Team:Aix-Marseille/Human Practices

Human practices

Human Practices

Since the very beginning of our project, we have thought a great deal about the Human Practices. In order to make our project as useful as possible we discussed with many people: with bed bug detection and eradication specialists; with entomologists; and with the general public. In this way, we tried to design our project and develop our scientific approach, to be as acceptable and applicable as possible.

We had to imagine our project in its environmental and social context in order to meet the needs of the public and replace currently used insecticides. The current solutions to bed bug infestations using insecticides are very harmful at different levels. First, broad-spectrum insecticides can, unfortunately, kill beneficial insects such as bees, but also bedbugs develop resistance to insecticides and so these solutions become inefficient requiring higher and higher doses of chemicals.

We tried to develop a novel green and ethical solution for our project. Moreover, public opinion convinced us not to use GMOs in our trap. All of these investigations suggested that a modified fungus in the environment would probably be acceptable neither to the legislative authorities nor to consumers. So Human Practices influenced all our project modifying our initial plan and led us to find alternative solutions.


At first, we didn't know the relation between citizens and bed bugs, how they were impacted by this scourge ?

Moreover we wanted to expand our knowledges : what was the needs of infested people? To improve our understanding we decided to perform surveys which was the most appropriate method.

First we focused to the general public opinion about : the issues caused by bed bugs, the kind of solutions they needed and theirs GMO's thoughts. Thanks to these surveys we determined the current solution is the insecticides which are a source of pollution. Besides general public reported us a lack of efficiency due to the resurgence of bed bugs.

Afterwhile the major feedback to the use of our solution was a trap than a spread. We observed a division in the matter of GMOs, 48,1% for and 51,9% against. This is why we choose to design a trap without including GMOs.

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Our trap idea was suggest by general public, however it was essential to have the support of professionals.

Then we contacted specialists of bed bugs field in order to validate our project feasibility. We met Mr Gremaud who works on bed bugs detection, he approved the use of pheromones.

To certify this idea we consulted a bed bugs expert : Mr Berenger confirmed the pheromones-based trap was the best solution to struggle against bed bugs. This expert helped us to the trap development and explained us how optimize our work.

We feel privileged to receive Mr Moncler, an entrepreneurship consultant who gave some advices to monitor our project as a company. Thanks to these experts consultations we had conducted the project in the better way.

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Our team considered the public vision as a major motor for our purpose.

Through a large media publicizing we had the great opportunity to receive several grand public and infested people testimonies. This major interest showed us the great suffer of people facing bed bugs.

Moreover we enforced our motivation to fight the bed bugs and we understood the necessity to keep on our public engagement. Especially, testimonies allowed us to collect more information about infestation time and affected area.

Based on these observations we targeted and modelized affected area in order to design the most efficient trap. Through these testimonies we had been the ability to process evaluations and grand public feedbacks around our work.

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Integrated Human Practices