Nicotine (1-methyl-2-[3-pyridyl-pyrrolidine], C10H14N2), playing a major role in tobaccos, is an indispensable factor in producing cigarettes. Smoking addiction and is well known addiction due to the intake nicotine contained in cigarettes. Intake of nicotine could cause serious problems in human body, because it easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and biological membranes. In another case, as customers demand for cigarettes, massive amount of tobacco were being processed, this caused tobacco waste. Aminobiphenyl, naphthylamine, and benzo(a)- pyrene, were all examples of pollution that created and entered in the environment. Moreover, nicotine and many alkaloids are all not recyclable, so when those are being discharged, they brings a big impact on environment and causes pollution.
2. 2.Recently, there were a lot more nicotine-degrading bacteria researched being reported, and the degradation pathways of nicotine was more and more clear. The degradation of nicotine through the pyrrolidine pathway by Pseudomonas is extensive and well studied.
In our study, the first three gene_____,_______and______(增加三个基因的名字和基因序列号) are crucial for nicotine degradation, so we have construct a pathway to express the three gene in top10.
Nicotine degradation
Gene cloning
Pathway construction
Vector construction
Protein expression
Nicotine catalysis
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