
var imgShown = false; var innerIMGshown = false; var radius = 120; var offsetx = 280; var offsety = radius + 40; const svg ="#plasmidContent") //container class to make it responsive

  //responsive SVG needs these 2 attributes and no width and height attr
  .attr("preserveAspectRatio", "xMinYMin slice")
  .attr("viewBox", "0 0 600 400")
  //class to make it responsive
  .classed("svg-content-responsive", true);

var Pi2 = 2*Math.PI; //data containing information of each arc var data = [{"location" : Pi2/8, "color":"none", "link":"T--Cornell--image-1.jpg", "text": "Plasmid Kit Usage", "id": "image-1"}, //image 1 isn't used

           {"location" : 2*Pi2/8, "color":"#2E86AB", "link":"T--Cornell--image-2.png", "text": "Splash! At Cornell", "id": "image-2"},
           {"location" : 3*Pi2/8, "color":"#C93843", "link":"T--Cornell--image-3.png", "text": "State Fair", "id": "image-3"},
           {"location" : 4*Pi2/8, "color":"#E8B023", "link":"T--Cornell--image-4.png", "text": "4H Career Exploration", "id": "image-4"},
           {"location" : 5*Pi2/8, "color":"#D741A7", "link":"T--Cornell--image-5.png", "text": "Ithaca Activity Center", "id": "image-5"},
           {"location" : 6*Pi2/8, "color":"#498467", "link":"T--Cornell--image-6.png", "text": "Ithaca High School", "id": "image-6"},
           {"location" : 7*Pi2/8, "color": "#2E86AB", "link":"T--Cornell--image-7.png", "text": "Y.O.U.R.S.", "id": "image-7"},
           {"location" : Pi2, "color":"#C93843", "link":"T--Cornell--image-8.jpg", "text": "Members at State Fair", "id": "image-8"}];

var data2 = [{"location" : Pi2/8, "color":"#D741A7", "link":"T--Cornell--image-9.png", "text": "Plasmid Kit", "id": "image-9"},

           {"location" : 2*Pi2/8, "color":"#498467", "link":"T--Cornell--image-10.png", "text": "Interactive", "id": "image-10"},
           {"location" : 3*Pi2/8, "color":"#2E86AB", "link":"T--Cornell--image-11.png", "text": "State Fair", "id": "image-11"},
           {"location" : 4*Pi2/8, "color":"#C93843", "link":"T--Cornell--image-12.png", "text": "Whiteboard", "id": "image-12"},
           {"location" : 5*Pi2/8, "color":"#E8B023", "link":"T--Cornell--image-13.png", "text": "Development", "id": "image-13"},
           {"location" : 6*Pi2/8, "color":"#D741A7", "link":"T--Cornell--image-14.png", "text": "CloseUp", "id": "image-14"},
           {"location" : 7*Pi2/8, "color":"#498467", "link":"T--Cornell--image-15.png", "text": "Scratch", "id": "image-15"},
           {"location" : Pi2, "color":"#2E86AB", "link":"T--Cornell--image-16.png", "text": "Collaboration", "id": "image-16"}];

var image = svg.append("rect")

               .attr("y", offsety-radius)
               .attr("x", offsetx-radius)
               .attr("width", radius*2)
               .attr("height", radius*2)
               .attr("opacity", 0);

//creating the arc function var arc = d3.arc() //regular arc

   .startAngle(function (d) {return d.location - Pi2/8;})
   .outerRadius(radius + 25)
   .innerRadius(radius + 15)
   .endAngle(function (d) {return d.location;});

var arc2 = d3.arc() //resulting arc from clicking

   .startAngle(function (d) {return d.location - Pi2/8;})
   .outerRadius(radius + 28)
   .innerRadius(radius + 12) //this is the extended version
   .endAngle(function (d) {return d.location;});

var arc3 = d3.arc() //seperate single arc

   .outerRadius(radius + 25)
   .innerRadius(radius + 15)

var arc4 = d3.arc() //arc for inside arc.

   .startAngle(function (d) {return d.location - Pi2/16;})
   .outerRadius(radius + 14)
   .innerRadius(radius + 4)
   .endAngle(function (d) {return d.location + Pi2/16;});

var arc5 = d3.arc() //arc for inside arc when clicked.

   .startAngle(function (d) {return d.location - Pi2/16;})
   .outerRadius(radius+ 12)
   .innerRadius(radius - 7)
   .endAngle(function (d) {return d.location + Pi2/16;});

var Paths = svg.selectAll("path").data(data); // Inner arcs ===============================================================================================================

//inner arcs

var InnerArcs = svg.append("g").selectAll("path").data(data2).enter().append("path")

                   .attr("id", function (d,i) {return "InnerPath" + i;})
                   .attr("d", arc)
                   .attr("fill", function (d) {return d.color;})
                   .on("mouseover", mouseover)
                   .on("mouseout", mouseout)
                   .on("click", OnClickInnerPic)
                   .attr("transform", "translate("+offsetx+","+offsety+")")
                   .attr("opacity", 0);

var InnerArcsText = svg.append("g").selectAll("text").data(data2).enter().append("text")

   .attr("dy", 10)
   .append("textPath") //append a textPath to the text element
   .attr("xlink:href",function(d, i) {return "#InnerPath" + i;}) //place the ID of the path here
   .style("text-anchor","middle") //place the text halfway on the arc
   .attr("startOffset", "25%")
   .attr("class", "plasmid-text")
   .text(function(d) {return d.text;})
   .on("click", OnClickInnerPic)
   .attr("display", "none");

// Inner arcs ===============================================================================================================

//creating the actual arcs var defs = svg.append('svg:defs'); const width = 2*radius; const height = 2*radius;

data.forEach(function(d) {

   .attr("width", "100%")
   .attr("height", "100%")
   .attr("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse")
   .attr("width", width)
   .attr("height", height)
   .attr("x", offsetx-width/2) //spend so long figuring this math out :(
   .attr("y", offsety-width/2);

}); data2.forEach(function(d) {

   .attr("width", "100%")
   .attr("height", "100%")
   .attr("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse")
   .attr("width", width)
   .attr("height", height)
   .attr("x", offsetx-width/2) //spend so long figuring this math out :(
   .attr("y", offsety-width/2);


/* not viable anymore data.forEach(function(d, i) {

   .attr("id", "image" + i)
   .attr("width", "100%")
   .attr("height", "100%")
   .attr("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse")
   .attr("width", width)
   .attr("height", height)
   .attr("x", offsetx-width/2) //spend so long figuring this math out :(
   .attr("y", offsety-width/2);
  • /

var MakeArcs = Paths.enter().append("path")

                   .attr("id", function (d,i) {return "Path" + i;})
                   .attr("d", arc)
                   .attr("fill", function (d) {return d.color;})
                   .on("click", Onclick)
                   .on("mouseover", mouseover)
                   .on("mouseout", mouseout)
                   .attr("transform", "translate("+offsetx+","+offsety+")");

//button controlling inner arcs #make the clicks and hov var arcbutton = svg.append("path")

                   .attr("id", "arcButton")
                   .attr("d", arc3)
                   .attr("fill", "#E8B023")
                   .on("mouseover", mouseover)
                   .on("mouseout", mouseout)
                   .on("click", OnClickInner)
                   .attr("transform", "translate("+offsetx+","+offsety+")");

var words1 = svg.append("g").selectAll("text").data(data).enter().append("text")

   .append("textPath") //append a textPath to the text element
   .attr("xlink:href",function(d, i) {return "#Path" + i;}) //place the ID of the path here
   .style("text-anchor","middle") //place the text halfway on the arc
   .attr("fill", "white")
   .attr("startOffset", "25%")
   .attr("class", "plasmid-text")
   .text(function(d) {return d.text;});

function Onclick(d, i){ //interesting, you can add a data parameter without specifying it...

 MakeArcs.transition().attr("d", arc).attr("fill", function (d) {return d.color;}).attr("opacity", 1);"d", arc2);
 arcbutton.transition().attr("fill", "#E8B023");
 if (!imgShown){
   image.transition().duration(200).attr("opacity", 1).attr("r", radius);
   imgShown = true;
   innerIMGshown = false;
 }"fill", "url(#"")"); //i is an integer value
 InnerArcs.transition().duration(200).attr("d", arc).attr("opacity", 0);
 InnerArcsText.transition().attr("display", "none");


function OnClickInner() {

 arcbutton.transition().attr("fill", "#E8B023");
 MakeArcs.transition().attr("d", arc).attr("fill", function (d) {return d.color;}).attr("opacity", 1);
 InnerArcs.transition().attr("d", arc4).attr("opacity", 1);
 InnerArcsText.transition().delay(150).attr("display", "null").attr("fill", "white");
 imgShown = false;
 innerIMGshown = false;
 image.transition().duration(600).attr("opacity", 0).attr("r", radius/8);


function OnClickInnerPic(d) {

 if (!innerIMGshown){
   image.transition().duration(200).attr("opacity", 1).attr("r", radius);
   innerIMGshown = true;
 }"fill", "url(#"")");


function mouseover() {"opacity", 0.5);

} function mouseout(){"opacity", 1);
