/* Projection by TEMPLATED templated.co @templatedco Released for free under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license (templated.co/license)
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(function($) {
// Breakpoints. skel.breakpoints({ xlarge: '(max-width: 1680px)', large: '(max-width: 1280px)', medium: '(max-width: 980px)', small: '(max-width: 736px)', xsmall: '(max-width: 480px)' });
$(function() {
var $window = $(window), $body = $('body');
// Disable animations/transitions until the page has loaded. $body.addClass('is-loading');
$window.on('load', function() { window.setTimeout(function() { $body.removeClass('is-loading'); }, 100); });
// Prioritize "important" elements on medium. skel.on('+medium -medium', function() { $.prioritize( '.important\\28 medium\\29', skel.breakpoint('medium').active ); });
// Off-Canvas Navigation.
// Navigation Panel. $(
' ') .appendTo($body) .panel({ delay: 500, hideOnClick: true, hideOnSwipe: true, resetScroll: true, resetForms: true, side: 'left' });
// Fix: Remove transitions on WP<10 (poor/buggy performance). if (skel.vars.os == 'wp' && skel.vars.osVersion < 10) $('#navPanel') .css('transition', 'none');