
Team OUC-China: Main


When we started

The genome contains commands which help the cell to realize some basic functions like assimilation, reproduce, communicate, move and dissimilation. Cells also can be programmed by exogenous DNA which have new commands that guide the cell to perform new artificial tasks and aims in parallel. As we all know, synthetic biology developed very fast in recent years. One of the most important things that helps us to build our fantastic dream in synthetic biology is to develop small modular genetic parts. By doing this, the function of artificial circuits will become more predictable and easier to be operated. Genetic engineering is entering a new era, where microorganisms can be programmed by using synthetic constructs. More and more toolbox of modular genetic parts is designed to interface with the control of cellular processes. The gene regulation tool for controlling and remodeling of circuits is essential and valuable.

The existing strategies

To satisfy various requirements, scientists have already created a lot of gene regulation tools based on three levels: DNA, RNA and protein. Among above three levels, post-transcriptional regulation plays a critical role for gene expression control. Post-transcriptional regulation generally refers to the control on RNA molecules. There are several advantages of post-transcriptional regulation comparing with traditional genetic regulation methods on DNA, like faster response time, simpler regulatory mechanism and diverse design strategies. More and more methods have been created based on post-transcriptional regulation because of its flexibility and practicability [some reference].

A typical case is riboswitch which can bind to a small molecule and result in a secondary structure change of mRNA with translation rate tuning of corresponding protein. It is not only a potential biosensor design platform, but also a powerful tool to control the expression level of downstream genes.

Small RNA-guided endoribonuclease could also be engineered as repressor. It is able to employ a cis-repressive RNA (crRNA) element that masks the ribosome binding site (RBS) of the transcript of particular gene through base pairing [1].


By reviewing existing methods and strategies, we are aware of some aspects worth optimizing. For post-transcriptional CRISPRi, if the crRNA is perfectly paired with RBS, the trans-activating RNA will be hard to compete for the binding with crRNA. This may cause low activation efficiency for opening this type of switch. As for toehold switch, each switch needs to be individually designed. At the same time, introducing long homologous sequence for regulation may increase undesired recombination risk of foreign fragment insertion [ref?].

This year, we design and achieved a new alternative regulatory tool named as ‘MiniToe Family’, which is a new toolkit based on csy4 produced by OUC-China.

Our journey

We have done

★We successfully registered our team for iGEM at February 8th.

★We met all deliverables on the Competition Deliverables page.

★We made a detailed description on what is done by ourselves and what supported by others with precise attribution. Click here!

★We participated in the Interlab Measurement and submitted our result which was accepted by committee. Click here!

★We submitted 20 new Biobrick Parts designed by ourselves which play significant roles in our project and we send 12 new Biobrick Parts among them. Click here!

★We have many kinds of collaborations related to our project! More than twelve teams contact us and help us translate our comic book into other fourteen languages. More than fifteen teams take our comic book——《E. coli SPACESHIP》to local areas for Science education. Four team help us test the function of our parts and we also help them test their system. Four other teams and OUC-china form the basic research results transformation team. We share survey experience and form a document, providing future iGEMers a reference. A new team is formed successful with our help. Click here!

★We carefully confirmed that our work is safe and do not harm to the environment and society! Click here!

★We spread iGEM spirits and promoted the development of synthetic biology in China through popular science comic book——《E. coli SPACESHIP》! And we translate the book into several languages and spread it to many areas with the help of other iGEM teams! We also spread iGEM spirits by synthetic biology lecture, summer camp, and social media. Click here!

★We participated in synthetic biology forums —— Conference of China iGEMer Community (CCiC) as the co-organizer. Click here!

★We improved Part(BBa_K1062004)by point mutant it into several mutations and have tested them by data support. They have functional improvement and both of them are the main roles of our system! The new parts we improve are BBa_K2615004, BBa_K2615005, BBa_K2615006, BBa_K2615007. See more details in this page! Click here!

★The models play an important role on our project and influence our project deeply this year. For the first system, we built an ODE model and then the modeler helps us select mutants for second system. In miniToe polycistron, the model also be used to build a frame of whole structure. Click here!

★We successfully apply our system to regulation of gene, motA! Click here!

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