
Transforming E. Coli Rosetta and MG1655 for pRED/ET Engineering

Participants: Dominic Schwarz
Protocol: Electrocompetent transformation
Notes: Genetic engineering is planned in E. Coli Rosetta, MG1655 is E.Coli WT as backup.
Results: Colonies only on E. Coli MG1655 plate; No colonies on E. Coli Rosetta

pRED/ET Genome Engineering of Delta msb-B and Delta recBCD Strains

Participants: Dominic Schwarz
Protocol: pRED/ET engineering
Notes: The template for the resistance cassette for deletions was taken from a plasmid containing mRFP
Results: Red colonies. Elena (Advisor) and Dominic decided to repeat the experiment but to do a dpnI digest before to get rid of the template DNA.

Transforming E. Coli DH5a to Find a Reason for the Contamination

Participants: Dominic Schwarz
Protocol: Electrocompetent transformation
Notes: CAP_recBCD, CAP_msbb, psb1c3_mrfp in Dh5a
Results: Red colonies on all plates -> mRFP contamination

Creating a Selection Cassette from pSB1C3

Participants: Dominic Schwarz
Protocol: Restrition digest, PCR purification
Notes: DpnI
Results: CAP_recBCD 18ng/ul CAP_msbB 12ng/ul

pRED/ET Genome Engineering of Delta msb-B and Delta recBCD Strains

Participants: Dominic Schwarz
Protocol: pRED/ET engineering
Notes: The template for the resistance cassette for deletions was taken from a plasmid containing mRFP
Results: Colonies on both plates

Verifying Deletion Strains of E. Coli MG1655

Participants: Dominic Schwarz
Protocol: Colony PCR, Agarose gel
Notes: Primers: VF2, geno_msb-B_rv, geno_recBCD_rv; Ta: 48°C t= 1kb/min
RecBCD: 1,2,3,4,5
msbB: 35,36,37,38,39 expected: RecBCD 443bp Expected: msb-B 574bp
Results: All 5 picked colonies were positive for the insertion of the selection cassette PIC
awesome gel.
sick caption