
Rome wasn't built in a day, or by a single person.

Participating in this competition would not have been possible without the help and contributions of many, many people, without whom this project would never have taken off at all. We are very grateful for their assistance and while a simple list cannot do them justice, we can only attempt to document as best as we can the ways in which these individuals have helped us succeed.

Team members


Initial project development and conceptualization, literature review, administrative duties, fundraising, new member training.


Did much of the experimental design and planning.


Most of the lab work in the later stages, completed the InterLab measurement study,


Performed lab work characterizing the custom genetic sequences we ordered, and also established a training plan for new members.


Worked on the wiki and performed lab work.


Performed fundraising and administrative duties.


Performed lab work characterizing the custom genetic sequences we ordered.


Ursini-Siegel lab

Eukaryotic lab work.

Chalifour lab

Prokaryotic lab work and PCR.


Prof. Corinne Hoesli

Provided administrative support, experimental design feedback during the initial stages of the project, and

Prof. Josie Ursini-Siegel

Graciously allowed us to work in the Ursini-Siegel lab at the Lady Davis Institute, and provided great amounts of feedback in all aspects of the project, from experimental design to managerial. Her comments on cell culture were particularly appreciated.

Prof. Lorraine Chalifour

Allowed us access to the Chalifour lab, and also provided training and support throughout the project.

Prof. Richard Leask

Provided helpful feedback on project and experimental design, and suggestions on where to turn for resources.

Graduate students

Jacqueline Ha

Contributed countless hours of training and assisting members on lab procedures. Provided troubleshooting advice as well as tips for the optimal execution of these procedures. Contributed essential insight and analysis on the project, which guided it to its current state. Supplied cell lines for myc tag expression controls.

Stephanie Totten

Provided crucial expertise with flow cytometry preparation, protocols, and operation. Contributed to troubleshooting and analysis of results, as well as planning of procedures. Helped to maintain cell cultures.

Eduardo Cepeda Cañedo

Provided training and expertise with confocal microscopy. Provided critical feedback and analysis of results, guided direction of project.

Angela Ahn

Spent many hours training members and provided troubleshooting advice for PCR.

Marieve Boulanger

Spent many hours helping to train members on lab techniques as well as providing advice on how to start up the team.

Xinwen Zhu

Provided technical support and advice, and also attended many of our (too long) meetings.


Lisa Danielczak

Provided a series of hands-on training sessions for members on molecular cloning techniques. Also helped with purchasing reagents and supplies as we were starting up our lab work.