

Team Collaborations

The Medal Requirements now include team collaborations as a silver medal requirement. To help facilitate collaborations, we have made this page so teams can share information about ways they wish to collaborate to reach all of the 2018 iGEM teams.

Please note that this is a page for teams to advertise their collaboration requests. This does not guarantee that participating in one of these will fulfill the silver medal criteria. It is still up to you and your teammates to convince the judges that you have participated in a meaningful collaboration as stated on the Medal Requirements page.

Do you want to promote a Collaboration Request?

Send us your request by email: hq AT igem DOT org .

Please include:

  • Name of Collaboration Request
  • Your Team Name
  • Your Team Location (Institution and Country)
  • Your contact information - Contact Name and Email (to be posted online)
  • Brief Collaboration Request description. This can be something that you can offer other teams or something that you are looking for from another team(s).

1. Postcards - Team Düsseldorf
2. Science Sketch - Team NYU Abu Dhabi
3. Dear diary - Team Linkoping Sweden
4. Fighting Stigma Against Synthetic Biology! - Team Harvard
5. A Better Way to Build - Team William & Mary
6. Engineered Probiotics Around the World - Team Unesp Brazil
7. Survey To Fight Water Pollution - Team IIT Kanpur

7. Survey To Fight Water Pollution

Team: IIT Kanpur

Team Location: IIT Kanpur
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
India - 208016

Contact Information: Rishabh Jain, teamigemiitk2k18 [AT]


To the iGEM Family out there,

We at IIT Kanpur, India, are trying to engineer a synthetic biology system to be able to profitably degrade Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate into Lauryl Alcohol. To be able to better contribute towards the environment through our project and achieve the dream of clean water bodies, we need your help.
We aim to collaborate with you, through exchange of knowledge which can be done easily by you filling out the following survey :

We wish you success in your venture and hope this collaboration can become successful.
With love
Team IIT Kanpur

6. Engineered Probiotics Around the World

Team: Unesp Brazil

Team Location: School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Unesp, Brazil

Contact Information: igem.unesp.aqa [AT]


We're interested in learning about the legal and ethical issues of engineered probiotics in different parts of the world, so we're looking for teams from different countries to help us finding information about clinic trials, startups, researches and legal issues regarding genetically modified probiotics in their country. If you are interested, please contact us!
Also, if your team is also working with engineered probiotics, contact us too!

5. A Better Way to Build

Team: William & Mary

Team Location: William & Mary, United States

Contact Information: Ethan Jones email: igem [AT]


Hey teams! Assembling genetic circuits takes time, and time is precious with Giant Jamboree coming up fast in October. To help future teams build circuits faster, part of our work this year is converting some of the most used and greatest basic parts into a form compatible with a new faster hybrid assembly method. We want your best 2018 part to be a part of this library for future teams to use! Please email us at igem [AT] if you are interested in having your part in our library. We are happy to answer any of your questions and look forward to hearing from you!

Much love,
William & Mary

4. Fighting Stigma Against Synthetic Biology!

Team: Harvard

Team Location: Harvard University, United States

Contact Information: Jessica DeVilla, Aaron Hodges, Fay Huo, Nathan Sharp, Mark Meneses, and Tajrean Yeana.
Email: higemteam2018 [AT]


Hi everyone,

Calling all iGEM teams! This year, Team Harvard wants to work with you all to end the stigma against synthetic biology. We’ve noticed that human contact with bacteria is frequently associated with negative consequences and as such, it is regarded as dangerous by the general public. As iGEM teams, we understand that genetically engineering bacteria is a largely untapped resource for positive change. Help us show the world the true potential of harnessing bacteria for use in therapeutics, diagnostics, the environment and more!

We plan to release a series of newsletters and articles to showcase all of the cool things teams are doing with bacteria for their projects. We’d love to feature your work in our series! If you’d like to participate, please email a description of your project and if possible, a photo to go along with it to higemteam2018 [AT] The more teams that we hear back from the better! Just a couple minutes of your time could make a big difference in our community.

We look forward to hearing from you and wish you all good luck with your projects!

Warm regards,
The 2018 Harvard iGEM Team

3. Dear Diary

Team: Linkoping Sweden

Team Location: Linköping University, Sweden

Contact Information: Marianne Gavelius, Alexandra Sandéhn and Johanna Granqvist. Mail: igem.linkoping [AT]


Hi everyone!

We from team Linköping (Sweden) have a new idea for a collaboration. We would love it if your team would send us a letter (or an email) with a short text about what you are doing, fun stuff that is happening in and outside of the lab and/or quotes. If you want to it would be fun if you include some photos as well. The goal is to create a book/document from all of the stories that will be published on our facebook page, and home page. If you want to take part, please send your contribution to us before August 1st. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

Send the letter to:
Kårallen, Linköpings Universitet
581 83 Linköping, Sweden.

If you would rather email us: igem.linkoping [AT]

Much love,
LiU iGEM 2018

2. Science Sketch

Team: iGEM NYU Abu Dhabi

Team Location: New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Contact Information: Laura Karpauskaite and Doovaraha Maheswarasarma, nyuad.igem [AT]


Dear iGEM Community,

This is a collaboration request to ALL iGEM teams! Join us in showcasing the wonderment of iGEM and synthetic biology by creating a science sketch of your team’s project! Through the series of 1-3-minute sketches, we hope to promote public awareness of the iGEM competition as well as to show how synthetic biology can be utilized to solve problems facing mankind in an innovative manner!
This is the science sketch that our team have created describing what iGEM is:
Join us and have a lot of fun! Be creative!
We look forward to hearing from you!

Warm regards,
iGEM NYU Abu Dhabi 2018

1. Postcards

Team: Düsseldorf

Team Location: Heinrich-Heine University, Germany

Contact Information: igem[AT]


Hey iGEM Teams,As we all know iGEM is not only about experiments and labwork but also about bringing the topic “synthetic biology” closer to the public. In order to do so the previous iGEM teams of the Heinrich-Heine-University of Duesseldorf created a project to promote synthetic biology in public using self-designed postcards. Each year a bunch of iGEM teams decided to join which is why the campaign was a huge success with a lot of beautiful and funny postcards as a result.

How does it work? Every participating team designs a postcard which shows an image related to synthetic biology (or your topic) on the front and a small informational text on the back. Afterwards each team’s postcards are exchanged with other iGEM-teams so that every team can collect postcards from all over the world. The received postcards can then be shared with people in the neighborhood, during public events etc.

If you want to check out the last year’s campaigns for inspiration, visit the wiki of Duesseldorf 2016 or the wiki of Duesseldorf-Cologne 2017

How to design your postcards:
Image related to your project or (synthetic) biology in general on the front
Small informational text on the back
Standard postcard format (A6; 14,8cm x 10,5cm)

If you are interested in joining us please let us know until the 15th of June, so we can figure out how many postcards each team should print and send. Please don't forget to include your address! Important: This is not the deadline for sending and designing the postcard!

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Much love,
iGEM Team Duesseldorf 2018