Team:Austin LASA/Team
h(g.Page, {title: 'Team Members', prev: 'prev', next: 'next', selector: [2, 0]}, h('div', {id: 'container'}, h('div', {id: 'photos'}, h('img', {src: ''}), h('img', {src: ''}) ), h('div', {id: 'bios'}, h('div', null, h('h3', null, 'Anna (Student Leader)'), h('p', null, 'Anna Tutuianu is a senior at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy. Anna has been leading the LASA iGEM team since the end of her freshman year of high school and, as a result, has developed a deep passion for innovation in the applied sciences. She is the core organizer of the LASA iGEM team but gave up on keeping the lab bench organized a long time ago. Outside of iGEM and school, Anna enjoys bullet journaling, doing yoga, researching sustainable living, and reading bizarre novels.') ), h('div', null, h('h3', null, 'Shreya (Student Leader)'), h('p', null, 'Shreya Gupta is a senior at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy. She joined the iGEM team because she enjoys combining problem solving with elements of biology to solve a problem. In the future, Shreya wishes to go into the medical field. Alongside iGEM, she is a member of an FRC robotics team and enjoys watching crime shows.') ), ) ) );