
Welcome to UTK iGEM 2017

Welcome to UTK iGEM 2018


The University of Tennessee Knoxville iGEM team started brainstorming our project in March 2018. In May 2018, we began working on the project and performing lab work. The students of the UTK iGEM team were responsible for the majority of the team's work, including but not limited to project design, protocol development, lab work execution, and community outreach organization. The team also greatly appreciates the support and guidance received from the individuals listed below.

Brandon Kristy

Co-led efforts on HADase project's cloning and analytical steps.

Karl Leitner

Co-led efforts on HADase project's cloning and analytical steps.

Molly Landon

Led efforts on biosensor project and assisted with wiki development.

Scott Dixon

Assisted with various aspects of both projects as well as lab management, logistics, wiki development.

Ralph Laurel

Managed the team's logistics, lab, and outreach.

Jason Pan

Assisted with outreach and logistics.

Garret Statum

Assisted with fundraising and planning.

Katherine Glass

Assisted with outreach and logistics.

Morgan Street

Lead efforts on completing the interlab study.

Rachel Penumadu

Assisted with cloning on biosensor project.

Caleb Young

Assisted with cloning on biosensor project.

Shrey Patel

Led efforts on website and wiki development.

David Garcia

Assisted with cloning, experimental design, and troubleshooting.

Nannan Jiang

Provided guidance in troubleshooting lab work and improving overall project design.

Jared Clements

Provided advice and support.

Katherine Krouse

Provided advice and support.

Dr. Frank Loeffler

Provided guidance and advice in project design and troubleshooting as the primary faculty advisor.

Dr. Steven Ripp

Helped with team logistics and selecting candidates for the 2018 UTK iGEM team as a faculty advisor.

Dr. Robert Murdoch

Discussed our project and the global impact of HADases in nature and provided us with genomic information on DCM degrading organisms using his expertise in bioinformatics.

Dr. Gao Chen

Assisted with testing and expression of HADase constructs.

Dr. Sankar Raghavan

Allowed the team to use the Eastman Lab space and equipment in Dougherty Engineering. backers Mary Laurel, Neal Stone, Jean Bayabos, Katherine Krouse, Matija Mazi, Taylor Weiskittel, Brandon Wilbanks, Rafael Font, and Tanya Travis

Financially supported our team's conference registration and travel expenses through our platform.

The University of Tennessee Knoxville

Our school does not have an iGEM specific synthetic biology course, but the CBE department offers an introduction to molecular bioengineering course. Courses in the BCMB & Micro departments cover the topics of synthetic biology. BCMB also offers a lab class covering experiments with enzymes, nucleic acids, and membranes and organelles. Methods include chromatography, kinetics, hybridization, sequencing, and immunochemical methods.

Special thanks to our sponsors: