

In our institution there isn’t a synthetic biology course, and the competition was our opportunity to immerse ourselves to immerse ourselves in this complex world; we started with the project brainstorming in February, working against Paenibacillus larvae and Melissococcus plutonius in mid-march and running protocols in the lab in … until we Clearly state what the team accomplished. This wouldn't have been possible without all the persons and organizations that gave us their unconditional support throughout the development of the project. We really cherish all of this support; we are thankful because we learned hand-in-hand with many of them.


Freepik: Image Creator at the Flaticon Platform
Some of his icons were used in the creation of the wiki.

Ing. Carlos Ventura
For all the advices on which books to read or where to get inspiration from.
Source for some of the animations used for the creation of the wiki.

Alejandro Hahn
Whenever we got stuck, he had some some advice on troubleshooting.
Some of the royalty free images for the creation of this wiki were taken from here.

Our work

Each member of the team contributed substantially to this project, the effort and skills of each one made everything possible. Here we detail how each team member was a key element for the development of a specific area and for the final integration of all our work.

Human Practices

Legal framework assessment

Alejandra Cervantes

Adriana Arely Varela

Michelle Parada

Anna Aguilar

Pablo Espinoza

Edmundo Valenzuela

Anna Aguilar

Ana Laura Ortega

Sayuri Sandoval


Raúl Lizarraras Durán
For solving the doubts of the iGEM teams that are developing the entrepreneurship sections in their projects, for advising us on our business plan and helping us prepare our Pitch for the presentation in Boston.

Luis Miguel Almanza Rueda
For providing advice in the development of the first steps of market analysis, the resolution of specific questions regarding the analysis of the industry and for giving us access to semester and entrepreneurship classes taught by him at the university.

Elías Solís Rivera
For helping us to solve doubts of entrepreneurship of iGEM teams in relation to patents.

José Luis Quintana
For providing support and advice in the area of ​​entrepreneurship.

Diagtech team; Alan Ventura Hernandez Talavera, Larissa Uribe Marioni and Itzeel Córdova Martín del Campo
For giving us their support when answering doubts about the iGEM teams related to biotechnology projects.

Melissa Lizeth Ferman Corral
For his great contribution in the translation and correction of our business plan and entrepreneurship general develop. For cheering us up and helping with fundraising.

Miguel Acuña Luna
For contributing with the creation of animations for our business plan, SWOT analysis and Canvas model.


M.S. Ana Carolina Apodaca Monge
Because she always showed us a big smile, she motivated us to go ahead and for her great support in supervising the correct use of laboratories.

Eng. Ivonne Hernández
For supervising the lab and supporting us makeing sure everything was fine.

Ph.D. María Antonia Luna Velasco
For all the kindness she always showed us and opening the doors of her lab to use their equipment to perform the InterLab study.

M.S. Mario Loya Rivera
For his good disposition and supervision of the equipment to achieve good results during the calibration and cell measurement protocols in the InterLab study.

Ph.D. Quintín Rascón Cruz
For providing us laboratory advice and miscellaneous products for lab work.

Ángel David González Ortega
For giving us his valuable advice, sharing us his experience and his great support in protocols.

Ph.D. Silvia Lorena Montes Fonseca

María Elena Herrera Carillo and Giselle Flores Ugarte
For helping us in a protocol in a pinch

Ana Rosalía Ramos Achaval
For supporting us in the lab protocols.


For the synthesis of the essentials of our project: Apidaecin, abaecin, defensin 1 and defensin 2.

They provided us BioBrick® Assembly Kit, Q5® High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix, Quick-Load® Purple 1kb Plus DNA Ladder and NEB 5-alpha Competent E. coli.

For funding essentials for the lab.

For the SnapGene software availability in all the iGEM period.

Thanks to our institution for all the support with the competition.

Sponsorship of IPTG, SYBR™ Safe and PureLink® kit.

Sponsorship of IPTG, SYBR™ Safe and PureLink® kit.

Human Practices

Ana Victoria Gutierrez
For her feedback in Public Engagement, and for sharing her point of view on how to enhance our Human Practices

Saúl Fernando Pizarro Medina
For contacting us with Ph.D. Maria Mercedes Roca and guiding us in the Environmental Risk Assessment Guide collaboration.

Ph.D. María Mercedes Roca
For mentoring us with the collaboration of the Environmental Risk Assessment Guide and inviting us to participate in this great project.

SAIBT (Biotechnology Engineering Alumni Society)
For joining forces with us to organize the First Forum on Genetic Manipulation for students of different faculties in our city.

Bee Culture Editors
For publishing our article in their beekeeping magazine.

Arturo Martínez
For joining forces with us in the First Committee of Disarmament and International Security, MEXMUN 2018.

MVZ Ernesto Tanús Sánchez
For supporting us during all the development of the project, inviting us to the IV Estatal Apicultural Forum, and contacting us with different specialist in the area.

Lic. Felipe Esquivel Díaz
For giving us a space for spreading knowledge about synthetic biology and to present our project to beekeepers.

César Armendáriz
For helping us with the basis of the law part for integrated Human Practices, and contacting us with other law students.

M.C. Alejandro Romo
For donating us both strains of the bacteria: Paenibacillus larvae and Melissococcus plutonius.

Adrián Ponce
In collaboration with Alejandro Romo, for taking us to their apiary and showing us how they manage beehives.

MVZ David de Jong
For giving us feedback on our project and for contacting us with other specialists from Argentina and Brazil.

Guillermo Rodríguez
For giving us a space to present our project in the monthly beekeepers’ reunion in Cuauhtemoc city.

Maria del Socorro


Juan Perez Diego de la Rosa

Apicultor Chile


For helping us with the late stage of the law part, where he helped us to contact and consider the adequate government institutions to fulfill the requirements of our project.

Mathematical Model

Raime Bustos
For his invaluable asistance in evaluating the progress of the mathematical model

General Support

Regina Castañeda
For supporting us with the organization of events and fundraising.

Ricardo Chávez and Minerva Castellanos
For giving us general advice to improve the development of our project and sharing with us his experience. For the presentation coaching.

Our families and friends
For always supporting and believing in us.