Team:Austin LASA/Human Practices
h(g.Page, {title: 'Integrated Human Practices', prev: '', next: '', selector: [5, 0]}, h('p', null, 'The LASA iGEM Team accomplished and carried out the following activities to count towards to Silver Medal Human Practices criterion and Best Integrated Human Practices Award:'), h('br'), h(g.Section, {title: 'Education and Outreach'}, h('p', null, 'Our team was very active in reaching out to our local community, particularly to younger children. We’ve listed out below everything we’ve done.'), h('ul', null, h('li', null, 'The LASA iGEM Team spent time volunteering at the AHA 2018 Stem Event (7/21/18)', h('ul', null, h('li', null, 'The second annual Austin STEM Day, led by the American Heart Association, Abbott and Texas Mutual Insurance Company, will engage 40 high-school students in a day-long conference. The program aimed to inspire students, encourage innovative thinking and demonstrate that not only are STEM careers critical to the health of our communities but also, they can be fun!'), h('li', null, 'Volunteers engaged with other students during the conference from 8:30-12 p.m on July 21, 2018 and participated in various STEM related activities with mentors to to help inspire future students.') ) ), h('li', null, 'The LASA iGEM Team led mini science experiment-labs at The Thinkery Museum (8/10/18, 8/25/18, and 9/15/18)', h('ul', null, h('li', null, 'Members led 3-4 hour workshops in the Thinkery Museum, a children’s museum created to help the new generation of innovators and creative problem solvers.'), h('li', null, 'Workshops included the following the ', h('a', {href: '', className: 'link'}, 'procedure'), ' of the classic Strawberry DNA Lab'), h('li', null, 'During the lab, members discussed basic science concepts with children and parents and mentioned the field of synthetic biology to adults. This event was extremely successful as there were over 30 participants each session. The LASA iGEM team volunteered here for a total of about 8 hours each.'), ) ), h('li', null, 'The LASA iGEM Team volunteered at the Summer Mad Science Camps in Austin (8/6/18-8/7/18)', h('ul', null, h('li', null, 'Austin Mad Science is a well known establishment with the goal of delivering unique, hands-on science experiences to children.'), h('li', null, 'From 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. members of the LASA iGEM team helped the camp run by facilitating activities with kids and interacting with them about synthetic biology.'), h('li', null, 'Activities are attached ', h('a', {href: '', className: 'link'}, 'here'), '.') ) ), h('li', null, 'The LASA iGEM Team went to a local elementary school, Laurel Mountain Elementary and talked about DNA, genetics and did the strawberry DNA extraction activity (the protocol in one of the sections above). The kids were super enthusiastic about the activity and even knew what the acronym DNA stands for at the end.', h(g.Image, {src: '', position: 'center'}, h('p', null, 'Here’s some of our team members in the classroom, before performing the experiment with the class.') ), h(g.Image, {src: '', position: 'center'}, h('p', null, 'Will helping a student filter their mixture in order to remove chunks. The kids enjoyed seeing the DNA form after rubbing alcohol was added.') ) ) ) ), h(g.Section, {title: 'Human Practices in Our Kit'}, h('p', null, 'We integrated human practices into our project throughout the iGEM season. Below we’ve summarized how our integrated human practices fits the requirements for the Gold Medal Integrated Human Practices criterion and the Best Integrated Human Practices Award.'), h('p', null, 'For a much more detailed reference on the development of our kit and how our human practices played a role in that, please see our Kit Considerations page. For a much more detailed reference on how our human practices impact our wet lab work, please see our Design, Development, and Results page.') ) );