
Team OUC-China: Main



We help others

·We provide JNFLS, NAU-CHINA, CSU-CHINA, CSU-CHINA, FUDAN, FUDAN-CHINA, SKLMT-CHINA, TUST-CHINA, NEFU-CHINA with our comic book generously and give them some guidance about education popularization.
·We help Shanghaitech hold the 5th conference of China iGEMers Community.
·We help form a new iGEM team SDU-China successfully and give some suggestion on their project and human practice.
·We share our fundamental research experience with other iGEM teams and form a joint report with them for future iGEMers.
·We help provide NWU-China with some sea water as their experiments materials and send it by post.
·We help XJTU-China build models to calculate the coupling efficiency of their hairpin.
·We help SKLMT-China test the strength of 13 different promoters in our lab.

Others help us

·SDU-China help us test minToe system and help us hold a summer camp successfully.
·Tianjin help us test miniToe system in their lab and provide.
·NWU-China help us test miniToe system in their lab.
·SKLMT-China help us test miniToe system in their lab.

1. Collaborations with Aix-Marseille, Tartu_TUIT, Duesseldorf, UPF_CRG_Barcelona, Thessaloniki, McMaster, Stockholm, Vilnius-Lithuania, Bilkent-UNAMBG

Comic book E.coli SPACESHIP translation

Last year, OUC-China 2017 draw a comic book about synthetic biology. In 2017 Jamboree, a French team thought the comic book was very fantastic and suggested us to translate it into more languages. To popularize synthetic biology in a more interesting way, we put our comic book collaboration request on the website and more than twelve teams contact us and help us translate comic book into other languages. Furthermore, they use our comic book to popularize synthetic biology at the local, hoping to let more people in more countries know the comic book. Under the help of Aix-Marseille, Tartu_TUIT, Duesseldorf, UPF_CRG_Barcelona, Thessaloniki, McMaster, Stockholm, Vilnius-Lithuania, Bilkent-UNAMBG iGEM teams all over the world, now, our comic book has been translated into 13 languages. More than 15 teams take our comic book E.coli SPACESHIP to local areas for science education.
See more details in our Education & Public Engagement

Fig.1 The comic book has been translated into 13 languages.

French version: translated by Team Aix-Marseille
Greek version: translated by Team Thessaloniki
Portuguese version: translated by Team McMaster
Lithuanian version: translated by Team Vilnius-Lithuania
Turkish version: translated by Team Bilkent-UNAMBG
Estonian and Russian version: translated by TeamTartu_TUIT
German and Italian version: translated by Team Duesseldorf
Spanish and Catalan version: translated by Team UPF_CRG_Barcelona

1.2 Collaborations with JNFLS, NAU-CHINA, CSU-CHINA, CSU-CHINA, Fudan, Fudan-China, SKLMT-China, TUST-China, NEFU-CHINA

Comic book E.coli SPACESHIP popularization

Click here to download our collaboration file
Having translated into 13 languages, we took comic book E.coli SPACESHIP to some local educational bases. Children like our comic book very much and we printed some to send them as gifts. Some foreign teams also used our comic book to do science education in their country. More than 15 teams in China contacted us and requested for different comic book versions to popularize synthetic biology. We were very willing to provide these foreign iGEM teams with our comic books and give some guidance about education. It is a very good job to do science education all over the world, which makes the best use of this comic book. It is worth mentioning that these teams also give us some good feedback about the effects of comic book E.coli SPACESHIP.
Click here to see our collaborations with JNFLS
Click here to see our collaborations with SZU-CHINA

Fig.2 JNFLS and SZU-CHINA popularized synthetic biology using our comic book.

Click here to see our collaborations with NAU-CHINA
Click here to see our collaborations with CSU-CHINA

Fig.3 NAU-CHINA and CSU-CHINA popularized synthetic biology using our comic book.

Click here to see our collaborations with Fudan
Click here to see our collaborations with Fudan-China

Fig.4 Fudan and Fudan-China popularized synthetic biology using our comic book.

Click here to see our collaborations with SKLMT-China
Click here to see our collaborations with TUST-China

Fig.5 SKLMT-China and TUST-China popularized synthetic biology using our comic book.

Click here to see our collaborations with NEFU-CHINA
Click here to see our collaborations with DLUT-China-B

Fig.6 NEFU-CHINA and DLUT-China-B popularized synthetic biology using our comic book.

2. Collaborations with Shanghaitech to organize CCiC, the 5th Conference of China iGEMers Community

CCiC is the largest meeting of iGEMers in China. This year we help Shanghaitech successfully hold CCiC.

Served as a co-organizer, OUC-China tried their best to help the organizers Shanghaitech hold the conference successfully. For the conference preparation, We were responsible for contacting each team, sending a questionnaire to them and investigating the commands of each team for the meeting. Then we organized and summarized all information of 62 teams. At each key time we reminded each team to submit project summary, team logo then sorted according to the track. As an old team, OUC-China actively participated in After iGEM activities and shared our team heritage and experience with other teams.
As a part of the joint iGEM session, OUC-China joined the CCiC Executive Committee and worked with the members of the Executive Committee, organizers, sponsors to plan the conference and contribute to the CCiC heritage. Click here to see Shanghaitech wiki

Fig.1 We helped ShanghaiTech make CCiC handbook.

Fig.2 iGEM Foundation Executive Vice President Meagan Lizarazo and many iGEM teams appreciated our comic book in CCiC.

We also record a welcome video for iGEMers and it was screened on the CCiC opening ceremony.

3. Collaborations with SDU-China

A new team is formed successfully with our help

Click here to see SDU-CHINA wiki
This year, students in School of Life Sciences, Shandong University forms a brand new team. As as an old team that has been participating in iGEM competition for 8 years, OUC-China is very willing to help SDU-China. At the beginning of the team formation, they came to ocean university of China and asked for help. We explained the process of the iGEM competition to them in detail and remind them some important deadlines. For their project, we gave them some pertinent suggestions. For practice activities, during the summer vacation, we invited them and held a summer camp for high school students in order to popularize life science and synthetic biology. Members of SDU-China explained to the campers how to make insect specimens.
See more details in our Education & Public Engagement

Fig.1 We held a life science summer camp with SDU-China.

Apart from that, they helped us test the performance of first system, miniToe, proving that our system has the same trend under other experimental conditions. As the figure shows, the orange line refers to the system which is induced while the blue line is the control group, The big difference in expression level between two line indicates that our system is working well as a switch.
See more in our Results
Download our protocol for experimental collaborations

Fig.2 SDU-China helped us test miniToe system in their lab.

4. Collaborations with XJTU-China

Apply our polycistron to XJTU-China's project and help them finish modelling

Click here to see XJTU-China wiki
This year, we made a toolkit based on an endonuclease Csy4 and a RNA module named miniToe then applied it to polycistron system. Coincidentally, the project of XJTU-China involves polycistron circuit. They use an hairpin coupling device to regulate the ratio of two CDSs which is the same goal to us. Each team thought it was a great idea if we could collaborate with each other on our project. For XJTU-China, it was difficult to model based on their project. We helped them to build model to calculate the coupling efficient of hairpin they designed.

Fig.1 The coupling device designed by XJTU-China.

Fig.2 OUC-China helped XJTU-China construct models.

5. Collaborations with Tianjin, XJTU-China, ZJU-China, NUDT_CHINA, jilin-China

Fundamental research transformation group

Click here to see Tianjin wiki
Five other teams and OUC-China form the Fundamental research transformation group. We shared survey experience and form a document, providing future iGEMers a reference. We conducted joint research with Tianjin University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, National Defense Science and Technology University and Jilin University to explore the transformation of basic research results, hoping to provide references to other iGEM teams.
See more details in our integrated human practice

6. Collaborations with Tianjin

They helped us test miniToe system.

Click here to see Tianjin wiki
Apart from sharing fundamental research transformation with Tianjin, we also collaborated with them on our labs. They helped us test the function of our first system miniToe. As the figure shows, the orange line refers to the system which is induced while the blue line is the control group, the big difference in expression level between two line indicate that our system is working well as a switch, proving that our system has the same trend under other experimental conditions.
See more in our Results

Fig.1 Our minToe system worked well in Tianjin's lab.

7. Collaborations with NWU-China

They helped us test miniToe system and we provided them with some experimental material.

Click here to see NWU-China wiki
NWU-China helped us test miniToe system in their lab and the results can fit well with our results, proving that our system can also function in other experimental environments. As the figure shows, the orange line refers to the system which is induced while the blue line is the control group, the big difference in expression level between two line indicate that our system is working well as a switch. OUC-China also helped NWU-China a lot. Northwestern University locates in the inland area of China, whose project involves salt and alkali and need some salt water for their experiments. Ocean University of China is located in the coastal city. So we helped them take some salt water and sent them by post.
See more in our Results

Fig.1 Our minToe polycistron can be applied to their project.

Fig.2 We provided them with some sea water for experiments.

8. Collaborations with SKLMT-China

We helped test their system and they also helped test our system.

Click here to see SKLMT-China wiki
SKLMT-China helped us test miniToe system in their lab and the results could also fit with our results, proving that our system can also function in other experimental environments. As the figure shows, the orange line refers to the system which is induced while the blue line is the control group. The big difference in expression level between two line indicates that our system is working well as a switch. This year, SKLMT-China wants to construct a library of artificial constitutive promoters as a useful tool for the model-based fine-tuning of gene expression in Pseudomonas fluorescence. The strength of different promoters will be characterized by a reporter gene, firefly luciferase. To confirm the feasibility of their system in different environments, we helped them test the strength of promoter and gave them a good feedback.
See more in our Results

Fig.1 We helped SKLMT-China test the strength of promoter. There are some experimental materials.

Fig.2 SKLMT-China helped us test miniToe system.

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