Team:Fudan-CHINA/Part Collection

Best part collection
"The essence of mathematics lies in its freedom."
List for best part collection
Table 1. List for best part collection
VEGF(vascular endothelial growth factor)is a kind of ligand commonly used in research. It has various functions like increasing vascular permeability and promoting extracellular matrix degeneration. Using BBa_K2886007, you can express and purify VEGF-165 which is most commonly used subtype of VEGF easily and construct receptors (BBa_K2886002 or BBa_K2886003) that could recognize VEGF-165 efficiently. BBa_K2886001 is TEV protease functioning as inner-membrane domain that can recognize specific peptide sequence and cut it and then release transcription factors as a result for instance. BBa_K2886000 is transmembrane linker combining the outer-membrane domain and inner-membrane domain together to become a whole.

With this part collection and appropriate transcription factor, you could construct your own STEP system to recognize almost anything soluble you want(like VEGF as we do)and start the downstream reactions.


G604, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University
2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu, Shanghai, China