
Team OUC-China: Main jQuery UI 折叠面板(Accordion) - 非自动高度



  • 1. Completed the team registration.
  • 2. Learnt about synthetic biology by reading papers and wikis.
  • 3. Tried to set up our project.
  • 4. The iGEM team from SDU-China came to our meeting room for communication.
  • 2.11-2.17

  • 1. Learnt about synthetic biology by reading papers and wikis.
  • 2. Tried to set up our project.
  • 3. Looked for the PI of our project.
  • 2.18-2.24

  • 1. Sorted out the previous projects, and made the first selection according to the feasibility of each project.
  • 2. The principles of all projects had been further explored.
  • 3. We asked our instructor for advice.
  • 4. Began to learn microbial experiment operation, and everyone in the team carried out the test of experiment operation.
  • 2.25-3.3

  • 1. Started communication and collaboration with iGEM teams in other schools.
  • 2. Began to familiarize ourselves with laboratory equipment and other arrangements.
  • 3. Had applied for the 5th Conference of China iGEMer Community(CCiC).
  • 4. Set up some more projects.
  • 3.4-3.10

  • 1. The previous project was classified again, and our team members were divided into different groups to dig deeper into the principles of the project.
  • 2. Started learning molecular experimentation.
  • 3. Started preparing the bid report of the 5th Conference of China iGEMer Community(CCiC).
  • 3.11-3.17

  • 1. Had temporarily identified two alternative projects and confirmed their circuit, components, related reagents as well as equipment, analyzed their feasibility in detail, continuously filled and enriched the project content, and tried to design experiments.
  • 2. Contacted the authors of the project-related papers, inquired about the details, and received many suggestions from the original paper’s team.
  • 3. Asked many teachers and our seniors at the same time, and got their advice.
  • 4. We were learning about molecular experimentation.
  • 5. Introduced team status, project progress and other issues to our PI.
  • 6. Set daily management rules for our team.
  • 3.18-3.24

  • 1. Referred to the opinions of the teachers and members of the previous team, finally chose one of the two projects according to their feasibility.
  • 2. Purchased the required strains: RP6666 and RP437.
  • 3. Contacted the equipment needed for our project.
  • 4. Sorted out the materials of the 5th Conference of China iGEMer Community (CCiC) and communicated with our school, finally won the support of the school.
  • 3.25-3.31

  • 1. Preserved RP6666 and RP437.
  • 2. Modified the existing project, proposed a new project.
  • 3. Made a detailed exploration of the principle, circuit, parts and equipment of the project and sorted out a file package.
  • 4. Got in touch with the original author of the paper, Mr. Du Pei, and got his help.
  • 4.1-4.7

  • 1. Sent the package of documents to PI, teachers and seniors, and listened to their opinions to constantly improve and perfect the project.
  • 2. Started trying to contact teachers who could provide guidance or help for our projects(For example, teachers from the Chinese academy of sciences).
  • 3. We were divided into two groups, one responsible for experimental design, the other responsible for circuit design, determining the detailed details of the project, and trying to build the model.
  • 4. Submitted the CCiC bid report.
  • 4.8-4.14

  • 1. Communicated with Mr. Du Pei and got the plasmid we need.
  • 2. The first validation experiment was conducted with plasmid.
  • 3. In the plasmid transformation experiment, our bacteria did not grow well on the plate. We conducted a detailed analysis on the operation of the experiment, and sought the help of the teacher, formulated the remedial plan.
  • 4. The bid for the 5th Conference of China iGEMer Community (CCiC) ended in the voting, and we will hold CCiC as the co-organizer.
  • 5. The division of duties of the team was determined.
  • 6. Contacted biotechnology companies to sequence plasmids and bought new laboratory reagents.
  • 4.15-4.21

  • 1. With our persistence and efforts, we successfully enriched the plasmid.
  • 2. Commissioned the company to synthesize the circuit.
  • 4.22-4.28

  • 1. Measured the first system fluorescence with a microplate reader, but the data was not very good.
  • 2. Gave the first popular science lecture on synthetic biology.
  • 3. Measured the growth curves of three strains of the first system.
  • 4.29-5.5

  • 1. Asked whether other control groups could be set up, except for the cultured strains without IPTG.
  • 2. The control group was redesigned.
  • 3. Gave our first intramural lecture on synthetic biology.
  • 4. Designed the experimental scheme of Interlab.
  • 5.6-5.12

  • 1. Started building a new circuit to complement our project.
  • 2. Analyzed the experimental scheme of measuring fluorescence last time, summarized the problem, replaced the M9 medium, remeasured the first system, and obtained better experimental data.
  • 3. We are going to design a game related to our project, and started the game art design.
  • 4. The preliminary experiment of Interlab was carried out.
  • 5. The primer design of the standardized experiment was carried out.
  • 5.13-5.19

  • 1. Began to design the medium of the miniToe Motility detection system.
  • 2. Identified the primers for standardized experiments and commissioned the company to synthesize them.
  • 3. Completed the pre-experiment of the project.
  • 4. Designed a formal experimental scheme.
  • 5. Started writing part descriptions.
  • 6. Started writing the project overview.
  • 7. Started the recruitment of the next team.
  • 8. Built the basic model of the first system.
  • 5.20-5.26

  • 1. We submitted the application for the summer social practice project to our school, and we want to use the platform of the school to promote synthetic biology to more people.
  • 2. Did a preliminary design of the web page.
  • 3. Finished the first draft of our cartoon.
  • 5.27-6.2

  • 1. Designed the uniforms of our team.
  • 2. Performed transformation of four mutant enzyme plasmids.
  • 3. Carried out the pre-experiment of the standardized experiment.
  • 4. Completed the fluorescence measurement of four kinds of mutant Csy4 enzymes combined with wild type of hairpin.
  • 6.3-6.9

  • 1. Applied for visa.
  • 2. Standardized Csy4-WT.
  • 6.10-6.16

  • 1. Contacted many biotechnology companies in Qingdao.
  • 2. Our summer social practice program was supported by the school and we planned to better promote synthetic biology.
  • 6.17-6.23

  • 1. Sorted out what we have done so far and put forward future arrangements and plans.
  • 2. Named for our project.
  • 6.24-6.30

  • 1. Checked out the experimental materials and bought some new ones.
  • 2. The tasks of the experiment were divided, and each member of the team would undertake some of the experimental tasks.
  • 7.1-7.7

  • 1. Took the school final exam.
  • 7.8-7.14

  • 1. We visited the Qingdao huada gene research institute.
  • 2. Our game was already in infancy and was awaiting further modification.
  • 3. Design the brochure of our project.
  • 4. Started planning the camp of life science and technology jointly with the iGEM team of SDU-China.
  • 5. Started the Interlab experiment.
  • 6. Optimized the experimental scheme and carried out the pre-experiment, the experimental results were very successful.
  • 7.15-7.21

  • 1. We visited the molecular development laboratory of the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  • 2. Visited Qingdao Bright Moon Seaweed Group Co. LTD.
  • 3. We co-organized a summer camp of Qingdao no.2 middle school with Marine Life Science Association Science Technology in our university, and gave a lecture to promote synthetic biology and iGEM to more people.
  • 4. Our life science and technology camp had started the recruitment of campers.
  • 5. We prepared all the materials needed for the experiment, such as culture medium, strains, etc.
  • 7.22-7.28

  • 1. We visited Qingdao Youdu Biotechnology Co. LTD.
  • 2. Completed the recruitment of science and technology campers.
  • 3. Began to prepare flow cytometry and western blot.
  • 4. We found some problems with standardized experiments and overcame them.
  • 5. Commissioned the company to synthesize the circuit of the third system.
  • 6. Prepared a summer training program for the members of the next team.
  • 7. Completed the Interlab experiment and passed it successfully.
  • 7.29-8.4

  • 1. Planned the joint research on the transformation of basic research results with the iGEM team of Tianjin, XJTU-China, NUDT-China and JLU-China, which has been carried out.
  • 2. Measured most of the data in the second system.
  • 3. Had preliminarily built the mathematical models of the first system and the second system.
  • 4. Planned to have a project communication with the iGEM team of Peking, Tsinghua, BIT, BNU-China and USTC-China on August 7. We start to prepare PPT to introduce our project.
  • 5. Prepared the materials needed by the life science and technology camp.
  • 8.5-8.11

  • 1. Went to Beijing for visa.
  • 2. Had a project communication with the iGEM team of Peking, Tsinghua, BIT, BNU-China and USTC-China.
  • 3. Went to the institute of microbiology of the Chinese academy of sciences to consult Pr. Du, and got many constructive Suggestions, improved our experimental methods.
  • 4. Started writing wiki content.
  • 5. The life science and technology camp that we run jointly with SDU-China opened.
  • 6. Started the pre-experiment of the miniToe Motility detection system.
  • 7. Designed the experimental scheme of flow cytometer.
  • 8. Promoted the comic book drawn by the previous team, and commissioned teams from different countries to translate them into different languages. At present, we have made contact with teams from five countries.
  • 9. Bought tickets for Jamboree.
  • 8.12-8.18

  • 1. The life science and technology camp ended successfully. We introduced iGEM and synthetic biology to more college students.
  • 2. The preliminary experiment of flow cytometry was carried out.
  • 3. Prepared PPT for CCiC.
  • 4. Completed the CSS template for the web page and completed the team member page.
  • 5. Standardized Csy4-Y176F and Csy4-H29A.
  • 6. The pre-experiment of miniToe Motility detection system was carried out to test the solidification of different media, the diffusion of molecules in the medium was simulated with methylene blue, and the movement of DH5α, RP437, RP6666 in the medium of casein medium, LB medium and peptone medium was tested.
  • 7. The first circuit of the polycistron is synthesized.
  • 8.19-8.25

  • 1. Carried out the experiments of flow cytometry.
  • 2. Prepare the materials needed by CCiC, including the poster, presentation and after iGEM's speech draft and PPT, and record video.
  • 3. Completed the pre-experiment of miniToe Motility detection system, and the effects of tryptophan medium and casein peptone medium on the motion of RP6666 and RP437 were compared on the plate. In addition, puncture culture in the EP tube was also done, but the experimental results were not good.
  • 4. Standardized miniToe test system No.2.
  • 5. Plasmid construction of miniToe Motility detection system and polycistron system is under way.
  • 6. Completed the material summary of summer social investigation.
  • 8.26-9.1

  • 1. Went to Shanghai to participate in CCiC.
  • 2. Introduced our comic book to the competition organizing committee and the teams from over 100 different schools on CCiC.
  • 3. Measured the flow cytometry of all 30 bacteria in the second system, and measured the fluorescence growth curve of wild type × wild type bacteria.
  • 4. Perfected the design of the control group.
  • 5. Standardized miniToe test system No.3.
  • 6. Bought new experimental supplies.
  • 9.2-9.8

  • 1. Began the experiment of the polycistron system.
  • 2. Finished protocol for the miniToe Motility detection system.
  • 3. Contacted four different teams (NWU-China, SKLMT-China, SDU-China, Tianjin) for collaboration.
  • 4. Completed the second round of wiki writing.
  • 5. Standardized Csy4-Q104A.
  • 6. Finished the attribution page.
  • 9.9-9.15

  • 1. Repeated the experiment with the flow cytometer of the second system.
  • 2. Sent off collaboration lab materials to other teams.
  • 9.16-9.22

  • 1. Started the miniToe Motility detection system experiment.
  • 2. Conducted the polycistron system experiment, testing the 24-hour growth curve and fluorescence expression curve of the experimental group and many control groups.
  • 3. Started the collaboration experiment with SKLMT-China to help them test the promoter strength.
  • 4. Planned our trip to America.
  • 9.23-9.29

  • 1. Standardized Csy4-F155A.
  • 2. Modified the experimental scheme of miniToe Motility detection system.
  • 3. Helped build part of the model for XJTU-China and finished the mathematical model of our last system.
  • 4. Finished the pages of safety and notebook.
  • 5. Received comic books in Turkish, and our current comic book is available in 12 languages.
  • 6. Arranged our work for the next month.

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