
const svgHeight = 800; //svg is container containing everything const svgWidth = 1100; var shadow = false; //shadow determines the drop shadow, not sure if implementing yet var GFParr = []; var hrpRarr = []; var hrpSarr = []; var isParsed = true; //whether the data is parsed or not var freq = 1; //freq is current frequency var GFPpath = null; var hrpRpath = null; var hrpSpath = null; const datalength = 398; //length of data aka how many frequencies . const datarange = .1; //how wide the data spreads var hrpR = null; //these contain the circles that shows the data var hrpS = null; var GFP = null; var focus = null; var movable = true; var form = d3.format("0.5f"); //formating var form2 = d3.format("0.0f"); //svg is the svg container reference svg2 might be animation /*const svg2 ="body").append("svg")

           .attr("width", svgWidth)
           .attr("height", svgHeight); */

const svg ="#modeling-content").append("svg")

           .attr("width", svgWidth)
           .attr("height", svgHeight)
           .style("opacity", 0);

// svg repositioning using jquery //$("svg").css({top: 50, left: 200, position:'absolute'}); //$("rect").css({position:'absolute'}); //creating the graph

const graphHeight = 300; const graphWidth = 600; const offsety = 100; //offset of the svg from border const offsetx = (400); //creating interpolation function for our graph var xScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,datalength]).range([0, graphWidth]); var xScale2 = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,140]).range([0, graphWidth]); var yScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,datarange]).range([graphHeight, 0]); var yScale2 = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,1]).range([graphHeight, 0]); //Code for text ====================================================================================================

//svg.append("text").text("Values").attr("x", graphWidth+300).attr("y", 100); svg.append("text").text("Frequency:").attr("x", 30).attr("y", 210); svg.append("text").text("hrpS:").attr("x", 30).attr("y", 240).attr("fill", "blue"); svg.append("text").text("hrpR:").attr("x", 30).attr("y", 270).attr("fill", "green"); svg.append("text").text("GFP:").attr("x", 30).attr("y", 300).attr("fill", "red");

var FrequencyText = svg.append("text").text("0s").attr("x", 110).attr("y", 210); var HRPSText = svg.append("text").text("0").attr("x", 80).attr("y", 240).attr("fill", "blue"); var HRPRText = svg.append("text").text("0").attr("x", 80).attr("y", 270).attr("fill", "green"); var GFPText = svg.append("text").text("0").attr("x", 70).attr("y", 300).attr("fill", "red");

//Code for text ====================================================================================================

//Our function to convert Matrix to points on a line const line = d3.line()

            .x(function(d) {return xScale(d[0]-1);}) //since the first column is 1->data value, this extablished the domain first column basically 1,2,3,4...
            .y(function(d) {return yScale(d[freq]);});

createMovingObject(); createGraph(); parseData(); //read data and make graphs //makeShadow(); //drop shadow MyTransition(); //Radial Scroller Code ============================================================================================================================== var PI2 = Math.PI*2; var slideable = false; var radius = 200; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

     .attr("x1", (radius-5)*Math.cos(i*PI2/(8*2) - Math.PI/2))
     .attr("x2", (radius+5)*Math.cos(i*PI2/(8*2) - Math.PI/2))
     .attr("y1", (radius-5)*Math.sin(i*PI2/(8*2) - Math.PI/2))
     .attr("y2", (radius+5)*Math.sin(i*PI2/(8*2) - Math.PI/2))
     .attr("stroke-width", 2)
     .attr("stroke", d3.rgb(201, 56, 67))
     .attr("transform", "translate(0, 250)");

} var arc = d3.arc()

   .outerRadius((radius+3)) //centered at 125

var CurrAngle = 0;

var arc2 = d3.arc()


var RadSlider = svg.append("path")

   .attr("d", arc)
   .attr("id", "RadSlider")
   .attr("fill", d3.rgb(227, 172, 36))
   .attr("transform", "translate(0,250)");//yellowish?

var DragLine = svg.append("path")

   .attr("d", arc2)
   .attr("fill", d3.rgb(201, 56, 67)) //now reddish //blueish d3.rgb(13, 28, 56)
   .attr("transform", "translate(0,250)");

var DragObject = svg.append("circle")

 .attr("r", 10)
 .attr("cx", 0)
 .attr("cy", -150)
 .attr("transform", "translate(0,"+radius+")")
 .attr("fill", d3.rgb(201, 56, 67)); //redish

var DragOverLay = svg.append("circle") //the overlay

 .attr("pointer-events", "all")
 .attr("class", "overlay")
 .attr("r", (radius+75))
 .attr("cx", 0)
 .attr("cy", 250)
 .attr("fill", "none")
 .on("mousemove", Dragging)
 .on("mousedown", mouseDrag4)
 .on("mouseup", mouseDrag2)
 .on("mouseout", mouseDrag2);

function Dragging() {

 if (slideable) {
   //console.log(d3.mouse(document.body)); //d3.mouse(this) is current object, we want parent
   CurrAngle = Math.atan(d3.mouse("#RadSlider").node())[1]/d3.mouse("#RadSlider").node())[0]) + Math.PI/2; //referencing the slider as the coordinate
   DragLine.attr("d", arc2);
   DragObject.transition().duration(1).attr("cx", radius*Math.cos(CurrAngle - Math.PI/2)).attr("cy", radius*Math.sin(CurrAngle - Math.PI/2) + (250-radius))

} function mouseDrag1() {

 slideable = true;

} function mouseDrag2() {

 slideable = false;
 freq = Math.round(32*CurrAngle/Math.PI)+1; //I used round istead of floor because the simple slider uses round on axis
 FrequencyText.text(form2(3550+freq*50) + "s");
 //if (isParsed) {
   GFPpath.transition().attr("d", line(GFParr));
   hrpSpath.transition().attr("d", line(hrpSarr));
   hrpRpath.transition().attr("d", line(hrpRarr));
 //  }


function mouseDrag4() {

 CurrAngle = Math.atan(d3.mouse("#RadSlider").node())[1]/d3.mouse("#RadSlider").node())[0]) + Math.PI/2;
 DragLine.attr("d", arc2);
 DragObject.transition().duration(10).attr("cx", radius*Math.cos(CurrAngle - Math.PI/2)).attr("cy", radius*Math.sin(CurrAngle - Math.PI/2) + (250-radius))
 slideable = true;


//Radial Scroller Code ============================================================================================================================== //all functions function parseData() { //asynchronous thing

 //creates an array of arrays with arr[time][data]
 d3.csv("", function(data) {
   if (GFParr.length == datalength+1) {
     //console.log(arr); testing
     GFPpath = svg.append("path").attr("d", line(GFParr))
                       .attr("stroke", "red")
                       .attr("stroke-width", 1)
                       .attr("fill", "none")
                       .style("filter", function() { return shadow ? "url(#drop-shadow)" : "" ;})
                       .attr("transform", "translate("+offsetx+","+ offsety+")");
 d3.csv("", function(data) {
   if (hrpSarr.length == datalength+1) {
     //console.log(arr); testing
     hrpSpath = svg.append("path").attr("d", line(hrpSarr))
                       .attr("stroke", "blue")
                       .attr("stroke-width", 1)
                       .attr("fill", "none")
                       .style("filter", function() { return shadow ? "url(#drop-shadow)" : "" ;})
                       .attr("transform", "translate("+offsetx+","+ offsety+")");
 d3.csv("", function(data) {
   if (hrpRarr.length == datalength+1) {
     //console.log(arr); testing
     hrpRpath = svg.append("path").attr("d", line(hrpRarr))
                       .attr("stroke", "green")
                       .attr("stroke-width", 1)
                       .attr("fill", "none")
                       .style("filter", function() { return shadow ? "url(#drop-shadow)" : "" ;})
                       .attr("transform", "translate("+offsetx+","+ offsety+")");

} function createGraph() { //creates the shape of the graph

 var x_axis = d3.axisBottom().scale(xScale2).ticks(20);
 var y_axis = d3.axisLeft().scale(yScale);
 var x_title = svg.append("text").text("Minutes").attr("x", svgWidth/2 -50).attr("y", graphHeight+offsety+50);
 //overlay that determines points
    .attr("pointer-events", "all")
    .attr("class", "overlay")
    .attr("x", offsetx)
    .attr("y", offsety)
    .attr("width", graphWidth)
    .attr("height", graphHeight)
    .attr("fill", "none")//you can also set color
    .on("mouseover", mouseOver)
    .on("mouseout", mouseOut)
    .on("click", mouseClick)
    .on("mousemove", mouseMove);
 for (let i = 1; i<11 ; i++) {
      .style("stroke", "grey")
      .style("stroke-dasharray", "8,8")
      .style("opacity", 0.3)
      .attr("x1", offsetx)
      .attr("y1", yScale2(0.1*i)+offsety)
      .attr("x2", graphWidth + offsetx)
      .attr("y2", yScale2(0.1*i)+offsety);
    .attr("transform", "translate(" + offsetx + ","+ offsety +")");
    .attr("transform", "translate("+offsetx +"," + (graphHeight+offsety) + ")");

} function createMovingObject() {

 focus = svg.append("g") //focus is our object that moves
                .attr("class", "focus")
                .style("display", "none");
      .style("stroke", "black")
      .attr("x1", 0)
      .attr("y1", offsety)
      .attr("x2", 0)
      .attr("y2", offsety+graphHeight);
 GFP = focus.append("circle")
      .attr("r", 5)
      .attr("fill", "red")
      .attr("stroke", "white");
 hrpR = focus.append("circle")
      .attr("r", 5)
      .attr("fill", "green")
      .attr("stroke", "white");
 hrpS = focus.append("circle")
      .attr("r", 5)
      .attr("fill", "blue")
      .attr("stroke", "white");

} function mouseClick() {

 movable = !movable;

} function mouseMove() {

 if (movable) {"line").attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.mouse(this)[0] + ",0)");
   //console.log(GFParr[Math.round(xScale.invert(d3.mouse(this)[0] - offsetx))][freq]);
   let xVAL = xScale.invert(d3.mouse(this)[0] - offsetx);
   let xRound = Math.floor(xVAL);
   let GFPyValue = (yScale(GFParr[xRound+1][freq]) - yScale(GFParr[xRound][freq]))*(xVAL-xRound)+offsety+yScale(GFParr[xRound][freq]);
   let hrpSyValue = (yScale(hrpSarr[xRound+1][freq]) - yScale(hrpSarr[xRound][freq]))*(xVAL-xRound)+offsety+yScale(hrpSarr[xRound][freq]);
   let hrpRyValue = (yScale(hrpRarr[xRound+1][freq]) - yScale(hrpRarr[xRound][freq]))*(xVAL-xRound)+offsety+yScale(hrpRarr[xRound][freq]);
   //let yVAL = (yScale(arr[Math.round(xScale.invert(d3.mouse(this)[0] - offsetx))][freq])+offsety);
   //"#value").text("GFP = " + GFPyValue + ", hrpS = " + hrpSyValue + ", hrpR = " + hrpRyValue);
   GFP.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.mouse(this)[0] + "," + GFPyValue + ")");
   hrpS.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.mouse(this)[0] + "," + hrpSyValue + ")");
   hrpR.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.mouse(this)[0] + "," + hrpRyValue + ")");
 //"rect").attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.mouse(this)[0] + "," + GFPyValue + ")"); originally wanted moving rect.

} function mouseOut() {

 if (movable) {"display", "none");

} function mouseOver() {

 if (movable) {"display", null);

} function MyTransition() {

 svg.transition().delay(1000).duration(1000).style("opacity", 1);

} function makeShadow() {

 if (shadow) {
   let defs = svg.append("defs");
   let stdDeviation = 3;
   let filter = defs.append("filter")
                    .attr("id", "drop-shadow")
                    .attr("height", "130%")
         .attr("result", "offOut")
         .attr("in", "offOut")
         .attr("type", "matrix")
         .attr("values", "1 1 1 1 1 " +
                         "0 0 0 0 0 " +
                         "0 0 0 0 0 " +
                         "0 0 0 1 0");
           .attr("in", "SourceGraphic") //SourceAlpha for black shadow/ matrixOut for color / graphic for its own color
           .attr("stdDeviation", stdDeviation)
           .attr("result", "blur");
         .attr("in", "blur")
         .attr("dx", stdDeviation)
         .attr("dy", stdDeviation)
         .attr("result", "offsetBlur");
   let feMerge = filter.append("feMerge");
   feMerge.append("feMergeNode").attr("in", "SourceGraphic");
