Team:HFLS ZhejiangUnited/Safety


Even well-equipped, state-of-the-art laboratories are not able to guarantee the success of scientific experiments; it also needs detailed operating procedures and safety instructions. Students are expected to strictly abide by the following laboratory regulations.

First one is about the provisions on clothing. We used EtBr for gel electrophoresis in our experiments. And EB, which are small molecules; easy to bind to DNA molecules; and absorbed through the skin; is biologically carcinogenic.

Therefore, in operation, each student is required to wear the lab protection suit. Items that placed in a room where the nucleic acid is preserved (including computers, etc.) And students must wear disposable plastic gloves to protect them from EB infection.

Second, there is a text reminder on the door of the laboratory room, posted with words "Cell carcinogens inside" and "Non-workers prohibited from entering." Students who enter and exit the nucleic acid electrophoresis laboratory must also need permission from the instructor.

Third, follow the specific operation sequence:

Fourth, laboratory safety rules are the following:

Fifth: About the particular part of formaldehyde, Because we need to test different concentrations of formaldehyde solution after the construction completed, we need to meet with the following requirements in the process of operating formaldehyde:

  • The formaldehyde solution needs to be stored in a wine cabinet and managed.
  • Wear gloves, put on protective suits and wear safety masks when performing formaldehyde-related operations.
  • The fume hood needs to be kept open, and if you do not need the fume hood, you need to close the glass curtain.
  • HFLS Zhejiang United

    Schools: Peking University Experimental School(Jiaxing), Hangzhou Foreign Language School, etc.