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In many of the world's countries drought, chronic water shortage is a fact of life. Therefore, to find a efficient way to preserve water in the arid and semiarid environments is imminent.
The use of cyanobacteria as soil conditioners has been studied intermittently for many decades. Some of the documented direct effects of cyanobacterial inoculation are related to soil stabilization and improvement, enrichment in nutrients and increase in moisture content. Recently inoculation approaches have proven to be effective tools also for triggering land rehabilitation in arid and semiarid environments.
Bacterial cellulose is a strong and ultrapure form of cellulose produced naturally by several species of the Acetobacteraceae. Bacterial cellulose produced by Gluconacetobacter xylinus possesses an abundance of desirable properties, its special 3D structure make it has a good water-retaining property.
Our project try to investigates the potential for using cellulose synthesized by cyanobacteria as an alternative.Makes our product has both the advantages of cyanobacterial crust, but also have the ability to produces high water-retention bacterial cellulose.To produce BC in Cyanobacteria, a suite of genes involved with cellulose synthesis in G. xylinus will be transferred to into the terricolous, unicellular cyanobacterium, Scytonema javanicum and Microcolus vaginatus.
School's name:SCAU
Member's name:SCAU
Designed by:SCAU
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