Team:NU Kazakhstan/Results

Bioremediation of Sour Crude Oil Waste using Cyanobacteria

Vector construction

For the vector construction, SQR gene was cloned into pSyn_6 vector, and through gel electrophoresis was checked the gene assembly. Figure 1 illustrates the bands of cloned pSyn_6 (5577 bp) in 1-4 wells between 3 and 4 ladder bands, which confirms the success of gene assembly. Also, cloned pSyn_6 plasmid was tested on a presence of SQR gene by PCR amplification using SQR primers. In Figure 2, we can see SQR bands (1271 bp) between 8 and 9 ladder bands that evidences of SQR presence in cloned pSyn_6 plasmid.

Figure 1.Agarose gel electrophoresis (1%) of cloned pSyn_6 plasmid with SQR (5577 bp). (modifiedpsyn_6.png