

TecCEM Unesp_Brazil USP-Brazil Stockholm NU_Kazakhstan

Brazilian Meet Up

In collaboration with the other Brazilian teams (USP-SP and USP-EEL) and also former and future iGEM teams, we organized and participated in the Brazilian Meetup at USP-ESALQ, Piracicaba-SP. There, we presented our 2017 projects and our projects for 2018, also we had several lectures with synthetic biology experts including international speakers Drew Endy, David García Gomez, Thomas Landrain and companies like Braskem and SENAI-CETIQT.p>

Latin America Meet Up


Labs Like you

This year, we cooperate with TecCEM team recording a video with a funny dance. Others teams did it too and TecCEM gathers the videos and made a parodies called Labs like you and movies like iGEM. This was so funny and made our iGEM routine happier.

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