Team:Navarra BG/team

Our Team

We are team Navarra BG! The team comes from Navarra's Gobernment educative programme called Planet STEM, managed by Pamplona's Planetarium and fostered by NICDO, the Navarrese Governmental organisation for innovation and the promotion of Industry, Culture, Sport and Leisure, whose objective is to encourage youngsters to choose and study scientific and technological degrees. We´ve been also supported by investigators and sciencists of CSIC.

Special thanks

  • Special thanks to the Gobern of Navarra for support Navarra_BG/Biogalaxy through Planet STEM educative programme.
  • Special thanks to CSIC´s sciencists for be our friendly teachers in the laboratory.
  • Special thanks to Planetarium of Pamplona for being a inspirational workplace.


Imanol Remón

Imanol Remón

A quote: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - A. Einstein
A song: Show You - Shawn Mendes.
A color: Navy blue.
An animal: The rabbit.
What would you take to space? As many films as I could!!!

Hodei Otegi

Hodei Otegi

A quote: Life goes on.
A song: Hijos del mismo dios - Macaco.
A color: Yellow.
An animal: Cheetah.
What would you take to space? A PS4 with games.

Maider Manterola

Maider Manterola

A quote: "We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself" - Carls Sagan
A song: Fallin' - Alicia Keys
A color: Turquoise.
An animal: White tiger.
What would you take to space? My e-book, lots of music and a good telescope.

Leire García

Leire García

A quote: If you don't get it the first time ... don't give up.
A song: 7 Years.
A color: Garnet.
An animal: Black panther.
What would you take to space? Photos with important persons for me, drawing block and drawing pencils, an ebook and a music player.

Daniel Sáenz

Daniel Sáenz

A quote: "I travel not to escape life, but for life not to scape me."
A song: Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen.
A color: Blue.
An animal: Eagle.
What would you take to space? As many empty books and full pens as I could.

Nahia Eza

Nahia Eza

A quote: "Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life." - Jack Kerouac
A song: Coming up roses - Keira Knightley.
A color: Black.
An animal: Dogs.
What would you take to space? A really big collection of books and music.

Aitor Rubio

Aitor Rubio

A quote: "We learn from history that we do not learn from history" - Georg Hegel.
A song: A la sombra de la sierra - La Raíz.
A color: Green.
An animal: Frog.
What would you take to space? Some good books.

Leyre Zaragüeta

Leyre Zaragüeta

A quote: "Everyone tries to do something great without realising life is made up of small things".
A song: Peter Pan - El Canto del Loco.
A color: Blue.
An animal: Penguin.
What would you take to space? A sketchbook and drawing materials.


xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

A quote: un
A song: un.
A color: un.
An animal: un
What would you take to space? un.

xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

A quote: un
A song: un.
A color: un.
An animal: un
What would you take to space? un.

xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

A quote: un
A song: un.
A color: un.
An animal: un
What would you take to space? un.


xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

A quote: un
A song: un.
A color: un.
An animal: un
What would you take to space? un.

xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

A quote: un
A song: un.
A color: un.
An animal: un
What would you take to space? un.

xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

A quote: un
A song: un.
A color: un.
An animal: un
What would you take to space? un.