

Mastering a great project always requires the hard work of great people. During our project, we encountered many of these great people who dedicated their time and energy to support us in the best way possible. Here, we would like to express our thankfulness to everybody who supported us in any kind of way.- the iGEM Team of Tübingen

General Support

Hubert Kalbacher

First, we would like to thank our PI Hubert Kalbacher, who helped us out so much in planning and carrying out the toxicity assay, the MALDI-TOF Measurements and also the protein purification. Furthermore, he provided us with lots of laboratory equipment and the materials we needed for the protein purification. Thank you very much!

Michael Jendrusch

Michael Jendrusch is a very experienced iGEMer, who helped us out a lot in time management, thinking about a great storyline for our project and planning our wiki. Thank you, that you for traveling to Tübingen in your spare time to share your experience and advice with us!

Student Council of Biochemistry

Project Support and Advice

Lab Support

Lab Support

Difficult Technique Support

Presentation Coaching

Human Practice Support

Bioinformatics Support