

June 7th
Video call with MVZ Ernesto Tanús Sánchez

  1. The current burning of beehives threatens the environment and the loss of its resources, which is why a viable alternative to avoid such burning is necessary
  2. He clarified that the word of a beekeeper is not in doubt; however, it might be hard for us to obtain real data regarding the presence of American foulbrood as it is a mandatory complaint issue, so there is distrust of the producer.
  1. Dr. Tanus suggested liquid application (in the form of syrup) which beekeepers could feed their hives. This syrup (sweetened water) could contain the peptides in it and be fed directly to the box. This way, nurse bees would feed on here. Since Africanized bees appeared, he claims, it is better to have interior feeding to avoid foragers. This method would also avoid product loss from environmental conditions such as the wind or sun.
  2. We mentioned the possibility of adding the solution cell by cell, but he said we must think of the beekeeper. This just isn’t scalable for 3,000 or 4,000 boxes. We realized here that the easier the application, the more attractive the product.
  3. We should consider the effect our product would have on the bee's usual microbiome.
  4. He put us in contact with MSc Alejandro Romo, MSc Juan Diego Perez de la Rosa, and Dr. Alfonso Arroyo
  5. We received an invitation to the XXVI International Congress for Beekeeping Updates in 2019.

After receiving feedback from beekeepers, we looked into bees’ anatomy and behavior in a healthy environment. We were looking to enrich our investigation with the point of view of a veterinary expert. Dr. Tanus provided us with an hour and a half of his time to listen to our work. He began by introducing the arrival of foulbrood in Mexico and mentioning the National Program for Honey Harmlessness and Quality, which appeals to European standards (since the EU is Mexican honey’s largest purchaser). Among these standards, Mexico asks honey producers to create antibiotic-free products.

On American Foulbrood, he called the larvae’s first 24 hours “crucial”, since it is the time their defenses are at their lowest. He remarked that there aren´t effective remedies to these diseases, only preventive methods.

He said that bee colony arson was frowned upon and claimed that wood should not be used indiscriminately. When one suspects spores are present, it is imperative to change hives and flame the boxes by blowtorch, this is sterilization.