

Project support

Benjamin Stark, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology, Illinois Institute of Technology

For sharing his knowledge and expertise regarding the Vitreoscilla hemoglobin and giving us feedback on our project idea.

Division of Applied Microbiology at Lund university, especially Dr. Magnus Carlquist

For helping us with operating their flow cytometry equipment and giving us feedback regarding our project.

Division of Biophysical Chemistry at Lund university

For giving us access to their fluorescence plate reader.

Mrs Kalyani Sanagavarapu, Researcher at Department of biochemistry at Lund university

For guidance in how to operate the plate reader during the interlab measurements.

Karin Kettisen, PhD student at the Division of Pure and Applied Biochemistry at Lund university

For always taking the time to help us and guiding us in the lab regarding the equipment.

Emma Samuelsson, Biotechnology student at Lund university

For helping us in the lab and providing us with competent E. coli TG1 cells.

Laila Sakhnini, Industrial PhD student at Novo Nordisk

For taking her time to organize a meeting and guided tour at Novo Nordisk.

Javier Linares-Pastén, assistant lecturer at the Department of Biotechnology at Lund university

For allowing us to access the lab equipment at the biotechnology department.

Marcus Rettig, engineering student in computer science and engineering at the faculty of engineering at Lund university

For consultation in the development of the wiki-page.

Alexander Maier, student in equality and diversity management at Lund university

For helping us with the bookkeeping and advising us on the project economy.

Nazeefa Fatima, M.Sc bioinformatics at Uppsala university

For helping us coordinate the bioinformatics lecture during the Nordic iGEM Conference.

Philip George Hau Sørensen, former member of DTU BioBuilders and human life science studies student at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)

For giving tips and advice regarding wet lab work, specifically on 3A and Gibson assembly.

Olle Bergman, M.Sc, Swedish communications consultant, public speaker & professional writer

For providing feedback regarding the wiki, project presentation and attending as a judge during the Nordic iGEM Conference.

Michael Young, engineering student in computer science and engineering at the faculty of engineering at Lund university

For consultation in the development of the wiki-page.

World Values Initiative

For providing us with materials that we could use for the exercises in the handbook

For giving us the permission to use their content for the exercises in the handbook

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