

Synthetic biology brings great opportunities for innovative applications, tackling major societal problems. However, as with all applications, they are made to be used by people. Therefore, it is vital to keep these people in mind during the design process and to have them on board with our plans.To that end, we are engaging with all people and organizations associated to our project by visiting a variety of events. Scroll down to see what activities we have participated in and make sure to come back here often to stay up-to-date to our activities and get a sneak preview of future events.


Science meets Business Café

The Science Meets Business Café is a monthly meeting of scientists and bioscience company representatives, with the goal of stimulating cooperation between them. During the final Café event before the summer break, we presented our project and opened the discussion with scientists and businesspeople alike. It was motivating to receive many positive reactions to our project and the subsequent drinks allowed us to delve into further details with interested individuals. The afternoon provided us valuable new contacts and allowed us to further spread our ideas and the added value of synthetic biology.


Industry Day

The city of Leiden has a rich history of scientists and artists engaging their work to find solutions to problems and explore the scientific and ethical boundaries of curiosity. At Industry day, we kept that tradition alive by bringing scientists and artist into one room and displaying our work. iGEM Leiden team member, Germaine Aalderink, had prepared two large pieces of agar art for the occasion, using colored bacteria as ‘paint’. Sadly, bacterial infections took hold on the large homemade agar containers leading to the art being overgrown. Fortunately we were able to use this loss to further emphasize the need for antibiotics and to raise awareness for the growing problem of antibiotic resistance.
We also had the opportunity to have discussions with fascinating artists. A favorite was Auke-Florian Hiemstra, a biologist and artist who uses his art as a medium to raise awareness for an endangered squid species. Hiemstra made us realize that - although graphs are a scientific method to show a negative trend - art is a way to emotionally involve the viewer an make them truly realise the problem and the need to solve it.

Picture by Gabi van Ingen.


RIVM: Safe by Design

To kickstart our brainstorming on the Human Practices behind our project, we met with the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and with the Rathenau Institute, tasked with supporting the public and political discussion of science. During the day we pitched our idea to the RIVM and other Dutch iGEM teams. Afterwards, 7 experts from the fields of policy & law, societal impact, safety & security, business and ethics enriched us with their knowledge and thoughts on our project. This provided us with many valuable insights and helped us to firmly include Human Practices into all the steps of our project. Additionally, the day provided a nice opportunity to meet up with the other Dutch iGEM teams, allowing us to exchange ideas and get to know each other better.