
"The essence of mathematics lies in its freedom."
Integrated Human Practices √
We have had conversations with experts of various fields like clinical medicine and ethics to deepen our understanding of our project. Click here to check.

Improve a Previous Part or Project √
We have improved lots of previous parts to endow them with brand new functions, enriching the tool box for iGEMers. Click here to check.

Model √
We have built a model to simulate the interaction of TC chain and PC chain on cell membrane, which guided us to polish our wet lab . Click here to check.

Demonstrate your work √
We have succeeded in the recognition of two cancer antigens: VEGF and D-Dimer with our STEP system, proving our potency for curing non-small cell lung cancer and other cancers. Click here to check.

Validated Part / Validated Contribution √
We have built 13 parts, among which 9 were submitted.Click here to check.

Collaborations √
We have achieved various sorts of collaborations with other teams, providing ourselves with great help and fun.Click here to check.

Human Practices Silver √
We have been involved in colorful HP activities to explore the relationship between human and science: they can never be taken apart. Click here to check.
No special wiki page required √
We have made detailed as well as delicate wiki pages to present our project.

Deliverables √
We have finished what is required to fill.

Attributions √
We have taken down detailed attributions faithfully. Click here to check.

Characterization / Contribution √
We have finished interlab works required by the committee. Click here to check.


G604, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University
2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu, Shanghai, China