$('.page.dimmer').dimmer('toggle'); //global variables var monthEl = $(".c-main"); var dataCel = $(".c-cal__cel"); var dateObj = new Date(); var month = dateObj.getUTCMonth() + 1; var day = dateObj.getUTCDate().toString().padStart(2, "0"); var year = dateObj.getUTCFullYear(); var monthText = [
"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
]; var indexMonth = month; var todayBtn = $(".c-today__btn"); var addBtn = $(".js-event__add"); var saveBtn = $(".js-event__save"); var closeBtn = $(".js-event__close"); var winCreator = $(".js-event__creator"); var inputDate = $(this).data(); today = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
var eventList = [];
// ------ functions control -------
//button of the current day todayBtn.on("click", function () {
if (month < indexMonth) { var step = indexMonth % month; movePrev(step, true); } else if (month > indexMonth) { var step = month - indexMonth; moveNext(step, true); }
//higlight the cel of current day dataCel.each(function () {
if ($(this).data("day") === today) { $(this).addClass("isToday"); fillEventSidebar($(this)); }
function filterEventByDate(date) {
return eventList.filter((event) => { return event.date == date; });
} $.getJSON("./data/eventDetail.json", (file) => {
eventList = file; findUniqueDateNaddClass(); // console.log(eventList[1]);
// findUniqueDate and add class event function findUniqueDateNaddClass() {
uniqueDays = $.unique(eventList.map(function (e) { return e.date; })); uniqueDays.forEach((dataDay) => { var date = $('*[data-day=' + dataDay + ']'); // date.addClass("event"); }); // console.log(uniqueDays);
// fillDayEvents function fillDayEvents(e) {
var thisName = e.work; var thisNotes = e.note; var thisImage = (e.image == ) ? : '"
<img src="' + e.image + '">'; // console.log(thisImage); var thisImportant = (e.work == 'phyto'); var thisBirthday = ((e.work == 'toxicology') || (e.work == 'Interlab')); var thisFestivity = (e.work == 'micro'); var thisEvent = true; var thisParagraph = thisNotes + thisImage; // console.log(thisParagraph); switch (true) { case thisImportant: $(".c-aside__eventList").append(
" +
thisName +
• " +
thisParagraph +
); break; case thisBirthday: $(".c-aside__eventList").append("
" +
thisName +
• " +
thisParagraph +
); break; case thisFestivity: $(".c-aside__eventList").append("
" +
thisName +
• " +
thisParagraph +
); break; case thisEvent: $(".c-aside__eventList").append("
" +
thisName +
• " +
thisParagraph +
); break; }
//fill sidebar event info function fillEventSidebar(self) {
$(".c-aside__event").remove(); var thisDay = self.attr("data-day"); var thisName = self.attr("data-name"); var thisNotes = self.attr("data-notes"); var thisImportant = self.hasClass("event--important"); var thisBirthday = self.hasClass("event--birthday"); var thisFestivity = self.hasClass("event--festivity"); var thisEvent = self.hasClass("event");
eventsOnDay = filterEventByDate(thisDay); // console.log(eventsOnDay); eventsOnDay.forEach((e)=>{fillDayEvents(e)});
}; dataCel.on("click", function () {
var thisEl = $(this); var thisDay = $(this) .attr("data-day") .slice(8); var thisMonth = $(this) .attr("data-day") .slice(5, 7);
$(".c-aside__num").text(thisDay); $(".c-aside__month").text(monthText[thisMonth - 1]);
dataCel.removeClass("isSelected"); thisEl.addClass("isSelected");
//function for move the months function moveNext(fakeClick, indexNext) {
for (var i = 0; i < fakeClick; i++) { $(".c-main").css({ left: "-=100%" }); $(".c-paginator__month").css({ left: "-=100%" }); switch (true) { case indexNext: indexMonth += 1; break; } }
} function movePrev(fakeClick, indexPrev) {
for (var i = 0; i < fakeClick; i++) { $(".c-main").css({ left: "+=100%" }); $(".c-paginator__month").css({ left: "+=100%" }); switch (true) { case indexPrev: indexMonth -= 1; break; } }
//months paginator function buttonsPaginator(buttonId, mainClass, monthClass, next, prev) {
switch (true) { case next: $(buttonId).on("click", function () { if (indexMonth >= 2) { $(mainClass).css({ left: "+=100%" }); $(monthClass).css({ left: "+=100%" }); indexMonth -= 1; } return indexMonth; }); break; case prev: $(buttonId).on("click", function () { if (indexMonth <= 11) { $(mainClass).css({ left: "-=100%" }); $(monthClass).css({ left: "-=100%" }); indexMonth += 1; } return indexMonth; }); break; }
buttonsPaginator("#next", monthEl, ".c-paginator__month", false, true); buttonsPaginator("#prev", monthEl, ".c-paginator__month", true, false);
//launch function to set the current month moveNext(indexMonth - 1, false);
//fill the sidebar with current day $(".c-aside__num").text(day); $(".c-aside__month").text(monthText[month - 1]);