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BronzeRegistrationComplete registration and attend the Giant JamboreeWe successfully registered for iGEM and are looking forward to attending the Boston jamboree!
Competition DeliverablesPoster, Judging Form, Wiki and PresentationWe have created a poster and presentation to exhibit at the Giant Jamboree, and our judging form can be found here.
AttributionsDescribe work completed by the team and othersA page describing project attributions can be found here
InterlabComplete Interlab measurement studyWe successfully took part in the Interlab measurement study and a page documenting our work can be found here
Silver Validated PartAdd a successfully characterised new part to the BioBrick registryWe created BBa_K2757002, a bidirectional pTet promoter. More information on the design and characterisation of this part can be found here.
Human PracticesConsider the wider implications of the projectA variety of public surveys, patient interviews, and meetings with researchers helped both to guide further research and to shape our design. We also hosted a number of outreach events and investigated ethical issues associated with GMO probiotics. Read more about our work here.
CollaborationDescribe work completed by the team and othersOver the Summer, we worked with a range of iGEM teams from around the world, both inside and outside the lab. A summary of our collaborations can be found here.
GoldModellingConstruct a meaningful model of the systemAs shown here, we created a model of the system in both the time and frequency domain. Our model was integral in highlighting the need for a dual feedback loop to to optimise the response.
Integrated Human PracticesFill outFill out
Part ImprovementCreate and characterise a BioBrick part with a functional improvement on an existing BioBrick part.We decided to redesign the Art-175/DsbA composite, BBa_K1659002, submitted by the 2015 Oxford iGEM team by linking it with a pTet promoter to create BBa_K2757001, a functional probiotic kill switch. Read more about it here..