The aim of our human practice project is to guide the design of CO-RAD in aspects such as topic selection,
feature improvement and safety issues. The design of our software was based on real-world requirements right
from the beginning, and we invited professionals and other iGEM teams to test our software and give us their
suggestions. Feedbacks helped the further enhancement of our software. We have also set up a public WeChat
account about synthetic biology as a bit of contribution to the community.
Before the meetings, we conducted a pre-survey to guide the in-depth investigation. Feedbacks from 9 iGEM teams
were collected and the data turned out that the top three difficulties they encounter are :
Experiment Reproducing and Validating(76% teams have troubles in this area)
Finding New Creative Ideas(48% teams)
Searching for Information(28% teams).
<img src="" />
Figure 4: Pre-survey
Professor Lu suggested that we should approach the problems with interdisciplinary perspectives. He also
mentioned that researchers traditionally choose to meet their remote collogues because they lack efficient
tools to communicate and work together. Working in different places also made it difficult for scientists to
exchange and work on creative ideas in time.
<img src="">
Figure 5: Consulting with Prof.Lu
We also had a meeting with SCUT-ChinaA team. They particularly pointed out that experiment protocols are
important in collaborating, something we didn't think of before. That's when we formed the idea of protocol
<img src="" />
Figure 6: Meetup with SCUT-ChinaA
We also consulted Professor Lee, biosafety committee member of our university, in order to improve the safety
standard for our software. He talked about biosafety issues for <a href="javascript:void(0)" goto="Dry-Lab"> dry lab </a> and
<a href="javascript:void(0)" goto="Wet-Lab"> wet lab </a>,
and we discussed potential solutions to these issues.
To solve problem in validation, we built a circuit predicting feature that uses OED models to simulate the
behavior of the circuits. Users can have visual plot, which displays the production rates of product.
For more details <a href="javascript:void(0)" goto="Description">check Project</a>
Our real-time Synchronization Sketchpad let users work on the same project at the same time, where they can see
what changes other people are making instantly. This specifically for idea sharing and brainstorming. Moreover,
Management Studio is definitely reliable assistant for managing and sharing your circuit design. We believe
that our software will redefine remote collaborating, leading it to a simple and efficient process.
For more details <a href="javascript:void(0)" goto="Design">Check Design</a>.
Synthetic biologists constantly need access to past projects and papers for reference and we try to make this
process easier and faster by building a dedicated database and an improved search engine based on existing
projects, with similar circuit searching featured added to make it more intelligent.
<img src="" />
Figure 7:Searching result with keyword "PET"
Good protocol is the first step of successful experiments. Protocol editor is implemented in our co-editing
software mentioned above, as an additional feature inspired by SCUT-ChinaA team.
For more details check <a herf="javascript:void(0)" goto="SCUT"> Collaboration:SCUT-ChinaA</a>
<img src="" />
Figure 8: Protocol editing
After consulting Professor Lee's and the brainstorm among our team members, we checked all the existing parts
and circuits in our database, removed those with potential risks, and added necessary warning messages in our
For more details check <a href="javascript:void(0)" goto="Wet-Lab"> Safety </a>