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                                <h1 class="hero-title">Retail, Redefined</h1>
                                <h2 class="hero-sub-title">Engage your customers before they step foot in the door</h2><!--OnSched for Teams: The New Standard for Online Booking in Distributed Teams &mp; Efficient Workflows-->  
                                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" style="cursor:pointer;" id="bodychat"><button class="btn btn-cta" type="submit">Talk to a Human</button></a>
                                    <div class="hero-sub-cta">Use your own website, or our online booking page.</div>
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                                <h3 class="page-section-tag">Online Traffic to Foot Traffic</h3>
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                                                              <h4>High-Value Appointments</h4>
                                <p>OnSched specializes in high-value appointments by qualifying your customers and routing them to the appropriate sales rep based on your workflow</p>
                                <h4>Payments Integration</h4>
                                <p>We work with Stripe to make payments happen with ease in your online booking application</p>
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                                <h4>Make it your own</h4>
                                <p>OnSched is API first which means you can customize your booking flow in a way that suits your business best</p>
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<h4>Custom Fields</h4>
                                <p>Qualify your customers and find out what they really want to know about your product before they arrive by adding custom fields to your booking page</p>
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                                <h4>Resource Management</h4>
                                <p>Always know which sales rep is scheduled for a product demo with our intelligent resource management and master calendar</p>
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                                <h4>Notify Beautifully</h4>
                                <p>Every company engages with their customers in a different fashion, OnSched allows you to customize notifications in a way that suits your business best</p>
                            <!-- We understand that ime is money. OnSched's support is consistently ranked in the top 10 for support response times among U.S. Software Companies.'-->
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                                    <h3 class="page-section-tag">Make OnSched Your Own</h3>
                                    <h2 class="page-section-heading">Use Custom Fields to Collect the Data You Need</h2>
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                                                <div class="note left note1"><span>Use ranges to collect things like budget, time span of engagement and more</span></div>
                                                <div class="note left note2"><span>Pre-populate dropdown lists with options your clients can select from</span></div>
                                                <div class="note left note3" style="left:-75px; margin-top:10px;"><span style="left:-105px;">Save your fields, and they're live!</span></div>
                                                <div class="note right note4"><span>An accountant might want to know which accounting software his customers are using before they book a consultation. You can then sort and filter customer lists based on these variables. </span></div>
                                                <!--<div class="note right note5"><span>Create as many rules as you like, bind incoming messages to actions within your software.</span></div>-->
                                                <div class="note right note6"><span>Use date pickers to collect any additional date/time related info</span></div>
            <div class ="content-text" id="scrolldown" >
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                                                        <h4 class="title">Your Booking Page</h4>
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                                                        <span class="label">Any Question You Want:</span>
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                                                            <i class="fa fa-circle-thin w"></i>
                                                            <span class="input empty">.</span>
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                                                        <span class="label">Ranges:</span>
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                                                            <i class="fa fa-dot-circle-o w"></i>
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                                                            <span style="width:30px"></span>
                                                            <span class="input">To</span>
                                                    <div class="col-sm-6">
                                                        <span class="label">Dropdowns</span>
                                                        <div class="table">
                                                            <span class="input">12 months <i class="fa fa-angle-down r"></i></span>
                                                    <div class="col-sm-6">
                                                        <span class="label">Date Picker</span>
                                                        <div class="table">
                                                            <span class="input">January 1st, 2018<i class="fa fa-angle-down r"></i></span>
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                                                        <a class="btn btn-blue">Book It</a>
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                        <h2 class="page-section-heading">Features that revolve around Retail</h2>
                            <ul class="list-inline text-left">
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                                    <h3 class="page-section-tag feature">Two Way Calendar Sync</h3>
                                    <p>Sync both ways with Google, Outlook, iCal. Once authorized, calendar availability will be based on your real-time availability.</p>
                                </li><li class="feature-list-item col-sm-6">
                                    <img src="assets/svg/icon_dlr.svg" class="icon" width="20">
                                    <h3 class="page-section-tag feature">Round Robin Scheduling</h3>
                                    <p style="margin-bottom:18px;">Resources can be selected, or distributed equally to resources with round robin scheduling</p>
                                    <h2 class="hero-sub-title bold" style="font-size: 16px;"><!--<a href="online-booking/process.html" id="swapexplore">Click here</a> to see our implementation process--></h2>
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                <p id="Project_Description">Nematode parasites of the strongyle family cause the agricultural industry substantial losses and grief each year due to the detrimental effects they have on livestock. Common issues include severe health damage in the host animal as well as resistance development to anthelmintics in the most commonly occurring strongyles. There are currently no easy methods for diagnosing these parasites. By reprogramming a smart bacterium to detect and report the presence of the parasites, we aim to develop a simple diagnostic method. This will provide the tools necessary to help farmers both to make decisions on whether to treat their animals and to prevent infection to begin with. </p>
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                            <h2>Small Strongyles</h2>
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                                <p>Small strongyles <i>(Cyathostominae)</i> are among the most common equine parasites with more than 52 species in their family. Horses are exposed when they graze on infested pastures, where they consume the worms in their larval stage. The strongyles move to the horses’ intestines, gathering into cysts in the intestinal wall and usually reach very large numbers. These cysts eventually burst and the developed worms moves up towards the intestinal lumen where they become adult worms. The release of the larvae from the cysts can lead to lesions, diarrhea, and potential weight loss in the animal, a condition called cyathostominosis. When untreated, the mortality rate of a small strongyle infection can reach up to 50%. </p>
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                                 <p><i>Strongylus vulgaris</i> is the most pathogenic parasite in horses, posing a significant threat to the health of the animal. They, like small strongyles, live in the grass and infect the horse after being ingested. During the larval stages inside the animal, the parasite enters the intestinal blood vessels as a part of their life cycle. This causes them to commonly avoid deworming and detection measures. When the worms migrate in the arteries they cause inflammation in the arterial wall and induce the formation of blood clots. These blood clots may travel in the blood vessels and block smaller passages, inhibiting oxygen and nutrient supply to the surrounding tissues, and may result in colic or in the worst case, death.  </p>
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                <h1 id="Problem">The Worm Busters</h1>
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                <p>One approach for designing a diagnostic system against the strongyles is to engineer a “smart” bacterium which will live in the intestinal tract and is capable of reacting to the presence of the parasite by emitting a quantifiable signal. This biosensor may, for instance, induce the production of a detectable fluorescent protein in the feces of the animal. Large strongyles, however, are more elusive and are less frequently present in the intestine during an infection. Here it would be suitable to instead try and detect the presence of the parasite on the pastures as to avoid infection altogether, by developing bacteria responding to the parasite outside of the animal body.  </p>
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                <p> Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
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                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
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                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
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                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
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                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
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                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
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                  <h1 id="References">The Worm Busters</h1>
                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
                <p > Our work is dependent on finding one or more genes in <i>E.coli</i> which will, exclusively, be highly expressed when the cell is exposed to the parasitic worms. This is done by co-culturing <i>E.coli</i> in liquid medium along with live strongyles, which are harvested from feces and sterilized. From here, the E.coli cells are separated from the solution and their entire transcriptomic suite is extracted and sequenced to detect genes of interest. Any found genes which display promise will have to be validated by qPCR (which is a similar method) in a second run to confirm that they are only expressed due to the strongyle presence. Another approach to tackle our challenge is to screen for interaction between the surface proteins on the strongyle and short peptides. Through affinity screening of a random peptide library displayed on the surface of phages, we can select a peptide with a high affinity to the nematodes surface.  </p>
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Latest revision as of 14:44, 17 October 2018

OnSched | The Online Booking API You've Been Waiting For - For Teams

Retail, Redefined

Engage your customers before they step foot in the door

Use your own website, or our online booking page.

High-Value Appointments

OnSched specializes in high-value appointments by qualifying your customers and routing them to the appropriate sales rep based on your workflow

Make it your own

OnSched is API first which means you can customize your booking flow in a way that suits your business best

Custom Fields

Qualify your customers and find out what they really want to know about your product before they arrive by adding custom fields to your booking page

Resource Management

Always know which sales rep is scheduled for a product demo with our intelligent resource management and master calendar

Notify Beautifully

Every company engages with their customers in a different fashion, OnSched allows you to customize notifications in a way that suits your business best

Use Custom Fields to Collect the Data You Need

Use ranges to collect things like budget, time span of engagement and more
Pre-populate dropdown lists with options your clients can select from
Save your fields, and they're live!
An accountant might want to know which accounting software his customers are using before they book a consultation. You can then sort and filter customer lists based on these variables.
Use date pickers to collect any additional date/time related info

Your Booking Page

Any Question You Want:
12 months
Date Picker
January 1st, 2018

Features that revolve around Retail

  • Sync both ways with Google, Outlook, iCal. Once authorized, calendar availability will be based on your real-time availability.

  • Resources can be selected, or distributed equally to resources with round robin scheduling

  • Extend our out of the box functionality by integrating through our REST API

  • Setup different roles, define permissions associated with each role and restrict users accordingly

  • Define how much time is needed between appointments, availability corresponds and won't allow bookings until you're ready

  • Set how much time in advance is needed before an appointment can be booked

  • SMS notifications & reminders, define how many, and how long in advance they're sent out.

  • Allow multiple customers to pick the same timeslot. Or only allow 1:1 bookings with available resources

  • We help get the right solution out the door. If there's anything out of the box we can't do, we can build it for you.

  • Collect, search, and sort through all the data that's relevant to your business

  • OnSched takes care of cancellations and automatically frees up cancelled times (while notifying everyone about the change).

  • We offer 24/7 Chat Support for Large Accounts & API Customers. Chat is available to all customers from 9am - 6pm

Bespoke plans crafted specifically for your business

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