June 27th
Meeting with MVZ Ernesto Tanús Sánchez, MVZ Adolfo Arroyo, and Ing. José Luis González Miranda.
For us, it was very important to receive feedback from specialists and be able to exchange opinions about our project. After the video call we had with Ernesto Tanús, we were able to keep in contact with him, since he was visiting the city of Chihuahua we took advantage of the opportunity and we scheduled a meeting that was also attended by the President of the National Association of Veterinary Doctors Specialists in Bees (ANMVEA) (MVZ Adolfo Arroyo) and a beekeeping technician from the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishing and Food (SAGARPA) (Ing. José Luis González Miranda). The legal framework consultant accompanied by two active members of human practices attended this meeting that lasted approximately 1h 30. We were looking forward to presenting our project, for them to the give us their general insights, discuss the considerations of legal aspects that involve our project, and receive counseling of the bee's anatomy.