Team:Austin LASA/Description
const r = i => h('a', {href: '#ref_' + i}, i); h(g.Page, {title: 'Description', prev: '', next: '', selector: [2, 0]}, h(g.Section, {title: 'Why HIV Detection in Infants?'}, h('p', null, 'HIV diagnosis of infants in the developing world continues to pose many problems. It is estimated that there are approximately 1500 new cases of HIV infection in children under the age of 15, 90% of which occur in the developing world and contracted HIV at birth [', r(1), ']. Infants often show symptoms of HIV very early on, and in some cases, HIV can rapidly evolve into AIDS [', r(2), ']. As such, it is imperative that infants with HIV are diagnosed as early as possible.') ), h(g.Section, {title: 'References'}, h('p', null, '[', h('a', {id: 'ref_1'}, '1'), '] W. (2011, February 03). Antiretroviral therapy of HIV infection in infants and children. Retrieved October 16, 2018, from ', h('a', {href: ''}, '')), h('p', null, '[', h('a', {id: 'ref_2'}, '2'), '] Krist, A. H., & Crawford-Faucher, A. (2002, May 15). Management of Newborns Exposed to Maternal HIV Infection. Retrieved October 16, 2018, from ', h('a', {href: ''}, '')), h('p', null, '[', h('a', {id: 'ref_3'}, '3'), '] Damet, G., & Vercauteren, G. (n.d.). Early detection of HIV infection in infants and children [PDF]. Geneva: WHO.'), h('p', null, '[', h('a', {id: 'ref_2'}, '2'), '] Diagnosis of HIV Infection in Infants and Children Pediatric ARV. (2017, November 15). Retrieved October 16, 2018, from ', h('a', {href: ''}, '')), ) );