This is a list of our basic parts, composite parts, and parts collection. The documentation should be relatively detailed and will have a sense of modularity so that other iGEM teams can look at our work in the future and reference it.
We have been able to create a library of Lsr Operon genes that are able to control the regulation of AI-2 flux in and out of a cell. This library of parts works together to create various iterations of a synthetic quorum response. The main part of this library is the synthetic quorum sensing plasmid that is controlled by an AI-2 sensitive plasmid. This AI-2 sensitive plasmid expresses T7 which is able to regulate various “second” plasmids that express various quorum sensing genes to control the flux of AI-2.
Check out our best basic parts!
<img src="" alt="Modular"> <a href="" class="buttonoverview">Basic Parts</a>
Come see our composite parts.
<img src="" alt="Modular"> <a href="" class="buttonoverview">Composite Parts</a>
Our extensive library of parts.
<img src="" alt="Modular"> <a href="" class="buttonoverview">Parts Collection</a>