We communicated with the team of SCUT-ChinaA , which mostly consists of biology students who are not familiar
with toolkit for web design like CSS. Our team members were ethusiatic to assist them, spending 3 days helping
improve their skills of web design. Additionally, their project is about metabolic optimization and they showed
concern over the crucial role of experimental protocols in collaboration, which inspired us to add protocol
editing feature into our CO-RAD program. In return, we mainly helped them with web design issues. We added
navigation function to their wiki site, and demonstrated some advanced web design knowledge to them, which
proved useful in their later work.
For more deatails check <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:SCUT-ChinaA">SCUT-ChinaA</a>
<img src="">
Figure 2: we introduce our project to SCUT-ChinaA