
Bootstrap Example

Things That Go Here

  • The Paper-Test and the iterations
  • The Discussion of Assays used to test

Paper Based-Assay Design

The final product started with a simple early prototype. Before setting out to create this product, creteria needed to be set. This led us to create a table for our design criteria

Customer Need Technical Need Technical Requirement Target value
The test should give results fast How fast the reaction occurs once the sample is applied *Insert data from survey *Insert data from survey - x


Design is the first step in the design-build-test cycle in engineering and synthetic biology. Use this page to describe the process that you used in the design of your parts. You should clearly explain the engineering principles used to design your project.

This page is different to the "Applied Design Award" page. Please see the Applied Design page for more information on how to compete for that award.

What should this page contain?

  • Explanation of the engineering principles your team used in your design
  • Discussion of the design iterations your team went through
  • Experimental plan to test your designs