Human Practice
Public Engagement
To shoulder our obligations to the Syn-bio community and the entire society. We carried out a series of activities to draw public attention and introduce this field to them. The audience includes general public and potential synthetic biologists, the high school students.
WeChat Public Account
We established a wechat public account and posed introduction of Syn-Bio on it. Our account home page includes columns as "Mr.Syn", "global challenges" and "have fun together". In the first column, we posted introduction of synthetic biology, iGEM competition, and our team. In the second sector, we put forward 5 main challenges that the human race face today and tried to solve it with Synthetic biology. We interviewed one professor at Sun-Yat sen university for each challenge to learn more about the issues. Then we posted our Syn-Bio solution to this problem. we also encourage the readers to think out of the box so we had the global challenge as our special topic. In the third sector we posted our Jump-Jump game to introduce the Syn-Bio principles in an interesting form.
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High school mini lectures
We prepared small brochures about Syn-Bio to introduce the concept and principle, we also attached the model organism: Arabidopsis seed to stimulate interest. The QR code leading to our public account is also printed on the brochure so the high school students can follow us easier. Then we went to two high schools at Guangzhou and Shenzhen to give introduction of Syn-Bio and had a Q&A session to help them better understand this concept and help us learn about their needs. It turned out to be a success that the students have gain basic understanding about the SYN-BIO subject and some of the students got in touch with us by the public account.
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Biology Festival
The school of life sciences at Sun Yat-Sen University holds biology carnival open to the public annually. This year, we had a stand at the carnival, whose theme is Syn-Bio basic and global challenges.. The theme was designed to let the audience learn about the basic Syn-Bio concepts and principles as well as think in an interdisciplinary way. The audience could talk with us about their outlook of the five global challenges and their understandings of Syn-Bio. The engineering principle and standardized Syn-Bio characteristic was introduced with a standardized electronic circuit building toy. People from different backgrounds came to our stand and exchanged their opinions with us. This activity enhanced our communication with the general public, we learnt more about the public’s understandings and views of this subject and the public learnt more about our subject and a new science and technology.
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Game promotion
In the process of talking with public people, we find it is hard to explain concept of synthetic biology and popularize knowledge to them. We think synthetic biology can also be funny and easy to get close to ordinary people. In this case, our team design a game "Little tomato with big dreams". By help our little tomato grow up, players can learn principle and basic knowledge of synthetic biology.
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