Team:Bio Without Borders/Experiments


Describe the research, experiments, and protocols you used in your iGEM project. These should be detailed enough for another team to repeat your experiments.

Please remember to put all characterization and measurement data for your parts on the corresponding Registry part pages.

Transformation Test

1) Thaw on ice. Add 5 micro of Dna (one ligation one control) sit for 30 min.

2) Heat shock at 42C for 30 seconds.

3) Add 950 uL of SOC (from fridge).

4) Spread 50-100uL of cells and ligation mixtures onto the plates.

5) Incubate overnight at 37C.

cPCR, chloramphenicol, and culturing protocol

1) Pipette 10 µL of molecular grade water into 2mL tubes.

2) Circle a colony and label it with a number to use.

3) Use the pointy end of the inoculating loop to pick up a colony of bacteria and swish around in the water.

4) Pipette 15 µL of molecular grade water into PCR tube with pre-made master mix bead. Remember to pipette on the side of the tube without touching the bead. Allow bead to dissolve into the water.

5) Take 5 µL of your water-bacteria mixture and transfer it to the PCR tube with the 15µL of water.

6)Pipette 2.5µL of each primer (total of 5µL for both forward and reverse primer) into the PCR tube.

7)Label the PCR tube with the same number you picked for your bacterial colony and place into thermocycler.

What should this page contain?

  • Protocols
  • Experiments
  • Documentation of the development of your project