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Design is the first step in the design-build-test cycle in engineering and synthetic biology. Use this page to describe the process that you used in the design of your parts. You should clearly explain the engineering principles used to design your project.
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Our goal is to reduce H2S in oil wastewater using Sulfide-Quinone Reductase in genetically modified Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 and use products of the reaction to produce hydrogen via Hydrogenase and Rhodopsin; to utilize sulfur-rich, by means of sulfur globules, biomass in the production of the catalytically active material.
This page is different to the "Applied Design Award" page. Please see the <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:NU_Kazakhstan/Applied_Design">Applied Design</a> page for more information on how to compete for that award.
Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942
Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 is a freshwater obligate photoautotroph [6]. Was first reliably transformed cyanobacterium [6]. One of the most studied cyanobacteria and used as a model organism with well-investigated chromosome and plasmids sequences [6].
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Being an essential part of an organism’s metabolism photosynthetic pathways in S. elongatus is the main subject of modification. D1 protein of Photosystem II acts as reaction center in the splitting of water and thus is the main target to reach inhibition of PS II [5]. There is a natural inhibition of PSII in the minimal concentration of H2S (60 uM).
<h3>What should this page contain?</h3>
<li>Explanation of the engineering principles your team used in your design</li>
<li>Discussion of the design iterations your team went through</li>
SQR catalyzes sulfide-dependent plastoquinone reduction in anaerobic conditions. In our project, SQR originates from organism Leptolyngbya hensonii cyanobacteria that can live in sulfidic conditions and change metabolism back to oxygenic photosynthesis accordingly to conditions [2], [3], [4]. To force cyanobacteria to use SQR, Photosystem II will be inhibited by H2S and psbA1 gene. Produced sulfur will be in the form of polysulfide and remain in the cell.
<li>Experimental plan to test your designs</li>
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<li><a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:MIT/Experiments/Promoters">2016 MIT</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:BostonU/Proof">2016 BostonU</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:NCTU_Formosa/Design">2016 NCTU Formosa</a></li>
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Revision as of 06:26, 16 October 2018

Bioremediation of Sour Crude Oil Waste using Cyanobacteria

Our goal is to reduce H2S in oil wastewater using Sulfide-Quinone Reductase in genetically modified Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 and use products of the reaction to produce hydrogen via Hydrogenase and Rhodopsin; to utilize sulfur-rich, by means of sulfur globules, biomass in the production of the catalytically active material. Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 is a freshwater obligate photoautotroph [6]. Was first reliably transformed cyanobacterium [6]. One of the most studied cyanobacteria and used as a model organism with well-investigated chromosome and plasmids sequences [6]. PHOTOSYNTHESIS Being an essential part of an organism’s metabolism photosynthetic pathways in S. elongatus is the main subject of modification. D1 protein of Photosystem II acts as reaction center in the splitting of water and thus is the main target to reach inhibition of PS II [5]. There is a natural inhibition of PSII in the minimal concentration of H2S (60 uM). SULFIDE-QUINONE REDUCTASE SQR catalyzes sulfide-dependent plastoquinone reduction in anaerobic conditions. In our project, SQR originates from organism Leptolyngbya hensonii cyanobacteria that can live in sulfidic conditions and change metabolism back to oxygenic photosynthesis accordingly to conditions [2], [3], [4]. To force cyanobacteria to use SQR, Photosystem II will be inhibited by H2S and psbA1 gene. Produced sulfur will be in the form of polysulfide and remain in the cell.