

Mastering a great project always requires the hard work of great people. During our project, we encountered many of these great people who dedicated their time and energy to support us in the best way possible. Here, we would like to express our thankfulness to everybody who supported us in any kind of way.- the iGEM Team of Tübingen

General Support

Hubert Kalbacher

First, we would like to thank our PI Hubert Kalbacher, who helped us out so much in planning and carrying out the toxicity assay, the MALDI-TOF Measurements and also the protein purification. Furthermore, he provided us with lots of laboratory equipment and the materials we needed for the protein purification. Thank you very much!

Michael Jendrusch

Michael Jendrusch is a very experienced iGEMer, who helped us out a lot in time management, thinking about a great storyline for our project and planning our wiki. Thank you for traveling to Tübingen in your spare time to share your experience and advice with us!

Student Council of Biochemistry

Many thanks also go to the student council of Biochemistry, who provided us with money on loan to register for this years iGEM competition.

Lukas Radwan

Lukas Radwan supported us in designing our project and was always there in if we needed advice on how to implement the ideas that we had. Thank you very much!

Project Support and Advice

Thomas Binz

Also, we would like to thank Thomas Binz, a brilliant scientist working on clostridial neurotoxins, who supported us very much in planning and implementing our toxicity assay and who consulted with us, that we would perform everything correctly. Thank you!

Lab Support

Especially in our lab work, we experienced an enormous amount of support by so many different people, which we would like to thank very much in the next section.

Gust Lab Members

We thank the Gust Lab and all team members for providing us with a laboratory to work in where we performed most of our molecular biology work and supporting us with a huge amount of materials we needed for our work. Furthermore, the team members were always happy to give us advice in all sorts of questions reaching from help with Gibson cloning or PCRs to the usage of the different devices in the lab. Thank you very much!

Lerche Lab Members

We would also like to thank the Lerche Lab who provided us with the SHSY5Y cells and also giving advice on how to culture and differentiate these cells properly.

Stehle Lab Members

We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Thilo Stehle and his Lab Members who provided us with financial support and also supplied us with materials and the technical support.

Schwarzer Lab Members

The Schwarzer Lab provided us with many devices, advice, and materials that were needed for the different detection methods. Thank you very much for your support!

Feil Lab Members

The Feil Lab team provided us with many different materials media and also with the mT/mG MEF cells. Also, we received plasmids (pcDNA3.1(+), pcDNA3.1(-), pLacZ reporter plasmid) that we needed for our cloning experiments, which we would like to thank the Lab very much for. We would also thank the team for letting us use the autoclave. Furthermore, we are thankful that we received so much advice and support from the team members, whenever we had questions or needed help otherwise.

Dodt Lab Members

We would very much like to thank the Dodt Lab for letting us use their fluorescence microscope and also for giving us an introduction in how to use it properly. Also, we are thankful for the materials that were provided and that they let us use the autoclave multiple times.

Rapaport Lab Members

The Rapaport Lab team members provided us with Pasteur pipette tips for our cell culture and let use their autoclave many times. Thank you very much!

Hailfinger Lab Members

Garcia Lab Members

Jansen Lab Members

Frank Essmann

Elisabeth Fuss

Klaus Möschel

Jasemi Loukeri

Georg Zocher

Nadine Schilling

Wagner Lab Members

Grond Lab Members

Maier Lab Members

Lukas Fuhs

Difficult Technique Support

Presentation Coaching

Jakob Suckale

Human Practice Support

Katrin Gildner

Service Learning Interview

24 Hour Lecture

Ract! Festival

Public Debate

Student Laboratory Day

Prof. Dr. Selzer

Boris Palmer

Bioinformatics Support

Phillipp Thiel