Team:SBS SH 112144/Team


Team Advisor

Fang Luo - Advisor

Fang Luo is ready to obtain his bachelor's degree from ShanghaiTech University in June 2019. He served as the team leader of the university ‘s iGEM team in 2017 and has been working at Wei L. Shen lab, ShanghaiTech University since Oct. 2015. Currently, his research interests are in the area of Computational neuroscience, behavioral analysis, and neuroimaging. Email:

Team Captains

Wensan Yin

Hello, my name is Wensan, and I am the team captain of “SBS-SH-112144”. I grew up in Yantai, Shandong, China. Currently, I am a junior at the Stony Brook School on Long Island, New York. I am very passionate about biology and its huge contribution to human welfare. As the captain of the entire team, I oversee and participate in every aspects of the project including experiment design and execution, activity discussion, and wiki edition. I have a vision for this team that everyone involved will grow in both character and skill. As a Christian “philosopher”, I like to think about the theme of life- if it involves an interaction between the spiritual entity and physical body or it’s merely a result of chemical reactions. I have lots of experience with biology: internships in hospital, summer sessions in University of Chicago, labs in the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, and AP Bio class at school. I wish to learn as much as possible during the iGEM preparation and lead my team to strive for excellence.

Andy Wang

I am Yicheng (Andy) Wang, a student dabbling in the field of synthetic Biology and employed iGEM as the first springboard from the elementary course material to practical lab works. I would admit participating iGEM to be a painstaking process as I paralleled the research with organization of the team. Neither multitudinous experience as a leader nor advanced academic skills were possessed of me, yet I do embrace the honor to perform as one of the leaders and stride with my teammates on the path of pursuing academic excellence as well as consummation of inner spirit. Extensive experiments were implemented and the team peeked into the hardship of scientific research, not only from the repetitive trials and failures, but also through the attempts to raise requisite funding. iGEM will unquestionably be placed as the first milestone of my career, and I believe, in God’s testimony, hope will be fulfilled through diligence.

Team Members

Dylan Zou

I’m Taojun (Dylan) Zou from Friends Central School. As the dry Group manager, my extensive work includes leading the team to plan and conducting human practice activities, as well as overseeing the progress with an eye on putting our product into application. At first, I joined the competition out of my interest in biology and was excited to make something that could really change the life of millions of people with synthetic biology. I still feel the same way, but I’ve come to realize that how much a technology change people’s life is not justified by how cuttingedge it is, but how effective and useful it is in the life.

Molly Lin

I'm Molly Lin from SEFLS. As a member of dry group, I mostly write about Human Practice part of the wiki and poster. I look forward to working with the team and improving my research skills. Participating in the iGEM competition has helped me with my future plan and has strengthened my aspiration as a young scientist.