
Mediterranean Meet Up

This year our devoted and highly motivated team organized the second Mediterranean meet up in Marseille on the 9 th and 10 th August 2018. This second edition of the mediterranean meet up was again a great opportunity to met each other and to share about their project. It’s a mini-jamboree including poster presentations, for teams from Mediterranean countries only. It was rewarding to make a Giant Jamboree rehearsal.


We invited experts of different fields such as Dr ROBAGLIA who is an OGM specialist and Dr VILLARD an INSERM research director, whose advices were essential in order to be prepared to the contest. We feel privileged to receive two after iGEM ambassadors Alicia MAGNANON and Théa CHRYSOTOMOU who expose what they learned and experienced in the competition.


We organized presentations of the different projects and poster sessions. The presentation was a project description in 180 secondes, in order to perform a tonic training session. It’s a chance for iGEMers to make a synthesis of their work. After the project presentation, we visited and discovered city . This meet up allowed the teams to better know each other and create strong social link. Then it was an excellent rehearsal and a great opportunity to develop our cooperation spirit. We thank Bordeaux, Grenoble, Montpellier, Pasteur Paris, Paris SorbonneParis Bettencourt, Barcelona and Madrid teams for coming in Marseille. We hope to perpetuate this international meet up and to meet them soon at the Giant Jamboree.
