To accomplish our project objective several recombinant proteins must be produced in order to analyze their effects on a co culture of fibroblasts (L929) and mesenchymal cells after an in vitro burn assay. To evaluate the efficiency of the treatment, a measurement of the proliferation rate was performed using LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) as an analysis metabolite. Given that our treatment involves the usage of a growth factor, the rate at which this protein is released into the medium is critical to avoid adverse effects in the cellular line (such as cancer), for that reason a nano encapsulation with chitosan was also performed to control the rate at which our growth factor is released.
What should this page contain?
- Clearly and objectively describe the results of your work.
- Future plans for the project.
- Considerations for replicating the experiments.
Describe what your results mean
- Interpretation of the results obtained during your project. Don't just show a plot/figure/graph/other, tell us what you think the data means. This is an important part of your project that the judges will look for.
- Show data, but remember all measurement and characterization data must be on part pages in the Registry.
- Consider including an analysis summary section to discuss what your results mean. Judges like to read what you think your data means, beyond all the data you have acquired during your project.
Project Achievements
You can also include a list of bullet points (and links) of the successes and failures you have had over your summer. It is a quick reference page for the judges to see what you achieved during your summer.
- A list of linked bullet points of the successful results during your project
- A list of linked bullet points of the unsuccessful results during your project. This is about being scientifically honest. If you worked on an area for a long time with no success, tell us so we know where you put your effort.
See how other teams presented their results.