OpentronsOpentros is a company dedicated to make robots for biologists. We want to thank oprentrons by providing us with a OT-2 Pippeting robot, which allowed us to acomplish our objetives in the characterization of new parts.
CONANPWe must say that with out the priceless help of CONANP, nothing would have been possible regarding our Human Practices Journey. They spent two months, gathering information about the coordinates of the specific , searching for suitable dates, times and roads for the journey to be efficient and as productive as possible.
GDX HoldingsWe want to thank GDX Holdings their financial support which facilitated our stay in Boston for the Giant Jamboree.
New England BiolabsWe would not be able to carry out many protocols with out the BioBrick® Assembly Kit provided by New England Biolabs
LadesaWe want to thank Ladesa for making possible the attendance of a team member to the Giant Jamboree by a financial support.
SnapGeneWe were able to have a digital view of our sequences and make improvements on them thank to the software licenses provided by SnapGene.
Integrated DNA TechnologiesThe sponsorship of 20,000 bp provided by IDT, allowed us to obtain our DNA sequences that make our project possible.