Team:Austin LASA
h(g.Page, {selector: [0, 0]}, h('div', {id: 'header'}, h('div', {id: 'title'}, h('h1', null, 'INFECTION DETECTION'), h('h3', null, 'HIV1 Detection in Infants'), ) ), h('p', null, 'Diagnosis of HIV in infants is a pressing problem in many developing countries. Many available diagnostic systems are ineffective at diagnosing infants and/or are difficult to implement in resource-limited settings. As a result, many children who could receive life-altering antiretroviral therapies do not.'), h('p', null, 'In our iGEM project, our team set out to create an effective point-of-care HIV1 diagnostic kit for infants in developing countries. Read more about what we did here!') ) );