""></a>",,,,An ethics and public opinion survey ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1359,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Vilnius-Lithuania 2015 Education ,"Survey, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Vist 9 local high schools to investigate (survey) and supplement the bioengineering knowledge of students
,Quantitative,"See: <a href=""""></a>",,,,A visit to local high schools to Learn Public Opinions and teach,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1360,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Survey on probiotics ,Survey,,,,General Public,"Learn Public Opinions, Gain Information for iGEM Project",
  • Collaborate with Oxford iGEM to administer survey to general public about probiotics
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",170,See data link under heading survey on probiotics,,Surveyed the general public about probiotics,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1361,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,High school visits,"Survey, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Organise talks and discussions about synthetic biology, iGEM, and phenylketonuria to students with scientific and non-scientific backgrounds in 11 schools across 6 different cities of Lithuania
  • Survey students to determine their exposure to synthetic biology outside of this event, as well as their opinions on the applications of synthetic biology
",Quantitative,"""The question ‘Have you ever heard about synthetic biology before our presentation?’ held 65.42 % of negative responses and 34.58 % of positive responses."" According to the questionnaire, some students believe that it is possible to find a cure for cancer with the help of synthetic biology.",530,"The survey data shows that these discussion on synthetic biology proved inspirational, and also introduced students to a before unknown field of study",,Led talks and discussions with students in schools across Lithuania,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1362,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Create your own bacteria workshop,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Organize a workshop during the annual event ""Children's University"" for children between 11-15
  • Lecture about ""microorganisms, laboratory work and the ways scientists exploit their imagination to come up with the ideas of modified bacteria performing novel functions""
  • Have children create their own synthetic bacteria out of art materials such as colored paper and pencils
",Qualitative,"students admired the workshop and were excited to learn new things, and were interested in what it's like to be a scientist ",50,,,Taught a workshop for children about creating synthetic bacteria,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1363,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,The Centre for Child Development,"Teaching Activity, Community Event",,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Science Education, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Visit the ""The Centre for Child Development"" for children with developmental, mental and behavioural disorders or children who have experienced abuse and violence, and equip them with lab equipment such as coats and pipettes and teach them basic scientific techniques
  • Encourage them to draw custom modified bacteria
",Qualitative,Students were extremely creative with their custom bacteria,50,,,Visited the Centre for Child Development and taught children about lab techniques,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1364,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Policy Proposal,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Sample policy proposal for testing/monitoring biocontainment devices in genetically engineered organisms (GEOs),Policy,Legislators,Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Speak with several policy experts, including the Virginia Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture, and the current and previous director of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, to understand the current state of GEO legislation and to identify areas for improvement
  • In response to these discussions, generate a sample policy proposal for the testing, application, monitoring, and termination of biocontainment devices in a released GEO
",,,,,,Met with policy experts and created a sample policy brief on biocontainment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1365,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Safety Guidelines,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Safety guidelines posted on the Open Science Framework,Paper on Safety,Scientific Community,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Work to foster dialogue about biocontainment as a safeguard against unintended consequences of GEOs in open environments by speaking to the head of Charlottesville Open Bio Labs and Dr. Todd Kuiken from the Wilson Center to examine the current regulation of community labs
  • Working with the head of the Open Bio Labs, create a biosafety guidelines document, including provisions on biocontainment
",,,,,,Worked with a local community lab to create biocontainment guidelines,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1366,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Educational Videos,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Synthetic biology video and biocontainment video,Educational Video,"General Public, Scientific Community","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Make an educational video to help the public understand what synthetic biology is and what GEOs are, and to have a basic understanding of how it all works
  • Create a ""Biocontainment Video"" to level the playing field on the two ends of the spectrum, and explain briefly what GEOs are, the different types of biocontainment that exist, and what the project entails
",,,,,,Created an educational video about biocontainment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1367,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Building with Biology,Educational Material,,,,"General Public, Scientific Community","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Host a Building with Biology event in collaboration with Charlottesville Open Bio Labs (Building with Biology is an organization that promotes public education about synthetic biology)
  • To accomplish this, events are hosted in which participants of all ages can familiarize themselves with core synthetic biology concepts through exciting activities
  • Participants rotate between various stations that focus on specific concepts, and younger participants are entertained with educational games while older participants can engage in discussions with professional scientists
  • Participate in and help lead the forum on Gene Drive at this event
  • Create a brief powerpoint with interesting illustrations to engage participants in brainstorming potential applications for synthetic biology and biological containment
",,,,,,Hosted a Building with Biology event for the community,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1368,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Pamphlet,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Pamphlet on biocontainment targeted at iGEM teams,Laboratory Protocol,iGEM Teams,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Produce a pamphlet on biocontainment for iGEM teams
,,,,Had the opportunity to gauge public knowledge surrounding synthetic biology through organic conversation while educating both the public and the team,,Created a pamphlet on biocontainment for iGEM teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1369,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Biocontainment Widget,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Web widget to help teams choose a biocontainment method,Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Design an interactive web widget that allows iGEM teams to customize a biocontainment method that fits their project
,,,,,,Created a web widget for iGEM teams to optimize biocontainment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1370,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Policy and Ethics Interviews,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Professors",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview Hank Greely, Professor of Genetics at Stanford School of Medicine
  • Discuss biological containment and gain feedback on project while in the early stages of planning experimental design
  • Ask questions about his opinions on the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues and its relevance to modern synthetic biology
",Qualitative,"He believed that changes will need to be made in the near future, but he did not think that change would occur to the coordinated framework until the first large problem occurred; the government was avoiding exactly what they started the Presidential Commission for: to prevent problems from occurring by addressing possible concerns before the technology is actually accessible",,,,Interviewed an expert on biological containment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1371,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Synthase: Biotechnology Companies,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview Markus Gershater, a representative from Synthace
",Qualitative,Markus gave several tips on asking questions and provided important questions to ask companies about biocontainment in future interviews; He stressed the importance of determining measures of success for the project before beginning lab work and prompted the team to consider the following questions in determining measures of success such as: How easily can the genetic construct get out? What will it take to break down the system?,,,,Interviewed a representative from Synthase,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1372,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Green Biologics: Laboratory and Scale-Up,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview a representative from Green Biologics, a biotech company located in the United Kingdom, to understand the role of the biocontainment method in an industrial application
  • Learn opinions on the use of modified organisms in industry
",Qualitative,They expressed a need for an effective biocontainment method in future scale-up operations of their laboratory into a small-scale factory; Main concerns that Green Biologics had were cost and ease of use; There would be a future market for the project if a risk assessment proved that the method was in fact better than other methods in terms of actually containing the organisms,,,,Interviewed an expert on biological containment in industry,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1373,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Monsanto: Agriculture,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Interview a representative of Monsanto, one of the lead scientists from Monsanto, Daniel A. Goldstein, M.D, to get the perspective of a more controversial corporation when it comes to synthetic biology
  • Learn about the history of Monsanto and its use of synthetic biology in their products
",Qualitative,"He mentioned that Monsanto was not currently researching new genetically modified organisms, but that the team's project could be useful in the future when Monsanto goes back to products that already exist; His main concerns with the biocontainment method involved the implementation into plants, with considerably different genetic mechanisms than bacteria, and the influence of the methods on crop yield, especially in low-income populations",,,,Interviewed a representative from Monsanto about synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1374,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Gregory Mandel: Bioremediation,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Speak with Gregory Mandel, Dean of the Temple University Beasley School of Law
  • Acquire information on the team's policy proposal
  • Ask several questions about current regulations and possible changes that could be made to them in the future
",Qualitative,He felt as if the biggest issue facing bioremediation and it’s policy was biocontainment because it's important to protect the environment from potential hazards,,,,Interviewed a professor of law about creating a policy proposal,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1375,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority: Wastewater Treatment,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Tour the Rivanna water and sewer plant in Charlottesville and speak with company leaders about the project
  • Learn more about their specific containment methods
,Qualitative,Rivanna already had robust physical containment methods in place that were more effective and cost-efficient than the biocontainment method,,,,Toured a sewer plant to learn about biological containment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1376,Virginia,Undergraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey questions,Survey,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • To both gauge awareness and generate more awareness about biocontainment, survey iGEM teams, who often have the hope of deploying their product in the environment
",Quantitative,"Discovered that over ⅓ of the respondents have never heard of biocontainment and only 18.5% of participants reported they were currently using biocontainment in their project, while 53.1% of the respondents had not even considered using biocontainment in their projects",81 responses from 51 different teams,,,Surveyed iGEM teams about biocontainment,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1377,Wageningen UR,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Dutch Beekeeper's Association,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Seek experts on their project, in this case beekeepers
  • Learn necessary information such as how their project would benefit a beehive
",Integrated Human Practices,Received helpful advice on how to direct their project to be most helpful to beekeepers; the team changed how they presented their project based on feedback from the beekeepers.,,"Since a lot of the beekeepers are hobbyists and non scientific, approaching them was rather challenging. They showed to be wary when hearing that the iGEM project involved applying GMOs.",,Consulted with beekeepers to gain background information and discuss project implementation.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1378,Wageningen UR,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Synenergene,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>","Link to PDF of the student magazine of Wageningen University, in which there is an article discussing the project and ethics in synthetic biology, A document that discusses the societal impact of the envisioned product",Magazine/Newspaper Article,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience, General Public","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Collaborate with Synenergene to create a futuristic magazine and an application scenario depicting what the world could like in 2030 if their project were followed up on
  • Publish both documents so that they are accessible to the public
,,,,Successfully evaluated their project and its place in the future,,Wrote a fictional magazine article and report predicting the potential impacts of the team's project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1379,Wageningen UR,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,RIVM,Educational Material,,,,"General Public, Scientific Community",Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Work with RIVM (a government institute that is concerned with public health) to create a movie to depict the safety issue linked to the project.
  • Evaluate the thoughts and concepts about designing a safe project in a video, and evaluate the team's job in terms of responsibility.
  • Spread the video to the community and other iGEM teams.
  • Attend a meeting with other iGEM teams, policymakers, and researchers to discuss biosafety
",Integrated Human Practices,Integrated the safety considerations that were brought up in the video into their potential project applications.,,They learned a lot from this project about further handling safety in synthetic biology both from a political and societal point of view. ,,Created a video about the biosafety aspect of the team's project.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1380,Wageningen UR,Overgraduate,2016,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Design Academy Eindhoven,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Video made by students from the Design Academy about the team to study group dynamics, stress, and teamwork",Video of Activity,"General Public, Scientific Community",Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Collaborate with students from the Design Academy Eindhoven to create a video preparing a dish like bees would.
  • Use the opportunity to not only consider the artistic aspects of their project, but also discuss with the public and artists the ethics of their project such as synthetic biologies perception in society and communication issues.
  • Encourage the team to use more art and graphics to convey these issues
",Integrated Human Practices,"This project helped the team see communication issues and adjust the project to include more art and graphics, making it more widely accessible to the general public",,,,Created a video of the team cooking a meal while mimicking the working patterns of bees.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1381,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Canada Banana Farms Consultation,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Visit Canada Banana Farms, a local farm in Wingham Ontario which grows organic, non-GMO bananas and other tropical fruits
  • Meet with farmers to get their perspectives on their needs, their stances on GMOs and GMO research
",Integrated Human Practices,Reinforced the team's focus on increasing profit via their product and stressing traits such as palatability. ,,"The team assessed the potential of involving themselves in the circulation of farmer-centered reading material may be the ideal avenue for which they could eventually market our GM-plants. Also, to further foster the appeal of their hypothetical product, they might host conferences which attract exposure and allow for these experts to understand the modified plants’ characteristics more intimately.",,Met with a local banana farmer and got feedback on their potential iGEM project product.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1382,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Neurodegenerative Diseases Poster,Educational Material,"<a href=""T-Waterloo--PSAFinal.png"">T-Waterloo--PSAFinal.png</a>",Poster about GMOs and neurodegenerative diseases that was created by the team,Education Activity,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Activism for iGEM Project,"
  • Design several drafts of posters that raise awareness of the importance of researching how GMOs can be used for treating neurodegenerative disease
  • Make sure the poster is not offensive, does not create misconceptions, and does not fear-monger
  • Have the entire team vote for the best poster design
  • Develop the design into a poster
",,,,,,Created a poster about using GMOs to treat neurodegenerative disorders.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1383,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices,OPEN SCIENCE,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A paper on examining the discipline of synthetic biology as an open science,Research Paper ,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Explore and research about data and science within synthetic biology, and specifically on iGEM
",,,,,,Wrote a report on synthetic biology as an open science as well as the iGEM competition.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1384,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2016,,,Integrated Human Practices, DATASET/CODEBOOK,Educational Material,"<a href="";"">;</a> <a href=""""></a>","A spreadsheet on iGEM 2015 collaborations, a network analysis on collaboration validity and significance ",Research Paper ,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience, iGEM Teams",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Research network collaborations of 2015 data, and interpret how each team’s collaboration affected their finishing result.
  • have a clear definitions on what a significant collaboration is, what a registered iGEM team is, and what a team wiki is.
",Quantitative,Statistical data and case studies of former iGEM collaboration to establish a thorough evaluation method on collaboration's validity and current problems,,,,Researched and analyzed the impacts of iGEM team collaborations from the previous year of iGEM.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1385,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Academy,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Video series on synthetic biology techniques,Educational Video,"Secondary School Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Create a video series about synthetic biology techniques
  • Publish videos on YouTube
,,,,,,Created a video series about synthetic biology techniques.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1386,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Safety Concerns,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Short research paper on the laws and regulations for GMOs in Canada, as well as safety considerations",Paper on Safety,Scientific Community,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Write a short essay on the laws, regulations, and safety concerns for GMO development in Canada
  • Consider how the team would hypothetically develop their product with these concerns in mind
",Integrated Human Practices,"Created a plan for getting their product approved by the government by adhering to laws, regulation, and avoiding safety concerns.",,,,"Wrote a short research essay on GMO laws, regulations, and safety concerns in Canada.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1387,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Waterloo iGEM Social media access,Social Media,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Increase access includes maintaining a two way communication between the team and the community and to present themselves as a diverse, relatable group of students;
  • Analyze their social media reach to get an idea where they could improve
",Quantitative,"691 Likes on Facebook, 941 Followers on Twitter, 332 Views in First Two Weeks on blog; Twitter audience is more diverse in nationality",,,,Analyzed the team's social media reach to learn how to improve gaining a wider audience.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1388,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,GMO Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey used to assess attitudes toward GMOs,Survey,"General Public, University Students",Learn Public Opinions,
  • Create a GMO attitude survey
  • Administer the survey on campus and at the Downtown Kitchener Market
  • Compare this survey to Gene Editing Survey
,Quantitative,"Detailed results can be found at <a href=""""></a>",60,,Gene Editing Survey,Surveyed the general public and university students to learn their opinions on GMO foods.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1389,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Gene Editing Survey,Survey,,,,"General Public, University Students",Learn Public Opinions,
  • Create a gene editing survey
  • Administer the survey on campus and at the Downtown Kitchener Market
  • Compare this survey to GMO Survey
,Quantitative,"Detailed results can be found at <a href=""""></a>",61,,GMO Survey,Surveyed the general public and university students to learn their opinions on gene editing.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1390,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,SYNBIO101: Exploring the Intersection Between Synthetic Biology and Gender Equity,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>","Presentation about gender equity in synthetic biology, 2013 Paris Bettencourt Gender Study that the Waterloo team used in developing their workshops","Education Activity, Research Paper",University Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Use the Gender Study conducted by the 2013 Paris Bettencourt iGEM team to develop a 2-part workshop on gender equity in synthetic biology in collaboration with WiSTEM, Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths
  • Use the first workshop to introduce students to the intersection of synthetic biology and gender equity with a 20-minute presentation, an activity, and an open discussion to close.
  • Have students generate ideas on why women drop out of science through the advancing stages of the educational and occupational hierarchies of STEM fields in the format of a pipeline
  • Enter participants from the first workshop into a lottery to attend the sedong workshop
  • In the second workshop, teach students microbiology techniques
",Qualitative,"Feedback from participants can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,,,"Held a series of workshops to address gender issues in STEM, and specifically in synthetic biology.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1391,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Shad Valley,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",A package of online workshop for students who'd like to study synthetic biology at home,Education Activity,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Build a workshop to teach secondary school student the genetic biological principle and social, ethical issues that underlies synthetic biology research;
  • Guide students towards performing tasks in the laboratory including following lab protocols and utilizing sufficient aseptic technique;
  • Gather feedback about the workshop
",Qualitative,Students gave generally very positive feedback on the workshop,,The event may seem challenging at times. For next year they think students should be advised to enter the event with an open mind and a passion to get engaged in learning. ,,Held a workshop for secondary school students guiding them through basic lab protocols and aseptic technique.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1392,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Lecture about Mathematical Modelling,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Give a guest lecture to second year University of Waterloo students about biological modelling and differential equations relating to their project
,,,,,,Gave a lecture about mathematical modelling,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1393,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,High School Workshops,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education",
  • Run gel electrophoresis workshops at the SCB Science Fair and a local Fulton High School
  • Host a three day workshop for seniors in high school where students are able to run gels and perform ligations and transformations
,Qualitative,"Quotes from students, which can be found on wiki, saying that the workshop was informative and helpful.",,,,Ran workshops for high school students to teach them synthetic biology techniques.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1394,Waterloo,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Elementary School Workshops,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,Science Education,
  • Partner with Waterloo's Engineering Science Quest to run weekly workshops with students aged 5-7 to give them an introduction to biology to help spur their excitement
,,,,,,Ran workshops for primary school students to teach them about biology.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1395,Wellesley_TheTech,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,The Mobile Transformation Station,"Educational Material, Community Event",,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Design an interactive biology activity to ""terraform"" Mars by using a variety of different colored bacteria
  • Create a mobile transformation station, that allows for each group of visitors to build off the previous
",,,,,BacPack,"A hands on interactive museum exhibit designed to teach school age children about synthetic biology by ""terraforming"" Mars",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1396,Wellesley_TheTech,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,BacPack,"Educational Material, Community Event",,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Design a museum exhibit on biotechnology for an upcoming event at the The Tech
  • Utilize a user centered design process to help refine the graphical interface, first soliciting feedback from experts, then other iGEM teams and representative end users
",,,,,The Mobile Transformation Station,An interactive digital museum exhibit designed to teach school age children about synthetic biology ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1397,Westminster,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM UK Meetup,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,iGEM Teams,"Present iGEM Project, Networking","
  • Invite local (UK) iGEM teams to attend a meetup to present projects and hear from speakers about synthetic biology
  • Invite several speakers, including local professors and representatives from local synthetic biology industries, to present their work
",,,16 teams,,,"Hosted an iGEM meetup for all UK teams, including presentations from professors and representatives from synthetic biology businesses",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1398,Westminster,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Dr. Shengchang Su,Consult Experts,,,,Professors,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Discuss the industry side of synthetic biology, learn about legislation regulating synthetic biology in the EU and the US
  • Discuss major ethical issues associated with synthetic biology
",Qualitative,"Gained information about industry and Dr. Su's business. Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a> under ""Questions were answered by Shengchang Su, PhD. Director at Microbial Robotics""",,,,"Interviewed the head of a local synthetic biology business, learned about the industry side of synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1399,Westminster,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Chief of Engineering at Fuller's Brewery,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss wastewater production and electrical output and regulation associated with the brewery
  • Obtain a sample of wastewater in order to test growing conditions for Shewanella oneidensis
,,,,,,"Interviewed the Chief of Engineering at a local brewery, discussed brewery output in terms of waste water management and carbon footprint",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1400,Westminster,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Education Academy of Westminster Science Fair,Fair Booth,,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Contact local schools and organizations with the intention of hosting an event to promote synthetic biology to the general public and inform young students about current and future applications of synthetic biology
  • Receive an invitation from Westminster Academy to attend their annual science fair along with other representatives
  • Set up posters with information on both synthetic biology and the team's iGEM project
  • Construct a small working microbial fuel cell
  • On a screen, play an animation of the Mtr pathway
",Qualitative,"The event was a success, with many students asking very interesting questions; Managed to implant a new positive attitude towards synthetic biology ",,,,"Attended a local science fair, offering information on basic synthetic biology and the iGEM project through a microbial fuel cell demo",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1401,Westminster,Overgraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Public Outreach at Hyde Park Corner,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Street survey of public park attendees about GMOs and microbial fuel cells,Survey,General Public,"Learn Public Opinions, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Visit a public park and survey attendees about their knowledge of GMOs and microbial fuel cells
  • Provide links to websites providing more information about GMOs and basic synthetic biology
,,,,,,"Questioned the general public about their background understanding of GMOs and microbial fuel cells, provided links for further information on the topic",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1402,Westminster,Overgraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Thames Water representative,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Discuss wastewater treatment methods (general and specific to particular toxins)
  • Learn about which toxins are commonly found in wastewater
,,,,"Gained specific information on the wastewater treatment process. Detailed analysis can be found at <a href=""""></a>",,Interviewed a representative from Thames Water waste water treatment plant about waste water management strategies and common toxins/contaminants ,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1403,William and Mary,Undergraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Public Talks,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Present two talks, one on synthetic biology and one on biomaths, to the general public
  • Discuss public concerns over bioengineering safety
",,,,,,Hosted a forum about synthetic biology and biomath for the general public,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1404,William and Mary,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,LearnSynBio,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A website that includes short videos and worksheets to help teach synthetic biology,"Educational Video, Education Activity, Education Activity Protocol","Teachers, iGEM Teams, Secondary School Students",Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Consult with high school teachers to learn what they would like to see present in the project in order to best facilitate its incorporation into the classroom
  • Create four modules of instructional videos and supplemental worksheets to introduce high school students to the ideas in synthetic biology
  • Upload the material onto an independent domain website that can be accessible anywhere by anyone and that can be easily maintained and updated with teachers' feedback
  • Collaborate with Broad Run iGEM and the Virginia Association of Science Teachers to incorporate the material into classrooms
,,,,,,"Created a website with four modules, which each included videos and worksheets, to provide teachers resources to teach synthetic biology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1405,William and Mary,Undergraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Activities Booklet,Educational Material,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, Teachers",Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Provide an array of activities in the form of a booklet that teachers can do in class to education students about science in an engaging manner
  • Make the activities low cost and use materials that are easily accessible
  • Create activities for all ages
  • Share activities with teachers
,Qualitative,"Many teachers requested the booklet, and students became more interested in pursuing science, particularly synthetic biology",15 schools requested the booklet,,,Created an activities booklet with synthetic biology activities for teachers and iGEM teams,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1406,William and Mary,Undergraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Free Pamphlets,Educational Material,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Have free pamphlets at the local library that educates the public on what synthetic biology
  • Use the pamphlet to address public concerns about synthetic biology that were found from prior research, specifically a survey
",,,,,,Created a pamphlet based on previous research about public concerns regarding synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1407,William and Mary,Undergraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Public Survey,Survey,,,,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Conduct surveys at a local farmer's market asking about participants' knowledge, interest, and concerns about synthetic biology
",Quantitative,"Learned about public fears and gaps in knowledge about synthetic biology, which helped design future outreach programs to address these concerns. Detailed results can be found on wiki",,,,Conducted surveys about synthetic biology at a local farmers market,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1408,William and Mary,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,BWB Science Workshop,Teaching Activity,,,,"Primary School Students, General Public",Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Hold a science workshop targeted at local children and their parents
  • Conduct several Building with Biology activities, including strawberry DNA extractions, learning about synthetic biology and the benefit of standard biological parts, and discuss questions about GMO food
",,,70,,,Hosted a science workshop for local students to teach synthetic biology,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1409,William and Mary,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,BWB Ethics Forum,Teaching Activity,,,,"University Students, General Public",Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Host a forum on the topic of genome editing targeted at the general public
  • Discuss the implications of the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tool
  • Explore various ways that CRISPR/Cas9 could be applied to real world problems, such as stabilizing the honeybee population by increasing expression of ‘hygiene’ genes, engineering yeast for efficient biofuel production, and using CRISPR to decrease human susceptibility to HIV infection
",,,30,The team received great feedback from their attendees,,Hosted an ethics forum about CRISPR/Cas9 and its applications for the general public,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1410,William and Mary,Undergraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Parent Sessions,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Engage the audience in discussing ethical questions about synthetic biology and GMOs
  • Give the audience the opportunity to ask questions about genetic engineering and synthetic biology
,,,,,,Led a discussion on ethics and safety in synthetic biology with the general public,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1411,William and Mary,Undergraduate,2015,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Public Workshops,Teaching Activity,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students",Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Have students come into lab and demonstrate techniques and experiments
  • Lead discussion with students about what synthetic biology is
,,,150 students,,,Hosted students in lab and led activities about lab techniques,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1412,WLC-Milwaukee,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Coffee Lid and Biotech Info Night,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,University Students,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Advertise a biotechnology informational night on the lids of the products served at Wisconsin Lutheran College’s on-campus café
  • During the event, speakers cover several topics such as GMOs and biotechnology application
  • Host an educational, spirited game of jeopardy afterwards to reinforce the concepts learned that evening
",,,17 students,,,"Advertised event with stickers on coffee lids and hosted a biotechnology information night to introduce students on campus to iGEM, GMOs, and the great variety of applications in biotechnology",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1413,WLC-Milwaukee,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Physician Interviews,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • To gain a greater understanding of not only how antibiotic resistance impacts the medical community, but also to have a well-educated view of how the project could positively affect real patients, interview several doctors
",Integrated Human Practices,Learned from the physicians that antibiotic resistance is a growing problem that is here to stay; They were open to new alternatives to antibiotics as long as they were clinically proven to be effective,,The interview responses allowed the team to connect to target population and gain a deep understanding of the severity of antibiotic resistance,,Interviewed physicians on how to best combat antibiotic resistance,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1414,WLC-Milwaukee,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,WELS Synod Education Plan,Educational Material,,,,Teachers,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Create an educational action plan
  • Develop a curriculum with the purpose of informing and educating WELS high school teachers concerning biotechnology and its subfields such as synthetic biology and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as well as discussing biotechnology implications given the team's Christian faith
",,,,,,Developed a curriculum to inform and educate WELS high school teachers concerning biotechnology and its subfields such as synthetic biology and genetically modified organisms (GMOs),Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1415,WLC-Milwaukee,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Wisconsin Lutheran College Student Survey,Survey,,,,University Students,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Investigate how current WLC undergraduates feel about various biotechnological conceptual and ethical topics
  • Propose ten statements to the students in the survey with responses ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree
,Quantitative,"Due to the college’s demographics, the team was able to gauge the opinions of Caucasian Americans with a largely conservative Christian background; The general consensus was that most WLC students were not familiar with GMOs, antibiotics, and bacteriophages, and the students who were familiar with these concepts had a neutral opinion on the matter",32 random WLC students,"Based off the results, WLC students would benefit greatly from educational sessions on biotechnology, possibly through instructive camps and informational meetings to give them the knowledge to form their own strong opinions",,Surveyed WLC undergraduates on how they felt about various biotechnological conceptual and ethical topics,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1416,WLC-Milwaukee,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod Survey,Survey,,,,Teachers,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • Conduct a survey on Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) high school science teachers to better understand how educated and comfortable they are with biotechnology and the ethics behind it
  • Have the teachers rate how they feel based on a scale of strongly disagree to strongly agree, with ""I do not know"" also as an option
",Quantitative,Concluded that the knowledge in the WELS high school system among the teachers is relatively low; there were not many science teachers who were educated in the idea of bacteriophages and GMOs,13 WELS high school science teachers,Survey gave the team good insight on the subjects that high school science teachers needed training on so they would be better suited for teaching their students on the ideas of biotechnology,,Surveyed Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) high school science teachers to better understand how educated and comfortable they are with biotechnology and the ethics behind it,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1417,WLC-Milwaukee,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,Summer Camp Students,Survey,,,,Secondary School Students,Learn Public Opinions,"
  • To gauge what the students attending WLC’s biotechnology summer camp learned throughout the week, give survey to the campers before and after the camp
  • Survey consists of ten statements to which the students could have a response ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree
",Quantitative,"The students came into the camp with little to no knowledge behind the idea of genetic engineering; however, due to the lecture and discussions that were conducted in the camp, they were able to gain a better understanding",7 students,,,Surveyed students who attended WLC’s biotechnology summer camp about what they learned throughout the week,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1418,WLC-Milwaukee,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Summer Camp,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Run a week long, overnight, biotechnology summer camp for high school students
  • Give students the opportunity to learn biotechnology concepts, perform basic laboratory experiments, and create a mock iGEM project of their own
",,,,,,"Ran a week long, overnight biotechnology summer camp for high school students",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1419,WLC-Milwaukee,Undergraduate,2015,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Biotechnology Statement and Continuing Education,Teaching Activity,,,,"Scientific Community, Secondary School Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • As an inherently Christian institution, decide to create an official statement to address this belief for the Biology Department at Wisconsin Lutheran College
  • Help with the Young Women's STEM Program hosted at Wisconsin Lutheran College
  • Serve as mentors to female high school students and share knowledge and passion for genetic engineering
",,,,,,Created an official statement addressing the implications of Christian faith in biotechnology for the Biology Department at Wisconsin Lutheran College,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1420,WPI-Worcester,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Women in Science,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Participate in the Women in Science summer camp, run by WPI every year, in which middle school girls are given the opportunity to learn about many different engineering and science disciplines
  • Have girls come to learn about synthetic biology and gain some hands-on experience in working with DNA
  • Lead two activities for them to experience: simple DNA extraction using soap, salt and alcohol, and painting using fluorescent E. coli
",,,30 girls,,,Participated in the Women in Science summer camp in which middle school girls were given the opportunity to learn about many different engineering and science disciplines,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1421,WPI-Worcester,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Touch Tomorrow,"Teaching Activity, Fair Booth",,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Participate in TouchTomorrow, an annual science, engineering, and robotics festival hosted on the WPI campus that is free and open to the public
  • Provide several for-all-ages activity stations related to synthetic biology
  • Lead DNA extractions from strawberries and peas, the product of which participants are invited to wear in tubes around their necks
  • The second station is a glowing bacteria area, where participants can use UV flashlights to look at art made from fluorescent E. coli and play tic-tac-toe or complete puzzles using (sealed) plates
  • Host a final station that simulates a water contamination test, where guests can smell three bacterial cultures and decide based on the smell which water is clean, and which is “contaminated,” to demonstrate the ability of genetically modified E. coli to detect contaminants by producing a banana smell in response to heavy metals, and a wintergreen smell in response to antibiotics
",,,"Activities reached hundreds of people: more than 300 DNA extractions were performed, using up over 17 pounds of strawberries and more than 5 liters of isopropanol",,,Participated in a local science festival and led several hands-on synthetic biology activities,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1422,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Newsletters,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",A 156 page handbook that has project discription of different teams; 46 iGEM team's own introduction of projects,Magazine/Newspaper Article,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project, Networking","
  • Invite iGEM teams from the world to participate in their newsletter through social media to collect information about their team introduction, human practice, collaboration etc.
",,,,They saw it as a platform for more teams to communicate and spread and deepen the ideas in synthetic biology and iGEM,,Posted information about several iGEM teams and their collaborations and human practices in a newsletter.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1423,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Interview,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Interview doctors to understand the medical protocol of antibiotic use in human and how the antibiotic misuse can happen.
,Qualitative,They learnt that some people don't go to the hospital for professional instructions on drug using when they feel ill.,,,,"Interviewed doctors about how antibiotics are prescribed, and how they can be misused or overused ",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1424,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Brochure ,"Project Presentation, Community Event",,,,"iGEM Teams, University Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
  • Distribute a brochure on their project and synthetic biology during college club and activity fair
  • distribute leaflets containing some common but necessary information about antibiotics.
,,,,,,Distributed a brochure on synthetic biology and iGEM project at the college activity fair,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1425,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Four teams’meeting,"Project Presentation, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,iGEM Teams,"Educate on the iGEM program, Gain Information for iGEM Project ","
  • Mentor a initiative iGEM team on project choices, people management, judging criteria, human practice and experiments
",,,,,,Mentored a newer iGEM team,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1426,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaires,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",A summary of the results of a 15-question questionnaire,Survey,"University Students, General Public","Science Education, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Create and distribute the questionnaire with questions about awareness antibiotic resistance and people's consuming habit of medicine
  • talk to respondent to educate them about antibiotics
,Quantitative,Detailed quantitative data can be found on wiki,571,"They tried to persuade them not to store antibiotics during the talk after the questionnaire, and designed a leaflet about usage of antibiotics to poor areas.",,Distributed a questionnaire asking about the public's antibiotic consumption habits and their understanding of antibiotic resistance.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1427,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2016,,,Education and Public Engagement,Class,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",A video of a prop play the abuse of antibiotic,Video of Activity,Primary School Students,Science Education,"
  • Give students a lecture on topics including simple introduction about bacteria, the strong immune system of humans, the emergence of superbug strains and some healthy lifestyles.
",,,,They believed that the students know these knowledge happily and team members summarized their thoughts,,"Gave a lecture on bacteria, antibiotics, and the human immune system.",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1428,York,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Articles,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","Article about the York iGEM team, providing information about the iGEM competition and the team's project",Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",
  • Feature information about the iGEM team and project in the university newspaper
,,,,,,Featured in a university newspaper article about the iGEM competition and the team's iGEM project,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1429,York,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Open Day Tours at the University of York,Open Lab,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
  • Speak with prospective biology students about the iGEM competition and the team's iGEM project
,,,,,,"Opened the lab to prospective biology students, spoke with the students about iGEM and the team's project",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1430,York,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,St Helens Church Strawberry DNA Extraction,Teaching Activity,,,,Specialized Audience ,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • Set up a booth at a local church for two days, offering a strawberry DNA extraction activity to church attendees
  • Advertise project with posters and video
",,,,,,Performed a strawberry DNA extraction activity with local church attendees,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1431,York,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Sutton Women's Institute Discussion,Teaching Activity,,,,Specialized Audience ,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
  • Deliver a talk on the basics of synthetic biology/GMOs and the ethical issues associated with the field
  • Invite participants to discuss the ethical issues associated with genetic modification
,,,,"After the discussion, had a greater number of people who agreed and a greater number of people who disagreed with genetic modification",,Led a discussion with a local women's group on the ethics of genetic modification,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1432,York,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Badger Hill Primary School Event,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,Science Education,"
  • Lead a lesson based on the concepts of ""good"" and ""bad"" bacteria
  • Lead an activity where students are invited to design and model their own bacteria using play-dough
",,,,,,Led an educational workshop for primary school students about bacteria,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1433,York,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Age UK Demonstration and Discussion,Teaching Activity ,,,,Specialized Audience ,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Give a quick presentation providing background information on genetic engineering
  • Speak with individuals about their personal thoughts on synthetic biology
  • Demonstrate a strawberry DNA extraction
,,,,,,"Visited a local retirement home and discussed the basics of synthetic biology, demonstrated a strawberry DNA extraction",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1434,York,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Demonstrating Genetic Engineering with High School Students,"Teaching Activity, Open Lab",,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Lead students through a transformation of E. coli with a gene for a fluorescent protein
  • Teach aseptic technique
  • Challenge students to build their own ""bioreactors"" to grow their transformed cells
",,,,,,Taught high school students about genetic engineering by leading them through bacterial transformation protocol,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1435,York,Undergraduate,2015,,,Integrated Human Practices,GMO Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey to the general public about GMOs,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Distribute a on public background understanding and opinions of genetic engineering
,Quantitative,"Detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>",1000,Majority of people supported the use of genetically engineered bacteria in wastewater management,,Distributed a survey on public opinions on genetic engineering and the use of genetically engineered bacteria on wastewater management,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1436,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,POLY CARDS,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A card game designed to promote the understanding of synthetic biology,Education Activity,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
  • Incorporate biobricks, iGEM project ideas into a series of cards, and name them POLY CARDS. The cards are divided into 3 series: Basic Poly Cards, Project Poly Cards and Game Poly Cards.
  • Provide instructions and make rules for the game cards;
  • Promote people to experience the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum
",,,,Knowledge for synbio and genetics is involved in playing this series of cards so the game needs to be more organized and a longer time is required for people to get familiarized with the rules. This project led to another outreach idea of Syn-bio Share. ,,"Made a card game to explain synthetic biology, iGEM, and biobricks",Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1437,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Community Lab,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity",,,,"General Public, Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education","
  • Help Zhejiang Science and Technology Museum construct a small biology lab with glass walls for future presentations of life sciences.
  • In that lab display the experiment of fruit DNA extraction to some young children and teach them to do their own.
  • Invite iGEM alumni Haoqian Zhang to give a speech to high-school students and try an experiment called Rainbow Kit, designed by University of Alberta iGEM 2009
",,,,,,Collaborated with a local museum to make a hands-on exhibit.,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1438,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Seminar,Project Presentation,,,,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Host a synthetic biology seminar in College of Life Science, Zhe Jiang University and introduce synthetic biology, iGEM Jamboree and their project to the university students in ZJU
",,,,,,Hosted a synthetic biology seminar for students at their university,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1439,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2015,,,Education and Public Engagement,Syn-bio Share,Teaching Activity,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Cooperate with Zhejiang China Association for Science and Technology to organize a teaching activity to promote synthetic biology to the public, share iGEM projects in recent years, guide them to brainstorm new ideas, and discuss about safety issue about future.
",,,,,,Collaborated with a science and technology organization to promote synthetic biology to the public,Right boi,correct boi,correct boi 1440,Aachen,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Politics,Consult Experts,,Interview write ups not accessible on wiki,,Legislators,"Educate on the iGEM program, Policy Outreach, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Create a list of legislators who could play a role in promoting iGEM, or some of the synthetic biology discoveries it promotes
  • Reach out to these legislators requesting a meeting or interview
  • Attend these meetings and cater the dialogue to the legislator. Individuals involved in education policy can better assist with bring synbio into the classroom, while individuals in environmental policy could help with the implementation of past/current projects
  • Thank interviewees and follow up later with individuals who could become lasting collaborative partners.
",Qualitative,"Andre Stinka & Mr. Riegert - discussing the interplay between affordability for citizens, secure employment and environmental protections. Dr. Christian Blex - Looking for opportunities to work with genetic engineering implementations with conservative politicians. Dr. Patricia Peill - (Head of Nothrhine-Westfalian committee for environment) - Discussed the potential to develop an open dialogue with green genetic engineering and iGEM teams. Resulted in an invitation to join an open panel on the topic, and the potential to reach out to the public. Kristin Korte - Head of the committee of education in Northrhine-Westafalia - Open a dialogue about the lack of genetic engineering in classrooms and how to begin implementing the material in biology classes. Ending with updating curriculum which obligated further education of teacher by law. ",5,"There seemed to be good progress both with the legislation potential and the development of potentially lasting relationships which this iGEM team can leverage in the future to promote SynBio to the public.

",,"Interviewed 5 German politicians from 3 political parties about the implementation of iGEM projects like ""Salt Vault"" and integrating synbio into classrooms. ",,,

1441,Willliam_and_Mary,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Capital Area BioSpace Presentation,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",An ethics exercise about GE mosquitoes from BostonU iGEM 2016.,,"Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project","
  • Met with members of the Capital Area BioSpace community lab, who had previously expressed an interest in having the team visit to present SynBio
  • Presented synthetic biology to a group of scientists from different backgrounds
  • Discussed past William & Mary iGEM projects
  • Led a discussion on ethics of synthetic biology and releasing GE mosquitoes (from Boston University iGEM 2016)
  • Conducted a short program evaluation and answered questions from the audience
",Quantitative,"There was a 59% response rate. Of those who responded, 50% had not taken a biology course since high school and 60% had no experience with SynBio or had only heard of it from the news. On 1-5 scale, participants ranked the presentation at a 4.9 and the ethics discussion at a 4.6 for how interesting they were. Most participants (50%) said the most important thing they learned was how biological circuits work. More detailed data can be found at <a href=""""></a>.",17,"Most participants felt that the best part of the presentation was having good presenters who were able to answer questions. As presenters, we realized the importance of being prepared to answer these questions and how the questions being asked helped guide our presentation. ",,Presented synthetic biology and past William & Mary projects to members of a community lab.,,,

1442,Aachen,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,SynBioDay Duesseldorf,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"iGEM Teams, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project","Simply attending this event requires less than hosting one. For attendance, teams should be prepared to discuss ethics and advances in SynBio, some good starting points can be found by reading successful iGEM teams wikis from the most recent years of competition. Teams who wish to present can bring a set up for a booth, a poster describing their current project so they can receive feedback from other iGEM teams and the public. </ul>",Qualitative,Not discussed. But there is an opportunity for future group participants to get feed back from other iGEM teams. ,,"This is a good outreach program for iGEM teams who are looking for a way to share their project before the Jamboree. ",,An iGEM event hosted by Dusseldorf-Cologne discussing current SynBio progress with iGEM teams and the public. ,,, 1443,Aachen,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Labvolution & Biotechnica Consultation,"Consult Experts, Fair Booth",,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Networking","Attending this event is the initial introduction to potential networking partners. </ul>",Qualitative,Any advice and ideas brought on through company-team collaboration. Funding also secured as a result of this outreach,,,,Attended Labvolution and Biotechnica which are the largest biotechnical fairs in Germany. It was a platform to meet with companies who support the team and get feedback early in the project development phase (May),,, 1444,Aachen,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Julich Biotech Days,Fair Booth,,"Created a poster presentation to share current projects with the public. and also learning about other researchers work. ",Other,"University Students, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program","Attending this program just requires creating a poster and developing a presentation about your current iGEM project. </ul>",Qualitative,Any advice gathered by iGEM team members from other students. ,,,,Attended Biotech Days close to the Aachen Home campus. ,,, 1445,Aachen,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Questions asked of survey participants.

",Survey,Secondary School Students,Learn Public Opinions,
  • Evaluate where your project fits in with the current public environment.
  • Create a list of potential survey participants
  • Distribute survey
,Quantitative,"Students believe world wide water scarcity is a moderately serious issue. students believe water scarcity is less of an issue in Germany, rivers are only moderately clean but tap water is high quality. The specific situation in Werra is perceived as critical. Students are neutral when they share opinions about genetic engineering but they are more positive when it is put into context.",100,"The results show that it is worth while to put together one of these projects.

",,A survey was created for students and interview partners. ,,, 1446,Aachen,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Bringing SynBio into the traditional Classroom,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>","Students were asked to complete a survey to get input on the project(listed earlier), students were allowed to preform experiments which directly related to the project. Students conducted genomic integration with the students because it could be done outside of the BSL 1 lab. PCR was completed in advance. ",Survey,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Activism for iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","This team found two schools where were willing to let them come into their classrooms. They had to design an outreach curriculum which could be done outside of the lab, and that would still be engaging for the students. </ul>",Qualitative,"The project not only resulted in students getting hands on experience, but their project was also discussed in a newspaper which increased their reach to the public. ",4 High School Classes,"This kind of project requires a sizable investment from the team, however, the reach was likely a strong impact for the student participants and a secondary impact for members of the public who were able to read the newspaper article. ",,In addition to teaching students about synthetic biology they incorporated them into the fuller part of their project. ,,, 1447,Aachen,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Youth Researches,"Community Event, Conference/Panel Discussion","<a href=""""></a>","The presentation developed gave students a better understanding of SynBio and learn how to ask critical questions to develop projects.

",Other,"Secondary School Students, University Students",Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Bringing a presentation to this event helps spread the word, and bring students into information sessions about SynBio.
  • Encourage students to ask questions about synthetic biology.
  • present about the current iGEM project.
",Qualitative,,20,,,A scientific competition for high school or university students not biology specific. ,,,

1448,AFCM-Egypt,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices - Meeting with Community Partners,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Brief notes about the discussions had with each industry or medical representative. Interviewees were Dr. Sherif El Khamese chair of Molecular Medicine, University of Sheffield. Pro Sir Magdi Habib Yacoub Egyptian-British Cardiothoracic surgeon, Assistant professor Vincenzo (Cancer biology and Genetics Director at Ohio State University), Professor Mahmoud Abdelkader president of the German University of Cairo, and representatives from Sim Era and Vitabiotics companies.

",,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Find professors and industry leaders who have expertise or interest in the current iGEM project. 2 schedule meetings or attend seminars hosted by these professionals.
  • Discuss the merits and potential pitfalls of the current years project.
",Qualitative,"Sim Era and Vitabiotics supplied additional funding needed for the project, showing their interest and support. Professors and medical professionals provided insight into the feasibility of the project. Dr. Vincenzo specifically discussed the use of CRISPR and its application in Hepatocellular carcinoma, and Professor Magdy attended an seminar led by the iGEM team discussing biomarker discovery and its connection to Hepatocellular Carcinoma.",6,"These meetings allowed the team to better see the application potential for their project in the medical field specifically when working with Hepatocellular carcinoma. The results of these interviews led to the team constructing 2 synthetic circuits instead of one. Modifying the circuit that was started as a part of the teams previous year project. The second circuit integrated the use of CRISPR gene editing to knock in the chosen circular RNA into the genome which was different than last years knock out protocol which aimed to knock out a mutated gene inside the HCC genome. Additionally, after these discussions the team decided to use sgRNA to make a double stranded break instead of using 2 gRNAs to make 2 single stranded brakes on both strands of the target genome. This method allowed for the use of homology directed repair and the change was a direct result of the discussion with Dr. Vincernzo Coppola.

",,The team met with individuals in the medical field and who worked for Sim Era and Vitabiotics to discuss the feasibility of the project. ,,,

1449,AFCM-Egypt,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Educational Council ,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,,Specialized Audience,Present iGEM Project,"
  • Reach out to and schedule a time to present the iGEM project before the Jamboree.
  • Bring all jamboree supplies and present to the selected audience leaving time for questions.
  • Make notes of the audiences questions and ways to improve the presentation before presenting at the jamboree.
",Qualitative,Informal feedback from participants about the project. ,,,,Presented the iGEM project in front of the leaders of the Egyptian Armed Forces. ,,,

1450,AFCM-Egypt,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Community Service - College of Languages Ain Shams University,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>","The project was published in a community journal named ""7th Day""

",,University Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"
  • Arrange for a presentation day at a university that does not specialize in medical students.
  • use the awareness day to discuss a specific component of biological research (AFCM-Egypt chose cancer)
  • request feedback on how the presentation went and how it was received by the participating students.
",Integrated Human Practices,"There was a positive publication of the activity in the community Journal ""7th day"" which positively reviewed the work and gave it additional reach beyond just the university students in attendance. ",,"Continuing to reach more schools which don't have a medical focus can increase the general publics awareness of synthetic biology but also cancer biology in general.

",,"Cancer awareness campaign for non-medical students, done as a presentation at a non-medical school. ",,,

1451,AFCM-Egypt,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Portsaid International School,Teaching Activity,,,Education Activity,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
  • Create engaging and enthusiastic activities to teach about a broad range of scientific topics.
  • arrange for a presentation time with a school.
  • present these activities and answer questions with the young and young adult participants.
",Qualitative,,,"This project was able to excite a new group of students about not just synthetic biology but a broad range of scientific topics.

",,Put on scientific activities for the youth and young adults of the International School. ,,,

1452,AFCM-Egypt,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Faculty and Clinicians Integrative Workshop,"Community Event, Teaching Activity","<a href=""""></a>",Has a list of the started questions for the workshop. ,,"Professors, Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
  • Create a list of interesting topics for your target audience - faculty and clinicians. For this project the topics included a. bioinformatics and its application in medicine. b. Scientific publications integrating bioinformatics and clinical validation. c. Computer aided drug design and its applications. d. the future of bioinformatics in medicine.
  • Invite the target audience to participate in the scheduled and planned workshop.
  • Host the work shop, while answering the impromptu questions of the audience, promoting bioinformatics as an increasingly important component of modern medicine.
",Qualitative,,,"This type of project lets teams share their project with the audiences who might actually be using them in the future.

",,Created an integrative workshop introducing bioinformatics-based biomarker discovery and therapeutics. ,,,

1453,BostonU_HW,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Connected with the Biological Design Center at Boston University,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Met with the Biological Design Center at Boston University
  • Asked the BDC researchers what types of biological protocols are performed day-to-day in the lab
  • Identified eight common protocols performed by synthetic biologists:
",Integrated Human Practices,"Answers from Biological Design Center: Cell lysis, DNA digestion, Ligation, Transformation, PCR, Fluorescence testing, Antibiotic resistance testing, Cell culturing. ",,,,,,, 1454,AFCM-Egypt,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Microfluidics iGEM Poll,Survey,,,Survey,iGEM Teams,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Polled iGEM teams across the world
,Quantitative,"Under ""What is your understanding of microfluidics"" 52.3% had a basic understanding, 42.9% had no knowledge, and 4.8% were experts. Under ""What would help you start using microfluidics"" 73.8% wanted video tutorials, 73.8% wanted uF Experimental protocols, 59.4% wanted pre-designed chips, 57.1% wanted software tools, 40.5% wanted uF breakdown, and 33.3% wanted manufacturing guidelines, ",42,,,"Polled iGEM community regarding microfluidics knowledge, and made educational videos about microfluidics. ",,, 1455,UNebraska-Lincoln,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Met with Expert Samodha Fernando,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts",,,,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Met with Dr. Samodha Fernando, a leading expert in the role of the microbial food chain in methanogenesis
  • Integrated information from meeting into project
",Integrated Human Practices,"Team was advised by Dr Fernando to not have the E. coli produce sulfate as it would kill the cow, or to use -nitrooxypropanol, which was already patented. He also informed the team to monitor the acetate propionate ratio in the rumen to monitor methan produced. He also provided contacts to Future Farmers of America, and the Nebraska Cattlemen",1,,,Met with professor from Nebraska's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources,,, 1456,BostonU_HW,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Phenomyx Lab,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Toured Phenomyx lab
  • Learned about industry experience from Salil Desai, founder and Chief Technology Officer of the lab
  • Discussed utilizing general metrics when grading a chip
",Qualitative,"Team was advised to use a general metric when grading a chip. Team was able to add metric to device design, but were unable to integrate checklist into software system. This idea can be implemented by future iGEM teams with similar projects. ",,,,"Toured Phenomyx lab, received advice on construction of microfluidic chip. ",,, 1457,BostonU_HW,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Connect with Black Hold Lab ,Consult Experts,,,,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Contacted Black Hole lab
  • Asked them about the manufacturing processes and standards they used for quality control
  • Team was advised to build checklist around fabrication method
",Qualitative,"Team was told to build checklist around fabrication method with suggestions such as ""checking the milled dimensions of primitives and channels"" ""Testing the maximum pressure chips can withstand"" ""checking if the chip leaks or the seal breaks"" ",,,,Contacted Black Hole Lab about microfluidic chip manufacturing. ,,, 1458,WashU_StLouis,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Pre-Engineering Institute BioBuilder Activity,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
  • Host workshop for high school students
  • Present on field of synthetic biology and central dogma
  • Lead students in lab sessions regarding expression of Beta-galactosidase in E. coli
  • Teach various wet lab techniques and answer questions regarding synthetic biology
",Qualitative,,,,,The school hosted a pre-engineering institute for high school students to learn synthetic biology.,,, 1459,WashU_StLouis,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,BioBuilder Professional Development Workshop at Monsanto,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Policy Outreach, Recruit iGEM members","
  • Go to high school campus
  • Talk about involvement in iGEM
  • Present on current iGEM project and other synthetic biology research
  • Talk about how to start an iGEM team and and explain how current team operates
",Qualitative,,,,,Encourage Monsanto's Chesterfield to start iGEM team.,,,

1460,Arizona_State,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Experience and Future Employment,Survey,,,Survey,"Teachers, University Students, iGEM Teams, Vendors/Businesses",Learn Public Opinions,"1) Survey 65 students from ASU 101: Intro to Biomedical Engineering 2) Survey businesses for their expectations 3) compare results </ul>",Quantitative,"Students from the biomedical engineering class were surveyed. 60 of the students were not aware of biotechnology internships; 5 were. 95% of students rated ""applied project experience"" between 7-10. 98% rated ""works well in groups"" between 7-10. 100% of students rated ""Technical problem-solving"" between 7-10. Businesses were surveyed. 100% of companies require a bachelor's degree for new hires, but do not require synthetic biology skills. 2/3 rated technical problem-solving and working well in groups as desirable traits among new hires. A graph showing survey distribution for all ratings, from both students and businesses, is available on the Wiki.",65 students. 3 businesses.,,,"ASU iGEM surveyed both students and businesses, asking them to rate iGEM-related skills on their value to biotechnology employers.",,, 1461,Virginia,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Art Competition,"Community Event, Teaching Activity, Survey, Educational Material",,"Fifth and sixth graders submitted artwork that ""illustrates how synthetic biology has changed the world or gives a creative interpretation of what synthetic biology actually is."" Contestants also answered survey questions regarding synthetic biology.",Education Activity,"Primary School Students, Teachers","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","1) Coordinate with middle school art teacher for in-class demonstration 2) give a brief lesson in DNA composition to the students 3) create an edible DNA demonstration 4) explain art competition to students 5) create website with submission guidelines and email to receive submissions 6) judge and choose winners, who may receive a gift card or VGEM t-shirt (or both), or may have their work displayed on campus grounds. </ul>",Quantitative,"Virginia received over forty submissions, of which only five of the students had heard of synthetic biology before the school visit, but 38 of them were interested in further exploring synthetic biology. Some contestants focused on mutations, while many used watercolors to depict cells. Using the DNA double helix as a guide, some students focused on the genes themselves. Ultimately, the artwork, some of which is pictured here, reflected an understanding and a unique way of approaching science. ",Forty submissions were received.,,,Used art as a medium for local fifth and sixth graders to share what they learned about Synthetic Biology from previous workshops.,,,

1462,UNebraska-Lincoln,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Businesses,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts",,,,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Present iGEM Project","
  • Met with Li-cor Biosciences about the project
  • Met with a representative from Quantified Ag, a company for cattle health management
  • Met with a Jessie Herrmann, the Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs, of Nebraska Cattlemen
  • Implemented knowledge gained from meetings into iGEM project
",Integrated Human Practices,"Team was informed by Li-cor that if they wanted to capture cattle companies' attention, they should mention effects the project has on a cow’s meat, taste, or milk yield; farmers or the beef industry may be more concerned about the efficiency loss through methanogenesis and less concerned about the environmental degradation due to methane. Quantified Ag informed the team that farmers mistrusted the government, and that there should be as little government involvement a possible. The Nebraska Cattlemen advised the team on how to market to a larger demographic of farmers across the nation, but warned that the demographic would be more interested in the increase of beef production instead of the decrease in methane emissions. ",,,,Consulted Local Businesses regarding iGEM project,,,

1463,Virginia,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Wastewater Sticker Project,"Community Event, Teaching Activity","<a href=""""></a>","The Virginia iGEM team created stickers with a humorous image of Thomas Jefferson to grab attention, and a QR code to educate people about wastewater processing.",Education Activity,"University Students, Professors, General Public",Present iGEM Project,"1) Visit Tim Castillo at Rivanna Wastewater Treatment to learn about the water treatment facility. 2) Research the history of wastewater processing, as well as modern day processes. 3) Compile information on a website that will be accessible via a QR code. 4) Print and distribute stickers.</ul>",,Participant data is difficult to discuss; stickers were distributed in bathrooms and no direct contact was made with participants.,,,,Virginia created and distributed stickers throughout UVA bathrooms in order to raise awareness of wastewater processing. ,,,

1464,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Doctors without Boarders regional manager,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Coordinate a meeting with the Doctors without Boarders community.
  • Come with a series of questions to help evaluate the needs of the target community and the constraints of the subject of cholera.
  • reflect on the comments made and adapt the project to fit the needs and constraints of the project.
,Qualitative,"The results of this interview caused the group to target the tourism community rather than the local communities. It also led the team to coming up with a portable and small water treatment device rather than a diagnostic system, a treatment system or a large scale water cleaning installation project. ",1,This interview was helpful at shaping the direction of the iGEM team so that their project was more than just a project for iGEM but rather something that filled a present need. ,,Met with the regional manager of Doctors without Boarders to ask questions about cholera epidemics. ,,, 1465,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Survey - Evaluate current knowledge and peak curiosity about cholera,Survey,,,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Create a survey with targeted questions which are specific to the iGEM project and its future applications.
  • submit survey to participant groups.
  • Evaluate the responses looking for trends which can shape the project, and how the final product should be marketed.
",Integrated Human Practices,,,,,Sent a survey to both evaluate people's knowledge about cholera and arouse their curiosity about cholera. ,,, 1466,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Skype with Doctors without Boarders Cholera Specialist,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • connect with Doctors without Boarders.
  • Find specialist who meet the needs of the current iGEM project and reach out to schedule a meeting.
  • Come to the meeting with targeted questions to help shape the project.
  • Take feedback from meeting and use it to shape the present project.
,Qualitative,"The team was able to discuss the differences between the cholera epidemic in Africa which affects mostly fragile and young children, compared to the Asian endemic which typically affects adults and has lower mortality due to resistance developed in the Asian populations. ",1,"As a result of this interview, the team reaffirmed their focus on African countries. ",,Skype with DWB cholera’s specialist,,, 1467,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Parisian Meetup,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),"<a href=""""></a>",After the presentation the team created multiple ethical matrices to emphasize the challenges that were brought up during their presentation. ,,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
  • Attend the meet up designated for the teams region.
  • Use the presentation as an opportunity to self-evaluate the project.
  • Take the questions and critiques of judges to modify and improve the presentation.
,Qualitative,,,,,Presenting the iGEM project to the French iGEM community. ,,, 1468,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Skye with UNICEF,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Coordinate a meeting with UNISEF workers.
  • Detail the current state of the project and previous interviews and how they have shaped the project.
  • Seek advice from new expert.
  • Integrate meaningful advice into the final stages of development for the project.
,Qualitative,"Alana confirmed that the best way to fight Cholera epidemics is to equip people to prevent contraction. Alama also shared that the use of GMO's would add additional challenges, because GMO's discarded throughout the country would create a threat. ",1,The confirmation that a preventative products is the most effective potential product confirmed the groups project. The information that a GMO product would meet some resistance led the team to see a need for a user manual for the daily user to prevent improper disposal of the product. ,,Met with Alma Keitha from UNICEF who is working on cholera in Niger. ,,, 1469,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Cholera Perception Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",The results from the survey which was created by the iGEM team. ,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Create a survey to evaluate the publics perception of the project target - in this case, Cholera -
  • Send survey to large groups.
  • evaluate the survey.
",Quantitative,"<a href=""""></a>",510,"The knowledge of cholera is fairly good in the targeted population, especially survey participants over 30 years old. The general public is open to using GMOs for the prevention of cholera transmission. ",,Sent out a survey evaluating the general public's knowledge of Cholera. ,,, 1470,Edinburgh_OG,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Expert Perspectives,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Experts' responses to questions relating to antibiotic resistance and how it applies to Edinburgh's project.,Interview,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Identify possible field applications of iGEM product.
  • Identify professionals in these fields.
  • Reach out to professionals for interviews.
  • Record responses to questions on the wiki along with brief summaries of what was learned from each interview.
,Qualitative,Interviews,4,"From the interviews, the team learned that the best way to package their product would be in a powder form. In addition, other applications of phageED were considered, such as putting it in soaps.",,"Interviewed people who work with antibiotic resistance in order to find out how to best develop ""phageED.""",,, 1471,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,School Education Workshops,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",A guide to build a pedagogical project in science. This packet outlines how to create a strong educational program from start to finish over a 4 week period including a time line for reaching out to teachers and post activity follow up. ,Education Activity,Primary School Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"
  • Reach out to teachers.
  • The teachers question the students about biology and microorganisms, encouraging them to come up with their own questions and to draw representation of what they think microorganisms look like - this is a class warm up, the responses are sent to iGEM teams.
  • iGEMers and teachers come together to create a project that meets the students where they are, generating a workshop designed to answer frequently asked questions from the pupils.
  • Create an animation of an investigation session designed to answer the questions from the students.
  • Receive a second set of questions and illustrated reports from students to track growth and increased understanding.
  • Meet with teachers again.
  • teacher passes on iGEMers observations of the pupils to the pupils. 8 Teacher administers the same '""pre test"" from step 2 and returns results to iGEMers for analysis of growth.
  • Analysis of final evaluation, evacuation of the Petri and distribution of the diploma.
",,,,"This program was a great way to cater a project to the current needs of the students working with the iGEM teams. Incorporating the teachers with the protocol means the program can last longer and be more a part of the curriculum rather than a one day ""camp"" activity. ",,Two workshops to teach about microorganisms and their environment and the growth of microorganisms on a petri dish. ,,, 1472,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,MircoBioWorld! Card Game,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",This card game was made by the team. There are rules and the goal is to be the last bacteria colony standing or reach 10 log of bacteria. ,"Education Activity, Other","Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, General Public",Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"This project required collaboration between a game maker team and the iGEM team.
  • The team researched existing games in the market and how they engage and teach through play.
  • research specifically on learning through play was done to insure the highest quality learning experience while still being fun.
  • The rules of the card game have to be drafted, keeping in mind the goal is to education about microorganisms.
  • Products (the cards) for the game can be drafted.
  • Trial runs of the game can be played to insure there aren't holes in the rules of play.
  • Production of a final game product can begin.
",Qualitative,,,"Although no data is collected here, this product is another lasting opportunity for the iGEM team to continue educating the public even when the team has completed their project. ",,Work with the game design team to create a card game that helped the general public develop a microorganism literacy and grow familiar with the basics of microorganism interactions (beyond just antibiotic resistance),,,

1473,Austin_UTexas,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Building our Knowledge Base,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",They just consulted people about their iGEM project.,Interview,"Scientific Community, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety","Asked the following questions to professional:

  • Draw possible drawbacks of our approach
  • Potential applications of this project
  • Products like this that is already in our community
  • Project Potential
  • How to Improve the Current Medical Marketplace
  • Drug Delivery and Dosage
",Qualitative,interviews,7,The project was okay but they were all interviews so more diverse projects would have made outreach seem better.,,Talked to professors about research concerning GABA and consulted hospitals for applications of project.,,, 1474,Edinburgh_OG,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Antimicrobial Resistance Conference,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Find relevant conferences and attend
,Qualitative,Team members used information they learned at the conference to inform their iGEM product design. ,,,,Attended a conference on antibiotic resistance hosted by Edinburgh Infectious Diseases.,,, 1475,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,European Researcher's Night,"Community Event, Presentation (General)","<a href=""""></a>",A flip card game that asked the repeated question possible or impossible? with scenarios. Under each card there was a description of instances when GMOs had been used to make the impossible possible. ,Other,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
  • arrange to attend the public event.
  • Design an easy hands on and quick educational flip card game keeping in theme with the event.
  • create supplemental activities like DNA extraction which take slightly more time but allow participants to get hands on experience with what we can do in modern labs.
  • attend the event, answer the questions posed by the public and represent synthetic biology in a positive light.
",Qualitative,,,Participation in these events gives iGEM teams a chance to reach a new audience and to introduce the public to some of the fundamentals of our work. ,,A workshop/game targeted at adults to educate about GMOs,,, 1476,Rice,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Present Project to Community,"Community Event, Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,,"Secondary School Students, University Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
  • Presented for the participants of the BioNetworks NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates program. Gave an overview of synthetic biology, iGEM, and current iGEM project
  • Spoke with high school students from Science Academy of South Texas about synthetic biology and iGEM
  • Presented iGEM project at Rice Summer Research Programs Poster Symposium
  • Presented iGEM project at University of Texas Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium, leading to collaboration with other iGEM teams
  • Presented iGEM project at the Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium
",Qualitative,,,,,Team presented their iGEM project to various audiences in the local area. ,,,

1477,Cornell,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,PUBLIC PERCEPTIONS SURVEY,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey results from Cornell's outreach project,Survey,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Learn Public Opinions,"Cornell iGEM visited the Ithaca Farmers’ Market as well as the Ithaca Commons during our annual Apple Harvest Festival to collect survey responses. We also visited the Great New York State Fair in Syracuse to gather responses from people across the state of New York. Stony Brook collected responses at their campus and online. Altogether, we had 92 survey participants. Our survey questions can be found here. We hope that other iGEM teams will follow our lead and conduct similar analysis in their communities.</ul>",Quantitative,"A larger percentage of people in Stony Brook claim they know what synthetic biology is compared to people in Ithaca. This relationship is statistically significant (p = 0.01). A larger percentage of people in both Stony Brook and Ithaca believe that synthetic biology/genetic engineering has a positive impact on the world. However, many people still believe that synthetic biology should be limited to certain areas in future science.",92," There is a negative perception of the term GMO compared to the term synthetic biology. This reveals that there is a stigma against the phrase “genetically modified organism” even if the idea of synthetic biology is actually not opposed.

Demographics do not significantly affect perceptions of synthetic biology.",,"They surveyed people to see if the region where one lives influences their knowledge on and opinions about synthetic biology. Additionally, they surveyed to see if people's opinions differ between synthetic biology and genetic engineering (GMO's for example)",,,

1478,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Conference - Debate Synthetic biology,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"Secondary School Students, Teachers, University Students, iGEM Teams, Scientific Community","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project, Networking, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
  • Arrange for a space for the conferences.
  • arrange for speakers to present on topics prominent in synthetic biology.
  • advertise to students, teachers and the scientific community to come take part in the discussion.
  • host the event and encourage an open dialogue between all attending parties.
",Qualitative,,,,,"Created a conference to bring students, scientists and teachers together to exchange about synthetic biology. ",,, 1479,Edinburgh_OG,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Leiden University Biology Society Visit,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Survey","Reference links on: <a href=""""></a>","A survey on opinions and knowledge relating to antibiotic resistance, bacteriophages, etc. ",Survey,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Reach out to groups with similar interests to those of your iGEM team
  • Prepare a presentation and a survey for before and after.
  • Present and accept feedback.
,Quantitative,Responses to survey questions before and after,,The team was encouraged by the positive reception of PhageED.,,The Edinburgh team presented their project ideas to the Biology Society of Leiden University and gave the Society a survey on related topics before and after the presentation.,,, 1480,Rice,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Humans of SynBio,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>",Transcript of interviews with various synthetic biologists across the world.,Interview,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Networking","
  • Based off the Humans of New York format, Humans of Syn bio interviewed various synthetic biologists across the world
  • Interviews and pictures of participants were posted on their website
",Qualitative,,14,,,Humans of SynBio interviewed synthetic biologists from all over the world and posted a brief excerpt from the interview. ,,,

1481,Virginia,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Mid-Atlantic iGem Meet-up,"Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts",,,,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"1) invite other iGEM teams 2) block out the morning for team presentations and constructive breakout sessions 3) invite professionals who work in DIY labs to speak about opportunities arising from iGEM. Invite iGEM alumni if possible. 4) after professionals speak, host breakout sessions for professionals to discuss opportunities with iGEM students </ul>",,,5 universities attended,"This jamboree was a great way to learn more about the iGEM community, to become friends with team members from other universities, and to get exposure to the innovative opportunities that iGEM presents for our futures.",,"Universities attended Virginia's meet-up in order to share presentations, receive feedback in breakout sessions, and hear from professionals about entrepreneurial opportunities arising from iGEM.",,, 1482,Michigan_Software,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,ProtoCat Beta Testing,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts, Consult Representatives","<a href=""""></a>",Had a google form with questions on functionality of software and asked people about the future scope of the project.,"Interview, Survey","Scientific Community, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Networking",Their goal was to expand their user base through beta testing efforts.</ul>,Qualitative,interviews and responses to surveys,9 iGEM teams and 1 professor,Their survey was intriguing and helpful for feedback on their software.,,They consulted numerous groups of people feedback on project and applications of further use.,,,

1483,Edinburgh_OG,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Northern Meet-up,"Community Event, iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,,,Present iGEM Project,
  • Reach out to nearby iGEM teams.
  • Plan meet-up (including presentations and any other activities).
,Qualitative,"Discussion of iGEM projects, including exchanging ideas and suggestions.",5 iGEM teams,Discussion of projects was useful for all teams.,,Teams from the northern UK met up in Edinburgh to present and discuss their projects.,,, 1484,Edinburgh_OG,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation with Edinburgh UG,Presentation (General),,,,,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
  • Identify groups on campus with similar interests.
  • Schedule a presentation to educate and Recruit iGEM members.
,Qualitative,Students' opinions of synthetic biology and the iGEM program,30,Interest meetings are important ways to find new members. ,,Presenting with the Edinburgh undergraduate team to interested students. ,,,

1485,Virginia,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visiting Tim Castillo at Rivanna Wastewater Treatment Plant,Consult Experts,,,,,Gain Information for iGEM Project,1) Meet with the manager of a local wastewater processing facility 2) Take a tour of the facility 3) Attend a presentation on the wastewater treatment process 4) Request data from the processing plant 4) Maintain correspondence</ul>,Integrated Human Practices,"Received data from the processing plant with regular to influent and effluent concentrations of various compounds. Furthermore, iGEM students learned from the tour of the plant about the Bardonpho process, the focal point of their project.",1 expert,Gained insight into what a device to improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes would look like. ,,"Met Tim Castillo, a Wastewater Facility Manager at Rivanna Wastewater Treatment Plant in Charlottesville, Virginia, and continued to consult him throughout the course of the 2017 iGEM project.",,,

1486,Michigan_Software,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices, & ProtoCat,Consult Representatives,"<a href=""""></a>","Their tool uses the <a href=""""></a> API and generates a ProtoCat protocol with the same content.","Laboratory Protocol, Tool for iGEM Teams","iGEM Teams, Scientific Community, General Public",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • We took the first steps to build a relationship with the compan
  • Had several meetings with their head of outreach
  • Came up with the idea for a project that we have been developing since the summer
,Integrated Human Practices,Used API from partnering company to put information in their software,1,The use of the API was helpful to their project.,,Partnership with company that helped them create a tool and generated a protocol.,,, 1487,Rice,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Policy Brief ,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A policy brief was made that advocates for adjusting regulations on CrVI to levels that better ensure the safety of Houstonians and presented the advantages of implementing our genetically engineered organism into the city's water treatment systems to help achieve lower CrVI levels,Policy,Legislators,Policy Outreach,"
  • Researched elevated levels of the carcinogen of .75 ppb in home city, Houston, Texas
  • Discovered rising levels traced to lack of proper regulation of CrVI worldwide
  • Drafted a policy proposal to allow for adjusted regulation on CrVI and presented advantages of implementing genetically engineered organisms into city's water treatment system
",Integrated Human Practices,,,,,A policy brief was created and was addressed to the Houston City council advocating a biological treatment of hexavalent chromium in Houston wastewater. ,,, 1488,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,High School Lab Engagement,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
  • Reach out to schools in which to present. Inquire about their leaning model and what their students may already know.
  • Design a presentation about the different fields of biotechnologies.
  • Create a plan for an in class bacterial transformation activity.
  • present to the target high school students, describing potential careers and fields of study to the students while also advocating for the iGEM program
  • Take students to the transformation experiment, explaining what is in each of their tubes and what is going on through the process.
  • Gather feedback from students insuring they understood each step of the process. Focus on what they find surprising, what they find practical and interesting. Be sure to also get teacher feedback.
",Qualitative,,,,,Implementing a learner-centered pedagogical approach in high school classes to help students learn about biotechnologies through a practical approach while discussing how to be a part of science and what to study after high school. ,,, 1489,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Exposciences,"Community Event, Fair Booth","<a href=""""></a>","The paper fortune teller can be found here, and the protocol for the banana DNA extraction. ","Education Activity Protocol, Tool for iGEM Teams, Other","Primary School Students, Secondary School Students",Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"
  • Arrange to attend any expos in the local area.
  • bring activities for potential children participants, one catered for a more hands on science experience and one for shyer students to use that doesn't require using scientific technique but can still be engaging and educational (like the paper fortune teller)
  • attend the event and invite children to participate
  • Answer attendees questions about synthetic biology.
",Qualitative,,,,,Create a fortune teller game to teach shy children about microbiology and hosted a banana DNA extraction for other children. ,,, 1490,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,On Campus Exhibitions - Educating Peers,Fair Booth,,,,University Students,Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Reserve a space for the expo and advertise that synthetic biology projects will be presented on campus.
  • set up a variety of informational and interactive posters and games from past iGEM projects, staff with iGEMers who can answer the university students questions about what iGEM is and what synbio is.
",Qualitative,,,,,Presenting about iGEM to the on campus scientific community.,,, 1491,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,CF-Games,"Community Event, Presentation (General)",,,,,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Plan to attend a community event relevant to your iGEM project.
  • Prepare to engage with the community and answer questions on your project.
,Qualitative,Speaking with people who have CF to gain a fuller understanding of the impacts of the disease.,,This was a positive way to better understand the CF community and to share research with patients.,,"The iGEM team attended and presented at CF-games, a program to raise awareness of CF.",,,

1492,INSA-UPS_France,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Press & Media,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>","The team was featured in; 20 minutes (regional paper), Cote Toulouse (weekly free paper, local), La Depeche de midi (regional daily paper reaching 150,000), Le Journal de Dimanche (weekly national paper reaching 200,000), Aujourd'hui en France (national weekly paper 140,000 readers) Franceinfo (online french radio)",Other,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",</ul>,Integrated Human Practices,,,,,The team shared their project with several newspaper outlets who target local audiences ,,, 1493,TokyoTech,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Organizing a symposium about synthetic biology for the pubilc,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity, Conference/Panel Discussion, Educational Material, Speaker Series","<a href=""""></a>",PowerPoints that assisted in the discussion on synthetic biology. ,Education Activity,"Secondary School Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety",To have a symposium that informed the public about synthetic biology.</ul>,Qualitative,observation of participants,10 middle school and high school students and iGEM Team KAIT JAPAN,They felt that watching a cutting edge discussion on synthetic biology gave them new perspectives.,,They had a panel discussion with experts in synthetic biology for middle and high school students.,,,

1494,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,The Ethics of Engineering Life- Panel Discussion,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Identify experts on different aspects of genetic engineering and ethics.
  • Invite experts to participate in the event.
  • Publicize event to increase attendance.
,Quantitative,Responses from experts and audience members,,The project allowed the teams to create a dialogue on genetic engineering and inform audience members.,,Experts with different opinions on genetic engineering debated on topics raised by the iGEM team leaders and the audience. This was a collaborative project with iGEM Uppsala.,,, 1495,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Kids Hack Day,Community Event,,,,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
  • Identify educational community events.
  • Create a simple program that is fun and informative for young kids.
  • Implement program.
,Qualitative,Informal feedback from kids who participated,,Working with kids is a good way to encourage future interest in synthetic biology.,,"The iGEM team engaged children with DNA extraction, growing bacteria, and pipetting.",,, 1496,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Questionary,"Community Event, Survey","<a href=""""></a>",A statistical analysis of data obtained,Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Come up with questions about sweetness and sweeteners
  • Send out survey in communities and online
  • Collect and analyze data
,Quantitative,"There were two questions in this survey. The first one was, ""Which sweetener do you prefer?"" Among the 1218 responses, 72% people preferred natural sweetener over artificial one. The rest 28% people preferred artificial sweetener. The second question was, “Which is the most interesting features of sweetness you prefer?” Most participants(58.2%) chose “sweetness”. 15.8% participants chose mellow, 14.2% chose taste, and 11.8% chose aftertaste.",1218,"We knew that people might be more acceptable to natural sweeteners, and comparing with aftertaste, coolness and mellowness, sweetness is more important.",,Questionnaires about sweetness and sweeteners,,, 1497,UCL,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Dancing Bacteria,"Community Event, Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",A code was created by the team for a computer game that demonstrated various synthetic biology concepts. ,"Tool for iGEM Teams, Other",General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
  • A computer game and dance pad were created by the iGEM team that allowed the public to learn more about biology and the central dogma
  • The game involved two participants becoming E.coli to allow for an intuitive understanding of how DNA codes for proteins
  • One person performs transcription of DNA to mRNA while the other translates by catching correct amino acids in the sequence with a tRNA
  • This game was showcased at the London Science Museum's Lates Series event
,Qualitative,,2000,"Team encourages future iGEM teams to explore how they can communicate their projects better through games and how they can give people the chance to create. One potential area of interest, particularly for games, would be xenobiology. ",,A computer game and dance pad were used to teach the community about the central dogma and synthetic biology. ,,,

1498,TokyoTech,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Giving lectures about biosafety at local high schools,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity, Educational Material",,,,"Secondary School Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",Teach students about the synthetic biology and iGEM</ul>,Qualitative,informal feedback from participants,2 high schools,They believed that by doing this project they were able to give high school students a better opportunity to enter the world of synthetic biology.,,They gave lectures and organized group work activities at 2 high schools.,,,

1499,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Gather Festival,"Community Event, Speaker Series",,,,"Scientific Community, General Public","Discuss Ethics and Safety, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
  • Research community events to participate in.
  • Plan an event that has appeal to people outside of the scientific community.
,Qualitative,Discussion among participants ,,Intermingling of artists and scientists.,,Hosted an open box talk about the future of art and science.,,, 1500,UCL,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,The loving mules,"Community Event, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
  • Facilitate discussion about the consequences of modifying organisms in synthetic biology with adolescents at the UCL Sutton Trust Biosciences Summer School
  • Discuss questions such as ethics and possible ramifications
  • Introduce other topics regarding synthetic biology such as biological light switches and applications
,Qualitative,"Questions from the discussion include ""what are the real-life trade-offs of modifying mules in an agricultural context? if gene drives are used, what unwanted consequences can come along? how should experimentation happen – behind closed doors or in a transparent manner?""",,"The team encourages future teams to try and seek communication techniques from other fields that specialize in getting to the heart of problems, such as in management consulting.",,A discussion was facilitated with high schoolers regarding consequences of modifying organisms. ,,,

1501,Manchester,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulted Water Industry Experts,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>","Manchester created an infographic, as well as a full report, of their findings from consulting water industry experts.","Interview, Research Paper","University Students, Scientific Community, General Public, Vendors/Businesses","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Networking","1) Meet with water industry experts 2) Discuss benefits of implementing synthetic biology techniques in the water industry 3) Discuss obstacles to this implementation, as well as water industry regulation 4) visit a water treatment facility and request phosphate level data 4) Create an infographic and a report</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"Qualitative data includes the interviews from water industry experts; quantitative data includes statistics found in the infographic, as well as phosphate level data given after the visit to Davyhulme Treatment Works. Together, quantitative and qualitative data helped Manchester gauge the feasibility of their project--whether and how synthetic biology innovations could improve the water industry.",7 experts consulted,The most important information that we gained from our interactions is that there are no insurmountable barriers to innovation using synthetic biology and that regulations in the water industry are now more flexible in accommodating new innovation.,,Met with water industry experts and visited a water treatment facility to discuss synthetic biology innovations and important regulations in the industry.,,,

1502,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Educational Seminars,"Presentation (General), Educational Material",,,,"University Students, Professors","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Plan and organize educational seminars.
  • Invite students and professionals to seminars.
,Qualitative,Conversations with those who attended the seminars,40+,Gauged awareness and opinions on synthetic biology.,,Hosted two educational seminars about synthetic biology and iGEM,,, 1503,Manchester,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Water Industry,Consult Experts,,,Interview,"Scientific Community, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Discuss with experts from various different water companies to determine whether our project or other synthetic biology approaches would be taken up in the water industry
  • Investigate intellectual property rights from experts to determine whether granted patents associated with our project will have any influence on the iGEM competition and the execution of our project in real life
  • Explore the possibility of scaling-up our project in an industrial scale and made a rough estimation on the production cost with guidance and resources from an expert
",Qualitative,interviews,"8 professors, Davyhulme Treatment Works",,,Reached out to various professors to get input on their iGEM project. ,,, 1504,Stockholm ,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Science with Sonia,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",A youtube channel with iGEM related interviews,Video of Activity,"Scientific Community, General Public",Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Create a youtube channel.
  • Invite guests to be interviewed.
  • Plan and record interviews.
,Quantitative,Response and reception to youtube videos.,,A good way to reach a high volume of viewers,,A youtube channel in which an iGEM team member interviewed experts relevant to the project,,,

1505,Cornell,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,CAREERS EXPLORATION CONFERENCE,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity, Conference/Panel Discussion","<a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a> ","Powerpoint that the Cornell iGEM team presented to the students, and an accompanying worksheet",Education Activity,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","Every year, 4-H, a global network of organizations dedicated to youth development, sponsors a Career Explorations Conference at Cornell. The conference exposes youth to various academic fields and careers, develops their leadership skills, and gives them experience in a university setting. The theme this year was entrepreneurship. As forefronts of entrepreneurship in a synthetic biology landscape, we created a workshop bridging the gap between synthetic biology and business</ul>",Qualitative,"After our lesson, we gave the students a chance to brainstorm ideas for their own plasmid - much like an entrepreneur. We asked them “what do you want your bacteria to do?” Here’s what they dreamt up. Combat air pollution by putting bacterial air filters on pigeons Use bacteria to detect proteins and presence of disease in amniotic fluid Use bacteria to create glowing airstrips",Not Specified,Students were exposed to synthetic biology and brainstormed potential real world applications.,,Participated in a 4H career exploration conference.,,,

1506,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Recruitment Event,Community Event,,,,University Students,Educate on the iGEM program,
  • Plan and schedule a presentation to university students who would potentially be interested in iGEM
,Qualitative,Interest in iGEM,,Interest meetings are an important step to ensure future iGEM team success.,,Recruitment events were held to spread awareness of the iGEM program.,,, 1507,Manchester,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Conference calls with experts,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts",,,,"Scientific Community, General Public, Vendors/Businesses","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Gained an understanding of GMO regulation and the application procedure for commercial use of GMOs to ensure safety for public through a conference call with DEFRA
  • Had an email exchange in which they learned the commercial impacts of the project
  • Site visit of Davyhulme Treatment Works and learned about water treatment plants
,Integrated Human Practices,"Through these interactions they learned about the ethics, sustainability, social justice, safety, security, environmental impact and intellectual property rights of their project.","Davyhulme Treatment Works, 2 professors, Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Centre for Process Innovation","By talking to various experts, we were able to understand the background of the water industry in innovation and the requirements our synthetic biology device would need to meet in order to successfully sell it to water companies.",,Got in contact with various environmental departments and professors.,,,

1508,Cornell,Undergraduate,2017,,,Education and Public Engagement,SPLASH! AT CORNELL,"Community Event, Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",Powerpoint that highlights the interesting aspects of synthetic biology.,Education Activity,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety",Teach high school students about synthetic biology and discuss bioethics.</ul>,Qualitative,None given,Not specified,None given,,"Cornell students participated in Cornell's Splash! program, and taught high school students synthetic biology lab techniques, and discussed bioethical issues",,, 1509,Cornell,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,PARTNERING WITH THE NEXT GENERATION,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material",Not given,No Product,Other,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members","The goal for the mentorship project is to help students who are interested in bio-engineering in IHS to build their very own synthetic biology project team.

</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,None given,not specified,not analyzed,,A mentorship program with Ithica High school,,,

1510,Cornell,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,THE GREAT NY STATE FAIR,"Community Event, Teaching Activity, Survey, Fair Booth","<a href=""""></a>","Collage of fair guests called ""Humans of SYNBIO"" where fair guests who visited the team's booth took pictures with a whiteboard where they wrote what synthetic biology means to them.",Blog,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions","
  • Go to public gathering
  • set up booth
  • talk to people who come to the booth about synthetic biology
  • Listen to their opinions and responses. Don't be hostile, but present them new information to combat disinformation about synthetic biology.
",Qualitative,Participant became more open to the idea of synthetic biology and genetic engineering after visiting the booth. Increased understanding of the field with participants.,not specified,"Using what we learned at the state fair about people’s misconceptions and apprehension about synthetic biology, we helped catalyze important discussion on our own campus about current and future technology for genetic engineering and synthetic biology.",,"Our aim was to bolster the fun and festivity by exhibiting our hydroponics synthetic biology application, and discussing the myriad of opinions surrounding genetic engineering.",,, 1511,UCL,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,The Chef's GMOs,"Community Event, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Alex from EatOffTheMenu hosted a dinner with two engineers
  • Topics such as safety with genetically engineered organisms and practical applications of standardization in synthetic biology were discussed
,Qualitative,,,"The team encourages future iGEM teams to consider such small scale events, through which people can interact in a more relaxed fashion. Events that would turn into a regular activity can definitely benefit an iGEM project or university, which can get local support from people interested in how synthetic biology develops and how it can impact their communities.",,A dinner was hosted and several topics regarding genetic engineering were discussed.,,, 1512,Aix-Marseille,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Survey target populations (farmers) and general public,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",The survey was created by the team. ,Survey,"General Public, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Meet with farmers directly or reach out via email. For the general public creating a survey through google forms and sending it out over different networks requesting it to be forwarded out.
  • Collect responses.
  • Compile data.
,Quantitative,31.6% of the public knew about the bacteria but many hadn't heard about it. Farmers were more aware and concerned about the bacteria. 90% of the responses had positive opinions about synthetic biology. ,9 farmers. unknown general population. ,Sending this survey to more targeted audiences means it can play a bigger role in the development of a project. Sending out surveys in the future can also help get a better grasp of how open the public will be to implementation of the project. ,,Sent out surveys to farmers and the public to get an idea of the awareness and concern of Xylella fastidious,,, 1513,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,"Visited the Sdic Zhonglu Fruit Juice Co.,Ltd",Consult Experts,,,Other,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Met with chief engineer Mr. Wang and obtained advice
,Qualitative,"saccharin is extremely sweet and low calories, but it has some certain potential risks to human beings, while the international standard of food health was never ignored by anyone. ",N/A,N/A,,"visited the Sdic Zhonglu Fruit Juice Co.,Ltd",,, 1514,UCL,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Aesthetics of Light Bulb,"Community Event, Social Media","<a href=""""></a>","Artists across the globe submitted bulb design ideas through Instagram, with designs clearly depicting co-culturing of E. coli and cyanobacteria as well as its potential usage in private and public spaces.",Other,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
  • Host a competition on the Instagram the_art_competition for the most aesthetic bacterial light bulb
  • Encourage artists to think about the implementation of synthetic biology technologies, societal impacts, aesthetics, and future ramifications
  • Select winner based on thoughtfulness of design and number of likes
  • Use designs as starting point for mathematical modeling and how to combine aesthetics and engineering requirements into a prototype
",Qualitative,,133,,,The team reached out to artists on Instagram to help design aesthetically pleasing bacterial bulbs. ,,,

1515,Manchester,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Phosphostore Business Plan,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives","<a href=""""></a>","Manchester created a business report regarding intellectual property, scale-up and legislation related to their project.","Research Paper, Blog","iGEM Teams, Legislators, Vendors/Businesses","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Networking","1) Contact intellectual property experts to discuss patent laws in the context of the project and the iGEM competition. Write up a business plan. 2) Contact an industry expert to consider how to produce product at an industrial scale to meet the large demand. Use this information to estimate the implementation costs, which can be included in the business plan 3) Contact the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to explore the legislation requirements on the commercialization of a synthetic biology approach. 4) Collaborate with other iGEM teams to discuss legislation on GMO's around the world. Compile findings into a global overview of GMO legislation.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"Quantitative data included cost estimates, while qualitative data included information from experts regarding legislation and intellectual property.",4 experts contacted,,,Consulted experts ,,,

1516,Aix-Marseille,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Expert Interviews,Consult Experts,,,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Reach out to experts who are already working in your target field.
  • Connect with them discussing the current challenges in your project.
,Integrated Human Practices,"Mireille Ansaldi is a phage expert, and was able to explain that the original topic of study would be more challenging than its closely related X campestris, which doesn't have the same CRISPER and restriction enzyme defenses against phage that the original target X fastidosa. Conversation sixth Van Helden helped the team think about the biosafety in working with phage and phage-like particles. He was also contacted to help design a strong promoter for one of the biobricks. As a result of Van Heldens advice the team was able to explore the rate of product of their PLPs. Mari-Agnes Jacques watched the iGEM project before it came to the Jamboree. She is the national expert for X fastidiosa. ",3,,,"Interviewed Marie-Agnes Jacques, Jacques Van Helden and Mireille Ansaldi and the Evry Paris-Saclay iGEM team. ",,,

1517,Manchester,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,British Science Week,Fair Booth,,"Manchester created posters for their trifold presentation and fair booth, and included interactive materials to teach students. As well, they surveyed students for their favorite method of creating producing flavors.","Education Activity, Survey",Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","1) Create a booth for a primary school fair 2) At the booth, explain the benefits of synthetic biology and how it can be used to produce synthetic flavors such as vanillin 3) Survey students on their preferred method of producing flavors.</ul>",Qualitative,"Between synthetic biology, chemical methods, and agriculture farming, the most popular vote by the kids was agriculture farming with synthetic biology coming second.",,,, Manchester had a stand in British Science Week where they engaged with primary school kids to promote synthetic biology.,,, 1518,Manchester,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Blogs and Magazine,"Educational Material, Social Media","<a href=""""></a>",The blog EUsynbio wrote a spotlight on Manchester iGEM to promote their project.,"Magazine/Newspaper Article, Blog","University Students, General Public","Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",1) Contact blogs and student magazines. 2) Participate in interviews for them.</ul>,,,,,,"Promoted project to the public by publishing it in a blog, EUSynbioS, and a student magazine in Manchester called Humanity Hallows.",,,

1519,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit COFCO,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives","<a href=""""></a>",N/A,Other,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Set up meeting with COFCO managers
,Integrated Human Practices,N/A,N/A,N/A,,Meet and chat with managers in COFCO,,,

1520,Manchester,Overgraduate,2017,,None,,Promotional Video,"Educational Material, Social Media","<a href=""""></a>","Manchester created two 55-second videos, one on iGEM and one specifically on their project, and shared them on their Facebook.",Educational Video,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","1) Create a video on the iGEM program. Try to incorporate clips from the Jamboree and text. 2) Create a video on a team iGEM project, using clips of the real-world problem and infographics on the team's method. 3) Share video on social media.</ul>",,,,,,Manchester created a promotional video and shared it on social media to spark interest in the public.,,,

1521,BIT-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,"Visit JOINN Laboratories, Inc.",Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Proposals from JOINN Laboratories,,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Went to JOINN Laboratories.
,Qualitative,"om JOINN Laboratories, Inc., the followings are the more important ones: (1) With the improvement of the life quality, people’s pursuit of health is getting higher and higher. People's appetite for food is mainly concerned with the followings: ① low calorie ② good taste ③ high sweetness ④ a sense of happiness So on the basis of detecting the sweetness of sweet substances,we should think about taste and calorie of sweetness, which is important for our product to enter the market. (2) Our biometric method involves the growth of the fungus, which may cause people to think about safety and health, so we should pack our items and ensure that the strain are safe and harmless. (3) Before entering the market, we need to consider our project cost. Compared to the existing physical detection technology, our project cost should be an advantage.",N/A,N/A,,"Went to JOINN Laboratories, Inc. to communicate with project",,, 1522,Aix-Marseille,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Community participation - Marches and Ag Fairs ,Community Event,,,,,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Find fairs and events already happening in your community.
  • Attend these events to show support for the sciences and talk to other participants to get new ideas and new perspectives.
,Qualitative,Informal feedback from other march participants and farmers at the fair. ,,,,Attended a March for Science and a Provence Agriculture Fair,,, 1523,Aix-Marseille,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Marseille Science Village ,"Community Event, iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,,Primary School Students,Educate on the iGEM program,"
  • Find these publicly held events.
  • Create a poster and activity to bring to the event.
  • Engage with young future scientists and teach them about your current project, hopefully inspiring them to pursue science themselves.
",Integrated Human Practices,,,,,Attend the Science Village and talk to middle schoolers about DNA extraction and their Kill XYL project,,, 1524,Aix-Marseille,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Biotechnology Forum,"Community Event, iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,,"Teachers, University Students, Professors",Present iGEM Project,
  • Find schools hosting these kinds of presentation events.
  • Request an opportunity to present during these events.
  • create a presentation (like the one for the Jamboree) and present to the group.
  • take critiques to make both the project and presentation stronger.
,Integrated Human Practices,,,,,Presented their iGEM project before the Jamboree to a group of biotechnology students and teachers. ,,, 1525,UCL,Undergraduate,2017,,,Integrated Human Practices,Opting for plastic structures after working with BluePha,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • BluePha, a company focused on using synthetic biology for the fine design of nano-level microbial manufacturing, was consulted for assistance with the teams project
  • The team utilized the feedback from BluePha to focus their project on PHA, a natural bioplastic with numerous applications in medicine and other industries
",Qualitative,Team learned from BluePha that E.coli has the ability to produce and secrete PHA. Team applied this data to own project,,,,The company BluePha was consulted and feedback from the meeting was used to improve the iGEM project design. ,,, 1526,UCL,Undergraduate,2017,,,Integrated Human Practices,Advising from the European Space Agency,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Met with the team leader of the Space Microbiology Research Group and a research intern
  • Discussed possible applications of barchitecture for circuit boards and spaceship components
  • Implemented information from meeting to turn biological light switch into growing electronics through light guidance
,Qualitative,"Was informed by agency to develop a post-translational light switch for cell adhesion, along with incorporating Xenobiology as a potential biosafety measure in space exploration.",2,,,The European Space Agency was consulted for advice regarding possible space exploration applications of iGEM project.,,, 1527,BIT,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Questionnaire interview,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Data analysis,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Design questions
  • dispense questionnaires
  • collect and analyze data
  • Mingle with students from other programs when possible.
,Qualitative,Conversations about synthetic biology,,,,Met with other students to discuss iGEM and related topics informally.,,, 1529,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,High School Students,Presentation (General),,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Reach out to a high school and offer to give a presentation on synthetic biology.
  • Prepare an engaging talk on iGEM and synthetic biology.
,Qualitative,High school teachers were interested and plan to continue educating students on the topic.,,The team believed this was a good way to spread information to students at a critical time in their education and career planning. ,,IGEM team members returned to one of their old high schools and gave a presentation about iGEM and synthetic biology.,,, 1530,UCL,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Architect Consultation,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Met with Richard Beckett, a practicing architect from the Barlett School of Architecture
  • Discussed vision for architectural structures made from bacteria
  • Considered academic architecture and real life applications for the barchitecture technology
  • Skyped with Rachel Armstrong, a former TED fellow
  • Discussed incorporating living organisms into buildings that could create structures from bacteria depending on natural and artificial light cycles
",Qualitative,"After meeting with both architects, ideas such as Academic architecture, where a bacterial 3D printing system would be a tool to develop concepts and prototypes, and real life applications, where structures made from biopolymers can form temporary shelters, structures for festivals and plastic frames to be combined with cement in traditional buildings were discussed in relation to the project.",2,The team encourages future iGEM teams to get in touch with more architects and develop prototypes for the classic architecture critique sessions.,,Practicing architects were consulted for advise on combining biology and architecture. ,,,

1531,Heidelberg,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Integrated Human Practices",Integrated Human Practices,The Extended Engineering Cycle,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>","Heidelberg created an extended version of the Engineering Cycle, originally created by the Imperial College, to evaluate and reflect on their process. They posted a graphic of the cycle, including their added steps, and viewers can click on each step for more information. One of their added safety steps, called Safety Net, utilizes NCBI's BLAST and UniProt database to perform a sequence check. Scientists can use this program to safeguard in vivo and in silico directed evolution experiments, decreasing the risk of evolving hazardous proteins unintendedly. For the other added step, responsible use, Heidelberg iGEM consulted Kevin Esvelt, the inventor of PACE. They reflected on his lecture and drafted a questionnaire, which helps scientists reflect on whether certain technologies (including PACE) are being used properly. They consulted legal experts as well as a theology professor for additional help with the questionnaire.","Laboratory Protocol, Paper on Ethics, Education Activity, Paper on Safety, Tool for iGEM Teams","iGEM Teams, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","1) Adopt Imperial College's Engineering Cycle (updated in 2011) 2) Add a safety step to ensure the safety of in vivo and in silico directed evolution experiments. Using two algorithmic pillars, develop a sequence check that can determine the safety level assigned to the origin species and the potential harm of an input sequence. 3) Add a responsible use step to ensure that technologies are implemented properly. Contact a technology expert, a legal expert, and a theology professor. Develop a questionnaire that scientists can take to assess whether they are using technology properly.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"Qualitative data includes information from the experts contacted--Kevin Esvelt, legal experts, and a theology professor. This data was used to create the responsible use questionnaire. Quantitative data includes information from NCBI's BLAST and other databases used to form SafetyNet. ","Two databases used. 1 technology expert, 2 judges, and 1 theology professor contacted.","Heidelberg iGEM believes that their Integrated Human Practices not only shaped their wet lab and software projects, but will hopefully stimulate the responsible use of their evolution toolbox for addressing some of the great challenges humanity is facing.",,"Heidelberg applied the Engineering Cycle, developed by the Imperial College, to their foundational advance project, then extended the cycle with a focus on safety and responsible use.",,,

1532,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Team Darmstadt,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,,"Secondary School Students, iGEM Teams","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Invite an iGEM team, along with high school students from their area, to join in educational seminars.
  • Plan seminars to promote iGEM and synthetic biology.
",Qualitative,Informal positive feedback from participants.,,The team felt this was a good day to connect with other teams and get high school students excited about iGEM.,,IGEM team TU Darmstadt and high school students from Germany travelled to Stockholm for educational seminars on synthetic biology.,,, 1533,BIT,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Face to face interview,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Response summary,Interview,"University Students, General Public",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • summarize responses from previous questionnaires
  • design interview questions
  • gather and analyze responses

1.TELL USERS WHETHER THEY NEED GO TO HOSPITAL ACCURATELY 2.EVERYONE CAN GET ANSWER EASILY WITHOUT DOCTORS.",,An interview about detailed reasons for people's reaction to unwell condition ,,,

1534,Oxford,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Royal Society Conference,Conference/Panel Discussion,"<a href=""""></a>",The review goes into what each professor talked about at the conference in relation to synthetic biology. The review was meant to inform a non-science audience what happened at the conference and what the importance of it was.,Magazine/Newspaper Article,"University Students, Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Learning the diversity of synthetic biology applications by attending the conference
  • Delve into the specific medical applications
  • Do a review of the conference and explain its importance in terms of non-science people
,Qualitative,review newspaper article from conference,people at university and professors at conference,This conference helped the team realize the diversity of synthetic biology applications in the world. ,,They attended a Royal Society conference and wrote a review for their university on the synthetic biology aspects.,,, 1535,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Memes,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a> ",iGEM memes account,Other,iGEM Teams,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Create a memes page.
  • Invite other iGEM teams to submit memes.
,Quantitative,Comments on posts,,A friendly way to connect iGEM teams,,Created a memes page relating to iGEM,,, 1536,BIT,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Hospital investigation,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Specialists' advice,Interview,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Meet with specialists in hospital
,Integrated Human Practices,"FROM HOSPITAL,WE KNOW THAT HOSPITAL HOLDS GOLD STANDARD FOR DIAGNOSIS----PUNCTURE,THEY CAN COMPLETE THE DETECTION OF BIOMARKERS IN TWO HOURS. HOWEVER,PATIENTS ALMOST HAS DEVELOPED INTO MIDDLE OR LATE STAGE WHEN THEY COME TO HOSPITAL.",N/A,"THESE CONFIRM THAT NO ONE IS WILLING TO TAKE BAD HEALTH, BUT THEY SIMPLY ARE NOT INFORMED. A “STIMULUS” IS NEEDED TO WARN THEM POTENTIAL HEALTH ISSUES AND PROMPT PATIENTS TO VISIT HEALTHCARE. THIS AGAIN REINFORCE THAT OUR MAIN MARKET ROLE IS TO WARN PATIETS AND HELP DIAGNOSIS, NOT TO COMPETE FOR DECISIVE DIAGNOSIS. THEREFORE WE CAME DOWN TO BUILD UP JACOB’S CONVENIENCE, EFFICIENCY, AND AFFORDABILITY INSTEAD OF OPTIMIZING SENSITIVE AND SPECIFICITY.",,Gain advice from doctors in hospital to further determine the characteristic of the product ,,, 1537,Oxford,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Surveys to the Public,Survey,"Graphs in the middle of the wiki page: <a href=""""></a>",The team made a survey with 3 questions and they had corresponding graphs with the results. ,Survey,"iGEM Teams, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Create a survey to be more informed on what other people think
  • Analyze the survey by creating a graph of the results
,Integrated Human Practices,numerical data from the results of the survey,3 iGEM teams,"Based on the surveys, the teams were able to alter their product to reach the wants of other people. ",,The team created a survey to get a better understanding of what the public would want in terms of the product that they were making.,,, 1538,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Policy Outreach,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","After receiving advice from various professionals, the team created a policy on Live Biotherapeutic Products. They gave this policy to the Medical Products Agency, and hope that it will be implemented in the future.",Policy,"Legislators, Specialized Audience","Discuss Ethics and Safety, Policy Outreach",
  • Look into policy and regulations relating to your iGEM product.
,Integrated Human Practices,The team carefully considered the care they should take to make their project safe.,,The team felt that they created an important policy that hadn't existed before. It helped them keep safety and regulations in mind while creating their project.,,Reached out to experts and agencies to learn about regulations and safety relating to the team's iGEM project,,, 1539,Oxford,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,"HeLEX - Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies","iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",They created a report detailing some of the current regulations and some aspects they thought needed addressing with help from the Centre for Health and Emerging Technologies (HeLEX). ,"Paper on Ethics, Paper on Safety","iGEM Teams, Scientific Community, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
  • Gain insight on important things to think about regarding law, ethics and safety
  • Go consult experts for guidance
  • Create a report detailing the information that you find
",Qualitative,Information that they gained from meeting with Dr. Michael Morrison and information they got from research on the topic. ,1 professor who was the Principal Investigator in biomodifying technologies at HeLEX,The research they did on their own was not very fruitful but they did gain insight by meeting with the professor from the company. ,,Report on the regulations surrounding cell-free technology.,,, 1540,Greece,Undergraduate,2017,,,Integrated Human Practices,Systematizing Feedback Assimilation and Integration for Synthetic Biology Projects,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","OSIRIS protocol; a tool designed to allow teams pursuing synthetic biology research to analyze and identify risks and issues of concern in a project, and better understand how to mitigate them and how these factors could impact the project and the world.","Tool for iGEM Teams, Other","iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
  • Carry out a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis on your project
  • Summarize SWOT candidates into simple statements.
  • Use socratic method to have team split up and argue for and against certain SWOT aspects.
  • Make a stakeholder/ value analysis chart
  • Create a risk map
  • Create a panel of experts and implement a 3-round policy Delphi method to build a consensus on risk prediction.
  • Visualize the results on an octagonal plot
  • Draw conclusions on the most important risks, benefits, and areas of the proposed project.
",Integrated Human Practices,"Influenced reserach by making the team more aware of all of the project's strengths and limitations, in addition to outside opportunities and threats.",The entire team,"It is a tool aimed to enhance risk governance by summarizing predicting risks and it is expanded in order to evaluate risk manageability and provide optimal solutions. We consider it a significant boost for iGEM teams to investigate and manage risks and safety parameters in a quantitative way and a robust screening tool to prioritize information collection, hazards identification and expert's opinion integration to the workflow of synthetic biology innovations.

Reach: 28 answers in our Round 1 open-ended questionnaire out of which 7 were from PIs/Instructors of iGEM Teams, 9 researchers in Greece and 12 postdoctoral researchers and professors in Europe, Asia and America.

66 answers in our Round 2 quantitative questionnaire out of which 46 were from experts such as PIs/Instructors from other iGEM Teams and 20 were from experts that we managed to pinpoint around the globe.

Outreach to more than 80 Ambassadors, called Muses, from countries on every continent, from which more than 60 were actively engaged in promoting Synthetic Biology and identifying experts in their respective fields.",,The project revolved around the development of the OSIRIS (Optimized Societal Impact & Risk Integration System) Protocol; a methodology to efficiently receive and quantitatively integrate feedback into any synthetic biology project.,,,

1541,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Killswitch,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives","<a href=""""></a>",The paper outlines how the product will be safe and controlled. An antitoxin used by the iGEM Trieste 2012 team and described by Choi et al. 2005 was used in iGEM Stockholm's project.,Paper on Safety,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
  • Consider safety concerns for your iGEM project.
  • Reach out to experts for ideas on how to ensure your project is safe.
  • Implement these ideas into your project.
  • Create an outline of how these mechanisms work.
,Integrated Human Practices,Information on how the kill switch works was necessary for the final project.,,"Considering safety concerns is necessary when the product could potentially cause harm. By speaking with a former iGEM team member, the Stockholm team was able to find a solution. This indicates the importance of communication within the iGEM community. ",,"Through speaking with experts and an iGEM judge, the team decided to create a biocontaminent strategy to ensure their product was safe.",,, 1542,UCL,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Implementing Stakeholders' feedback,Consult Experts,,,,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Contacted Teresa van Dongen, a Dutch artist ho designed and produced a bioluminescent light-bulb with bacteria - Ambio
  • Talked about engineering aspects and started a conversation about what potential biological light switches have for the future of design
  • Reached out to the City of Westminster Council and Transport for London to learn about the needs and requirements for a bacterial light bulb to be implemented in real life
",Integrated Human Practices,"The City of Westminster Council and Transport for London considers cost, longer-term energy savings, maintenance, ability to dim the lighting according to time of day and the ability to meet lighting level requirements, and lowering energy consumption as top priorities for the city. This information contributed to entrepreneurship analysis.",,For future projects team wants to produce a DIY kit to implement bioluminescence in daily life,,Bioluminescent start ups were contacted and relevant information was used to tailor the mathematical modelling and entrepreneurship of the team,,, 1543,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Product Development,"Survey, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",A paper describing physiological considerations taken into account when creating the project.,Research Paper,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Identify who would be using your iGEM product.
  • Seek their opinion on how to create a usable and convenient product.
  • Consider and implement their suggestions.
,Integrated Human Practices,The information from medical professionals and patients indicated that the best way to administer the medication would be inhaling it using a nebulizer. ,,"Experts and patients have valuable input that is necessary for a functional product. In this case, the iGEM team learned relevant information about physiology and the practicality of their product.",,"Asked CF patients to fill out surveys about their worries and needs, and interviewed healthcare professionals about the best way to administer the medication. ",,, 1544,Berlin_diagnostX,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Teaching Science,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material",,,,General Public,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"
  • Created a method to teach students wet lab skills by dissecting the pipeline into small, standardized tasks, and only slowly increasing individual responsibilities
  • Wanted to create a ""Lab of the Future"" where education takes place in a virtually enriched environment
  • Built a Microsoft HoloLens and taught PCR CleanUp to a high schooler
",Qualitative,,,"Team acknowledges that technique of disecting pipeline into small, standardized parts and increase individual responsibilities relies on continuous presence of supervisor and cannot be scaled to large and global projects. Team also wants to set a goal to further their ""Lab of the Future""",,Team used Augmented Reality technology to teach basic wet lab skills. ,,, 1545,Stockholm,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Human Practices Handbook,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","iGEM Stockholm created a handbook on the Human Practices category of the iGEM competition. They used the input of other teams, and the goal of the handbook is to help iGEM teams understand how to be successful in this category.",Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Identify an area of iGEM that seems unclear or confusing.
  • Request the input of teams who have been successful in this area.
  • Compile their advice and general clarifications in a handbook for other iGEM teams.
,Integrated Human Practices,Information on how to succeed in the Human Practices category,,The team felt this handbook was a necessary step in bringing iGEM teams closer to their goals in the competition. ,,iGEM Stockholm reached out to successful iGEM teams to gain information for a Human Practices handbook to clarify expectations in this category. ,,, 1546,Oxford,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,"InSIS - Institute for Science, Innovation and Society",Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>",The cell free report that they created detailed some of the current regulations. The policy proposal was a set of guidelines designed to fill the gaps and evaluate the findings from the National Congenital Chagas disease programme in Bolivia (2004-2009). ,"Paper on Ethics, Paper on Safety, Policy","Scientific Community, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Policy Outreach",
  • Contact experts at a relevant company
  • Get their insight on your project and subject area
  • Write a report/policy analyzing the information that you just gained
,Qualitative,cell free report and policy proposal,3 experts in the field,The cell free report and policy proposal both helped the team gain more knowledge about the topic they were interested in.,,They contacted experts and created a cell free report and policy proposal.,,,

1547,Heidelberg,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,March for Science,Community Event,,,,"Scientific Community, General Public, Legislators","Policy Outreach, Activism for iGEM Project",1) Attend a march for science.</ul>,,,,,,Attended a local demonstration for facts-based science and responsible use of scientific approaches.,,,

1548,Sydney_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Collaborations,"Community Event, iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
  • Reach out to other iGEM teams.
  • Plan a meeting to discuss ideas and socialize.
,Integrated Human Practices,Brainstorming and suggestions from other teams helped shape iGEM Sydney Australia's project.,8 iGEM teams,iGEM Sydney Australia enjoyed time spent with other teams and learned new perspectives.,,"iGEM Sydney Australia reached out to various teams to meet, exchange ideas, socialize, etc.",,, 1549,Sydney_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interlab,,,Data on GFP expression,,Specialized Audience,,
  • Volunteer to participate in iGEM HQ's interlay project.
  • Collect data.
,Quantitative,Graphs on expression of GFP ,,"The team enjoyed using the ""fancy plate reader,"" though it was a lot of data to go through.",,Participated in iGEM HQ's interlab project dealing with measuring GFP.,,, 1550,Oxford,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Summer School Engagement,Educational Material,"Lesson plans are included on this page: <a href=""""></a>","They have lesson plans, that the iGEM team created by themselves, for the activities that they did at the different summer programs. ","Education Activity, Education Activity Protocol",Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
  • Created a summer program for younger students
  • Wrote a Lesson Plan for the different activities that were going to be done
  • Get supplies for the activities
  • Do the activities with the students
,Qualitative,observations of participants,students in 3 different summer programs,,,They had 3 different summer schools in Oxford with a variety of activities for different age groups.,,,

1551,Heidelberg,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,Kevin Esvelt's Lecture at Heidelberg University,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Speaker Series","<a href=""""></a>",Heidelberg posted a Youtube video of Kevin Esvelt's lecture.,Educational Video,"University Students, iGEM Teams, Professors, Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","1) Invite a speaker. Kevin Esvelt was a good choice of speaker not only because of his projects, but also because of his thoughts on ethics, and his desire to maintain a dialogue with society about benefits and potential risks of scientific technologies. 2) After lecture, give the speaker a tour of the iGEM lab and take their advice.</ul>",Qualitative,"Qualitative data includes Kevin Esvelt's thoughts on gene drives, CRISPR/Cas technology and PACE, safety and ethics, and science's relationship with society.",300 students and researchers in attendance,"On Kevin Esvelt's desire to assess public opinions on certain technologies: ""Emerging technologies may affect countries or even our planet as a whole and the broad public should have a voice in which way technology should be developed and how it is to be used.""",,"Heidelberg hosted Kevin Esvelt, the inventor of PACE (phage-assisted continuous evolution) and CRISPR-based gene drives, to present his work on ""Gene drive evolution, localization, and restoration.""",,, 1552,Heidelberg,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,TEDx Talk at Heidelberg,"Community Event, Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,,"University Students, Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project","1) Present an evolutionary game that shows the causality between randomly occurring mutations and beneficial phenotypes under distinct environmental conditions. The game should involve interactive elements, such a dice that people can roll and a wheel that people can spin. 2) Ask audience members to write down personal concerns, comments, and desires in context of our project idea and synthetic biology in general. 3) Integrate these ideas into future research.</ul>",Qualitative,"The evaluation of the anonymous TEDx visitor notes revealed that, in particular, the non‑scientists highly appreciated the opportunity to openly discuss a genetic engineering project prior to its actual implementation in the wet lab and to have a word in its design and setup. For example, some audience members expressed concern that researchers might unintendedly evolve dangerous or hazardous proteins. Inspired by these comments, the Heidelberg iGEM team evaluated their responsible and safe use practices, and eventually created SafetyNet (a sequence-checking technology).",,,,"Using interactive elements, Heidelberg presented iGEM at the TEDx event in Heidelberg.",,, 1553,Heidelberg,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Integrated Human Practices",Integrated Human Practices,Public Survey,"Survey, Social Media","<a href=""""></a>","Heidelberg iGEM created a survey to assess the public's reaction to the combination of directed evolution and artificial intelligence, and to see if they could incorporate public concerns in their project.",Survey,"iGEM Teams, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","1) Create a survey. Ask the public about their impression of directed evolution and of the ethics and limitations surrounding this. 2) Share survey in the iGEM community, on social media, and at events. 3) Use survey results to shape future research. Heidelberg developed SafetyNet (a sequence-checker) as well as a responsible use questionnaire in response to concerns brought up in the survey.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"In general, the participants saw and expected great benefits of directed evolution approaches. However, most of them felt the need of guidelines (55.7%) or strict regulations (29.2%) on such technologies in order to prevent intentional misuse or accidentally generated hazards. Survey participants supported the combination of directed evolution and artificial intelligence, as it reduces great costs for laboratory equipment and human resources. A large part of participants supported AI (67.9 %), whereas about one third (26,4%) were not sure whether to approve or disapprove of AI.",100 participants aged 13-70 years.,,,Heidelberg iGEM evaluated public opinions and integrated people's concerns and prospects into their project design.,,,

1554,BIT,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visiting enterprises,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Advice obtained from enterprises,Other,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Get in contact with related enterprises
,Integrated Human Practices,"1. how to construct a viable procedure to industrialize JACOB 2. asked CapitalBio Corporation mainly on how to control the cost of microfluidic chip production. From their experience we found that chips cost much more in the early development, but its cost diminishes quickly in later stages when mass production is reached, ranging from $0.1 to few dollars. However, there exist a conflict of material. In the iGEM version we picked optical cement instead of PMDS for its advantages of adequate solidification speed, feasibility, bio-inertia, and precision of altitude. However, PMDS production industries are much more matured. There is currently no companies offering mass production of optical cement microfluidic chips. Thus, we must decide the better material 3. suggestion about the corresponding relation between aptamer and biomarkers,they bore down on the importance of biomarkers’ specificity,It provides ideas for the selection of biomarkers in future",N/A,N/A,,Visited biotechnology enterprises for information about project,,, 1555,Sydney_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,JAMS,Community Event,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
  • Volunteer at local events.
  • Prepare engaging and interactive activities.
,Qualitative,Kids enjoyed learning about microbiology.,,,,The iGEM taught kids about synthetic biology at an event during National Science Week.,,, 1556,Oxford,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Improvement through Feedback,Survey,"table with feedback: <a href=""""></a>, lecture given at summer school: <a href=""""></a>","There was a table with feedback from the summer school sessions with columns called positives, problems, and modifications. There is also a powerpoint lecture included that they presented at the summer school sessions. ","Education Activity, Other","Secondary School Students, iGEM Teams, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Hold a summer school session in which you do activities
  • Create a powerpoint lecture on synthetic biology to present
  • Ask students who participate how they felt about the activities
  • Observe the students and make notes on what they are doing/having problems with
  • Alter your activities accordingly
,Qualitative,feedback from participants and observations of participants,3 summer school session students,The feedback that they received was useful because they were able to alter their activities accordingly. ,,Looked at student feedback from summer school sessions.,,, 1557,AQA_Unesp,Undergraduate,2017,,,Integrated Human Practices,Surveying Diabetics,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",The results from the survey and the survey questions. The survey was created by the iGEM team for the purposes of collecting information for their project. ,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Create a survey targeted at diabetic patients getting a better understanding of their current care regimen both in cost and inconvenience to the patient.
,Quantitative,"There was a wide variety of age groups the bulk being 21 to 30. 91% had type 1 diabetes, 94.7% were insulin dependent. The cost of treatment was highly variable, but 92.6% of people felt the cost of treatment was expensive. 67% of participants felt it was difficult to get materials from the government free of cost. The frequency of insulin use was highly carried, but 80% said their treatment was invasive and 67% of patients said their treatment affects their daily routine. Only 7% of respondents said they wouldn't use a GMO as a treatment. ",200+,"This data collected showed that there is a wide spread need for a genetically engineered machine for diabetes therapy, and that the general diabetic population, even when looking at all age groups and diverse experiences are interested in potentially trying such a product. ",,Surveyed current diabetics about their current care/treatment protocol,,, 1558,AQA_Unesp,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Collaboration to catch up on Legislation,,"<a href=""""></a>",Collaborated with the Manchester team to get a better understanding of the laws and regulations on GMOs,,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Reach out to other teams from your country.
  • Set up a collaborative meeting to discuss legislation that matters to both your teams.
,Qualitative,The data collected helped the team understand Brazil's biosafety laws and who regulates them (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency) What requirements have to be met before you can use GMM in your business particularly concerning employee and consumer safety and awareness. ,,,,,,, 1559,AQA_Unesp,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Infographic about Diabetes,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","The info graphic covered the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the importance of glycemic control, how to do a carb count, types of insulin and how to give injections, the drugs available through the Brazilian basic health system, symptoms of diabetes. This infographic was created by the team. ",Other,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,
  • Identify a need for accessible information in the community.
  • Collect valuable information.
  • Present in an intellectually accessible manner.
,Integrated Human Practices,,,,,Created a informative banner to inform patients and the general community about some basic information about diabetes. ,,, 1560,AQA_Unesp,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Diabetes Documentary,"Presentation (General), Social Media","<a href=""""></a>",,,General Public,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
  • Collect interviewees who are knowledgeable about your target subject.
  • Interview subjects on camera.
  • piece together footage in a way that demonstrates what it is like to incorporate type 1 diabetes into a daily routine.
,Integrated Human Practices,,,,,Created a documentary interviewing type 1 diabetics about their daily routine. ,,, 1561,AQA_Unesp,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,UNESP TV Interview,"Presentation (General), Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>","The videos were created by the UNESP TV team, but featured the iGEM team. ",Other,University Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Reach out to a local TV station and explain your project.
  • Film interviews for the feature.
,Integrated Human Practices,,,This didn't impact the project but provided an outreach opportunity. ,,A feature in the university TV channel,,, 1562,AQA_Unesp,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Educational video on Synthetic biology,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","The team created a video talking about what synthetic biology is, condensed into 2 minutes. ",Education Activity,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Come up with the key components of synthetic biology that need to be targeted.
  • work with a team to create a video to complement the subjects you want to cover about synthetic biology.
  • piece together the video and a voice over explaining SynBio.
,Qualitative,,,"Although this is a frequently done project, condensing the film to 2 minutes bodes well for encouraging students to watch the whole video, rather than getting bored half way through and not finishing the video. ",,Created an educational video about what synthetic biology is. ,,,

1563,AQA_Unesp,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visited Ouro Fino,Consult Experts,,,Other,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,</ul>,Integrated Human Practices,Collected information about how the company works and how drug development is handled. ,,,,Visited companies that work with bioprocesses and biotechnology. ,,,

1564,AQA_Unesp,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Lectures and Poster Presentations,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Speaker Series",,The team created posters and presentations to cater to the needs of the different groups they were presenting to. ,,"University Students, iGEM Teams, Scientific Community, General Public, Specialized Audience","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Look for presentation opportunities in the area.
  • This group presented at ""Week of Industrial Biotechnology"" Hosted by another iGEM team, Presented a Summer Course in MATLAB, gave a talk at ""Programming life: Synthetic biology & iGEM"", gave a talk with college preparatory course students, gave a talk to the elderly community, and presented posters at ""Pharmaceutical Congress"", ""Week of bioprocess and biotechnology engineering from UNESP"", ""BiotechShow"" and the ""Health Fair""
",Integrated Human Practices,,,"These presentations let the team reach diverse audiences on their own level, catering the experience to the level of understanding for each group. ",,The team presented to several groups about synbio and their project. ,,, 1565,AQA_Unesp,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Facebook Page,Social Media,,,Other,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • Create a Facebook page with engaging visuals.
  • Publish material that is interesting and engaging with the general public but that spreads awareness about synbio
,Integrated Human Practices,,1014,,,Created a Facebook page to publicize their work. ,,, 1566,AQA_Unesp,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Publications,,"<a href=""""></a>",Some of the publication links are no longer active. ,"Magazine/Newspaper Article, Blog",General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
  • Reach out to popular news outlets and explain about iGEM and the current iGEM project.
  • This team was featured in ""Insubiota"", ""Institutional Website of UNESP University"" ""Hintigo"" and ""Sao Carlos E Araraquara""
",Integrated Human Practices,,,,,Featured in several news outlets. ,,, 1567,Sydney_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,University of Sydney Open Day,Community Event,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, University Students",Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
  • Plan a set of activities to excite students about science.
  • Speak to students about science education.
,Qualitative,Informal positive feedback from participants.,,The team was surprised by the interest of younger siblings of prospective students.,,The iGEM team taught prospective students some basic biology and encouraged them to study science in the future.,,, 1568,Sydney_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Northern Sydney Science Hub,Community Event,,,,Primary School Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
  • Plan activities that will be entertaining for young kids.
,Quantitative,Kids were enthusiastic about the activities.,,The team found that kids were particularly interested in the mechanics of terraformation on Mars. They hope this will inspire the kids to do microbiology in the future.,,The team engaged kids by having them swab their mouths and then growing that bacteria on plates.,,, 1569,Sydney_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Mount Saint Benedict's School Presentation,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"
  • Design a presentation that is simple enough for beginners, but interesting enough to peak their interest in the material.
",Qualitative,Informal positive feedback from participants,,The team felt that this was valuable experience for both the students and for themselves.,,The team did a teaching activity in a lab on bacteria.,,, 1570,BNDS_China,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",,Poll: People's attitude on Genetically Modified Food,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",The team created a very short survey about peoples attitude toward GMO food and how much they know about it. ,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Create a survey evaluating both what people know about your project, where they are getting that information and their feelings toward your work.
  • post on social media.
  • compile results.
",Integrated Human Practices,"38.9% of respondents didn't care about GM food, 34% reject it and 16.8 relatively support it. Most are not getting their information from credible sources. ",,This survey indicated that it was necessary to further promote the concept of GM products and SynBio. ,,Created a survey to evaluate peoples feelings toward GM food and how they get their information about GM products. ,,, 1571,BNDS_China,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,"Dili, Dairy Enterprise ",Consult Experts,,,,,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Reach out to companies who work in fields related to your iGEM project.
  • interview and connect with experts.3. implement their advice into your project.
,Integrated Human Practices,"The Yili representatives shared that China government was open to GM food, but had unfriendly policies toward GM probiotics. ",,,,Vistiting Yili Dairy Enterprise a dairy company in China. ,,,

1572,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Biotech Quiz Show ,Presentation (General),"<a href=""""></a>",Biotech quiz to help strengthening the cooperation of the iGEM team and the btS.,Video of Activity,University Students,Networking,Strengthening the interactions and cooperation within the University's organization.</ul>,,"<a href=""""></a>",,,,"Teams compete against each other in three categories, including games like “refill pipette tip boxes”, “estimate colonies on a plate”, “assemble a bioreactor” and a “pipetting challenge”.",,,

1573,BNDS_China,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,School Student Television ,Presentation (General),"<a href=""""></a>",A video of the interview is available on the wiki page. ,Interview,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
  • Reach out to local news sources.
  • discuss your iGEM project with these groups and the importance of increased awareness surrounding your kind of work.
  • Complete a feature or interview for the news source.
,,,,"This is a good way to reach an audience, however for non-high school teams in particular reaching a news source outside of the home school will be a challenge but more valuable because it can reach more of the general public. ",,The iGEM team was given a feature on the high school's TV channel. ,,, 1574,BNDS_China,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Street Science,Community Event,,,,Secondary School Students,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
  • Reserve a presentation location and collect the supplies needed for a simple SynBio project (one that can be completed outside of a BSL 1 lab)
  • Spread awareness about the event by advertising.
  • Host the event.
,Qualitative,,,,,Held an exhibition during lunch time where students from the school could do DNA extraction from Strawberries. ,,,

1575,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,The Pupils Academy ,"Open Lab, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",,Education Activity,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",To teach synthetic biology and biotechnology to high school students with outstanding grades.</ul>,,N/A,20,,,"Lectures on topics of synthetic biology, bioinformatics, taxonomic identifications and proteomics.",,,

1576,BNDS_China,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Creating a Club,"Community Event, Speaker Series",,,,Secondary School Students,,
  • Schedule and reserve a location for regular meetings.
  • Advertise for the new club.
  • come up up with presentations that make SynBio accessible to the general public.
,,,,,,Created an iGEM club to spread knowledge about genetic technology. ,,, 1577,Sydney_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Integrating with Open Insulin Abroad,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Identify groups with similar goals and relevant experience.
  • Reach out to these and communicate about your project, concerns, ideas, etc.
",Integrated Human Practices,These sessions helped the team troubleshoot and discuss how to put their product on the market.,,The team felt this experience provided helpful feedback.,,"Every second Monday at 5pm, the team would meet with members from Open Insulin and Counter Culture Labs to discuss what they were up to.",,,

1578,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,GENIALE ,"Community Event, Open Lab, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",Set up different tables with different experiments about synthetic biology.,"Education Activity Protocol, Other",General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",Promote general sciences</ul>,,N/A,N/A,,,Participation in GENIALE,,, 1579,Bielefel-CeBiTec,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Traineeship on biology for pupils ,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",To enable pupils of all ages to learn extracurricular skills through independent and partly self-organized experiments.,"Video of Activity, Education Activity",Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Networking, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",Provide educational day on synthetic biology</ul>,Quantitative,Traineeship was documented with a (private) film featuring the most interesting aspects for the students to take home.,16,,,,,,

1580,Sydney_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Australasia 2017 Conference,"Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Present iGEM Project,
  • Identify conferences to present at and present at them
,Quantitative,Informal feedback and conversations with other presenters.,,"Though the iGEM team was less experienced than other presenting scientists, they still felt they put their best foot forward.",,Presented their project at a synthetic biology conference.,,, 1581,Oxford,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Curiosity Carnival,Fair Booth,"<a href=""""></a>",They have explanations for how to play the games and a list of the ethical questions asked. ,"Education Activity, Survey","Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project",
  • Find a carnival to have a booth at
  • Create a poster for the carnival
  • Create games/activities to have at the booth
  • Develop ethical questions to ask the public
,Qualitative,informal feedback from participants,4500 people,"The Cruzi game was popular with adults and children alike and provided an interactive way of showing the problems with existing diagnostics.The team felt that the pong game acted as a vehicle for us to explain the basic principle of molecular cloning, particularly engaging children. For the voting, some people were initially reluctant to vote, or undecided on a vote, facilitating debate around the issues. Our most successful question garnered over 200 responses. This strengthened our opinion that education is necessary for developing opinions on synthetic biology, and having reasoned discussions around the subject.",,"The had a booth in the carnival in which they had a poster with information about their project, games for kids to play, and voting on ethical issues. ",,,

1582,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Synbio Day,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),"<a href=""""></a>",Presented iGEM projects to public and experts.,Other,"iGEM Teams, Professors, Scientific Community, General Public",Present iGEM Project,To present iGEM project</ul>,,N/A,N/A,,,Participation in Synbio Day,,, 1583,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Press,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>", News article,Magazine/Newspaper Article,"University Students, Professors","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",Contact university press.</ul>,,N/A,N/A,,,Promote iGEM through univeristy press.,,, 1584,Bielefeld-CeBiTec,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Radio,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>",,Other,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Networking",Contact university radio.</ul>,,N/A,N/A,,,Met with the university radio station Hertz87.9 for two fun and informative interviews. ,,,

1585,Berlin_diagnostX,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Raising awareness: How to unite specialists and citizens against Neglected Tropical Diseases,"Community Event, Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts, Educational Material, Fair Booth",,,,"University Students, Professors, Scientific Community, General Public, Specialized Audience","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
  • Invited participants and presenters to the Humboldt Graduate school for the iGEM team's Neglected Tropical Disease lab
  • Event included an interactive ""project fair"" the team presented their iGEM project
  • Event also included a panel with eminent speakers, including a member of parliament, a member of the advisory board of DNTDs, and a representative from the German Ministry for Research and education
  • Panel discussed topics such as scientific requirements for neglected tropical diseases, and how science is a driving force in reaching sustainable goals
  • Event and team were featured in regional newspapers such as the Berliner Morgenpost as well as the campus radio program
",Qualitative,,150,,,Participants and presenters were invited to discuss the challenge of neglected tropical diseases.,,, 1586,Sydney_Austalia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Uni Presentations,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,,"University Students, Professors",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
  • Investigate events at which your team could present.
  • Incorporate feedback from viewers in your final iGEM presentation.
,Qualitative,Feedback from professors and other students.,,The team felt these presentations were useful in planning how to make their final presentation as effective as possible.,,Presented at various events at University.,,, 1587,Oxford,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM UK Meet-ups,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
  • Ask other iGEM teams to meet up somewhere
  • Arrange a location where all the teams can meet up
  • Create a presentation to give to other iGEM teams
,Qualitative,feedback from other teams,3 iGEM teams ,"The event was lots of fun and we appreciated the opportunity to meet, network and form collaborations with other UK teams.",,"It was a meet up with the University of Westminster, Warwick, and UCL during which each team gave a Jamboree style poster and powerpoint presentation to other teams.",,, 1588,Berlin_diagnostX,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,ESC Workshop,"Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Teaching Activity, Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,Scientific Community,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Learn Public Opinions, Present iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Team presented project at European Students' Conference in Berlin
  • Hosted a workshop to teach the attendants about our project, as well as coach them how to form a successful international collaboration
  • Workshop allowed participants to come up with own ideas concerning a partnership with diagnost-x
",Qualitative,"After workshop, the participants were inspired to bring the project back to their home countries. ",,,,Team presented at the European Students' Conference in Berlin.,,,

1589,Fudan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Immunotherapy Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Fudan iGEM posted both of their full surveys, as well as results and discussion, on their Wiki.",Survey,"Scientific Community, General Public, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","1) Create a questionnaire to gauge knowledge of, attitude towards, and attention to cancer immunotherapy among the general public. Create a ""threshold question"" to separate respondents who know about cancer immunotherapy from those who do not. Those who do not will not continue with the questionnaire, while those who do will answer more questions. 2) Share the questionnaire online (such as through SO JUMP and WeChat) to gather the greatest sample size. 3) Compile results, often as fractions (ex: 1/20 participants agreed that ______) to interpret public knowledge level and attitudes. 4) Create another questionnaire, this time for medical experts, also gauging knowledge, attitude, and attention. 5) Print the surveys and distribute to doctors at a hospital. 6) Again compile results, often as fractions. 7) Discuss results, this time accounting for limiting factors of the questionnaire, background information, and possible explanations for the results. As well, viewpoint plays a role here--Fudan used survey results to support their viewpoint that cancer immunotherapy is a ""naive"" therapy and thus warrants more research. This viewpoint led them to complete their 2017 project, called SwordS.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"53 of the doctors surveyed chose the “know well” answer about the concept of cancer immunotherapy. However, when asked about their knowledge of more specific cancer immunotherapy concepts, the proportion of “smatter”, “only hear of” or “blind” answers increased. Furthermore, doctors have a somewhat prudent attitude towards immunotherapy. Among all of 74 replies, only twelve of doctors agreed on “immunotherapy has strong specificity”, eight agreed on “immunotherapy has a slight side effect”, six agreed on “immunotherapy has a good effect”. The majority hold a neutral or even negative opinion. In contrast, the public showed a rather positive attitude towards immunotherapy. 74 out of 126 stayed neutral, only 3 showed an obvious rejection, while 49 were for this new therapy. Unfortunately, the public sample had a rather low frequency about knowing the information about cancer immunotherapy. 44 out of 124 had learned related information in the last month, while 62 had learned in the last half year.","74 medical professionals surveyed, 191 public surveys completed","Doctors generally have a negative attitude toward immunotherapy. In part, this shows that immunotherapy requires more research and clinical trials; real technological advances are key to the development of therapies. This belief led Fudan iGEM to work on SwordS, their 2017 project. Furthermore, though the frequency of doctors' knowledge is satisfactory, it can still be strengthened. As could be expected, knowledge of cancer immunotherapy is even lower among the general public. The insufficiency of bio-engineering knowledge in public is an important reason why people have antipathy to new drugs or therapies, though they are helpful.",,"Fudan iGEM created two questionnaires, one for the general public and one for medical experts, to gauge knowledge of, attitudes towards, and attention to immunotherapy-based cancer treatments.",,,

1590,Berlin_diagnostX,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Participation in Cystinet Conference,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts",,,,Scientific Community,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Networking","
  • Participated at a conference of interdisciplinary network of scientists and physicians named Cystinet
  • One team leader travelled to Riga, Latvia to present on iGEM project
  • Team got in contact with specialists and made valuable contacts for future scientific exchange and collaborations for clinical trails and sample acquisitions
",Qualitative,,,Team hopes to keep up a good and productive contact to the organization and are optimistic that together we may come one step closer on finding a solution to the growing amount of T.solium related diseases.,,Tam participated at the conference Cystinet and made valuable contacts for scientific exchange. ,,, 1591,Oxford,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Social Media,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>",Links to their social media accounts. ,Other,General Public,Networking,"
  • Create different social media accounts such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter
  • Post regularly about what your team is doing
",Qualitative,Influential comments on posts made by social media accounts. ,1000 followers,"Our Instagram account has included regular updates on what the team was getting up to inside and outside of the lab, helping to promote a more well-rounded image of scientists, and also participating in tags such as #femalesinstem to display the gender diversity in our team.",,"Had an active Instagram, Twitter, and a Facebook page with a range of posts by the team. ",,, 1592,Greece,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Promoting youth education,"Teaching Activity, Consult Representatives","<a href=""Greekom_OksynousPNG.png"">Greekom_OksynousPNG.png</a>",A survey filled out by the high school participants where they rated their understanding of synthetic biology before and after the workshop.,Survey,"Secondary School Students, Legislators","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
  • host a workshop for highschool students and teach them about synthetic biology.
  • Meet with representatives to spread the word about synthetic biology and secure funding for more reserach.
,Qualitative,"The students also provided us with feedback on our presentation and on their understanding of Synthetic Biology, by filling a survey. Our most valuable feedback was that they increased their Synthetic Biology knowledge, however they also expressed their wish to participate and/or organise independent student-run research projects.",a group of students and multiple representatives.,"Students were made aware of synthetic biology and were encouraged to pursue their own research. The meeting with representatives went well, allowing a wider Educate on Synthetic Biology and more funding for iGEM teams in Greece.",,"Hosted an interactive workshop to teach high schoolers about synthetic biology, and talked with officials from the Greek ministry of Education and Research on promoting synthetic biology and securing funding for future research.",,, 1593,Berlin_diagnostX,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Long Night of the Sciences,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity, Educational Material, Fair Booth",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project","
  • Team presented at the Long Night of the Sciences, a night in Berlin where visitors from non science backgrounds can access science and research
  • Team presented their project to children and adults with attractions for kids such as gummy worms
  • Team also included a quiz on Tania solium and a tapewor-diagnost-x post card for visitors to stand
",Qualitative,,,"We got new inspirations for our project and lots of new input in terms of our scientific design, ways of financing our project and in communicating it to the public. We could fascinate new people from our project and its importance since almost none of our visitors had ever before heard of tapeworms! All in all we enjoyed the entire event, the lively discussions and could further strengthen our team spirit and even recruit new people to our team!

",,"Team presented at the Long Night of Sciences, a local event, and tried to raise awareness from the public about neglected tropical diseases.",,,

1594,Sydney_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Product Design,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives",,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
  • Reach out to people with specialized knowledge on your project for help, particularly on the business side.
",Integrated Human Practices,"The team learned a lot about how to go about how to make their product accessible. They gained necessary information about the drug industry and patents. iGEM Sydney ended up going with their original plan of an open source product, but with some modifications.",,The team was surprised by how difficult and costly it would be to meet their goals.,,The iGEM Sydney Australia team reached out to many experts to learn more about the business side of their product and how it could be put on the market in a beneficial way.,,, 1595,Calgary,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Workshops for all ages,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity","<a href=""""></a>",The work sheets and workshop lesson plans are found on this link. ,Education Activity,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, Teachers",Educate on Synthetic Biology,
  • Create a set of activities and worksheets for teaching synthetic biology.
  • Adapt this work sheet and protocol for a variety of age groups.
  • Distribute to teachers and take on the road as a workshop presentation.
,Qualitative,,,,,"Created and presented worksheets and teachers guides for all age groups, 11-13, 13-16, 17-18. ",,, 1596,Calgary,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Workshops ,Presentation (General),,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, Teachers","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
  • Coordinate with schools and summer camps to come teach their students about synthetic biology. This team went to ""Telus Spark Adults only night: Hack it"", presented to students with ""Beayerhead: Petri dish picasso"", and ""Sir Winston Churchill Workshop"".
  • Cater the teaching experience to the level of understanding and age group of your audience.
",Qualitative,,,,,Took their workshop protocol on the road to present to groups of students of different age groups. ,,, 1597,Berlin_diagnostX ,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Science Slam,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Educational Material",,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
  • Team presented at the Science Slam, a place for scientists to present work to a non-scientific audience in an informative and entertaining way
  • iGEM project was presented through acting and presenting
",,,500,,,Team presented project at Science Slam to inform audience about neglected tropical diseases and synthetic biology.,,, 1598,Sydney_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a> (at the bottom of the page)",A survey with responses from other iGEM teams as well as the general public,Survey,"iGEM Teams, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
  • Create and publicize a survey to learn about people's experiences relating to the subject of your project
,Quantitative,The majority of people who responded to the survey had changed the brand of insulin they used. Some respondents replied that they did not always have access to insulin when they need it. ,~15,"""This survey really out in perspective how close to home the issue that we are trying to tackle really is.""",,A survey on insulin accessibility,,,

1599,Greece,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Reaching out to University Peers,"Community Event, Open Lab, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity, Conference/Panel Discussion, Educational Material, Fair Booth",,,,"University Students, Professors","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",Host and addend university events to educate peers on synthetic biology.</ul>,Qualitative,Students and faculty were made more aware of synthetic biology and iGEM as a whole.,"not measured, many.","Outreach was a success, students and faculty were educated on synthetic biology and iGEM and were encouraged to come up with their own ideas for future projects.",,Multiple events designed to engage with university peers to educate and spread awareness about synthetic biology.,,,

1600,Calgary,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,PHB Simulator,,"<a href=""""></a>",This simulator was made by the team to demonstrate the pathways and enzymes involved in PHB production to a non-academic audience.,"Educational Video, Other",General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
  • This project was inspired by ""Swarm Design"" lab which uses game engines like Unity and UnReal to create visual and virtual reality models. Using a similar practice this team created their own simulation.
  • They kept in mind their target audience and their current level of understanding.
  • They kept the presentation short to keep the audiences interest.
",Qualitative,,,,,Created a simulator that could make synbio a little more accessible to the public. ,,, 1601,Calgary,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Calgary Manual for International Access to SynBio,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","This manual describes tips and tricks for starting up a team. It also outlines the responsibilities of members, leaders and administrators during the process. It also outlines the financial commitment including equipment needed for successful teams. For this is also provides tips for writing successful grants to help with these cost. It includes public engagement, corporate sponsorships, social media and Myths busted for iGEM. The packet ends with a set of Wiki tips for ending a project strong and presenting it well. ","Tool for iGEM Teams, Other",iGEM Teams,Recruit iGEM members,
  • This team read material provided by other iGEM teams and by the iGEM website.
  • The team collaborated with other groups and reflected on their own personal experiences.
  • This team took it a step further to also list further resources to make teams successful as they start up.
  • The team put this together in a manageable manual
,Qualitative,,,,,Created a manual for reaching out to new iGEM teams and get them started in SynBio with a focus on international accessibility. ,,,

1602,Greece,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Engaging the Wider Scientific Community,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts, Educational Material, Fair Booth",,,,Scientific Community,Present iGEM Project,</ul>,,,not specified,"The feedback from the scientific community was considered extremely valuable, and the muses are important in spreading awareness about synthetic biology.",,"Attended various scientific seminars and events. Discussed project with experts, and learned new skills to be applied in the lab.",,,

1603,Greece,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Building a visual lingua franca to reach out to the rest of the world.,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a>","Made by team, contemporary dance video and video game.","Video of Activity, Other",General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","(i) employed visual narratology principles based on Meister, Jan Christoph: ""Narratology"", Paragraph</li>
  • In: Hühn, Peter et al. (eds.): the living handbook of narratology. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press. (ii) modified the commonly used vocabulary of dance that constitutes the language of performativity to include abstractions of our experimental vision </ul>",Qualitative,no data,impossible to know,"They made a video and videogame, it was pretty neat. Maybe it helped spread synthetic biology.",,"Teamed up with a contemporary dance company to communicate the fundamental aspects of their project in a new way, and created a mobile card game to convey cancer therapeutics.",,, 1604,CLSB-UK,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,Open Days,Community Event,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
    • Get permission to set up a stand at your schools open house days.
    • Create a booth to draw people in, and have conversations surrounding synthetic biology.
    • Take this as an opportunity to recruit new members.
    ",Qualitative,,,"Although this outreach did not impact the project for this year, it did help the team recruit new members for the next year. ",,During the schools 2 open days the team had a stand to discuss SynBio. ,,, 1605,CLSB-UK,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Open Evening,"Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,,"Secondary School Students, Teachers, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Coordinate a platform for the presentation and advertise to the audience.
    • Create a presentation that explains your current project and background synbio in a way that is accessible to your audience.
    • Answer questions and take them into consideration as you move to more presentations.
    ,Qualitative,,,,,The team presented their project & SynBio to the school community and held a Q&A follow up. ,,, 1606,CLSB-UK,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,Video Making Session,,"<a href=""""></a>","This video was made with grade 9 students and helped to educate the group about the basics of gene expression and this years iGEM project. They covered real world problems putting synbio into context and the underlying mechanics, including transcription and translation. The 9th year students were challenged to make the videos demonstrating their understanding.",Educational Video,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Reach out to students and help educate them on major components of synbio.
    • challenge the students to come up with their own educational videos to solidify their understanding.
    • pull together the students work to make a final video product.
    ,,,,,,,,, 1607,CLSB-UK,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,Younger Student - Workshops,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Recruit iGEM members","
    • Arrange to host a workshop.
    • Put together activities to both educate and excite potential future iGEM members! This team did a micro pipetting challenge, and a DNA craft using sweets.
    ",,,,,,Hosted a workshop for younger students to learn about DNA and get some micro pipetting practice. ,,, 1608,CLSB-UK,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Integrated Human Practices",Integrated Human Practices,Talks - School Presentation,"Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Arrange to present to the school, coordinate with administrators when the next assembly might be.
    • Create a quiz for after the presentation to test understanding.
    • Create a presentation that explains iGEM, SynBio and your project in a way that your audience might understand.
    • Give the presentation and pass out the post presentation quiz.
    • use the feedback from the quiz to see if you were able to get the information through to the audience.
    ",Qualitative,,600,"This presentation reached a lot of students, and of the 109 students who completed the post presentation survey, the majority got a 75% or better on it, this indicates to the team that they were able to convey challenging information to the students even when they didn't have a strong background in SynBio going in. This was a great way for the team to reach a lot of students and evaluate their presentation. Bonus, it is practice with presenting which will be helpful as they get closer to Jamboree. ",,Presented to over 600 students at their school then gave a quiz to test understanding. ,,, 1609,Berlin_diagnostX ,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Worm RNA from India,Consult Experts,,,,"Scientific Community, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project, Policy Outreach, Networking, Activism for iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Two team members traveled to India to explore the context in which their diagnostic test for the parasite T. solium
    • Met with a representative from the Human Rights organization VCHR (People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights) and accompanied him and social workers to communities of poor and discriminated people with a high probability of being infected with the pork tapeworm
    • Team learned the importance of having a rapid field test instead of using a microscope or attending a hospital
    • Visited several hospitals and clinical laboratories to discuss iGEM project
    • Analyzed research facilities
    • Met with the iGEM IIT Delhi team and established an RNA isolation pipeline
    • Wrote an application to the institutional review board to gain ethical consent for a clinical study
    • Study will consist of accompanying social workers and determining how test work in an Indian diagnostic laboratory. Study will also allow team to add data to the epidemiology of disease in India
    ,Qualitative,,,,,Team traveled to India to learn about the environment their test needs to function and build up a network.,,,

    1610,CLSB-UK,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,Inspiring others to take part in iGEM (High school),,"<a href=""""></a>","This High School iGEM guide shows other high schools how to create their own successful iGEM team. It covers both why the teams should enter and how to do it. It covers fundraising, common problems, how to get access to equipment and facilities, how to find an idea, how to build the wiki, and how to tackle modeling.",Tool for iGEM Teams,"Secondary School Students, iGEM Teams",Educate on the iGEM program,</ul>,,,,"All of this is done at a targeted high school audience, one that is sometimes missed when creating ""how to"" documents, but they face unique challenges that university level teams don't deal with. ",,,,,

    1611,CLSB-UK,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Integrated Human Practices",Education and Public Engagement,In the Press & Social Media,Social Media,,,,"Secondary School Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
    • Create accounts for social media and the blog, twitter, Facebook and blogs were used by this team.
    • Create posts to engage the public both with synbio and your current project.
    • As the project comes together reach out to local news sources about the progress you are making as a team in synthetic biology.
    ",,,,,,"A Blog, Facebook page, Tweets and newspaper publication all to spread the word about this team's project. ",,, 1612,NKU_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Education on Oil Recovery,Community Event,,,,General Public,Present iGEM Project,
    • Gave several lectures regarding project
    • Found out general populations biggest concerns regarding the project through a questionnaire survey
    ,,,,,,,,, 1613,NKU_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Communication with Oil Practitioners,"Community Event, Consult Experts",,,,"iGEM Teams, Vendors/Businesses","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project, Networking",
    • Met with iGEMers from various schools and regions to get further understanding of iGEMers’ common concern about the competition such as technical difficulties
    • Team talked to oil practitioners and received suggestions on how to improve the project
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"Team found out that found that professionals paid more attention to the controllability and induced cost of the Fim system, while the common peoples would prefer to strengthen the biosafety aspect.",,,,Communicated with iGEMers and oil practitioners regarding the team's project. ,,, 1614,Sheffield,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Mini-iGEM Competition,"Community Event, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Plan a welcoming event with a speaker and a mini-iGEM project.
    • Invite students.
    ,Qualitative,"Presentations from students, positive feedback",,The team felt that the students were excited about synthetic biology.,,The team organized an event for high school students in which they learned about synthetic biology from a lecturer and brainstormed and presented synthetic biology projects.,,, 1615,CLSB-UK,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Integrated Human Practices",Integrated Human Practices,Design - Consulting Experts,Consult Experts,,,,,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • After coming up with an initial plan for the project, reach out to experts to ask for their advice.
    • Meet with experts in the field, talk to them about your plan and hear what they thing the challenges with the design may be and how to adapt the design for better results.
    • Incorporate their advice into your design.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Dr. Jensen was helpful with picking the sequences and constructs to use with E. Coli. The teams originally selected constructs were potentially toxic to E. Coli hindering progress. This changed the teams selection of device and they shifted to an arabinose inducible promoter. Dr. Alex Green helped confirm the teams design from a theoretical perspective, he is an expert in synthetic biology switches. His advice and suggestions to optimize the diagnostic tool and find more literature about relevant switches. iGEM EPFL's team was also working with toehold switches, so the teams discussed their mutual road blocks. Their advice resulted in a second series of toehold switches being created to help insure there were fewer false positives. Professor Rubinsztein suggested the use of luciferase instead of GFP as the reporter protein because it would be able to provide more sensitive readings. ",,"This set of meetings actually had strong impacts on the design and development of the final product. The team was able to pick a better reporter, trouble shoot the issue of false positives/negatives, fix the construct that was poisoning the teams E coli all as a result of their well timed meetings. ",,"Met with Dr. Kirsten Jensen, Dr. Alex Green, iGEM EPFL, Professor David Rubinsztein to nail down their design. ",,,

    1616,Sheffield,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Learning from Microbiology Labs,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,Identify areas of confusion and reach out to experts for help.</ul>,Integrated Human Practices,The team learned about the Vitek 2 system. They realized that their product could have many of the same features.,,,,"To gain a better understanding of what ASTs are most commonly used in the clinic, the team spoke to microbiologist consultants in Poland and Cyprus.",,,

    1617,NUS_Singapore,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Survey regarding opinions on GMOs and synthetic kill switches,Survey,"<a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a>","Two surveys were conducted, one with researchers and the other with members of the public, regarding their opinions about biosafety and bio containment of GMOs in labs. ",Survey,"Scientific Community, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
    • Team attended a local synthetic biology 7 event and surveyed 40 of the attendees, many of whom are students pursuing their PhD/Masters
    • Team traveled to different parts of singapore and surveyed members of the public, making sure to simplify jargon and explain all necessary terms
    • Team attended a talk by a conservationist and surveyed him
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"<a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a>",,"Survey results showed: More education for members of the public to bridge gap in knowledge is needed.

    The importance of a kill switch mechanism embedded into genetically modified organisms was emphasized. There is a need to address the concern of potential health risk associated with consumption of genetically engineered therapeutic probiotics. Environmental risk associated with accidental release of genetically engineered therapeutic probiotics should be addressed. Current methods to integrate kill switches into genetically engineered organisms are not well defined. An action plan was developed from the survey results",,"Team surveyed a variety of experts and members of the community to gather opinions regarding GMOs and kill switches, and devised an action plan based on the results.",,, 1618,CLSB-UK,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Integrated Human Practices",Integrated Human Practices,Modeling - Asking the Experts,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,</ul>,Integrated Human Practices,The research fellow Dr. Thomas Ouldridge helped the team strengthen their model by providing information about energy landscapes of nucleic strand displacements helping the team increase specificity for their first series of switches. After a few months of work the team went back and Dr. Ouldridge helped the team simplify their model. ,,"The meetings with Dr. Ouldridge had direct effects on the teams project, and helped them come up with a model that was both sufficient to support their project, but also not unnecessarily complicated. This collaboration was well founded and successful. ",," Met with Dr. Thomas Ouldridge, a Royal Society University Research Fellow in the Bioengineering department at Imperial College London. ",,, 1619,Groningen,Overgraduate,2017,,,Integrated Human Practices, HUMAN PRACTICES,Consult Experts,,,,iGEM Teams,Discuss Ethics and Safety,Consult experts to gain insight on project and its real world applications.</ul>,Integrated Human Practices,Helped guide the project and allowed the team to visit dairy farms and processing factories,8 experts consulted,Discussing with experts was very beneficial to the success of the project.,,"Consulted experts to discuss what the end product of the product should be, how it should be marketed, and how it could be approved for use.",,,

    1620,CLSB-UK,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Integrated Human Practices",Integrated Human Practices,Applications - Meeting with the experts,Consult Experts,,,,,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • After coming up with a project and plan for the year, find experts in the sub field you will be working in.
    • Meet up with these experts and discuss potential applications and concerns with your project.
    • If needed make edits to your presentation style and plan for the project, Making changes to the project itself may also be helpful. This team met with Dr. Daniel Pregibon, Dr. Justin Daniels, Dr. Sujal Desai, Professor Laurence Lovat,
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Dr. Daniel Pregibon works at Abcam, he informed the team their product could be a good resource in low resource situations when results are needed quickly. Dr. Justin Daniels is a pediatrician and clinical director who has served on NICE (National institute for health, and care excellence) he suggested the tool could be used as a screening tool for high risk individuals, he also encouraged the use of miRNAs. He also led them to the required criteria for the sensor to be used a s a screening tool. Dr. Desai is a consultant chest radiologist who helped the team determine who should be using their screening tool (high risk individuals who smoke through age 55 and above.) Lovat Helped the team understand what was needed to make the system clinically viable. He also suggested using multiplexing assays to detect several times of miRNAs simultaneously (this is progress for future years beyond this one) ",,,,,,,

    1621,Groningen,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Experts,,,,iGEM Teams,Learn Public Opinions,Consult dairy industry veterans and experts to further refine project ideals.</ul>,Integrated Human Practices,Helped influence research and goal of project.,consulted with 9 different experts/companies.,"We decided to make a detector that does not come into contact with the end product. We decided to try to detect the presence of the SK1 bacteriophage since its especially resistant to cleaning measures. We designed an on-site, easy-to-use detection cartridge with redundant layers of security. We developed a model which can determine the likelihood of spacer incorporation for specific bacteriophages. Another model is able to predict fluorescence emissions and population dynamics depending on different infection scenarios We added a hydrogen peroxide compartment to the cartridge to ensure safe disposal. We thought of ways to implement our product both in a current scenario and a future scenario.",,Consult with experts from the dairy industry to further refine project design and goals.,,, 1622,Sheffield,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Healthcare Professionals,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,Identify the market you envision your product entering and ask people in that industry for feedback.</ul>,Integrated Human Practices,"The team recognized they needed a faster diagnosis time, so they altered their product. They also decided they should make their product more pathogen specific.",,"By speaking to people with a thorough understanding of the market, the team was able to make their project more practical.",,Interviewed healthcare professionals about the project prototype to get their opinion and feedback.,,, 1623,Sheffield,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,A Teaching/Research Tool,Consult Experts,,,,"Secondary School Students, Teachers, University Students, Professors","Activism for iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",</ul>,Qualitative,The team came up with several ideas for ways their project could be used.,,,,The team spoke to a university professor to plan ways in which the project could be used in teaching and research.,,,

    1624,NUS_Singapore,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation at NUS Hackerspace,"Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Teaching Activity",,,,Scientific Community,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",
    • Team presented at the NUS Hackerspace about the importance of synthetic biology and applications of their iGEM project
    • Team also focused on demonstrating that computer science is relevant and applicable to synthetic biology
    ,Integrated Human Practices,,,,,Team presented their project at NUS hackerspace to bridge the gap between computer science and synthetic biology.,,, 1625,Queens_Canada,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Promoting Synthetic Biology to the Kingston Community,Fair Booth,"Links for what is needed to do the activities: <a href=""""></a>",,Education Activity,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Hold a fair booth at a fair
    • Plan activities and acquire supplies for the activities
    • Create protocols for the activities
    ,Qualitative,informal feedback from participants,children who came to the fair booth,"Their VR station was a huge success, especially with the younger audiences! They also thought that their activity, named ""Mendel's Tomatoes"", will be a great hands-on supplement for children aspiring to be young scientists to learn about topics such as genetics and inheritance.",,They had a booth at a fair and they did activities with the kids that showed up. ,,, 1626,NUS_Singapore,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>","Team created a set of troubleshooting guides for teams to better consider the different aspects of designing a kill-switch, including what if the kill switch fails when the engineered probiotics in the body ",Education Activity,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
    • Team created a set of troubleshooting guides that addresses the fundamental problems in integrating the kill switch mechanism into the microbes. The intent is to enable users to troubleshoot potential problems quickly and efficiently. Guide also address the environmental and health consumption concerns that were highlighted from our interactions with members of the public, conservationist and experts in the field of synthetic biology.
    • Guides were discussed with researchers from the Synthetic biology for Clinical & Technological Innovation on potential challenges in incorporating kill switches into bacterial host to validate our guide
    ",Qualitative,,,"Team hopes to get this entire system online to facilitate an open source, accessible repository to the world in alignment with the iGEM spirit and that their project will be a key milestone in paving the way to ensure a wide spectrum of futuristic applications that are environmental and health friendly.",,Team created a troubleshooting guide to help teams with similar projects.,,, 1627,Queens_Canada ,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,About the Interview Series,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Videos of the interviews with professors. ,Video of Activity,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Find professors that can help you with your project
    • Interview them and ask them questions about your project or synthetic biology in general
    ,Qualitative,information gained from interviews,3 professors,"Through each of these interviews, we were able to gain insight into factors such as environmental safety, scalability, and adaptability of our project, and integrated the advice we received from these interviews into the design of our project for real-world application.",,Asked professors at the university for advice on their project and synthetic biology in general. ,,,

    1628,Groningen,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Engagement,"Community Event, Open Lab, Teaching Activity, Conference/Panel Discussion, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",Video of educational event where elementary school students were given hands on lab experience.,Video of Activity,Primary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,Raise awareness of synthetic biology and increase passion in youth for biology and science in general.</ul>,Qualitative,The kids who attended the event were very inspired by the activities.,200+,"Engagement with the general public and education about synthetic biology has been a core aspect of our project. We believe it to be of the utmost importance, for the future acceptance and safe use of genetically engineered machines. To achieve the use of not only our product but also other biotechnology innovations, understanding from the public about the large possibilities of synthetic biology is essential. Therefore, we invested quite a lot of effort in attending public events at an early stage to get the dialogue going. This provided a fresh perspective for us from people not generally familiar with the topic. For education, we collaborated with multiple organizations, such as Science Linx, RIVM and Scholierenacademie. As we wanted to gain more insight into education we had conversations with multiple educational experts and used their experience to improve our efforts.

    ",,"Reached out, taught, and advised students ranging from elementary schoolers to honors college students. Presented their finding at conferences and made a game as well.",,,

    1629,Queens_Canada,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,About the SynBio Course,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",The pdf file contains information about what was taught in the synthetic biology course. ,Education Activity Protocol,"iGEM Teams, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Design a synthetic biology course to be offered
    • Get approval for the course
    • Create a course outline
    • Teach the course to students who attend the class
    ,Qualitative,Observations of participants,Students in the synthetic biology class,"By the end of the course, students will be capable of advanced problem-solving and critical thinking as well as collaborating through a teamwork environment. ",,The team had a synthetic biology course that was about synthetic biology. ,,,

    1630,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Make Munich,"Community Event, iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, University Students, Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project",Present at relevant events.</ul>,,,,,,"The team presented their project at a tech festival, where they engaged with audiences of different ages, some of which were able to give feedback on their project.",,, 1631,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,IKOM Life Sciences,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Conference/Panel Discussion",,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,Participate in events to meet represent biotechnology companies. These connections will help the team decide what sources to use in the future.</ul>,,,,"This event ""helped us later to decide which sources to use in future.""",,The team participated in an event where they could meet other bioengineering students and related companies.,,, 1632,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,KLJB Youth Meetup,Community Event,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",Participate in local youth events and plan engaging presentations.</ul>,,,,The team was surprised by the general lack of knowledge of synthetic biology.,,The team shared information about iGEM and synthetic biology at a camping/workshop program for young students.,,,

    1633,CPU_CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to Nanjing Gulou Hospital and Nanjing First Hospital,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",This team gave surveys to 80 people asking about their experiences with Arthritis. They avoided going into personally sensitive information but the did discuss treatment methods and how arthritis affected their every day life. ,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Coordinate with the team to build a questionnaire and get permission to come into the hospitals to talk to patients.
    • Divide and conquer, split the team up to go reach as many arthritis patients as possible.
    • Compile and then break down the results and integrate them into the team project.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"The majority of the respondents were women, and most felt treatment effects were not obvious. ",80,"This information could have helped the team see a need for their project, but the data wasn't elaborated on. In the future digging deeper into the implications made by the survey could help them be more helpful. ",,Visited these two hospitals to talk to patients and give them a questionnaire. ,,,

    1634,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,German Meetup,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,Plan or attend iGEM meetups.</ul>,,,,"""We left Dresden with new collaboration partners, inspiration and great memories.""",,"German iGEM teams met up to present their projects, participate in workshops, and listen to speakers.",,, 1635,CPU_CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Digging Deeper with Interviews,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Videos of the interviews. ,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"Ai Zhang encouraged the team to focus on foreign pharmaceutical giants in CAR-T and Treg and other clinical tries of clinical therapy to try and learn about what has already been done. Minning Shen shared some of her opinions on current treatments, the CAR-T Pathway. </ul>",Integrated Human Practices,,,,,The team interviewed a senior physician Ai Shang who specializes in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Minning Shen an associate chief physician of Nanjing fir Hospital in the Department of Rheumatology. ,,,

    1636,CPU_CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,CPU BioX Club Academic Association,Teaching Activity,,,,University Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"
    • Recognize what clubs/organizations are missing at your university, for this team, they needed a life science club.
    • Advertise for this club and reserve a space for regular meetings.
    • Work with the iGEM team to make sure there are plans and presentations for meeting.
    ",,,,,,Created the first life science academic association in China Pharmaceutical University. ,,,

    1637,CPU_CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Teaching in High Schools,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",</ul>,,,,,,Went into biology classrooms in high schools to introduce synthetic biology and immunotherapy research and of course to promote iGEM. ,,, 1638,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,European Meetup,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,Participate in meetups.</ul>,,,,,,"European teams met up to present projects, listen to lectures and socialize.",,,

    1639,CPU_CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Meeting with Other Teams ,,,,Other,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
    • Reach out to near by iGEM teams, invite them to the host campus to debate SynBio issues, or to present your project.
    • Host these teams, present your project and engage in friendly debates.
    • take the information visiting iGEM teams bring to improve both your presentation and potentially your project itself.
    ",Qualitative,"The team gained information during the debate about epigenetic modifications with CPU_China, Share out with Nanjing Ag University and get information about their experiences in the Jamboree and how to best prepare. ",,,,"Met up with two other iGEM teams, NJU-CHINA and Nanjing Ag University ",,,

    1640,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Open House Day LMU Biocenter,Community Event,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, General Public",Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),Plan activities for science community events.</ul>,,,,,,The team participated in an event designed to allow visitors to experience biological sciences.,,,

    1641,BIT,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Lab Open Day,Open Lab,N/A,N/A,Other,Secondary School Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
    • Schedule lab open day
    • put out announcements
    ,Qualitative,N/A,N/A,N/A,,Team members introduced some basic instruments to high school students,,,

    1642,BIT,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Bio-chip and SynBio Introduction,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Consult Experts",N/A,N/A,Education Activity,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",N/A</ul>,Qualitative,N/A,N/A,N/A,,The team members presented about Bio-chip and SynBio in China Science & Technology Museum. The team members also had the chance to have a conversation with Professor Zhizhou Chen,,,

    1643,NYU_Abu_Dhabi,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,High School Workshop,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>",The powerpoint slides and protocols used by the team for their workshop. ,"Education Activity, Education Activity Protocol",Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Create a workshop for high school student
    • Develop activities to have at the workshop
    • Do the activities at the workshop
    ,Qualitative,informal feedback from the participants,students that came to the workshop,"The workshop achieved the original aim of propagating the impact of iGEM in the region and encouraging interest in scientific research among high school students. In the future, the NYUAD team envisions similar workshops that can reach a larger audience in the UAE.",,The team had a workshop for high school students,,,

    1644,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,South African Scouts Talk,"Open Lab, Educational Material",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",Invite visitors into your lab and present iGEM material.</ul>,,,,The team was asked a lot of questions about antibiotic resistance; this seemed to be of particular interest to the students.,,The team hosted several South African girl scouts in their lab and explained the iGEM competition and their project.,,,

    1645,Macquarie_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Dr. Egg Adventures Workshop,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material",,,,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Reach out and schedule a time to present to elementary school students.
    • Meet with consultant resources to come up with engaging student activities.
    • Attend the event and present to students keeping them engaged.
    ,,,,This group got great feedback that their presentation was exciting and enjoyed by all the students. ,,"Collaborate with artists and game developers from Dr. Egg Digital for a game testing and puzzle planning event, then presented to a group of 8-12 year old. ",,,

    1646,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Responsible Reseach,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,Scientific Community,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"Attend events relating to safety, ethics, and responsibility in science.</ul>",,,,,,The team attended a symposium on responsible research.,,,

    1647,Munich ,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Interview with Eurofins Genomics,Open Lab,"<a href=""""></a> ",The interview is about the iGEM team and its project. It can be found on the Eurofins Genomics website.,Interview,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
    • Reach out to potential sponsors.
    • Once you have sponsors, invite them to your lab.
    ",Qualitative,"Interview with the team:<a href=""""></a> ",,,,The team was interviewed by one of their sponsors.,,, 1648,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Amgen meetup,Presentation (General),,,,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",
    • Present your project to interested groups of students/
    ,,,,The team was happy to find that the students were interested in synthetic biology and the iGEM program.,,"The team presented their project and general information about synthetic biology to Amgen scholars, a group focused on hands-on research experiences. ",,, 1649,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Marienplatz public interaction,"Community Event, Survey","<a href=""""></a> ",A survey of the public opinion on synthetic biology. ,Survey,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Learn Public Opinions",
    • Plan a survey to share with people in an area near your school/university.
    ,Qualitative,"<a href=""""></a> ",,"""The people seem to be very excited about it and were willing to buy such simple lab-on-a-chip devices if they become available in the future.""",,The team asked people in the city about their views on synthetic biology and asked for their thoughts on Munich's iGEM project.,,,

    1650,Exeter,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Responsible Research Innovation,"Consult Experts, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>","T--Exeter--Use_of_AREA.pdf

    a PDF file documenting how the Exeter team implemented the AREA framework in their project, demonstrating how the framework is modular and effective.",Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Anticipate This involves continuous consideration of how you want the innovation you are designing and introducing into society to shape the future of society. It's important to question in what ways you want your research to change the future and pay close attention to the associated risk and implications for society and the environment. It was important to gain information from stakeholders to help our understanding of the specific impacts of our project and then have internal meetings to discuss how we can act upon these. It also served a useful starting point for reflection. For example, interacting with Greenpeace allowed us to anticipate the issues surrounding the use of GM organisms in the field and the need for secure containment of any such organisms. We therefore began looking into methods for biosecurity. Click here for further information
    • Reflect

      Reflection is about considering the motivations behind a project to ensure the purpose of the research is fully understood. It involves thinking about the evolution of the project and most importantly ensuring that the research, and innovation, is still in line with the societal issue you want it to solve.

      Meetings with stakeholders often stimulated reflection, such as our meeting with a representative from Plymouth Marine Laboratory which allowed us to reflect on some of our initial ideas for our filtration system and refine them accordingly (Click here for further information). However, we generally found reflection was an internal process that allowed us to make educated decisions and allowed us to consider the broader questions surrounding our project. It also made it easier to identify the relevant stakeholders.

    • Engage

      This part of the framework is about identifying and communicating with stakeholders who have expertise in the areas required to influence your research. A wide range of stakeholders and members of the general public should be involved to get a full range of perspectives.

      We found it important to find out as much as we could around our chosen research area before identifying the stakeholders who would be able to provide us with the knowledge we required. Maintaining a dialogue with stakeholders to ensure we continually engaged with them to utilise their expertise to help shape our project.

      Visiting the Veolia water treatment plant allowed us to engage with directly with the current stakeholders involved with tackling metal ion pollution from the Wheal Jane site. Click here for further information

    • Act

      To act is to take on board advice from stakeholders and actively use this information to influence and make changes to the project. It's important for researchers to remain flexible in their response, considering all views before change the trajectory of the project

      Throughout our project our decisions were highly influenced by direction gained from both academics and stakeholders.

      By giving our own RRI lectures to current Bioscience students we are enabling future research to be governed by the principles of RRI. Click here for further information
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Area framework was used throughout the project, and helped guide the project as a whole.","The igem team actively implemented the framework, but the framework is available for all teams to use.",Looks like the framework was useful for this team in helping them plan and implement their project.,,"This year we have implemented the AREA framework created by Professor Richard Owen. The framework was introduced to us by Dr Sarah Hartley, a social scientist at the University of Exeter. We wanted to use it to ensure that our project incorporates RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation). ",,, 1651,NCTU_Formosa,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Helping Local High School start up iGEM team ,"Open Lab, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity, Educational Material",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members","
    • Team invited high schoolers to their lab and introduced iGEM related experiments including cultivation of E.Coli, miniprep, digestion, ligation, transformation, PCR, and gel electrophoresis
    • Team also taught engineering and biology concepts including gene regulation and design of biobricks
    • High schoolers were encouraged to start their own team, and team taught high schoolers helpful information regarding iGEM including: Useful databases, such as NCBI, Uniport, Useful tools for protein, such as BLAST, COBALT, CD search, Biology experiment design and debug, Writing Biobricks for synthesis (in sequences)
    • At the end of the lab time the high schoolers were able to conduct their own experiments
    ",Qualitative,,,,,Team introduced the iGEM competition and synthetic biology concepts to local high school.,,, 1652,NCTU_Formosa,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Industrial Circles,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts",,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team talked to Fwusow Industry Co, a well-known pesticide manufacturers. The team presented their project and asked for feedback from the company
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Quote from Leon Liang, Deputy Manager ""Your platform of peptide prediction is pretty prospective and innovative and can even overthrow the current ways to find the new function of peptides. The platform could be better if you give users more details about the environmental conditions which the pathogens live."" Kevin Chen deputy section manager suggested ""The peptide prediction system is needed to the pre-period of bio-pesticide researches and development. It could significantly save time and money of the processes. And the system can try adding more functions, such as connecting to the database of Central Weather Bureau. In that case, it is able to show the local environmental information of where the user is via GPS""",2,,,Team consulted experts from Industrial Circles ,,, 1653,NCTU_Formosa,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Government Agencies,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts",,,,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team consulted several experts from the Taoyuan District Agricultural Research and Extension station, a national government agency dedicated to improving traditional agriculture via high-tech engineering
    • Experts consisted of a technical specialist of the plant epidemic prevention lab and a researcher from the biomechatronics lab
    • Team also consulted experts from the Taiwan Agricultural Chemicals and Toxic Substances Research Institute, including an associate researcher and head of biopesticides division
    • . All experts offered advice on how to improve the team's iGEM project
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"A suggestion from one of the experts the team consulted: “The concept of using AI to do the prediction to the function of peptides and the occurrence of diseases is really an amazing and outstanding idea. You build the bridge between peptide applications to agriculture and the disease forecast, which could be pretty useful for recent agriculture. I think you could visualize the peptide prediction score, which might be easier for people to understand, that will make your system more user-friendly.”",3,,,Team consulted experts from various research institutions for advice on iGEM project.,,, 1654,Exeter,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Stakeholder Engagement,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Wiki page where the team recounts their meetings with stakeholders and describes how they implemented their AREA framework.,Blog,iGEM Teams,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
    • Meet with Stakeholders
    • Discuss the project, ethics, and safety with experts
    • Take what the experts have to say into account and implement it in the project with the use of the AREA framework.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,Meetings with experts help to significantly steer the path of the project. Certain safety features and experimental procedures were altered due to the advice received.,Met with 8 experts/organizations,The meetings with experts helped significantly steer the project for the better.,,This page describes all our engagements with our key stakeholders that have influenced the design and evolution of our project. Throughout these communications we have implemented the AREA framework to ensure our project has responsibility at its core.,,, 1655,BIT,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Education session and speech,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity","<a href=""""></a>",Educational event,Education Activity,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, University Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Presented Synthetic Biology and iGEM program to students in different schools
    ,Qualitative,N/A,N/A,N/A,,An introduction speech about Synbio and iGEM,,, 1656,NCTU_Formosa,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Academic circles,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts",,,,"Professors, Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
    • Team met with members of the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, National Taiwan University
    • Team talked to a professor and a researcher
    • Team implemented feedback from visit
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Suggestion from researcher: ""The project would have a huge contribution to the drug selection for the agriculture and even the pharmaceutical industry. For further work in experiments, you can do a deeper analysis on the protein degradation, because the degradation is an important issue which decides the impact of peptides.”",,"Based on this visit and the feedback from the experts, the team was able to adjust their Parabase website to be more user friendly by making it easier to browse, easier to understand and interpret, and easier to search.",,Team consulted various experts from academic circles for feedback on iGEM project,,,

    1657,Fudan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Academician Wang,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Fudan iGEM published the full transcript of their interview with Academician Wang on their wiki page.,Interview,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","1) Contact an expert in the field of the iGEM project. Fudan iGEM contacted a liver cancer specialist, since she could shed light on their cancer immunotherapy project. 2) Introduce the specialist to the team and the project. 3) Ask for the expert's guidance regarding the iGEM project, as well as his/her thoughts on applications for the project. 3) Transcribe and publish the interview online.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"Academician Wang spoke to Fudan iGEM about suitable target antigens for their project, and explained some aspects of CAR-T (a form of cancer therapy). She commented on their project and discussed the general prospects for cancer immunotherapy in China.",1 expert,,,"Fudan iGEM interviewed a nationally-recognized liver cancer specialist for her thoughts on cancer immunotherapy, and more specifically, their iGEM project.",,,

    1658,NCTU_Formosa,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Bringing Synthetic Biology to the public,"Community Event, Teaching Activity",,,,"Secondary School Students, iGEM Teams","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members","
    • Team hosted a summer biology camp to teach high school students synthetic biology, along with constructing biobricks and regulating gene expression. Team also presented project
    • Team hosted another summer camp to promote the hardware and software aspect of biology including electronic components and electronic circuits
    • Team introduced iGEM to students from the City University of Hong Kong
    • Team introduced iGEM competition to high schoolers interested in applying to their university
    ",Qualitative,,,,,,,, 1659,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Nano Day,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Survey",,,,"University Students, Professors","Present iGEM Project, Networking",
    • Engage in science events at your university.
    ,,,,"""People showed great interest in our work and were willing to participate in our survey as well.""",,"Students from different labs came together to share their work, listen to professors speak, and participate in activities.",,,

    1660,Fudan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Flower Whisper,Community Event,,"Fudan iGEM collected postcards from students and visitors of Fudan University. These postcards, along with flowers, were distributed to cancer patients.",Other,"General Public, Specialized Audience",Activism for iGEM Project,1) Allow visitors to and students of a university to write postcards to cancer patients. 2) Explain cancer immunotherapy and the iGEM project to people who write postcards. 3) Distribute flowers and postcards to cancer patients.</ul>,Qualitative,Fudan iGEM felt that they saw hope in others after they explained successful treatment and inspiring progresses in immunotherapy. Some people even wrote down the immunotherapy treatment as an example to cheer up the patients.,collected 218 postcards and gave out 215 flowers,"Fudan iGEM believes that, while their iGEM project may improve patients' physical health, their outreach can help with patients' mental health.",,Fudan iGEM distributed flowers and postcards to patients at Shanghai Cancer Hospital.,,,

    1661,NCTU_Formosa,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Green Agricultural Market,"Community Event, iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Teaching Activity",,,,Specialized Audience,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team attended the green agricultural market ""Green You ii Me: and talked to farmers there regarding biopesticides
    ",Qualitative,"While there is data regarding biopesticides in databases on the internet, farmers have no access and no way to record data from their own farms. Thus, farmers need a system to aggregate new data, a strategy the team tried to implement.",,,,Team informed local farmers about biopesticides,,, 1662,NYU_Abu_Dhabi,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Synthetic Biology 101,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","A magazine on synthetic biology that deals not only with an overview of synthetic biology, but also a variety of topics ranging from the iGEM competition.",Magazine/Newspaper Article,"Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Have people create submissions for a magazine
    • Design a magazine with pages full of the submissions
    • Have sections of the magazine detail about iGEM
    ,Qualitative,informal feedback from participants,number of people who read the magazine,,,We distributed the Synthetic Biology 101 magazine personally to people who participated in our various human practices activities.,,, 1663,European Practice Jamboree,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Integrated Human Practices, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,European Practice Jamboree,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Accept an invitation to an iGEM meet up.
    • Attend to give and receive feedback.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,,,"""The feedback was especially good for our team since we came to know what we were still missing.""",,European teams met up to practice their presentations and listen to a speaker.,,,

    1664,Fudan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Cell War Game,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>","Fudan iGEM created a board game to explain concepts of their project. In the game, cancer invasion is detected in the human body and the players (immune fighters) must defend themselves and fight back.",Education Activity,"Secondary School Students, Teachers, University Students, iGEM Teams, Scientific Community, General Public","Present iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","1) Speak with a professional board game lover or members of board game clubs. 2) Create a game from scratch, designing content at the same time as game mechanics. 3) Test and polish the game. 4) Promote the game at conferences, board game club meetings, and other events. </ul>",Qualitative,"With their board game, Fudan iGEM won the attention of participants at Conference of China iGEMer Community (CCiC). As well, Fudan iGEM attracted the attention of a former iGEM faculty moderator, who now works as CTO of a synthetic biology company.",,,,"Fudan iGEM created a novel board game called ""Cell War"" to spread the idea of their project.",,,

    1665,NYU_Abu_Dhabi,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,La La Lamp,Educational Material,"manual included here: <a href=""""></a>","We have developed La La LAMP, a program which allows individuals to record and share their device results. Each experiment can be recorded by scanning its unique QR code, which is provided on the PDMS chip. We envision that this information sharing would enable scientists and researchers to better track trends in food safety, as well as enable the general public to take control of their food safety wherever they are in the world.",Hardware,General Public,"Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Create an environment where users can add information regarding their food experiences (most likely will need to be coded)
    • Allow users to test the site
    • Change the site based on user input
    ,Quantitative,results added to the database,number of people that used this database,"We envision our program to be accessible on mobile devices (iOS/Android). To this regard, we are working to export the records to a more navigable datasheet that can be categorized according to time, location, and other variables and accessed via the Cloud.",,Our portable device enables users to detect the impurities in their food on-the-go.,,, 1666,NTU_SINGAPORE,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Survey and Steps to Address Concerns of Community,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Results from survey questions, including questions such as ""considering that this technology has been fully developed, how will you use this technology?"" and ""To what extent would you utilize this technology for the benefit of your child?""",Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Team conducted survey at one-north festival
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"Based on results, team extended their iGEM project as an integration of public opinions into their research so that they could derive a more thoughtful conclusion.",,,,Team surveyed public's interest and reservations about the use of Cas9 for therapeutic applications,,, 1667,NTU_SINGAPORE,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Educating community about CRISPR-Cas9,"Community Event, Open Lab, iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Teaching Activity",,,,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team hosted a series of three hands-on public workshops at the One North festival
    • Team worked to achieve the following goals, including to share how CRISPR-Cas9 can be used to achieve safe and precise DNA editing, to encourage participants to consider ethical implications of this technology, and to inspire participants to develop a greater appreciation of the applications of CRISPR-Cas9
    • Team presented a PowerPoint that included the central dogma, history and mechanics of CRISPR-Cas9
    • Team also 3D printed various proteins and molecules associated with CRISPR-Cas9 and had the participants play with them
    • Team created a simulation so participants could try to cure sickle cell anemia with gene editing
    ",Qualitative,"Participants indicated their understanding of CRISPR-Cas9 had improved through the workshop, and more than half were willing to consider the technology as a treatment option.",,Team enjoyed being able to hear the public's various opinions towards gene editing and their concerns and inhibitions. ,,Team hosted a workshop to teach the general public about their iGEM project and discuss safety and ethics.,,, 1668,NTNU_Trondheim,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Lecture Series at the University,"Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Teaching Activity",,,,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team held at lecture at their Medicine and Health library regarding their project. An exhibition was put up, and people stopped by after the presentation for questions
    • Team presented at the Department of Biotechnology and Food Science
    ",Qualitative,,,,,Team held lectures at various locations within their university about their iGEM project.,,,

    1669,USP-Brazil,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Experts,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","From their interviews with experts, USP-Brazil created a model, chose an iron detector, and elaborated on their biocontainment strategy. Said strategy is provided in the product hyperlink.","Interview, Paper on Safety",iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Contact and interview academic experts from fields related to iGEM project. USP-Brazil consulted experts on transgenic mosquitoes, zika, malaria, dengue and paratransgenesis. 2) Present iGEM project and receive feedback. USP Brazil received feedback from specialists at four scientific congresses that were present at iGEM project presentations. 3) Consult regulatory agencies on how to safely implement iGEM project in real life. USP-Brazil iGEM spoke to members of the National Biosafety Technical Committee of Brazil regarding existing regulations, and safe ways to liberate GMO's into the environment. 4) Interview a member of the Ministry of Health for information about how the government tackles infectious diseases.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"Academic experts expressed concern with a time delay between USP-Brazil iGEM's detection system and the secretion of the toxin by a trojan bacteria. Experts also commented on the team's detector design. The first point resulted in the creation of a model, and the second point urged the team to change their fur regulon for an iron detector by the dtxR region. Members of regulatory agencies suggested survival tests for the team's GMO's, highlighted the benefits of a killswitch, and discussed projects similar to USP Brazil iGEM's project that our currently in field testing. In response, USP-Brazil elaborated upon their biocontainment strategy. From the Ministry of Health official, USP Brazil iGEM learned about the issues with implementing their project in Brazil.",7 experts interviewed,,,"USP-Brazil iGEM consulted academic experts, regulatory agencies, and a ministry of health official for guidance on their project. ",,,

    1670,NTNU_Trondheim,Overgraduate,2017,NTNU_Trondheim,None,Education and Public Engagement,Researcher's Night,"Community Event, Open Lab, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Team attended Researcher's night, an event that attracts high school students and presents research in fun and interactive ways
    • Team hosted several activities including Kahoot (a questionnaire based game) legobricks, stuffed animals, and edible petri dish gel.
    ",Qualitative,,,"Edible desert gel was a big hit, after the students ate it they were curious and wanted to know more about biology",,Team attended Researcher's night and hosted several activities to educate the audience on their project.,,, 1671,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit Yu Shuen Fung Peanut Factory,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Suggestions. 1. A fast and cheap aflatoxin detecting device is necessary. 2. Affordable price would be appealing 3. Making aflatoxin degrading enzyme a food addictive.,Other,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with the director of Yu Shuen Fung Peanut Factory
    • Discuss about project and aflatoxin degrading enzyme application.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,N/A,N/A,N/A,,Visited the director of Yu Shuen Fung Peanut Factory to learn how food industry and farmers deal with aflatoxin problems.,,, 1672,NTNU_Trondheim,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,GENialt Interview and Article,,"<a href=""""></a>","Interview by Genialt, a journal published by the Norwegian Biotechnology advisory board about their project and iGEM. Journal focuses on ethical and social aspects of the application of modern biotechnology","Interview, Magazine/Newspaper Article",Scientific Community,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team was interviewed and the interview was published in the GENialt, a journal published by the Norwegian Biotechnology advisory board about their project and iGEM

    1673,USP-Brazil,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Present iGEM Project for Feedback,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts",,,,"University Students, iGEM Teams, Professors, Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project, Networking","1) Attend events related to your field of study, present your project, and receive feedback from scientists there.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"At the Brazilian Jamboree, USP-Brazil iGEM asked scientists what was necessary for them to buy into the idea of integrating synthetic biology and paratransgenesis. They also invited any feedback and considerations for their project, which they incorporated into an improved version. USP-Brazil iGEM also invited feedback at three separate workshops they attended. This feedback led them to choose the dtxr regulon for the detection of iron in blood, as well as to reconsider the safety and containment of their GMO's. ",1 Jamboree and 3 Workshops,,,"USP-Brazil iGEM presented their project at the Brazilian Jamboree, as well as workshops for Systems and Synthetic Microbiology, Microbiology, and Synthetic Biology.",,,

    1674,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Visit hepatopathy-related foundations,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Suggestions. 1. different approaches to reach target audience. 2. reconsider the indications of aflatoxin antidote and target users.,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with the experts.
    • Discuss about clinical practice regarding aflatoxin and
    ,Integrated Human Practices,N/A,N/A,N/A,,Visited Dr. Hsiao-Ching Nein for suggestions about hepatopathy and aflatoxin poisoning diagnosis.,,,

    1675,Exeter,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Pili+,"Consult Experts, Just Product","<a href=""""></a>","Mobile game made by the Exeter team. Created to convey the principles of the project to the general public in a fun, visual, and interactive way. Gained valuable advice for the from experts and the general public.",Other,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","1) Decide what you want your app to convey, and how you want the game to play. 2) Develop a basic version of the game you want to make 3) Present the app to experts for in depth feedback and detailed suggestions, and showcase the app to the general public to gain insight into more generalized opinions. 4) Incorporate this feedback into a new revision of the app. 5) Test the app more rigorously, constantly evaluating if the game is enjoyable, while still providing some educational service. 6) Polish the app and release it to the public.</ul>",Qualitative,"App has been evaluated as ""a success"" and ""fun"". 14% of registered players live in continental Europe.","Not assessed, app page says 10+ installs. Probably more people have interacted with the app when presented by the team.","Analysis from the Exeter Wiki Page-

    The final form of this app is a simple idea which has been executed well. An interesting and enjoyable game which serves the purpose of educating and engaging with the public. Friends compete to beat each other’s scores, playing over and over and picking up more fun facts along the way. In this way the app has succeeded its purpose of bringing the core principles of our project, and those of synthetic biology, to the people in an easily digestible format. At time of writing, this game is an international success- with 14% of the players registered in continental Europe.

    Seems that the app as successfully implemented. The advice taken from experts and the public was successfully taken into account.",,"Created a mobile game called Pili+ to educate people about team Exeter's project, in addition to more general education and inspiration for synthetic biology.",,, 1676,Exeter,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,RRI Lecture,Presentation (General),"<a href=""""></a>",Powerpoint presentation used to teach students in the natural and social sciences about RRI and how it's implemented in iGEM,Education Activity,"Secondary School Students, University Students",Discuss Ethics and Safety,"1) Develop presentation 2) Present Presentation 3) Based on feedback from events, modify presentation.</ul>",Qualitative,"Gave out a survey to gauge the audience's feelings after the presentation, and to see how much they learned.","Gave several presentations to various audiences, including: The Exeter Mathematics School and Second year Biosciences students at the University of Exeter. Totalling to at least 55 people.","Presentations were given to various audiences to make students more aware about reasonable research practices, and the igem team in general. ",,"Delivered a series of presentations to undergraduate students in the natural and social sciences, in addition to students doing their A-levels, to educate them of the responsible research and innovation (RRI) and the AREA framework.",,,

    1677,NTNU_Trondheim,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Outreach through Social Media,Social Media,,,,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Team used Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to interact with companies, scientists, other iGEM teams, and friends
    ",,,,,,Team utilized various modes of social media to reach out to the community,,,

    1678,Exeter,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM UK Meet-up 2017 ,"Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Fair Booth",,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Networking","1) Present project and app 2) Gain feedback for project and app 3) Provide feedback for other iGEM teams.</ul>",Qualitative,"Received great feedback from other iGEM on how to improve the project, and how to respond to difficult questions that the judges may pose during the grand Jamboree.",4 members from the team attended.,Received great feedback from the other teams that attended that helped guide the project and future presentations. ,,"Met up with many other iGEM teams, discussed the project and sat in a series of debates related to synthetic biology.",,, 1679,Exeter ,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,CLES-Con 2017,"Community Event, iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,Just Project No Product,"University Students, Professors","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Networking","1) Present various project proposals for feedback 2) Based on feedback decide which project to pursue, and which projects to avoid.</ul>",Qualitative,Audience provided feedback.,Not specified.,"This helped us to both gage the audience’s response to our ideas and allow them to express any concerns with the proposed projects.

    Additionally this was an opportunity for us to network postgraduate students and academics at our university and raise the profile of iGEM throughout the University's departments . Most significantly CLES-Con enabled us to develop relationships with those attending the conference which has proved to be very beneficial during the course of our project.",,"During the early stages of the project, had the chance to present various project proposals to gauge which ideas are the most promising, and what limitations and risks may be associated with the various proposals.",,,

    1680,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,First Semester Bachelor Students Welcome Program,Presentation (General),,,,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
    • Identify audiences that would potentially be interested in iGEM.
    • Present about iGEM and synthetic biology.
    ,,,,"""Many of them were very motivated afterwards to join iGEM in the future.""",,The team did a presentation to new biology students about iGEM and synthetic biology.,,, 1681,Munich,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Interviews and Meetings,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Transcripts of interviews with Dr. Keith Pardee, Dr. Sabine Dittrich, Prof. Joyce Tait, and Dr. Roberto De La Tour.",Interview,"Professors, Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Identify potential problems in your project.
    • Reach out to individuals who have useful experience/information.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"The team gained a lot of useful information, including ideas about which pathogens to test, how their product should be stored, and how much it would cost.",5,,,The team interviewed professors and companies relevant to their project.,,,

    1682,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Integration of our prototypes,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) talk to experts 2) get feedback 3) implement feedback</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"We added an LED-screen to get a quantitative output after our talk with dr. Philippe Büscher. After collaboration with the students from the Quantified Self course and our talk with dr. ir. Arnold van Vliet, we added a GPS signal and data storage unit. Finally, one of our latest prototypes was shown to dr. Erwan Piriou, who confirmed that it was easy and straight-forward to use.",iGEM team,Took feedback into account.,,"Met with experts to discuss the project, from the overall vision to smaller modifications to make the project more successful.",,, 1683,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Prof. Joseph Ndung'u,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Present project to professors 2) Receive feedback 3) Incorporate feedback for the future of the project</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,Professor Joseph Ndung'u provided feedback for the project,iGEM team,"We wanted to get the complete overview of the HAT situation in the field in Africa, make sure that the ideas we had were realistic and that there is a real need for it. Currently, field teams drive hours into the countryside to test possible patients with dipstick tests, which have many downsides. A test should be rapid, cheap and easy to use. Tested people are often skeptical about the results as they do not feel ill, thinking they don't need treatment. The availability of the tests and field teams is highly dependent on the current political situation in the country. ",,"We talked to prof. Ndung'u early on in the project. We found out that there are several bottlenecks that exist in making and implementing new diagnostic tests in Africa. Some cannot be changed by the power we have, like political situations. For us, it is most important to develop our diagnostic test to be used with minimal facilities.

    ",,, 1684,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Experts at Rathenau Institute,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Discuss project with experts 2) Receive feedback from experts 3) Incorporate this feedback into the project</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,Received feedback and incorporated it into the project.,At least 5 experts participated in providing feedback.,"The Rathenau Institute advised us to get into contact with end-users, as well as NGOs, and to take advantage of the expertise present at the Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Moreover, they suggested we specify the disease we are tackling and which population is most affected. Other experts agreed that a clear, coherent idea is needed for people to understand the aim of the project. This way, we can combine both specificity and modularity of the device",,We talked to several experts at the Rathenau Institute about our project. ,,,

    1685,OUC_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Partnership,Consult Representatives,,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Networking, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Establish partnerships that will help your product be reliable and relevant.
    ,,,,,,The team visited Qingdao Seawin Group and established a partnership with them in order to combine their project with real energy production.,,,

    1686,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Dr. Bob Mulder,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Meet with experts 2) Get feedback concerning project 3) Incorporate feedback into project</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,Received feedback from Dr. Mulder,1 expert,"Our advisor dr. Bob Mulder gave us some extensive advice on how to approach different scenarios. He advised to focus on and show the modularity of the device and to find a way to describe all three cases (HAT, Zika and Mayaro). The implementation of the device will be different for each case. Moreover, we have to find the weakest link in the diagnosis process. For now, we should fully develop one case first and then compare it to the next case and adapt the application. We did that by making a roll-out plan for African Sleeping Sickness in Congo and then compared it to the case of Zika virus in Brazil. Also, we could try to develop future scenarios: a best case scenario, in which everything works out well, or one in which everything is performed badly.

    ",,"We talked about an approach to work out our story and talk to stakeholders. On his advice, we will first focus on working out one disease case, and then apply it to other cases.

    ",,, 1687,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,"Meeting with Prof. dr. ir. Marcel Zwietering, prof. dr. Wim van de Poel, dr. Martin Scholten",Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Talk with experts 2) Get feedback 3) Utilize feedback</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,Received feedback from the professors.,4 professors consulted,"One Health is an initiative which entails a number of Dutch universities and institutes which aim to improve the health in various ways all over the Earth; one of their subjects is the battling of emerging infectious diseases. We discussed our project with three experts. They liked the setup of our project, but also had some concerns: normally antigens and antibodies are screened next to each other. With Mantis, we do not test for antibodies, which might influence the reliability of the test. Furthermore, they thought that bacteria are not always robust enough, and felt like a cell-free system could be of interest for us. They suggested that we look into patents and patenting our new diagnostic test.

    ► We looked at patents by talking to ir. Paul van Helvert (Intellectual Property manager of Wageningen University & Research). After this conversation we decided that patenting our device would not be feasible at this point due to costs and the open-source mindset of the iGEM competition. Also, we looked into the robustness of a whole-cell biosensor compared to cell-free systems. More can be read in the roll-out plan.

    ",,,,, 1688,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Zoë Robaey,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Meet experts 2) Discuss project and receive feedback 3) Integrate feedback into project</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,Received good feedback.,1 expert consulted,"Dr. Zoë Robaey is our contact point within the Rathenau Institute. Although she switched jobs soon after we met her, she remained willing to advise us on ethics-related questions about our project and about the iGEM Jamboree. She endorsed our plans for biosafety: an infographic and interviews. She advised us to define the target of our application more precisely. Another point she mentioned was 'connect the disconnect': find the bottleneck in the whole diagnosis process and try to connect it using our project. She also advised us on preventing the feeling of being overwhelmed by the competition: reconsider your approach after every new bit of information. Moreover, to use the expert's point of view to get more specific info on the topic, and to set goals prior to interviewing. Finally, try to show it in a storyline. As a result of this interview our approach to interviewing experts greatly improved.

    ",,"Zoë endorsed our approach for biosafety and gave us some nice tips on how to improve this and how to approach expert interview and integrate these into the design of the project.

    ",,, 1689,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. ir. Niels Verhulst and dr. Sander Koenraadt,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Meet with experts 2) discuss project 3) incorporate feedback into project</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,Received feedback,2 experts consulted,"Both dr. Sander Koenraadt and dr. Niels Verhulst see the benefit in focusing on both human diagnostic and mosquitoes. In mosquitoes there is no problem with the presence of viruses in the blood or issues with treatment availabilities. However, there is currently not a great need for a new field test for viral diseases in blood fed mosquitoes. It only becomes a necessity after a disease is transmitted from animals to humans.

    We talked to dr. Sander Koenraadt, Assistant professor at the Laboratory of Entomology (Wageningen University & Research), expert in medical entomology and vector-borne diseases, about the application of our device on mosquitoes and he referred us to dr. ir. Niels Verhulst. Dr. Niels Verhulst developed an odor compound combination which attracts blood fed mosquitoes. He also developed traps which have already been used in the field.

    ",,Met with Dr. ir. Niels Verhulst and dr. Sander Koenraadt.,,, 1690,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Jeanine Loonen MSc.,"Consult Experts, Fair Booth",,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Meet with experts 2) discuss project 3) incorporate feedback into project</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,Gained valuable feedback,Consulted 1 expert,"Jeanine has hands-on experience with the situations in tropical areas in Africa with regards to health care and diagnosing since she has worked in Congo for MSF. We learned that education of the local population is very important to gain the trust of the population and prevent miscommunication. Moreover, Jeanine gave lots of information about the local situation in Congo, which we can take into account in our roll-out plan. Furthermore, she confirmed that diagnostics are still important even when treatment options are not available, as they give information about the diseases present in the area and play a major role in preventing epidemics. This means our device is more relevant at large-scale screening than on individual-based testing.

    Via the expert talk with dr. Sander Koenraadt, we were referred to her for more inside information. She told us that there are often sudden explosions in the number of infected people, that may be caused by mosquitoes that get resistant against pesticides.

    The control of, for example, malaria is challenging because of the political status of Congo: setting up and maintaining a functional health system is very difficult. This was also emphasized earlier during our talk with prof. Joseph Ndung'u. MSF negotiates with both the governmental military and rebel groups. They achieved building a hospital that acts as a base camp to prepare for fieldwork. It attracts the local population that now goes to this hospital instead of local government health centers. This hospital employs both foreign specialists and locals, in which the former educate the latter. The goal is to create an independent health system, run by experienced locals, without the interference of MSF. Furthermore, MSF also has to rely on the help of locals for the delivery of medicine and equipment in case their shipments cannot be delivered to the hospital due to dangerous situations caused by the country’s conflicts.

    MSF outreach teams are active in screening for malaria in mosquitoes as well as in the population, but also by educating locals about the work they do. The latter is very important to gain the trust of the population and prevent miscommunications. The current rapid malaria diagnostics give a readout in 15 minutes. If positive, the patient will be taken along to the MSF hospital. Introduction of a new diagnostic in countries such as Congo requires trust by the government, as they always need to give permission. Therefore, it is best to do this via established NGOs such as MSF. On the topic of diagnostics for diseases without a cure or treatment, Jeanine mentioned that these are still very important, as they give information about the diseases present in the area, as well as their role in preventing epidemics",,Met with Jeanine Loonen from Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF),,, 1691,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,"Meeting with Prof. dr. Wim van de Poel, dr. Jeroen Kortekaas",Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Meet with Experts 2) Discuss project and get feedback 3) Incorporate feedback into project</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,Received valuable feedback.,2 experts were consulted.,"The Central Veterinary Institute (CVI) is the bioveterinary research institute of the Wageningen University & Research. Located in Lelystad, it is commissioned by the Dutch authorities and carries out research related to vaccine development, diagnostics and animal health in general. On the 10th of July, we gave an elaborate presentation on our project, during which we discussed the setup and story with the people at CVI.

    They mentioned that the Zika virus can slumber in the placenta, which might be an interesting side-topic for our application. They also said that the current antibody dipstick tests for HAT are of bad quality since confirmation tests are always needed. Furthermore, the interpretation of the result is subjective and depends on the researcher, hence there is a high chance of false positives or false negatives. One way to solve this is to quantify our results, making it more objective. In addition, a cold chain is currently needed while delivering the tests, and tests that can avoid the need for a cold-chain would be very beneficial. The delivery on site is very important, so the on-site test is definitely of value. A drawback in detecting antigens instead of antibodies is that we need to test for viruses in blood, which is difficult but not impossible. This is not so much a problem for HAT. An alternative application that they mentioned was sheep, where a virus (Cache Valley virus, CVV) causes abortion of the lamb. This can spread to humans so a new diagnostic would be valuable. Moreover, Trypanosoma is also a problem in cattle, which might also be an interesting side-story.

    We also asked them about vector monitoring, regarding our previous decision of not making it our main story. They told us that for vector monitoring the rapid characteristics of our device is not needed. Furthermore, with PCR you can detect any virus you want whereas our system is specific for one virus. Hence, we made the right choice in focusing on human screening.

    ",,"Met with Prof. dr. Wim van de Poel and dr. Jeroen Kortekaas to discuss project; they mentioned several drawbacks of both current diagnostics, and our diagnostic. Moreover, we got more confirmation that focusing on human screening is more relevant than vector control.

    ",,, 1692,USP-Brazil,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,BioMech,"Teaching Activity, Survey","<a href=""""></a>","USP-Brazil translated ""BioMech,"" a synthetic biology-themed board game designed by University of Exeter iGEM, and posted the translated game on their wiki.",Education Activity,"University Students, iGEM Teams, Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","1) Translate a project from another iGEM team. 2) Post translated guidelines online. 3) Explain the game to others and allow them to play. Biomech was applied at the “Semana Temática da Biologia”, in english “Thematic Week of Biology” (TWB), an annual biology event that happens at Institute of Biosciences of University of São Paulo, where the game was played by college students (target audience of TWB). 4) Create a survey to evaluate whether the game improved players' knowledge of synthetic biology concepts (including your specific iGEM project).</ul>",Quantitative,"USP-Brazil iGEM counted how many BioMech players mentioned various syn-bio related words (compared to non-BioMech players). The team concluded that BioMech had an impact on the answers given, because the data displays that BioMech player group, in a considerable number of questions, mentioned a higher numbers of syn-bio terms. ",18 survey participants,,,"USP-Brazil iGEM translated University of Exeter iGEM's board game ""BioMech"" into Portuguese, explained the game to others, then surveyed others to evaluate the applications of the game.",,, 1693,USP-Brazil,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Wikipedia Edit-a-thon,"Community Event, Educational Material","<a href=""ários_Wikimedia_no_Brasil/Wiki_iGEM_I/home"">ários_Wikimedia_no_Brasil/Wiki_iGEM_I/home</a>",USP-Brazil iGEM edited and uploaded articles in Portuguese to Wikipedia. Their accomplishments are listed on a website they created.,"Magazine/Newspaper Article, Tool for iGEM Teams","Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",1) Team up with other universities or teams. 2) Create or edit Wikipedia articles. 3) Upload progress online.</ul>,Quantitative,"6 articles created, 17 articles edited, 43 total edits, 34.6K bytes added, 22.3K article views, 3 common uploads.",8 editors,,,USP-Brazil iGEM teamed up with Wikipedia Brazil and USP Synthetic Biology Club to create quality science wikipedia articles in Portuguese.,,,

    1694,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Meet with the leader of iSHOO,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Suggestions. 1. relationship between demand and supply 2. Fastest but not the best product,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet up with the leader of iSHOO
    ,Integrated Human Practices,N/A,N/A,N/A,,"Meet with the leader of iSHOO, Mr. HuaiPing Chen, in TRANS conference 2017, and discuss about industrializing aflatoxin test strip.",,,

    1695,OCU_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Engagement ,,,science brochure ,Education Activity,"Primary School Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",</ul>,,,,,,"popular science brochure, synthetic biology lecture, summer camp, and social media.",,, 1696,OUC_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Forums,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Networking",Attend iGEM and synthetic biology conferences.</ul>,,,,,,"The team participated in forums such as Conference of China iGEMer Community (CCiC), Synthetic Biology Young Scholar Forum. ",,,

    1697,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Innovative Talk,Presentation (General),,,,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
    • Invite freshmen to your event.
    • Plan an informative and interesting presentation.
    ,,,400,The team was happy to find that the freshman were interested in and impressed with iGEM.,,"The team invited freshman to learn about synthetic biology, iGEM, and studying science in general. ",,, 1698,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Agar Art,"Community Event, Open Lab",,,,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Organize an event that combines art and science.
    • Publicize.
    ,,,,"""It turned very successful, over 60 teams submitted the application forms to us.""",,The team held a campus agar art competition.,,, 1699,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Science Fair,Fair Booth,,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, University Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Create a poster to present about iGEM and your project.
    ,,,,,,"The team presented a poster to different age groups in order to inform them about iGEM, their project, and lab safety.",,, 1700,NTNU_Trondheim,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Professional Help from Microbiology Experts,Consult Experts,,,,"Professors, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Met with a senior consultant at the Department of Infections Disease at St. Olav's hospital, and learned how Norway is affected by resistant bacteria
    • Emailed a Professor of Clinical Microbiology at the University of Tromso and asked how to prevent resistant microbes
    • Talked to Hans Kleppen, a bacteriophage researcher, for literature recommendations.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Interviewing the various experts helped the team to realize the importance of an alternative treatment method to antibiotics, and that people are willing to try out phages to treat infections. The information resulted into ideas of how to turn the research into a product for personalized medicine. ",3,,,,,, 1701,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Classes for High School Students,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
    • Present at high schools to encourage interest in iGEM early on.
    ,,,,The team was happy to see interest in the iGEM program.,,The team went to a local high school to teach about synthetic biology and the iGEM program.,,, 1702,NTNU_Trondheim,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Dialogue with Public Health Service Nurses and Survey,"Survey, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",Survey conducted by the team to determine the general public's opinion regarding antibiotic resistant bacteria.,Survey,"General Public, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
    • Team met with two public health nurses about the importance of antibiotics
    • Based on meeting, team conducted a survey to gain public opinion about antibiotics, resistant bacteria, and use of bacteriophages to treat infections. Survey was shared through social media
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Based on survey results, young, educated people have general knowledge about antibiotics and are aware of its importance. They are enlightened about antibiotic resistant bacteria and would be willing to use viruses.",139,Meeting with nurses caused team to consider the impact of their work on public health.,,Team met with public health nurses and based on results from meeting created a survey regarding the public's opinions on antibiotics.,,, 1703,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Handbook,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a> (midway down the page)",A handbook about the team's project and general information about wheat scab.,Other,"Secondary School Students, University Students, Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Present iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Create a handbook to educate the public as well as people who might benefit from your project.
    ,,,,,,The team created a handbook on their project in order to educate students and farms in Nanjing.,,, 1704,ECUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews and connecting with experts. ,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Some of the questions from the interview with professors of biology and Resources & Environment. ,Interview,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Reach out to community experts
    • Come up with interview questions and a theme for a meet up/symposium.
    • Schedule a time to bring professors together to talk as a group.
    • pose your questions to the group and take notes during the discussion.
    • pose follow up questions and attempt to implement the advice and information provided by the professors.
    ,Qualitative,,,Some of the expert information was used to put the project into context and to guide the work. ,,Connected with professors of biology and of the school of Resources and Environment. ,,, 1705,NU_Kazakhstan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Internship for Recruiting iGEM Members,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,,University Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
    • Team launched internship for all students of Nazarbayev University in biotechnology for students interested in iGEM
    • Internship helped lead to more students wanting to join the team and subsequently being recruited
    ,Qualitative,Team expanded from 9 to 14 students in one year,,,,,,, 1706,NU_Kazakhstan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Partnership with International Biology Olympiad Students,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
    • Team created internship for high school students competing in International Biology Olympiad
    • Internship taught high school students valuable skills such as practical, lab related skills, and theoretical knowledge of research technique. This internship was one of the only places where the practical part of biology is available to high school students in Kazakhstan
    ",Qualitative,All four of the students in the internship received a medal at the competition. ,4,,,Team taught synthetic biology to students competing in the International Biology Olympiad competition. ,,, 1707,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Farmland Investigation,"Community Event, Consult Experts",,,Interview,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Reach out to groups that can help with your project.
    ,Qualitative,,,"""This experience gave us the opportunity to explore the impact our project might have on society. They also assisted us in thinking about responsibility in science.""",,The team visited local farms to learn about current remedies to wheat issues and talk about safety.,,, 1708,NEFU_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Experts,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts",,,,"Professors, Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team met with Professor Zhao Min, a microbiologist who advised the team on several aspects of their project
    • Discussed project with a experts of a biological company
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Professor Zhao Min had several helpful suggestions that the team later implemented, including to fix Leaders A, B and C together to enrich fatty acids in the vicinity of Leader C. The experts from the biological company pointed out that the chemotaxis was interfering with their system",2,,,Team consulted several microbiology experts for assistance with their iGEM project.,,, 1709,NEFU_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Lecture at University,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
    • Team gave a synthetic biology lecture to freshmen at their college
    • Team also presented on their iGEM project and the iGEM competition
    ,Qualitative,,,"The lecture not only helped the students to understand synthetic biology, but also to discover the potential of synthetic biology for its future development.",,Team gave a lecture on synthetic biology to freshmen at their college.,,, 1710,NEFU_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Debate on Ethics of Gene Identification Cards,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,University Students,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
    • Team hosted a debate between themselves on the ramifications of gene identification cards
    • Pros and cons were discussed equally, and both sides left feeling enlightened about the opposing opinion
    ",Qualitative,,,,,Team hosted a debate about the ethics of a gene identification card.,,, 1711,NEFU_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire on Sewage Treatment,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Questionnaire was produced regarding sewage treatment. ,Survey,General Public,"Learn Public Opinions, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Team created a questionnaire about sewage treatment and handed it out to the public

    1. A vast majority of people have realized that the discharge of grease-containing sewage is high and may have polluted the water areas around us. 2. Over 50% of people hold positive or optimistic views to the biological approaches of sewage treatment, especially when answering the question of “the most efficient way”. 3. About 63% of people support the reuse of treated waste water.",,,,Team created a questionnaire and asked for the public's opinions regarding sewage treatment and the reuse of treated waste water.,,, 1712,Wageningen,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,"Meeting with Prof. dr. Wim van de Poel, dr. Jeroen Kortekaas",Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) meet with experts 2) gain feedback on project 3) Integrate feedback</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,Experts provided feedback on project,2 experts.,"The Central Veterinary Institute (CVI) is the bioveterinary research institute of the Wageningen University & Research. Located in Lelystad, it is commissioned by the Dutch authorities and carries out research related to vaccine development, diagnostics and animal health in general. On the 10th of July, we gave an elaborate presentation on our project, during which we discussed the setup and story with the people at CVI.

    They mentioned that the Zika virus can slumber in the placenta, which might be an interesting side-topic for our application. They also said that the current antibody dipstick tests for HAT are of bad quality since confirmation tests are always needed. Furthermore, the interpretation of the result is subjective and depends on the researcher, hence there is a high chance of false positives or false negatives. One way to solve this is to quantify our results, making it more objective. In addition, a cold chain is currently needed while delivering the tests, and tests that can avoid the need for a cold-chain would be very beneficial. The delivery on site is very important, so the on-site test is definitely of value. A drawback in detecting antigens instead of antibodies is that we need to test for viruses in blood, which is difficult but not impossible. This is not so much a problem for HAT. An alternative application that they mentioned was sheep, where a virus (Cache Valley virus, CVV) causes abortion of the lamb. This can spread to humans so a new diagnostic would be valuable. Moreover, Trypanosoma is also a problem in cattle, which might also be an interesting side-story.

    We also asked them about vector monitoring, regarding our previous decision of not making it our main story. They told us that for vector monitoring the rapid characteristics of our device is not needed. Furthermore, with PCR you can detect any virus you want whereas our system is specific for one virus. Hence, we made the right choice in focusing on human screening.",,Met with Dr. Wim van de Poel and Dr. Jeroen Kortekaas,,,

    1713,NYMU-Taipei,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Experts,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts",,,,"Professors, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","
    • Had a meeting with a member of one of the largest microalgae supplier companies in Asia
    • Met with a plant and micriobial professor at Academia Sinica
    • Reviewed pathway, device, and testing of product with several professors at the National Yang-Ming University
    ",Qualitative,"Meeting with microalgae supplier prompted the team to increase the photosynthetic efficiency of their project. Based on the advice from the professors at National Yang-Ming University, team enhanced device for testing growth environment by adding cloud technology. ",,,,Team interviewed several experts in the field of microbiology for feedback on their project.,,,

    1714,Wageningen,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Philippe Büscher,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Meet with the expert(s) 2) Discuss project and get feedback 3) Utilize feedback to improve project</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"Received good feedback that modified the project:

    HAT has been a problem in Africa for many decades. Even though this disease is long known, researchers have still not been able to develop a good diagnostic tool. However, alternatives are available, meaning viral diagnostics have higher priority. As a lot is known about HAT, it is a good example to prove that our device can be used in fighting parasitic diseases. In his opinion, our device should contain a positive control, and an LED-screen for quantitation of the result would be a good addition.

    ",1 expert,"Dr. Philippe Büscher is an expert on Trypanosomiasis and part of the WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training on Human African Trypanosomiasis Diagnostics; OIE Reference Laboratory for Surra. He told an in-depth story about the history of HAT in Africa. After the colonizers left Africa, e.g. after the independence of Congo from Belgium, the health system collapsed and Sleeping Sickness re-emerged. This shows that these countries largely rely on western NGOs. To this day, the WHO, other NGOs, and companies are providing free diagnostics and treatment for HAT patients in Congo. This is expensive and costs US$ 100-200 per patient.

    Currently mobile teams leave from a central point, after which they travel up to 20 days a month to remote villages on motorbikes or 4x4s. The tests they are carrying is either the Card Agglutination Test, with a high false positive rate, or an antibody dipstick test, without positive control. It is important that our device does not need much equipment, is stable at 40 degrees Celsius and has a positive control.

    Moreover, he gave some technical details on the detection limit of current devices, and on HAT protein production. He showed us the current tests and explained how they are exactly performed. Finally, some suggestions for alternative use of our device were made. For example to test antibiotic resistance or to be used in reference laboratories. Here, sensitivity of detection is more important than speed of producing a result.

    He endorsed our 3D-printed device prototype and was surprised by the ease of use and to observe the fluorescence. He thought it would be a nice addition to quantify the fluorescent signal and to add an LED-screen. This is in line with the opinions of prof. dr. Wim van de Poel and dr. Jeroen Kortekaas in previous talks. Finally, he suggested to increase the readability of the text on the device, and to indicate the place to insert the controls and the samples.

    He mentioned that a lot of research has already been done on HAT and a new diagnostic device is needed but does not have a high priority. However, because of the high research levels, it is an excellent way to prove that our device can be used in combatting parasitic diseases as HAT is a suitable placeholder and proof-of-concept.

    ",,Met with Dr. Philippe Büscher,,,

    1715,NYMU-Taipei,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Education for High Schoolers,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team invited students from Wego Bilingual High School and Taipei First Girl high school into their lab
    • Team's iGEM project was presented, and synthetic biology concepts were introduced
    ",,,,,,Team introduced iGEM project and basic synthetic biology concepts to high school students. ,,, 1716,NYMU-Taipei,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM NYMU-Taipei 10 Year Exhibition,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,,"University Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",
    • Team presented posters from their school's previous iGEM teams at their iGEM NYMU-Taipei 10 year Exhibition
    ,,,,Team hopes the audience has a deeper understanding of iGEM and how iGEM influenced previous participants' future development. ,,Team presented iGEM posters from over the years.,,, 1717,ECUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews and mini symposium,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Notes from the interviews and mini symposium. ,Interview,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Find and connect with school professionals who would have background knowledge in your project.
    • After developing a strong project proposal reach out to these professionals and coordinate a meet up to discuss your project.
    • Integrate the helpful advice from professors/teachers/experts into your project to improve it.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,,,,,Met up with professors in Resources & Environment and the school of Biology to get feedback on the project. ,,, 1718,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interview,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives","<a href=""""></a>",The team summarized their interviews on their wiki. ,Interview,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Identify professors at your university or one nearby who might be useful in your project.
    • Reach out to them and record their responses.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"The team learned that the predominant form of treatment for wheat scab is chemical remedies. Therefore, the team recognized that their product, like chemicals, needed to be persistent. Professor explained how the pathogen proliferates within the host plant, the strategy of infection, the synthesis of toxins, the mechanism of host plant ’s defense response, and the mechanism of fungicide resistance. After speaking to government officials, the team decided to create a product to detect the toxins DON and ZEN.",,The team felt inspired by their new knowledge. ,,The team interviewed professors and representatives about wheat scab.,,, 1719,ECUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Public Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",The link goes to the survey distributed by the team. ,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
    • Read about public opinion around your project & See what information outlets are used to spread information about your topic.
    • Create a survey that highlights and differentiates between the popular opinions and news sources.
    • distribute these surveys to the general public.
    ,Quantitative,,,"From the current data, we drew some conclusions as follows:

    Ways to understand the current energy situation: Internet 83.33%, and 8.73% from newspapers, magazines, books, etc. Confidence in the development of new energy: large development potential 68.25%, slow development 20.63% For the ""new energy"" category of judgment: over 80% have a clearer understanding Among them, biological energy and solar energy bear the highest expectations More than half of respondents expressed willingness to try new energy drivers / related products, and 30% took a wait-and-see attitude The application of new energy in society: more than 90% of respondents believe that the most useful way is to use electricity and provide transportation power The price is too high, the quality of products is unstable and the use is inconvenient. It has become the first three reasons that prevent respondents from buying new energy products",,"The team created a survey to evaluate the way people get their information about the current energy situation, their confidence in the development of new energy, the willingness to try new energy drivers etc. ",,,

    1720,NYU_Abu_Dhabi,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Surveys ,Survey,,,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Find people to survey
    • Survey them and record the results
    • Use the results that you gain to alter your experiment to meet those needs
    ,Quantitative,"78% of individuals have never heard of Shiga Toxin, 47.5% of individuals were interested in acquiring equipment to detect Escherichia coli in food samples, 54.2% of individuals were willing to wait 10 minutes to obtain a response from the equipment, 23.7% of individuals were willing to wait up to 30 minutes to obtain a response from the equipment, and the average price individuals were willing to pay for such a device was $63 USD",68,We have addressed the concerns brought up through these surveys to the best of our ability.,,We surveyed food vendors from Indonesia and Pakistan and individuals from our diverse student body. ,,, 1721,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visiting Plant Protective Station,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives",,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Policy Outreach",
    • Reach out to organizations that would benefit from your project to find what features they would like.
    ,Qualitative,"""We knew that FHB caused by F. graminearum has been a serious disease in Jiangyan district for over a decade. Losses are estimated to be in the millions of RMB annually.We also gathered information and data on the Fusarium head blight to assist us with achine learning and software.""",,This helped the team understand the background of the problem they were taking on.,,"The team visited a ""plant protective station"" to learn what features would be useful in their project.",,, 1722,NUDT_CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Publicizing with new media ,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",A science article about the team's iGEM project was published by WeChat subscription.,Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team wrote a science article about their iGEM project: miRNA inhibitors
    • Article was published by WeChat subscription
    • In order to gain the public's interest, internet memes were used throughout the article
    ",,,2666,,,,,, 1723,ECUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Questionnaire,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",The link is to their results from the questionnaire. ,Survey,University Students,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
    • Read what is being said about your project topic in popular news sources, talking to students about their opinions can also be a good way to start.
    • Break down the most commonly heard outlets and opinions and put them into a survey.
    • Distribute the survey to the campus.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"The vast majority of the respondents had a limited understanding of the energy crisis or said they had only a general idea. Most students get their information from the internet and think new energy has huge potential. The respondents were evenly distributed across; transportation, public power, aero power supply and military medical treatment when determining what way new energy will domain in the future. Almost 25% of students didn't know if they had used new energy products before but over 50% said they had. When asked what stopped students from using these new energy methods the responses were fairly split between the high price, unstable quality and inconvenience of the product with slightly fewer respondents commenting on the lack of access. ",,"These results can help teams see where they need to be pushing out their findings for effected education outreach, and what public concerns are. ",,"A survey for students to share their opinion about the energy crisis, where they get their information and their opinions about new energy acquisition methods. ",,, 1724,NYU_Abu_Dhabi,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Food Safety in Indonesia,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material",,,,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Find of group of people that you can advise
    • Advise them about concerns that you believe in
    • Create a presentation to guide your work
    ,Qualitative, informal feedback from participants,25,,,"Khairunnisa Semesta visited an after-school program for elementary school students in Indonesia. In line with iGEM NYUAD team’s mission this year, she spoke to 25 students about the importance of food and personal hygiene in preventing pathogenic E. coli infection. ",,, 1725,ECUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM club,Community Event,,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members","
    • Create a presentation to recruit new members into iGEM and the newly founded club, arrange for a regular meeting space and time.
    • Advertise the club targeting students who express interest in synthetic biology.
    • Hold semi regular meetings to talk about advancements in synbio.
    ",Qualitative,,,,,Created an iGEM club,,, 1726,ECUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,FRET ME,"Teaching Activity, Just Product","<a href=""""></a>",After advertising the event break it into three parts. 1. Talk about the iGEM organization and the club you have built. 2. Cover important definitions and concepts that are important for iGEM participants to understand. 3. Explain some of the past projects to get students excited. ,Education Activity,University Students,Recruit iGEM members,After advertising the event break it into three parts.
    • Talk about the iGEM organization and the club you have built.
    • Cover important definitions and concepts that are important for iGEM participants to understand.
    • Explain some of the past projects to get students excited.
    ,Qualitative,,,,,Created a game for a teach-in forum to talk about iGEM and the spirit of the iGEM organization. (Club recruitment was the main focus - for the new iGEM club),,, 1727,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Language Processing,Just Product,,The altered BaiduBaike database,Other,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Search the internet for your central topic.
    • Use web spider to find similar and related words.
    • Compile these into a word cloud.
    • Enter these words into an online encyclopedia to ensure that anyone looking for something related to your topic will learn about your topic.
    ,Qualitative,The team found common related words to wheat scab. ,,"The team was interested to find that even non-biological terms were frequently correlated with ""wheat scab""",,The team made information about wheat scab available on the internet to anyone who might search for it.,,, 1728,NUDT_CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Picture Book,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Picture book meant for the general public to depict common biology concepts.,Education Activity,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
    • Team created a beautiful, hand crafted picture book to hand out to members of the general public
    • Picture book included information about biology and DNA
    ",,,,,,,,, 1729,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Postcard Distribution ,Just Product,,Postcards with a drawing relating to the team's project,Other,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Create a postcard.
    • Distribute it.
    ,,,,,,The team distributed postcards to share information about their project.,,, 1730,ECUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,"Posters, Brochures & QR code",,"<a href=""""></a>","To publicize their project the team participated in a post card exchange, created a QR code which linked to information about their project and distributed information pamphlets",Other,"University Students, iGEM Teams, Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Write up a description of your project that is accessible to the general public, design visual aids to assist with understanding.
    • format and create online as well as printable pamphlets.
    • distribute the pamphlets, link the images to a QR code, and distribute the code, participate in the post card collaboration to connect your project with other teams.
    ",,,,,,,,, 1731,NYU_Abu_Dhabi,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Foundations of Science in Action ,Presentation (General),,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
    • Do iGEM project
    • Present iGEM project to a group for feedback and awareness
    ,Qualitative,informal feedback from participants,students in the classes ,Few weeks after the presentations the instructors and professors contacted us expressing what a positive effect this presentation has done. The students have not only been more accepting of taking courses out of their major but they also started to notice more connections between their chosen majors and the material they are covering in the courses.,, The iGEM NYU Abu Dhabi presented our project during the Foundations of Science 1 & 2 courses.,,, 1732,ECUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Wechat article. ,Just Product,,"The team wrote some simple descriptions of their project, and presented the principles of iGEM and SynBio for the readers using WeChat",Research Paper,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Find a social media outlet that will allow you to get information out about synbio.
    • Write up accessible descriptions of iGEM, SynBio and your project, in the format compatible with your social media selection.
    • publish your outreach on the social media outlets.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,,,,,An article sent out via WeChat. ,,, 1733,NUDT_CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Lecture in High School,"Open Lab, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Team hosted an open lab day for High School students to teach them about synthetic biology and the iGEM program
    ,Qualitative,One of the students was so inspired by the iGEM presentation and open lab day that she asked to join the team next year. ,,,,Team hosted an open lab day for high school students.,,, 1734,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire ,Survey,"<a href=""""></a> (bottom of page)",A survey that shows public knowledge of wheat scab is quite low. ,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
    • Do a literature review to learn about dangers of the topic you are studying.
    • Create a questionnaire that asses knowledge about these dangers.
    • Distribute the questionnaire.
    ,Quantitative,"<a href=""""></a> (bottom of the page)",411,,,The team invited people to fill out a questionnaire to learn about the public's knowledge of wheat scab.,,, 1735,Macquarie_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Chifley High School Event,Open Lab,,,,Secondary School Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
    • Reach out to schools who would like to attend an open lab event.
    • Find an age appropriate set of activities.
    • Host the event.
    ,,,,,,The team turned their lab into an open lab full of engaging activities for high school students in grade 10 and 9. ,,, 1736,Macquarie_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Presentations,"Open Lab, Presentation (General)",,,,"Secondary School Students, University Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Arrange to present to prospective students and in a TedX program.
    • Create a presentation that would be easily understood even by general public members with no background in biology.
    • Present.
    ,Quantitative,,"1,434","The TedX talk let the team reach a larger audience and talk SynBio, but because it had to be done in 30 seconds, the team couldn't share a lot of details. However, the video got 1,434 views. The presentation to prospective students let the team talk about SynBio to a new audience and also inspire the next set of iGEMers",,Presenting to a variety of audiences about SynBio and SynBio at their school. ,,, 1737,Macquarie_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Conferences,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,Just Project No Product,"University Students, Professors, Scientific Community","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Arrange to attend a conference.
    • create a presentation which fits in the parameters of the conference.
    • present at the conference and seek out meaningful advice from viewers like professors and professionals in the field your project most frequently applies to.
    ,Qualitative,Advice from conference participants about both the project itself and how to best present it. ,,This was a great way to practice for the Jamboree. ,,Presented at the Australasian Conference of Undergraduate Research with a 10 minute presentation and the Synthetic Biology Australasia Conference in which their team was showcased in a presentation. ,,, 1738,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Dr. Zhang Haoqian’s talk,"Community Event, Consult Experts, Speaker Series",,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
    • Invite teams to join in listening to a speaker.
    ,,,,,,Several iGEM teams met up to hear a professor speak.,,,

    1739,Macquarie_Australia,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,SynBio Edutainment Game,Just Product,,"We designed the game with the idea in mind that the player would learn basic concepts indirectly throughout the gameplay rather than having to rote learn blocks of information. Research suggests the most impactful learning from games occur when the educational content is part of the intrinsic challenges of the game, and a successful educational game provides the opportunity for kinetic, strategic, cognitive learning, and prior knowledge application (Boyan & Sherry 2011).

    The gameplay was designed for a high school aged audience, to provide a fun introduction to synthetic biology. We also designed an additional function where the player could access an encyclopaedia, targeted for undergraduate university students, where they could learn more advanced concepts, for example restriction enzymes and transformation, in an interactive manner. Players navigate their E. coli via controlling its flagella to collect nutrients to remain healthy and undergo cell division, thus increasing the swarm. The swarm survives hazards through force of numbers. A single survivor can complete the level, but the player will be rewarded with more nutrients if they can keep a higher number of the swarm alive. The idea of controlling a swarm and the difficulty to keep them all alive, often ending a level with a few or even just one, was designed to reflect low transformation efficiency levels seen commonly in molecular biology experiments.

    Throughout the levels players would collect BioBricks, and at the conclusion of the level, enter a mini-game where they would use the collected BioBricks in a drag and drop manner in the correct sequence to undergo transformation. The character would then enter the new level with added functions gained from the BioBricks. Due to time constraints we were unable to complete and release the game for use before the iGEM Jamboree. However, with the substantial progress we did achieve, we hope to see it implemented in the future.

    ",Education Activity Protocol,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, General Public","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Reach out and collaborate with game designers to create a fun and engaging game.
    • Collaborate with experts in the field of biology to make sure your game stays accurate.
    • launch the game.
    ,,,,"Due to time constraints we were unable to complete and release the game for use before the iGEM Jamboree. However, with the substantial progress we did achieve, we hope to see it implemented in the future. ",,After collaborating wtih game designer Ryder Boyton from 8-bit Equation they developed a game that was educational about their iGEM project but mostly a ton of fun. ,,, 1740,NYU_Abu_Dhabi,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,High School Workshop,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>",They had powerpoints and protocols for their work. ,"Education Activity Protocol, Other",Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Create a presentation and protocol
    • Presented to the high school students
    • Encourage students to join iGEM in the future
    ,Qualitative,observations of participants,students in the program,"This workshop can be replicated by other iGEM teams to generate a greater student interest in synthetic biology all over the world, and this can go a long way to show how honest and hard work can help achieve excellence in the fight against various epidemics and diseases.",,"The high school workshop succeeded in achieving an interaction with the high school students who were interested in the broad fields of engineering and biology, but never had the opportunity to experiment with the two. In a workshop that was the first of its kind in the UAE, these students who had no laboratory experience were introduced to a university laboratory, where they had an opportunity to learn how to integrate biology and engineering.",,, 1741,NUDT_CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Lecture on iTED,Presentation (General),,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Team was invited by the Squirrel Club of NUDT to give a lecture on iTED Sharing. The theme of the lecture was biotechnology, and the team gave an introduction on their research field
    ",,,,Team hopes that by sharing ideas with undergraduates the popularization of synthetic biology will be achieved ,,Team gave a lecture on synthetic biology through an iTED talk to university students.,,, 1742,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Teaching Math Modeling to Freshman,Teaching Activity,,,Just Project No Product,University Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
    • Teach math modeling to new students.
    ,,,,,,The team taught the basics of mathematical modeling to freshman.,,,

    1743,EPFL,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Rapid Prototyping Workshop,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,,,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"The team member attended the conference learning about how to problem solve, how to approach problems in general and how to organize the Wiki. </ul>",,,,,,One iGEM member attended the Rapid Prototyping Workshop. ,,,

    1744,EPFL,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Hosting a High School Class in Lab,Open Lab,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
    • Coordinate with a high school lab who could come into your bio lab.
    • Set up hands on activities the students might not be able to do in their highschool labs. Gel electrophoresis, drawing with bacteria are great.
    • work through the actives, and answer the questions from students
    ",,,25,This is a great way to provide fun hands on experience to inspire new scientists ,,,,,

    1745,EPFL,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,"Open Plant Forum and Workshop, Cambridge",Conference/Panel Discussion,,,Just Project No Product,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,</ul>,Integrated Human Practices," We were able to get in touch with Keith Pardee, on whose paper1 we based the toehold part of our project (a toehold switch gets triggered by a complementary trigger sequence, unfolds and let's the downstream reporter gene be transcribed).We were working on a software to streamline the process of finding toehold/trigger pairs from a given input sequence, which would be the first computer program of its kind and a great tool for anyone working with toehold switches, so we also discussed our approach to the code with Pardee, namely how much weight certain parameters in our scoring function could be attributed.",,"By chance we met the Oxford iGEM team at that very same conference, and it was the beginning of a fruitful collaboration as they also work on a cell-free biosensor and we were able to exchange protocols and ideas on improving the E.Coli lysate reaction later on.",,3 team members attended the Cambridge UK Open Plant Forum. ,,,

    1746,EPFL,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,The Educational Cell Free Mini Kit project,Just Product,,"The ECFK consists of several tubes containing different lysate reaction components, ideal to show a range of biomolecular processes. There are two kits: one of them is freeze dried, which enables simpler manipulations and storage for high schools with low budget; the other one isn't freeze dried, which enables students to learn how to pipette correctly and perform more elaborate experiments. The mini kit also contains a detailed description of the experiments that can be performed with it as well as suggestions of topics (such as cell-free biology) that the teacher could find interesting to include in his biology lectures. In fact, the ECFK is a diverse toolbox suitable for the demonstration of biological principles to groups with basic knowledge in biology, as the teacher is free to provide the students with an adequate background for their grade level.",Just Project No Product,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, Teachers","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Brainstorm experiments that would be impactful for students to do in high school classrooms but that don't require BSL1 labs.
    • Create kits that have all the needed parts to complete the experiments.
    • distribute kits and receive feedback.
    ,,"We received many encouraging responses from high school and university professors in Geneva: François Lombard, Alexandra Suter de Iaco, Bertrand Emery and Jean-Luc Zanasco showed great interest in the implementation of such a kit in their theoretical and practical lectures and provided us with precise counselling on how to improve it in order to make it as accurate and suitable for high school classes as possible. Professor at the University of Geneva and manager of the plateform BiOutils' Karl Perron also shared his enthusiastic thoughts about the project and reviewed our protocols for the minikit. As BiOutils is a platform which takes care of the production and distribution of experiments for high schools for the whole Canton of Geneva, we transmitted him our will to bring cell-free biology into the classes and he agreed to have BiOutils ship our ECFK project !",,We also reached out to our university’s biosafety department to make sure we were complying with national safety requirements.,,Created a kit for high schoolers on low budgets to do cell free biology. ,,, 1747,EPFL,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Professional Input on Viral Contenders,Consult Experts,,,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Come up with a list of challenges for the project.
    • Reach out to experts who can provide insight into the projects unique challenges.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"Their suggestions for a relevant virus that needed quick detection as well as our team brainstorming led us to single out the Hepatitis virus as a main contender, of which we then chose genomic sequence unique to Hepatitis C, genotype 1, as it is the most common of all Hepatitis C (HCV) genotypes. ",,"Today, Hepatitis C is diagnosed by taking blood and liver samples that need to be analyzed by a hospital laboratory. Our testing would dramatically reduce the amount of time needed to detect the virus and would also be more reliable, as we are directly targeting the viral genome instead of HCV antibodies secreted by the human immune system (which only get produced after several months of exposure to the antigen).",,Contacted several professionals form different organizations and labs for their input. ,,,

    1748,EPFL,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,"Summer School : Shaping the Future of Bioengineering, Davos",iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,Present iGEM Project,Find presentation opportunities in your area. Bring your Jamboree presentation to these events. </ul>,Qualitative,presented our project as well as a first poster at a poster session and got feedback from professionals in academia and industry on key experiments and how to present our data in a more scientific manner.,,"At the same time we learned about and discussed related applications and expansions to our project (like what a 3D dignostics kit could look like, how to test for several diseases at the same time, who would be interested in this kits, and much more), which decidedly had a big impact on our ideas and is further explained in the Outlook section.",,"In September, two of our team members went to Davos, Switzerland, to attend the Summer School on Shaping the Future of Bioengineering. ",,,

    1749,EPFL,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,"Computational Biology Symposium, EPFL",Community Event,,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Present iGEM Project,"
    • Connect with other Biology groups in your area and coordinate a date and time to come together in a symposium.
    • Arrange a date and time for the symposium, attend and present.
    ",,Three team members were present to explain what our iGEM project was about and exchange ideas on how to make our code public in the best way. At the end of the day we were happy to have found the most suitable solution to this problem and having gained absolutely inspiring insights into the world of computational biology.,,,,We also took part in the Computational Biology Symposium 2017 hosted at EPFL in October to present the software part of our project during a poster session. ,,, 1750,EPFL,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement, Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Reaching out to industry,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Contacted industry labs (Medisupport)
    • Schedule follow up meetings.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"Concerning the diagnostic field, Aptasense could have a future in liquid biospy for detecting tumoral DNA in blood or detecting bacterial markers/activity as the methods used nowadays are quite expensive. To conclude, it was a great opportunity to meet them and to have the possibility to implement their advices.

    ",,,,Consulting with experts in medical analysis to get advice for the implementation of their project. ,,,

    1751,ETH_Zurich,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Opinions and Perspectives,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","A series of interviews with Dr. Simon Iggig of T3 Pharma, Prof. Dr. Markus Rudin and Dr. Aileen Schroter, Dr. Christina Britschgi, Dr. Sacha Rothschild, Professor & Dr. Darko Polsek. ",,"Professors, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • After selecting a project, look for experts who would have knowledge of your project, be intentional about selecting experts who both share and don't share your opinion.
    • Reach out and request advice on the project,
    • attend an interview and attempt to apply the advice and information you gather from the project to improve your work.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"From Dr. Simon Ittig of T3 Pharma how to bring bacterial cancer therapy to patients and what pitfalls we have to be aware of.

    From Prof. Dr. Markus Rudin and Dr. Aileen Schröter what possibilities there are to apply biomedical imaging to improve cancer treatment procedures and how to harvest their potential for our project.

    From Dr. Christian Britschgi about the role of innovative cancer therapies in the clinical setting and how our system would fit into this larger framework.

    From Dr. Sacha Rothschild how immunotherapy is changing the landscape of cancer treatment, the future role of the classical approaches and how to critically assess our own idea.

    From Prof. Dr. Darko Polšek about ethical issues and controversies we might face as we develop our project.",6,"The experts' opinions were very helpful in orienting the focus of our efforts, in particular, increasing our emphasis on safety (avoiding side-effects). For a few of us CATE was the first time that we embarked on a medical project; we welcomed the opportunity to read and think about the established bioethical practises of the field. Still, despite the numerous potential causes of concern, all the experts we consulted were encouraging in their remarks. ",,Met with individuals from diverse backgrounds to talk about their project. ,,,

    1752,ETH_Zurich,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation to ETH Student Project House,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,,Specialized Audience,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
    • Find non-bio specific clubs on your campus, reach out to see if they would be interested in hearing a syn bio presentation.
    • coordinate a presentation time and location and complete the presentation.
    ",,"We pitched our project at the ETH Student Project House, hoping that DIY enthusiasts will feel inspired to enter the world of genetic engineering. After all, custom-made bacteria already have numerous applications in science and technology. The SPH hosts teams of highly interdisciplinary character, which is exactly what is needed to kickstart innovation in genetic engineering.",,,,Presented their project to a group of DIY enthusiast. ,,, 1753,ETH_Zurich,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Talk at NTU Athens to Computer Science Masters students,Presentation (General),,,Just Project No Product,Specialized Audience,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
    • Reach out to other campuses who might have target groups who could benefit from a presentation in Synbio.
    • coordinate a presentation topic, time and location.
    • give the presentation and encourage attendees to incorporate synbio into their professional lives.
    ",,"We travelled to Greece and gave a talk at NTU Athens to Computer Science master students, giving them a bird's-eye view of synthetic biology, and the important role an engineer can play inside an interdisciplinary SynBio team. We highlighted the modelling aspects of our project as an example of data-driven research that involves collaboration among diferrent disciplines.",,,,Gave a talk at NTU Athens to computer science masters to give them an idea of why Synbio is. ,,, 1754,ETH_Zurich,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Collaborative work with the entrepreneurial club,Presentation (General),,,Just Project No Product,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Find groups around your campus who don't focus on SynBio but who could be involved with the implementation of your project.
    • Reach out and schedule a time to collaborate on your project.
    • Complete the meeting and continue the conversation asking for advice on how to tweak the project to make it, in this case, more marketable as a business investment.
    ",Qualitative,"We collaborated with our departments entrepreneurial club (D-BSSE meets industry) and organized a talk by the CEO of T3Pharma, a company that specialized in bacterial cancer therapy. By presenting our iGEM project side by side with T3Pharma's technology, we demonstrated that bacterial cancer therapy is a well-established field of research, offerring ample oportunity for academic success and business development. After all, a joint effort will be needed to safely bring the technology closer to public use.",,,,,,, 1755,Evry_Paris-Saclay,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews with French Federation of Diabetics & the Yeast Genetics Department at Sanofi-Aventis,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Notes from the interviews. ,Interview,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Reach out to organizations who have a social stake in your project or could be considered experts.
    • Coordinate a meeting between an organization representative and your team.
    • Pose questions, learn as much as you can and take back suggestions.
    ",Qualitative,"Thanks to Mr. ROUX’s data, we were able to justify our choice for Psicose by comparing its properties described in literature to diabetic real life. Even if a sugar like Tagatose and Lactitol are close to Psicose, they can cause digestion problems and stomach aches. Dr. Fournier advised us to go a bit further and standardize our bioscreening system. Basically, we are using transcription factors as a biosensor to detect molecules of interest and induce gene reporter transcription to measure a signal. This way, specific flanking sequences for each biobrick could help us to handle multiple cloning of multiple parts generating in a few steps only our bioscreening system as it is described in the Scientific Part. ",,,,"Interviewed Experts: Bastien ROUX, a business relationship manage in the French Federation of Diabetics and Dr. Alain FOURNIER the head of the yeast genetics department at Sanofi-Aventis. ",,,

    1756,Evry_Paris-Saclay,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Microorganism Awareness: Make Bacteria Great Again - Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",The survey - still live. ,Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology","Create a fun, engaging survey to gather information about how people perceive sugar and how open they are to synthetic alternatives. </ul>",Quantitative,,,,,"Conducted a survey about ""The Pleasure of Sugar without the disadvantages: Psicose""",,,

    1757,Evry_Paris-Saclay,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Journalism : Making Bactiera Great Again. ,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",A student scientific journalist wrote an educational article and gave a presentation talking about the teams project and it's potential applications especially in diabetes prevention. ,Magazine/Newspaper Article,"Secondary School Students, General Public","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Reach out to students who have backgrounds in journalism (better scientific journalism) and request their assistance in putting together a piece on your project to garner support.
    • Meet with the journalist to get them the needed information to make the article.
    • Push the article out on your teams social media to support it .
    ,,,,"Although this was mostly the work of one individual, the student journalist was able to produce materials which supported the iGEM teams project and to present the project as well. ",,,,, 1758,NUDT_CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Experts,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Team interviewed a professor and teaching assistant from two medical universities about miRNA antagonist therapy in a clinical environment. ,"Interview, Just Project No Product","Professors, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Team interviewed Dr. Zhuo Song, the CTO of Genetalks about the safety aspect of their project
    • For more information of miRNA antagonist therapy, team interviewed a professor and teaching assistant from two different medical universities
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"After talking to Dr. Zhou Song, team realized they need to be able to appeal to the market environment and produce a streamlined and efficient experimental method. ",3,,,Team consulted experts from a variety of backgrounds for feedback on their iGEM project.,,,

    1759,Lethbridge,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Education Kit,"Teaching Activity, Consult Representatives","<a href=""""></a>","Lethbridge iGEM uploaded a full student guide, as well as a teacher and biosafety guide, for their education kit.","Education Activity, Education Activity Protocol","Secondary School Students, Teachers, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Present iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","1) Speak to educators and students at high schools to gather feedback on the education applications of the iGEM project. 2) Using feedback, design a simple experiment that demonstrates the principles of synthetic biology and central dogma more generally, as well as teaches proper lab practices. 3) Consult students and teachers again once the experiment is in development--search for ways to make instructions clearer, etc. 4) Type up guides with protocols for students, teachers, and for biosafety concerns. Create a kit with necessary components for the experiment. The guide and kit together create an education kit.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"Lethbridge iGEM designed their project Next-Vivo for education purposes, since cell-free biology allows students to learn without having to interact with live organisms and other possibly safety concerns. For this reason, much of their Integrated Human Practices was directed towards assessing student and educator opinions of their project and its applications. Using this feedback, they tailored Next-Vivo towards education-related use by the general public. For example, one high school teacher suggested an experiment with more tangible results. Lethbridge iGEM took his advice when designing their education kit. When transcription and transformation occur correctly during the experiment, students can see fluorescence and smell a wintergreen scent. Later, when the project was in development, students suggested ways to make the experiment clearer, such as captions for graphics. Furthermore, consulting members of the Public Health Agency of Canada led Lethbridge iGEM to consider biosafety and eventually type up a biosafety module.",Multiple high-school teachers and students were interviewed. Members of the Public Health Agency of Canada were also consulted.,"Lethbridge iGEM hopes to find more applications for their Next-Vivo technology. Further development is required to fully align their Education kit experiments with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) initiatives to complement the Lethbridge High School iGEM Team's proposal. Additional development toward introductory and intermediate level kits to suit the DIY Biology community based on their feedback have also been a priority for the Lethbridge iGEM team.",,"After consulting students, educators, and biosafety experts, Lethbridge iGEM designed an education kit to teach principles of synthetic biology using their cell-free Next-Vivo technology.",,, 1760,Lethbridge,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Professional Development,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity, Consult Representatives",,,Just Project No Product,Teachers,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"1) Contact teachers to discuss including synthetic biology training during professional development (PD) days. 2) Partner with an organization like SynBridge, which can offer space and resources for PD training for free or at subsidized rates. This will help schools better afford the training. 3) Design the PD workshops and receive feedback from schools. 4) Create a ""collaborative community"" with the schools, which allows teachers to gather and study any school-related subject together. This type of community also allows all teachers in the district to participate.</ul>",,,The collaborative community is open to any teacher in the Lethbridge school district.,"Lethbridge iGEM considers their PD workshops to be a long-term initiative, which they will continue in the future.",,"Lethbridge iGEM paired up with SynBridge, a makerspace located in the University of Lethbridge, to host synthetic biology workshops for teachers during professional days.",,,

    1761,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,SB 7.0,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,Just Project No Product,Scientific Community,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Attend a conference on synthetic biology.
    ,,,,The team planned to pay more attention to biosafety than they had in the past.,,The team leader attended a conference on synthetic biology and spoke to some people about issues the team was having with their project.,,, 1762,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,WeChat Propaganda ,"Presentation (General), Social Media",,,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Provide information to the public via WeChat.
    ,,,,,,The team gave explanations to the public on synthetic biology and microbes.,,, 1763,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Farming,Community Event,,,Just Project No Product,Specialized Audience,Learn Public Opinions,
    • Identify audiences who you would benefit from your project and spend time with them.
    ,,,,,,The team planted wheat with farmers.,,, 1764,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Weibo,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a> (near bottom of page)",A post done by an organization about the iGEM team.,Blog,"Scientific Community, General Public","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Allow related organizations to do reports on your team.
    ,,,,,,Microblogging University Media Union of Jiangsu China reported on the team.,,, 1765,NAU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Data Collection,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives",,,Just Project No Product,"Legislators, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Identify data that would be useful and seek it.
    ,Quantitative,"The government ""provides some pictures and reports on the incidence of Fusarium graminearum in recent five years. We know that the resistance of Fusarium graminearum to carbendazim was increased by using single drug every year different wheat varieties have different prevalence rate.""",,,,The team spoke to the government to gain information about wheat scab.,,, 1766,Frieburg,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Lecture,Presentation (General),,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Develop a presentation appropriate for university students.
    • Deliver the presentation to a class/organization related to synthetic biology.
    ,Qualitative,Informal positive feedback,,,,A team member gave a lecture to biology students about synthetic biology and the iGEM program.,,, 1767,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Science Fair,Community Event,,,Just Project No Product,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Participate in science fairs.
    • Plan events for kids such as strawberry DNA extraction and immunology puzzles.
    ,,,,The team found that a lot of people were uneasy with synthetic biology.,,The team participated in a science fair to present about synthetic biology and engage children with easy science experiments.,,, 1768,NUDT_CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Attentions on policy-making,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Professors, Legislators","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Policy Outreach","
    • Team met with Professor Li Ling and teaching assistant Tu Shuo on what is necessary when making a policy for miRNA antagonist therapy, as there is currently no policy to regulate it.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Both experts talked about transparent price, cure rate, and specific gene sequence for patients, along with the public's right ot know .",2,,,Several experts were consulted on how to regulate potential policy with iGEM project. ,,, 1769,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",,Just Project No Product,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
    • Create and distribute a survey on topics of interest to your team.
    ,Quantitative,"<a href=""""></a> (under survey, detailed results)",140,The team was upset to find that many people did not vaccinate themselves. They felt that people were more receptive to synthetic biology when informed of its practical applications. ,,The team created and distributed a survey about synthetic biology and immunology.,,, 1770,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Science Days,Community Event,,,Just Project No Product,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
    • Plan fun activities for young people, like banana DNA extraction.
    • Participate in science themed events to spread the word about synthetic biology.
    ",,,,"""We had great success which was shown by the huge interest people showed towards our project.""",,"The team participated in ""Science Days,"" an event held in a theme park to get kids interested in science.",,, 1771,Newcastle,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,North-East Big Bang Fair,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity, Fair Booth",,,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team attended the North East Big Bang Fair and talked to the attendees about synthetic biology, iGEM, and their project
    • Included an activity called ""Build your own Biosensor"", an interactive activity that introduced the function and purpose of biosensors in an understandable and relatable way
    • Conducted conversations with school pupils and teachers with questions such as ""what is synthetic biology"" and ""what do you think synthetic biology can achieve"" among others,
    ",Qualitative,,,"Team believed activity to be a great way to spread awareness of synthetic biology among the next generation of students, and gave teachers ideas for how to introduce synthetic biology teaching into their lessons. ",,Team attended the North East Big Bang Fair and taught the community about synthetic biology and iGEM. ,,, 1772,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Public Opinion,Survey,"<a href=""""></a> (under ""survey"")",Results of the survey on immune-based therapies.,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
    • Create and distribute a survey on topics relating to your project.
    ,Quantitative,,,"""The majority would contemplate to undergo a therapy based on our approach in the case of cancer diagnosis. They consider research on immune-based cancer therapies important and worthy of support.""",,The team created and distributed a survey about opinions on immune -based therapies.,,, 1773,Newcastle,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Corpus Linguistics,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Team created a report that is a detailed discussion of the corpus linguistics research and findings: A Corpus Based Investigation into Science Communication,Research Paper,"Scientific Community, General Public",Learn Public Opinions,"
    • Team used corpus linguistics, a method used to access and analyse large bodies of text and uncover patterns within them, to analyze media responses and attitudes to genetic engineering, synthetic biology, GMA, and biosensor
    ",Qualitative,"Research made team more aware of lack of coverage of synthetic biology in media texts, and showed how discussion around synthetic biology is populated with both positive and negative viewpoints. ",,"Paper influenced team to consider how they can use language to accentuate the positive, and increase clarity and transparency in communication. ",,,,,

    1774,Lethbridge,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Biosafety for Recoding,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives",,"Lethbridge iGEM created a software to recognize harmful sequences that may arise from genetic recoding, one of the possible applications of Next vivo.",Other,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","1) Using cell-free technology, develop a codon-reassignment system. 2) Biosafety concerns arise with codon-reassignment. Companies that rely on BLAST may not be able to detect harmful sequences after genetic recoding, since they are still using a standard codon table. To combat these concerns, develop a software suite. 3) Conduct biosafety interviews to discuss this issue. 4) After their biosafety interviews, Lethbridge iGEM decided to share their findings with DNA synthesis companies. They asked these companies to test if they could detect a harmful sequence.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"Lethbridge iGEM contacted biosecurity experts to make their project safe for use in laboratories. For one interview, they contacted a legal intern to discuss the legal implications of genetic re-coding, one of the potential applications of their project. From the biosecurity interviews, Lethbridge iGEM learned of regulations and risks concerning their project, and decided to contact DNA synthesis companies to test their software.",5 biosecurity experts interviewed,,,"Lethbridge iGEM created a software to resolve biosafety concerns with their project, then asked DNA synthesis companies to test the software.",,,

    1775,Freiburg,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews and Consultations,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",The team recorded their interviews.,Interview,"Professors, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Identify areas of your project that need work. A survey on public opinion may help with this.
    • Speak with professionals who might have relevant knowledge.
    ,Quantitative,"<a href=""""></a>",,"The team decided to make a kill switch for their engineered T cells. Things they found important from the interviews are recorded on their wiki: <a href=""""></a>",,The team met with a variety of experts to address concerns with their project.,,,

    1776,Lethbridge,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute Annual General Meeting,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Conference/Panel Discussion",,,Just Project No Product,"Secondary School Students, University Students, iGEM Teams, Professors, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project, Networking","1) Attend a conference to meet people in your field. Lethbridge iGEM attended Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute Annual General Meeting, where they met high school students, undergraduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and professors. Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute focuses on RNA research, as well as teaching and training in collaboration with government institutes in Lethbridge and beyond. 2) Present project and receive feedback. Incorporate suggestions into your iGEM project.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"Professors, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, undergraduate students, and high school students highlighted areas of Lethbridge iGEM's project that might cause potential problems and provided suggestions for improvements. As well, Lethbridge iGEM used the meeting as an opportunity to practice public speaking and presentation skills.",,,,"Lethbridge iGEM attended the Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute Annual General Meeting, where they presented their project for feedback.",,,

    1777,Grenoble-Alpes,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Concert,Community Event,,,Just Project No Product,"University Students, General Public","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Plan an entertaining event at which you can promote synthetic biology.
    ,,,,,,,,, 1778,Grenbole-Alpes,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Concert,Community Event,,,Just Project No Product,"University Students, General Public",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
    • Plan an entertaining event to at which you can promote synthetic biology.
    ,,,,,,"The team planned a concert and invited several musical groups to perform. After the performances, the team introduced themselves and talked about synthetic biology.",,, 1779,Grenoble-Alpes,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Cafe Science,Community Event,,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Provide an incentive (like food) for people to engage with synthetic biology.
    ,,,,,,The team invited students to engage in scientific conversations over food and coffee.,,, 1780,Grenoble-Alpes,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation Events,Presentation (General),,,Just Project No Product,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, University Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Identify science-oriented community events.
    • Plan appropriate presentations for each.
    ,,,,"The team was excited to share knowledge about synthetic biology with many groups, including those who aren't from science backgrounds.",,"The team presented at FabLab, a science fair, and a welcome event for new students at their university. ",,, 1781,Grenoble-Alpes,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,GMO Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a> ",A survey on public opinion made my the team.,Survey,General Public,"Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Create and distribute a survey using google forms to gauge public opinions.
    ,Quantitative,"""As a result, more than 60% of the individuals are actually afraid by the GMOs! The main reasons for that are the following:

    because it’s a subject that is still being developed and there is a lack of overall feedback because its boundaries can be outpassed and this is not okay because we lack information because it is against one’s ideologies. Yet, according the majority, the impact of GMOs spreading is dependent of the contamination domain or the degree of modification of the organism, thus meaning that it is not an unreasoned fear. But eventually, over 70% think it would be necessary to limit GMOs research for 2 main reasons. First, to stay ethically irreproachable. The other reason is that some domains should be more restricted to GMOs research than others and this is not the case yet. The other 30% think we should carry on with researches without taking into consideration any ethical boundaries. The main aspects bothering people when talking about GMOs are that to their mind an organism should not be modified in the first place and the ethical issues they raise.""",about 100,"After seeing the results of the survey, the team decided to plan a conference on GMOs.",,The team created and distributed a survey to assess the public opinion of GMOs. ,,, 1782,Grenoble-Alpes,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Conference,"Survey, Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts",,,Just Project No Product,"University Students, Scientific Community",Discuss Ethics and Safety,Invite a speaker who can dress ethical concerns in synthetic biology.</ul>,,,,The team was glad to discuss issues with people outside of their discipline. The conference included information about the opinions of humanities students.,,The team organized a conference to go over ethical concerns and the future of synthetic biology.,,, 1783,Grenoble-Alpes,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Confidentiality Survey,Survey,,,Just Project No Product,"General Public, Specialized Audience","Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety",Learn what information people are comfortable sharing for medical reasons.</ul>,Quantitative,"People seemed ready to share basics information such as birth date, gender, socio-professional category, blood group and diets but sharing names and medical history is not a major thing that people would do. Another aspect to consider is to know in what context people would be ready to share these information. 40% would do it in the context of a laboratory medical analysis, only 22% for a smartphone medical analysis. ",," Smartphone medical analysis don’t seem reliable or secure enough to people to share their personal data.",,,,,

    1784,Paris-Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Market Research,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",The team shot footage of their interactions with makerspaces. They compiled these into videos on their wiki.,"Interview, Survey",Specialized Audience,Learn Public Opinions,
    • Use a survey to Learn Public Opinions on the internet.
    • Investigate opinions and wants in the industry you would like to enter.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"""Here are the main limits/drawbacks the maker-spaces saw:

    the need of an expert to operate and maintain the machine and the cell culture the definition of the prints might be lower than regular printers, so the quality wouldn’t be as good the ratio financial investment / actual use. It’s an expensive machine and it’s not obvious that the general public would use it a lot the potential difficulties to extract the product from the media the bacterial resistance to light, since they will be exposed a lot and it could be toxic to them the ability of the bacteria to secrete in a controlled, homogeneous manner the need to control the temperature in the machine the applications would be few and very specific, so only a small number of people would actually want to use it.""",,"The team was happy to find that as long as their product was safe, fablabs would be willing to use it. However, they recognize that there are drawbacks to bio-printers.",,The team created a survey to gauge interest in the 3-D printer they want to build. They also visited some maker spaces to learn about their market.,,,

    1785,Newcastle,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Communication Guidelines,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Team compiled a set of guidelines for communication synthetic biology to the public.,Tool for iGEM Teams,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community, General Public",Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
    • Team created a set of guidelines for communicating synthetic biology to the public. These guidelines can be used for different purposes, including: to advise scientists when communicating about their work to the press; to guide in how to present to the public; and to help iGEM teams writing up their work.
    ",,,,,,,,, 1786,Newcastle,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Science Communication Seminars,"Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,Just Project No Product,"University Students, Scientific Community","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Team hosted a seminar with two research groups to present iGEM project.
    ,Qualitative,Many scientists in the research groups had stories to tell about personal experience with science communication. ,,,,Team held seminars with research groups to present iGEM project.,,, 1787,Newcastle,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Transform and Translate Blog,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Team created a blog about science communication in their field of research. ,Blog,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • After finding out how people of varying ages engage with science outside of the classroom at Big Bang, the team was inspired to write a blog about the science communication areas of their research
    ",,,,,,,,, 1788,Newcastle,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Experts,Consult Experts,,,,"Professors, Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team consulted Dr. Martin Peacock, a hardware biosensor developer, about the development process and limits to hardware development.
    • Team talked to biosensor developer Dr. Oliver Purcell about building a synthetic promoter library to shift focus from biology knowledge to engineering of the biosensor.
    • Dr. Chris French was interviewed about achieving clearance for arsenic biosensors in the field.
    • Team learned about the processes from lab to field and how technology is filtered down to the industry from Dr. David George and Professor Rick Mumford.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"After each expert was consulted, solutions were devised to combat the issues presented. ",,"Team advises future iGEM teams to begin early with human practice discussions and to maintain lines of communication with stakeholders. Also, they recommend not being afraid to ask difficult questions as they believe iGEM members to be the best suited for the identification of bigger issue problems in the field of synthetic biology. ",,Team consulted several experts in the field of biosensors for feedback on their project. ,,,

    1789,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Pascale Ondoa,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Meet with Experts 2) Discuss project and get feedback 3) Incorporate feedback into project</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"Because of the talk with dr. Ondoa we realized that cell culturing might be a bottleneck when performed in the field. Moreover, in her opinions screening large populations for viral diseases is important for monitoring.

    She felt that HAT is not the best example for a new diagnostic device, as the disease has been combated quite successfully already. However, this changed after we explained that we would like to compare our diagnostic to current methods. Since HAT is a long known disease, it is suitable for comparison.

    In case of viral diseases where no distinct symptoms are present, the need of the diagnostic changes completely. In this case, it would be of more use for screening the presence and development of a disease in the population and to place positively screened individuals in quarantine. Thus, the focus is on prevention of spread rather than specific treatment of infected individuals. If the device is used in such a way, the effect of vaccination on the spread of disease can also be seen.

    Dr. Pascale Ondoa emphasized that we should look more into biosafety. Moreover, we should not forget that research and development costs are high. This needs to be considered when calculating the estimated cost of our diagnostic.

    ",1 expert consulted,"Feedback received helped steer the project to focus away from HAT, and focus more on biosafety.",,Met with Dr. Pascale Ondoa to discuss project and take feedback into account.,,, 1790,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. ir. Arnold van Vliet,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Meet with the expert 2) Discuss project and get feedback 3) Utilize feedback to improve project</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"Although he developed a mosquito-radar, dr. ir. Arnold van Vliet confirmed we made the right choice to focus on human screening instead of mosquitoes. Moreover, his citizen science networks might be a nice addition to our project, monitoring the spread and occurrence of the diseases in a specific region. ",1 expert consulted,Expert was consulted and feedback served as validation for current direction of project.,,Met with Dr. ir. Arnold van Vliet to discuss project and receive feedback.,,,

    1791,Newcastle,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Integrated Human Practices,N8 Crop and Agriculture Innovation Conference,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts",,,Just Project No Product,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Present iGEM Project","
    • Attended the N8 Crop and Agriculture Innovation Conference and met with experts in the agriculture industry, including organic farmers
    • Learned public opinion about herbicide use
    ",,,,"Team believes it to be important to revisit stakeholders and recontact experts, including the ones consulted during this conference. ",,Team attended the N8 Crop and Agriculture Innovation conference to speak to experts in the agriculture industry. ,,, 1792,Paris-Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Safety,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",The team designed a cell lysis system and wrote up a safety dossier regarding their meeting with a bioethics expert.,"Interview, Paper on Safety",Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Identify public concerns about your project.
    • Develop a mechanism to make your product safe.
    • Speak with experts to ensure your product complies with regulations.
    • Write a dossier to sum up your discussion with the expert.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,The team decided to create a cell lysis system. They also learned about safety and ensured their project complied with regulations.,,,,The team responded to feedback about safety worries by designing a cell lysis system and speaking with an expert on ethical criteria.,,,

    1793,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Robert-Jan Hassing,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Talk with expert 2) Gain information 3) Utilize information to guide project</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"Dr. Robert-Jan Hassing has experience in diagnosing tropical infectious diseases, including the only case of Mayaro virus in the Netherlands. Availability of diagnostics for obscure infectious diseases is a problem, even in western countries like the Netherlands, especially for diseases harboring cross-reactivity with similar diseases. Although no specific treatment is available for Mayaro, correct diagnosis is important on global scale. Due to globalisation and climate change tropical infectious diseases will spread to the western world more and more often.",1 expert consulted,Information gained provides good background information that should be considered when implementing project.,,Met with Dr. Robert-Jan Hassing to gain valuable info for the project background,,, 1794,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Marianne van der Sande,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) talk to experts 2) get feedback 3) implement feedback</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"We found out that, depending on the disease, a diagnostic is applicable both during and after the peak of the epidemic. Predicting epidemics is hard, hence a robust diagnostic is needed to identify and monitor the spread, and to make evidence-based interventions.

    We are now certain that Mantis can be applied in new epidemic situations!

    ",1 expert consulted,Received feedback from professor. Helped guide project,,,,,

    1795,Paris-Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a> ","Products include advice for iGEM teams on creating a start-up, as well as informal takeaways from interviews available on the wiki.",Interview,"Professors, Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Identify professionals with valuable knowledge on your project.
    • Interview them.
    • Consolidate information.
    ,Qualitative,"<a href=""""></a> ",,,,The team interviewed a variety of experts in order to optimize their product.,,, 1796,Paris-Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,EscapeThe Lab!,"Community Event, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",A game centered around synthetic biology concepts. The game was edited and improved based on feedback from players.,Other,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
    • Speak with educators to better understand how to spread the word about synthetic biology.
    • Create a product (in this case, a game) that addresses issues educators mentioned.
    • Have people engage in your activity/game to get feedback.
    • Improve on your product.
    ",,,,"""We created it to be a perfect balance between fun and education, for people to learn what biology is without even realizing it!""",,The team reached out to educators and decided to build a game to help the public access synthetic biology. ,,, 1797,Paris-Bettencourt,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Presentations,"Community Event, Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Fair Booth",,,Just Project No Product,"Secondary School Students, University Students, iGEM Teams, Professors, Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
    • Identify presentation opportunities.
    • Cater your presentation to the audience you will be dealing with.
    ,,,,"The team felt that they were well-received at all the events, and that they were able to emphasize different aspects of their work depending on the event they were at.",,The team presented at a variety of community and science-based events.,,, 1798,SCUT-China_A,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Experts,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Professors, Scientific Community, Legislators",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Team interviewed Guining Lu, a professor of environmental studies, about the pollution status of heavy metals, existing detection means and asked for advices on our project
    • Team then interviewed Xiongwen Yang, a lawyer as well as a professor of Law School, about the existing policies and regulations for heavy metals in waste
    • Team also interviewed the Environmental Protection Administration in Zhongshan City, to acquire the policy about the environmental monitoring, the regulations of polluted water discharge and opinions on our project
    ",Integrated Human Practices,Team was able to utilize suggestions made by these experts in their project,3,,,Team interviewed several experts in the field of heavy metal detection in wastewater. ,,, 1799,SCUT-China_A,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to Electroplating Factory,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
    • In order to learn the needs of target uses the team visited an electroplating factory
    • Team went on a tour of the factory and presented their iGEM project, a method to test heavy metal concentration
    • Team received feedback on improvements for their project if it is ever to be used in a factory setting
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"After learning their testing method was not accurate enough, team utilized the feedback from the factory to create a phone app to scan samples",,,,Team visited an electroplating factory to analyze how experts troubleshoot problems in electroplating.,,, 1800,SCUT-China_A,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire on Public's Awareness of Heavy Metal Pollution and Acceptance of Engineering Bacteria ,Survey,"<a href=""""></a> , <a href=""""></a>","Team conducted a questionnaire to learn the public's awareness of heavy metal pollution, and their opinions regarding engineered bacteria.",Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
    • Team conducted a survey of the general public's opinions regarding their awareness of heavy metal pollution, and their opinions regarding engineered bacteria.
    ",Quantitative,"More than 50% of the respondents believed that the local government lacked heavy metal pollution prevention, and the majority expressed the need to have increased access to knowledge about heavy metal poisoning. 94% of respondents said they would use conventional testing tools to detect heavy metals, and 92% of them would use genetically modified bacteria to detect contaminants. ",356,,,"Team conducted a questionnaire to learn the public's awareness of heavy metal pollution, and their opinions regarding engineered bacteria.",,, 1801,SCUT-China_A,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,,"Open Lab, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
    • Team set up an iGEM club and organized winter training and weekly presentations so freshman could have a better understanding of synthetic biology and could learn about the iGEM program.
    ,,,,,,Team set up an iGEM Club and organized meetings for freshman interested in the program. ,,, 1802,SCUT-China_A,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Games and Project at the Biological Festival,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Fair Booth",,,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team set up educational, biology related games for the general public to play, along with presenting their project at the Biological Festival at Sun Yet-sen University.
    ",,,,,,Team played games and introduced their project at the Biological Festival at Sun Yet-sen University.,,, 1803,SCUT-China_A,,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Primary School Visit and Guest Lecture.,"Teaching Activity, Speaker Series",,,Just Project No Product,"Primary School Students, University Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
    • Team went to a Sanxiaxiang, a primary school, to teach and inspire children about biology.
    • Team then invited professor Zhaozheng Guo to their university to lecture about bioethics
    ",,,,,,"Team visited a primary school to teach children about biology, along with invited a professor from a nearby school to speak at their university.",,, 1804,:SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Danish Science Festival ,"Community Event, Teaching Activity, Fair Booth","<a href=""""></a>","Results of a ""Draw-A-Bacteria"" contest with kindergartners ",Education Activity,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
    • At the Danish Science Festival the team hosted a workshop for kindergartners
    • Taught them about synthetic biology, sustainability, the history of GMO's, and bioethics
    • Children also participated in a ""Draw-A-Bacteria"" contest
    ",,,,,,"Team hosted a workshop for kindergarten students and taught them about synthetic biology, along with hosting a ""Draw-A-Bacteria"" contest.",,, 1805,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,UNF Summer Camp,"Open Lab, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
    • At the UNF summer camp the team held a presentation about their project, the iGEM competition, and how to work with and handle genes. The team also taught the campers how to assemble biobricks for a hands-on experience
    ",Qualitative,"One of the campers had a few suggestions for the teams project, including giving their Powerleaf the ability to rotate according to the sun for maximum exposure and outcome. The team ended up implementing this advice in their project.",,,,Team held a presentation about iGEM and taught students various lab techniques at a UNF summer camp. ,,, 1806,Hong_Kong_HKUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Hong Kong Summer Science Party,Community Event,,,,"Primary School Students, Specialized Audience","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
    • Host weekly Sunday meetings with activities for children,
    • Discuss biosafety and how team's project relates with parents,
    • Collect feedback and record dialogue of conversation
    ",Qualitative,"""Received positive feedback [from parents], such as faith that our project could overcome some of the safety issues affiliated with GMOs. On the other hand, we also received some interesting arguments towards our project. For example, some still consider the method of phenotypically reverting the organism back to its original state to be an artificial method, thus it still has significant safety concerns."" ",,,,Weekly Sunday meetings with activities for students and discussions about biosafety and team's project with parents.,,, 1807,Hong_Kong_HKUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Hong Kong Summer Science Party: Survey,"Community Event, Survey",,,,"General Public, Specialized Audience",Learn Public Opinions,"
    • While students participate in workshop activities, survey parent's opinions on GMOs and synthetic biology
    ",Quantitative,"58.20% knew what GMOs were, ~60% of parents had negative opinions on GMOs, ~60% of parents were in favor of team's iGEM project . (Data at: <a href=""""></a>",,"""However, these responses [from the survey] contradicted our research findings prior to the events. There is no valid proof that GM food is harmful to human health. Our team realized that this misconceptions and bias can be an important barrier to the advancement of synthetic biology, so we had elaborated more on this issue through our project introduction and written articles about synthetic biology which we had posted on a local science FaceBook page.""",,Survey of public opinions of parents during a workshop for students age 4-12,,, 1808,Hong_Kong_HKUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,High School Workshop,Teaching Activity,,,,,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
    • Teach synthetic biology concepts like the Central Dogma, recombinant biology, biosafety and Biobricks to year 11 students
    • Perform DNA extraction on fruits as a hands on activity to reinforce concepts
    ",,,,,,Teaching synthetic biology concepts to year 11 students ,,, 1809,Hong_Kong_HKUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,UCCKE Sharing Session: How to start an iGEM project,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Present on iGEM to high school students
    • Walk students through how to design an iGEM project using ""Top-down Design""
    ",,,,,,Sharing iGEM experience with high school students ,,, 1810,Hong_Kong_HKUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Hong Kong 2017 InnoCarnival,Presentation (General),"<a href=""""></a>",Newspaper article written about presentation at InnoCarnival,Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,Present iGEM Project,
    • Interview with South China Morning Post and showcase handmade DNA cloning model and animated project video to aid visualization
    • Distribute leaflets about Biosafety
    • Present project at InnoCarnival
    ,,,,,,Showcasing iGEM project to the public at Hong Kong's InnoCarnival,,, 1811,Hong_Kong_HKUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Biosafety Pamphlet,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Pamphlet on biosafety,Other,"General Public, Specialized Audience",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
    • Create leaflet about biosafety aspects of project
    • Distribute to media organizations and general public at outreach events
    ,,,,,,Created and distributed educational leaflet about biosafety,,, 1812,Hong_Kong_HKUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic biology articles,"Educational Material, Social Media","<a href=""""></a>",Multiple articles written included under section 4,Other,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Determine misleading perceptions about synthetic biology from earlier events
    • Write articles and distribute on Facebook to address these concerns
    ,,,,,,Wrote articles on Facebook to address misconceptions and concerns about synthetic biology,,, 1813,Hong_Kong_HKUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,"""Synthetic Biology 1” Video Series Translation",Just Product,"<a href=""!/"">!/</a>",Synthetic Biology 1 video series with Chinese voice over and subtitles,Educational Video,"Secondary School Students, University Students",Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Meet with Mr. Ariel Lindner and accept his invitation to collaborate on Synthetic Biology 1 video series with Mr. Edwin Wintermute
    • Create video translations with subtitles in both Mandarin and Cantonese
    • Upload videos to a video website which is available in China
    ,,,,,,Creating Chinese subtitles and translations for synthetic biology videos from the Synthetic Biology 1 video series.,,, 1814,Hong_Kong_HKUST,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Addressing Biosafety Concerns,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",A walk through of the team's integrated human practices revolving around safety,Paper on Safety,"iGEM Teams, Professors, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
    • Meet with professors and solicit potential biosafety concerns, then address them
    • Meet with other iGEM teams at the iGEM Pan-Pearl conference and solicit project ideas and concerns
    • Integrate ideas and solutions to concerns in project
    ",,,,"See (<a href=""""></a>) for complete analysis and document. ",,Seeking out and then addressing biosafety concerns from different sources,,, 1815,NCKU_Tainan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Speaking with Experts,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Professors, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Speak to people who may be able to give you insight for your project.
    ,Qualitative,"The team made decisions regarding their project, which can be found here: <a href=""""></a>",,,,The team consulted both academic experts and local industry to gain knowledge for their project.,,, 1816,Evry_Paris-Saclay,Overgraduate,2017,,None,,Legal Investigation,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",,Interview,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Do research on the market and regulations for your project.
    • find industry experts who know the market.
    • arrange to speak with representatives and experts, debrief your idea and ask questions on how to implement your project.
    • take the advice of experts to improve or change your project.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Mr Bastien ROUX interview connected the team with a diabetes lab to get more feedback and assistance with improvements as well as justification for the project choice of Psicose. The interview with Dr. Alain FOURNIER offered advice for improving the methods of bioproduction including phage display, as well as direct and indirect screening methods. (although these methods were very expensive)",2,,,"Interview with Mr. Bastien ROUX, Business relationship manager in the French Federation of Diabetics (FFD) and with Dr. Alain FOURNIER, Head of the yeast genetics department at Sanofi-Aventis.",,, 1817,NCKU_Tainan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Speaking with Consumers,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives",,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Identify the market for your iGEM project.
    • Speak with potential consumers to learn how to make your product as effective and usable as possible.
    ,Qualitative,"The team altered their plans for their project. The feedback they got can be found here: <a href=""""></a>",,"""When we were informed that it's really time consuming to detect all the ponds in the fish farm, we start to consider the possibility of building several passages between fish ponds, allowing our sensing boat to move from one pond to another.

    Thanks to the suggestion from Mr. Tsai and Mr. Lin, we decided to focus on applying our NO Problem System to a fish farm using fresh water."" ""We realized that detecting nitrate level is not enough for practical use in the real fish farm, therefore we decided to combine pH meter and thermometer into our sensing boat.""",,The team visited an aquaculture farm and interviewed farmers to learn how to optimize their product for the market.,,,

    1818,Evry_Paris-Saclay,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,High School and Conferences,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Connected with another iGEM team working with a high school on an outreach event.
    • offer assistance in the form of being supervisors for the high school outreach event.
    • talk to students about SynBio, iGEM and what was happening during the yeast experiments.
    ",,"One experience that we particularly enjoyed was the supervision of students during the practical course in microbiology with iGEM UPMC (See our Collaborations page). They invited us to participate in the framing of practical work in a scientific course in Montrouge High School in Paris. They have developed protocols in order to explain the genotype/phenotype relation to students through mutagenesis in yeast in two different sessions. We used a yeast strain called Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ade2- which accumulates a metabolite that turns red because of oxidation giving the yeast its red color. Supported by UV mutagenesis, this toxic compound causes mutations of the mitochondrial oxidative chain reversing the yeast color back to white. Through this experiment, we introduced the students to the possibilities of bio-engineering and synthetic biology through the iGEM competition. ",,,,Worked with high school students talking about genotypes and phenotypes using Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ade2. ,,, 1819,Evry_Paris-Saclay,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,National Contest of Scientific Mediation of AFNEUS,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,Just Project No Product,University Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"
    • Find science competitions in the area.
    • pick a delegate to compete on the teams behalf.
    • send delegate to compete, knowing they will receive a random topic that may not be SynBio related.
    ",Qualitative,,,"The federation launched the first edition of a competition called the National Contest of Scientific Mediation organised with the French National Institute of Research (CNRS) and other personalities of science communication. Several associations of the federation at the national scale participated and among them us from iGEM Evry Paris-Saclay. Each association was represented by one member through several preliminary phases to reach the final contest in a congress at Nantes, France. Each participant had 8 minutes to present in front of a jury a subject chosen at random among several field such as Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, etc. Our head of human practices, Yanis, represented the team in this contest. He was given the subject of the Earth Atmosphere. He successfully described its characteristics and functions concluding about the importance of its preservation for human sake. He reached the finals and finished 2nd after a tight battle and a long deliberation according to the jury composed of scientific journalists, scientists and teachers. This event was recognized by professionals and launched a dynamic around democratization Popular Science in France and will be reconducted for the second edition next year.",,"AFNEUS is the French acronym for the National Federation of Science Students, it is a contest where students give an 8 minute speech on a random subject. ",,, 1820,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,The Academy for Talented Youth,"Open Lab, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Team hosted a workshop for the Academy for Talented Youth
    • During the workshop they invited students into their laboratory to conduct a mini prep and gel electrophoresis containing biobricks
    • Also held a presentation and discussion about the project.
    ,,,,,,Team hosted a workshop for the Academy for Talented Youth to teach them basic wetlab techniques. ,,, 1821,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation for Local Schools,"Community Event, Open Lab, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Team invited students from local high schools to see their laboratory work space
    • Several synthetic biology concepts were taught including basics of a cell, DNA, and GMOs
    ",Qualitative,,,,,Students from local high schools were invited to the team's lab to learn about synthetic biology concepts. ,,, 1822,Evry_Paris-Saclay,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Science Discovery Day,Community Event,,,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
    • Arrange for an educational event to present your project.
    • Invite members of the public.
    • Answer questions and engage with participants and present the iGEM competition and your project.

    EvryBiody is the association of Biology students in the University of Evry. It organises events in the University like the graduation ceremony, prom, or scientific events. In this dynamic of promoting science in our territory, we organised with them the Science Discovery Day in the “Parc des Coquibus” in Evry. We proposed interesting experiments to initiate children to Science and scientific communication for adults. We also introduced the iGEM competition and our project. A concert closed the day allowing us to enjoy this open event and to get close to people thanks to Biology. It was an exchange between Students and people interested in Biology that led to very interesting conversation and maybe a future vocation in synthetic biology.",,We proposed interesting experiments to initiate children to Science and scientific communication for adults.,,,

    1823,Evry_Paris-Saclay,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Film Maker in Biology,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>","To go further into communication with people through the competition, we introduced a team of filmmaker to produce a movie around the Psicose. ",Educational Video,General Public,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Policy Outreach","
    • Meet with a film making team and discus the project and the potential concerns of the public surrounding your project.
    • collaborate on a film idea together which can be condensed into a short film.
    • Allow the film team to create the film and script, review the product, provide feedback and ultimately push out the final product.

    1824,Evry_Paris-Saclay,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,The BioLab,Open Lab,,,,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,</ul>,Qualitative," Meetings between these different stakeholders are intended to inform the public about the current practice and the challenges of research and allow mutual exchange and discussions in return for scientists to be supported in their work. Historically born in the MIT, hackerplaces are structures that push people to do things by themselves, a policy that we wanted to develop in our territory in France. This territorial and intellectual cohesion can ultimately lead to the emergence of vocations and interests for the professions of science.",,,," Real places of emulation around sciences, The Biolab is a bio-hackerplace type structures allowing exchanges between enthusiasts, amateurs and professionals to transcend the existing barriers between the population and the highly specialized circle of scientists through scientific mediation.",,,

    1825,GZHS-United,High School,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Survey on Mosquito Eradication,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey for the general public about mosquito erradication,Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
    • Create a survey with targeted questions about your project.
    • submit the survey to the public
    ,Quantitative,"MOSQUITO SURVEY

    Question 1: do you use mosquito eradication products? Analysis: 81.46% of the respondents use mosquito eradication products, indicates that mosquito eradication products are well accepted by the public and the market is huge.

    Question 3: do you pay attention to new innovative mosquito eradication products? Analysis: 16.56% of the respondents always pay attention to new mosquito eradication products and 55.96% of them do it sometimes. These data indicate that new mosquito eradication products, like the product of ours, could be noticed by the public and have the potential to access to market.

    Question 8:what do you think are the deficiencies of mosquito control products in the market? Analysis: Due to the results from question 8, inefficiency, inconvenience and less in variety are the three main problems of mosquito control products in the market. Therefore, in order to get the product of ours accepted by the market and public, we have to improve its efficiency and convenience.

    Question 10: what’s your attitude towards the advancement of mosquito control technologies in the future? Analysis: 55.3% of the respondents are expecting new and more advanced mosquito control products, which indicates that the product of ours could be accepted by the public as a new measure of mosquito control if it’s advanced enough.

    NEXT SURVEY - GMO Survey Question 1: how much do you know about GMO? Analysis: 79.61% (9.92% + 69.69%) of the respondents know GMO and 20.11% have heard of it, while only 0.28% of the respondents know nothing about GMO. These data indicate that GM technology is known and accepted by most of the respondents.

    Question 2: Which one (or more than one) of the followings might be GM products found in the Chinese market? Analysis: This is a test about respondents’ knowledge on GMO. Except for maize, all of the products in the list could be GMO or GM products in China, but the number of volts for maize is the second highest (90.65%), and most people don't believe that cottons, beets, tobaccos, ppapaya and insulin could be GMO or produced by GMO. This suggests that the majority of the respondents are lacking of knowledge about GM technology and GMO.

    Question 3: in what way do you think GMO could influence people’s health? Analysis: 44.19% of the respondents believe that GMO is potentially harmful (meanwhile not beneficial at all) to human health, while 30.88% believe that GMO could bring both benefits and harm to human health. Which means the respondents were not fully informed about the truth of GMO, some of them don't know the benefits GMO could bring, and the others cannot hold a certain attitude on it. Therefore, it is our job to inform as much people as possible about the facts about GMO.

    Question 8: What’s your attitude toward the researches in the field of transgenosis? Analysis: 74.22% of the respondents support further researches in the field of transgenosis, which means transgenosis and GMO have the potential to be accepted by the majority of the public and the public wants to know more about GMO.",,,,,,, 1826,GZHS-United,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Leaflet about GMO & Leaflet about Mosquito Control,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>","We made two leaflets that were used as educational and popularizational materials, on the two main focuses of our program, GMO and mosquito control",Other,General Public,Educate on the iGEM program,</ul>,Integrated Human Practices,"GMO Leaflet

    What is GMO Market share Applications GM procedure and safety evaluation Chinese policies on GMO How GM technology solves practical problems Market demand FAQs Mosquito Control Leaflet

    Introduction of mosquito Trivia about mosquito Mosquito borne diseases Mosquito eradication methods Mosquito repelling methods",," We recalled the concerns and questions of ours at the time we first met the issue of GMO and mosquito control. We combined these questions (which were solved during our learning in the lectures and extra courses) with the results of our questionnaire investigation, to design the contents of our leaflets.",,,,,

    1827,GZHS-United,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology and iGEM Club,Presentation (General),,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
    • Ask to present to the biology club at your school.
    • create a presentation that connects your project, synthetic biology and the level of background knowledge of your audience.
    • present to the club.
    ",Qualitative,2/3 of students in the synthetic biology club haven’t got any chance to learn the issue of GMO and technologies in synthetic biology in a comprehensive view until they got into the club. Discussion in the club with these students is a perfect chance for us to get to know the attitude and concerns of the general public towards generic modification technology.,,,,"We have collected and discussed many frequently asked questions about GMO, like whether eating GMO would change people’s gene, whether eating GMO would cause cancer and what GMOs could be seen in daily life.",,,

    1828,GZHS-United,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Lectures and Workshops,Speaker Series,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","We made a lecture in our school’s auditorium for parents in the school open day, with over 500 people reached. We have invited several doctors, teachers and professors in the field of biology to share their opinions, knowledge and experiences in our online workshop with over 400 participants. Here are some of the topics we have covered: “what GMO actually is”, “why the society need GMO”, “Introduction to mosquito-borne diseases”, and “Introduction to DNA and synthetic biology”.</ul>",Qualitative,,500,,,We established numerous offline and online lectures and seminars to improve people’s understanding on mosquito control and synthetic biology as well as to clear misconceptions on them. ,,, 1829,GZHS-United,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Posters,Presentation (General),,Posters to explain the project and mosquito control.,Other,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)"," During our promotion, we have explained the principles and proper ways of mosquito control, introduced GMO and answered many questions about the two main topics of ours. Our promotion in the three communities covered at least 300 people. Our team members went to the metro system in Guangzhou to distribute leaflets about mosquito control to the passengers, and we have placed the rest of the leaflets to the newsstands in each station after permition, therefore other passengers could take and read them.</ul>",Qualitative,,,,,We designed two activities about biology to attract the public and showed our posters about mosquito control and GMO to settlers in three different communities in Guangzhou and Foshan,,, 1830,GZHS-United,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Community Education,Community Event,,Pamphlets talking about GMOs and Mosquito control,Other,General Public,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"We went to 3 different communities (Shunde Country Garden, Shidai Meiguiyuan and Dongfang Xinshijie Xiyuan) in Guangzhou and Foshan, conducted two activities, vein bookmark DIY and transplant seedlings DIY, and distributed 100 leaflets (all the leaflets we have) in each of the communities. We have in touched with more than 300 people in each community, mostly kids and elderlies, and affected over 1000 individuals in total.</ul>",Qualitative,,1000,,,"We went to 3 different communities (Shunde Country Garden, Shidai Meiguiyuan and Dongfang Xinshijie Xiyuan) in Guangzhou and Foshan, conducted two activities, vein bookmark DIY and transplant seedlings DIY, and distributed 100 leaflets (all the leaflets we have) in each of the communities.",,,

    1831,GZHS-United,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Wechat Official Account,Social Media,,"The Wechat Official Account of ours is called iGEMers, which functions like a blog, and we used it to document our project, iGEM and synthetic biology all together",Blog,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Create a Wechat account.
    • Answer questions and post on the chat.
    ,Qualitative,Our Official Account has over 2400 followers right now.,2400,,,"The Wechat Official Account of ours is called iGEMers, which functions like a blog, and we used it to document our project, iGEM and synthetic biology all together",,,

    1832,GZHS-United,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Biology Class for Elementary School,Teaching Activity,,,Just Project No Product,Primary School Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"We went to the elementary section in Country Garden School, and brought two classes to all the grade 5 students. In the first class, we conducted several activities like bacterial culture to give them a direct view about the concept of micro-organisms, and explained the idea of DNA and complementary base pairing. In the second class, we introduced the mosquito-borne diseases, and showed some interesting aspects of mosquitos, like the functions of each mouthparts of mosquitos, and the reason why people feel itchy after being bitten.</ul>",Qualitative,,,,,"Presented to grade 5 students about bacteria, and mosquito born disease. ",,, 1833,GZHS-United,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Inquiry and Service Week,Open Lab,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","Our team members took the responsibility to organize the annual Inquiry and Service Week for IBMYP biology students. We have invited them to come to our lab, given them a lecture about experiment safety and directed them to do a RFP cloning and prokaryotic expression experiment and a plant tissue culturing experiment.

    </ul>",Qualitative,,,,,"We have invited them to come to our lab, given them a lecture about experiment safety and directed them to do a RFP cloning and prokaryotic expression experiment and a plant tissue culturing experiment.",,,

    1834,NCKU_Tainan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Elementary Education,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Engaging lesson plans for children along with explanations of why the activities are valuable.,"Education Activity, Education Activity Protocol",Primary School Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
    • Identify reasons why kids aren't engaging in science.
    • Address these in planned activities.
    • Implement activities at a local elementary or primary school.
    ,,,,,,The team gave science lessons at a local elementary school to increase interest in science.,,, 1835,NCKU-Tainan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,High School Outreach,Presentation (General),,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",
    • Present on iGEM at a local high school.
    • Encourage interest in synthetic biology and answer questions about iGEM.
    ,,,,The team was excited that some students were very interested in synthetic biology and that there was a lot of interest in iGEM.,,"The team spoke at a high school about the iGEM program, their project, and college life in general.",,,

    1836,HFUT-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Gene War Game,"Teaching Activity, Just Product","<a href=""""></a>","The name of this game is VR Shooting - Gene War. Players are supposed to control a BioBrick container in their hands to store gene chains and shoot bullets to attack the enemy in front of them. In the meantime players should avoid being shot by bullets from enemies. There are a variety of enemies, whose blood volume, flying speed of bullets, movement patterns and scores are different. In the fifth section, there is a “Final BOSS” which is quite hard to deal with. A tool aiming at supplying blood for players is set in this game. A large number of BioBricks are randomly generated around the player. When the BioBricks are touched by the handle, a system which provides skills to players will start. The system will automatically select a suitable gene chain according to the gene blocks being touched. To start the game and acquire special skills, player must touch the virtual promoter and terminator, respectively. If players touch the wrong gene, the gene chains will be overloaded, which means they are cleared and regenerated. Players are provided with four special skills: explosion (reduce the blood volume of all enemies), blood supplement (return to full-blood status), no-enemy status and shooting speed acceleration. What's more, players will get extra rewards when they find symbols of ""BioDesigner Dolphin"". After players complete the game, their duration time and scores acquired will be ranked on the leaderboard in the main UI interface. What’s more, to make the game more interesting, there is also a rewarding mechanism. A searching “magnifier” is randomly generated in the game, and by touching it, the gene chains will be instantly filled and players can release the current skills.

    ",Education Activity,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",</ul>,Qualitative,,,,,Created a game called VR Shooting - Gene War. ,,,

    1837,HUST-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Field Trip to Ganzhou - Survey & Consulting Experts,"Survey, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",,"Interview, Survey","Scientific Community, General Public, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Found a geographic location which was rich in minerals and mining activities as the target audience, also a location with many experts with relevant expertise.
    • travel to the area and administer a survey to the public.
    • connect with experts and ask for advice about your project.
    ",Qualitative,"<a href=""http://0.At"">0.At</a> the beginning of our project design, we consulted the faculties College of Environment at our university. They gave us many suggestions on the feasibility and safety of microbiological methods, also gave us sample on this field, which help us figure the key problem.

    1.We can find a more suitable microbial chassis instead of E.coli because it might be intolerable to so any heterologous recombinant proteins.

    2.How can we recycle Tb3+ from the recycled REEBOTs? Maybe we can extract them (Tb3+) by some chemical solutions, and then purify them by replacement reaction or others.

    3.We can optimize the pmrC promoter and triple LBT by modeling and doing some orthogonal experiments. Besides, we should consider how to improve the efficiency of the sitag by designing the shape of our silica board. The suggestions given by Prof. Chen brought us a way to enhance our REEBOT system, which directly advanced our project progress.

    <a href=""http://4.PH"">4.PH</a> should be changed to denature LBTs to separate rare earth ions after the capture work.

    5.One teacher from SCUT questioned whether our oprf-3 * LBT can express at the membrane surface successfully. She thought that the over-length of oprf-3 * LBT may not meet our own requirements, so we will verify that by modeling and doing some orthogonal experiments.

    General public responses - Is there any pollution in the mining process - 32% say serious pollution, 18% say none, 50% say mid level pollution.

    General public responses - Do you accept microbial solution - 17% not accepted, 83% accepted. ",,,,Went to visit Ganzhou to survey the public there and talk to experts. The location was chosen because of rare earth element minerals. ,,,

    1838,HUST-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Interaction with High school students,Open Lab,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • arrange to come into high schools or have high school students visit lab.
    • plan a few hands on science experiments that promote learning about synthetic biology.
    • Host students, answer questions and tell them a little about iGEM and SynBio
    ",Qualitative,"By working with high school students, we can arouse their interest about synthetic biology and let them get to know more about iGEM. We would like to share our feelings of being an iGEMer. ",,,,We made some experiment arrangements and guided them to do some basic experiments.,,,

    1839,HUST-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Effort on the publicity of iGEM and Synthetic Biology,Presentation (General),,,,"University Students, General Public",Educate on Synthetic Biology,"At the beginning of our project, we found that people knew little about synthetic biology. We hope to grasp every opportunity to introduce the concept of synthetic biology to the public. Therefore, we signed up a scientific research innovation competition held by Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

    During the competition, we spread out the idea of our project, knowledge about synthetic technology and iGEM competition by presentation and posters. Our project was widely appreciated by judges and other competitors. So eventually we won the gold Prize.</ul>",Qualitative,,,"It is surprising for us to find out those students and teachers who were interested in scientific research and have never heard about synthetic biology before. During the contest, we got the opportunity to introduce the basic ideas of synthetic biology to teachers and students, especially the concept of future biology engineering. This is our first step in the promotion of synthetic biology. We hope that in the future more and more people will be attracted and make further development in synthetic biology research.",,Did presentations both of their project and poster presentations. ,,,

    1840,NCKU_Tainan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Festivals,Community Event,,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
    • Identify events at which your team could increase awareness of iGEM.
    ,,,,,,The team set up booths at a couple of college events to encourage interest in the iGEM program.,,, 1841,Worldshaper-XSHS,High School,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interview and Social Surveys,,,,Interview,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Create a list of questions that would help shape the direction of your project.
    • Go out to the public and meet with experts in your target field to ask your questions.
    • use the responses to direct your project so it can be most useful.
    ,Qualitative,"Most of the public learned about water pollution from the internet and by watching TV. The majority of respondents know little about sewage disposal, but most also felt that SynBio could be a potential use to help with sewage disposal.

    With the interviews: Q1 - What do you think of the water quality and pollution situation at the present? Water pollution is serious, current water quality is high but there is sewage pollution and the impact of enterprise factories is large. The Quality is not as good as before. Not satisfied, some of the scenic spots are good, and to the rural areas, many of the rivers have a small.

    Q2 - What do you think about water quality testing methods at present? Water detection methods have been developed to take real-time monitoring of high-tech pipeline...The advantages are high precision and fast data. The disadvantage is the price is too high. I don't understand that, I think it's the EPA. I've never measured water quality before, but if I have a handy detector, I really want to go. We usually test ourselves. Take some water samples, buy their own reagents, test the water and compare to tables to determine water body pH value and nitrogen content and oxygen content.

    Q3 - If we developed a bioreactor for testing would you like to use it? The advantage of biological detection is it is convenient and inexpensive. We could use it to call the social water monitors, monitor the surrounding waters irregularity, and detect oxygen for aquaculture farmers. The price right now is too high, but we will certainly consider the use of it. I would like that, especially if I could install it and not have to change it a lot. I think i can be used for specific analysis. There are few people who wash things or drink directly from wells or rivers, but if you look at the poor areas without the use of tap water who can only use water in the natural environment then being able to use a detector that is convenient and reasonably priced would be good for the whole country.

    Q4 - Do you have any suggestions for our products? I think the most important thing is quality, price and accuracy. The product needs to be not to expensive to die, I hope precision is as high as possible. ",250+,,,Interviewed members of the general public and Specialized Audience to get ready to plan an impactful project. ,,,

    1842,Worldshaper-XSHS,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Letting People Know about Us and Our Project,"Educational Material, Social Media","<a href=""""></a>",Newspaper articles and articles posted on WeChat and three videos about biology. ,"Video of Activity, Magazine/Newspaper Article",General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
    • Created a WeChat account to answer questions and post an article about who iGEM is and what SynBio is.
    • publish a report on their school website and a newspaper.
    • Do presentations at a museum and in their school to spread awareness.
    • post 3 videos about foundational synthetic biology techniques like PCR, Restriction Enzyme Digest and Plasmid and Biobrick information.
    ",,,,,,,,, 1843,Worldshaper-XSHS,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM club at school,,,,,Secondary School Students,Recruit iGEM members,
    • Create and excite student about joining the iGEM club to make sure the team continues to grow.
    ,,,,,,Created a club to recruit new members. ,,,

    1844,NYU_Abu_Dhabi,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Systems Biology,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","The goal of this project presentation was to discuss, collaborate, and receive constructive feedback on the teams iGEM project. </ul>",Qualitative, informal feedback from participants,number of senior biology students at the university,The team felt that they got constructive feedback from the presentation. ,,"To engage our senior biology students, our team decided to present our final project to the Experimental Systems Biology class, one of the advanced undergraduate biology courses at NYUAD.",,, 1845,UCAS,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Talks and interviews,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,Learn more about the current methods to deal with ammonia-nitrogen pollution in water. </ul>,Qualitative,interviews with professors and experts,professors and experts ,University professors and factory technicians gave us useful inspirations and suggestions.,,They communicated with professors to learn more about ammonia-nitrogen pollution in water. ,,,

    1846,UCAS,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Outreach for farmers ,Consult Representatives,,"We contacted with the official account of Chinese aquaculture website, and publicized our article which gained more than 4000 clicks. Also, a 24-pages brochure was written and delivered to farmers over China, helping with problems in fish-farming and solutions to fish diseases.","Magazine/Newspaper Article, Paper on Safety",Specialized Audience,Policy Outreach,
    • Contact a group of individuals for outreach
    • Access their website to add use articles
    • Create this useful and informative articles
    • Develop a brochure to help these individuals for outreach
    ,Qualitative,observations of participants,400 people online and farmers in China,,,They contacted the official account of Chinese aquaculture website to publish an article and a 24-pages brochure was written. ,,, 1847,UCAS,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Social Media,Social Media,,"This year, we used WeChat official account to show descriptions about our project, introduce knowledge about synthetic biology, and update our current activities.",Other,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Create various social media accounts
    • Log what you are doing on these accounts to inform the public and other teams
    • Use WeChat official to share about your project
    ,Qualitative, informal feedback from participants,,The team really enjoyed sharing stories with public.,,They used to social media to reach out to people and share their stories to the public,,, 1848,UCAS,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews with experts in aquaculture,Consult Experts,,,"Interview, Just Project No Product","Professors, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Contact experts that you think would be good to advise you on your project
    • Create questions that you want to ask them
    • Discuss issues that are relevant
    • Use the information you gain to develop your project
    ,Qualitative,interviews,"Editor of the official account of China Aquaculture Website, Professor of Energy and Environmental Microbiology in UCAS, Technician of Yancheng Cheng Dong foul water purifying factory, and Management Staff of the sturgeon breeding technology engineering center of the CAFS","The information and suggestion they obtained from interviews inspired them to go to synthetic biology for help. The team felt that the professor raised up many issues that they had never concerned before and inspired us to think more comprehensively. From the advice of the technician, they notice the connection between laboratory work and marketing.",,"To customize our project to the practical conditions, we interviewed some experts in related fields. ",,, 1849,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,UNO Academy,Teaching Activity,,,,Primary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
    • Meet with UNO Parks to begin talking about the potential to create UNO Academy.
    • Design an interactive educational program for children age 7 to 12 - this team used an exhibition of cartoon drawings of arthropods doing important jobs.
    • host the event, encourage participants to create their own drawings.
    ",Qualitative,,,,,"With the intention to involve children in biosciences, our team played a part in the establishment of an educational project the ""UNO Academy"" aiming to raise the young-generation's interest in science.",,, 1850,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,High School Presentations,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Recruit iGEM members","
    • Create a presentation that tells students about synthetic biology.
    • arrange with high schools to present to students.
    • Go to the presentation and talk to students, answering their questions and spreading awareness of both SynBio and iGEM.
    ",Qualitative,"After the lessons the students approached us with various questions in groups or individually. This clearly demonstrated that we successfully managed to excite them with the rapidly developing field of synthetic biology and encouraged to take part in science more actively, possibly, even joining iGEM in the future.

    ",450,,,We held lessons at more than 10 schools with an aim to spread the message about synthetic biology and iGEM all around Lithuania.,,,

    1851,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Biotech Sessions,Open Lab,,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Find science themed events being hosted at your university/school.
    • offer to host a session during these events.
    • come up with hands on activities that are both engaging and demonstrate important synthetic biology techniques.
    • answer student questions and encourage critical thinking.
    ,Qualitative,"This was a part of our face-to-face interactions with highly motivated students, and we received valuable insights which helped us to improve our future educational activities.",,,,Several major events for scholars to gain in-depth knowledge about various scientific fields take place annually in Lithuania. ,,, 1852,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Lab Training Students,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Students took the first step and expressed interest in joining the lab.
    • iGEM members took the time to train two high school students in the techniques and goals of the iGEM team.
    • The students worked in the lab over the summer and wrote a brief blurb about their experience.
    ,Qualitative,"""My name is Agne Cepaite and I am a 10th grade student. I was given an opportunity to engage with the Vilnius-Lithuania iGEM 2017 team's work, to observe, help out and, most importantly, learn. This has been an incredible experience, I had a chance to work in a laboratory and help with the InterLab project, as well as engage in activities of Human Practices. I enjoyed both, however I am very interested in the subject of biological sciences, therefore the laboratory work was probably the most mesmerizing, since I have never worked in a lab before. It was definitely challenging, since my knowledge did not extend as far as I wanted, however with a very accepting and teaching team, I have learned many new things about molecular and synthetic biology.""

    ""The opportunity of being a trainee at Vilnius-Lithuania iGEM team of 2017 opened my eyes to the world of Synthetic Biology. It was a truly outstanding experience mainly due to the vast knowledge and extreme proficiency in their study fields from the whole iGEM team, which I was able to observe and learn from. During discussions about the lab and the fundamentals of the idea I was astonished nearly 100% of the time because of the intense flow of new concepts and ideas. Furthermore, aiding the team in other fields such as HP was very new to me, I was never part of such a big group project and was certainly never appointed to help design scientific activities and even take part in sharing the responsibility of the project. I now see the iGEM competition as something great not just because it helps to form and characterize synthetic biology, but of what it helps others to achieve through hard work, determination and, most importantly, teamwork. I aspire to become competent enough in my field over the course of couple of years and then attempt to give another shot at the iGEM competition, but this time as a proper team member to experience everything first hand.""",2,,,Two highly motivated high school students came into lab to work with the team. ,,,

    1853,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Science Espressos,,,,Education Activity,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","Our team was invited to collaborate with the Baltic Institute of Advanced Technology in order to bring the SPARKS Project to Lithuania. This initiative aims to involve the citizens in rapidly developing fields of science, as well as promote and communicate the importance of Responsible Research and Innovation..
    • get the invitation.
    • arrange for speakers to present in the series.
    • advertise to the general public.
    • attend the events. The events for this school : At our first Science Espresso, ""The Control of Cellular Ageing Mechanisms: an Everlasting Youth"", we addressed the issues of cellular ageing with Mantas Matjusaitis from CellAge - a disruptive synthetic biology start-up aiming to increase human health and lifespan. An introduction on what is ageing and what kind of cellular mechanisms control it was made. Attendees discussed various issues, such as ethical aspects of living forever. The general public explored the beauty beyond bioinformatics together with Linas Tamosaitis from the University of Kent at ""Bioinformatics: the unity of numbers and art"" in our second Science Espresso. In our third discussion, the DNA was taken beyond the limits by Prof. Dr. Rolandas Meskys from Vilnius University at the discussion ""XenoDNA: New Generation tool for treating diseases"". The lay public was not only introduced to classic DNA structure and functions, but participants were also acquainted on how XNA differs from DNA. Moreover, they explored how it broadens disease treatment options, as well as discovered which diseases can be treated with this technology and how it can be used in other fields.
    ",Qualitative,,,,,"In order to reach a bigger part of the general public and involve as much people as possible in the science communication activities, we organized interactive discussions on topics from cellular ageing to XenoDNA.",,, 1854,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Team created a video describing the team's iGEM program and project.,Educational Video,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",
    • Team created a video in Danish (with english subtitles) describing their iGEM project and the iGEM program
    ,,,16% of the team's hometown population saw the video,,,,,, 1855,SDU_Denmark,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interviewing Smart City Odense,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
    • For possible implementation of team's project in the environment, the team reached out to Kristina Dienhart, the project manager of Smart City Odense
    • Team received feedback that was integrated into the project.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Mrs. Dienhart emphasized changeability in the devices shape and size, easy accessibility for the average citizen and essentiality, or being valuable to both the individual citizen and the community as a whole to give the city a sense of cohesion. ",,,,Team reached out to the project manager of Smart City Odense for feedback on iGEM project.,,, 1856,IISc-Bangalore,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to Biocon's R&D Facility,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Visit an industry relevant to your project.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,The team realized that just because their product worked in the lab did not mean that it would work on an industrial scale.,,The visit led to further collaboration that led their project down a different path.,,The team visited a pharmaceutical company to learn about industrial recombinant protein synthesis.,,, 1857,IISc-Bangalore,Undergraduate,2017,,"Best Education and Public Engagement, None",Integrated Human Practices,GCODe Mini Assembly,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,Just Project No Product,University Students,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Invite someone with average knowledge to assemble your hardware.
    • Ask for their feedback on how to improve the clarity of your instructions.
    ,Quantitative,"The participant gave feedback on how to improve the instructions, which the team implemented..",,,,The team invited a freshman to attempt to assemble their product based off of their instructions in order to make sure their instructions were clear.,,, 1858,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interviewing the City Renewal Project My Bolbro,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
    • Team interviewed Rikke Falgreen Mortenson, the manager of Bolbro's city renewal project called Mit Bolbro or My Bolbro, to investigate how their project could and should be integrated in an urban area of Odense, a neighborhood in Bolbro
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Quote from Mrs. Mortenson ""Hauge’s square is a spot in Bolbro, which we aim to make a central place in Bolbro; a place that invites the citizen to meet and dwell. Your solution should be able to contribute to help citizens recharge their phones, e.g. a solution could be implanting the PowerLeaf into a interactive furniture, but where the demand an aesthetic pleasing design still remains.”",,,,Team interviewed the manager of Bolbro's city renewal project for advice on how to implement their project in an urban area. ,,, 1859,IISc-Bangalore,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Speaking with a Social Scientist,"Presentation (General), Consult Representatives",,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Networking","
    • If anyone shows interest in your team or project, engage with them.
    ",,,,The team was happy to find that people from different fields were interested in their work and found iGEM interesting. ,,A social science PhD student spoke with the team to learn more about the collaborative aspects of iGEM.,,, 1860,IISc-Bangalore,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to Lupin,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Discuss your project idea with experts.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"The team was informed of reasons why their original plan would not work. They also became aware of regulations they would have to keep in mind. Finally, they came up with a new idea based off of remarks the Head of Downstream Processing made.",,"""Our visit to Lupin was the catalyst for the overhaul of our project, and inspired us to find new problems which we could tackle using gas vesicles!""",,The team visited a pharmaceutical company to get guidance on where to take their project.,,, 1861,SDU-Denmark,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Flemming Christiansen,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
    • In order to find the necessary materials for a prototype of their iGEM project, the team contacted one of the leading plastic experts in Denmark, Flemming Christiansen
    • A meeting took place for the purpose of confirming our criteria, the technical design, the material, and the possible price of the project.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Mr. Christiansen advised to use the plastic known as Polycarbonate, specifically Lexon 103R-III. Also, he advised in order to prevent UV degradation to the exposed parts, to add certain additives to the surface. ",,,,In order to find necessary materials for a prototype of their project the team contacted one of the leading plastic experts in Denmark.,,, 1862,UCAS,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews with government officials,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Contact officials that would be helpful for the project
    • Discuss project ideas with officials and get their opinions
    • Alter your projects accordingly
    ,Qualitative,interviews ,2 officials ,They learned from the officials that excessive ammonia is a crucial problem all over the world. One of the officials was concerned about the biosafety of our design and we also think it is a key point on whether our product can be sold on the market or not.,,They interviewed various government officials to get opinions for their project. ,,,

    1863,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,DIY Workshop - Adults,Community Event,,,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","DIYBio Network connects researchers, makers, artists, and scientists via their interest in DIYBio and the desire to shape their own future by the process of creating. Collaborating with the latter our team created a project for the DIYBio Network of Nordic and Baltic region international meeting in Vilnius, under coded name ""siNbiosis"".

    One of the project events was a workshop, where members of the network as well as other interested people explored the main steps in enzyme production.</ul>",Qualitative,"Around 20 people gathered to try to identify enzymatic activity in nature, to test new functions of transformed Escherichia coli bacteria and finally to check the purified enzyme activity. We also tried to answer questions on how the scientists ""domesticated"" microorganisms, what new tricks they taught them and which biotechnological advances await us in the future.",20,,,"We organized a workshop on enzyme production in biotechnology during the international DIYBio Network meeting in Vilnius. We showed how enzymes are detected in nature, transformed into bacteria and purified for the best activity.",,, 1864,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Public Speeches and Conferences,Presentation (General),,,,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,</ul>,,,"5,000",,,"One of our outreach goals was to connect with the non-scientific community and acquaint them with synthetic biology, therefore our team took part in various international conferences and major events that attracted over 5,000 people.",,, 1865,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Integrated Human Practices,Industry Connections,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,</ul>,Qualitative,"Our meetings with the industry began with the ""Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics"" company. The first meeting significantly enriched our initial ideas, as:

    The laboratory members suggested a target number of plasmid groups for our experiments.

    Together, we discussed the potential applications of the multi-plasmid system. This allowed us to purposefully design and model our system.

    ",,,,"We turned to the biotech industry, realizing that a critical aspect of modern synthetic biology project is its applicability and potential influence to the overall development of biotechnology. ",,, 1866,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",,Survey,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,</ul>,Quantitative,"Respondents named plasmid incompatibility to be the major disadvantage of co-transformation process. The majority of respondents agreed that they would transform bacteria with more plasmids than usual if a system enabling plasmid compatibility existed. 75.9% of respondents confirmed that an ability to keep a fixed ratio of different types of plasmids intracellularly would be useful in their experiments. It provided us a critically important feedback on one of our main project goals.

    More than 95% of surveyed scientists use antibiotics to select transformants. They mostly used a combination of two antibiotics, however 6.9% of respondents used more than 3 antibiotics for selection on regular basis. It corresponded to the number of different plasmids in their experiments. Most of respondents did not try to find an alternative to antibiotics by using another selection system. All respondents agreed that they would use another cotransformants' selection system, that could decrease the usage of antibiotics. This has prompted our focus on creating an improved selection method for multi-plasmid systems.",,,,We completed the investigation of our field of exploration by surveying the potential end-users of our SynORI system. To do this we reached out to various hands-on laboratories around the globe.,,, 1867,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Integrated Human Practices,Bioethics,Presentation (General),,,,General Public,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"we set a discussion which created an opportunity for collective thinking on the progression of synthetic biology and life sciences within the perspective of big themes of ethical responsibility, safety and future of humanity. We presented ethical issues and biosafety concerns relevant to the field of synthetic biology, the construction of synthetic life, and our project, as well as explained the importance of establishing a mutual partnership between scientists, lay public, and specialists of social sciences and arts. In addition to the lecture and discussion, we documented the experience and shift of minds of the participants by asking to express how they felt about our SynORI project before and after the event. </ul>",Qualitative,,,"We have learnt that on ethical and social grounds people mostly feared the reduction of the value of life itself. Almost equally important were the legal and environmental concerns of the domestication of nature. We have realized that all these issues apply to our project therefore extended the static investigation of ethical aspects of synthetic biology as we took it to the next level by setting up an interactive exhibition to embrace the mutual partnership with the society.

    ",,"Fundamental projects require specific knowledge and are extremely tough to demonstrate to the society, not to mention the difficulty of collecting feedback from the lay public. With regard to that, we launched a bioart project ""SyNbiosis"", which aimed to gather scientists, lay public and artists to discuss and reflect on ethical, biosafety, social, and legal aspects of our project.",,, 1868,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Bioart Exhibition,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",A brief guide/protocol to doing your own bioart exhibition. ,Education Activity,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,See guide</ul>,Qualitative,,,"Our ethics and bioart exhibition activities provided insights, how fundamental projects, that deal with improving methods of construction of GMMs, should be presented and what concerns they elicit. Our human practices made us more aware and socially sensitive, and we integrated this approach to our project making it more public-friendly and open for discussion to debunk the fears and myths of synthetic biology.

    ",, Art is an universal mean of communication by which our team could simply explain the project to the public,,, 1869,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Process,Consult Experts,,,,Teachers,"Learn Public Opinions, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","Many internal discussions and considerations led us to realising the necessity to consult with Lithuanian teachers. We seized the opportunity to meet them at the conference for the most outstanding Lithuanian biology teachers, where we discussed the future strategy and main aims of our educational activities. As the teachers were highly excited about our eagerness to improve the teaching of lifesciences, they provided valuable insights and acquainted us with common issues of the learning process, one of which was envisioning scientific concepts.

    </ul>",Qualitative,"The extensive feedback led to the idea of 3D visualisations. Thus we started exploring the opportunities and novel approaches of visual methods of teaching and discovered the Augmented Reality (AR) technology. As AR enhances person's current perception of reality by allowing to project various 3D animations on real surroundings, it can undoubtedly improve the process of learning without isolating the user from the real world surroundings, as virtual reality does.",,"Even though AR technology is not completely new, it is still poorly developed. This is why our team decided not to follow the beaten path of developing short-lasting games for education, but instead chose to design a framework for continuous teaching. We made it in such manner that teachers, lecturers, and members of the iGEM community could easily build upon. By adding the desired 3D models, animations and sound, everyone would have the possibility to tailor our framework for their own educational purposes - regardless of the age group or discipline taught.",,Our team decided to explore the opportunities for improving the visualisation and explanation of synbio and genetic engineering by meeting with teachers.,,, 1870,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Testing and Feedback,Teaching Activity,,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","After creating a demo version of our app for synbio education, we introduced it to pupils at the Vilnius International School. The 8th grade students had the opportunity to experience the augmented reality for learning the concepts of synthetic biology and genetic engineering first hand. The scholars showed major interest in the augmented reality app and were very excited to play and learn.</ul>",Qualitative,"As a way of collecting feedback, the children filled out questionnaires about their experience. More than 80 % of the children stated that they would like to use augmented reality to learn science.

    With only 30% of the children interested in lifesciences before using our AR app, almost 70% of the children were very interested afterwards.",,"Throughout and after the trial, we received numerous questions about synthetic biology and what potential it carries, thus establishing a valuable discussion about possibilities and limitation of lifesciences. The children were very impressed and demonstrated great interest not only in lifesciences, but in our AR framework as well.

    ",,We let students test our teaching activities and VR equipment. ,,, 1871,Vilnius-Lithuania,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Ministry of Education and Science,Consult Representatives,,,,Legislators,"Networking, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",</ul>,Qualitative,,,The ministry replied with astonishment and showed great eagerness to further collaborate and develop our idea for implementing this novel model of teaching in the future educational programmes.,,"To further develop and spread the message about our AR framework prototype, we met the representatives from the Ministry of education and science, and introduced them our idea. We proposed that our framework could be easily adapted as a tool for children teaching and the integration of life sciences to the current National education program. ",,, 1872,IONIS-PARIS,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,High School Presentation,Presentation (General),,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","This group cut their presentation into three parts. 1st. talking about what synbio is, giving examples of applications. 2nd. Warned students about the limits of synthetic biology for human health. 3rd. presented the iGEM competition and the teams project. </ul>",Qualitative,,,,,Presenting to high school students about the applications and limits of synthetic biology. ,,, 1873,IONIS-PARIS,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,The Card Game,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>","The Rules of the game Make teams of 4-6 Pick 3 green cards representing organisms Pick 3 yellow cards representing DNA vector Pick 1 red card representing problematics The goal of the game is to solve the problematics thanks to the new property (DNA vector) that will be given to an organism. A member of the team will present the modified organism with a short story. ",Education Activity,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students",Educate on Synthetic Biology,</ul>,,,,,,"To help students have a better understanding of synthetic biology, we created a card game with simple rules. ",,,

    1874,IONIS-PARIS,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation,"Community Event, Presentation (General)",,,,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, General Public, Specialized Audience","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
    • Arrange to present to a series of groups.
    • design a presentation that would be helpful to audiences with limited SynBio Backgrounds.
    • Present and answer questions, ask for feedback to improve later presentations.
    ",Qualitative,,,,,"This year we presented Softer Shock to several audiences, from students to seniors, to get their point of view and develop the project according to society’s needs.",,,

    1875,IONIS-PARIS,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,IGEM Special Week,Community Event,,,,University Students,Educate on the iGEM program,"Arrange to have events and booths around your campus through out the week. Present your iGEM project before the Jamboree (great practice), and present your poster (also great practice). Bake sales to raise awareness and funds for the Jamboree. </ul>",,,," In conclusion, this week was exhausting, but it was very interesting to exchange with others. Moreover we got a lot of positive feedback and interesting ideas about Softer Shock that were used later in the development of our project. We succeeded in communicating about our project and this worldwide competition. Even if it was a stressful week it allowed us to practice coordination and build team spirit.

    Thanks to all these experiences we know how to talk about our project and inform young people through introductory science education. It was a very rich experience to exchange with everyone because of their valuable questions and remarks.",,Another way we communicated about our project was to organize an entire week of iGEM events in our school.,,,

    1876,UCAS,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Contact with farmers and paying visits to their ponds,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
    • Find a local area you can visit to gain more useful information for your project
    • Use that information to assist with your project
    ,Qualitative,interviews ,farmers,They provided us with useful information and we also solved their questions about science and technology.,,Visited some fish ponds in Beijing and asked them questions.,,, 1877,UCAS,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire about laws on transgene and bio-safety,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Pie chart graphs showing the results of the surveys ,Survey,"iGEM Teams, General Public",Learn Public Opinions,
    • Create questions for a survey
    • Promote the survey so that people fill it out
    • Analyze the results of the survey
    ,Quantitative,survey,177 students ,,,"In order to know more about the opinions on transgene laws from iGEMers and students majoring in synthetic biology, the team designed questionnaires and a survey.",,, 1878,UCAS,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Introduction video to GFP protein and awards,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material",no link,,Video of Activity,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Compete in a video competition
    • Create a video on a topic you are interested in
    ,Qualitative,observations of participants ,,,,They made a 3 minute video explaining a topic in science and won a award in a competition. ,,, 1879,UCAS,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Advertising synthetic biology at the Self Conference,Community Event,,,Just Project No Product,"Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Plan an event that is similar to a TED talk
    • Invite people to discuss topics
    • Promote the event to the general public so that they can come
    ,Qualitative,observations of participants ,,"In this conference which more than two hundred people attended, our UCAS iGEM team members offered volunteer services and have a really good time!",,"SELF Conference is a TED-like forum jointly set up by CAS Computer Network Information Center and CAS Science Communication Bureau, inviting elites to share new ideas and discoveries.",,, 1880,IISc-Bangalore,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Youtube Video,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>",A video explaining the project and how synthetic biology can be used to dress real problems.,Video of Activity,"Scientific Community, General Public, Specialized Audience","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Networking",
    • Identify a platform for publicity and fundraising.
    • Create a video and post it.
    • Spread the video in other ways as well.
    ,,,,,,The team created a video about their project and posted it on a fundraising site.,,, 1881,IISc-Bangalore,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Social Media,Social Media,,,,"iGEM Teams, General Public","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Networking",
    • Create social media accounts and actively post.
    ,,,,,,The team used their social media accounts to provide updates on and promote their project.,,, 1882,IISc-Bangalore,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,High School Presentations,Presentation (General),,,,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",
    • Request to visit local high schools.
    • Plan presentations to spark interest in iGEM and to promote science careers in general.
    ,,,,"""Mdm Mary Salomi from CMR National PU College gave us the following feedback: 'Thanks to the IISC team for their presentation. It was very informative and encouraging for our students to hear about recombinant DNA techniques and their application to make medicines cost effective. Some of them have interest in higher studies in this stream.'""",,"The team visited local high schools and presented about synthetic biology, iGEM and their project, as well as the scientific method and careers in science.",,, 1883,IISc-Bangalore,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,High School Challenge,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Plan a project for high school students relating to synthetic biology.
    • Help them develop ideas and give them feedback.
    ,,,,The high school students were unsuccessful so the team had to give them feedback.,,The team challenged high school students to design their own flotation assay for a floating fluorescent particle over a period of two weeks.,,, 1884,UAlberta,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,The Promise of Protein-based Technologies,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to summary transcriptions of the interviews,Interview,"iGEM Teams, Professors","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Find experts in your field
    • Contact them and set up an interview
    • Ask them questions regarding your project
    • Implement their advice if possible in terms of your project
    ,Qualitative,interviews,"4 professors, 2 PhD students, and a lab",,,They interviewed various professors from different departments to get a better understanding of topics concerning their projects. ,,, 1885,IISc-Bangalore,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Poster Presentation,"Presentation (General), Conference/Panel Discussion",,,Just Project No Product,"University Students, Professors","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
    • Plan a poster presentation event for you school's science department.
    • Present and welcome feedback.
    ,,,,"""This event led to several valuable discussions about iFLOAT, contributed to spreading awareness about synthetic biology and also inspired our own spectrophotometry assay — the idea was triggered by a discussion with a visitor!""",,The team created a poster presentation event for the science department and shared their work. ,,, 1886,SCU_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire regarding sleep habits,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Results of survey regarding sleep.,Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
    • Team distributed one questionnaire through the internet and social media to reach as much of the population as possible, and for the second questionnaire, randomly choose individuals from groups who go on night shifts
    ",Quantitative,"Data from survey shows most people do not meet the healthy sleep time standard, and thus have suffered various health consequences. Also, most respondents lack sufficient knowledge regarding their ways of regulating sleep and improving sleep quality. ",519,,,Team conducted a survey to determine the sleep habits of the general public.,,, 1887,UAlberta,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Alberta Biology Curriculum,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",Video of discussing the importance of Alberta Biology Curriculum. ,Educational Video,"Scientific Community, General Public",Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
    • Develop curriculum for a subject
    • Create a video about your curriculum
    • Publish the video for other people to see
    ,Qualitative, informal feedback from participants,32 views on the video,"In the creation of the video, they hoped to encompass Canada’s multicultural society and thus translated the video into three languages- English, French, and Vietnamese.",,They created a video in hopes to communicate the importance of the Alberta Biology Curriculum and its role in providing a foundation for the future. ,,, 1888,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit Dr. Kun-Yu Wu,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Advice from Dr. Kun-Yu, Wu",Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with Dr. Kun-Yu Wu
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"1. Positive feedback on mobile application 2. Test strips are not standard, but useful 3. Better use antidote on livestocks",N/A,N/A,,"Visit Dr. Kun-Yu Wu, a Taiwanese legislator",,, 1889,UAlberta,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Science Literacy: Source Credibility in a Digital Age,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>",video and article link,Educational Video,"Scientific Community, General Public",Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
    • Pick a topic to discuss
    • Create a article and or video on the topic
    • Share with the public
    ,Qualitative, informal feedback from participants,25 views on video,,,They devised a module with the hopes to educate the public on what sources are more credible than others.,,, 1890,UAlberta,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Telus World of Science,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",Pictures of agar art included on the wiki,Other,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
    • Organize an event for the public
    • Arrange an activity to do with them
    • Get the supplies for the activities and do the activities with them
    • Post pictures of the activities so the students that came in can see
    ,Qualitative,observations of participants,18 plate drawings,,,"In collaboration with the Edmonton Telus World of Science Edmonton (TWOSE), the team hosted an event called “Paint, Grow, Glow!”, which provided guests with the opportunity to “paint” with fluorescent bacteria. ",,, 1891,UAlberta,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,aGEM,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,Just Project No Product,"Secondary School Students, University Students, iGEM Teams","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
    • Plan an event for mini igem
    • Invite other teams
    • Create presentations for mini igem
    • Present and get feedback
    ,Qualitative,informal feedback from participants,,"The team found that hosting and attending this event was an invaluable opportunity and helped us better prepare for the iGEM competition, with sufficient time to make changes.",,"The 2017 UAlberta iGEM team had the pleasure of hosting aGEM, a mini iGEM for Alberta collegiate and high school teams. ",,, 1892,UAlberta,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Archbishop Macdonald High School presentation,Presentation (General),,,"Education Activity, Just Project No Product",Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Picked a school to visit
    • Promoted synthetic biology
    • Had discussions on synthetic biology with the students
    ,Qualitative,observations of participants,,,,"In order to introduce high school students to the field of synthetic biology, the team hosted an educational presentation at a local high school.",,, 1893,Mingdao,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Experts,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a> (under ""Expert Consultations,"" ""Fitness Coach,"" ""Record."")","This is a record of the conversation the team had with Coach Wei Qian-Fu, a fitness coach.",Interview,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
    • Identify people who have important insight that could help your project.
    • Organize a meeting and ask relevant questions.
    ,Qualitative,"<a href=""""></a> (under Consult Experts, Fitness Coach, Record).",3,"""We can get a conclusion that diabetes is surely a thorny chronic disease that we should be cautious of.""

    ""In sum, this interview has surprised us - even ordinary things such as breathing has variations, but also let us learn a lot about regulating daily nutritions. Before finishing, he also suggested us to consult to the nutritionist, assuming that we might receive a different response. However, the two experts made similar proposals in the end, showing us the part our work needs to improve."" ""After this interview, we found that the point of discussion nutritionist and fitness coach stand are similar in many ways : for instance, going on diet should not be excessive, controlling food and drink is important. These are complementary to what we want to do. This interview also let us adjust our project in order to support the public in pursue of a healthy and better life.""",,The team interviewed people with knowledge relevant to their project.,,,

    1894,Mingdao,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,S&T Month,"Community Event, Open Lab, Educational Material",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Create events that incorporate both lecture-style learning and hands-on experiments.
    • Incorporate these in tech or science events/camps.
    ,,,,The team was happy to find great interest in molecular biology and iGEM.,,The team participated in a tech festival in which they taught basic molecular biology skills and lectured.,,, 1895,Mingdao,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Elementary School Presentation ,"Presentation (General), Educational Material",,,Just Project No Product,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Plan a game relating to synthetic biology.
    • Visit an elementary school and present it as well as basic information about DNA.
    ,,,,The team had a lot of fun sharing their passion with kids.,,The team visited an elementary school and had them engage in a game relating to synthetic biology. The students were spilt into groups and had fake money to invest in genetic engineering. The team also explained the relationship between DNA and genes.,,, 1896,Mingdao,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Drink Sampling,"Community Event, Survey",,,Just Project No Product,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
    • Decide what type of information from the general public you need.
    • Design a survey/activity to gain this information.
    ,Quantitative,Significantly more people enjoyed the sugary drinks.,,The team felt it was a successful way to bring awareness to their project an synthetic biology while getting important information. They felt it was creative and enjoyable.,,The team offered participants a sugary and a sugar-free drink and had them rate which one they like better. They also had some games to attract people and to enable the team to explain the project.,,, 1897,Mingdao,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Poll,Survey,,,Just Project No Product,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
    • Survey people on their opinions on your project.
    ,,,about 100 people,,,The team went into the community to seek opinions on their project.,,, 1898,Mingdao,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,FDA,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives","<a href=""""></a> (Under FDA, FDA [Record]) ",This is an interview with a representative of the FDA about GMO foods.,Interview,Legislators,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Identify organizations that regulate your area of interest.
    • Meet with them to learn more about the area and ensure you are complying with regulations.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"Some advice included:

    ""You would do well to use E. coli without a plasmid. Make sure whether E. coli is able to survive in the intestine. Remain balanced nutrients when growing lactobacillus instead of just adding sugar. """,,"""After Doctor Zhu’s detailed introduction, we found that it seems too late for us to know what FIRDI is. We solved the difficulties we faced in our experiment in the end, but if we had discussed with Doctor Zhu earlier, the progress of our experiment might have been faster and more efficient. Thanks to this interview, we realized our insufficient, knowing we still have a lot to improve as well. Here, we appreciate all the instructions Doctor Zhu gave us and professor Chen for recommending us visit FIRDI.""",,The team visited the FDA to learn about regulations on GMO food.,,,

    1899,Mingdao,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Survey on Sugar Intake and Product Design,Survey,,,Just Project No Product,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
    • Select questions to ask the public to gauge their thoughts on your project.
    ,Quantitative,"<a href=""""></a> (under Public Survey)",900,The team found that the public would prefer their genetically engineered product to exercising. ,,The team surveyed the public on their sugar intake and how they feel about genetically engineered bacteria eating away the excess sugar.,,, 1900,SCU_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,"Consulting Experts at the Sleep Medical Center, West China Hospital",Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Professors, Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
    • Team traveled to the the Sleep Medical center at West China Hospital to answer the question ""to what extant would melatonin influence sleep""
    • Team talked to Professor Tang Xiangdon and his postdoc Doctor Zhang Ye from the sleep center
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Learned from Doctor Zhang about the short half-life of melatonin, along with patient tolerance and addition. Also learned how to optimize project by using a safer bacterial strain, and to consider using melatonin expression and sleep associated neural circuits.",2,"Team was invited to the fourth China Sleep Research Association Youth Academic Forum and Sichuan Medical Association Sixth Session of Sleep Medicine academic conference. After attending the team learned a lot about recent melatonin research, and gained insight on their own iGEM project.",,Team interviewed several experts from a sleep focused medical center regarding melatonin use.,,,

    1901,Lethbridge,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,aGEM Competition,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Conference/Panel Discussion",,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project, Networking",1) Attend a competition and present an iGEM project for feedback.</ul>,Integrated Human Practices,"Lethbridge iGEM was acknowledged for their biosecurity work and awarded Best Stewardship, in addition to receiving a $4000 travel award.",,The aGEM event gave Lethbridge iGEM an opportunity to receive feedback and practice presenting their project.,,"Lethbridge iGEM competed at the Alberta Genetically Engineered Machine (aGEM) competition, where they received feedback from judges.",,,

    1902,SCU_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Community Class to Teach About Sleep,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team organized a community class for children to teach about quality of sleep
    • Team stressed the importance of sleep, and informed them on the best time to sleep and the proper length of sleep
    • Ran activities with the kids including having a group discussion on sleep length. Another activity was similar to musical chairs as it had the children sit down at chairs when a student said ""10 oclock"", and a third activity involved teaching students about rapid eye movement and dreams. The last activity included letting the children make a clock out of cardboard.
    ",Qualitative,,,"Class attracted many children and parents, and team believes to have made an impact on both.",,Team organized a community class for children to introduce the iGEM team and knowledge about sleep.,,, 1903,Utrecht,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Stakeholders and opinions,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives","<a href=""""></a>",In this video they show a summary of the journey they made to get to the end users. ,Video of Activity,"Scientific Community, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Find individuals that can be interviewed and would be helpful for the project
    • Interview these individuals and try to gain information for your project
    • Implement the information you gain
    ,Qualitative,interviews,11 different experts (including various professors) ,,,"The team wanted to find the most suitable end users and focus our design on their needs and restrictions and to achieve this goal, they interviewed multiple professionals from different backgrounds. ",,,

    1904,Lethbridge,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,5th Annual Brick-by-Brick Charity Dinner and Silent Auction,"Community Event, Fundraiser",,,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","1) Host an event to raise awareness and fundraise for local charities. 2) At the event, present iGEM project.</ul>",Quantitative,Lethbridge iGEM raised $2800 for the Interfaith Food Bank Society of Lethbridge.,,,,Lethbridge iGEM hosted their 5th Annual Brick-by-Brick Charity Dinner and Silent Auction to raise awareness for local charities.,,,

    1905,SCU_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Library Exhibition,"Community Event, Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Learn Public Opinions, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team got in contact with three other iGEM teams including SCU_WestChina, TMMU_China, and UESTC_China, to make an exhibition together about transgenic technology at the Chengdu Library, a leading city center library
    • Topic of ""genetic modification and health"" was the theme, and four parts were created, including ""disease treatment, biopharmaceuticals, disease detection, and environmental management""
    • Exhibition lasted 7 days, and leaflets and small gifts were distributed outside the library.
    ",,,,"According to the team, if they hadn't cooperated with eachother, the other iGEM teams, the exhibition would not have succeeded. Team believes to have done a good job making public understand transgenic technology. ",,"Along with three other iGEM teams, SCU_China created an exhibition in a public library to teach the general public about genetic modification and health.",,, 1906,Mingdao,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Mingdao Voice,Consult Representatives,"<a href=""""></a> (under Forum Mingdao Voice, discussion) ",Some comments from members of discussion club. ,Interview,Secondary School Students,"Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Identify a club at your school that discusses ethics.
    • Gain their opinions on your project.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,The club did not like the idea of putting GMO bacteria in the gut to process sugar.,,The team reevaluated their project slightly. ,,"The team discussed their project with a ""thinking and discussing"" club to reach out to the humanities fields. ",,,

    1907,Lethbridge,Overgraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,University of Lethbridge Shine On Summer Festival,"Community Event, Fair Booth",,,Just Project No Product,"Secondary School Students, University Students, General Public, Vendors/Businesses","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Learn Public Opinions, Present iGEM Project, Networking","1) Engage the public at a local festival. Gauge public opinions on the iGEM project, discuss aspects that could be controversial. 2) Network with businesses present. Lethbridge iGEM networked with Amino Biolabs.</ul>",Qualitative,Lethbridge iGEM sensed a great amount of public interest and community support for their project. People seemed to accept their project despite possibly controversial aspects of genetic engineering. Lethbridge iGEM discussed these aspects to address the problem.,,,,Lethbridge iGEM spoke to the public and networked at the University of Lethbridge Shine On Summer Festival.,,,

    1908,US_AFRL_CarrollHS,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Instructing the public,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
    • Develop presentation describing fundamental genetics, the purpose of iGEM, and a synopsis of project in order to educate local junior high students
    • Speak at local middle schools
    • Create high school lesson plan so that teachers can instruct their students on the basics of synthetic biology and its modern day applications
    ",,,,,,"Developed a presentation describing fundamental genetics, the purpose of iGEM, and a synopsis of project order to educate local junior high students",,,

    1909,US_AFRL_CarrollHS,High School,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Brochure,Just Product,"<a href=""Microsoft_Word_-_Synthetic_Bio_Brochure.jpeg"">Microsoft_Word_-_Synthetic_Bio_Brochure.jpeg</a>",Brochure about what iGEM is and why team is doing project,,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",</ul>,,,,,,,,,

    1910,Mingdao,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,Visit to Pharmaceutical Company,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Coordinate a visit with a business related to your project.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"""We should choose the lactobacillus which is low colonization rate, thus we do not need to add suicide circuit to our lactobacillus.

    It is important that choosing the good food additions for lactobacillus. We need to make sure that our product is acid proof but will melt in our intestine.""",,"""After having discussion with the CHUNG MEI’s CEO Mr. Lin, we thought that is too hard to model our product. Therefore, we will not temporally take modeling into consideration. Furthermore, they also gave us some useful ideas.""",,The team spoke with a pharmaceutical company's CEO for ideas about production and modeling. ,,,

    1911,Peking,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Industry Visit,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Visit synthetic biology companies with questions on planning and on your project.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"""Dr. Yin suggested two ideas. The first is an automatic cell factory that can repress redundant metabolism pathways and shift to production once proliferation is completed. This procedure has the possibility to be triggered by the cell’s internal control circuits, in the absence of outside control. This is of central concern to BluePHA. He also suggested engineering cell cycles to let normal bacteria adapt to harsh environments, which need pollution abatement or environmental improvement. ""

    ""Dr. Jiang Hao suggested that we can incorporate deterministic model for prediction of sequence candidate performance during screening. Stochastic simulation can be used only in visualization of detailed sequence behavior. """,,"""The talk inspired us a lot for how to convert our project into an application, especially in modeling and designing.""",,The team visited SynBio Tech and Bluepha with some questions on the project development process.,,,

    1912,Peking,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interdisciplinary Communication,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a> ",The team created a handbook for synthetic biologists that clarifies relevant electrical engineering principles.,Tool for iGEM Teams,"iGEM Teams, Professors, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology",
    • Speak with experts in different fields.
    • Create a handbook to bridge the gap between related fields.
    • Give a presentation to students in a related field (like electrical engineering) about synthetic biology and iGEM.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"Some takeaways from the synthetic biologist Dr. Wei include: ""A good researcher should always be open-minded. Although we designed our project from the viewpoint of engineering, we can still consider applying the idea to fundamental research topics such as cellular differentiation on a population level. Never restrict our sight only to the purely technical side. We can demonstrate the periodical changes generated by Repressilator through continual observing of colonies.""

    ",,"After speaking with the synthetic biologist and the electrical engineer, it was clear that they were each lacking understanding of the other field. This is why the team decided to create a handbook to bridge the gap between synthetic biology and electrical engineering. ",,The team spoke with a synthetic biologist and an electrical engineer ,,,

    1913,Peking,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,SynBioWiki,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a>",A synthetic biology encyclopedia that includes some social networking functions. This was created by the team and they hope that other iGEM teams and synthetic biologists will contribute to the website. The team also made a manual for using the encyclopedia. ,"Hardware, Tool for iGEM Teams, Other","iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Create an encyclopedia on synthetic biology or another topic.
    • Publicize it on your team's social media and wiki.
    ,,,,,,The team created a synthetic biology online encyclopedia.,,,

    1914,Peking,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,"Game: ""Beat it in Sequence!""","Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a> ","The team created a web game in which:

    ""The player can control a drum set. In every time unit a set of drums can be activated.

    The drumbeats are meaningless and noisy until they are arranged in proper sequence to form a certain pattern of rhythm.""","Education Activity, Other",General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Create a fun game relating to an aspect of your project.
    • Publicize it to increase public understanding of your subject.
    ,,,,,,The team developed a game based on sequential logic and shared it with the public.,,, 1915,Peking,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Education,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Visit local middle schools to teach about synthetic biology.
    • Invite middle schoolers into your lab to
    ,,,,,,The team helped teach about biotechnology at a local middle school and also opened up their lab so that students could see ongoing projects.,,, 1916,Utrecht ,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Outreach,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>","This link includes 4 different videos that they made in collaboration with ‘de Kennis van Nu’, a well-known national TV program and internet platform that brings different scientific themes to the general public in an understandable way.",Video of Activity,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Pick topics relevant to your project
    • Create videos on the topics
    ,Qualitative,informal feedback from participants,,"The team said that the video aim to make science accessible to everyone, old and young, and encourage everyone to be curious and bring out the scientist in themselves! ",,"With their project, the team is not only aiming to make a difference by creating a diagnostic tool, but also to reach out to the public to create awareness and make science accessible for everyone.",,,

    1917,USTC-Software ,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Science and Technology Week,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",Pictures of the event are included in the link,Other,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",</ul>,Qualitative,observation of participants,,The team offered visitors a feast of biological knowledge.,,"Science and Technology Week is an on-campus annually celebration of science, technology, and engineering involving different colleges students in USTC conducting various science-based activities. ",,,

    1918,USTC-Software,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Science and Technology Exhibition,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to pictures from the event.,"Education Activity, Other","Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Organize an event for the public to attend
    • Prepare activities for the event
    • Event the public by advertising the event
    ,Qualitative,observations of participants,thousands of citizens ,The team prepared several games so that they could learn knowledge while having fun.,,"The team held a Synthetic Biology exhibition in Hefei science museum, which is the largest off-campus science class.",,, 1919,USTC-Software,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Asia-Pacific Conference in Taiwan,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,Just Project No Product,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
    • Find a conference to attend
    • Present your project
    • Get advice and feedback and make your project better
    ,Qualitative,informal feedback from participants,20 iGEM teams,"In this way, they received useful feedbacks and technology-improvement suggestions from students and professors of other teams.",,We attended International Genetically Engineered Machine Conference held by National Chiao Tung University from July 31st to August 4th 2017.,,, 1920,USTC-Software,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Software Promotion,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,Just Project No Product,University Students,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Create a software
    • Find people to test it
    • Have the people give feedback after testing
    ,Qualitative,informal feedback from participants,,"After they had used this software for a while, most of them reported that it was quite useful.",,They packed up an alpha version of the software and distributed it to schoolmates whose were biology majors and could test the software.,,, 1921,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit Poultry Association of ROC,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Advice,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Went to National Poultry Association of ROC
    • Ask questions about aflatoxin
    ,Integrated Human Practices,1. Methods used to prevent aflatoxin 2. Strong demand of quality feed from farmers,N/A,N/A,,"Visited the Poultry Association of ROC and meet with Chief Secretary, Chein-Pei Wang",,, 1922,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Charoen Pokphand Enterprise,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",N/A,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with Mr. Kun-Yu Lin
    • Ask questions about aflatoxin in animal feed
    ,Qualitative,1. human only have limited methods to detect and eliminate aflatoxin 2. need to reduce cost and time to analyse and degrade aflatoxin,N/A,N/A,,Visited Charoen Pokphand Enterprise and meet with Dr. Kun-yu Lin,,,

    1923,TECHNION-ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Science and Religion Conference,"Community Event, Conference/Panel Discussion, Speaker Series",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"1) Host a conference for religious high school girls. Israel Technion iGEM hosted their conference for Orthodox Nationalists and “Bnei Menashe” communities in particular. Both communities emphasize family values, and Israel Technion iGEM wanted to show that women can prioritize their families while pursuing a career in STEM. To reach these communities, Israel Technion iGEM printed a large ad and contacted high schools directly. They arranged transportation for the girls, as well. 2) Invite impressive orthodox women scientists to speak about their experience. 3) Present iGEM project at the end of the conference. Present simply, so attendees can fundamentally understand the project.</ul>",Qualitative,"During the evening, the girls cooperated with the speakers, asked questions, expressed interest in the sciences and were generally fascinated. The girls said that the conference was very interesting, that they learned many new things, and that many of their preconceived notions were altered. In the end, they thanked Israel Technion for the unique opportunity to hear about academic studies in STEM fields and inquired about how they might pursue acceptance into the Technion.","Three leading orthodox female scientists from the Technion, as well as two additional speakers, spoke at the conference. Girls from multiple high schools attended.","""When a high-school student says she wants to consult with you regarding her future, and consider a direction that she did not in the past have the courage to pursue, you know you have done something small, but significant, in this world.""",,Israel Technion iGEM hosted a conference to show how women can succeed both in STEM careers and in family life.,,,

    1924,Tec-Chihuahua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Creation of an Official Mexican Norm,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives","<a href=""""></a>",The team created a policy that establishes a biosecure protocol and recommendations for genetic transformation.,"Paper on Safety, Policy","Legislators, Specialized Audience","Discuss Ethics and Safety, Policy Outreach",
    • Speak with people who might have valuable opinions on genetic engineering's application.
    • Research existing policy on genetic engineering.
    • Create a policy where the existing one is lacking.
    ,,,,The team recognized that creating this policy wasn't enough. They still must ensure that their project follows existing guidelines.,,The team spoke to farmers and looked at existing Mexican laws regarding genetic engineering. They determined that they wanted to create a piece of legislation that specifically outlined guidelines for genetic engineering.,,, 1925,Valencia_UPV,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,University level,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>","After exposing an initial proposal of the project, the team organized an activity in which fine arts students should present a graphic design proposal about the project, fusing SynBio and fine arts.",Other,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Find students interested in art
    • Talk to them about synthetic biology
    • Do an activity that combines both art and synthetic biology
    ,Qualitative,observations of participants,15,"Amazing posters were designed, and several students focused their attention on this project joining as full-time students to participate in the amazing iGEM experience.",,The team decided to transmit to university students with different profiles what SynBio is about and how iGEM contributes in our society progress.,,,

    1926,Tec-Chihuahua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to government agency,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Legislators,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",</ul>,,,,"""When we presented SAGARPA our NOM the first thing they told us is that they thought it was great to create a particular protocol that everyone had to follow to perform genetic modifications to risk two microorganisms. But they told us that we were only contemplating a lab protocol and leaving behind another kind of criteria that the scientific community in Mexico should take into account when performing genetic transformations that could have an impact on the environment and general health. We were asked about the ethical aspect of our project.""",,The team visited a government regulatory agency and received advice on their project.,,, 1927,TECHNION-ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Shefa-'Amr Tolerance Video,"Educational Material, Social Media","<a href=""""></a>","Technion-Israel iGEM filmed Shefa-'Amr, the hometown of one of their team members, to show that tolerance between multiple religious groups is possible.",Other,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,"1) Make a video about a social issue. Technion-Israel iGEM chose the issue of religious tolerance since their iGEM project focuses on immune tolerance. 2) Find a location that exemplifies a certain value. Technion-Israel iGEM filmed the town of Shefa-'Amr, where religious communities including Muslims, Christians, and Jews coexist peacefully. This town was especially significant to them because it is the hometown of one of their team members. 3) Invest in high-quality equipment and drones to film. 4) Share the video online through social media.</ul>",,,"The video has over 17,000 views.",,,"To complement their immune tolerance project, Technion Israel filmed the town of Shefa-'Amr to spread hope for religious tolerance.",,,

    1928,Tec-Chihuahua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Bioethical Committee Proposal,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a> (under Bioethical Committee Proposal).",The team created a proposal for a bioethical committee to directly address bioethical concerns.,Policy,Legislators,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Policy Outreach",
    • Visit a government agency to discuss your project or proposed policy.
    • Take the advice of the government agency when they suggest changing parts of your proposed policy.
    ,,,,The bioethics proposal was added after government concern that the proposed policy the team created focused too much on lab and not enough on society.,,,,, 1929,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Listen to the needs of the pig farmers,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",N/A,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with Mr. Wen-Tung Wang
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"1. Current test kits for aflatoxin are to complicated for farmers to use 2. Try to prove that our antidotes are more efficient, affordable and safe.",N/A,N/A,,Meet with Mr. Wen-Tung Wang and gained info about current situation in farming regarding aflatoxin-contaminated feed,,,

    1930,TECHNION-ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Self Tolerance at Beit Hagalgalim (House of Wheels),"Community Event, Educational Material",,"Each child received a board with nine slots. In the slots, they placed cards with positive character traits that they felt described themselves. At the end of the activity, the cards were collected into a booklet that would remind the child of their positive qualities. Afterward, the group shared their feelings, aspirations, and ways of coping with daily difficulties. Children could mark their board with an ""x"" if they spoke up (like in bingo), which encouraged them to share their feelings.",Education Activity,"Primary School Students, Specialized Audience",Activism for iGEM Project,"1) Contact a local association for children with disabilities. 2) Organize an activity that will promote tolerance and self-acceptance among the children, who face the adversity of being ""different"" every day. Technion-Israel iGEM created a game that allowed the children to reflect on their positive qualities and discuss their feelings.</ul>",Qualitative,"The children cooperated amazingly and shared their feelings, aspirations, and ways of coping with daily difficulties. For example, one of the kids shared that his biggest wish was to be able to walk alone. Another kid said he wished to learn how to take a shower by himself. The little children gave each other tips on how to cope and what can they do to make their dreams come true.","Technion-Israel worked with Beit Hagalgalim, one association for children with mental and physical disabilities.",,,"To complement their immune tolerance iGEM project, Technion-Israel iGEM taught self-tolerance at Beit Hagalgalim, an association for children with mental and physical disabilities.",,,

    1931,SHSBNU_China,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Short Science Fiction Story about Synthetic Biology,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Short science fiction story written by the team captain about an genetically modified archaea that destroys the earth.,Other,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,"
    • Team captain published a science fiction short story on Zhihu, the biggest knowledge network in China
    • Story describes a synthetic biologist who accidentally releases a modified archaea that absorbs sunlight to synthesis sugar and protein and quickly breaks down other organisms, plastic, and metal.
    ",,,Over 200 ,Team hopes that the dramatized story will attract people's interest in synthetic biology and willingness to learn about it. ,,,,, 1932,Tec-Chihuahua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Policy on Chromosomal Insertion and Risk to Organisms,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a> (partway down the page)",A proposal of policy regarding usage of CRISPR-Cas9.,Policy,Legislators,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Policy Outreach","
    • Meet with government officials to discuss ethics and regulations on your project.
    • Where policy is lacking, create your own policy.
    ",,,,The government agency they met with suggested several aspects which they added to their policy and encouraged the team greatly.,,"After talking to government officials, the team decided to create a second Official Mexican Norm proposal regarding CRISPR-Cas9.",,,

    1933,TECHNION-ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Run for Tolerance,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",Technion-Israel iGEM uploaded all the photos from their run onto social media.,Blog,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,"1) Organize a run for tolerance, a run where people can come together to celebrate respect and acceptance for each other. 2) Collaborate with with the municipality, police, fire fighters, and paramedics, who can contribute a lot to the success, and safety, of the run. 3) Warm up and keep morale high with music. 4) Take pictures and post to social media. Make a cutout or prop that people can pose with.</ul>",Qualitative,,"""Dozens of citizens from all over the country came to support this virtue [tolerance] and take part in raising awareness for tolerance""","""The event was very successful and fulfilled its main goal: To unite people from different backgrounds under a single roof. The universal roof of tolerance.""",,"In order to raise awareness for the virtue of tolerance, Technion-Israel iGEM decided to organize a public run in which people could come together for a common cause, without boundaries distinguishing them from one another, while showing respect and acceptance for each other.",,,

    1934,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit Milk House,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",N/A,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with Mr. Chien-Chia Lung
    ,Integrated Human Practices,Insights. 1. diary farming habits and procedure in Taiwan 2. there's no regular aflatoxin test in general process in dairy farm 3. should collaborate with farms to investigate these issues as a further work.,N/A,N/A,,"Meet with Mr. Chien Chia Kung, veterinary surgeon, co-founder and CEO of Milk House",,, 1935,Valenica_UPV,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Design Factory Global Network,Fair Booth,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to the pamphlet that they shared at the fair booth. ,Other,"University Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Hold a festival to allow for an exhibition
    • Explain your project at the exhibition
    • Promote synthetic biology
    • Invite the community
    ,Qualitative,observations of participants,,Both project and SynBio field caused great expectation among members of whole university community. We were delighted to answer all the doubts that they had and we attended all their suggestions.,,"As part of the UPV Welcome Fest, a Design Factory Exhibition was organized with the aim of explain all the innovative projects that university teams undertake during the year.",,, 1936,SHSBNU_China,High School,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Experts at the Hospital,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • For a better understanding of current detection method of intestinal inflammation and to improve the project, two team members went to the clinical laboratory of Navy General Hospital
    • Team talked to Mr. Hao, the director of the laboratory, for suggestions on improvements.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Learned through Mr. Hao that there is a new gut detecting method similar to taking an X-ray image, but the technology is still developing and it is expensive, and thus a noninvasive, cheaper test is necessary. Team was also advised to add iron granules inside detection capsule for faster detection.",1,,,Team traveled to the clinical laboratory of Navy General Hospital and interviewed several experts for feedback on their iGEM project.,,, 1937,SHSBNU_China,High School,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Club,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project, Recruit iGEM members","
    • Team created a Synthetic Biology Club at their high school
    • Attendees were taught basic lab techniques such as restriction digests, PCR, pipetting, and centrifuging, along with concepts such as the function of the DNA polymerase
    • Team also presented own iGEM project and helped encourage students to consider joining their future team.
    ",,,,"For the future, team plans to teach basic knowledge to all club members as soon as possible and focus on the next year's iGEM project.",,Team created a synthetic biology club to teach classmates about synthetic biology and introduce the iGEM program.,,, 1938,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,GFHPP Forum,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",N/A,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Attend the GFHPP Forum.
    • Talk to numerous official, academicians and industry professionals
    ",Integrated Human Practices,Conversations.,N/A,N/A,,Attended a conference on fermentation industry held by the GRAS Food Grade Heterologous Protein Production Platform. ,,, 1939,Valenica_UPV,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Praktikum UPV,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Find a community event to attend
    • Prepare what to talk about in terms of synthetic biology
    • Speak at the conference
    ,Qualitative,Informal feedback from participants,,High School students will play an important role in improving and strengthening the future society.,,"As SynBio knowledge needs to be spread across both undergraduates and High School students, we took part in the Praktikum UPV 2017. ",,, 1940,Tec-Chihuahua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Erwinions' Public Policy,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",The team created a public policy to enable their product to be widely used.,Policy,Legislators,"Policy Outreach, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Figure out how to optimize accessibility of your project.
    • Create a proposed policy that would enable this.
    ,,,,The team made sure that their policy proposal would align with all Mexican laws.,,,,, 1941,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,,Sinphar group,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",N/A,Just Project No Product,"iGEM Teams, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • visit Sinphar Group
    • present iGEM project
    ,Integrated Human Practices,Information 1. Transform enzyme into a health supplement in to future. 2. Safety issue is the first consideration 2. Change the design from a disposable kit to a recyclable kit,N/A,N/A,,"Presented AFLATOXOUT project to the R&D team of Sinphar Group, one of the largest pharmaceutical company in Taiwan.",,, 1942,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,,Visit Food Industry Research and Development Institute,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",Finalize decision on using yeast as host organism,,"iGEM Teams, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Visit FIRDI
    • Present iGEM project and wait for feedback
    ,Integrated Human Practices,N/A,N/A,N/A,,,,,

    1943,TECHNION-ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Science in the Socioeconomic Periphery: Havayeda,"Community Event, Teaching Activity","<a href=""""></a>","The educational activity titled ""A journey into the immune system"" consisted of four parts: an introductory play about the immune system, an immunology quiz game, a demonstration of phagocytosis, and the creation of an antigen-antibody craft project. Technion-Israel iGEM posted instructions for and videos of their activities on their wiki.",Education Activity Protocol,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, Teachers, General Public","Activism for iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","1) Contact a community science center to host an educational activity at. 2) Have children reenact an immune response to a cut. Technion-Israel iGEM posted their screenplay, where the children act as parts of the immune system, on their wiki. 3) Quiz the children on their knowledge of the immune system by asking them to match words with pictures. For example, the word ""antibody"" appeared on a card and had to be matched with the picture of an antibody on the board. 4) Demonstrate phagocytosis with a small magnet that disappears into magnetic slime. Technion-Israel iGEM posted ""ingredients"" for said slime and a video of this event on their wiki. 5) Conduct a creative crafts activity that illustrates the mechanism of antibody-antigen binding. Magnets can be used to demonstrate said binding. Videos and components for the craft kit are available through a hyperlink on the ""Science in the socioeconomic periphery"" wiki page. 6) Prepare necessary equipment and instruct resident employees at the center so that they may continue running this program after the iGEM team leaves.</ul>",Qualitative,"The children enjoyed acting in the immunology show and identified with the characters. As well, they found the magnet-slime phagocytosis demonstration very exciting. Technion-Israel iGEM received many enthusiastic responses from both children and their parents. Ayelet Bartov, the director of the 'Havayeda' center, was so impressed that she decided to add the team's educational program to the activity schedule for the rest of the summer. Technion-Israel iGEM prepared the necessary equipment and instructed the centers' resident employees so that they could continue running the program independently.",,,,"Technion-Israel iGEM taught about the immune system at Havayeda, a community science center that aims to make science accessible to children who, due to geographical or economic difficulties, lack exposure and access to science education.",,, 1944,TECHNION-ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Tolerance Photo Challenge,"Community Event, Social Media","<a href=""""></a>",Technion-Israel iGEM posted all the challenge photos on both their Facebook and their Instagram.,Blog,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,"1) Ask people from different cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, and nationalities to take pictures with a ""Tolerance"" sign and share them on social media. All the pictures were uploaded with the hashtag: #tolerance_challenge. 2) Compile photos and post them on iGEM social media pages.</ul>",,,,"""In summation, our campaign was very successful. We received pictures from across the globe and positive feedback from all our followers. We hope that this challenge has inspired our followers to share and spread our vision of tolerance.""",,"To complement their immune tolerance iGEM project, Technion-Israel iGEM initiated a social media challenge: they asked people from different cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, and nationalities to take pictures with a ""Tolerance"" sign and share them on social media. ",,,

    1945,Wageningen,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Erwan Piriou,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with Professor
    • Gain advice from Professor
    • Incorporate feedback from Professor into project
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"Dr. Erwan Piriou has expertise in international and humanitarian medicine, clinical immunology and infectious diseases. He discussed with us the bottlenecks in current diagnostics. Most were in line with previous conversations. However, he mentioned funding could be a big problem as obtaining funding for diagnostics is not centralized and developers can make only a small profit.

    The advantage of our test is the modularity. He believes the prototype is easy to use and requires minimal training.

    ",1 professor,Meeting helped guide project,,Met with Dr. Erwan Piriou,,,

    1946,Valenica_UPV,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,The Escape Lab,Educational Material,,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Find a team to collaborate with
    • Figure out an activity that you can do together
    ,Qualitative,observations of participants,20,Everyone enjoyed and learned a lot of new concepts about Synthetic Biology.,,"In collaboration with Paris Bettencourt iGEM Team, the team performed a pedagogical game in order to incite to debate about pros, cons and issues of several scientific issues.",,, 1947,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Tatiana Mingote Ferreira de Azara,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with knowledgeable person
    • Gain knowledge from said person
    • Use knowledge to make project better.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"Via iGEM USP-Brazil, we got the opinions of dr. Tatiana Mingote from the Brazilian Ministry of Health. According to her, the Brazilian government faces lots of issues dealing with infectious diseases. The main bottleneck of diagnostic tests is not the costs but the limited production capacity. Moreover, the reliability of current diagnostic field tests is insufficient. Also, the Brazilian government does not recommend the use of current vaccines. Lastly, the fight against mosquitoes is difficult because of the bad water distribution system and the rainy seasons.

    ",1 professor,Incorporated feedback to improve project.,,"Met with Dr. Tatiana Mingote Ferreira de Azara ",,,

    1948,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Meeting with Dr. Henk van den Belt,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with expert
    • Extract information from expert
    • Utilise information.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"We discussed this techno-moral scenario with dr. Henk van den Belt. While the current patent-based market has its flaws, it doesn’t seem likely that there will be a major change soon. Money is a major driver of innovation and by using patents companies can protect their claim. Furthermore it seems unlikely that an open source based market could be installed or effectively sustain itself alongside a patent-based market.

    ",1 professor consulted,Information from professor helped guide the project.,,"Met with Dr. Henk van den Belt ",,,

    1949,SHSBNU_China,High School,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Gut Inflammation Questionnaire ,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>","Team conducted a survey regarding people's diets, opinions on probiotic treatments, and methods used in inflammation testing. ",Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
    • Team conducted a survey both online via webchat and an off-line paper survey
    • Survey consisted of questions regarding demographics, taste preference, gut healthiness, gut inflammation, hospital visits regarding gut inflammation, and genetically engineered probiotic treatments,
    ",,,467,,,,,, 1950,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Quantified Self,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""T--Wageningen_UR--Engagement_QS.jpg"">T--Wageningen_UR--Engagement_QS.jpg</a>",Poster made by students describing what the team's project is,Other,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
    • Teach students
    ,Qualitative,Students learned a lot,not listed,"We educated Nutrition and Health Science students of Wageningen University & Research that were attending the specialization course ‘Quantified Self: Monitoring Dietary Behaviour’ on our project. After a visit and interview they made some suggestions on how Mantis can be improved to fulfill the QS requirements:

    Mantis can be connected to GPS or internet for large scale data collection (Big Data) Mantis can be extended to measure several things simultaneously ",,We collaborated with Wageningen University & Research students following the course “Quantified Self: Monitoring Dietary Behaviour”,,,

    1951,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,National Biology Olympiad,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",How the team incorporated biosafety concerns form students into their project.,Blog,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Tell students about syn bio and project
    • Ask them what concerns and safety consideration they have about project
    ,Qualitative,"The greatest advantages of synthetic biology they discussed can be summarized into four main categories:

    The opportunity to improve food production. For example, increasing yield by resistance introduction, drought-resistant crops, and more sustainable production. Production and development of medicines. Both developments of novel, better and cheaper medicines were mentioned, as well as better diagnostics. General, non-specific improvements in current and new industrial processes; faster, easier, more efficient, and economically favorable. Reduced impact on climate, by using synthetic biology for protection of the environment, protect threatened animal species, and improvement of sustainability. However, there were also some concerns, both personal as well as on how they think the wider public will react on synthetic biology. These can be summarized into three categories:

    Safety By mutations or combinations of different genes, hazardous microorganisms can be created or formed, like bioweapons, superorganisms, antibiotic resistant bacteria etc. Fear of possible dangers of the end-product made via a GMO-production process. Lot of uncertainties and misunderstandings about safety of GMO-products. Ethics Ethical issues on modification of organisms and transferring genetic material of one species to another. Religion-related ethical issues: interfering with God’s creations. Hard to set boundaries in genetic modification; are we going to modify people in the future? GMO-products are considered artificial/unnatural. Biocontainment The possible negative effect on an ecosystem and lowering biodiversity when GMOs are introduced in nature. Next, the students were informed about our project; making a modular diagnostic kit against tropical diseases. They were stimulated to think about possible problems this can bring into a community where it is applied. Their opinions can be summarized into:

    Availability of treatments. After diagnosis, sufficient medicines should be available to treat the diagnosed people. If treatment is not available, resources are insufficient, or the people cannot afford treatment, a diagnosis will not improve the quality of life for these people. Overpopulation in those areas. Lower mortality rate by good diagnostics can result in overpopulation, and possibly more hunger and unemployment problems. A prerequisite that was proposed by several students was sufficient education about the kit itself, and the consequences for one’s life after diagnosis is confirmed.

    Finally, the success rate of this diagnostic kit in third-world countries was compared to western countries (The Netherlands) by asking the opinion of the students. Fifty percent believed that the use would be more accepted in The Netherlands because the Dutch population has a higher education level and would understand the purpose and the action of this kit and are thus more open to it. Here, people can afford health care and are used to novel techniques. About 30% believed that the use of this kit would be less accepted in The Netherlands because people are more aware of the dangers of GMO’s. Moreover, the health care in The Netherlands is satisfactory as it is. The other students were indecisive or thought there would not be a difference in acceptance levels.

    When such a diagnostic kit would be available in The Netherlands, the ideal antigens to be detected according to the students are cancer and STDs. Moreover, Mono, HIV and Hepatitis B were mentioned, as well as tropical diseases for travelers.

    ",4 students?,Biosafety concerns raised were incorporated into the project and were thoroughly considered throughout the project.,,"We contributed to the NBO by educating the students about DNA techniques and the field of synthetic biology. A summary video of the whole NBO can be found here. ",,,

    1952,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,RIVM Kennisparade,"Community Event, Presentation (General)","<a href=""""></a> ",comic used to share details of project with the general public.,Other,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Present project to the general public.
    • Interact with families and teach them more about synthetic biology.
    ,Qualitative,"The children liked the colorful comic and postcards, and while they performed some childproof science experiments, the parents wandered around our stand.",A lot,"The public, which consisted mostly of children and their parents, could attend multiple workshops and presentations organized by the institute. We had a stand where we could put our project on display. By making a comic on biosafety, we educated children on the safety aspects that come with the use of GMOs. Moreover, we presented our project using our poster and distributed the postcards of the iGEM postcard collaboration. The children liked the colorful comic and postcards, and while they performed some childproof science experiments, the parents wandered around our stand. The families could take both postcards and comics home, to read them further and think more about the issues we presented",,Presented research to the general public at the RIVM Kennisparade weekend of science.,,, 1953,SCUT-FSE-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, None",Integrated Human Practices,Consulting CEO of BluePHA Biotechnology Corporation,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team presented iGEM project to the CEO of BluePHA, Li Teng, and asked for feedback
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Team was advised to consider contamination problems that could arise from lab scale to full production scale, and to consider solutions for phage infections.",1,,,Team talked to the CEO of BLUE,,, 1954,SCUT-FSE-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Experts From Guangdong Institute of Microbiology,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team consulted Shi Qingsha, a researcher studying breeding and fermentation technology of industrial microbial from Guangdong Institute of Microbiology
    ",Integrated Human Practices,Shi suggested the team should find a balance between resistance function and yield of products with their robust E.coli,1,,,Team consulted an expert from Guangdong Institute of Microbiology for solutions regarding bacterial contamination.,,, 1955,TECHNION-ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Experts,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives","<a href=""""></a>","After meeting with Professor Laurens Landeweerd, Technion-Israel iGEM created an ""Ethics Handbook.""",Paper on Ethics,"University Students, iGEM Teams, Professors, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","1) Contact experts in the field of the iGEM project to discuss its premise. Early in their project, Technion-Israel iGEM met with experts in the field of immunology for approval of their basic ideas. 2) Have a more thorough discussion with an expert for suggestions on detailed aspects of the project. Technion-Israel iGEM met with Professor Ben-Zion Levi about relevant delay mechanisms, and choosing to use the Tet-Off system. 3) Meet with an expert with a background in philosophy to discuss ethics. Create an ethics handbook for scientists who lack this background. 4) Meet with an expert to discuss safety. Technion-Israel iGEM followed up with one of the experts who approved their initial ideas back in step
    • 5) Visit a lab and speak to an expert about therapy applications of iGEM project. 6) If treatment is an application of iGEM project, meet with experts to discuss the cost of mass producing treatments, and obstacles to bringing new drugs/treatments to the market.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Meeting with immunology experts at the start of the project gave Technion-Israel iGEM approval and reassurance that they were on the right track. Later, Professor Ben-Zion Levi helped the team explore different methods for regulating and controlling gene expression. Professor Levi mentioned the Tet-Off system, which the team eventually decided to use. Professor Laurens Landeweerd raised ethical issues with the team's treatment project. As well, he helped the team realize how difficult ethics can be to people who lack a background in philosophy. In response, the team created an ethics handbook. Later, they followed up with a professor they contacted early in their project to discuss safety. This professor, Professor Zuckerman, suggested that the team used the Ganciclovir system for their kill switch (a safety mechanism). The team then met with Professor Ayal Hendel to discuss translating their project into a treatment. Dr. Hendel explained the steps involved in the process of engineering CD34+ (Hematopoietic) stem cells, and answered questions regarding their applicability to Technion-Israel iGEM's system. Towards the end of their project, Technion-Israel iGEM met a representative of “Almog Diagnostics"" to discuss the cost and process of mass-producing their treatment. The team also met with Reut Ofer, a clinical research associate. From this conversation, they understood the obstacles, including time and money, involved in bringing a new drug to the market.",About ten experts consulted,,,"Technion-Israel iGEM consulted experts regarding the premise, ethics, safety, and applications of their project.",,, 1956,SCU-WestChina,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Project Presentations (SCU-WestChina),"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts",,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Present project idea to instructors, solicit feedback and have discussion
    • Refine project idea
    • Present updated project idea to instructors
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"<a href=""""></a>",,Changed course of project away from injection because of immune response from injecting bacteria,,Presenting Project and Consulting Experts (SCU-WestChina),,, 1957,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,SynBio Promotion Plan in elementary school,"Community Event, Teaching Activity","<a href=""""></a>",A two-day program in elementary school to teach kids about fundamental biology concept with interactive activities.,"Education Activity, Blog",Primary School Students,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
    • Confirm the plan to carry out the science promotion program
    • Design activities and send protocols to YongLin Education Foundation
    • Confirm the date of the program
    • Carry out the program
    ,Qualitative,Students ask questions actively and participate in the activities.,N/A,N/A,,"Collaborated with Yonglin Educational Foundation to organize a biology promotion program in elementary school,",,, 1958,SCUT-FSE-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Experts at Guangdong Jiujiang Distillery,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts",,,Just Project No Product,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Team traveled to Guangdong Jiujiang Distillery, China's largest enterprise in soy sauce- type liquor production
    • Team members were given a tour of the winery and facilities
    • Talked to the vice technical director Mr. Songgui He and other managers about how the project can be applied in practical scale
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Team learned that the distillery uses a few microorganisms for fermentation in open culture and instead of controlling the completely sterilized environment, they focus on how to control the population of different microorganisms in different periods during the fermentation process. ",1,,,Team consulted experts at Guangdong Jiujiang Distillery to understand the control points in industrial production.,,,

    1959,TECHNION-ISRAEL,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Public Opinion Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Technion-Israel iGEM created an anonymous survey to gauge responses to their proposed treatment.,Survey,"General Public, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","1) Create an anonymous survey. The survey should gather information about what type of autoimmune condition the participants have, how these conditions have affected them, and what types of treatments they undergo for their conditions. Afterward, the survey should gauge how responsive the participants are to new treatments. Begin with general questions, then make the questions more specific to the treatment proposed in the iGEM project. 2) Survey a random sample of 60 people from various backgrounds. 3) Post the survey and its results online. Discuss how they relate to iGEM project.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"After analyzing the results of our survey, Technion-Israel iGEM learned that the public is not yet ready to fully accept and trust a procedure like that implied in their project. In light of this realization, the team decided to contend with the problem on two fronts: first, they decided that the treatment should be developed for very high risk groups who have a significant chance of developing autoimmune disease. Second, they chose to focus on the ethical and conceptual aspects of our treatment in order to help change public opinion and engender open mindedness in the general public.",60 random people participated in the survey,"In the team's opinion, it is merely a matter of time before the public's approach to gene therapy changes.",,Technion-Israel iGEM surveyed people suffering from allergies and autoimmune diseases to determine whether the Israeli public is prepared to accept their proposed treatment.,,,

    1960,Biosafety on social media,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Biosafety on social media,Social Media,"<a href=""T--Wageningen_UR--Engagement_Biosafety.jpg"">T--Wageningen_UR--Engagement_Biosafety.jpg</a>",Facebook post on biosafety,Blog,General Public,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
    • Take picture of lab.
    • Label objects related to an accompanying biosafety rule.
    ,,,"unknown, iGEM HQ commented","To this day, social media is a great platform to reach the wider public and our target audience. Apart from keeping our followers up-to-date on our project progress, we also used the platform for public education, posting several memo’s conveying the messages of biosafety, ethical analysis and more. Take for example the biosafety post below. This post is a simple and approachable way to learn about the basic safety measures we take inside the lab. We even got a reply from the iGEM Foundation!

    ",,Facebook post on biosafety.,,,

    1961,SCU-WestChina,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to the West China Hospital,Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Perform background research on gout
    • Meet with specialists in immunology and rheumatology at local hospital
    • Get information on how gout affects people's lives
    • Incorporate information into project design
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"""[Dr. Yi] pointed out [that those with] hyperuricemia but no gout symptom should take medicine. Moreover, during the conversation, we knew that the biggest problem in the progress of decreasing patients’ uric acid level is that patients refuse to take medicine or can’t insist, for the cure progress is long and painful. ",,"Team's design could be an alternative and suitable choice for patients, especially for those who are hyperuricemia but don’t have gout, as it could reduce the frequency of taking medicine""",,Visited a hospital to learn more about gout ,,, 1962,Wageningen_UR,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Public Engagement,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Educational Material","<a href=""T--Wageningen_UR--Engagement_Dialogues_2.jpg"">T--Wageningen_UR--Engagement_Dialogues_2.jpg</a>",photo of an outreach event.,Other,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Learn Public Opinions",
    • Promote awareness of synthetic biology and project details.
    ,,,Many outreach events were held,"Dutch Biotechnology Congress

    The NBV, the Dutch Biotechnology Association is the organization for all professionals in the field of applied life sciences in The Netherlands. On the 17th of April, they organized the yearly Dutch Biotechnology Congress (NBC-17) in Wageningen. iGEM Wageningen 2017 was present with a poster presentation to clarify our project’s aims and goals. The highlights of the conference can be found on the website of NBV.

    Benelux Meetup On the 24th of June, we organized the Benelux meetup: an iGEM meetup for all Belgian and Dutch iGEM teams. Part of this meetup included presenting the project. More about this day can be found on the meetup page.

    Ultimaker Education Session On the 4th of July, we participated in the Ultimaker Education Session in Zaandam. Here, the newest innovations in 3D-printing techniques were showcased. We presented our device, both in a presentation and at a poster stand, and got some valuable tips on refining the settings of our 3D-printer from Ultimaker.

    European iGEM Meetup iGEM TUDelft organized an European iGEM Meetup. On the 7th of July, various teams from all over Europe gathered in Delft for a symposium. This included three speakers that talked about implementation of synthetic biology and poster presentations of the iGEM teams.

    Central Veterinary Institute The Central Veterinary Institute (CVI) is the bioveterinary research institute of Wageningen University & Research. Located in Lelystad, it is commissioned by the Dutch authorities and carries out research related to vaccine development, diagnostics and animal health in general. On the 10th of July, we gave an elaborate presentation on our project, during which we discussed the setup and story with the people at CVI.

    Go/No-Go presentation In order to involve our colleagues at the university in our project, we gave a Go/No-Go presentation, where all researchers and students in the relevant chair groups were invited to attend. Here, we gave a comprehensive 20-minute presentation on our project, how far we had come, and how much we were still planning to do in the last few months before the Jamboree. Afterwards, the audience was able to ask questions and vote if we made enough progress to proceed and participate at the Giant Jamboree. We got some valuable input and tips on the science part of our project, as well as the way we tell our story. Luckily, more than 90 percent of the public voted for a 'go'!

    Master students Biotechnology During the introduction week of the new academic year of Wageningen University & Research, we presented our project to the new batch of master students in Biotechnology. This way, we already taught them something about synthetic biology, and hopefully got them hooked on participating in iGEM next year! After the presentation, we got some great comments and several curious and interested students who wanted to know more.

    Topsector Chemie One of our team members pitched our project at the annual Topsector Chemie closing ceremony in Wageningen, at the 30th of August. This short pitch focussed on the challenges we face in using synthetic biology. Topsector Chemie is an organization with the goal to find solutions to big social challenges. These are the so-called Grand Societal Challenges by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission. Topsector Chemie approaches these challenges from a chemical point of view, collaborating with other top sectors wherever possible.

    SynCity The SynCity event was organized by the Laboratory of Systems & Synthetic Biology at Wageningen University & Research. The event was a film and art festival held on the 5th and 6th of October about synthetic biology to involve the general public in this field. Here, both citizens, scientists and students could discover the field of synthetic biology and how it can be used for many purposes. This is done from an artistic point of view. Via art, synthetic biology is depicted, for example with a series of short movies. Together with iGEM Wageningen 2014, we presented our view and projects.

    Moreover, as follow-up of the SynCity days two dialogue evenings were organised in which synthetic biology issues were discussed. These evenings were set up as workshops and were open to the general public. This was a nice opportunity for us to discover the different interpretations of synthetic biology and the chances or pitfalls it offers for society according to the general public. This also included a discussion on the role of implication analysis and risk evaluation in science. Staff members mentioned that in their daily work, not much attention was paid to thinking about the societal implications of their studies, although it becomes a more and more important part of acquiring funding or approval of research proposals. A consensus was reached that discussions such as these are important for both scientists and the general public to exchange their visions and expectations of synthetic biology and its implications. This way, the field of synthetic biology will become both highly innovative while being publicly accepted. This shows again that public engagement is an important part of projects such as iGEM, and science in general.",,Engaged with the public to spread awareness of synthetic biology and share information about their project with the rest of the world.,,,

    1963,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Workshop,"Community Event, Teaching Activity","<a href=""""></a>",,Education Activity,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Organize a workshop session
    • Prepare topics and questions for discussion
    • Let local high school students sign up
    • Carry out the workshop
    ,Qualitative,N/A,30,N/A,,Organize a two-day Synthetic Biology Workshop for local high school student.,,, 1964,Wageningen_UR,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Media attention,Educational Material,"<a href=""T--Wageningen_UR--Engagement_Bionieuws.jpg"">T--Wageningen_UR--Engagement_Bionieuws.jpg</a>","article on Wageningen iGEM team, and other nearby teams.",Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Contact media outlets
    • Talk to media outlets about project
    • Have said outlets publish a piece
    ,,,none specified,"Snapchat Wageningen University & Research

    For one day, we took over the Snapchat account of Wageningen University & Research: WURSnap. Here, we Snapchatted throughout our day. We showed the target audience, mostly secondary school students who are interested in studying at Wageningen University & Research, what we do throughout the day, and that science is really versatile and interesting! This way, we not only promoted the Wageningen University & Research but also brought the iGEM competition under attention by these future scientists.

    NEMO Kennislink NEMO Kennislink, an online magazine that focuses on making scientific news reachable to the general public, posted an article on iGEM and our project. This magazine targets Dutch citizens with an interest in science. You can read the article made by dr. Nico Claassens ""Spanning in het lab voor de synthetische biologie wedstrijd van het jaar"" (in Dutch) on the website of Kennislink.

    Resource Resource is the magazine for students and employees of Wageningen University & Research. After being interviewed by ing. Stijn van Gils, he posted an article on the website. Link to the full article: ""Students work on field test for tropical diseases"".

    Later, a second online article about our Go/No-go presentation was published: ""Wageningen iGEM team off to Boston"". This was also published as an article in their paper magazine, both in the Dutch and international version.

    Press release Wageningen University & Research With some tips from the Science Information Officer of Wageningen University & Research, dr. Jac Niessen, we wrote a press release about our project. The article “Wageningse studenten ontwikkelen diagnostische test voor Zika” was posted as a news article on the website of the university (in Dutch).

    Intranet Following our Go/No-go presentation at the end of August, ing. Liesbeth Idema, the online editor of the Wageningen University & Research Intranet, published a short article “Support Wageningse iGEM-team bij detecteren tropische ziektes”. The intranet of the Wageningen University & Research is only accessible by employees. The article covers our aim and raises attention for our Crowdfunding project.

    Bionieuws Bionieuws is a magazine for biologists in The Netherlands. Via drs. Gert van Maanen, a small article in their magazine on the iGEM competition was posted (25 August 2017, year 27, page 12), featuring all Dutch iGEM teams, including iGEM Wageningen. The article, “Zes Nederlandse teams in iGEM-competitie” (in Dutch) cannot be reached online, but the page of the magazine can be found below. View the article here

    Figure C: Article about the Dutch iGEM teams in Bioniews magazine of Aug 25, 2017. Global One Health blog The Global One Health blog is an initiative of Wageningen University & Research. Global One Health is a theme that reflects the interconnectedness and global nature of health care. More specifically, it focuses on interdisciplinary ways for controlling the risk of disease outbreaks and reduction of endemic infectious diseases. Not only for human health care, but also for food supply, hygiene, medicines, vaccines, vector control and crop protection. More about this initiative can be found here.

    For this initiative, we wrote a blog about the rise of infectious diseases, taking African Sleeping Sickness as an example for the problematic situations in tropical regions with regards to infectious diseases, and how there is a need for a new diagnostic device. Moreover, an infographic was made to visualize our device.

    The blog can be read on the website of Global One Health blog (in Dutch).

    See the English version of the infographic International Students Blog The International Students Blog of Wageningen University & Research is part of the Wageningen University & Research blog platform. It shares experiences from international students studying in Wageningen. Here, one of our international team members wrote a blog about iGEM and her experiences as an international student. The blog, ""Joining the iGEM competition"" can be read online.",,Educated general public on iGEM through various media outlets.,,,

    1965,SCU-WestChina,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Undergraduate Training Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship,"Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,,University Students,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on the iGEM program, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
    • Meet with medical students and ""propagandize"" iGEM
    • Solicit feedback on project
    ",,,,,,Discussed iGEM with and solicited feedback from medical students,,, 1966,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,booth for public education,"Community Event, Fair Booth","<a href=""""></a>",N/A,Just Project No Product,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,
    • Set up booth on convenient public spots.
    • Do a aflatoxin awareness test form.
    • Explain to the audience aflatoxin and the project.
    • Re-read the answers from test form to give the audience better impression on the topic.
    ,Qualitative,,400,N/A,,Set up booth in order to engaging with and educate the public face-to-face.,,,

    1967,CSMU_NCHU_Taiwan,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Card Game,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","A set of card games which infuses fun with food safety knowledge. For detail on game procedure, check hyperlink.",Education Activity Protocol,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,"For game procedures, check hyperlink.</ul>",Qualitative,N/A,N/A,N/A,,Designed a card game to promote awareness towards food safety,,,

    1968,Tec-Chihuahua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Model United Nations with Synthetic Biology,"Community Event, Educational Material",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Coordinate with your university's model UN club.
    • Propose that synthetic biology topics be included.
    • Help explain to model UN members the ethical questions and science of synthetic biologists.
    ,,,,"The actual event didn't happen until after the jamboree, but the team spoke more about it in their oral presentation. ",,The team helped organize synthetic biology related topics to be discussed at the Model UN conference. ,,, 1969,Valenica_UPV,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Public Administration's Level,Consult Representatives,,,Just Project No Product,"Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Meet up with a public official
    • Find activities you can do that would promote synthetic biology in the community
    • Get help from the official to instill these activities
    ,Qualitative,informal feedback from participants,,This experience will all the community to be able to learn and live the experience that involves working closely with SynBio.,,The team had several talks with Deputation of Valencia and they reached an agreement to offer scholarships to contribute to the development of Synthetic Biology in our city. ,,, 1970,Valenica_UPV,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,World Level,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Link to one of the videos is on their wiki page that is linked ,Video of Activity,Specialized Audience,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Find a group individuals that your teams feels like they can assist (language in this
    • Develop videos to guide them
    • Post the videos online so other people can see them as well
    ,Qualitative,informal feedback from participants,97 views,The team tried showing how synthetic biology works and all the impressive things that can be done with this innovative field. It was an honor for the team to be part of the most important community in the world: Science.,,The team decided to create a YouTube channel “iGEM Conecta” in order to spread SynBio topics in Spanish-speaking countries.,,, 1971,Tec-Chihuahua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Experiment Handbook,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a> (under ""Handbook"")",A handbook created with two other teams that features science activities for different age groups,Education Activity,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
    • Choose an adequate 30 experiments divided into 3 blocks: 6-8 years (easy), 9-eleven years (intermediate) and 12-13 years (expert).
    • Develop the primary guide with introduction, materials, guidance, video guidance, conclusions, and learnings.
    • Design and sketch experiments video tutorials for more explanations, guidance, and interactivity.
    • Put together all the information recollected and generated in an app.
    ",Quantitative,"<a href=""""></a> (bottom of the page)",,"“Loved the science class” (Renata, 1st grade)

    “Loved the class. You should be professional scientists” (Carmen, 3rd grade)

    “The class was really cool. Loved it! I hope you win the competition” (Saide, 6th grade).",,"The team, along with two other Mexican teams, created a handbook of experiments for kids to focus on interdisciplinary science. ",,,

    1972,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Poster Presentation at Biology Undergraduate Symposium,Presentation (General),,,Just Project No Product,University Students,Present iGEM Project,
    • Identify presentation opportunities.
    • Present at them.
    ,,,,The team received valuable feedback.,,The team presented their project at a symposium at their university.,,, 1973,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Communications with Synthetic Biology Institute,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Contact a synthetic biology company and request to visit.
    • Come with questions and be willing to take advice.
    ,,,,,,The team visited Beijing Genomics Institute(BGI) and received advice on their project.,,, 1974,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Survey on Citizens,Survey,"<a href=""""></a> (near bottom of page)",Survey results on knowledge of what AFT is and related topics.,Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
    • Create a survey to learn about the public's knowledge and thoughts on your project.
    ,Quantitative,"<a href=""""></a>",331,The team found that most people had minimal knowledge of AFT.,,The team distributed a survey to learn how many people have glucometers and to gauge knowledge of AFT.,,, 1975,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with former iGEM team members,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interviews with previous iGEM team members from this university.,"Video of Activity, Interview","iGEM Teams, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Networking",
    • Speak with former members of your iGEM team for advice.
    • Record this advice and take it into account.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"<a href=""""></a>",,"Because these people had experience with iGEM, the team felt that the experience was especially helpful.",,The team interviewed previous iGEM team members for advice and created a documentary film related to the interviews and the history of the university's iGEM team.,,, 1976,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to Bioinformatics Company,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Visit a bioinformatics company.
    • Learn more about the market you are working in and take advice from the company.
    ,,,,"""Though this activity, we learned a lot about the tendency of Chinese healthcare market as well as the great potential of our product considering the practical application. What we learned helps a lot in our product design."" ",,The team visited a bioinformatics company to learn about the Chinese healthcare market and discuss potential for their project.,,,

    1977,XJTLU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Questionnaire Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",XJTLU-China iGEM posted their survey and its results on their wiki.,Survey,"Scientific Community, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project","1) Create a survey to assess how people treat bacterial enteritis in daily life. Determine whether and how they self-medicate, as well as how they attempt to prevent illness. 2) Distribute the survey to 150 people. Try to gather responses from a wide range of ages (16-50 years old) and from both sexes. 3) Interpret data. How people attempt to prevent and cure illness will affect the iGEM project.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"XJTLU-China iGEM found that 69% of survey participants choose to self-medicate when infected with Staphylococcus aureus, rather than go to the doctors or ""do nothing."" Of those participants who self-medicate, over half go to antibiotics as their first choice, underscoring the overuse of antibiotics in China. This inspired XJTLU-China iGEM to continue exploring antimicrobial peptides as a solution to Staphylococcus aureus, and thus an alternative to antibiotics. When asked how they attempt to prevent illness, the majority of survey participants responded that they consume yogurt. This influenced XJTLU-China iGEM's project design; they considered inserting the gene of antimicrobial peptides into certain kind of probiotics.",150 survey participants,,,XJTLU-China iGEM conducted a public survey to better understand the treatment of bacterial enteritis in daily life and the current situation of antibiotic overuse.,,,

    1978,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Questionnaire on Safety and Quality,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",The results of the survey the team conducted about safety and quality concerns of the public.,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,"
    • Using a survey, assess the public's concerns.
    • Adress these concerns while making your project.
    ",Quantitative,"<a href=""""></a>",,"""To fulfill people’s demands and make our product safe and good, we carefully designed our product. We guarantee that all yeast is fettered in a package and none of them can escape, which can avoid potential risks caused by genetically-modified yeast. And we closely monitored the proof-of-concept experiments to make sure that our product can really benefit the society.""",,The team created a questionnaire about what society cares about most with regard to the project.,,, 1979,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Helping A High School iGEM Team,Teaching Activity,,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Networking",
    • Help mentor new iGEM teams.
    ,,,,,,The team guided and helped a high school iGEM team. ,,, 1980,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Presentation at Zhengzhou No.1 Middle School,Presentation (General),,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Visit high schools and present.
    ,,,,,,"The team visited a high school and gave a presentation about synthetic biology, the scientific method, and iGEM.",,,

    1981,TUDelft,Overgraduate,2017,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","An interactive timeline detailing the various industry professionals consulted, and how their thoughts and suggestions shaped the project as a whole.

    (Click on the tab that says interactive timeline to see)",Other,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Interview farmers and agricultural researches to identify a problem that can be solved through an application of synthetic biology.
    • After a problem is identified, brainstorm solutions to the problem.
    • Talk to more farmers and researches to gain feedback on your proposed solution.
    • Use the received feedback to guide the project.
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"We started by finding a relevant case in which our device could make a contribution. Through a conversation with a veterinarian, we were advised to narrow our scope to mastitis, an udder infection affecting dairy cows.

    ""Every milk farmer faces mastitis, a challenging udder disease affecting dairy cows."" Bouwe Gall Frank (veterinarian)

    This infection is not easy to get rid of; udders are exposed to the open environment, making the infection a common re-occurrence. All dairy farmers we spoke to in the Netherlands have had to deal with mastitis. Farmers want to have fast administration of antibiotics when treating this disease, as time is of the essence. Our tool makes sure that fast treatment of mastitis can be done in a responsible way, without misusing antibiotics, thereby helping to prevent the evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Looking to mastitis, we adapted our tool to detect relevant resistance genes in the common pathogen, Staphylococcus Aureus (SAU), causing this disease.

    ""It is relevant to be able to detect SAU pathogens. As there is a huge difference in sensitivity for antibiotics considering MRSA, it would be added value to have a conclusive result on the sensitivity."" Maaike van den Berg (veterinarian)

    After talking to experts with expertise in mastitis from the Wageningen Bioveterinary Research Center in Lelystad, we found that detecting the mecA and blaZ genes was the way to go.

    ""MecA can be used to detect resistance against all β-lactam antibiotics."" Fimme van der Wal (agricultural researcher)

    ""Detection of blaZ is a conclusive result to exclude commonly used penicillin treatment."" Dik Mevius (agricultural researcher)

    For further information about these genes check out our applied design and demonstrate page.

    After defining our end-users and detection goal, we looked at how we could make our device as user-friendly as possible. From the start of our project, we wanted to integrate the use of tardigrade intrinsically disordered proteins (TDPs) which are able to maintain the functionality of other proteins upon desiccation. This fitted perfectly in our design with respect to our end-users, as our TDPs enable the transportation and storage of our detection tool at room temperature. Normally, protein function can be maintained when stored at -80 degrees celsius, something that is not always available at your local dairy farm! We also envisioned that this improved storage method will be advantageous for shipping our versatile RNA-detection tool for broader applications. For further information on our TDPs, check out our TDP design page.

    Adding to the storability, we realised that our tool needed to give a readout visible to the naked eye. At a farm, there are no fancy lasers or microscopes, so we had to get creative! We started by designing a microfluidics paper chip with GMOs with a kill switch to detect resistance genes, but gained crucial feedback on this.

    Even if GMO kill switches were reliable, there is no public acceptance to use GMOs in the environment. If it will be accepted in the future, it will take years from now to legislate this principle. Innovation based on this gets stuck. Cecile van der Vlugt (Risk Assessor GMO)

    This led us to come up with a new application: CINDY-Seq. This method allows for a simple yes or no answer to the question: is the pathogen causing mastitis in my cow resistant to penicillins, or even all β-lactamases depending on the design of Cas13a, in a matter of hours, without the use of GMOs in the environment. For more information on how CINDY-Seq works, please visit our coacervation design page.

    Now that we completed the design of our detection tool, we needed to look at how we could make the sample preparation as simple as possible for a farmer, as farmers like to do most things themselves.

    We try to do most things by ourselves to prevent high bills from the veterinarian. Tjerkje Poppinga (dairy farmer)

    In the case of mastitis, the pathogen is present in the milk of the infected cow. By hitting the books and optimising existing protocols, we came up with an easy method to prepare a fresh milk sample for the detection tool. To know more about which methods we came up with, look at our sample prep design page where we describe this extensively.

    Finally, our integrated human practices strategy helped us to think a step further about our design, regarding, for example, the costs involved in our device and what it should actually look like; what kind of ‘kit’ will it be and what will it contain? We also looked at the feasibility of our device in the context of whether or not farmers would actually be allowed to use such a device and what needs to be done considering legislation to make this possible.

    Only veterinarians can prescribe or change antibiotic treatments. Engeline van Duijkeren (veterinarian) ",7 experts listed,"There were several interactions with stakeholders that heavily impacted the direction of our design. Integrated Human Practices was extremely valuable in shaping our project. In response to dialogues with the public, risk assessors, and potential users, we changed our design from a GMO-based lab tool to a safe and reliable end product. Key points that we took from discussions with stakeholders were that the method needs to combine a simplified sample preparation, a fast, easy readout and the possibility for on-site use. We integrated all these in our project, by designing a cell-free method that can be stored for up to two weeks and produces a visible readout.

    Stakeholder interactions shaped our final design and made it feasible to transform our detection method into an application, resulting in a toolbox with which the farmers can perform the resistance test themselves on-site, instead of being dependent on slow lab processes. Simple, cheap and safe methods - for example the hand-powered centrifuge and boiling method during sample preparation, together with an optimized readout - make our device applicable for rapid frontline diagnostics. We developed our toolbox to detect the most relevant multiple antibiotic resistance genes, expanding the impact of our product to achieve better animal and human treatment strategies.",,Reached out to agricultural researchers and dairy farmers to guide to guide the project.,,,

    1982,Tsinghua,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Neighborhood Presentation and Pamphlet Distribution,"Community Event, Presentation (General)",,,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Create a poster and pamphlets.
    • Present the poster in the neighborhood.
    • Distribute pamphlets.
    ,,,,,,The team distributed pamphlets about AFT to the neighborhood.,,,

    1983,TUDelft,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Relevance and responsibility: the duty of an engineer,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","(Videos 1,2, and 3)

    A series of videos designed to help out future iGEM teams and synthetic biologists. The videos walk through the challenges, and accompanying discoveries by the TUDelft team.",Educational Video,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
    • Create a series of videos to help other iGEM teams
    • Publish the videos
    ,,,,,,"A series of 3 videos designed to offer advice to iGEM teams and synthetic biologists in general, by discussing the challenges and discovered found by the TUDelft team.",,,

    1984,XJTLU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to Nanjing General Hospital,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Visit a hospital and speak to an expert from the Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2) Ask questions about the state of antibiotic abuse, both in the country and specifically at the hospital. 3) Ask about the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus, especially antibiotic resistant strains. If iGEM project proposes an alternative to antibiotics, share the project with the expert for feedback.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"XJTLU-China iGEM spoke to Ms. Hui Shi from the Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology in Nanjing General Hospital. Ms. Shi underscored the prevalence of antibiotic abuse, as well as the rapid development of antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. These two issues make an alternative to antibiotics, like the antimicrobial peptides proposed by XJTLU-China iGEM, of great importance. Ms. Shi also offered suggestions to protect the team's engineered bacteria, so that the bacteria release only in the proper intestinal environment.",1 expert contacted,,,"XJTLU-China iGEM visited Nanjing General Hospital to conduct a field investigation of antibiotic abuse, colonization of bacteria in the intestine, and the universal treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.",,,

    1985,TUDelft,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,For teams to reflect and balance,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material",2017_Engineering_Roles_Questionnaire,The questionnaire designed to help iGEM teams.,Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
    • Collaborate with 4TU Centre for Engineering Education to develop questionnaire
    • Distribute the questionnaire
    ,,,,,,"A questionnaire designed for iGEM teams. It helps people discover what types of scientists they are, and offers them advice so that they can work with other members of their team and succeed.",,, 1986,SMS_Shenzhen,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Popularization of Synthetic Biology & Our Project,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",An activity including: 1. promote synthetic biology and our project. 2. Follow us & Get free succulent plant.,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Set up booth in public parks.
    • Talk to pedestrians about SynBio and the project
    • Give out free succulent plants for people following our social media account.
    ,Qualitative,N/A,N/A,N/A,,Set up a booth in Lianhua Mountain Park to popularize synthetic biology and iGEM project.,,, 1987,TUDelft,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Public Engagement,Presentation (General),"<a href=""""></a>",TedX talk given by the iGEM team to alumni of TUDelft. The team talked about their project and synthetic biology as a whole.,Video of Activity,Specialized Audience,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",
    • Present project at a TedX event
    ,,,,,,Reach out to the public to educate them about iGEM and synthetic biology,,,

    1988,TUDelft,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Museum Night Leiden,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",photos of event,Blog,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",</ul>,,,,,,TUDelft was invited to the event to teach families about synthetic biology.,,, 1989,TUDelft,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Dutch Biotechnology Conference,"Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",Photo of event,Blog,Scientific Community,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",</ul>,,,,"iGEM TU Delft attended the Dutch Biotechnology Conference, organised by the Dutch Biotechnology Association (NBV). The NBV is an association for all professionals in the field of Applied Life Sciences, a valuable network with over 1000 members from different disciplines, from the business sector to education. During this event we brainstormed with other attendees about how we could stimulate the innovation of biotechnology and synthetic biology. Furthermore, we gained feedback on our project helping us to shape our project.

    ",,"Team attended the conference, shared their project with attendees, and recieved feedback.",,, 1990,TUDelft,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,International Festival of Technology,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",Photo of Event,Blog,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,</ul>,,,,"iGEM TU Delft contributed to the microbe market at the International Festival of Technology. Here, visitors were informed about what microbes are and how they contribute to commonly known products such as food, and medicine. Here we explained the concept of using synthetic biology to tackle worldwide problems by giving our project as an example. Once again, we visualized the blueprint of life by making colourful double helix keychains; this kind of became our trademark.

    ",,"Attended the Festival, taught attendees about what microbes are and helped visualize DNA by making keychains.",,, 1991,TUDelft,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Alumni Event,Presentation (General),"<a href=""""></a>",Photo of event,Blog,Specialized Audience,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",</ul>,,,,,,Presented project to TU Delft alumni.,,, 1992,TUDelft,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Science Day,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",Photo of event,Blog,Professors,"Present iGEM Project, Networking",</ul>,,,,"Our team was also present at the yearly Science Day event, organised by the Applied Sciences Faculty of TU Delft. We learned a lot about how collaborations can emerge in the most unexpected way. In addition, we had the opportunity to show our project to the staff of the faculty for the first time.

    ",,Team presented at the yearly Science Day event.,,, 1993,TUDelft,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Freshers' Week,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",Photo of Event ,Blog,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",</ul>,,,,,,Presented project to newly admitted TU Delft students.,,, 1994,TUDelft,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Knowledge Parade: National Institute of Public Health and the Environment,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",Photo of Event,Blog,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",</ul>,,,,"During the knowledge parade, an event organised by the National Institute of Public Health and Environment upon which it opened its doors to the public. Visitors were able to find out about the work done there along with synthetic biology in general, based on a broad range of activities. The activities were based on health, sustainability and food security. Of course, we were present with our DNA keychains and do-it-yourself DNA candy. Furthermore, we talked with visitors about our relationship and collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). We explained how legislation and the RIVM could prevent harmful use of synthetic biology and stimulate utilization for good.

    ",,"Team taught visitors about a wide range of synthetic biology topics, and talked about how the government was utilizing synthetic biology in many different applications.",,, 1995,TUDelft,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Networking Event: Medical Delta Café,Conference/Panel Discussion,"<a href=""""></a>",Photo of Event,Blog,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses",Networking,</ul>,,,,"The Medical Delta Caf é is an event that brings together innovators from the Life Sciences and Health & Technology sectors. Doctors, researchers and entrepreneurs discuss and present opportunities for research cooperation and product development. Here, we pitched our project vision and subsequently hosted a poster session that initiated various dialogues that we can classify in 2 categories:

    Potential application Our detection system can be used to indicate the requirement of alternative treatments. The rise of (multi)resistant bacteria not only triggers a debate about responsible antibiotic usage, but also provides incentive to look for alternative treatment options. We spoke to entrepreneurs and shareholders in a company that provides phage-therapy that is particularly beneficial when antibiotics fail to dispose of a persistent bacterial infection. In this way, our novel detection system can complement phage-therapy and provide a complete workflow to help farmers get rid of a troublesome infection.

    Commercialization Several business developers were interested to learn about our innovative approach as a novel synbio application to help solve societally-relevant problems. The first question they ask after the project description is: “What did you do to protect your idea?” Filing a patent, for example, is an important step to secure investment and be able to take the idea to develop the product. In conducting innovative scientific research, teams should also consider legal and business aspects if they wish to take their idea to the market.

    ",,"The team ""pitched our project vision and subsequently hosted a poster session that initiated various dialogues""",,, 1996,XJTLU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Conference/Panel Discussion",,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","1) Attend The Conference of China iGEMer Committee (CCiC), which simulates the agenda of the Giant Jamboree in Boston. 2) Present project for feedback. 3) Meet with other teams. In specific, meet with teams working on similar projects to exchange suggestions.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"XJTLU-China iGEM presented on the probiotic strain they chose to host their circuit, the effect of Staphylococcus aureus on human health, and the problems they were facing with their project at the time. TMMU iGEM had a similar project, so the two teams were able to troubleshoot problems together. They discussed how antimicrobial peptides can specifically target S.aureus without affecting other probiotic in the gut. In the end, XJTLU-China iGEM was able to improve their project based on the comments from other iGEM teams and the HQ judge’s suggestions.",83 iGEM teams and 300 people total participated in the conference,,,"XJTLU-China iGEM attended the Conference of China iGEMer Committee (CCiC), where they presented their project for feedback.",,, 1997,TUDelft,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Integrated Human Practices,Venture Café,"Presentation (General), Conference/Panel Discussion","<a href=""""></a>",Photo of event,Blog,Specialized Audience,Educate on the iGEM program,</ul>,,,,"The Venture Café’s Thursday Gatherings are weekly inclusive community gatherings that aim to connect innovators. The Thursday Gathering on May 4th was dedicated to Nanobiology: solving the biggest challenges with the smallest technology. During this event, we inspired entrepreneurs, investors and fellow students about the cooperative and inclusive nature of the iGEM community. In return, the discussions about iGEM, and synthetic biology in general, stimulated further thinking about the safety and business-related aspects of our project.

    ",,Discussed the iGEM community and program with investors.,,,

    1998,SMS_Shenzhen,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,A Synthetic Biology Popularization Forum,Presentation (General),"<a href=""""></a>","A forum about synthetic biology, iGEM and both team's iGEM project.",Education Activity,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Meet with SIAT_SCIE.
    • Prepare for presentation
    • Carry out the forum
    ,Qualitative,N/A,N/A,N/A,,Collaborate with SIAT_SCIE to hold a forum about iGEM and synthetic biology among junior high students.,,,

    1999,TUDelft,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Outreach,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>",Various magazines and newspapers the team utilized to spread knowledge about syn bio and iGEM.,Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,</ul>,,,,,,Appearances by the team in various magazines and media outlets.,,,

    2000,SCUT-FSE-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Experts at Nameide Biotechnology,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
    • Team contacted Shangdon Nameide Bio Technology Co., Ltd., a modern high-tech biological enterprise committed to biology cellulose research
    • Received feedback from the company related to the strict sterility regulations in the production of bioreactors, and how much capital was invested in achieving the hundred thousand grade cleaning for avoiding bacterial contamination.
    ",,,,,,"Team consulted experts at Nameide Biotechnology Co,. Ltd for feedback on sterility regulations and bacterial contamination. ",,,

    2001,XJTLU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to Shanghai Changhai Hospital,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives",,,Just Project No Product,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,1) Book a consultation at an upper-first class general hospital. 2) Invite a professor who specializes in the field of the iGEM project. XJTLU-China iGEM invited a Gastroenterology expert. 3) Discuss obstacles to the project and its applications.</ul>,Integrated Human Practices,"XJTLU-China iGEM intended to discuss the potential relationship between inflammatory bowel disease and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization. However, cases involving this relationship were rare in Shanghai Changhai Hospital, so no detailed or advanced information was available. Instead, XJTLU-China iGEM learned of obstacles to their project and its applications. Prof. Xu and her colleagues warned against harming beneficial bacteria while trying to eradicate pathogens. They also told the team that their probiotic project therapy would need approval from China Food and Drug Administration. Lastly, Prof. Xu confirmed that the team's enteric coated tablets do work. She suggested that they consult with a pharmaceutical company or factory to ensure the success of the entire therapy.",1 general hospital visited,,,"For broader knowledge and feedback, XJTLU-China iGEM booked a consultation with Shanghai Changhai Hospital, where they invited Professor Can Xu, a Gastroenterology expert.",,,

    2002,SCUT-FSE-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Biosafety in Cell Factory,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>","Team wrote a paper summarizing current laws and regulations related to factory emissions, and included methods to purify gene safety related emissions. ","Paper on Safety, Policy","Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Policy Outreach","
    • Team organized current laws and regulations related to factory emissions, especially for gene safety-related emissions in several different countries or regions with loopholes in current laws and regulations
    • Team summed laws in a report and searched several methods to purify gene safety related emissions.

    2003,XJTLU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Organize Public Speech on Campus,"Presentation (General), Speaker Series",,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project, Recruit iGEM members, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","1) Organize a speech at home university. 2) Invite professors to speak. XJTLU-China iGEM invited Dr. Boris Tefsen from the Department of Biological Sciences and Dr. Jia Meng from Bioinformatics to speak about the value of undergraduate research, as well as practical lab skills. 3) In a speech, present the basic premise of the iGEM project for feedback.</ul>",Qualitative,Students from all different departments interested in synthetic biology and the iGEM competition were encouraged to participate in this public speech. Students offered feedback after the iGEM project presentation.,,,,XJTLU-China iGEM delivered a public speech on general scientific research in order to strengthen undergraduates' awareness of scientific research and promote the dissemination of synthetic biology.,,,

    2004,SSTi-SZGD,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,"Visits to Gardens, Orchards, and Agricultural Areas","Community Event, Consult Representatives",,,Just Project No Product,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
    • Identify people who will be knowledgable about your goal or people who could benefit from your project.
    • Visit them and seek their advice.
    ,Qualitative,"<a href=""""></a>",,"""It appears that farmers are not willing to pay for high price enzyme products. After consulting with local officials, we came up with an idea of using whole cell biocatalysts, which is more economical and easily accepted by farmers. Later in the progress of project, we finalized the design of an automatic spraying system based on the existing water spraying system, and added a suicide system in bacteria cells to avoid GMO leaking problem.""",,"The team visited an agricultural village, a balcony garden, and a private orchard in order to learn about pesticide usage.",,,

    2005,XJTLU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,iGEM Project Presentation on Campus,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,Just Project No Product,University Students,Gain Information for iGEM Project,1) Present iGEM project on campus to other students and receive feedback.</ul>,Integrated Human Practices,"Some students gave suggestions and came up with questions about the iGEM project. Some graduates worked in pharmaceutical companies or fields related to medicine and gave their opinions. Due to their suggestions, XJTLU-China iGEM reconsidered and redesigned part of their project to make our products more effective in patients. For example, after receiving feedback, the team considered experiments that could prove that their project could work in a mammalian body.",,,,"At an on-campus public speech that they organized, XJTLU-China iGEM presented their project to students and faculty for feedback.",,,

    2006,SSTi-SZGD,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visit to Leveking Biotechnology Company,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Visit a biotechnology company and get advice on your project.
    • Incorporate this advice into your project.
    ,Qualitative,"1. Chassis choice---E.coli as being ‘too weak, too simple’ for large-scale production, yeast (Pichia Pastoris) or mold (Aspergillus) is a better choice. Eukaryotic cells also help with large vector (~6kb) expression problem.

    2. Enzymatic activity requirement for industrial production---our current enzyme activity is low for commercialization, and other methods for testing enzyme activity were suggested 3. Additive selection for enzyme product formulation---a list of additives were provided, such as starch and dextrin 4. Inducible gene expression system---our LightOFF system is a valuable alternative to chemical induction, however its efficiency and stability needs further verification. Other cheaper chemical inducers also available.",,,,The team visited a biotechnology company for advice on creating their product.,,,

    2007,SCUT-FSE-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Survey on Bacterial Contamination ,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey conducted by the team for the purpose of investigating the severity of bacterial contamination and phage infection in labs of other iGEM teams.,Survey,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
    • To investigate the severity of bacterial contamination and phage infection in labs of iGEM teams and their current solutions to the contamination, as well as their opinions towards some relative problems, team conducted a survey among iGEMers from 23 teams of China
    ",,,23 iGEM teams,,,Survey for the purpose of investigating the severity of bacterial contamination and phage infection in labs of iGEM teams and current solutions.,,, 2008,SSTi-SZGD,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,iGEM Open Day,"Open Lab, Presentation (General)",,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
    • Present and discuss about iGEM at events for first year students in order to increase interest in the program.
    • Give interested students a tour of your lab.
    • Further discourse with the community through similar events to decrease fear of GMOs.
    ,,,,,,The team explained iGEM and synthetic biology to students at a biology summer camp. They also gave them a tour of their lab.,,, 2009,SCUT-FSE-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,2017 Bio-Festival,"Community Event, Fair Booth",,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team participated in the 201 Bio-festival held by the student union of the School of Life Science, SYSU
    • Presented iGEM project on a display board, along with the application of engineered bacteria, to students
    ",Qualitative,,,"The festival also helped the team learn more about the project of other iGEM teams, and helped the team consider how synthetic biology affects people's lives",,Team presented project at the 2017 Bio-festival.,,, 2010,SSTi-SZGD,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visits with Experts on Agriculture and Soil,Consult Experts,,,,"Professors, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Identify individuals who are knowledgable in your field of interest.
    • Speak with them and take their suggestions into account.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,The team learned that they should participate in entrepreneurship competitions.,,,,The team consulted experts in the fields of agriculture and soil pollution about their iGEM project.,,,

    2011,XJTLU-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,2017 STEM Festival,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>","XJTLU-China iGEM designed an experiment to demonstrate the value of washing hands to children and their families. They instructed children to press an unwashed hand onto one petri plate, then a washed hand onto a different petri plate. The team then cultured the plates at 37C and sent parents the results. They also allowed children to learn about synthetic biology and the digestive system by playing with science models and microscopes.",Education Activity,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, University Students, Scientific Community, General Public","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","1) Organize a talk about synthetic biology and intestinal health at a STEM festival. 2) Allow children to participate in an experiment to learn the value of washing hands. Instruct children to press an unwashed hand onto a Petri dish, then a washed hand onto another Petri dish. Culture the dishes and send parents the result. 3) Allow children to play with science models and microscopes. 4) Introduce iGEM project to people at the festival.</ul>",Qualitative,"Curious parents, who showed strong interest in biomedical sciences and attached great importance to early STEM education, took their children to participate in the festival. Parents reported that they learned a lot about health, and that they were impressed by the engaging presentation of material. The team noticed parents encouraging their children to explore biology. Their children were very curious about the science models. After presenting their project, XJTLU-China iGEM did receive some feedback from the audience. Due to this feedback, the team formed collaborations with several hospitals later to deepen their understanding on intestinal diseases.",,,,"During the 2017 STEM Festival, XJTLU-China iGEM organized activities and a talk to educate about synthetic biology and intestinal health.",,,

    2012,SMS_Shenzhen,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Wechat Subscription Account for Popularization of Synthetic Biology,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>","A Wechat subscription account with articles posted about iGEM, SynBio, and the team. ",Other,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Register a Wechat subscription account.
    • Post related articles.
    ,Qualitative,"Articles. For more info, please check hyperlink. ",N/A,N/A,,"Created a social media account to post articles about scale insects, SynBio and iGEM.",,, 2013,SCUT-FSE-CHINA,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Giving Courses for High School Students,Teaching Activity,,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Team taught a course for high school students of Guangdong Guangya High school
    • Course focused on application of modern biotechnology in food production and basic knowledge of synthetic biology and iGEM
    • Also discussed with the students how to view synthetic biology, and to be concerned about biosafety issues.
    ",,,,"According to the team, while the students might not have sufficient knowledge about biology now, they will in the future and that is when they can apply what they learned from the course",,Team taught a class for high school students focusing on basic knowledge of synthetic biology and iGEM.,,, 2014,SSTi-SZGD,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Entrepreneurship Contest,Presentation (General),,,Just Project No Product,Specialized Audience,Networking,"
    • Enter into entrepreneurship contests to gain funding, exposure, and feedback.
    ",,,,,,The team competed in entrepreneurship contests to get feedback and funding. ,,, 2015,TAS_Taipei,High School,2017,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Teaching Kindergarten and Seventh Graders Science,Teaching Activity,,,Other,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Team hosted over 120 kindergarten students and taught them the power of observations and the basics of science including how to use a microscope to look at anti-counterfeiting measures on paper money and how to use refraction lenses to see that white light is made up of various colors
    • Team introduced iGEM and basics of synthetic biology to over 200 seventh grade students. Team taught them how to use micropipettes, load and run dyes, and how to solve real world problems with paper BioBrick parts.
    ",,,Over 320,,,Team hosted both kindergarten and seventh graders and taught them biology related concepts.,,, 2016,TAS_Taipei,High School,2017,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Spring Fair- Spreading Public Awareness of Nanoparticles,"Community Event, Fair Booth",,,Just Project No Product,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
    • Team hosted a booth at their school's annual spring fair
    • At the booth people could create their own glitter slime by mixing polyvinyl alcohol and sodium borate solutions. The slime was meant to simulate the trapping of nanoparticless (in this demo, glitter) by biofilm
    • Also showed images of bacteria, as well as every day products that contain nanoparticles such as toothpaste and sunscreen
    • Also conducted a survey regarding bioethics and concerns about nanoparticles
    ",,,,,,Team operated a booth at a fair where people could learn about nanoparticles and synthetic biology.,,, 2017,TAS_Taipei,High School,2017,,Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Public Outreach- A Tour of Taipei,"Community Event, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",Team created a video chronicling their visits to various sites around the city where they handed out flyers and talked about synthetic biology.,Video of Activity,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Learn Public Opinions","
    • Team traveled to several popular sites in Taipei to pass out flyers and conduct surveys, including the National Taiwan University, Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, and Taipei 101
    • Team talked about the iGEM program and synthetic biology to the people they encountered
    ",,,,"Allowed team to collect feedback from people of different age groups and backgrounds, as well as being a fun and great way to spread awareness of nanoparticle pollution",,Team traveled to several sites in Taipei to pass out flyers and conduct surveys. ,,, 2018,TAS_Taipei,High School,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Dihua Wastewater Treatment Plant,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Team visited the Dihua wastewater treatment plant, took a tour of the plant, and asked questions regarding nanoparticles in waste water
    • TEam was given samples of sludge, effluent water, and polymers they add during the waste water treatment process
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Plant confirmed that current facilities are unable to remove nanoparticles from waste water due to their small size. Team kept in contact with the plant throughout the project, and conversations played a huge role in shaping their construct design, prototype design, mathematical modeling and overall purpose for their project. ",,,,Team traveled to a waste water treatment plant in order to learn about the effects of nanoparticles in wastewater. ,,, 2019,SCU-WestChina,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,“YUZHANG BIG BANG THEORY” Scientific Research Project Competition,Presentation (General),,,,"University Students, Scientific Community","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project",
    • Attend Yuzhang Big Bang Theory Scientific Research Project Competition along with students from other universities
    • Present project as a way to promote iGEM and synthetic biology
    ,Qualitative,Won Academic Performance Award. Students in the audience wanted to join iGEM teams of their own.,,,,Presenting project at a scientific research competition to promote iGEM and synthetic biology.,,, 2020,TAS_Taipei,High School,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Boswell Wastewater Treatment Plant,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Team created a video of the waste water treatment plant they visited and ,Video of Activity,"Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Team traveled to the Boswell wastewater treatment plant
    • Learned about the water purification process, and team was inspired to create their own prototype design
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"After visiting Boswell, team was inspired to create a prototype design that could be applicable to the different waste water plants they visited. Plant manager confirmed their project, which was bacteria based, could be killed by UV light and chlorine in the disinfection tank before it goes into rivers and oceans.",,,,Team visited a wastewater treatment plant to learn about the water purification process. ,,, 2021,SCU-WestChina,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Discussing Project Bioethics (SCU-WestChina 2017),Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety",
    • Meet with expert in bioethics and discuss aspects of project
    • Use discussion to refine project
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"Team used interview to make changes to project including getting IRB approval, and strongly focusing on the principle of nonmaleficence.",,,,Consulting an expert in bioethics about aspects of team's project.,,, 2022,TAS_Taipei,High School,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Taipei Museum of Drinking Water,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Team visited the Taipei Museum of Drinking Water to learn about tap water treatments
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"Learned water filtration methods vary in different areas of Taiwan, and that due to the lack of a disinfection step, their project would not be applicable since their project depends on the use of E. coli ",,,,Team traveled to the Taipei Museum of Drinking water to learn about how tap water is treated. ,,,

    2023,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Lianwei Community,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material",,,Just Project No Product,"Secondary School Students, General Public",Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"1) Guide teenagers through the extraction of DNA from a banana. Describe each step of the process and invite the teenagers to consider the chemical and biological theory principles behind what they are doing. 2) Though the activity does not directly relate to synthetic biology, describe the field and ask the students for their thoughts.</ul>",Qualitative,"Parents and teachers encouraged XMU-China iGEM to hold more activities like the DNA extraction experiment in order to help teenagers put theory into practice. Most of the students found the description of synthetic biology interesting and considered it ""important to life.""",,The students' apparent interest in synthetic biology encouraged XMU-China iGem to spread the word about synthetic biology to the next generation of scientists.,,XMU-China iGEM guided teenagers through a banana DNA extraction experiment.,,, 2024,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Xiamen Science and Technology Museum,"Community Event, Teaching Activity, Educational Material",,,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Activism for iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",1) Organize an educational event at a local museum. 2) Create quizzes and games for the event. The activities should educate about domestic water and emphasize the importance of water quality testing.</ul>,Qualitative,"XMU-China iGEM found that young people lack ""common sense"" regarding saving and protecting water.",,,,"To increase knowledge of domestic water among young people and promote the importance of water quality testing, XMU-China iGEM hosted an educational activity at the Xiamen Science and Technology Museum.",,, 2025,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Fighting for Mooncake Activity,"Community Event, iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Teaching Activity",,,,"General Public, Specialized Audience","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","1) Incorporate a synthetic biology-related activity into a tradition. Fighting for Mooncake is a tradition celebrated with friends and family during the Mid-Autumn festival. XMU-China incorporated an activity with two levels. To progress from the first to the second, students must correctly answer biology questions. 2) Throughout the game, advertise the iGEM to freshmen, and introduced the iGEM project for the year.</ul>",,,,,,"XMU-China iGEM incorporated a synthetic biology-related activity into Fighting for Mooncake, a tradition celebrated during the Mid-Autumn Festival.",,, 2026,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Fighting for Mooncake Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","XMU-China iGEM posted the results of their survey as a pdf on their wiki. The survey asked whether students held positive, negative, or neutral attitudes towards the treatment of water pollution using biological methods. It then gathered the most common reasons for both positive and negative attitudes.",Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","1) Present iGEM project at a community event. 2) Create a survey to assess public opinions on an issue related to project. XMU-China iGEM created a survey to assess public opinions on the use of biological methods to treat water pollution. XMU-China iGEM's project is included within these methods. 3) After asking for attitudes (negative, positive, and neutral) towards an issue, ask for the reasons behind the attitudes. 4) Post results on wiki as a PDF.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"XMU-China iGEM's project involves the use of organisms to detect concentrations of toxic ions and thus aid in the treatment of water pollution. The team's survey provided them with perspective, allowing them to consider the translation of their science into a real-life solution. While 67% of students held a positive attitude towards biological methods, 29% of students held a negative attitude. Many of these students were concerned that organisms would produce serious ecological pollution, or that organisms cannot be controlled by machines. If XMU-China iGEM's project is to be implemented in the real world, these concerns must be addressed.",270 survey responses,,,"During the Fighting for Mooncake game, a Mid-Autumn festival tradition, XMU-China iGEM solicited student opinions regarding the treatment of water pollution using biological methods.",,, 2027,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,The First Synthetic Biology Debate in XMU,"Community Event, Conference/Panel Discussion",,"XMU-China posted a detailed overview of the debate, including quotes, on their wiki.",Other,"Scientific Community, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety","1) Host a synthetic biology debate. Invite people from multiple colleges within the university. XMU-China iGEM invited the College of Humanities debate team as well as the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering college debate team. The College of Humanities debate team argued against the artificial transformation of life for human development, while the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering debate team argued for it. 2) Record details of the event, including opening statements and main arguments. 3) Post the details onto iGEM wiki.</ul>",Qualitative,"The affirmative side of the debate pointed to the success of genetic engineering in fields like agriculture and medicine, as well its economic benefits. They acknowledged risks, but claimed that these can be managed under laws and regulations. The negative side countered that gene contamination has already occurred, and that risks to the environment and human body cannot be avoided in a short time. They also argued that transgenic technology will aggravate social inequities, resulting in genetic discrimination among humans. On a moral level, they questioned whether human beings have the right to disrupt nature and modify life. If genetic engineering is unethical, its benefits may not justify it--genetic engineering has yet to boost crop yields widely.",2 debate teams within XMU participated,"""Some people think that they are totally obey the rule of natural and moral, while others may believe that GMO will bring us a better life condition. What we could do is to take the drawbacks to a controllable minimum.""",,XMU-China iGEM hosted the first Synthetic Biology Debate at their university.,,,

    2028,SSTi-SZGD,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Social Media,Social Media,,,Just Project No Product,"iGEM Teams, General Public","Networking, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Create social media accounts.
    • Post about what your team is doing and working on.
    • Use social media to get in touch with other iGEM teams.
    ,,,,,,The team updated their social media with progress and activity updates.,,, 2029,SSTi-SZGD,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Survey on Public Opinion,Survey,"<a href=""""></a> (bottom of page)",Survey results the team collected.,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
    • Identify what you would like to know about the public's opinion.
    • Create a survey with this in mind.
    • Distribute the survey to the desired demographic.
    ,Quantitative,"<a href=""""></a>",525,,,"The team created a survey about opinions on GMO's, awareness of the harmfulness of pesticides, and interest in the team's project and app.",,, 2030,SCU-WestChina,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,"Talking with General Product Designer of Sichuan Nigale Biomedical Ltd., Fei Li",Consult Experts,,,,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Present idea for project to Li Fei
    • Solicit feedback and integrate feedback into project design
    • Ask and gain information about patents for bio-devices
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"<a href=""""></a>",,"""Through the communication with Mr. Li, we got his affirmation of our device, and we also got suggestion that we should focus on the quality and matching problems of the device, and we should improve our device by miniaturization and ensuring safety. In addition, we learned about detailed methods, domestic status, laws and regulations, and strategies related to our later application for patent and promotion of product. Mr. Li answered our questions seriously and discussed with us on our doubts, which benefited us a lot.""",,Consulting the head of product design and engineering of Sichuan Nigale Biotechnology Co. Ltd in order to gain insights into the design of bio-devices. ,,, 2031,TAS_Taipei,High School,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Nanoparticle and Wastewater Experts,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Transcript of an interview the team conducted with Thomas J. Brown, Waste Program Specialist of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection",Interview,"Professors, Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Team interviewed Dr. Eric Lee, senior member of technical staff at Maxim Integrated about a good approach to their project
    • Team interviewed Dr. Gwo-Dong Roam, a professor of National Central University and former general director of the Environmental Analysis Labs of the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration to learn about the background and potential threat of nanoparticles
    • Team interviewed Thomas J. Brown, the water program specialist of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection about how to clean nanoparticles in waste water treatment plants and how to achieve their goal of implementation
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Dr Eric Lee suggested to use a membrane receptor to a particular capping agent and to use a biofilm. Dr. Gwo-Dong Roam talked about how more attention should be placed on waste management, risk assessment, and regulations. Thomas J. Brown talked about how biological processes used for treatment remain the same regardless of facility size, which helped the team think about and design their final prototype, which could be used for both rural and urban treatment plants. ",3,,,Team interviewed several nanoparticle and wastewater experts,,, 2032,TAS_Taipei,High School,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Nanoparticle Manufacturers and Disposal Services,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • To learn more about the applications of nanoparticles, the team visited a nanotech company that uses silver nanoparticles to make various antimicrobial products
    • Team used ideas from the company on their own project
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Team integrated crystallized nanosilver in a filter to kill bacteria when water passed through a showerhead, an idea they learned from Apex Nanotek",,,,Team traveled to Apex Nanotek to learn more about possible applications of nanoparticles. ,,,

    2033,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,SynBio UNO,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>","XMU-iGEM modified the popular card game ""UNO"" to teach synthetic biology concepts. The cards 1-9 are replaced with steps 1-9 of a traditional synthetic biology experiment: Transformation, Growing the Single Colonies from Agar Plates, Plasmid Extraction, Restriction Digest, DNA Gel Electrophoresis, Gel Extraction, Ligation, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) and Making Glycerol Stocks. XMU-iGEM posted contents and instructions for their game on their wiki. They also posted pictures of their modified synthetic biology cards.","Education Activity, Education Activity Protocol",General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",1) Modify a popular pre-existing game so that it can teach concepts of synthetic biology. XMU-China iGEM modified UNO because it was famous around the world as an entertaining game. They replaced cards labelled 1-9 with the 9 steps of a traditional synthetic biology experiment. 2) Post contents and instructions for the modified game online. Also post pictures of the modified cards/pieces. </ul>,,,,"XMU-China iGEM hoped the game would allow everyone, even people with no background in science, to have basic knowledge about state-of-art synthetic biology technology.",,"XMU-China iGEM modified the popular card game ""UNO"" to teach concepts of synthetic biology.",,,

    2034,IONIS-PARIS,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Survey - Ionis Paris,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",The over arching link for all of their survey data. There is information for 3 countries. ,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
    • Create a survey asking information about how GMOs are perceived by the public and how they get their information.
    • Translate the survey into 9 languages to increase accessibility.
    • Distribute the survey to other iGEM teams to expand the reach of the project.
    • Collect and process data by country.
    ,Quantitative,"FRANCE - Several results support this conclusion: firstly, 78% of the population think GMOs are not safe for the environment. Secondly, 144 out of 219 people (65.75%) were concerned by the eventual presence of GMOs in agriculture or environment. And finally, 44% of persons against the use of GMOs on crops to protect them from harsh temperatures.

    However, our interactive map project is in accordance with the population’s requirements. It meets the needs of 65% people that wish to develop their knowledge about GMOs.

    BRAZIL - In opposition with France, “Softer Shock” might succeed to find its place in Brazil. Several results support this conclusion: Firstly, 38% of the population think that GMOs are safe for the environment; Secondly, 49 out of 102 people (48%) are supporting the development and use of GMOs in agriculture or environment. And finally, the 75% of persons for the use of GMOs on crops to protect them from harsh temperatures. Moreover, our interactive map project is in accordance with the population’s requirements. It meets the needs of 90% people that wish to develop their knowledge about GMOs.

    MEXICO - To balance the previous results, Mexico is more moderated regarding population opinion. Several results support this conclusion: Firstly, 50% of the population think that GMOs are not safe for the environment; Secondly, 45 out of 80 people (56%) are supporting the development and use of GMOs in agriculture or environment. And finally, the 84% of persons voting for the use of GMOs on crops to protect them from harsh temperatures. Moreover, our interactive map project is in accordance with the population’s requirements. It meets the needs of 90% people that wish to develop their knowledge about GMOs. Get the full analysis with more details on our interactive map in clicking here These 3 analysis give us a precise vision of the public opinion in the concerned countries. Regarding our interactive map, the objective was to work on different fields for 6 countries (USA, Taïwan, Spain, France, Mexico and Brazil). However, the lack of answers for 3 of them do not allow us to show representative results. From the public opinion follows the creation of laws and regulation of the country.

    ",400,The survey only analyzed the data from countries with 100 or more responses to improve the strength of their report. The data was effectively used to create a map assisting future researchers in understanding how GMOs are perceived by the general public in other countries. ,,"These surveys will provide information to complement our Interactive Map. It will help to understand how GMOs are perceived by the general public, but also how people are informed and whether they feel concerned about the development of GMOs.",,,

    2035,IONIS-PARIS,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Integrated Human Practices,Integration of Softer Shock in the world of industry,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","There were 9 interviews, all 9 transcripts can be found at this hyperlink - you must click a secondary link to access the pages. ",Interview,,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Selected potentially interested/valuable industry partners who are related to the iGEM project.
    • arranged for interviews with these members and transcribed the interviews.
    • Take the cumulative advice from these interviews and use it to direct the iGEM project.
    ,Qualitative,"We met Mr Tarnovsky, CEO of Swiper. As he has valuable knowledge about websites and data, we organized a meeting during the summer.

    The idea of the interactive map was discussed and what we needed to do so it becomes a valuable tool that can help a lot of people. The aspects highlighted were the importance and the ways to get data. It was advised to build a prototype of the map so we could assess the behaviour of the user. it was suggested that the prototype must contain a limited amount of countries such as the one belonging to the G20 group.Datas must be collected from the prototype so that the project can answer to the visitor’s need. In order to get those datas, the prototype would display a restricted amount of information and the website would be fully accessible only when the survey is filled. This ensure the degree of data filling. Other ways include offering visibility and advertising from partners.

    We met Mr Pujol and Mr Rémondet: “Scientific officers” at HBC to enlighten us on all questions concerning GMOs. The HCB is responsible for informing the public decision. It advises us on all matters of biotechnology, including genetically modified organisms (GMOs). During this interview, we presented our project to our interlocutors to know their point of view and to get advice to improve our presentation. We particularly discussed about some techniques to do “GMOs” accepted by the laws by using New Plants Breeding Techniques. They also help us to place our project in a GMO category for the society security. To finish, they encourage us to continue to be engage with farmers and consumers because they will helps us to integrate SofterShock in the society.

    Mrs Roure is an economist, chair of the Committee ""Safety, Security and Risks"" and Ministry of Economy in France. The goal of this meeting was to discussed about the place of synthetic biology in the current economy context. Our interview with Mrs. Roure was at the beginning of our iGEM adventure! She helped us build our human practices and advised us to address certain point such as the toxicological study or the sustainable soil development. We also discussed a long time about the killswitch system and she gives us some idea to develop one. Mrs Roure has been very helpful for this aspect of the competition. She found us many contacts in order to have the the best expertise for our project.

    Plant protection conversation at UIPP with Mrs Eugénia Pommaret - 09/12/2017

    The goal of this meeting was to talk about the plant protection and specifically on the regulation and the communication around the agricultural world. This company called IUPP worked on the development of good practices for farmers. Eugénia Pommaret the executive director of UIPP (union of industry for the protection of the plant) met us in order to help us in the elaboration of our project softer shock. She advised us to look at the European regulations because it will define what our biological solution is. Currently, winegrowers are using pheromones produced by genetically modified bacteria. This technique is completely allowed in France and we can try to follow this example in order to place our biological solution on the French market.

    Plant protection conversation with Mr Bocquet Director of the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) - 07/12/2017 The goal of this meeting was to talk about the plant protection with Mr Bocquet former director of the European Crop Protection Association. He helped us to enhance our presentation and gives us pieces of advice such as emphasizing the cold shock part as a marketing priority (for vineyards, specifically). Mr Bocquet has been very helpful for the human practices part of the iGEM competition. He provide us contacts in order to have the best expertise for our project.

    Climate change conversation with Mr Pauthier working as terroir Project Manager at Comité champagne - 07/01/2017 The goal of this interview was to understand the main climate changes affecting the vineyard in France. We discussed about the dangers of cold temperature and also how winemakers can reduce the impact of frost with the help of particular devices. This year, the frost during the spring resulted in a loss of 70% of the grapevines in the region of Bordeaux and a loss of 25% in Champagne. Several techniques to counter these losses are used by professionals in this sector. However it is often expensive and water consuming. At the end of the meeting, Mr Pauthier offers to us the possibility to do some experimentation in their institution. If the proof of concept is successful, a partnership will be done between the iGEM Paris Ionis team and the Comité Champagne in order to perform some tests in the field.

    Climate change conversation with Mrs Sylviane Leplatre engineer in agronomy and oenologist giving advice to the winemakers in the region of Paris - 08/17/17 The goal of this interview was to understand the main climate changes affecting the vineyard in France and more specifically the south of France affected by very hot summer. We discussed about the dangers of cold and hot temperature and also how winemakers can reduce the impact of frost and heat with the help of particular devices. Mrs Leplatre think that our project is a good idea because global warming affecting the vineyards are the problem of the year. It was the first time that the south of the France has suffered from frost. There has been 10 % to 15% less production this year because of hail, frost or drought. As long as your product has no impact on health, she sees no inconvenience in advising the vine growers to use this solution on their vineyards. She also give us some advice on our product. If our solution are working on the vine it will be necessary to irrigate the vineyard in addition because the soil will be dry too and it will be not enough to have only our solution.

    The 5th of September we were invited by Agrauxine the business unit of the group LESAFRE PLANT CARE. They are specialise in the development of products from microorganisms for crop protection. We had the opportunity to met with Mrs. PROFIZI CAMILLE (R&D director), Mr. RONAN KEMPF (Marketing and Development director) and Mrs.GARRIGUES CHRISTELLE (R&D representative from Lesaffre in Angers). We presented our project to our interlocutors to know their point of view and to get pieces of advice to improve our presentation. They were very interested in our project and gave us some tips, to present the project to others companies in the same field, what we should delve deeper such as the safety and applied design part about our project and what we should conceal or place in the middle of the presentation to avoid troubles especially in France such as the term GMO and direct contact with the environment. Unfortunately they weren’t able to finance the project due to the company image in France but in exchange they put us in contact with several experts in the French Agriculture regulation like the ANSES and the contact of someone in the United States GMO regulation. It was a very pleasant experience, to talk to professionals in the plant care, have their opinion about SofterShock and share scientific knowledge. We certainly developed our professional communication skills!

    Plant protection conversation with Syngenta - 10/02/2017 The 10th of october, we were invited by Syngenta a biotechnology company that conducts genomic research. We met Mrs Lebas Marie-Cecile (Public Affairs Director) Mr Thevenot Xavier (Strategic Cooperation Director) and Michel Petit (R&D Head). The goal of this interview was to talk about our project in order to improve it.They were very interested in our project and gave us some tips, to present the project at the Giant jamboree in November. They help us to understand which part of our presentation needed to be clearly explain such as the R&D and safety part. We also re-think about the real interest for farmers to have a thermo-sensitive and autonomous system. For future perspectives, we talked in a second part about how we can limit the regulation problems by transforming an organism and then induce a horizontal gene transfer to our chassis (directed mutagenesis).",9,This set of interviews were particularly valuable because they provided skills and connections which will continue to be helpful even after the team picks a new project for next year. ,,"We interviewed experts in plant protection, law, and economics to understand the effect that softer shock would have in the business world. ",,,

    2036,TAS_Taipei,High School,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Integrated Human Practices,Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a> , <a href=""""></a>","Team conducted two surveys, one with general questions related to synthetic biology, and the other with project specific questions.",Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
    • Team conducted two surveys, one with general questions such as if ""a scientist should modify genes to save a life"", the other with project specific questions such as ""do you know why nanoparticles are used in consumer products""
    ",Quantitative,,243,,,Survey to identify public knowledge and misconceptions about synthetic biology and nanoparticle usage.,,, 2037,IONIS-PARIS,Overgraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Connecting with Winemakers - the team's potential consumer base,Consult Experts,,,,Vendors/Businesses,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Arrange to visit wineries near the iGEM team.
    • Send a survey team to be distributed to vineyards too far for the team to visit directly.
    • Collect data from both in person and survey data.
    ,Qualitative,"The team recorded temperature changes, techniques used in each area to overcome frost and drought, and the opinions of wine experts about their project. All can be found at the wiki hyperlink. ",,,,"Met with winemakers who deal with climate disorders from France, Spain, Greece and Mexico. ",,,

    2038,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Visits to Water and Sewage Treatment Facilities,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives",,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Visit a sewage treatment facility to learn about the treatment of domestic wastewater. XMU-China iGEM visited Xiamen Yundang Sewage Treatment Plant, where they followed the entire process of sewage treatment and saw a variety of large-scale equipment. They also spoke to a manager about where heavy metal pollution was the worst. 2) Visit a drinking water company to investigate standard methods of pollution detection in drinking water. XMU-China iGEM visited Zenland Mineral Water Company. Speak to professional staff.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"At Xiamen Yundang Sewage Treatment Plant, XMU-China iGEM learned that heavy metal pollution is generally very low. However, the team also learned that industrial wastewater contains significantly more ions of heavy metals than water waste in daily life. This information allowed XMU-China iGEM to narrow down the target groups for their iGEM project: industry plants, environmental offices and citizens in water polluted areas. At Zenland Mineral Water Company, XMU-China iGEM learned that water quality inspection in China mainly follows standards from national law. They found it interesting that no biological assay was applied in large scale. This information led them to believe that their project would be a major innovation in the water disposal industry.",2 facilities visited,,,XMU-China iGEM visited Xiamen Yundang Sewage Treatment Plant and Zenland Mineral Water Company to understand the reality of water treatment.,,,

    2039,TAS_Taipei,High School,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Bioethics Panel,"Community Event, Conference/Panel Discussion","<a href=""""></a>",Responses from participants of the bioethics panel.,Other,"Secondary School Students, Teachers, University Students, Professors","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
    • Team hosted a bioethics panel where they invited students and teachers to discuss the moral, social, and environmental concerns of their project
    • To encourage participants to consider the problems from different perspectives, the team created a role-playing game and assigned different roles to the participants
    • Participants discussed their opinions on nanoparticle usage and disposal from the perspective of their assigned roles
    ",Qualitative,"Many of the participants who acted as waste water plant managers thought that nanoparticles manufactures should be responsible for removing nanoparticles, but many other participants were skeptical manufacturers could be trusted to remove their own contamination and agreeded that waste water plants should ultimately be responsible for cleaning water contaminated with nanoparticles.",,Activity gave insight to how the public perceives nanoparticle usage and regulation and provided a chance to inform people about both the benefits and dangers of using nanoparticles.,,"Team hosted a bioethics panel to discuss moral, social and environmental concerns of their project.",,,

    2040,XMU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Attend iGEM Conferences,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Conference/Panel Discussion","<a href=""""></a>","XMU-China iGEM hosted the 1st Collaborative Innovation Online-Conference, a conference for iGEM teams exploring biological treatment of heavy metals. Six teams from five universities in Asia took part in this conference.",Other,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project, Networking","1) Attend the Asia-Pacific iGEM Conference with over twenty teams. Prepare a poster and a presentation, and receive feedback. 2) Host a conference for iGEM teams exploring a similar theme. XMU-China iGEM hosted the first Collaborative Innovation Online-conference for iGEM teams also exploring biological treatment of heavy metals. 3) Attend the CCiC (Conference of China iGEMer Community Meetup).</ul>",,,"3 conferences attended, including the conference they hosted","""During this conference [the CCiC], we fortunately realized that we should not only be a follower, but also keep pace with the leading role model, striving for higher efficiency, utility and practicability for the project we designed.""",,"XMU-China iGEM attended multiple iGEM conferences, including one that they organized.",,,

    2041,TAS_Taipei,High School,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Policy Brief- Nanoparticle Regulation Issues and Case Studies,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a> (Page not found), <a href=""""></a> (response to policy brief)","Team wrote a policy brief highlighting existing challenges in nanoparticle regulation, sent the policy brief to the Environmental Protection Administration minister in Taiwan, and posted the response.",Policy,Legislators,Policy Outreach,"
    • Team conducted extensive research on existing regulatory laws and policies regarding nanoparticles and nanomaterials, investigated chemical regulations, and learned about the significant obstacles to successfully regulating nanoparticles, such as conflicting definitions on nanoparticles that lead to an inability to successfully regulate manufacturers
    • Wrote a policy brief highlighting the existing challenges in nanoparticle regulation and the lessons learned from previous failure to regulate new chemical substances
    • Brief was sent out to regulatory agencies, government agencies, and news outlets to raise awareness about the issue
    • Team sent the policy brief to the Environmental Protection Administration minister in Taiwan and posted his response
    ",Qualitative,"Environmental Protection Administration minister in Taiwan responded, saying they would take the brief into consideration when they make future nanoparticle policy decisions.",,,,,,, 2042,TAS_Taipei,High School,2017,,Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices,Education and Public Engagement,Fundraising and Donation,Fundraiser,,,Just Project No Product,General Public,Activism for iGEM Project,"
    • Team held multiple fundraising sales, selling small ice cream dots (resembling nanoparticles) and Oreo fudge during lunch, and made glitter slime at their school's annual spring fair
    • Raised over 500 dollars and donated the money to Water is Life, an organization that provides clean drinking water as well as sanitation and hygiene education programs to schools and communities in need, as well as the Taiwan Environmental Protection union, a local organization that promotes public awareness and participation to prevent pollution and damage to public resources
    ",,,,,,Team hosted multiple fundraisers to donate to Water is Life and the Taiwan Environmental Protection Union,,, 2043,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Market Analysis,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>","Team wrote a market analysis confirming that there is a market for crocin, an organic pigment found in saffron",Research Paper,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • In order to conclude that there is indeed a market for crocin, the team conducted a market analysis
    ",Quantitative,"In the market analysis the team concluded that the compounds in crocin are expensive and the only way to get them is to extract them from saffron. Thus, a way to produce the compounds synthetically is needed",,The numbers from the market analysis encouraged the team to go ahead with the project,,,,,

    2044,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire for Industrial and Agricultural Producers,"Survey, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",UESTC-China created a survey for farmers and factory workers to understand whether there could be TCP residues in plant waste and pesticides. They pasted survey questions and responses onto their wiki.,Survey,"Scientific Community, Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience","Activism for iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","1) Create a survey for farmers and factory workers to understand whether there could be TCP residues in plant waste and pesticides. 2) Interview farmers and factory workers and send them the questionnaires. 3) After the investigation, talk to survey participants, listen to their views on soil pollution, and teach farmers some basic ways to prevent excessive use of land and prevent pollution.</ul>",Quantitative,"Insecticide is the pesticide most commonly used among the survey participants. Peasants use the most pesticides as insecticide. Over half of survey participants use pesticide when they feel that there is a worm or pest grass in the ground, rather than following pesticide instructions on when to use. As well, only 17% followed pesticide instructions for how much pesticide to use. 67% of participants said the amount of pesticide they use depends on the amount of weed or vermin, and 16% said they used an amount depending on their mood. Lastly, when asked if they would use a slightly more expensive pesticide that is less harmful to the environment, a minority of participants answered ""yes."" The rest said it depended on the price, or simply ""no.""",322 survey participants,,,UESTC-China iGEM surveyed farmers and factory workers and taught some basic ways to prevent excessive use of land and pollution.,,,

    2045,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,The Ethics Guide Book,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Team created a set of ethical guidelines and compiled them in a book.,Paper on Ethics,"iGEM Teams, General Public",Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
    • Team wrote a book composed of ethical guidelines that addressed four main concerns: intellectual property, work ethics, biosafety with genetic engineering, and social responsibility
    • Consulted Heidi Howards from the Centre for research Ethics and Bioethics for a professional opinion
    ",,,,,,,,, 2046,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Online Discussion for Ethics Guide Book,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>",Youtube videos of ethics discussions the team coordinated between iGEM teams around the world ,Video of Activity,iGEM Teams,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
    • Team used Google Hangouts to set up online discussions with iGEM teams around the world
    • Three different sessions were conducted, with topics such as ""Genetic Engineering,"" ""Social Responsibility,"" and ""Intellectual Property Rights""
    ",,,15 iGEM teams,,,Team set up on online discussion to talk about ethics with iGEM teams around the world.,,, 2047,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Panel Discussion,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,Just Project No Product,"University Students, iGEM Teams, Professors","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
    • Hosted a panel discussion with the Stockholm iGEM team
    • Invited Anthony Foster, a researcher at Uppsala university, Cecile van der Vlugt, a member of the iGEM safety commitee, and Heidi Howard, who has her Master's degree in Bioethics
    • During the debate the audience had the opportunities to ask the panelists their own questions
    ",,,,,,Team hosted a panel discussion for guest speakers to talk about synthetic biology.,,, 2048,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Global Community Bio Summit,"Community Event, iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,Just Project No Product,Scientific Community,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team attended the Community Biotechnology Initiative at the MIT Media lab
    • Held a workshop on their iGEM project, and how to design microfluidic chips as a continuation of last years project
    • Summit covered various topics such as design, enabling technologies, biosecurity and biosafety and diversity and inclusion
    ",,,,,,Team held a workshop at the Community Biotechnology Initiative to teach attendees about their iGEM project.,,, 2049,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,OpenHack,Teaching Activity,,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology","
    • Team attended OpenHack, an organized hackathon with the goal of solving humanitarian and social problems
    • During Openhack the team gained knowledge on how to develop an idea, knowledge that was later used in their project
    • Was able to introduce the field of synthetic biology to other participants
    ",,,,,,Team participated in an OpenHack and taught synthetic biology to other participants.,,,

    2050,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire for Local Residents,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",UESTC-China iGEM created a survey to investigate the environmental concerns of the public and collect their opinions towards synthetic biology. The team posted their survey questions and results on their wiki.,Survey,"Scientific Community, General Public","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions","1) Create a survey to gauge the public's environmental concerns and understanding of soil pollution. Ask which environmental problem they consider the most important, where they believe harmful substances come from, and which methods they prefer for treating water and soil pollution. Also ask questions that gauge knowledge of synthetic biology. 2) Distribute survey. 3) Post results online.</ul>",Quantitative,"The majority of survey participants considered China's air pollution to be the most important environmental problem, over soil, light, noise, and water pollution. The majority believed that the pollution came from industrial discharge. The majority also felt pleasantly about genetically-engineered plants that can degrade harmful substances. 79% believed that synthetic biology would improve the environment.",,"""We found from this questionnaire that there is no correct understanding of biosafety.""",,UESTC-China iGEM surveyed local residents to understand the environmental concerns of the public and collect their opinions towards synthetic biology.,,, 2051,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaires Distributed Over China,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",UESTC-China iGEM created a survey to understand public attitudes towards soil pollution and bioremediation. They posted the survey questions and responses on their wiki.,Survey,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions",1) Create a survey to be distributed throughout the country. The survey should gather attitudes towards soil pollution and bioremediation. 2) Gather hundreds of volunteers to distribute the survey. 4) Distribute a total of 500 surveys. Post questions and results online.</ul>,Quantitative,"The majority of people did not understand the causes of soil pollution. 143 out of 288 survey participants did not believe the soil pollution around them was governed. Over half of the participants were unsure of the pros and cons of genetically modified plants. The team concluded, ""We found from this questionnaire that half of the people agreed with the plants to solve the soil.""",500 surveys distributed by hundreds of volunteers. 288 responses recorded.,,,UESTC-China iGEM distributed hundreds of surveys throughout China to understand attitudes towards soil pollution and the use of biological methods to solve environmental problems.,,,

    2052,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Patents Discussion,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Team was considering patenting their iGEM project and consulted lawyers Per Kjellin and Olivia Tolan from the Uppsala Innovation Centre for help
    • Learned about the pros and cons of patenting: enable a protected environment for developing of our product, but it would also limit the potential research opportunities
    ",,,,Decided not to patent but it was the team's research on the topic that allwoed them to make an informed decision and now they are more educated on how to possibly proceed with another project in the future,,Team consulted lawyers about possibly patenting their iGEM project,,, 2053,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Student Conference in Science and Technology,iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback),,,Just Project No Product,"University Students, Professors","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team presented at ""The Student Conference in Science and Technology,"" a yearly event where professors and students from the faculty of science and technology from Uppsala University get the opportunity to make presentations and receive feedback
    • Presented iGEM project and the audience gave speakers useful feedback
    • Also presented their project at SynBioHour, an event that iGEM Uppsala Association organizes. The purpose of the event is to give the general public knowledge about synthetic biology, iGEM and to make them interested in what is possible to do during an iGEM project
    ",,,,"Team won Best Presenter at the event, voted by the audience ",,Team presented their project at a yearly conference held at their university. ,,, 2054,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Summer Buddy,"Open Lab, iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
    • Shared lab with students from several Chinese universities that were invited to Uppsala University for a course in synthetic biology
    • Played activities such as ""swedish fika"" with swedish games, candies, and pastries
    • Introduced the visitors to iGEM and held a formal presentation for their project, giving the team a chance to practice their presentation skills
    ",,,,,,Team invited students from several university for a course in synthetic biology. ,,, 2055,Uppsala,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interview with Member of the Ethics Department ,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Team conducted an interview with Mirko Ancillotti from the Ethics department at Uppsala University,Interview,Professors,Discuss Ethics and Safety,"
    • In order to learn more about synthetic biology, ethics, and iGEM, the team interviewed Mirko Ancilllotti from the Ethics department at Uppsala University
    • Asked questions related to the booklet, how to lead ethics discussion, and how to discuss ethical problems related to iGEM projects
    ",,,1,,,,,, 2056,TUST_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,,Expert Consultation ,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interviewed conducted by the team with expert Professor Shiru Jia who specializes in microbial fermentation and bacterial cellulose,Interview,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Team met with expert Professor Shiru Jia who specializes in microbial fermentation
    • Asked questions related to the application of bacterial cellulose in China, and the current situation in bacterial cellulose production
    ",,,1,,,Team interviewed an expert in microbial fermentation. ,,, 2057,TUST_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Bacterial Cellulose Company,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Team interviewed experts from Lee's Pharm, a pharmaceutical company located in Hong Kong
    • Collected data on the unique nano-scale three-dimensional network structure of bacterial cellulose and it's high-water retention properties
    ",Integrated Human Practices,Learning the properties of bacterial cellulose as well as its clinical performance helped the team consider the commercialization of bacterial cellulose for wound caring,,,,Team consulted Lee's Pharm and collected data related to Hemicellulose Dressing.,,, 2058,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Palette 2048,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>","A javascript version of the phone game ""2048"" that is designed to show people how pigments mix to form new colors.",Other,General Public,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),
    • copy 2048
    • slightly modify code so that color is randomized.
    • have colors mix when combined.
    ,,,,"Our game design idea is very simple: make the game attractive and at the same time implant the concept of color mixing that we aim to promote. We hope that our ""palette 2048"" players can:

    1. realize how different colors in our lives can be mixed to produce more variety of colors

    2. understand that there are three primary colors that constitute all colors in our lives

    3. enhance the sensitivity and awareness of colors

    4. learn the difference between primary colors of light and primary colors of pigment

    Based on the response from our game participants, we believe that the palette has successfully achieved our educational goals. Most of the players said that they realized the wonderful outcome from the mixing of colors. In addition, they provided a lot of novel ideas for the improvement of our game:

    1. Players said that the game did not explicitly guide players to be aware of how the colors mix. We could have set the winning criteria to be getting a specific color block, or ask the players to create a specific color block for a certain number of times.

    2. Other players said that the game can be designed into stage mode: different levels require different patterns of color mixing. In this way, the game will work better in achieving our goal. ",,,,,

    2059,TUST_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,"Shandong Nameide Biotechnology Co., Ltd.",Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Vendors/Businesses, Specialized Audience","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","
    • in order to learn about the factory production of bacterial cellulose, the team visited Shandong Nameide Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
    • Company's R & D manager took the team on a tour of the production workshop, and showed them how to produce bacterial cellulose
    • Team introduced iGEM project to the company manager and asked for feedback
    ",Integrated Human Practices,Manager thought the team's work was meaningful but had doubts whether it was suitable for the factory because the production methods and production environment were different. ,1,,,"Team visited Shandong Nameide Biotechnology Co., Ltd. for information about the bacterial cellulose factory's view of ",,, 2060,TUST_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Investigation of a New Mask Material,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Questionnaire conducted by the team to determine face mask usage of the population and the potential to use bacterial cellulose as a face mask,Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
    • Team conducted a questionnaire to determine the face mask usage of the general population
    • Used the questionnaire to determine if a bacterial cellulose face mask was a viable alternative to a normal face mask
    ,Quantitative,"The questionnaire shows that most people use the mask 1-3 times a week, many of whom are young people. This proves that the mask is a very promising commodity, the development of new mask material also has a good prospect. In addition, 70 percent of people think that moisturizing is the most important effect for a mask , which also proved that BC to be a mask with superiority.",,,,Team created a questionnaire regarding face mask usage and a potential use of bacterial cellulose as a face mask ,,, 2061,TUST_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Synthetic Biology Workshop,"Community Event, Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
    • Team traveled to a community near their campus, Shangdeyuan Housing Estate, and organized a workshop
    • Attendees ranged from 4 to 65
    • Team introduced biosynthetic products and significance of genetically engineered organisms, and tried to dispel myths about genetically modified foods
    • Prepared several experiments and games for the children such as teaching them the structure of the cell and drawing DNA on a blackboard
    ",,,,,,Hosted a workshop for participants from the community to learn about synthetic biology,,, 2062,TUST_China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Teaching Middle School,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members","
    • Team traveled to Tianjin Haihe Middle School and gave a presentation on synthetic biology
    • Asked questions such as ""Are you interested in biology?"" ""Has anyone ever heard of synthetic biology? "" (What) do you know (about) it?""
    • Gave the students badges of the team as souvenirs
    • Talked to the students about the iGEM program and how to take part as a high school student
    ",,,,"After listening to the team's introduction, the students had a better understanding of biology . For the team, it was quite a good experience to communicate with middle school students and to teach them what they've obtained in taking iGEM competition.",,Team traveled to a local middle school to give a presentation about synthetic biology,,, 2063,SZU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Workshop and Consulting Experts,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Professors, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project","
    • Team attended a lecture on the overview of gene drive system and ethical, legal and regulatory issues of gene drive. It was given by professor Kenneth A.Oye from MIT and professor King.L.Chow from HKUST
    • Team asked two professors questions about bio-safety of their project
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"The professors gave positive feedback on the low risk of Bacillus Subitilis operation, and talked about providing the basic risk level measurement for their experiment. They also suggested paying attention to several bacterial embedding situations such as their pressure durability and bacterial dispersion risk.",2,,,"Team attended a series of lectures and a workshop on synthetic biology, and received feedback on their iGEM project from a professor.",,, 2064,SZU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Interviews with Professors from College of Civil Engineering,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Transcript of interviews with three professors of the College of Civil Engineering from Shenzhen University,Interview,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Sought advice from three professors of the College of Civil Engineering from Shenzhen University- Xianfeng Wang, Yaocheng Wang, and Ningxu Han
    • Asked questions related to progress in concrete crack fixing techniques
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Learned from the professors that there is a similar technique for bioconcrete that is being developed, but it is not self healing like the team's project.",3,,,Team consulted several experts on Civil Engineering for suggestions on how to implement their iGEM project in the real world.,,, 2065,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Education,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Photos and description of the outreach project.,"Blog, Other",Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Travel to a rural area where the education system is lacking.
    • Teach children about synthetic biology; utilize fun and interesting activities and allow them to brainstorm ideas on how they would use synthetic biology.
    ,,,,"We hope to use our knowledge to help people in underdeveloped regions by providing lessons and sharing experiences for the next generation, so we joined the team working on the elementary school curriculum. We were mainly engaged in designing and teaching interesting biology classes. The children were very fond of us. We hope that our courses will have an impact on their lives, and that they will use their new knowledge to change their destiny.

    ",,"Through an educational activist group, the team traveled to the rural Eryuan county in western China, where education lags behind the eastern cities in China, and taught children the basics of synthetic biology.",,,

    2066,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Speaking with Experts,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Professors, Scientific Community, Specialized Audience",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Identify professionals who would have useful knowledge related to your project.
    • Contact them for interviews.
    ,Qualitative,"One expert thought that an application of a drug delivery system, in which the gel would break down controllably, could be possible. Another warned that encapsulating tumors would be difficult and could be harmful because it would prevent the immune system from reaching the tumor.",4,The team gained valuable insight from the experts.,,The team spoke with several experts to get advice on their project.,,, 2067,SZU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Research and Questionnaire on Buildings in the Village,"Survey, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>","Survey conducted by the team of local residents of Chendian Village, Chaonan District, Shantou, and Guangdong to determine the housing conditions and potential to implement the team's iGEM project in their lives.",Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","
    • Team traveled to traditional villages including Chendian Village, Chaonan District, Shantou, and Guangdong
    • Conducted surveys, questionnaires, and interviews to local residents
    • Presented their iGEM project to the residents and asked for their opinions
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"According to the questionnaire, many residents keep the traditional layout and ornaments of their homes, but would be delighted to use self healing concrete as it not only makes restoration easier but also achieves preservation and gives a sense of security.",,,,Team traveled to a traditional village asking for their feedback on the potential implementation of their iGEM project in their village.,,, 2068,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Dutch Biotechnology Conference Wageningen,"Presentation (General), iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback)",,,Just Project No Product,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Policy Outreach",
    • Choose a biology conference.
    • Attend and present.
    • Incorporate feedback into your project.
    ,,,,"""An important point, which was stressed several times, is that researchers would like to see a more flexible case-to-case evaluation by policy makers. In this evaluation the relevant groups doing the research can assess their own work on safety instead of a generic one-size-fits-all list of precautionary measures. An interesting perspective and seemingly fitting to the fast changing field of biotechnology.""",,The team attended a biotech conference to share their project and discuss science policy.,,,

    2069,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Connection with Experts,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"1) Interview a graduate school professor. Ask if they are aware of the field of synthetic biology, then ask for suggestions for the iGEM project. 2) Invite a professor to give a small lecture on synthetic biology. Interview him/her afterward. Ask for guidance regarding obstacles to the iGEM project. 3) Interview a professor visiting from another university. Ask him to help troubleshoot detection issues in the iGEM project. 4) Conduct a video interview with a professor of soil engineering from a different university.</ul>",Integrated Human Practices,"UESTC-China iGEM reported that they received suggestions for their project from multiple experts. Professor Chris Rushlow, a graduate school professor from New York University, offered her opinion of their iGEM project. She said she thought it was a ""good idea,"" as long as it did not lead to new pollutants. Professor Yin Huabing of University of Glasgow helped the team troubleshoot the difficulties of their project. Tsinghua University Professor Sui Senfang helped the team understand a detection problem that they encountered. He explained that their protein expression was low, meaning that the protein could not be polymerized to form a tetraploid, and thus could not be detected. He also explained that page electrophoresis can be used to determine whether the product is a monomer or a four polymer.",7 professors contacted,,,UESTC-iGEM interviewed environmental science and biotechnology experts around the world for advice on their project.,,,

    2070,Valenica_UPV,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Greenhouses Analysis,"Consult Experts, Consult Representatives",,,Just Project No Product,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Contact nearby greenhouses
    • Visit them and try to gain helpful knowledge for your project by asking questions
    ,Qualitative,informal feedback from participants,3 greenhouses ,,,"They investigated the specific greenhouses which include the La Unió de Perelló greenhouse, Iberflora exhibition, and Ángeles Calatayud.",,, 2071,SZU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,China Regional High School Meeting,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project, Recruit iGEM members",
    • Team gave a presentation and gave advice to high school iGEMers at the China Regional High School Meeting
    ,,,,,,Team gave a presentation and offered advice to high school iGEMers.,,, 2072,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Meeting Future Biomedical Engineering Students,"Community Event, Presentation (General)",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Recruit iGEM members",
    • Present at events for high school biology students.
    • Encourage students to go into synthetic biology or join an iGEM team.
    ,,,,,,The team presented about iGEM at an event for high school students who are interested in biomedical engineering.,,, 2073,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Into the Commuity,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",Page detailing the event and provides pictures of the event.,Blog,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,"
    • Travel to local park with poster.
    • Display poster
    • Talk to people who seem interested, and talk to them about your project and synthetic biology in general.
    ",,,,"We took out fun puzzles, engaging local kids to hands-on learning of biology; we set up display boards and presented our projects to the pedestrians; we distributed our team postcards to better advocate our team’s work for iGEM.

    Many residents were very interested in our project and stopped to listen. Some even stayed with us and inquired about further information!

    ",,Team traveled to a local park to teach intrigued pedestrians about their project and synthetic biology in general.,,,

    2074,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Microbial Painting,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",Webpage detailing project and photos of some of the winning submissions.,Blog,University Students,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
    • Organize competition.
    • Receive submissions
    • Decide the winners based of expert feedback and online voting.
    ,,,,"We have collected some feedbacks from the participants on their experience. A classmate wrote: ""When creating the artwork, I was a biology student devoted to art, admiring the mystery and romance of nature and life. Now I’ve become an art graduate with a background in biology. For me, Bio Art is not only about innovations in tools and materials, but more about exploring human culture with our own perspectives on “life”. Thanks to this competition, which broke the barrier between rigorous science and romantic art, letting all of us feel ""the art of the future"".

    It can be fully demonstrated that this activity has accomplished our goal—the organic combination of science, life, and beauty.

    ",,"The team organized a ""Micro World Design Creative Contest"" with various student organizations within the university that participated.",,,

    2075,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,TUe Information Days: Explaining and Discussing GMOs,"Community Event, Presentation (General)",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Discuss Ethics and Safety, Recruit iGEM members",
    • Plan a presentation for an event for prospective students.
    • Incorporate a discussion of what synthetic biology is and how it can be useful.
    • Promote the iGEM program.
    ,,,,"After explaining how GMOs are useful, people became less wary of them. ",,The team presented about iGEM to prospective students and discussed GMOs.,,,

    2076,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Soil Survey,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>","From the soil survey they conducted, UETC-China iGEM created a map of China with areas marked for TCP contamination.",Other,"Scientific Community, General Public",Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,1) Recruit volunteers from across the country to collect soil samples. 2) Analyze all samples. 3) Create a map marked with areas polluted with TCP contamination.</ul>,Qualitative,"Volunteers collected local soil samples from their hometown. The results show that there are TCP contamination in Gansu Province, Hebei Province and some parts of Sichuan Province (Panzhihua, etc.), and there is no TCP in Guizhou, Anhui, Liaoning and Shandong provinces.",61 volunteers in 57 districts,,,"UESTC-China iGEM recruited volunteers to collect samples for a soil survey, thus allowing the public to participate in science.",,,

    2077,Valenica_UPV,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Valenica Interviews,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Contact officials that you believe can help you with your project
    • Develop questions to help them
    • Learn from answers and change your project accordingly
    ,Qualitative,interviews,"Marta Vázquez, a post-doctoral researcher of Wageningen university, numerous Four Michelin star awarded restaurants like El Riff , Canalla Bistro , El Poblet and Sents, Javier Company, a lawyer at UPV, and an architect named Eva Kail. ",,,They consulted professionals in various areas to help make their project better. ,,, 2078,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,TUe Master Introduction,Presentation (General),,,Just Project No Product,University Students,Educate on the iGEM program,
    • Present about the iGEM program to new students.
    ,,,,,,The team welcomed master students and gave a presentation about iGEM.,,, 2079,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2017,,Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,SJTUer's Day (Alumni Open Day),"Community Event, Teaching Activity, Fair Booth","<a href=""""></a>",blog detailing event and accompanying photos of the event.,Blog,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Attend event with large gathering of people.
    • Use fun activities to teach people (especially children and teen) about synthetic biology.
    ,,,,"First of all, we had designed a set of questions about synthetic biology, latest biotechnology and iGEM competition knowledge. If people participate in, they will get a DNA ring. The activity effectively enhances public awareness of synthetic biology and iGEM. At the same time we have a question for everyone ""If you take part in iGEM competition, what project will you design?"" We collected answers to this question:

    1, Achieving binary coding with bacteria

    2, Synthesizing organelles, perform normally;

    3, Using the recombinant DNA to synthesize liposomes

    4, To degrade the plastic with genetically modified E. coli

    5, To study proto-oncogene regulation of immortal tissue

    6, Gene splicing to make bacteria produce drugs

    7, Gene editing to synthesize of hemoglobin / fluorescent protein

    These answers really surprised us. People were able to come up with good ideas after participating our activities and education. Some ideas can even take as an iGEM project idea! Through our efforts in spreading knowledge, people are able to understand synthetic biology and even have their own understanding!

    ",,"Attended the SJTU festival, and educated attendees with a variety of activities related to synthetic biology.",,, 2080,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Library Exhibition,"Community Event, Fair Booth",,,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions, Discuss Ethics and Safety",1) Host an exhibition at a library. 2) Speak to people about synthetic biology. Answer their questions and explore their concerns. Focus on showcasing the benefits of synthetic biology and changing negative attitudes.</ul>,,,"Four teams held the activity ""Synthetic Biology and Human"" at the Chengdu City Library","""A small number of people still believe that we are preaching a dangerous, unproved technology. Changing their one-sided ideas is what we strive to accomplish.""",,UESTC-China hosted an exhibition at a library in an attempt to change negative attitudes towards synthetic biology.,,, 2081,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Conference of China iGEMer Committee (CciC),"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Conference/Panel Discussion",,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,1) Participate in a conference where iGEM teams can come together and share projects.</ul>,,,,,,UESTC-China iGEM participated in the Conference of China iGEMer Committee (CCiC) with teams from all over China.,,,

    2082,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Weekend of Science,"Community Event, Open Lab, Presentation (General)",,,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Plan activities for public science events in the community or at your university.
    • Speak about GMOs to decrease public fear.
    ,,,,,,The team did simple experiments with participants and spoke about synthetic biology and GMOs. ,,, 2083,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Official Account and Team Page,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>",Webpage detailing the history of SJTU iGEM teams. Template for the website can be used by other iGEM teams.,Blog,General Public,Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology,
    • Create social media accounts and or websites
    ,,,,"Social media is a valuable outreach tool because it allows us to share more specific details of our experiments and the upcoming activities we are going to hold. The official account allows us to reach a wider audience.

    In order to improve the inheritance of the entire team, we have designed our own team website, which shows the history of all SJTU-BioX-Shanghai teams, awards and project overview. This website forms a team vertical timeline. This design can also be used by other iGEM team. ",,"Team created an official WeChat account, and created a web page showcasing the history and accomplishments of iGEM teams from SJTU.",,,

    2084,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Laboratory Open Day,Open Lab,"<a href=""""></a>",Webpage with a description of the event and photos.,Blog,University Students,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Recruit iGEM members",
    • Hold open lab
    • Let freshmen visit lab
    • Teach them basic synthetic biology lab techniques and practices.
    ,,,,"Many freshmen in our university are eager for more knowledge about the laboratory and biological research. So we held a laboratory open day at the beginning of the semester. We talked about the microbiology with visiting students in synthetic biology, research programs and iGEM competition. It is excited to attract students who were interested in participating our iGEM team in the future. We led freshmen to visit labs, and taught them the functions of different devices as well as showing our team videos and posters. For many students, this was their first visit to an advanced biological laboratory. Many of them were impressed by our well managed laboratory.

    ",,Held an open laboratory day at the beginning of the semester for interested freshmen.,,,

    2085,Valenica_UPV,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Valenica UPV Surveys,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Data analysis of the surveys and the results of the surveys are included in the pdf,Survey,"Scientific Community, General Public","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
    • Develop questions that you believe you could ask in a survey
    • Go out and survey the public
    • Analyze the results and make conclusions
    ,Quantitative,survey,,"However, the survey indicates a societal prejudice towards GMOs and transgenic plants. It is important to address the controversy surrounding GMOs by first looking at legal framework.",, A survey was developed with the objective of gaining a societal perspective on agriculture and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). ,,, 2086,TU-Eindhoven,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Course for High School Teachers,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,Teachers,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Plan a course for high school teachers on synthetic biology.
    • Receive feedback on whether your material could reasonably be taught in high schools.
    ,,,,,,The team provided a course for future high school teachers about iGEM and synthetic biology.,,,

    2087,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Project Music Video,Social Media,"<a href=""""></a>","UESTC-China iGEM filmed and edited a music video to explain their project and introduce their team. The video plays to the song ""Believer"" by Imagine Dragons.",Educational Video,General Public,"Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Present iGEM Project",1) Film clips that show the iGEM project and introduce the team. 2) Edit the clips and play them with a pre-existing song. 3) Post the music video online.</ul>,,,Over 1000 hits on video websites,,,UESTC-China iGEM created and posted a music video that explains their project.,,,

    2088,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Participate in Social Practice Projects,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Fair Booth","<a href=""""></a>",Blog detailing event and provides photos.,Blog,"Teachers, University Students",,
    • Attend event where people present their projects
    • Present your project
    ,,,,"""SJTU holds a summer social practice program in every summer, aiming to encourage students to go out of the campus and to do social investigation. We seized the opportunity to start a program combining with our HP activities. Because our project has well illustrated the interaction of science and society, so we were honored the title of ""Top Ten Project"". We participated in a project exhibition to show our project to others, which exhibited in the school library for a week. During our presentation, there were many teachers and students listening. They got to know our team and gave some suggestions to our team.""",,Presented project poster board at the SJTU summer social practice program.,,,

    2089,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Lab Safety Video,"Educational Material, Social Media","<a href=""""></a>",UESTC-China iGEM and over ten other iGEM teams created a video series to demonstrate proper lab safety techniques.,Educational Video,"Scientific Community, General Public","Discuss Ethics and Safety, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",1) Participate with other iGEM teams to create a video series demonstrating proper lab safety.</ul>,,,The video series has millions of view on major video sites,,,UESTC-China iGEM and over ten other iGEM teams created a video series to demonstrate proper lab safety techniques.,,, 2090,SJTU-BioX-Shanghai,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Survey,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Contains photos of some of the responses to the questions asked by the survey,Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,</ul>,Qualitative,"The survey results show that the majority of people believe that heavy metal pollution will damage the human nervous system, immune system, skeletal system and do great harm to human and plant growth. There are still some people believe that heavy metal pollution can make river water smelly, however, that's not ture.

    ",445,"Since the above results show that people still have little knowledge of heavy metal pollution, there exist significance for us to do public science education.

    The ratio of men to women was roughly balanced. Ages of respondents are mainly between 20 to 30 years old and 40 years old to 50 years old. In addition, the region and occupation of respondents are evenly distributed.

    ",,"A survey about heavy metals, hoping to make more people aware of heavy metal pollution.",,,

    2091,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Sustainability Experts,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Consulted Toni Kiel, founder of plant values, a business consultancy for sustainable company development
    • He gave valuable feedback and advice and helped to establish contacts with further experts
    ",Integrated Human Practices,Toni Kiel introduced a concept for structuring the tracking of emissions and helped the team develop a calculation tool to measure green house emissions,1,,,Consulting a business consultant for sustainability to help calculate carbon footprints.,,, 2092,SUSTech_Shenzhen,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Promoting communication between classic science and synthetic biology,Speaker Series,"<a href=""""></a>",Blog detailing the event and provides pictures of the event.,Blog,University Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Co-host a seminar
    • Present at said seminar
    ,,,,"This experience reinforced our understanding of the importance of interdisciplinary communication. We also made efforts to promote the principles of synthetic biology. For the undergraduate audience, we sincerely hope that this lecture could provide them a perspective of the new biology disciplines, and convincing them to learn more about synthetic biology.

    ",,"The team ""co-hosted a seminar and lecture with Prof. Zhihai Li""; they gave a seminar covering synthetic biology and how it can be integrated with recent advances in brain imaging science",,,

    2093,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,The iGEM goes green GHG Emissions Calculator,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Team developed excel based tool that teams can use to calculate their carbon footprint in the laboratory.,Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific),"
    • Team created an excel based tool that allows teams to calculate their carbon footprint in the lab including factors such as consumables, heating, and electricity consumption
    ",Quantitative,"With the calculator, the team measured their own green house emissions of the lab to be 3520 kg for the duration of the project",,,,,,,

    2094,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Gene Card,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>",UESTC-China iGEM created a card game that demonstrates concepts of synthetic biology.,Education Activity,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, University Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology","1) Use a mathematical model to simulate the game process and obtain the best number of different cards. UESTC-China iGEM ultimately decided on two categories of cards: base cards and function cards. Base cards contain several elements which are necessary for a genetic engineering experiment. Function cards are designed as interaction mechanisms according to simple biological knowledge. The first player to collect six different base cards will win the game. 2) Enter major middle schools and introduce the card game to the students. Receive feedback from students. 3) Introduce the card game at iGEM conferences, like the CCiC. UESTC-China iGEM also introduced their game at Innovative Entrepreneurship Week in Chengdu.</ul>",Qualitative,"Middle school students showed a strong interest in playing the game. Teams at the CCiC played and enjoyed the game; UESTC-China iGEM gave them the Chinese version as a souvenir. Zhang Haoqian, the CTO of Bluepha Company, praised their card game on his Twitter. Later, at the Innovative Entrepreneurship Week in Chengdu, many students played with the cards and asked for a set.",,"""We want to renovate the inflexible educational approach to synthetic biology, and build a new model for public education. So we have designed a board game, which is entertaining and contains basic biological knowledge. We think that the best way to teach is edutainment, so we want students to have fun while learning knowledge.""",,UESTC-iGEM created a card game to promote synthetic biology among primary and secondary school students and non-biology-major students.,,,

    2095,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Experts to Choose a Chassis ,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Evaluate qualities your microorganism must have for your project.
    • Identify a few options.
    • Consult an expert for your final selection.
    ,,,,The team chose Trichoderma to develop their project.,,The team spoke with an expert on what microorganism they should do their research on.,,, 2096,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement, Visit to Zhejiang Food and Drug Administration to Discuss Safety,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",The team interviewed officials about safety and the future of synthetic biology.,Interview,Professors,Discuss Ethics and Safety,
    • Visit a regulatory administration and ask them their thoughts on safety in synthetic biology.
    ,,,,,,The team visited theZhejiang Food and Drug Administration to speak about safety. ,,, 2097,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Experts in Environmental Management ,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,"Professors, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Team consulted Stephan Scops and Dr. Ines Herr from the Department of Environmental Management and Environmental Coordination of TU Dresden to help the team calculate their carbon footprint
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"The two experts helped provide the team with contact information and checked whether general energy consumption data of the biology building, and our lab were available. They also helped define the teams aims in the initiative. In return they received the team's collected data about energy consumption of biological laboratories",2,,,Team consulted several experts in the field of environmental management for feedback on their iGEM project.,,,

    2098,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Interactions with Students,"Open Lab, Teaching Activity","<a href=""""></a>",UESTC-China iGEM created a recycling-based education activity for high school students. The students created micrographs with plastic waste and plants.,Education Activity,"Primary School Students, Secondary School Students","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","1) Host an open lab for primary school students. UESTC-China iGEM hosted an open lab called ""A Close Encounter with Science"" to teach botany and let children operate some simple instruments. At the end of the event, the students played plant printing and dyeing games. 2) Visit middle schools and ask students to brainstorm synthetic biology and environmental protection-related project ideas. 3) Invite high school students to campus and instruct them to build micrographs with plastic waste and plants. Give them tips on the recycle and reuse of pollutants, and explain the principle of degrading pollutants by transgenic plants.</ul>",Qualitative,"Primary school students enjoyed the fun incorporated into the teaching activities, such as the plant printing and dyeing games. Middle school students came up with numerous ideas for synthetic biology projects, and demonstrated a different way of thinking. ",20 students and 10 parents attended the open lab for primary students. Over 300 middle school students participated in the brainstorming activity UESTC-China iGEM hosted. Over 10 students came to UESTC-China campus to participate in an educational activity.,,,"UESTC-China iGEM prepared synthetic-biology teaching activities for primary, middle, and high school students.",,, 2099,UESTC-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Lab Safety Comic,Educational Material,"<a href=""""></a>",UESTC-China iGEM illustrated and published comics that demonstrate lab safety. They uploaded a PDF of their comics on their wiki.,Paper on Safety,"iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Discuss Ethics and Safety,1) Illustrate comics that demonstrate lab safety principles. 2) Publish comics for various exhibitions and post as a PDF online.</ul>,,,,,,UESTC-China iGEM illustrated and published comics that demonstrate lab safety.,,,

    2100,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Field Study at Midpoint,"Community Event, Consult Representatives",,,,Specialized Audience,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions",
    • Speak with potential consumers of your product.
    • Take their thoughts into account.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"The officials at the tobacco farm said that it would be helpful to have a detection device in place before the black shank season begins.

    The team ""found that the plant and microorganisms around it would emit VOC (volatile organic compounds),and the VOC from healthy plants and ill ones are different. Therefore, we used sensors to detect the gas around plants, and used machine learning to able the system to define whether the plant is healthy. We also added an accumulating part so that it could apply in the practical farmland better.""",,"""This communication inspired us to improve our wet-labs and refine our design on practical application. Since the officials worried P.nicotianae exploded in field and biocontrol agents might not work in time, we later connected with UESTC for testing the T.atroviride effects in plants.They thought our signal transduction process was very meaningful and encouraged us combined it with modern automatic agriculture like using unscrewed vehicle to monitor a large of field dynamically instead of many settled devices.""",,The team visited a tobacco farms and looked at the diseased plants. They spoke with officials about how to approach the problem.,,,

    2101,SUSTech_Shenzhen,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Educating junior high school students on synthetic biology,"Teaching Activity, Educational Material","<a href=""""></a>",Blog detailing event and provides photos of the event.,Blog,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Invite high school students to your campus.
    • Teach the students that attend about science and synthetic biology.
    ,,,40 students,"We also showed them the optical and microfluidic devices we built for the project. Most of them had never been in a research lab before. We believe many of them will remember this experience for a long time. We also successfully shown them that science, especially synthetic biology is really fun!

    ",,"To further promote synthetic biology, we gave a series of lectures on synthetic biology as wells our current and previous iGEM project to a group of 40 junior school students from Sichuan province. They also visited our lab and showed great interest in synthetic biology.


    2102,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,,Integrated Human Practices,iGEM Inspiration Program on WeChat,Just Product, ,The team created a program on WeChat that allows teams to search for past projects based on criteria. They hope this will make it easier for teams to think of ideas for projects.,Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Create a platform that makes the iGEM database searchable or easier to use.
    ,,,,"""We hope this program can help other iGEM teams to get resources faster, and come up with more and more fascinating projects.""",,,,, 2103,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,"Computer Game: ""A Trichoderma Defense War""",Just Product,,The team created a computer game where the player protects a plant and tries to acquire as much biomass as possible. ,Education Activity,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Create a computer game to increase public knowledge about the problem your team is addressing.
    ,,,,,,,,, 2104,SUSTech_Shenzhen,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Exchange of Ideas with Fellow Scholars,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Blog detailing the meeting and provides a photo of the event.,Blog,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with expert
    • Ask questions on how to construct project
    • Take feedback into account when the project is designed.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"In the seminar, Prof. Li pointed out the lack of an indifferent stimulus on which we can build a new behavior. He also suggested building tropism on an indifferent factor by training worms with favorite or abhorrent stimulus. That was much easier than training worms to change their pre-existing likes and dislikes. The advice we got from Prof. Li helped us correct our principles and guided us to design our new behavioral experiment.",1 professor,Advice gained from Prof. Li helped significantly to guide the project in the right direction.,,The team held a seminar with Prof. Peng Li to gain information and advice on how to construct their experiment.,,, 2105,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Teaching Younger iGEMers,Presentation (General),,,Just Project No Product,"Secondary School Students, iGEM Teams","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Invite high school iGEM teams to your school.
    • Give them a presentation with helpful information and suggestions for their project.
    ,,,,The high school teams welcomed feedback and wanted to collaborate further. ,,The team met with high school iGEMers to go over synthetic biology and give advice. ,,, 2106,SUSTech_Shenzhen,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Communication with Other Teams,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>","Blog detailing the conference, provides photos of the event.",Blog,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project",
    • Attend iGEM meetup
    • Present project for feedback
    • Utilize feedback to improve project
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"After presenting our project on the conference, we had a short discussion with the judges, who provide us with much valuable advice. Judges raised concerns that the long-time training may result in old C. elegans and additional uncertainties. Therefore, we adapted their suggestions and modified our training pattern and related experiment designs.

    ","49 iGEM teams attended the conference, the number of judges consulted was not specified.",Feedback received from the project helped to significantly steer the course of the project.,,Team attended CCiC (Conference of China iGEMer Committee) and presented their project among fellow iGEM peers and judges for feedback.,,,

    2107,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Open Lab for High School Science Camp,Open Lab,,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Invite a high school science camp to your lab.
    • Present about synthetic biology, iGEM, and your project.
    ",,,,"""Maybe some of them were impressed by this activity and choose to major science when they enter college.""",,The team welcomed a science camp for high schoolers into their lab and spoke about iGEM and synthetic biology.,,, 2108,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Science Stamp Activities for Children,,,Postcards with stamps relating to iGEM that had QR codes that lead to the team's project.,Other,Primary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)",
    • Create postcards with stamps and a code that leads to information about your project when scanned.
    ,,,,The kids enjoyed the activities and the team got the chance to speak to some professionals on site.,,"There were different science related activities for children. At each one, they could earn a stamp, which they could later redeem for a prize. On the back of the cards with the stamps was a code that could be scanned to find out about the team's project online.",,, 2109,,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Attending the Conference of China iGEMer Community,"Presentation (General), Conference/Panel Discussion",,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Networking",
    • Attend an iGEM meetup.
    • Take feedback of other teams and build collaborations.
    ,,,,"""Many suggestions that we received from other teams are of value, so we further improved our design after coming back. Besides, we built close cooperation with UESTC-China since we both used the tobacco.""",,The team attended an iGEM meet up and got feedback on their project.,,, 2110,ZJU-China,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,BTGEM Summit,Conference/Panel Discussion,,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Attend an iGEM meetup.
    • Take feedback and incorporate that into your project and final presentation.
    ,,,,"""At the same time, some fellows’ suggestions pointed out our direction of work in the last month, we gained very much from this meet up.""",,The team attended a meet up to give a presentation of their project and receive feedback.,,, 2111,SUSTech_Shenzhen,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Collaboration with Fellow Researchers,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Blog detailing the advice gained from Doctor Ding along with photos,Blog,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with professor
    • Gain advice from professor
    • Utilize advice to improve project.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"At initial stage, we faced lots of problems on microinjection, such as low success rate and low male worms rate after mating. So we contacted Prof. Zhongying’s laboratory at Hong Kong Baptist University, one of the best in genetic manipulation of C. elegans area. We communicated with Doctor Ding on microinjection issues in Prof. Zhao’s lab. With their kind and patient instructions on our microinjection methods, we successfully inserted our parts into C. elegans.

    ",,Advice gained helped the team significantly.,,Team contacted Prof. Zhongying's laboratory to gain advice on how to improve results when working with C. elegans,,,

    2112,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting the Editor of Labconscious ,"Consult Experts, Social Media","<a href=""""></a>",Blog post on Labconscious written by Katja Linnemann and Nina Lautenschläger about the iGEM team and their Green Initiative.,Blog,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
    • Team reached out to Labconsious, an open resource supporting researchers using green lab initiatives to improve efficiency and reduce the environmental footprint of bench science supported by New England Biolabs
    • Contacted the editor of the webpage Nicole Kelesoglu and asked to publish two blog posts on her website to extend the teams outreach.
    ",,,1,"Team will meet Nicole after the Jamboree, and she will interview the team and publish the story of iGEM goes green in her blog post. Also, the iGEM goes green initiative will be the content of an epsidode of NEB TV",,Team contacted the editor of the blog Labconscious and asked if she could publish a story about the team on the blog. ,,, 2113,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Expert in Sustainable Lab Work,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Interviewed Dr. Kerstin Hermuth-Kleinschmidt, founder of NIUB-Nachhaltigkeitsberatung
    • With her large knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable lab work, the team was able to extend our GoGreenGuide
    ",,,1,Dr. Kerstin Hermuth-Kleinschmidt has also agreed to publish a paper on their initiative and use some of the materials the team created in her own work.,,"Interviewed Dr. Kerstin Hermuth-Kleinschmidt, Founder of NIUB-Nachhaltigkeitsberatung - sustainability consulting for companies in life science with a focus on sustainable lab work.


    2114,Shanghaitech,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Integrated Human Practices,Questionnaire for Nonscientists About Interest in Bioproducts ,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Results of the survey on interest and access to biology.,Survey,General Public,Learn Public Opinions,
    • Create a questionnaire to gauge public interest in science and to find out how you can make science more accessible.
    • Distribute the survey.
    • Collect and evaluate results.
    ,Quantitative,"<a href=""""></a>",252,"""Both the bio-designers and students have interesting thoughts in bio-designing. However, they could not realize them due to lack of lab experience.

    The best way to preserve inspiration and innovation is to practice right away. A lab-free synthetic biology platform, would greatly benefit the public in preserving bio-innovative ability.""",,"The team created a survey to find out people's interests in biology, their knowledge of synthetic biology, and what holds them back from getting involved with science. ",,,

    2115,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Expert in Energy Consumption of Lab Devices,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Scientific Community,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Team met with Dr. Annina Gritzki, a member of the interdisciplinary CAMPER project of TU Dresden, a project to analyze energy consumptions on campus and find ways to increase energy efficiency
    • Lent the team amperemeter plugs to allow the team to check the energy consumption of the centrifuge and other devices
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Dr. Gritzki helped revised their calculator tool, and gave useful suggestions for improvements ",1,,,"Team consulted Dr. Annina Gritzki, a member of CAMPER project, a project to analyze energy consumption on campus and find ways to increase energy efficiency",,, 2116,Shanghaitech,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Integrated Human Practices,"Interviews of People Interested, but not Involved, in Biology","Survey, Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",Responses from interviewees on what they would make if they had biology experience.,Interview,"Secondary School Students, Teachers, University Students, Specialized Audience","Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Learn Public Opinions",
    • Interview people about what they would bioproduct they would create if they had access to the technology and knowledge necessary.
    • Compile this information.
    ,Qualitative,"<a href=""""></a>",22+,"The results of the interviews ""encouraged us to develop MagicBlock, to lower the bar for practicing synthetic biology for biologists and also for non-biology major bio-lovers.""",,"The team interviewed 2 innovation groups, 4 makers, 12 students aging from 14 to 22, 2 instructors, and a scholar in innovation education.",,, 2117,Shanghaitech,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,MagicBlock,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>","The team created the platform MagicBlock which combines a robot, a client software for bio-makers and a data base containing plasmid samples and corresponding sequences. They created an outline of how to use the platform and created a video about it. ","Video of Activity, Hardware",General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Create a platform to give people access to biology product design.
    • Make it easy to use.
    • Provide steps for usage.
    ,,,,,,"The team created MagicBlock, a cloud platform that enables people to easily people to create bio-designs without access to a lab. ",,, 2118,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Expert Botanist ,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Scientific Community,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Activism for iGEM Project","
    • Reached out to Dr. Ulrich Pietzarka for advice on how to plant a tree in the forstbotanical garden of their university
    • Planted a bur oak, Quercus macrocarpa, which is drought and fire resistant
    • Were given a tour of the forstpark, and invested 100 euros in the nurture of their tree
    ",,,1,,,"Team consulted Dr. Ulrich Pietzarka, curator of the Forstbotanical Garden Tharandt, Dresden University of Technology, for assistance on planting trees.",,, 2119,Shanghaitech,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Implementing Feedback for MagicBlock,"Presentation (General), Conference/Panel Discussion, Consult Experts","Interviews can be found here: <a href=""""></a> Workshop feedback can be found here: <a href=""""></a>",,Other,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Create a platform to enable public access to synthetic biology.
    • Seek feedback through workshops and professional advice.
    • Incorporate this advice into your final product.
    ,Quantitative,"Interviews can be found here: <a href=""""></a>

    Workshop feedback can be found here: <a href=""""></a>",20+,The team received a great deal of helpful advice from participants in the workshops. The professionals also provided important technical advice which they incorporated into their final cloud product.,,The team got feedback from experts and participants in workshops where they tested MagicBlock. ,,,

    2120,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Studying the needs of biology labs,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Blog describing the visits and provides photos.,Blog,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Visit laboratories
    • Ask professors what challenges they encounter that software can remedy.
    • Use information to guide project
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"By talking with researchers working in the lab, we were surprised that lack of ideas is one of the common problems when they work on a synthetic biology project.

    ",,"We learned that the majority of researchers’ idea source is professional research articles and journals, they work before, but a novel idea may arouse from them if the researcher reuses their essence and aims to an accessible direction. However, each paper usually describes its design in the author’s own style and standard, which is usually hard to understand and absorb its design ideas for one’s own creative work.

    How to come up with an idea or to trigger one’s inspiration is a challenge for us, because “inspiration” is such an abstract concept, and is hard to measure. But hope is still alive: several related previous works may create a new idea. To find out related projects and to guide users to a clearer direction, are what we consider to achieve in our software.

    ",,"Visited several laboratories at Sun Yat-sen University, and learned about what needs could be fulfilled with novel software.",,,

    2121,SYSY-Software,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting the Biosafety and Ethics Advisor,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Webpage detailing the meeting and photo of event.,Blog,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with a professor
    • Learn about biosafety
    • Use information to guide the project
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"Prof. He emphasized the signification of biosafety awareness, and the real biosafety is supposed to be reflected in each step of the operation. As a development team for biology software, it is our responsibility to remind the users to follow safe and reliable design principles and to warn the users of dangerous operations. This proposal from Prof. He gave new inspiration to us.

    ",1 professor,"After the consult to Prof. He, we realized that we have more responsibilities of biosafety warning and guiding. What’s more, it would be better if we establish a way of communication with users. We’ll finish this goal by improving our interactive interface with users.

    ",,Consulted Prof. He Zhumei for advice on biosafety.,,,

    2122,Shanghaitech,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Shanghaitech School Visits,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Visit a high school.
    • Present about your project and the potential of synthetic biology.
    • Encourage students to get involved with synthetic biology.
    ,,,,"""Most of them never thought of get things done in synthetic biology before, and our project in lowering the barrier for the public to participate synthetic biology kindled their interest. We got a lot of questions even after the seminar.""",,The team visited a high school to present about synthetic biology and to popularize their project.,,, 2123,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consulting Microsoft staff about Information security,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Blog detailing the meeting and contains a photo of the event.,Blog,Vendors/Businesses,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with software expert
    • Learn about the informational security considerations that one must be aware of when developing software.
    • Use the information gained to develop software.
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"We consulted Mr. Li Yuzheng for related software policies and practices. Mr. Li majors in software, and has worked in Microsoft Research Asia. He told us that it is necessary to write a software statement, and show the statement to users when they first use our software. Only when users agree to provide their private information can our software collect and use it.

    ",,"According to Mr. Li's advice, we checked our software again, made sure that we never collect users' private information without agreements, and wrote a software statement with the help of legal professionals. ",,"As the team is developing software, they decided that they should consult software experts to investigate the ethical obligation they should have to ensure information security.",,,

    2124,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Consultation on intellectual property issues,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>","Blog detailing the meeting, and attached photo of event.",Blog,Professors,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Meet with professor
    • Gain information for project
    • Use information to better project
    ,Integrated Human Practices,"We consulted Prof. Li Yang on intellectual property issues. Prof. Li was from School of Law, Sun Yat-sen University, researching laws of intellectual property. We introduced the specifics of the literature citation to Prof. Li. He carefully helped us understand the citation terms and conditions, and explained how the paper license works. With his help, we make sure that we’re approval to use every paper and every iGEM project in our database.

    ",1 professor,"The awareness of intellectual property is very critical for us, especially when we design an open website to share others’ papers and other achievements.

    ",,Met with Prof. Li Yang for advice on how to navigate intellectual property when collecting information for the database.,,,

    2125,Shanghaitech,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Bio-design Thinking Class,Teaching Activity,,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Plan a biology seminar at a middle school.
    • Discuss synthetic biology and have the students design a product they could build with biology.
    ,,,,The students were excited about synthetic biology and came up with creative ideas for applications.,,The team held a seminar at a middle school to gauge understanding of synthetic biology and excite kids about designing biology projects.,,, 2126,Shanghaitech,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Social Media Activity,Social Media,,,Just Project No Product,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Activism for iGEM Project","
    • Create a social media account.
    • Update it with information about your project, your outreach, and interesting articles.
    ",,,,"""We have received many comments saying that they are excited to find a new area about design and creation. Also, a number of suggestions from the readers really inspired us to improve our project.""",,"The team created a WeChat account and posted articles, updates about MagicBlock, and an introduction to their workshops.",,, 2127,Shanghaitech,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Biosafety,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",An updated and extended lab safety manual created by the team.,"Paper on Safety, Other","University Students, iGEM Teams, Scientific Community",Discuss Ethics and Safety,
    • Identify issues with existing safety manuals.
    • Adress these and edit the safety manual.
    • Send out your edited manual to professors for feedback.
    • Incorporate feedback.
    • Put safety manual into use and encourage other labs at your university to use it as well.
    ,Qualitative,Positive feedback from professors responsible for laboratory safety,,"""We will complete it continuously and make it become an indispensable part of our experimental lessons.",,"The team edited a biosafety and security manual in Chinese and sent it to professors, who gave them positive feedback.",,, 2128,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Biology Festival: introduction synthetic biology to public,Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",blog detailing the event and provides photos of the event occurring ,Blog,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Host an event
    • Utilize various activities to teach the public about synthetic biology
    ,,,,,,Held an event on the campus to introduce the public to synthetic biology.,,, 2129,Shanghaitech,Undergraduate,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Education and Public Engagement,Education Video in Chinese,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",A collection of biosafety education videos made by Shanghaitech and other Chinese teams. ,Video of Activity,"University Students, iGEM Teams, General Public",Discuss Ethics and Safety,
    • Reach out to other teams to participate in your project.
    • Have each team make a safety video.
    • Compile them on a youtube channel or other video sharing platform.
    ,,,11 iGEM teams,,,The team collaborated with other Chinese teams to make a collection of safety videos.,,, 2130,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,"""Bio-Lab Rescue"": game promotion",Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>","Link to the game is available on this webpage, however the webpage returns an error when opened.",Other,General Public,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Develop a game
    • Release the game to the public
    ,,,,,,Game designed to teach people about synthetic biology,,, 2131,SYSU-Software,Undergraduate,2017,,,Education and Public Engagement,Mini lectures for freshmen & high school students,Teaching Activity,"<a href=""""></a>","Blog which describes the event, and posts a photo of the event occuring.",Blog,Secondary School Students,Educate on Synthetic Biology,
    • Host lecture events
    • Teach high schoolers about synthetic biology at these lecture events.
    ,,,,,,"Gave small lectures to freshmen and high school students about the team's project, and synthetic biology in general.",,, 2132,SYSU_Software,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,"""Synbio Summit"" with people from different fields",Community Event,"<a href=""""></a>",Blog detailing the event and displays photos of the event.,Blog,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology",
    • Hold an event
    • Invite university students to the event
    • Discuss synthetic biology at the event.
    ,Qualitative,"We invited guests majoring in sociology, computer science, environmental science, law and so on. At the beginnning of the summit, we introduced the basic concepts of synthetic biology, and express our previous thinking about what synbio will affect other fields. Participants were the first time to learn about synthetic biology, but they gave their opinions to us, including phrase, puzzles and worries after they realized what synbio may do with everyone's life.

    ",,"For 1.5 hours, we talked about lots of topics around synthetic biology, including safety, societal effects, moral ethics and so on. We realized that we were not only the ""teacher"" in the field of synthetic biology, but also a humble student, for every field could teach us useful lessons.

    ",,Held an event to get people from different fields to meet up and talk about synthetic biology.,,,

    2133,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,Biological Safety Expertise ,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Legislators,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
    • In order to consider the biological safety of the project in applying their bacteria in facilities other than laboratories, the team met with legal assistant Ms K. Michalk from the Institute for Technological Environmental Law at TU Dresdent
    • She informed the team about the procedure during the safety evaluation of a biological project and what is needed to make our Peptidosomes with the encapsulated biosensor applicable in e.g. a sewage treatment plant
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"According to Ms K. Michalk's provisional assessment, the encapsulation of the biosensor into Peptidosomes represents a huge improvement in contrast to a biosensor that is placed on the market without further immobilization. She estimates this additional safety measure as pivotal for the potential prospective approval for a placement on the market.",1,,,Consulted a legal assistant from the Institute for Technological and Environmental Law at TU Dresden about the procedure during the safety evaluation of a biological project.,,, 2134,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Long Night of Sciences,"Community Event, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity, Fair Booth",,,Other,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
    • Team hosted a book at the Long Night of Sciences, an annual event taking place in many cities throughout Germany
    • Focused on introducing iGEM and synthetic biology to the public in Dresden
    • Had Legos and gave instructions to kids on how to build Biobricks: different colors of big bricks corresponded to different genes, like fluorescent proteins, smaller bricks corresponded to different promoters and so on
    • Also offered strawberry DNA extraction
    • Presented iGEM project and current developments in biotechnology to parents and visitors
    ",,,,"At the end of the day, successful young scientists were able to take home a tube of strawberry DNA and parents were left in awe of newly acquired kids' skills.",,"Team hosted a booth at the Long Night of Science, focusing on introducing iGEM and synthetic biology to the public in Dresden.",,, 2135,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Teaching High School Students Synthetic Biology,"Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Team went to Rudolf-Hildebrand-Schule, a high school in Markkleeberg
    • Presented concepts of synthetic biology and introduced project idea to senior year students participating in a course in biotechnology
    ",,,,,,Team presented synthetic biology concepts and project ideas to senior students,,, 2136,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Article in Local Newspaper,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Article in German about the team in the local newspaper Sächsische Zeitung,Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Team has article written about them in German in the local newspaper Sächsische Zeitung (printed on 29/10/2017)
    ,,,,,,,,, 2137,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Articles in University Newspaper,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>, <a href=""""></a>","Articles about the team in the TU Dresden newspapers, written in german.",Magazine/Newspaper Article,"University Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • TU Dresden's newspaper wrote an article on the team's work in Universitätsjournal 2 The team was featured in several newsletters at TU Dresden including the Computer Science Institute
    ,,,,,,,,, 2138,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Article About Team and Sustainability Endeavours,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>","Article written about the team in the TU Dresden newslettter on Work Safety, Health and the Environment (in german).",Magazine/Newspaper Article,"University Students, General Public","Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Article was written on our team and our sustainability endeavours in the TU Dresden newslettter on Work Safety, Health and the Environment (in German)
    ",,,,,,,,, 2139,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,"""Green Your Lab"" Poster",Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Poster with tips to work greeners for labs to follow.,Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Activism for iGEM Project",
    • Team created a poster summarizing important lap work tips that are reminders to work greener
    ,,,,,,,,, 2140,TU_Dresden,Overgraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,GoGreenGuide,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Team wrote a guide giving useful tips on how to make lab work more sustainable and environmentally friendly.,Tool for iGEM Teams,iGEM Teams,"Discuss Ethics and Safety, Activism for iGEM Project","
    • Team wrote a guide giving useful tips for how lab work can be more sustainable by thoughtful planning and conscious usage of resources
    • Also contains suggestions for more environmental friendly conferences and meetings, and outlines how greenhouse gas emissions of a lab and for flights can be calculated and compensated for
    ",Quantitative,Tips are easy to implement in a daily working routine and does not require a lot of effort for scientists to adopt,,,,,,, 2141,SMS_Shenzhen,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Wechat Subscription Account for Popularization of Synthetic Biology,"Educational Material, Social Media",,Wrote a total of 23 articles about synthetic biology and iGEM.,Magazine/Newspaper Article,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Registered for an official account on WeChat, the most popular social app in China
    • Sent articles on WeChat to introduce Synthetic Biology, iGEM Competition, the team, and the project
    • Used the website to fundraise on the account and connect with others
    ",,,,Account became a Verified Original Subscription Account ,,Team advocates SynBio and iGEM on their WeChat account.,,, 2142,SMS_Shenzhen,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,Open-Lab Day for Teens in Our City,"Community Event, Open Lab, Presentation (General), Teaching Activity",,,Just Project No Product,Secondary School Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program",
    • Hosted over 200 middle school students in an Open-lab Day
    • Student guides gave presentations on synthetic biology and taught basic experimental skills such as how to use micropipettes to the students
    ,Qualitative,"Students reported they learned a lot and one student said ""I hope that we can always keep the sacred revere in our heart as those junior high students, when we are in the lab""",Over 200,,,Team planned and held an Open-lab day for middle school students to learn about synthetic biology,,, 2143,SMS_Shenzhen,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Education and Public Engagement,A Survey of Public Opinion about Our Project,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>","Survey conducted by the team to gauge the general public's interest and suggestions towards their project, and how people deal with scale insects",Survey,General Public,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Conducted a survey to determine the breadth of harm of scale insects, and what the general public thinks about the team's iGEM project
    ",,,42,,,Survey to know people's opinions and suggestions towards the team's iGEM project and how normal people deal with scale insects.,,, 2144,SMS_Shenzhen,High School,2017,,Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement,Integrated Human Practices,A Research of Current Situation & Interview with Farmers,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,Specialized Audience,Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Conducted an interview with a farmer to learn about the current situation of scale insect infestation, how the crop will be, and understand how to combat the problem with both chemical and physical ways to kill scale insects
    ",,"Concluded that there is an urgent need for a low-pollution, low-cost method of insecticide in the method of de-worming. Because the approach is relatively low in both cost and labor, the team's project it can certainly meet the needs of society. Besides, it is environmental-friendly since biological waste is much easier to degrade by the environment.",1,,,Team interviewed farmers to determine the current situation of scale insect infestations.,,, 2145,SMS_Shenzhen,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,A Discussion with Professors in China Academy of Science,Consult Experts,"<a href=""""></a>",Interview with botanists from the Kunming Institute of Botany.,Interview,"Professors, Scientific Community","Gain Information for iGEM Project, Discuss Ethics and Safety","
    • Contacted two senior Botanical experts from the Kunming Institute of Botany, China Academy of Science for information on safe pesticide use
    • Topics of discussion were: whether there are ingredients on the surface of plants that could be potentially damaged by our product and whether traditional chemical pesticides have that serious effect on plants as stated in some reports
    • Received a response from Jianchu Xu and Gui Heng
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Learned that about how plants use chitinase as an immune mechanism, how harmful pesticides are, and how a ""sucrose-induced"" system would be safe for plants and work on scale insects",2,,,Team interviewed two Botanical experts for feedback on the safety aspect of their project.,,, 2146,SMS_Shenzhen,High School,2017,,"Nominated for Best Integrated Human Practices, Nominated for Best Education and Public Engagement",Integrated Human Practices,A Discussion with Succulent Plant Owners that Suffered from Scale Insect Problem,Consult Experts,,,Just Project No Product,University Students,Gain Information for iGEM Project,
    • Consulted students from Vanke Meisha Academy Biology Club about the scale insects that killed the succulent plants they were raising
    ,Integrated Human Practices,,"According to the club president of the Vanke Meisha Academy Biology Club, the succulents died during an infestation in the summer. Pesticides recommended by succulent plant sellers didn't work, and the students were unable to catch all the insects. ",The students from the biology club promised to be the first customers of the team's iGEM project ,,Consulted students from Biology Club regarding scale infestation of the club's succulent plants.,,, 2147,SCU-WestChina,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,West China Hospital Visiting for the 2nd time,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Consult Experts","<a href=""""></a>",Transcript of the six doctor's interviews,Interview,"Professors, Scientific Community",Gain Information for iGEM Project,"
    • Traveled to West-China Hospital Sichuan University and contacted Dr. Yi Zhao, Dr. Chunyu Tan, Dr. Min Yang, Dr. Xiaomin Cen, Dr. Hua Zhao, and Dr. Beibei Cui
    • Asked questions regarding the current situation and existing problems of clinical blood uric acid concentration lowering therapy for hyperuricemia and gout
    • Also inquired about the clinical treatment of refractory gout
    • Introduced their iGEM project and asked for feedback
    ",Integrated Human Practices,"Doctors agreed the iGEM project was novel and feasible, but some aspects were too radical and there might be safety issues. One doctor advised to pay more attention to the coordination between scientific significance and the feasibility of the project, and suggested to choose a different model organism.",6,Team learned a lot from the interviews with the six doctors and realized the clinical needs of patients. ,,Returned to China Hospital and interviewed six doctors for feedback on iGEM project,,, 2148,SCU-WestChina,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Questionnaire for Patients with Hyperuricemia,Survey,"<a href=""""></a>",Survey conducted by the team regarding the general public's opinions about hyperuricemia and its possible treatments ,Survey,General Public,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Learn Public Opinions","
    • Created a questionnaire and disseminated it throughout the internet
    • Asked questions regarding views on the harm of hyperuricemia, dietary control in patients with ,hyperuriciemia, and opinions on new drugs or new therapies for hyperuricemia patients
    ",Quantitative,Nearly 50% of the participants were neither aware of the harm of hyperuricemia or paid attention to it in daily life. Over 50% of participants considered efficacy and safety the most important aspects of a new drug or new therapy for hyperuricemia patient.,Over 100,,,Survey regarding the public's opinion about hyperuricemia and its treatments,,, 2149,SCU-WestChina,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Handbook of Hyperuricemia,Just Product,"<a href=""""></a>",Handbook with information about hyperuricemia,"Research Paper, Other",General Public,"Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project, Science Education (Non-SynBio Specific)","
    • Created a handbook to publicize knowledge of hyperuricemia to the public and increase the understanding and attention to hyperuricemia
    • Handbook included: hat is hyperuricemia, the causes of hyperuricemia, relationship between hyperuricemia and gout, prevention and treatment of hyperuricemia, food purine content list as well as information about the team and their iGEM project
    • Distributed the handbooks to passerbys and answered questions
    ",,,,"Team sincerely hope that the public can strengthen the understanding and attention to hyperuricemia, which is not only beneficial to the therapeutic effects, but also is more conducive to improving the health level of the whole nation.",,,,, 2150,SCU-WestChina,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Integrated Human Practices,CCiC 2017,"iGEM Project Presentation (Presenting your iGEM project for feedback), Conference/Panel Discussion",,,Just Project No Product,iGEM Teams,"Gain Information for iGEM Project, Present iGEM Project, Networking","
    • Attended the fourth Conference of China iGEMer Community in Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University in Fuzhou, Fujian
    • Talked to different teams from around the country and introduced their project design and achievements to other teams
    • Attended a speech by iGEM HQ members and senior judges from the United States
    ",,,,,,Team attended the fourth Conference of China iGEMer Community in Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University and presented their iGEM project.,,, 2151,SCU-WestChina,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Exhibition in Chengdu Public Library,"Community Event, Teaching Activity","<a href=""""></a>",Handout created by the team regarding transgenes and disease treatment ,Education Activity,General Public,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program, Present iGEM Project","
    • Created a week long exhibition with three other iGEM teams in southwest China with the theme of transgenic and human health
    • Exhibition contained topics such as disease therapy, biologic pharmacy, disease detection and environment improvement
    • Introduced the their iGEM project, popularized knowledge of hyperuricemia, and received valuable feedback on their project
    ",,,,,,"Created a ""Transgenic and Human Health"" exhibition in the Chengdu Library and taught the public about synthetic biology and their iGEM project.",,, 2152,SCU-WestChina,Undergraduate,2017,,None,Education and Public Engagement,Architects Competition of Microorganism Application,Teaching Activity,,,Just Project No Product,University Students,"Educate on Synthetic Biology, Promote Awareness of Synthetic Biology, Educate on the iGEM program","
    • Host an Architects Competition of Microorganism Application, a school wide competition with the theme ""Transformation of human and animal health related microorganisms
    • Spread awareness of synthetic biology and the iGEM competition to the competitors
    ",,,,,,Hosted a biology competition to spread synthetic biology knowledge and increase awareness of the iGEM competition,,,