Template:SYSU-Software/statics/html/Human Practice/Gold.html

       Human Practice
       Gold:Integrated Huaman Practice
       Our human practice project is used to guide the entire CO-Rad project in several aspects as: topic choosing,
       feature improvement and safety issues. We first carried out surveys and gatherings with other teams and
       professionals to learn about their need, then we based our project on this data, then we showed our results to
       the teams and professionals we got in touch with and made further adjustments about our project. To shoulder
       our obligation to the Syn-bio community and the entire society, we established a wechat public account and
       posed introduction of SYNBIO on it. We also encourage the readers to think out of the box so we had the global
       challenge as our special topic.
       Needs survey
       Before the meetings, we hold a pre-survey first to guide the in-depth investigation. The survey was conducted
       among the iGEM teams both domestic and abroad to find out users’needs. we got feedbacks from 9 iGEM teams and
       it turned out that the top three difficulties that a normal iGEM team encounter are
  1. experiment reproducing and validating(76% teams have troubles in this area
  2. finding new creative ideas(48% teams)
  3. searching for information(28% teams)
   <img sec="T--SYSU-Software--Pre-Survey.png" />
Figure 4: Pre-survey
       Gatherings with professionals
       We then chat with Prof.Lu about the situation we are in and asked for his opinions about the feasibility and
       utility of these ideas. Based on their own experience and knowledge, Lu lab suggested us to deal with the
       problems with interdisciplinary perspectives. When discussing the realization of the function, Lu lab thinks
       that the traditional remote collaborative methods is low-efficient and inconvenient, thus many researcher
       selected to meet their remote collaborators ,which costs plenty of time and energy. At the same time, remote
       collaboration make it difficult to come up with valuable ideas an suggestion.
   <img src="T--SYSU-Software--ConsultingLu.png">
Figure 5: Consulting with Prof.Lu
       We also gathered with SCUT-ChinaA team to introduce our project to each other and exchanged our opinions. After
       introducing our co-editing function with a presentation,one of their team members gave a great suggestion about
       our project. He pointed out that we ignored the fact that experiment protocol is also an important element in
       design collaboration. As a result, we, together with the SCUT team, come up with the idea of protocol editing.
   <img src="T--SYSU-Software--Meet.png" />
Figure 6: Meetup with SCUT-ChinaA
       Since we think highly of Biosafety, we consulted the university biosafety committee member Prof.LEE. about
       <a href="javascript:void(0)" goto="Dry-Lab"> dry lab </a> and , had a member given an intrinsic talk to
       introduce concepts
       and related policies to other teammates. After that, a discussion about the potential methods that could be
       used to improve our project was addressed.
       The Human practice guided the improvement of this project to fit the users’ demand of information searching,
       experiment validating aid, ideas searching. Thanks to Prof.Lu for guiding our project design and we are also
       grateful to the SCUT-ChinaA team for helping us fix the defect of unable to edit protocol, we also got generous
       help from Professor LEE to improve our biosafety level.
       Experiment validating
       To solve problem in validation, we built a circuit predicting feature that uses OED models to simulate the
       function of the circuits. The users could in this way model their circuit design and get simulation of
       intermediate products and end products.
       For more details <a href="javascript:void(0)" goto="Description">check Project</a>
       Inconvenience in collaboration
       we solved this problem by building a co-editing software to let different users co-operate and inspire each
       other as well as debug the design. the users can edit the same circuit in real time and have discussions on the
       project they are co-operating on. we also deveolp the shared sketchpad, imitating draft paper, to make the
       process of collaboration more convenient.
       For more details <a href="javascript:void(0)" goto="Design">Check Design</a>.
       Information searching
       From the pre-survey and talk with XMU-China, we find it is important for synthetic biologists to get past
       successful experience quickly and accurately to optimize their own subjects, which can also be valuable to
       inspire users in the process of collaboration. To solve this problem, we consulted the former members of our
       team who build a searching engine, we improved last year’s searching function to make it more intelligent by
       adding a similar circuit searching feature.
   <img src="T--SYSU-Software--PET.png" />
Figure 7:Searching result with keyword "PET"
       Protocol editing
       The gathering with SCUT-ChinaA team made us realized that protocol display is also crucial in co-operation so
       we added a protocol editing function to let the users share and co-edit their protocols for design
   <img src="T--SYSU-Software--protocol.png" />
Figure 8: Protocol editing
       For more details check <a herf="javascript:void(0)" goto="SCUT"> Collaboration:SCUT-ChinaA</a>
       Improved biosafety feature
       Combining the suggestions from Prof.LEE and the results of our group discussion. we finally decided to remove
       the risky parts and circuits from our database and add alert function in designer.
       For more details check <a href="javascript:void(0)" goto="Wet-Lab"> Safety </a>