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The certificate for our risk level 2 laboratory

The central idea of our project is to degrade biofilm in the environment and medical equipment for hygiene standards and disinfection. Therefore, from how to degrade the film safely to the security during experiments, safety is always one of our biggest concerns.

Fortunately, our labs obtains risk level 2 spaces, which is sufficient enough for all our practise. As the majority of our experiments being PCR and gene transference, only little or no risk to the ecosystem is produced.

All our team members received thorough training before they entered the lab and conducting any experiments. The comprehensive and appropriate protocols of dealing with various equipment such as PCR machine and centrifuge are taught with great emphasize on sterilization before working with clean bench.

Dr.Yu, the secondary instructor as well as our wet lab adviser, has administered our overall procedure. With her plentiful experience of working with bacteria as a microbiologist, she ensured our safety in the lab.

No animal testing and pathogens is involved in our experiments. There is no damage towards human body. No food, drink or any kind of entertainment devices is permitted in the lab. All our reagents, equipment and machinery were handled with great care.